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People & Blogs

A Mentira do "Homem Maduro"
A Mentira do "Homem Maduro" M2GO Involuntário 168 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Canal Bitchute Atualizado:

Não caia no shaming social
Não caia no shaming social MGTOW_Alfa 105 Views • 3 years ago


A Pílula do Cachorro
A Pílula do Cachorro Scifer 584 Views • 3 years ago

Se você for feio, saiba que a sua vida pode ficar ainda pior. Entenda como seu valor pode ser mais baixo que o de um cão, dentro da perspectiva dos olhos femininos. A Corporação Marvel orgulhosamente apresenta: The Dog Pill.

Se você quiser saber mais sobre as pílulas negras, assista aos outros vídeos dessa playlist:

Eu perdi os outros links. Que se dane.


Single Mom = Broke Man Living In Mom`s Basement LOL - MGTOW
Single Mom = Broke Man Living In Mom`s Basement LOL - MGTOW Sandman 289 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Women Are Extremely Delusional About Their Own Desirability

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Jacob. He didn't give me a topic so I want cover a reddit post called "Women are extremely delusional about their own desirability... Especially when it comes to single moms." So let read what some anonymous man told an anonymous single mother and I quote: "Single Moms are the equivalent of a broke man living in his mom's basement. She is single for a reason. Used vajayjay has no value." unquote. An anonymous single mother responds to him by saying this and I quote: "Meanwhile I'm a single mother with an outstanding credit score, well paying job, an awesome mother, daughter, sister with a college degree. I'm living a positive and productive life. BTW I decided to separate with my child's father because I didn't want to settle with getting beaten in the face by my ex and it's harming our child that he was cheating and having kids outside of our relationship. But hey like you said nobody wants "used vajayjay when the women you are screwing that don't have kids have more of a body count then a mother with children." unquote. To that Mr. Anonymous responds by saying "You let an abusive man come inside of you. That's on you. You chose the "bad boy" instead of a "boring nice guy." unquote. Isn't it clear to everyone what's happening here. This anonymous single mother took his insult personally because she's a woman. We don't even know that she's a single mother for sure. She could just be saying what she is because of own group preference and her feeling bad that a man is making fun of other women that are women. It's her instinct to come to the aid of other women. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to the single moms are better than slut clown world show. The mystery single mother shows us that she understands male nature because she knew to attack the guy with the whole well at least a single mother's notch count is lower than a woman that has never had kids thing. Guys hate it when women have slept with the entire hockey team, football team and even their dog, before they sleep with them. This woman is trying to say that a single mother that's slept with twenty men has more sexual marketplace value than a woman that's never had a child and slept with two hundred men. That's what she's implying. That a woman that's had a kid pop out of her like cantaloupe is better than a woman that's had more pipe laid in her than an office building. She also says she has a degree but if you read the original text she posted I had to re-write it so that you can understand what she's trying to say. Looks to me like this empowered and educated female can't write so good. And please don't don't post in the comments about how I'm stupid when I say things like can't write so good. The last time I says something like that many people in the comments section were too dim witted to understand that I was trying to make a funny. I had to re-write her to sound like the empowered woman that she is. What's also hilarious is her attempt to paint her value as coming from her credit score. Like the first thing I think of when I meet a woman is her ability to pay back the money she borrows. I can understand that having a good job is important if you want to marry a woman and start a family with her. But there is no guarantee that her ambition to work will continue if she marries a good provider. Then she might take a lower paying job or quit to take care the child the two of you have only to never work again because she threw her back out breast feeding. This woman also throws that part in about how he child's father beat her.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

The Zionists Are Humiliating The Goyim By Giving Them Free Stuff For The Vax
The Zionists Are Humiliating The Goyim By Giving Them Free Stuff For The Vax Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 355 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Download the new Android app from here

Beta Males Encouraging Thottery
Beta Males Encouraging Thottery Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 286 Views • 3 years ago

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Welcome To Tinder In Your 30s - MGTOW
Welcome To Tinder In Your 30s - MGTOW Sandman 362 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The MGTOW Book

Welcome to Tinder at your 30's

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Unobtainium Alloy and here's what he has to say: "Dear Sandman: Here is a topic if you find it sufficiently interesting to address: 1. It has been observed that single women's standards rise as they grow older. I think that there are two primary mechanisms. One is the chase for the high of infatuation and a hedonic adaptation that require higher dose of Chad to get the same chemical high. Chasing that high reinforces the positive criteria (three-sixes, etc.). The crash that follows the high creates a painful experience and subsequent aversion to aspects associated with the crash. This is where negative criteria come from, like "he can't be in a band", "he can't toke", or the infamous woman in the Steve Harvey video who had three screens worth of largely negative criteria. 2. A consequence of these mechanisms is that former rooster roller coaster riders who claim to be "healing" or "working on themselves" are largely delusion. These criteria are chemically hard coded by the time they feel the need to soul search. What do you think of the two points above? 3. Assuming that the preceding pair of premises are a working model, let's posit a pill that resets the brain chemistry that drive the positive & negative criteria. However, the information of their experiences remain in their memories. What percent of middle-aged, single women would use the opportunity to pair bond & pursue a long term relationship? And what percent would re-ride the rooster roller coaster now that they can feel the thrill again? In a way, this is a sort of nature vs nurture. If this has been previously covered or does not pique your interest, please cover a topic of your choice." Well Unobtainium Alloy I'll do the best I can to cover your topic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW BOOK: Anyways, now back to the dating that only gets worse with time clown world show. First off what you describe Alloy is women's standards rising with each subsequent man they get together with that's better looking than the last. In their teens and early twenties girls literally just want to have fun and are with you because they want to be with you. Your appearance comes first and social status and how cool you are comes second because she's just riding the rooster
rollercoaster. If they get to sleep with the best guys at that age then they become what is known as alpha widows. They need a better dose of man flavored butter up their butt so they can continue to feel confident struttin their stuff. Eventually either the good men pair off into relationship or these women get older and the guys they once got to commit to them won't anymore and the game changes. You mention there's a crash once they can no longer get the man they were once attracted to. This brings me to the title of of the video welcome To Tinder In You 30s. I've linked to a reddit post with the same name. I believe that women switch somewhat from the hedonic pleasure they get with a Chad and switch to finding a man that's a good provider. They figure out that the best looking guys which are the most pleasureful to their eyes won't marry them and commit to them so instead they switch over to the pleasure of materialism from a man they see as physically inferior to the first group. That reddit post also discusses how if a woman finds a good provider she'll still bang the psychopaths they find that are physically and sexually appealing.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Their Suffering WILL Continue. RPM
Their Suffering WILL Continue. RPM REDPILLMARRIED 187 Views • 3 years ago

⁣They really don't think about LONG term consequences.

Diarrhoea, Depression & Chronic Rib Pain Converged and Hit Me Hard Again
Diarrhoea, Depression & Chronic Rib Pain Converged and Hit Me Hard Again Francis_UD 19 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Yeah life sücks
Filmed on 29/05/2021 AEST

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MGTOW's have become the NPC's of the Manosphere.
MGTOW's have become the NPC's of the Manosphere. GrizzlyRising 135 Views • 3 years ago

#MGTOW #Incels #Manosphere

Sadly MGTOW's have become the NPC's of the Manopshere. Not all MGTOW of course, but the cancer or incels, spergs, men stuck in the red pill rage, and alt right wackos have taken over the MGTOW space.

I apologize for the previous upload. I put the wrong audio track in for the background music, instead of the potted down version.

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Don't Be A Slave To Women - MGTOW
Don't Be A Slave To Women - MGTOW Sandman 366 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
YouTube Channel

I wish I was making this up... don't even know what to say I'm just done dude.

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mike. He requested another topic which I'll be covering in a different video. I gave him a bonus topic because I've been running short on topics recently and he asked me to cover my thoughts of 5G and how he thought there was a conspiracy surrounding it. I might still cover that topic in a MGTOW chat with Lamprey but for future reference if anyone is suggesting a topic remember that I want to stay away from things like the coof, the flat earth and other things that I know will get me into into trouble with Google. If my crypto trades workout in the future I'll book a flight from the tip of South America and fly to New Zealand and film the whole thing to prove that the Earth isn't flat. I'll even film the nights sky in multiple places to prove it's not flat. As for this video since I'm not covering 5G I thought I'd share another story, similar to one I've share before about the dangers of being a simp and financial slave to women. There's a lot to read so before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lord Bogdanoff: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Here's a story that someone called Puzzled Initiative shared on Reddit post called "I wish I was making this up... don't even know what to say I'm just done dude" and I quote: "Middle aged guy, super friendly and kind dude, would give you the shirt of his back type of guy. I've been friends with him at the gym for a few years. He has not been showing up recently and I'm wondering why? I always used to see him multiple times a week. A few months passed and I finally see him. He looks like poop with bags under his eyes and a lot of gained weight. I hsk him what's up and where he's been? He tells me he'd been picking up extra shifts and doing overtime at this job and has not had time to come to the gym. I'm confused and make some jokes about gains being a priority and ask why he's working so much? He doesn't laugh when I say this and usually he's super upbeat and positive. So I was like confused. We talk a bit more and he reveals to me that he's got almost 160k in debt. I ask him why the hell he has so much debt? He proceeds to tell me that the girl he's been dating for 6 years, she wanted to go to school so he ended up taking out loans and supported her through the entire process, paid for EVERYTHING, food, clothing, cellphone, even bought her a brand new car. The plan was she was supposed to pay him back when she graduates, and they were going to have a family. Instead as soon as she graduated she revealed to him that she was cheating on him with some guy she met at the university pretty much the whole time, took a job in a different city and bounced leaving his ass with the bill. I was completely dumbfounded. I didn't even know what to say just stay silent for a few minutes. I felt infuriated and asked him if he tried consulting a lawyer on any legal action? Asked if bankruptcy is an option. This guy is a blue collar guy, I know he doesn't have a super high income to shrug that off. He tells me there's nothing he can do and doesn't want to lose his house and that he's just going to grind it out for the next few years. I'm stunned and just stare at him wondering how he's so stoic about it? I'd have flames coming out of my ass. It looks like I lost a brother to the plantation.

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O propósito feminino
O propósito feminino Scifer 284 Views • 3 years ago

Sim. Destruir os homens.

Bad News for my parents. :)
Bad News for my parents. :) Greensilk5559 47 Views • 3 years ago

I want to give a shout out to Aaron Clarey, I think he might be the one responsible for my enlightening freedom. I will preserve my freedoms no matter what.

* Was this child given a solid foundation to a working career ir was this child dumped onto the Social leech program (Social Security) where he doomed himself to a life of welfare dependence and misery?
* Was this child dragged through the court system to pursecute his own father in an ugly divorce case?

I also want to mention that two of the three criteria must be met

RE: Portuguese Mayhem
RE: Portuguese Mayhem GrizzlyRising 53 Views • 3 years ago

#MGTOW #Incels #RedPill

I apologize for the audio problems, early on in the video.

Portuguese did a response to my "MGTOW has become the clown car of the manosphere," video. Here is my critique of his video.

Portuguese Mayhem's spergfest:

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Skid row the inner city hellhole #2.
Skid row the inner city hellhole #2. GrizzlyRising 35 Views • 3 years ago

#SkidRow #Plague #Liberals #LA #Rats

This is a follow to my 2012 video...Skid Row the inner city hellhole. Liberals cities and states, have some of the largest homeless populations in the nation, with California and New York in the lead. This crisis is largely self inflicted due to excessive taxation, illegal immigration, onerous regulation, and easy to obtain welfare benefits.

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RE Lycantheorys "OK Bommer Video." (MIRRORED)
RE Lycantheorys "OK Bommer Video." (MIRRORED) GrizzlyRising 48 Views • 3 years ago

#OKBoomer #Millennials #GenXers
This video is a response to Lycantheory's "OK bommer," video. Don't over over to his channel and comment bomb him. I don't have any beef with him. I disagree with some of his points, when it comes to this particular subject.

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The Cucumber stacking to tell if a woman is a s**t. Answering EM Dees question.
The Cucumber stacking to tell if a woman is a s**t. Answering EM Dees question. GrizzlyRising 91 Views • 3 years ago

#RedPill #Feminism #Misandry

FYI I said *40, and meant to say *47 in my commentary...ADHD for the win.

Is this video, we used math to determine whether or a not a woman is a THOT. This is a response to EM Dee's "So you believe in S**ts."

Shout out to Prof Terrence Popp PhD. THOTology, and his cucumber stacking test.

So you believe in S**ts:

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"You Fucked My Dad!"
"You Fucked My Dad!" Johnny_Cage 89 Views • 3 years ago

This is the long-awaited video that I've had done for months, but never felt the time was right torelease it. Until now. This happened at the end of April, I believe.

I shortened this down from an original lenths of 90 or so minutes. I figured nobody would have the attention span to watch a video that long these days. A lot of the juicy and interesting details weren't really necessary anyway.

Why Have My Friends Settled For Ugly Girlfriends? - MGTOW
Why Have My Friends Settled For Ugly Girlfriends? - MGTOW Sandman 296 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to cover something a guy named Dez and Jager posted on Reddit and here's what he has to say and I quote: "Is it for the sex? What I'm really asking myself is this, and I know they are my friends and I should know, but it somehow baffles me and this is something you cannot ask people about: Why would these highly educated men, with very good and stable jobs, good health, in a west-European country, settle for these completely mediocre women (both in their late 20s) who could objectively be classified as ugly, intellectually non-stimulating, less educated, and above all not even a nice person? It baffles me what some guys are willing to do just to get laid sometimes!!" unquote. Yes guys have settled for women way below their league forever. I did it because it meant the odds were good I wasn't going to be dumped while I pumped. Pumped them that is. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the women as ugly as a dog wearing a thong clown world show. As I was saying this phenomena has been going on forever but since 2012 and Tinder showing up on the scene women are only one swipe away from being skewered by Chads and Tyrones so their standards have gone up with regards to who they are willing to bone. One guy on reddit below the post that Dez put up has to say this and I quote: "The average guy doesn't have "game". They certainly don't have game when they're 15 yrs old and pulling out of puberty. They're generally awkward at best. Plus the girls are (hypergamy) interested in guys that are "older" (better). So, the young guy finally loses his virginity to that fat beast. The "better looking" girls keep giving him difficulty, so he keeps going back to the fat-girlS and develops a "Fat-girl" fetish...why? Well, that's where he gets his play. As he gets older and his SMV improves...he doesn't realize it...and is still the awkward guy he's always been (Hello, HR?), so he's happy with the fat-girl/wife and sadly doesn't know any better. I've explained this to younger guys many times, PLUS you have the guy that picked the literally fat-and-ugly girl to build a family with so he doesn't have to worry about anybody trying to steal her from him. Good luck to those clowns." unquote. So that explains what I did by settling for relationships with a large marge because of not having to worry about her leaving because odds are she could find anyone better. Hypergamy is defeated by the gravity of saggy boobs and bottoms. If you can convince yourself that you have a fetish for larger women which is also something I did and which is something I no longer have a preference for. It's amazing what a man will convince himself of when he's getting sex on a regular basis. Also the idea that a guy doesn't really understand his own sexual marketplace value relative to a woman's is very important. Women are always looking around for a man that has no clue about his own value and they look for guys like that to trap into relationships. If a guy is happy and fat with a woman that resembles a hot air balloon really why is that a bad thing?

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

HMT 164 RPM REDPILLMARRIED 100 Views • 3 years ago

⁣The revenge of Ashy Foot's cousin!

The TFM Show: 5/29/2021
The TFM Show: 5/29/2021 T.F. Monkey 1,916 Views • 3 years ago

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MGTOW, Feminismo e Desigualdade Social no Mercado Sexual
MGTOW, Feminismo e Desigualdade Social no Mercado Sexual M2GO Involuntário 135 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Canal Bitchute Atualizado:

Why The World Needs Beta Males
Why The World Needs Beta Males Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 369 Views • 3 years ago

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I'm Dating A 45 Year Old Single Mom With AIDS - MGTOW
I'm Dating A 45 Year Old Single Mom With AIDS - MGTOW Sandman 307 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
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JENNIFER’S HIV/AIDS Story (in Pictures)

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a topic so what I'd like to do its cover a story by someone named Jennifer Vaughan that posted a video called: "JENNIFER’S HIV/AIDS Story (in Pictures)" This story reminded me of Forest Gump. In that film the main female character's name was Jenny and she went around America for most of the film humping all the dirty hippies she could while Forest Gump worked hard to build up resources until she was finally ready to settle down now that she had an incurable disease. Plus she had a kid with him and Forest had the privilege of taking care of the Aids baby. Although in the film it's not clear if either forest or the baby had HIV. During the whole film he was being told to run forest run and yet no one told him to run away from the aids cock carousel. As for the story of this other Jenny she connected with her boyfriend on Tinder and they decided to have a long distance relationship. He's from Montreal and she's from Commiefornia. So they had a Skype relationship and she was with her kids and he was in Canada. The video now has almost three and a half million views. I can't believe no one sent me the link to it before. In 2016 Jennifer she got the flu and felt not like herself. She kept going to the doctor for blood tests and finally found out that she had Aids. Luckily Eric didn't get HIV from her so instead I nominate him for the Forest Gump award. An award that's given out to the man that sleeps with a woman with Aids and miraculously doesn't get it. Conveniently this new Jenny she didn't know where she got aids. It seems that her first instinct was to wondering if Eric her Canadian boyfriend gave her Aids? That question crossed her mind as well as many others. I'll share what happened in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to Commiefornia with Aids clown world show. So Jenn didn't think to have herself tested after being in a relationship with a man that was raw dogging her? I don't feel any sympathy for her because I've been in relationships where women asked me to get tested before we had sex and I did and I was negative even though I always wrapped up my junk. I was with a woman that was overly cautious and yet here we have a woman that didn't think to do a blood test after sleeping around. So she found out one of her ex boyfriends was positive and that he gave her name and number to the health clinic that confirmed his results two years before she found out. Then Jennifer show pictures of herself nude in the bathtub covering her boobs, which is something that would have my channel instantly banned but she can get away with because she has female with aids privilege and I'm sure this gets her a lot of sympathy and attention as well. Then she goes into the hospital because of her low T Cell count. Yet she doesn't seem to take responsibility saying that her ex boyfriend never contacted her and neither did the health clinic he supposedly told to get in touch with her. Now she's sitting there with full blown aids. I suspect the guy never told the clinic and never told her either because he was probably pissed off at her for something. Maybe she ghosted him or did something really unsavory to. To not tell your ex girlfriend that you gave her aids intentionally odds are she must be a real character. So then we see tons of pictures of Jenn in the hospital. Why the hell would anyone be taking selfies on their death bed and ill like that? She says she was worried that she could die in her sleep but she still has the strength to take selfies. She complained about losing weight and becoming frail. This is something that a lot of people should have no excuse for. You're dying of Aids and losing weight because it's shutting down your appetite. Well I have zero appetite and I don't have aids or Cancer.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

I am Lazy.
I am Lazy. Greensilk5559 27 Views • 3 years ago

Please do not donate to my channel. i am producing videos to own up to my weaknesses. To join a discussion in ideas.
I want to thank everyone who have supported me by challenging my faulty belief system. I have led a life example of how not to be. Thank You Mgtow for beijg the collection of fathers that I have been missing out on.

Abundance Mind Set My Rear End
Abundance Mind Set My Rear End Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 341 Views • 3 years ago

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Are Women Soulless?
Are Women Soulless? Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 490 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Download the new Android app from here

HMT 163 RPM REDPILLMARRIED 95 Views • 3 years ago

⁣I will keep saying this. Men are fed up with female treachery!!

Ok Ladies, Two Can Play This Game!-RPM
Ok Ladies, Two Can Play This Game!-RPM REDPILLMARRIED 171 Views • 3 years ago

⁣They can make demands, so you can too!

Demi Lovato Has Become Non-Binary & More Beautiful - MGTOW
Demi Lovato Has Become Non-Binary & More Beautiful - MGTOW Sandman 259 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

4D With Demi Lovato

Tove Lo - Glad He's Gone

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a topic so what I'm going to do for this video is cover the relatively recent announcement by Demi Lovato that she now sees herself as non-binary and for the second half of the video I'm going to discuss why living in a Van or RV and travelling across the country is a bad idea even though it's trendy. Why it's bad from a financial, environmental and social standpoint. As for Demi I was a fan of hers for years now and if you know her collaboration with Clean Bandit on the song Solo you'll see that one of the top comments is from me where I said that I smell a hit. That video is getting close to a billion views and I knew it would blow up when I heard it. People say you can't spot a hit song. I beg to differ. When I first heard Avicii's Level's and Wake Me Up I knew they would be instant hits. The same with Major Lazor Lean On as well as anything by Dua Lipa after she did her collaboration with Calvin Harris. All of those songs have an intoxicating energy about them that when you hear them you just get the compulsion to keep playing them over and over again like a drug until you get sick and tired of them. I also find tons of awesome artists that have songs that would easily be hit songs if the artists were better looking or they got promotion. It's like finding a stock that's undervalued and buying it and then pointing it out to others and then they buy it and your stock rises in value. As for Demi she came out as Non-Binary and has a new podcast where she talks to trans people and I'll discuss what I think is going on in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: Anyways, now back to people trying to make more money by trying not to identify with only one gender show. Demi is about to hit thirty years of age in a year from now. She's put on weight and her star is waning. So I'm going to go out on limb here and say this may not necessarily be about her coming out and expressing her new gender idea. This reminds me of Tove Lo, the famous Swedish singer that uses sexual ambiguity to cater to women as well as men. Look at her earlier videos and she dresses in very feminine ways and in the last two or three years she no longer wears a bra on stage and is starting to look like a lesbian from the 1990s. Like she's trying reinvent herself to go for the LGBTQRSLMNOP market because maybe her looks aren't drawing in the same attention from men like she used to. Then in the end she still married a man named Charlie. So I'm predicting that Demi is still going to find and marry a man in five years but will keep this new image going to cater to a smaller and more dedicated lesbian fan base. It's the same Tove Lo play book. I put a video of hers from 2019 from Tove Lo that caters to lesbian and bi women. But that video only has 12 million views which is nothing compared to earlier videos that have hundreds of millions of views. When you're under 25 or 26 men like you and will listen to your music. After that your popularity fades so you've got to reinvent yourself. So Demi now wears bright multi colored blazers with what I'd like to call stealth technology for fat chicks so you can't actually see their shape. Plus she has a round face from gaining wight and a bowl cut from dumb and dumber. All she needs to do is chip her front tooth and she'll look like Jim Carrey. She's also got those sexy Star Trek sideburns.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

He Needs To Bang Her Where She Bleeds - MGTOW
He Needs To Bang Her Where She Bleeds - MGTOW Sandman 265 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ms. Maxi Pad and here's what she has to say: "Hello Sandman, I brought my first boyfriend home and by the end of dinner my mother let me know she didn’t like him. We didn’t talk about him again until she asked me how my boyfriend was doing? I told her we broke up while back because he cheated on me. She didn’t ask anything and kept quiet. It was more complicated. When we started dating we weren’t on the same pace. For example I want to give him a peck on the cheek and he would try to put his tongue down my throat. I tried talking to him a few times to stop, but it kept happening. He didn’t always stop if I pulled back. I didn’t have any experience on how to deal with this and didn’t talk to anyone. Because of that I didn’t want to do things like hug or hold hands. I was getting more and more uncomfortable. I didn’t think was good and wondered how to break up with him. He was trying to be a good boyfriend. One day he told me he slept with someone else. I responded by saying he should stay with her and hung up the phone. When he tried to contact me I told him I wanted my stuff back and asked him if he wanted his gifts back. He said I could keep them and I told if he didn’t want them, I was going get rid of everything. Some of our friends tried to give him a hard time, so I had to step in. I didn’t think he deserved that. Part of the reason this happened was because his needs weren’t met and we never talked about it. I think I handled it poorly and should have broken it of sooner. My current relationship has been going on for about 15 years and we have a son. Because of everything that’s going on, I’m withdrawing and don’t want interact a lot. We still have sex, but I’m wondering about his other needs. He looks tired. We haven’t done anything fun in a long time and the pandemic is not helping. I’m a bit lost on what to do." Well Ms. Maxi Pad thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways now back with the show. When you had your first boyfriend Ms. Maxi that's back when you were a teenager. Even when I was a teenager twenty five years ago all the girls I knew tried to shove their tongue down my throat and I let them. They throat raped me. Where is my metoo movement. Obviously he was your first boyfriend so you wanted to take things slow. Obviouly a bit too slow for him. But seriously where did you grow up? Saudi Arabia? Just kidding. You had the perfect excuse to break up with him and when he told you he had cheated on you it absolved you of all blame guilt. I guess he found another woman that let him bang her where she bleeds? Yes your mutual friends had every right to give him a hard time. He cheated on you and slept with another woman. I suspect the only reason he told you was because you were going to find out from someone else. So he didn't want you to get even more potentially pissed off at him and fly off the rails. Sounds to me like everything worked out in the end. You had a valid reason to end the relationship that made him look like the bad guy and everyone saw that publically. The reason he slept with another woman was yes that
his needs were not being met. Odds are that woman wasn't the first he had slept with and he was more experienced and you weren't ready for more.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:





Conheçam suas futuras esposas #2
Conheçam suas futuras esposas #2 CN 180 Views • 3 years ago


VALID Reasons To Give Up On Pursuing Modern Women RPM
VALID Reasons To Give Up On Pursuing Modern Women RPM REDPILLMARRIED 344 Views • 3 years ago

⁣What else needs to be said?
Article: https://www.coaching-online.or....g/giving-up-on-findi

Snake In The Grass - Mgtow
Snake In The Grass - Mgtow Zuberi87 100 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

I Paid Her Student Loans & Then She Divorced Me - MGTOW
I Paid Her Student Loans & Then She Divorced Me - MGTOW Sandman 250 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
World War 2 Epic Battles

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a Subscribestar tip from Andrew and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, Long time lurker, first time tipper. Please keep up this important and valuable work." Well Andrew thanks and I thought what I'd do is share a post I found online called: "My Wife and I had an agreement to help put each other through school. Now that she's through, she's filing for divorce" and here what some mystery simp has to say and I quote: "My wife and I both wanted to pursue careers that require advanced degrees. We came up with a plan for each of us to work full time while putting the other through school. For the past five years I've worked to help her through the last two years of her bachelor's degree and three years of law school. She's graduating in May . In this time, I've covered all of our expenses, rent, utilities, as well as payments to her loans. At the end of this semester there will be about $75 thousand dollars worth of loans that I am co-signed for. When I excitedly spoke of how much better things will be once she graduates, she was very non-commital and kept saying, "We'll see," when I talked about applying for my program. Two weeks ago, I was served with divorce papers. I was completely blindsided by this. When I asked her for an explanation, she simply replied that we'd been growing apart for a while and she needed to find her happiness. I found out this weekend that she met someone in school. He is the son of a named partner of a prominent law firm. She wants the student debt loan split 50/50 in the divorce. She is asking for no spousal support as she does not need it. When I responded that if she's going to be working as an attorney that I would be filing for spousal support, she called me a bunch of emasculating names and said, "It's over, okay? You need to let me go and be happy for me." I have
barely eaten or slept since this happened. I have a consultation with a divorce attorney on Wednesday. I feel hopeless. She hasn't worked in five years." Well Andrew thanks for the donation and I'll cover this interest topic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor WW2 Epic Battles: Anyways, now back to the clown world divorce court show. Looks like this mystery simp learned that his soon to be ex wife monkey branched to a better man, a lawyer with better future earnings prospects a lot more social status because of his family background than her husband. She did a cock benefit analysis and this guy didn't measure up. No pun intended. The guy being divorce by this woman that's really a pirate with a puss is now going to have waste another five years working and saving money so he can complete his education. Then get his edumacation and only in twelve or thirteen years can he start his chosen career after finishing school and only then to pay loans for the next five to ten years for himself plus who knows how long it's going to take to pay the remaining 35-40 thousand on her loans which he co-signed off on. That's all assuming that he can pull off a financial miracle and if he doesn't get involved with another woman to pay for her loans too. She's completely ruined his life because of hypergamy. Female nature ruined his life because she had to act out on her female impulses. Looking back he should have first been suspicious and every man should when a woman wants to get married while you're still in University.

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The "Bro" Code? Women Morals?
The "Bro" Code? Women Morals? theredpath 45 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Avoiding ⁣monkey branching is a thing for man! The bro code! ~ A woman said!

Men Tolerating Manipulation; Film Propaganda Against Men Getting Insane
Men Tolerating Manipulation; Film Propaganda Against Men Getting Insane Johnny_Cage 74 Views • 3 years ago

What's up? Long time, no post!

Efeito degradê!
Efeito degradê! MGTOW_Alfa 64 Views • 3 years ago

Essa tal multinha são filhos adquiridos após o divorcio! PQP!.......

Black Lives Matter Is A Hollywood Production
Black Lives Matter Is A Hollywood Production Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 256 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Download the new Android app from here

I Infiltrated A Black Lives Matter Protest
I Infiltrated A Black Lives Matter Protest Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 533 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Download the new Android app from here

Women Are The Cause Of War? - MGTOW
Women Are The Cause Of War? - MGTOW Sandman 288 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Pentagon Briefing On Removing The God Gene

Serenity, Origin of the Reavers

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Adonis. He has a lot to say. Especially a lot about the new Godzilla Versus King Kong movie so there are spoiler ahead. I wish he had told me that before I read his comments and had a chance to watch the film firt. So be warned. Before I get to his topic let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. Here's what Adonis has to say and I quote: "Dear Sandman, Do you believe that MGTOW transcends humanity into other species? I just went to the blockbuster monster movie Godzilla versus Kong this past weekend and I could not help but think how these monsters are the ultimate MGTOW's in the fantasy animal kingdom's that they have dominion over. The type-cast fluff protagonists in the movie, meaning the humanoids in the movie, have the usual role-playing parts, but two key female characters are a mother and a mute daughter. The young mute daughter seems to have perfected the art of becoming a Titan-Whisperer to Kong using sign language. This script fits perfectly in our 21st-century Gyno centric culture and feminist ideologies being spewed out by mainstream media Hollywood and all of the movie houses and made for Netflix and Amazon series. Being a Greek I cannot help but think of the juxtaposition of the Alpha Titans since ancient Greek culture was replete with great stories of humanity, gods, monsters, Titans, Super-Gods (Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, Athena), Demi-gods and super heroes. Just like you Serbians, we here in the rest of the Balkan countries have watched the westernization of eastern Europe. There is an ironic twist in this movie that reminded me of the old adage beware of Greeks bearing gifts (ie the Trojan Horse ). In this case the Trojan horse seems to be Kong who finds a magical gift/weapon and I don't want to give away the plot line but it is fairly similar to human history throughout all cultures. Even the monster Kong falls to the spell of hypergamy and solipsism of these women particularly the mute little girl with whom he communicates using sign language. The women, even the little girl, use the all too familiar pre-programmed self-preservation by using and even abusing strong alphas to the point of destruction. This is evident and paramount when these women and humans are threatened, especially the mother and young daughter/Titan whisperer. The premise is age old. Two alpha monsters cannot occupy the same space or planet as one wants to have dominion over the other. The irony is that there is a MAN-made machine alpha which becomes the greatest threat to humanity. The movie starts out with great fight scenes individually and then collectively between Godzilla and Kong replete with 3-D effects as a video gamers dream. Lots of Mayhem Destruction and Smash. Unfortunately I don't see Godzilla or Kong getting any smash of their own if you know what I mean. Just all of the Hypergamous manipulation without any of the happy endings. The culmination of the movie ends up being an unexpected alliance between Godzilla and Kong who have to join forces to defeat this Man-made monster/Titan of gigantic proportions and technically-advanced weaponry. Man-Made being the operative term, with the Achilles' heel being the women using the two Alphas to do the necessary deeds for their own self-preservation and perpetuation of the species.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

A Lot Of Men Are Simply FED UP. RPM
A Lot Of Men Are Simply FED UP. RPM REDPILLMARRIED 231 Views • 3 years ago

⁣It was only a matter of time.
Article 1:
Article 2:
Link 1:
Link 2:

Fight For Me - Mgtow
Fight For Me - Mgtow Zuberi87 121 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.


Elliot Rodger hunting women and speaking the truth in CityCarDriving GermanIncel edition Elliot Rüttger
Elliot Rodger hunting women and speaking the truth in CityCarDriving GermanIncel edition Elliot Rüttger Kauppi1 19 Views • 3 years ago

originally deleted by youtube from my Women's rights was a mistake channel
⁣Elliot Rodger hunting women and speaking the truth in CityCarDriving GermanIncel edition Elliot Rüttgergerman Elliot

Grim Rants: These Damn Crazy White Women!
Grim Rants: These Damn Crazy White Women! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 53 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Hazumi and The Pregnation XXX (Vanilla Version)

Rolling into a mega rant, this all started when I questioned whether or not a certain circumstance was rape. God forbid, I should have a differing opinion or even mention how such an act can affect the lives of men. When anything can be rape, nothing can be rape. In any case, I got dogpiled by countless white women over this subject, but only one non-white woman. That struck me as surprising, despite the amount of non-white women who have friends me on social media or follow me there. Only the mass majority of white women attacked me. I will bet that if I was not a white male, I would have had different responses.

Grim Rants: What We Can Learn From Kentaro Miura and Berserk
Grim Rants: What We Can Learn From Kentaro Miura and Berserk Grim Lord's Games & Rants 42 Views • 3 years ago

Game: The Grim Lord Totally Fucking Cheeses Dark Souls ?

Just in case you haven't heard the news, Berserk mangaka Kentaro Miura is dead. In this video, I will talk about his legacy as a man on the path who had his Idolmaster waifus and loved his work more than anything else.

And what can his work teach us? Well, Berserk teaches us that life is suffering, and that we must shoulder on. We can't simply just end it. We have to continue with thay heavy chunk of iron on our backs, the symbol of the burdens we carry, the experiences that we can use to better ourselves. This was the original black pill. It wasn't about feeling sorry for yourself, it was about knowing that life is not fair nor kind, but you have to continue trudging on as Guts did. No matter what the situation, he was never one to give up.

Toronto Women Are Awful! - MGTOW
Toronto Women Are Awful! - MGTOW Sandman 385 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Twisted Mind

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to share with everyone a Twitter conversation I had with Andy Warski. Many of you might remember him from a few years ago. He disappeared for a while and now I know why. About six months to a year he started following me on Twitter and I was surprised because very few YouTubers have in the past except perhaps to mock me. So today I get a message from him and here's what he has to say and I quote: "Hey Sandman, I just want to say thank you for your videos. 2 years ago I was with a girl for three years who seeped me from all my money... was horrible to me... caught her talking to her ex... and mentally and sometimes physically abused me. I also became a drug addict and used tons of cocaine because of depression and joining her in the party lifestyle... lost my YouTube career and everything. I tried dumping her multiple times but she always latched on by showing up at all hours of the night and one time breaking into my house. I finally took your advice seriously and literally moved from Canada to America to basically hide from her. Im back in Toronto now... but within 2 years I am off coke, making tons of money live streaming fully uncensored content, happy and physically fit. I've also banged enough women and can see when they are trying to play games or trying to get their hooks into me. I know how to have fun and move on. Thanks to you I broke the cycle I was on... falling in "love" getting used.... seeped of all my money and emotions... and tossed out. I know you get lots of nice letters everyday and stuff man and you deserve it. You've saved a lot of us out there man. So thank you brother! I'm gonna watch your new video and take my daily red pill. So my cohost on Twisted Mind is Kyler - he showed us all the texts and stuff too. He has a very similar story to mine but instead of drugs he became depressed and felt empty for years. So he caught his girlfriend adding her ex to facebook and he dumped her (after years of being mentally abused basically) and we meet up a year ago and decide.... lets do a live show. Everything is going well and sometime last year he had sex with his ex and started to catch feelings. I told him "Dude this is a bad idea, please DO NOT GO BACK TO HER." I know it would be bad for him and for our show in general. Well he texted her a nice thing the next day and she texted back that she only slept with him because he was drunk and she didn't want him to drive home. So he told her to fuck off. So a few months later - she texts him a huge text that tried to guilt trip him into taking the dog they had together who is sick and has seizures. She said that since he is making good money now that he can bring the dog to the vet. And since he is working from home now he can take care of the dog. She ended this massive guilt trip message with "By the way, he needs to go to the vet tomorrow." Dude, it is unbelievable. The AUDACITY of her to do that. I told him to not respond to her and just block her which he did. Kyler and I have very similar experiences and we realized brotherhood and business is the way to be a real man. Filling the void with "Love" is not fulfilling. Anyways, thought you would like to hear that. Have a nice day and let me know when you make that video. I would love to see it." Well Andy thanks for sharing your story and thanks Thomas for the donation. I'll get to my thoughts about Toronto Thots in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Não invistam em criptomoedas
Não invistam em criptomoedas Constantino 98 Views • 3 years ago

⁣canal primario
me siga tambem no youtube

RPM Reasons TO Buy A Waifu
RPM Reasons TO Buy A Waifu REDPILLMARRIED 301 Views • 3 years ago

It only makes logical sense because the current dating/relationship markets are done.
Article: ⁣

Narrativa midiática!
Narrativa midiática! MGTOW_Alfa 59 Views • 3 years ago


Odian que las traten bien - jader antonio -jaiden art . Mgtow 3.0 en español la pildora roja mgtow
Odian que las traten bien - jader antonio -jaiden art . Mgtow 3.0 en español la pildora roja mgtow PionerosMgtow 3.0 Briffault Robert Ley 93 Views • 3 years ago


Hulle haat dit om goed behandel te word - Jader Antonio MGTOW 3.0 in Spaans

انهم يكرهون أن يعاملوا معاملة جيدة -- جادر انطونيو MGTOW 3.0 باللغة الاسبانية

Те мразят да се третират добре - Jader Antonio MGTOW 3.0 на испански

Odien ser tractats bé - Jader Antonio MGTOW 3.0 en castellà

佢哋憎被好好嘅對待-贾德安东尼奥MGTOW 3.0西班牙語
Chinese | S

他们讨厌被很好的对待-贾德安东尼奥MGTOW 3.0西班牙语
Chinese | T

他們討厭被很好的對待-賈德安東尼奧MGTOW 3.0西班牙文

Ne vole da ih se dobro tretira - Jader Antonio MGTOW 3.0 na španjolskom

Neradi se s nimi zachází dobře - Jader Antonio MGTOW 3.0 ve španělštině

De hader at blive behandlet godt - Jader Antonio MGTOW 3,0 på spansk

Ze haten het om goed behandeld te worden - Jader Antonio MGTOW 3.0 in het Spaans

They hate to be treated well - Jader Antonio MGTOW 3.0 in Spanish

Nad ei taha, et neid hästi koheldaks - Jader Antonio MGTOW 3.0 hispaania keeles

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: 'to' must be a valid language

Parameter name: to : ID=V2_Json_Translate.BNZE.0329.0524T0201.2D0B52E

He vihaavat tulla kohdelluksi hyvin - Jader Antonio MGTOW 3.0 espanjaksi

Ils détestent être bien traités - Jader Antonio MGTOW 3.0 en espagnol

Sie hassen es, gut behandelt zu werden - Jader Antonio MGTOW 3.0 auf Spanisch

Μισούν να αντιμετωπίζονται καλά - Jader Antonio MGTOW 3.0 στα ισπανικά

הם שונאים שיתייחסו אליהם יפה - ג'דר אנטוניו MGTOW 3.0 בספרדית

वे अच्छी तरह से इलाज किया जा नफरत-Jader एंटोनियो MGTOW ३.० स्पेनिश मेंader antonio

Women Are Finished - MGTOW
Women Are Finished - MGTOW Sandman 431 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Scientists Grow Mouse Embryos in a Mechanical Womb

The Artificial Womb Is Born

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Byzanthony. He didn't send much in his message except a link. I put it down in the description and it's from the New York Times and it's called: "Scientists Grow Mouse Embryos in a Mechanical Womb". Well well well looky what we have here. Looks like scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel created a series of experiments where they created an artificial uterus and were able to grow embryos in them for six days. The fetuses were taken out of their mothers after five days and then grown in the artificial womb for an additional six days. Mouse gestation is 20 days total. I initially thought that they were able to grow them for the first six days of the pregnancy and mentioned that in earlier videos and I was wrong. So they grow for the first five days in the mother, the next six in the artificial womb and for the last nine days they can't grow because they need a blood supply. So once again they need their mother. But they are now thinking of connecting a blood supply to the mice's placenta and using a more enriched nutrient solution. If that works then I can imagine a world where women only have to be pregnant for the first three months and then the fetus is removed and put into an artificial womb. At that point the cost of surrogacy will fall because the most expensive part, renting the womb will drop two thirds of the price. So surrogacy services in the USA could drop from a hundred grand down to only forty. That means in places like Mexico the price would fall to ten to fifteen thousand dollars. This is great news for men that want to have children but don't want to get married to do so. Thanks to this breakthrough women are now one step closer to being finished. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the clone world show. The last few paragraphs of that Wall Street article say this and I quote: In the future, Dr. Tesar said, “it is not unreasonable that we might have the capacity to develop a human embryo from fertilization to birth entirely outside the uterus.” Of course, even the suggestion of this science fiction scenario is bound to horrify many. But it is early days, with no assurance human fetuses could ever develop entirely outside the womb. Even assuming they could, Dr. Tesar noted, “whether that is appropriate is a question for ethicists, regulators and society.” unquote. These Jewish scientists aren't the first to work on this. The second article I put in the description is from back when I first started going my own way and it's called "The Artificial Womb Is Born". In Japan they have been working on connecting an external blood supply to a goat fetus and that was eight years ago. I wonder if they have made progress? If they solved this and they combine their technology with what I mentioned earlier in Israel then that cheaper surrogacy situation I was talking about will become a reality. Then we have to work on the first
trimester and if we solve that then families will be a thing of the past and we will be heading towards a Brave New World. The decision to have a baby will no longer belong to women but will also belong to men or possibly even the state if they want to grow more citizens. A few weeks before this video request someone sent me another story about how scientists were able to take ordinary skin cells and turn them into an embryo. I showed my mother the mice in the artificial womb and she looked shocked and couldn't believe it. That we are making progress so quickly. It's quite possible that in the next ten to fifteen years we will perfect the process and be able to grow people without parents or someone might bump into your arm and take a sample of your skin without you even knowing it and then grow your clone.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

RPM HMT 162 REDPILLMARRIED 136 Views • 3 years ago

⁣More men are NOT taking it anymore.

You're Different - Mgtow
You're Different - Mgtow Zuberi87 129 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

The TFM Show: 5/22/2021
The TFM Show: 5/22/2021 T.F. Monkey 1,686 Views • 3 years ago

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Esta completamente bien NO SER MGTOW y tener novia (Neo Oculorum)
Esta completamente bien NO SER MGTOW y tener novia (Neo Oculorum) Biblioteca Hombres Libres 173 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Nuevo canal de NEO:
ISuscribete a mi canal principal para ver mas videos de respaldo de contenido MGTOW:

Neo es otro de los pioneros de la filosofía de los hombres libres en español. Sus experiencias y su forma personal de conectar con sus espectadores ademas de su capacidad de colocarse en tu lugar a la hora de exponer sus ideas es de gran admiración.

En este video explica porque la filosofia MGTOW de manera objetiva es incompatible con las relaciones de pareja, razon por la cual eres libre de dejar este estilo de vida si deseas tener una relacion de pareja y asumir de manera mas informada el coste/beneficio que esta contraigan a tu vida.

Women Are Dictators Wearing Bras - MGTOW
Women Are Dictators Wearing Bras - MGTOW Sandman 295 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Welcome to the New Feminist/Socialist Dictatorship. What do you call a country that no longer has free elections? A country where the press has become propaganda for one party, a country that no longer allows free speech, a country where, since 1970, EVERY LAW has been changed to benefit women, and finally, a country where all CIVIL RIGHTS and liberties have been shut down by a phoney coof? You call it Coof-1984, the new socialist/feminist dictatorship!! It's obvious to a lot of people that the 2020 election was not transparent!! I was following the 2020 election as it unfolded in the past few months. I noticed that Biden hardly campaigned at all, appearing at only ONE rally the week of the election! The rally was sparsly attended and energy was low! In contrast, Trump spoke at rallies every day, sometimes giving 2 or 3 speeches a day! Energy was off the charts and thousands of people attended his rallies!! Now am I supposed to believe that Biden defeated Trump and received more votes than any other candidate in history? As far as the cervesa sickness goes, how many people are aware that only 6% of deaths are from it alone and that 94% of reported deaths are due to co-morbidities? For example, if a person tested positive and then died of a heart attack or even a gunshot wound, then it says Covid-19 on their death certificate! The common cold is a corona virusd, and a person with a common cold can test positive for Covid-19! People call this type of thing "conspiracy theories", but the reality is that much of this information can be found on the CDC website! Our entire society has been shut down and all of our civil liberties have been suspended! Countless people have lost their jobs as small businesses close down! And what's the logic of reopening the border and letting thousands of immigrants come into our country, when countless Americans have lost their jobs? At the same time, our press has lost all objectivity and become a propaganda arm for the Democratic Party! No alternative points of view allowed." Our media continues to sell fear as every day the headlines explode with a new "record number of deaths" from the coof! On social media sites such as Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter, you are not allowed to have an alternative point of view on the sniffle apocalypse. Men's rights channels are being reclassified as "hate speech" and kicked off or demonetized, like THIS channel, for example! Free speech disappeared years ago in this country! At the same time, since 1970, because of feminist lobbying, EVERY LAW has been changed to favor women! In George Orwell's 1984, the men were unable to have sex and the women wore red sashes proclaiming that they were members of the "Junior Anti-Sex League". The bottled up sexual frustration was then channeled into worship of Big Brother! In our cervesa sickness worl men are unable to have sex because women wear the invisible sash of Fourth Wave Feminism, a toxic, invald form of feminism based on female superiority and hatred of males! Meanwhile, the Big Brother "Daddy State" takes care of all of women's needs, making the male provider obsolete! Ironically, men pay 80% of the taxes for the "Daddy State", thus we're being forced to pay for our own obsolescence!

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

RPM HMT 161 REDPILLMARRIED 108 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Vive la France!

On Habits and Discipline
On Habits and Discipline Markkenga 4 Views • 3 years ago

by ⁣jocko willink

Teenage mutant ninjas in training
Teenage mutant ninjas in training Manny Gomes 28 Views • 3 years ago

⁣This is what my sons do for fun - better than video games. They are only allowed to handle throwing knives under my supervision. I used to own a martial arts school and taught defensive tactics to law enforcement and military so... I am very careful but try to make learning fun at the same time.

Don't Get Married! Get A Maid! - MGTOW
Don't Get Married! Get A Maid! - MGTOW Sandman 343 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman here are a bunch of different topic ideas. Make what you will from them? The first is how the most appealing and desirable/valuable women, beyond looks, are actually the best social chameleons/mirrors and the most dangerous abusers and professional victims. Think alternative 90s chicks and Scott Pilgrim, cool Twitter 'dream girls' and how they abuse their men behind closed doors. 'Walking on eggshells'. Getting your dream girl = welcome to hell. The second one is becoming a single father by choice and whether that means adoption, surrogate mothers, out of wedlock parenting or a young robotic Haley Joel Osment. The third is how women pressure men to throw out their beliefs and values in favor of their own. In a sense controlling men and influencing the direction of society. How a woman's social circle can wreak havoc on your relationship, even if you've never done anything wrong. They might have someone else in the circle they want her to be with, etc. The fourth one is how big guys are often ok with or into big girls. But big girls aren't into big guys. Its social proof that they are a good woman if they have a normal size boyfriend. It's an insane double standard. I've lost 100 lbs and the responses I got during the process from big to normal to famined by girls is largely the same. When I was big I still got some attention from attractive normal size girls based on face and income status etc. But with attractive large girls they had ZERO interest. I made them DRY. The fifth is how mothers indoctrinate their sons into simping and being good little providers. How most won't be lucky enough to have a strong/fair masculine father in their life to counteract this. Feel free to present the ideas however you wish. You're better at this than I am :) Thanks or what you're doing." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topics. I'll get to them in just a moment before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the video. Many are you wondering why the hell I picked the title and pictures for this video. Clearly having a relationship with a smart and sexy unicorn, fat girl, your own mother, platonic of course and any woman that forces you to socialise with other women and throw out your value system is too much for the one thing that many women claim we men are looking for. Which is a housekeeper. I say just skip the thots and get a maid. If you're still confused by the topic just understand that I had no idea what to call it. Just remember that if you do get a maid or house cleaner put up cameras inside and outside of your house to make sure that she's doing a good job. Tell her you've had break ins and you want to know what's going on inside and out. But in reality the cameras are there as a deterrent for false allegations. Now as for the five topics you want me to talk about Mr. Anonymous. Remember that no matter what anyone tells you the most appealing and desirable women are intelligent and can keep their mouth shut around their man or improve him. From my experience they usually end up with much younger men than themselves. Sometimes they are ten to fifteen years younger then the man in their relationship. You'd be surprise how much men are willing to compromise on a woman's looks when it comes to them being well behaved.

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Preferences - Mgtow
Preferences - Mgtow Zuberi87 87 Views • 3 years ago

⁣For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

RPM Men Will ALWAYS Be Visual Beings
RPM Men Will ALWAYS Be Visual Beings REDPILLMARRIED 263 Views • 3 years ago

No matter how much they try to change the narrative men will still be attracted to physical beauty.
Article: ⁣

Venting: sometimes hard work just doesn't get paid off
Venting: sometimes hard work just doesn't get paid off Francis_UD 18 Views • 3 years ago


Filmed on 18/05/2021 AEST

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Coffee and Hatred May 16th, 2021
Coffee and Hatred May 16th, 2021 GrizzlyRising 44 Views • 3 years ago

⁣A morning show that isn't syrupy and sweet!

We will discussing the MGTOW's overreaction of the CME along with the fact that some MGTOW's think that MGTOW is the manosphere.

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Seja os 1%
Seja os 1% MGTOW_Alfa 89 Views • 3 years ago


My Girlfriend Is Jealous Of My Love Doll LOL - MGTOW
My Girlfriend Is Jealous Of My Love Doll LOL - MGTOW Sandman 312 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
World War 2 Epic Battles

Lilith in the white house 2020

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Richard Drazil the author of Lilith in the White House which I've reviewed before and you can find a link to it in the description. I spoke to Richard over Skype a while back and he shared an interesting story I thought I'd make into a video. here's what he has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, We spoke a while back about my biological needs as a man. ok so I'm a failed MGTOW or a frustred male that cant break that female sex habit. My wife and I have been together for 12 years living together off and on with three step kids. That was probably my first mistake. I didn't know about female nature back then. So with many problems with the step kids we went to a part time relationship. It has worked fairly well for many years now. We have a standing Saturday night appointment. Please don't laugh it's true. I have been getting laid fairly regularly but over the past few months she has been turning cold. Now a little more back story. I have been using NLP hypnosis and other behavioral controlling language to warm her up to the idea of polygamy not seemingly with much success. So because of our on and off part time relationship i had decided to get a sex doll. best investment I have ever made. I give Gracie a 10. However I was somewhat living in fear that I would be found out. I really don't want a divorce that could be painful and expensive if my wife learned about Gracie. Remember Sandman you had an idea for me to hide her in plain sight in a costume. well before I got to implement that stratagem, I was found out. Rosey opened the closet and said suprisingly........whats that....I said whats what? She immediately asked are you banging her and like a cat with a bird in is mouth I said yes. Expecting all hell to break loose and to my surprise the exact opposite happened to my delight. The sex between us has been amped up to incredible again. She doesn't ask about my sexbot any more. So I think she was really intimidated by it. Lastly I dont know may she is a nawalt unicorn and is just waiting for the right time to burn me. So far so good. But maybe this is and indication of things to come? Western women beware you can and will be replaced if you keep up your bad behaviors. Well Richard thanks for the awesome story. I'm glad you decided to share it with everyone. I'll discuss your case in just a sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor World War 2 Epic Battles:

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RPM Salute To Jay Doll King Hefner
RPM Salute To Jay Doll King Hefner REDPILLMARRIED 324 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Special waifu at the end!
Checkout and support Jay Doll King Hefner's channel.

Snares And Traps Part 6 - Mgtow
Snares And Traps Part 6 - Mgtow Zuberi87 96 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Marriage Is A Tool For Governments To Control Men - MGTOW
Marriage Is A Tool For Governments To Control Men - MGTOW Sandman 360 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The MGTOW Book

Marriage is a tool for governments to subdue men

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is cover a reddit post called: "Marriage is a tool for governments to subdue men" that I've put a link to in the description. I thought about covering it because I was out shooting a wedding a couple of days ago and it was right at the start of a month long lock-down in Ontario, Canada. They had a stay at home order for all but the most critical of workers. All stores are closed too except for the ones that sell groceries and pharmaceuticals. I thought for sure that if you're not allowed to buy clothes or go to restaurants then all weddings would also be cancelled. Well apparently not. Wedding and other religious ceremonies are considered vital to the government. You'd think they could go a month without issuing marriage licenses but they probably didn't want to because it means another month for the groom to think clearly before his bride walks down the aisle and leads him to his doom. The person submitting the topic on Reddit believes that government don't fear women but that they fear men and they will use women to undermine men and keep men in check. That men's true enemy is the state and that women are merely tools of the state. I of course agree but what happens when so many men figure this out that the birth rate drops to one kid per couple everywhere in the world and populations implode exponentially because men don't want to make a deal with the government devil? When even immigration isn't enough to keep the populations from crashing all over the world. The church I'm filming that wedding in is allowed to be at 15% capacity. Hopefully I won't get covaids and it's crazy that schools, stores, restaurants and gyms are closed but god forbid they close down a church for a wedding so some shamu sized woman wearing comfortable shoes can't get her slave and so the government can't screw him over in the divorce courts one day. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book: Anyways now back to the Covaids in a church clown world show. One guy on reddit says that in the past marriage was a contract between the man and the woman's father. I have to add to that by saying that in the present marriage is a contract between the man and the state where if the marriage ends the man is still obligated to take care of his ex wife so the government doesn't have to. You're just formalizing your slave contract with government officials in case the deal with the woman goes bad. Marriage is not only a tool to control men when it comes to keeping them on their best behavior so their wives don't divorce them and take them to the cleaners. But it's also a way to fleece men again and again if the marriage dissolves through alimony and child support. Signing a marriage contract for the average man is like playing a game of monopoly with the government and handing them your get out of jail free card. Then when you're sent off to jail in the game by the government you no longer have that card to get out of it with. For a man not signing a marriage contract is just as valuable as a woman keeping her virginity. If either of those two things happen then both parties are fucked. One financially and the other literally. In the past marriage was required by the state because the state needed higher reproductive levels than neighboring states or else when there was a way they would be out bred and their enemy might take over. For civilizations to compete with neighboring ones militarily they needed as many bodies in the meat grinder of war as possible.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Zionists Are Murdering Palestinians Because They Refused The Scamarona Vaccine
Zionists Are Murdering Palestinians Because They Refused The Scamarona Vaccine Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 368 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Download the new Android app from here

Feminists Work Hard To Look Ugly - MGTOW
Feminists Work Hard To Look Ugly - MGTOW Sandman 240 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations because well I didn't get any today. So I thought I'd discuss something that I first observed almost twenty-five years ago. I was sitting in one of my college classes and the professor was a bull dyke feminist communist with a flat chest, short hair, tattoos and a bad attitude in her late twenties. One of the guys in my class told me that a woman at her age has to work very hard to look that ugly. Probably had to tape down her breasts and not to mention put on a lot of weight. But why was she expressing her appearance in this unattractive way? Unattractive way for straight men that is? Was it because she genuinely wanted to look like a real life version of Pat from Saturday Night Live from the 1990s? Was it because is she looked feminine then men would come up to her and hit on her and she wasn't into dudes? Was it because she was lazy and wanted to eat anything and everything she wanted? Was she signalling to other lesbians visually that she too was into women so that they would know it was appropriate for them to approach her and buy her a keg of beer to feed her beer belly or something? What's really interesting is that it was Lesbian feminists that used to work hard to look this unattractive. But today it's straight feminist women that appear to be taking on the appearance of lesbians that was popular twenty or thirty years ago for that culture. I don't think straight feminist women have any idea why they are behaving this way. I'll discuss why straight women are adopting gay culture thinking it's cool and sporty in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor the Red Pill Ring: Anyways, Now back with the bull dyke riding a trike clown world show. If you ever go to something like slutwalk you see that there are many lesbians there with short buzzed hair wearing military boots with frumpy looking clothes that look like potato sacks. Of course there are straight women there too and many of them probably look up to the older feminist women with the power of the megaphone in their hands at such events and they start to emulate their appearance. I saw this in college with many of the brown nosing female students started getting tattoos, putting on weight and buzzing their hair to gain favor from female professors for marks. They worked hard to look unattractive to men so that they could virtue signal to their bull dyke professors that they were willing to do what it takes to get the right grades. But when I was in college this didn't bother me and I hung out with a masculine polish bull dyke with tattoos sporting a Canadian Tuxedo. Ie wearing nothing but Denim. She was cool and pleasant to be around. It was her way of expressing herself and that was fine. I worked in television with a lesbian tv anchor with underarm hair and after our shoots in the village we would go to a place called Zelda's. If you don't know about this place in Toronto then don't ask. It wasn't a big deal at all. But these women were altering their appearance to signal their sexual desire for another woman. Today when you see those memes with the before and after pictures of women that embraced feminism you laugh at how mentally ill those women seem in the photos. Many of today's feminists are dressing and altering their appearance to look like lesbians from twenty or thirty years ago not because they want another woman but because they think it's the cool and fashionable thing to do.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

American Men Must Practice Taqiyya Because The US Govt Is Tyrannical
American Men Must Practice Taqiyya Because The US Govt Is Tyrannical Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 444 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Download the new Android app from here

Consequences of the Feminist Dialectic
Consequences of the Feminist Dialectic フクロウ Fukuro 107 Views • 3 years ago

Based & Red Pilled

Why Are Men Walking Away From Marriage
Why Are Men Walking Away From Marriage フクロウ Fukuro 128 Views • 3 years ago

Red Pilled

"25 Years in Law"
"25 Years in Law" InfamousRifle 55 Views • 3 years ago

Another lie busted.

O fenômeno das mulheres que vendem pack e dos homens que compram
O fenômeno das mulheres que vendem pack e dos homens que compram M2GO Involuntário 170 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Canal Bitchute Atualizado:

Woke Women Will Disappear? -  MGTOW
Woke Women Will Disappear? - MGTOW Sandman 378 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

A Rotating Synthetic "Womb" Kept Mice Embryos Alive For Six Days

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by Mattick and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I had an interesting question that occur to me today. Will feminism simply die out like the dodo? In today’s glorious Golden Age of 4th wave feminism there are two categories of women; those with children and those without. Woke women, 200-pound blue haired land-whales a.k.a feminists, hypergamous career women, and the many others that suffer some form of Princess Syndrome all share one thing in common. They don’t reproduce, or is maybe fairer to say very little. Are we seeing some form of self-selective breeding process occurring amongst women? You know, the same type that happens with canines? Is Mother Nature stepping in and removing the negative attributes of toxic femininity from the human gene pool? Leaving the remaining women with mostly positive attributes; women that do not so easily buy into and conform to the anti-male rhetoric that comes from feminism. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this Sandman? Keep up the good work, you really are making a huge difference to so many men’s lives." Well Mattick thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. Mattick you are right that women on the left end of the political spectrum are less likely to get married and have children then those on the right. Or they are more likely to have only one child and therefore pass less of their values down to the next generation. Demographers in the United States have begun to wonder why the new generation in their teens entering adulthood is the most conservative one since the second world war and the answer for that of course is that conservatives are having more children than the liberals and they are passing some of their values down to their kids. To make up for that the left is pushing for more immigration for predominantly Latin American countries that are more accepting of communism and socialism. The right makes new recruits in the bedroom. The left recruits at the border and the airport. Barren leftist feminists don't really care about having children but they care that their values will live on in other people. Every person has a specific world view and the more we spread it and the more other people embrace it the more this validates our opinions and beliefs. MGTOW is different than these two groups because we predominantly recruit over the internet and regardless of what many of the conservative white nationalists say about us not wanting to procreate many of us would welcome that option if it came with far fewer risk. Woke women of course won't disappear completely. There will be conservative women that leave their Southern Baptist Church groups and ride the purple hair and tattoo cock carousel. I also suspect that there will be more conservative women in the future as the cost of living continues to go up and people become impoverished. Poor people tend to live under the same roof as their parents because they can't afford a place of their own. Parents tend to impose stricter rules. Even if they don't always follow them and still ride the carousel it's a lot tougher doing it under your mothers roof then if you're on your own.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

RPM HMT 160 REDPILLMARRIED 106 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Someone forgot the most BASIC lesson.

Ruined - Mgtow
Ruined - Mgtow Zuberi87 132 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

The TFM Show: 5/15/2021
The TFM Show: 5/15/2021 T.F. Monkey 1,470 Views • 3 years ago

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Você percebe que tem alguma coisa errado só não sabe o que é!
Você percebe que tem alguma coisa errado só não sabe o que é! MGTOW_Alfa 75 Views • 3 years ago


Let It All Collapse - MGTOW
Let It All Collapse - MGTOW Sandman 398 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Let It All Collapse

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Rodger. He didn't give me a topic so what I'd like to do is cover this graphic called this wis why we can't have nice things on Reddit. It's a gallup poll done back in 2012 during the 2nd Obama election. It's incredible to see that for women that the most important issue for women is abortion while the most important issue for men is jobs. I guess that more jobs means men make money so they can have sex and women have sex, get pregnant and want an abortion so they can have more sex too. Our species seems to be so simple. Now I understand why some states are pushing for what appears to infanticide with late stage abortions. Children that would be viable with a couple of weeks in an incubator or that would survive on their own without one are being discarded like dew rags in the rain. When you have a society where mothers don't even want their own offspring I guess it's time to let the whole system collapse. I'll discuss more in just a moment as to what male versus female voters are looking for and why what women want dictates our future or futures end. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Linsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. What's also really enlightening about that gallup poll is that ten percent of men say that the most important thing on their list is balancing the federal budget. But zero percent of registered female voters back then said the same. Balancing the budget is not a priority for women. Instead women wanted more healthcare spending. It makes sense because men tend to be more nationalistic and take pride in their tribe. While women take pride in their own territory which is cooch country so of course they want more healthcare to look after their baby making bodies that ironically they increasingly don't want to make babies with. The poll was conducted in the twelve key swing states back then. So obviously now I understand why democrat governors in states that are mostly divided democrat and republican allowed pushed for those late stage abortions to being with. After all if forty percent of women want abortion rights then you need to give them to them. The thing is women have had the right to abortions for fifty years now yet that's still the number one issue. Something doesn't really make sense here. If men had all the jobs they wanted and the economy was great then for men the economy and jobs wouldn't be the most important issues. Then tackling the federal deficits, lower taxes and healthcare would be a greater priority. But for women they have abortion access and yet it's still the most important thing. This is female cognitive dissonance at it's finest. It's almost like they fear that some male politician out there will hold them ransom by using their wombs as a weapon by banning abortion or something. This also makes me think that a lot of women voted for sleepy Joe and Kamala the woman that looks like she's from Ramala instead of Trump because Trump wasn't prioritizing the whamen. He was prioritizing jobs and the economy which are things that men want. But not prioritizing abortion even though it was a non issue was bad for him.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Statement on Palestine
Statement on Palestine Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 179 Views • 3 years ago

We argue in this Statement on Palestine that a free people can wage a struggle for liberation from oppression in Palestine. Those enslaved by the monetary system imposed upon us by the IMF, lack freedom. Those who differ with us should tell us how and where we are wrong in our view. INH

RPM HMT 159 REDPILLMARRIED 114 Views • 3 years ago

⁣The Summer of Slaughter begins!

Problemas del matrimonio en tiempos modernos (Che Morpheus)
Problemas del matrimonio en tiempos modernos (Che Morpheus) Biblioteca Hombres Libres 169 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Canal Che Morpheus:
Canal Principal:

Link Bonus:

Che Morpheus Es uno de los primeros y mejores creadores de contenido de la filosofía de los hombres libres en español. En este video Che expone la situacion del matrimonio en los tiempos modernos y sus varias desventajas

Men Got Tired Of Women
Men Got Tired Of Women Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 498 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Download the new Android app from here

Games & Rants (5/14/21) Gentlemen, Do Not Be Fooled By Lady D!
Games & Rants (5/14/21) Gentlemen, Do Not Be Fooled By Lady D! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 46 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Lost Ruins

Have you fallen in love with vampire goth mommy? Well, I noticed some tell-tale signs in the game that will make Lady D a horrible choice for any kind of relationship. She's a pump and dump, fellas. We also talked about other shit. The game is good.

She Dumped Me & Now I'm Happy - MGTOW
She Dumped Me & Now I'm Happy - MGTOW Sandman 248 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Artur. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I want to do is share a comment called The Epiphany of Being Single on the surviving infidelity subreddit. Here's what some random guy says and I quote: "My wife left me and started shacking up with some guy. I was devestated. I gained fifty pounds depressed. All that. But a year after she left it was like had an epiphany. I don't have to have a career to buy her a house. I wake up at 9 am or ten when I want. Some days I work out, go for a run, go out to eat and then drive two towns over for a milkshake then go home and play video games after I go shopping. And I still have money. I don't have to work 40 hours. I don't have to be in debt. So I quit my job started a business, sold my house payed off my credit cards. Moved back home with my dad and now I keep all my money. I buy those cutting edge Nike shoes I have a huge tv I work twice a week on average now. I thought the world was ending when she left me. But it was a silver lining. I'm glad she left. I was wondering so hard to please her and buy her stuff. And she left me for a Starbucks manager. But truthfully I'm glad she moved on and left me to just do what ever I please. The initial pain can fade and you can just move on and live like me if you want. A divorce isn't the end of the world. Just the end of abuse. My marriage failed because it was phony and now I'm free from having to prop up this phony life." unquote. Well Artur thanks for the donation and I'll share my thoughts about this man that's on his way to going his own way without knowing it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the cooch critter clown world show. So here we have a story about a guy that was depressed and heart broken for a year after his wife had left him. His self worth was probably tied up with putting his tongue on her titties and then they were gone. He figured out that he didn't have to be a hard working plow horse to purchase a nice place in the suburbs for her. If you use the metaphor that he was a plow horse on a farm and the farmer removed the fences the horse might not even notice they are gone. With this man it took him a year to realize that the fences weren't there and that he was free to leave the plantation. He was depressed because he was a slave with no master. Now he's realizing that he doesn't need a master anymore. This is why I think it's important for every guy to take six months to a year off after a major relationship. Don't be like me being a serial monogamist for twenty years not giving myself enough time to process the experiences of long term relationships before diving into yet another one. But that's exactly what happens to most guys that are in demand. They go from one woman to another and there are usually women just circling overhead to give a jerk the moment he gets dumped or he decides to leave his relationships. You've seen women like that before vultures with thirsty vaginas because they can't find a good man so they get as close to a good
man in a relationship as possible and give him hints to end his current love affair. I suspect that there weren't any women around for this formerly married guy because he was depressed and gained fifty pounds. A fat man after all is far worse than a fat woman. This guy realized that he can do whatever he wants in life leisure wise and still have money left over. I tell guys all the time to do things on their own, especially vacations and you'll notice they are far cheaper in the long run when you compare the quality of your adventures and quantity as well for the same price you'd spend with a woman. Sure you might pay twice as much if you were splitting things with a woman or friends but you'll see three or four times as much stuff and do it at your own leisure.

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Tinderella na Gringa
Tinderella na Gringa フクロウ Fukuro 195 Views • 3 years ago

Essa conseguiu dar um golpe da barriga no Irlandes. Garantiu o Green Card atráves do Xerecard. ?

RPM So Being Outright Honest Is The New Dating Trend?
RPM So Being Outright Honest Is The New Dating Trend? REDPILLMARRIED 150 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Always be wary of new snares and traps.


Lógica e funcionalidade
Lógica e funcionalidade MGTOW_Alfa 26 Views • 3 years ago


As mulheres se fazem de vítimas para conseguir o que querem
As mulheres se fazem de vítimas para conseguir o que querem Nikaido 73 Views • 3 years ago

Youtube - ⁣

Single Mother Wants Me To Get Life Insurance - MGTOW
Single Mother Wants Me To Get Life Insurance - MGTOW Sandman 276 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Wolf Of Wallstreet Matthew McConaughey

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Jake and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Was wondering if you have ever touched on the Life Insurance industry before. Since I am single I have never thought about life insurance before, until my single mom asked me about taking out a policy on myself. I was wondering why she asked me to do this, since she is already the sole beneficiary of my investment portfolio's. Since then, I have noticed Insurance company commercials, always seem to have a nagging wife telling their husbands "it's time", to take out a policy for "Our futures" in case "something" happens to one of us. It then hit me that Life Insurance is a huge money transfer from men to the wahmens. A man will spend his whole working career setting aside a portion of his paycheck for the policy, that is money He will never see. All done so that after He dies, she gets a nice Lump Sum payout to spend as she pleases. Not sure if this is a topic that can fill an entire video. Or if you can think of any other similar industries that are geared similarly. Love listening to your podcasts while I'm at the gym. Keep up the great service you are doing to enlighten men on the ways of the un-fairer sex." Well Jake thanks for the donation and topic. You're in luck because believe it or not I used to have a life insurance license for a couple of years along with my investment license. What you say is mostly correct but not all of it. First and foremost it's a huge wealth transfer from men to corporations that sell you the insurance policies. Jake maybe your mother is trying to sell you a life insurance policy. That's what happens when you start working for an insurance company. The first thing they do is try to get you to go around and annoy your family and friends all the time spreading the fear that they will die and leave their loved ones with nothing. Also it's a male dominated industry because it's commission based and you have to work hard and hustle to sell so women typically don't make it unless they buy a book of insurance clients from another insurance adviser, usually ready to retire. I met women that borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars from parents and their partners to buy a book of business and then they would just take over existing clients from the previous sales person. Usually they would go out together with the old insurance agent and meet all the old clients and suddenly boom she would appear to be successful. Meanwhile the male agents would usually start off from nothing and work their way up to success. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the clown world circus insurance show. Jake I can only speculate as to why your mother wants you to get a policy. As I said earlier maybe she's going to sell you a policy. Maybe she's worried if you die that she won't have enough money to cover her bills in her old age. I don't know her lifestyle and she's probably thinking it's not going to be all that expensive for you to get insurance. If you're young, in your late twenties and thirties you can get a term policy for twenty to thirty dollars a month. So it's not all that expensive and the higher the premium the greater the payout if something happens to you. You can for example get a ten or twenty year term policy for that amount I mentioned. The insurance actuaries figure out that the average man lives to what 75 or 80 so the odds of a thirty year old man getting insurance and dying before the age of fifty is pretty slim. So basically it's a free thirty bucks for the insurance company from your pocket each month.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Grim's Open Mic Night! (5/15/21) J-Love Told The Truth and It Was Bitter!
Grim's Open Mic Night! (5/15/21) J-Love Told The Truth and It Was Bitter! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 16 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Chasm

Tonight we discuss what J-Love had to say on last week's episode of the Migtown Podcast with Figbat. Other topics were also brought up, but we did try to stay on the red pill focus when necessary. I even brought up my old Bowsette video from back in the day.

Grim Rants: Basement Dwelling Hentai Freaks!
Grim Rants: Basement Dwelling Hentai Freaks! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 25 Views • 3 years ago

Game: GranBlue Fantasy Fighter or Something (I dunno, was bored of it quickly).

I had a debate with a tradcon over a few things and I discussed having saved some men, of course he goes to claim that these were not men I had saved, but "Basement Dwelling Hentai Freaks!"

I made this piece as a rebuttal to such ridiculous claims. Apparently, there are no man's men here, regardless of the fact that several served in battle in some factor. I grow tired of these dick measuring contests.

Black Men You Are NOT Welcomed In Africa
Black Men You Are NOT Welcomed In Africa Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 368 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Download the new Android app from here

Why I'm Red Pill
Why I'm Red Pill Pulsar357 35 Views • 3 years ago

Just a bit of my background.

Drake Red Pills Simp - MGTOW
Drake Red Pills Simp - MGTOW Sandman 253 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Drake Is Accused of Having an Affair With a Singer & Ending Her Engagement

Diabetic groom-to-be dies after taking cheaper insulin to pay for wedding

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Bryceton. This video is a thank you for him downloading the first five seasons of my Sandman audio files through digital down. Thank You. As for Drake I could only license one stock photo for this video and it's an old one from 2012 because the place I get them didn't have any more. But that's ok because I'll only talk about Drake for the first half. So what's happening to him anyway. I shared an article in the description called: "Drake Is Accused of Having an Affair With a Singer & Ending Her Engagement" A woman named Naomi Sharon says that Drake ruined her relationship because her fiance ended their 8 year engagement when he found out she was cheating on him with Drake. Yet someone how the story makes Drake into the bad guy. As far as I'm concerned Drake is the good guy here because he red pilled a man about hypergamous female nature. Naomi looks pretty plain with regards to her face but she's got a big booty and has thick thighs. I'll discuss this in just a moment. As well as another crazy story about a man that was going to get married but he died after he took cheaper form of insulin so that he could pay for his wedding. Now he's dead at the age of 27. Before I cover these two stories let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to the blame Drake for destroying a cheating woman's life clown world show. Naomi's husband to be ended their engagement after the rumored affair between her and Drake. I'm sure that if it was just a rumor he would have stayed but he probably found evidence of it. Drake flew Naomi and her fiance out to meet after offering her a recording deal. While they were there her Fiance caught her getting too close to Drake and posted the following online and I quote: "Imagine having the most beautiful, supportive, and faithful relationship eight years long with an engagement and wedding planned. A beautiful woman on your side as ride or die. Then this major opportunity comes, and a world star calls your fiancé to sign a record deal. Flies you both over, and than [sic] out of nowhere, all the trust is vanished with knives in your back and your heart.” unquote. We will never know what happened but if a guys heart is broken and trust betrayed then who are we to argue with that? As far as I'm concerned Drake did this guy a favor by getting together with Naomi. Now he understands female nature better. Drake probably doesn't even know it yet but he saved a man by sleeping with his future wife. He revealed the true nature of her character and charm. The only person Naomi has to blame is herself for getting caught. What would have happened if she wasn't caught and they got married? I don't think it would have happened. I think there's a good chance that she intentionally let herself get caught so that her Fiance would call things off. Now that she was getting a massive recording deal but also about to get married because the wedding date was already set there was no way for her to get out of that obligation while at the same time saving face. If she left him she would have looked like the monster to everyone. If she wanted to break up with her fiance she needed a way to get him to breakup with her instead. What better way to do that then to cheat out in the open and get caught knowing he wouldn't be able to handle it and would be the one calling this off. Sure she looks like the bad one in the situation but in typical female fashion she passes down the blame to someone else. In this case Drake.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Streamer fazendo conteudo sexual, ganhando dinheiro dos GADOS
Streamer fazendo conteudo sexual, ganhando dinheiro dos GADOS Nikaido 324 Views • 3 years ago

Foi banida,e usou a carta do "Racismo",porque foi banida.

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