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People & Blogs

DDJ: Liar, Grifter, Fraud, Thief
DDJ: Liar, Grifter, Fraud, Thief InfamousRifle 99 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Pro tip: If you have to constantly mention that you are an "internally validated masculine heterosexual male" on social media, you probably aren't those things

Screen shots

El gran fraude de la comunidad de la seduccion Pick Up Artists (Che Morpheus)
El gran fraude de la comunidad de la seduccion Pick Up Artists (Che Morpheus) Biblioteca Hombres Libres 111 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Canal Che Morpheus:
Canal Principal:

Link Bonus:

Che Morpheus Es uno de los primeros y mejores creadores de contenido de la filosofía de los hombres libres en español. En este video Che desmonta varias falacias de la comunidad de seducción.


You Let It Happen - Mgtow
You Let It Happen - Mgtow Zuberi87 100 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Games & Rants: Easter Special Where I Discuss Conspiracy and Orcs! Are Game Journos Colorblind?
Games & Rants: Easter Special Where I Discuss Conspiracy and Orcs! Are Game Journos Colorblind? Grim Lord's Games & Rants 32 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Fight Of Gods

Tonight I have a solo video as DP is still out with the shingles. I wish him the best.

I'll discuss my thoughts on the TFM&Popp debate, my studies in the conspiracy community of the 2010's (and why we all knew Q was bullshit), plus some meandering on super soldiers. I also discuss Orcs and communism creeping into modern gaming to top it all off with an important discussion on mental health and why it is important that people evaluate their choices before making them.

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I've Been Tricking All My Life
I've Been Tricking All My Life Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 371 Views • 3 years ago

Special thanks to all those who provided the videos

6pm Curfew For Men In The UK? - MGTOW
6pm Curfew For Men In The UK? - MGTOW Sandman 338 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Sarah Everard: Baroness who suggested 6pm curfew for men says she wanted to make a point

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Robert. He didn't send me a specific topic so I thought I'd cover a recent story about how Baroness Jenny Jones in the UK suggested that to protect women's safety that that men would be required to be at home after 6pm so that women would be safe on the streets. Of course if such an insane law was ever passed do you really think the criminal classes would abide by it or would they have a field day raping and pillaging while the men watched helplessly from their windows unable to white knight and protect women. Of course a few days after saying this the Baroness, which also happens to be the name of the female villain in GI Joe said that she wasn't entirely serious about the curfew for men. Saying not entirely serious is like saying almost pregnant which is technically not possible. Either she's serious about it or she's not. She can't be a fence sitter on such an issue. Other females in Parliament said that what she was proposing was insane because you couldn't take away the freedoms of an entire sex because that would be considered oppression. But to that all I have to say is how much longer before women
make up the majority of politicians and they start voting this sort of non sense in? You'll start to see coalitions of disgruntled cat ladies oppressing men because Chad didn't want to savage their cat lady cooch. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the crazy cat lady clown world show. So two days after the Baroness said all men should have a 6pm curfew she back peddled in a half assed way by saying that she's "That in fact nobody makes a fuss when, for example, the police suggest women stay home. But when I suggest it, men are up in arms.. Those were her exact words. What world does this woman live? For example when a male police man told women in Toronto they were dressing too slutty and it
could get them into trouble they decided to create the slut walk which became a global phenomena. Since women do women listen to what police officers say and take it seriously. She's old and out of touch aristocracy thinking the world is one way when it's a completely different way. If a man said something like this then there would be calls for his resignation and his party would throw him out but because a woman said it this doesn't happen because it's all about that female privilege. Plus women are always complaining about sexual harassment from men. Women have groped me before and so has a gay male and as a straight man who am I supposed to complain to about that? They probably want me to feel privileged if they grab me and oppressed if I grabbed them. The problem is that women like to launch shit tests on men and they want us to fight back because it's fun for them with regards to drama and they want to test how strong we are and willing to stand up to them. Like a child testing parental boundaries all the time.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Capô de fusca novo com 300 mil km rodados
Capô de fusca novo com 300 mil km rodados ThanosWasRight 37 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Essas são as futuras evangélicas e esposas de conservadores

Virtually Simping Day No.5XXX Documented
Virtually Simping Day No.5XXX Documented Francis_UD 33 Views • 3 years ago

Forgot when I filmed this video, I might add the date later once I find it.


⁣Não deixa ninguém te usar e nem como escada social, muito menos carreirista modernetes!

The cucks  fairytales of Las Vegas
The cucks fairytales of Las Vegas KenDelrican 128 Views • 3 years ago

PUA's conference nonsense bullshit$/invite/@Kendelrican76:7

still just talking
still just talking ThinkorDie 6 Views • 3 years ago

A quick video before I get into my book stuff. pt2

1st Video - just seeing how it works
1st Video - just seeing how it works ThinkorDie 22 Views • 3 years ago

A quick video before I get into my book stuff.

SUA AMADA TEM CONTATOS DO A AO Z Nikaido 96 Views • 3 years ago

Meretriz lotada de clientes

*As mulheres tendem a ter vários contatos de homens,na sua lista de aplicativos como o whatsapp,dos quais transam,e esses homens pagam os seus boletos,pagam uma coisa aqui outra ali,ganham presentes,pagam as compras de supermercado,levam pra sair.

Por qué no involucrarse con madres solteras
Por qué no involucrarse con madres solteras Jonathan Freeman 100 Views • 3 years ago

En este video, CASTILLO MGTOW, uno de los muchos creadores de contenido que fueron censurados por Femitube, describe muy rigurosamente por qué no es para nada conveniente involucrarse con una madre soltera.

Mulher Possuída - O POLICIAL PRECISOU DERRUBAR A PORTA Nikaido 105 Views • 3 years ago

Eu queria entender porque a maioria das pessoas endemoniadas/possuídas são mulheres??

Polícial invisível - ⁣

Self Deception - Mgtow
Self Deception - Mgtow Zuberi87 66 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

I'm Jealous Of YogiOabs
I'm Jealous Of YogiOabs Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 396 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣Download the new Android app from here

My Mother Cucked My Father & My Real Dad Is Chad - MGTOW
My Mother Cucked My Father & My Real Dad Is Chad - MGTOW Sandman 435 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

My dying mom made me [15F] promise never to tell my dad he's not my biological father.

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Dr. X and he wants me to cover a Reddit post archive which I've linked to in the description called: " My dying mom made me promise never to tell my dad he's not my biological father." and the person is a fifteen year old girl. And here's what that teenage tart has to say and I quote: "My mom died of cancer just under a month ago. A few days before she died my grandma and me were with her and she told us that I am not my dad's biological kid, she had an affair and my biological father is the guy she cheated on my dad with. She asked me if I forgave her and cos she was, you know, dying, I said I forgave her. Then she said it was her dying wish that I never ever tell my dad about it. I didn't really want to promise her that but she and my grandma kept telling me I needed to promise and there wasn't any point in telling my dad and it would only hurt him, so I promised. After my mom died I told my grandma that I felt really guilty keeping it a secret from my dad because I feel like he deserves to know. She told me that I would only be ruining his memory of his dead wife and breaking his heart for no reason, and if I told him she would never speak to me again because I would be ruining my mom's reputation. She also said if he knew he might not even want me anymore. I don't have any other family except my grandma and my dad and his parents who live in another country so I don't want to lose my grandma and possibly lose my dad or damage my relationship with him. I'm in therapy but my therapist can't like tell me whether to tell him or not, and I want advice on if I should tell him or not, and if I should tell him how I should go about telling him. So reddit, what do I do here?" Unquote. Well Dr. X thanks for the donation and topic. I'll cover what this fifteen year old girl should do in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyway, now back to the cucked clown world show. If I were this girl before I told the cuck I call dad first I'd go out and try to find my real dad Chad. I also found it ridiculous that the grandmother, her actual flesh and blood grandma would stop talking to her and never forgive her. Of course she's going to forgive her she's flesh and blood. That grandma sounds like an awful person exploiting her fifteen year old granddaughters fears against her. Women fear of being alone with no family. Of course Grandma probably wouldn't do that because she's probably old and lonely too but she knows that women hate being all alone. But maybe grandma is rely on the cuck to chauffer her around and help her bring the heavy groceries into her abode? Of course the fifteen year old girl, let's call her cuckerella can keep the secret. If women can keep their sexual notch count secret from their husbands and boyfriends then she can keep this one too. The question she has is should she tell him or keep it a secret? The longer she waits if she does say something the more complicated the situation becomes. If for example she tells him in a year or two he's going to be pissed off that his not so own daughter and not so own mother betrayed him after his wife died and she also betrayed him by cucking him with cuckerella. That man's red pill is so big it's more like a fist sized sepository. I'm torn, just like that guys ass will be torn with a sepository that size on wether this guy should know or not. His only child isn't his it's Chads. His wife cheated. This could drive a man to suicide. I would be really torn telling this man even if I knew and it wasn't going to cause me any problems. Also this girl asked a therapist for help. That's something a lot of people make mistakes with. Therapists aren't supposed to tell you what to do or they can lose their licenses. I remember when I was in a long term relationship by ex got pissed because therapists didn't tell me what to do so she got me a life coach and he wasn't licensed so he actually did tell me what to do and I got into a fight with him and wouldn't speak to him again and that just pissed her off more. No one should rob someone else of their personal choice.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Feminists Can't Wait Until The Patriarchy Returns
Feminists Can't Wait Until The Patriarchy Returns Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 360 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣Download the new Android app from here

How Creepy Indian Guys Prey On White Women
How Creepy Indian Guys Prey On White Women Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 488 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣Download the new Android app from here

The TFM Show: 4/3/2021
The TFM Show: 4/3/2021 T.F. Monkey 1,419 Views • 3 years ago

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Grim Rants: I Had To Take A Mental Health Break From TFM
Grim Rants: I Had To Take A Mental Health Break From TFM Grim Lord's Games & Rants 127 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Whipsy

I have been a fan of TFM for many years and I've supported him throughout that time. I still plan to do so, he is helping countless men and would like to help more. They need the help.

But I cannot really listen to the show for a while, because it is just too much for my mental health. I have a variety of issues that I struggle with everyday and it is tough, though I manage. The black pills of recent shows (which are necessary) are just too much for me right now, especially considering the stress of my job right now.

I would encourage all of those who need this information to continue to listen. I will continue to fight the culture war, although futile it is, it keeps me sane as these are small battles. Just think of me as Paul Revere in that sense, "The Collapse Is Coming! The Collapse Is Coming!" and prepare accordingly.

You should already be preparing to leave. However, focusing too much on this is just not good for a person like myself, who can be mentally unstable at times. Again, it is a battle that I fight everyday.

The PUA’S conference in Las Vegas Nevada full video banned YouTube
The PUA’S conference in Las Vegas Nevada full video banned YouTube KenDelrican 161 Views • 3 years ago

ckeck out the livestream$/invite/@Kendelrican76:7

Hide Your Success Part 3 - Mgtow
Hide Your Success Part 3 - Mgtow Zuberi87 112 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Boinking My Friends Daughter - MGTOW
Boinking My Friends Daughter - MGTOW Sandman 430 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Blame It on Rio Official Trailer #1 - Michael Caine Movie (1984) Movie HD

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ron and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, could you please review the film "Blame it on Rio"? I remember watching this on Showtime after hours during the 1980s because it's r-For me R-rated.movies with nudity didn't show until after 10 pm. I was 12 years old when I saw this film and think it dropped red pill bombs without me realizing it back then. I wondered if a film like this could be made today? With the plot and casting.. having the WOKE message dialogue..but with a twist and be accepted unlike the original? If for example the two main characters were Whamans with two sons......streaming on "WOKEFLIX" during the "KOOF". What are your thoughts? I know you could connect the dots on this film and correlate to Modern day ..MGTOW Philosophy. There are lots of perky boobs in this film and had a massive chubby custard launcher just watching this back then bill bonds thru out the film. The young actress in the movie was easy on the eyes and my Shwing-Shwang loved the "Polaroid Scene" Please disect and interject to the Masses my brother, thank you for all you do, Godspeed to your Future endeavors Sir." Well Ron thanks for the donation and topic I'll get to it in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Well Ron thanks for the suggestion. The film is aa romantic comedy that's actually comedic. Michael Caine plays a man that's having marital troubles and he go to Brazil with his best friend on vacation. Both men take their daughters with them. On the first night there his friends daughter, Jennifer makes a move by grabbing him and kissing him and kisses her back and they have sex and then things start getting awkward between the two friends while both daughters keep the affair a secret and seem to be enjoying the drama they have created between these two men. You just know that at some point they will become enemies once the affair comes out in the open. I put the link to the trailer in the description so people can check it out. This film came out in 1984 so it was at a time when divorce was being popularized by the media. The film was in a way showing men that divorce wasn't so bad. They could go to a place like Brazil and have higher sexual marketplace value because they are Americans and sleep with great looking women. The friend getting a divorce says he talks to his wife more during the divorce more than when they were married and Michael Caine says maybe the divorce will save the marriage. He think everything is ok with his marriage but then his wife gets more upset than usual and probably saw the other wife getting a divorce so she thinks it's socially acceptable that she wants one too. His wife decides she doesn't want to go on vacation with him to Rio and decides to take a separate vacation where she will no doubt cheat on him. Of course that's not mentioned and you have to read between the lines. His wife is unhappy because he's emotionally distant. Once they get to Rio, the city in Brazil that has a pair of boob shaped mountains on the beach almost beckoning the women on the beach to take their tops off Micheal Caines' character Matthew his best friend Victor decides to go out and find a woman to sleep with now that his marriage is over.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Survived the Great Purge 2.0 So Far. Praise God Jesus Almighty Amen.
Survived the Great Purge 2.0 So Far. Praise God Jesus Almighty Amen. Francis_UD 31 Views • 3 years ago

Filmed ⁣ on 08/01/2021 AEDT at around 4:00 AMduring the local lockdown.

A realidade biológica destrói a farsa da igualdade feminista
A realidade biológica destrói a farsa da igualdade feminista ThanosWasRight 30 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Campeonato Mundial de Atletismo em Doha, 29 de setembro de 2019. Na final de revezamento misto 4x400 (2 homens e 2 mulheres por equipe), a Polônia, com uma corredora feminina, inicia a última etapa com uma vantagem de pelo menos cinco segundos. Mas logo depois, QUATRO homens a ultrapassam de forma fácil.

O mesmo pode ser visto na segunda etapa, quando o corredor masculino polonês abre enorme distância sobre todas as outras corredoras.

MANVANTAGE??? Hold The Truth Hostage 41 Views • 3 years ago

Big announcement I'm working on a Book to Help you brothers out and to basically get my thoughts out in one sitting. MANVANTAGE

Qualidade das mulheres e bolha misandrica! Falando um pouco mais!
Qualidade das mulheres e bolha misandrica! Falando um pouco mais! MGTOW_Alfa 79 Views • 3 years ago


She Banged Another Man To Make Me Jealous - MGTOW
She Banged Another Man To Make Me Jealous - MGTOW Sandman 417 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Artur. He didn't give me a specific topic so I thought I'd share a story one of my viewers named Hexadecimal shared. His story is called Romance Horror and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I have a friend with benefits who I was planning on making my girlfriend, maybe more. I threw her a surprise birthday party, the first she had in a long time according to both her and her family. We invited everyone, even apparently her ex boyfriend (her parents did that not me). We had a trip planned to a theme park the next day, just her, her brother, and myself. As the party is ending, she tells me I need to go home, normally I spent the night, I wonder what'sup, but she tells me she'll pick me up tomorrow with her brother. She arrives outside my house in a newish vehicle I recognize as her father's friend, her ex boyfriend is driving. As the day proceeds and we arrive at the park it becomes clear that he spent the night at her house. I don't mention it all all. Her brother and I split off and I ask him how it was with his friend sleeping in his room and if he snores. He laughs and says, he didn't sleep in his room, he slept with his sister. I don't mention it for weeks and then she tries to throw something in my face about how I flirt with girls in front of her and I say, Oh yeah? I haven't banged any of them on my birthday though. She obviously knows what I'm talking about. She keeps trying to act serious or jealous with me sometimes and I'm like oh? Yeah? You want to be jealous? How about you throw me a surprise party and we'll invite my ex girlfriend and I'll send you home so I can bang her. The nerve of those ovaries of women sometimes, it's amazing. I'll never trust her as a monogamous partner after that. It's clear she's not trustworthy in that regard, which is fine, we're friends with benefits. Honestly, if she'll do that to me, if she does get married I'll probably be the guy she cheats on her husband with, or maybe it'll be her ex boyfriend again." Well Artur thanks for the donation and thank you Hexadecimal for sharing your story with me. I'm surprised you normally spend the night at her parents house banging in her bedroom? Now they are ok with another man sleeping with their daughter in the same bed. Talk about messed up parents. Obviously they like him more then they like you. You're still both very young if that's the case and I guess her parents are ok with her making decisions in her life. You're friends with benefits. More like you're in a polyamerous relationship and who knows how many other guys are coming over at her house on her, no pun intended. I applaud you on your very sneaky way to get her brother to spill the beans to you that the ex boyfriend was there. He probably thought you already knew for sure and that both you and the ex your sperm were racing each other up her womb to see who could get her preggers first. You might as well name you sperm sea biscuit. Before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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Roxy Tube & Brand New Tube Use The Same Software We Use
Roxy Tube & Brand New Tube Use The Same Software We Use Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 190 Views • 3 years ago

My math was wrong about TFM streaming bandwidth gigabyte. 250 viewers consume 1GB a minute not a second.

RPMGTOW Sins Of The Past
RPMGTOW Sins Of The Past REDPILLMARRIED 155 Views • 3 years ago

⁣They're LITERALLY doing our job for us.


Never Feel Sorry for Old & Single Women
Never Feel Sorry for Old & Single Women theredpath 70 Views • 3 years ago

⁣My opinion on why you as a man should never feel sorry for old and single women...

Life is Sh!t Day 10XXX Documented: Circadian Rhythm Degenerated Again
Life is Sh!t Day 10XXX Documented: Circadian Rhythm Degenerated Again Francis_UD 25 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Alternative Title: Ranting&Venting As A Result of Loneliness & Incompetence

Filmed on 01/04/2021 AEDT at around 0:30 AM
or 31/03/2021 Beijing Time

Zero Apologies Part 2 - Mgtow
Zero Apologies Part 2 - Mgtow Zuberi87 76 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

All The Money In The World Cannot Make A Woman Happy - MGTOW
All The Money In The World Cannot Make A Woman Happy - MGTOW Sandman 398 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Post About Madonna

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a topic so I want to cover a Reddit post I've put a link to in the description that covers a tweet by Jesse Kelly and he says this about Madonna and I quote: "Nothing exemplifies American feminism more than a woman worth $850 million dollars whining about how oppressed she is." unquote. He of course is talking about a tweet that Madonna put out February 20th where she said this and I quote: "The Patriarchy continues to try to crush my neck with their heavy boots, cut off my life force and take away my voice-Even those who call themselves artists . . You know who you are!!! Death to the Patriarchy! Now and Forever." unquote. So we have a woman that's almost worth a billion dollars upset with the patriarchy. Did the patriarchy drive her son away from her and get him to leave her and go move in with his dad. Yes you heard me right her own son decided that he was better off living with his father the director Guy Ritchie. Boys are usually far more attached to their mothers than their fathers so you know you screwed the pooch as a mother if he flew the coupe. There's a photo I put into this video where Guy Ritchie and Madonna and you can just see the stress on his face. She was probably yelling at him in the car ride over for being part of the oppressive patriarchy. So the Donald is gone and no where to blame so let's blame the non existent male collective, the patriarchy. Here's just another woman projecting the idea of the patriarchy so that men are too busy thinking about what we supposedly did wrong to figure out that there's actually a covert matriarchy that's really controlling society. I'll discuss that and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Madonna is old and hasn't been relevant over a decade or two. Her experiments into film making failed and she can't dance on stage now with the coof. Last year we saw her in a bathtub with really bad plastic surgery and she's probably losing her mind because her fans are gone and now she's locked up at home with no attention. Women fear being alone as they age and if they don't have someone around many of them get really mean, nasty and aggressive to everyone around them. I'm sure many of you have seen that when your father passed away and then your elderly mother was deprived of an emotional tampon and lacky around the house. Suddenly she goes out into the neighborhood and starts telling people what to do. Or she starts picking fights neighbors and the few friends and family she still has in her life. The end of attention for women is the beginning of their death. Money doesn't matter. She can do anything she wants but if she doesn't have her family and a man in her life to torment then she's going to go out on Twitter and try to torment the world. Or she mentions those that call themselves artists which is a way to shame certain people without shaming them so that she doesn't run the risk of Twitter sanctioning her account. She's not getting positive attention from anyone right now so she thinks to herself she might as well get some negative attention. It's sad but gives her her narcissistic fix. As for all the money she has Jesse Kelly is projecting reason and rationality on her behavior based on the way that a man sees the world.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:





Making Friends with Loneliness During Exile After Around 5 Days of Circadian Reset
Making Friends with Loneliness During Exile After Around 5 Days of Circadian Reset Francis_UD 24 Views • 3 years ago

Filmed during exile/homelessness in early 2020

Mulher Tenta Invadir A Casa Da Ex-Namorada Arrobando A Porta Com Botijão, Vítima Pediu Ajuda Em Live
Mulher Tenta Invadir A Casa Da Ex-Namorada Arrobando A Porta Com Botijão, Vítima Pediu Ajuda Em Live Nikaido 56 Views • 3 years ago

Cada dia que se passa,mais o oculto esta sendo revelado graças a internet

Menina Pede Dinheiro Em Ônibus Pra Comprar Drogas E Dá De Cara Com Sua Mãe
Menina Pede Dinheiro Em Ônibus Pra Comprar Drogas E Dá De Cara Com Sua Mãe Nikaido 87 Views • 3 years ago


RPBS - Direitos x Méritos
RPBS - Direitos x Méritos RedPill Barber Shop Igor Muniz 19 Views • 3 years ago

Abordo aqui minha opinião acerca da busca por direitos da nossa sociedade, e enfatizo que devemos lutar por méritos.

Some Personal Reflections on the Past & What This Channel Aims to Achieve
Some Personal Reflections on the Past & What This Channel Aims to Achieve Francis_UD 18 Views • 3 years ago

YOLO to you if you are a feminist

Trying to Respond to A God Hater With Faith, Hope & Charity
Trying to Respond to A God Hater With Faith, Hope & Charity Francis_UD 9 Views • 3 years ago

Link to the video on which the dude commented :

COVID -19 Vaccine passport is coming soon
COVID -19 Vaccine passport is coming soon KenDelrican 83 Views • 3 years ago

links below

Help Me! I Have Three Sisters - MGTOW
Help Me! I Have Three Sisters - MGTOW Sandman 332 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

No Ma'am - MGTOW Manifesto

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Victor and here's what he has to say: "An interesting topic I thought you could cover would be rep pill vs female siblings. I'm the oldest, nineteen years of age of 5 and I have 3 sisters. I'm constantly being bombarded with female nature and it's making me crazy. Its hard maintaining a "red pill frame" when you've been around female for most of your life. My younger brother has been simped beyond measure. I've tried to teach him about female nature but he always seems to enjoy slaving away to my sister's commands. Watching him just fail to pick up on female tactics gets me angry at time. I'm just glad I found your channel a year ago. It honestly saved me a lifetime of trouble. Apologies if my message is all over the place." Well Victor thanks for the donation and topic. Your message isn't all over the place it's just perfect. So you're being raised in a hornets nest full of hooters. Hooters you can't honk because they are blood. But they are also attached to females that loot your time. I can understand how hard it must be to be red pilled when they are asking you favors with their homework while you just want some privacy to jerk off. I'm sure before you listened to my content you ran and helped them with their work every time they asked. But now you realize they are tugging at your brotherly heart strings. I also feel sorry for any guys that come into your place as boyfriends of your three sisters. One girlfriend in high school I was making out with in her basement and her younger sisters would sneak downstairs and watch us make out and it creeped me out as the two of them would stare at me like they were taking notes about where their tongues were supposed to go. Before I discuss more about your life living with three teenage tongue whores let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. I dated a couple of women with brothers but they were much older and didn't live with her. One was in the army and the other was living far far away. Every other woman I dated had sisters. The thing to remember is that if you're dating a woman that's the youngest of her sisters then she's going to have the benefit of her older sisters behavior and sharpening her talons long before she gets a hold of a shlong. I couldn't imagine what it's like living in your situation Victor with estrogen overload. Whenever you want to use the bathroom the three sisters are probably stuck in there forever so you've probably had to piss in the sink or on a houseplant before. If that happened to you or happens again watch the Movie the Big Lebowski and emulate the part where someone urinates on his carpet. Oddly enough your sister probably won't even notice there's a problem until the cat is licking your yellow kool aid off their floor. Besides having a hard time keeping your behavior red pilled around sisters because a guys nature is to white knight for women a lot of guys end up becoming over protective older brothers cock blocking their fellow classmates. You see even nature doesn't want women to be whores so it made sure they had older brothers there to protect them from bad dudes. What I've always noticed with female and male siblings is that the women that were in relationships that had older brothers were usually the best ones to date.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

There's No Such Thing As Alpha Male Strategies!
There's No Such Thing As Alpha Male Strategies! Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 293 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Download the new Android app from here

Teoría de la oveja negra y el chivo expiatorio (MGTOW Hellfish)
Teoría de la oveja negra y el chivo expiatorio (MGTOW Hellfish) Biblioteca Hombres Libres 132 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Canal de Hellfish:
Canal Radio Hellfish HL:
Nuevo canal de Hellfish de parodias:
Sigue mi canal principal:

Hellfish es un exponente de la filosofía de los hombres libres muy pragmático, su sencillez y facilidad de comunicación le han granjeado el cariño de muchos en la comunidad de habla hispana
con sus historias. En este vídeo te explica como salir del proceso de indefension aprendida, el cual es un proceso en el que dejas de actuar al sentir que sin importar lo que hagas nada cambiara en tu vida. Debes salir de ese ciclo y superar tus limites.

Desculpa por ser homem!
Desculpa por ser homem! MGTOW_Alfa 40 Views • 3 years ago


Horrible Chinese Woman - MGTOW
Horrible Chinese Woman - MGTOW Sandman 434 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Man bails on restaurant bill after woman brings 23 friends to blind date

Masculinity Crisis in China?

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations because I didn't get one. The coof kills another one. If you want to send a donation a request a topic links to Subscribestar or my Paypal email is down below. Now on with the show. I found a short article recently called: "Man bails on restaurant bill after woman brings 23 friends to blind date" from the Global Times which I've linked to in the description. Here's what the article has to say and I quote: "A man aged 29 from East China's Zhejiang Province decided to leave dinner early when the woman he went on a blind date with brought 23 relatives and friends to "test his generosity," leaving him with a bill of 19,800 yuan ($2,964), China News Week reported on Monday. The man, surnamed Liu, went on a blind date arranged by his mother and agreed to treat the woman he had not met. However, to his dismay, the woman brought 23 relatives and friends to the meal. According to her, this was intended to test his generosity. When Liu was left with a bill so he fled the restaurant. The woman was unable to contact him and had to pay for the meal herself. Liu later agreed to pay for two tables, while the remaining ones mounting to 15,402 yuan had to be paid by the woman, who later claimed that she was the biggest victim. However, most Chinese netizens expressed sympathy for Liu, and called the woman's behavior "shameless." unquote. How typical that a woman is the victimizer and she tries to play the sympathy card after trying to take advantage of a simp. If she was serious about being with him then she never would have done this. But the Chinese dating market is one where there are two men for every one man. Women already have the advantage and the one child policy gave them the leg up. Also she put Liu into a shit test that he couldn't win or so she thought. If he told her no he wouldn't pay the bill then it would embarrass his family because his parents probably knew her parents or some other mutual acquaintance. If he did pay she probably wouldn't see him again and he would be three thousand dollars poorer but he would still have his honor. How much money is your personal and family honor worth. Well we know his wasn't worth that price. I think we need to give this situation a new label. Let's call it the micro wedding. You're not paying for two hundred and thirty people at an average sized wedding. Instead you're paying for 23 guests for a dinner date. This goes perfectly with the micro divorce a term the late great Paul Proteous came up with to describe a situation when a woman dates you for a few years, you move in with her and furnish an apartment and then you leave all the stuff you bought with her when you guys break up. I'll discuss that and the horrible Chinese woman in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia:

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

RPMGTOW Divorce Regret? PFFT. Oh Well SUFFER!!
RPMGTOW Divorce Regret? PFFT. Oh Well SUFFER!! REDPILLMARRIED 263 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Looks like the UK is now trying to "save" marriages. Not gonna happen!


JAMAIS SE ENVOLVA COM MULHER RODADA! Wall_Mgtow 264 Views • 3 years ago

⁣De hipotese nenhuma se envolva com mulher rodada, só burro pesana que as mulheres atuais servem pra relacionamentos,
não caia no canto de puta rodada modernetes.

RPBS - O Jogo Acabou.
RPBS - O Jogo Acabou. RedPill Barber Shop Igor Muniz 62 Views • 3 years ago

Trato da situação lamentável que ocorreu em Salvador com o PM assassinado. E também um alerta sobre como a nossa sociedade está rumo ao colapso. Já era, é xeque-mate. Preparem-se.

The Female Predator - MGTOW
The Female Predator - MGTOW Sandman 435 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous he has a lot to say so before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, welcome back to clown world and here's what Mr. Anonymous has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, I've been on dating sites since the 2000's, but I've yet to have a single date from these sites. Most of the chicks I meet on these sites end up asking me for money. I only fell for it once and once you get burned, you learn! Back in 2013 a chick approached me and started sending me sexy pictures of herself and saying she wanted to meet me. She convinced me to send her $130 transportation money so she could take a bus from Stockton, California to Los Angeles, California where I was. Needless to say, she pocketed the money and I never met her. I contacted the dating site and told them that she had
ripped me off, so they deleted her profile. A few weeks later she contacted me again and asked for more money. She had built a new profile, but still had the same picture. I think she probably wanted the money to buy crack, so I decided to blow her off. In the past 8 years since that incident, dozens of women have approached me on online dating sites wanting money. I have a standard answer: "I don't send money to people I don't know!" One chick responded by saying: "what else do you need to know about me before you send the money?" I've gotten so many creative requests from chicks asking me for money. Some of them want me to send money, some want me to send them an ebay gift card or an ITUNES card, Others people say they want me to send money so they can buy airline tickets so they can meet me. One chick asked me if I could photograph both sides of my debit card and email it to her. Nice try!! Some of them have sent nude or topless photos through my phone. I have some pretty hot photos in my phone!! I have noticed some patterns, though. A lot of the women I have corresponded with write in broken English, I get the idea they're not Americans. They might not even be in the United States. I get the impression that these are people in the Third World who are trying to get money from Americans, they have no interest in dating me. When I ask them if they want to talk on the phone, they always say "no". We just text back and forth. I've also noticed that sometimes I seem to be talking to more than one person, like a group of people have gotten together and posted a picture of a hot chick and then start reaching out to guys to try to get money out of them. I've also gotten messages that seem to be pre-written scripts, because I've gotten the exact same message from more than one chick. I wonder if there's like a boiler room somewhere? I'm visualizing like a long row of cubicles and a bunch of guys sitting behind laptops, drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes, and typing on computers. "I've got plane tickets!! I've got $300 on the board!!" Guy jumps up from his desk, goes to a board and writes $300 under his name. I don't know if it actually exists, it's just an image that popped into my head. This one chick kept asking me for an ebay card over and over. I think maybe she thought she could wear me down. I found one line that gets rid of them, though: "PUT OUT OR GET OUT!!" That works. For some reason I don't hear from them after that. I've had so many pitches from so many chicks on dating sites asking me for money, but for some reason, no one has ever wanted to meet me, no one I've met online has ever loved me or cared about me. I think that's because today, the male provider has been replaced by "Big Daddy Government". When a chick wants something they just go to the government. They have something we need, but we don't have anything they need. So, the female body is used in a predatory way, to extract money from males without giving anything in return. In a natural setting, they are forced to "put out" to get what the provider male offers in return. In today's situation, with the Socialist government around, the male just pays and gets nothing in return. I'd be interested in hearing what you and your viewers have to say on this topic--what do you guys think?" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. Just so that everyone knows you're the same Mr. Anonymous that let the homeless woman live in your house. This latest video request was also painful to listen to because you came across as extremely gullible at first. I'm not going to sugarcoat my response.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

I Like My Girls Thick 'N Juicy
I Like My Girls Thick 'N Juicy Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 297 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Download the new Android app from here

Games & Rants (3/29/21) Dissing Racist Rappers & Promoting Butterface Boobies!
Games & Rants (3/29/21) Dissing Racist Rappers & Promoting Butterface Boobies! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 29 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Subverse

Did this one by myself, since DP is out with the shingles. Tonight I diss the white nationalist rapper Mr. Bond (supposedly shown in the picture) for not only being a bad rapper, but for using terminology from an Asian show (Dragon Ball Z and the song "Power Level") for a song that is supposed to be about how great white culture is. If the guy values white culture that much, then why is he using terms from an Asian show? OOF! Yes, white people definitely have problems that need to be addressed, but maybe this isn't the best way to do it?

I also talk a little bit about butterface girls and how they can be a lot of fun. Maybe incels should try them sometime. Finally, I discuss some points that Dr. Christopher Ryan made and will be talking about some very deep subject material that he discussed on a later show.

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RPMGTOW The TRUE Equality Of Violence
RPMGTOW The TRUE Equality Of Violence REDPILLMARRIED 154 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Violent people do not care about Gender, Race, Age, Status, etc.


RPBS - 7 Passos para ser um MGTOW ‐ Made with Clipchamp
RPBS - 7 Passos para ser um MGTOW ‐ Made with Clipchamp RedPill Barber Shop Igor Muniz 32 Views • 3 years ago

Aqui eu trato da minha visão a respeito de como se tornar um MGTOW. Acredito que é uma escalada necessária. Também diferencio os Incels, dos PUAs e dos Homens que seguem a sigla.

Games & Rants (3/28/21) Special: Mgtow.TV Fan Response Episode!
Games & Rants (3/28/21) Special: Mgtow.TV Fan Response Episode! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 52 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Jagd Lanzer

Hey guys, this is a exclusive episode that is dedicated to you, the fans! DP came over despite dealing with a bout of shingles and he and I sat down to read your comments and provide some insight on them. Because we appreciate the comments, the debates, the wisdom - it's been great. Without you guys watching, we would be nothing. I never thought we would build the audience we have now and sky is the limit as far as I'm concerned.

I also share my thoughts on the Undead Chronic Warband. I get it, and I understand what he's doing, but I tend to get my head conflicted with TFM's message that it is a time waster and men should be busy preparing for what is to come. But I do appreciate the efforts to educate men on what seems to be a web of lies disguised as life coaches. That's very dangerous, especially with modern metoo. If Chronic and others feel the need to go to war with these guys because they don't want men to be destroyed by the system, then I cannot be against that.

One thing about the modern red pill community is that there are so many differing viewpoints regarding what is about to happen, and what needs to be the current focus. So I want to focus on what I feel is important right now. I've made my videos telling you to prepare, but I will agree that there are still battles to be fought. I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet.

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Bolha misandrica e previsões da década!
Bolha misandrica e previsões da década! MGTOW_Alfa 77 Views • 3 years ago


MGTOW Is Unstoppable
MGTOW Is Unstoppable Sandman 876 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

'Bitcoin has made the Nigerian currency almost useless, valueless', say Senator Sani Musa

The ‘Men Going Their Own Way’ movement is the Taliban of the manosphere

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Tom and here's what he has to say: "Howdy Sandman Tom the un married un miserable guy here. I have a bit of information I think you and many of your listeners are going to find interesting. As you remember I won sole custody, of my two daughters. My older daughter graduated and is doing online classes, but landed a good medical equipment sales job back in Westchester, NY so she moved back to New York but lives north of Manhattan. My younger daughter attends her 12th grade classes here in Tulsa. According to her there is an un-sanctioned MGTOW club that meets during lunch. This club from what she observes has at least 50-60 Boys of the 11th and 12th grade. The Girls and some Teachers complain vehemently against it, but since it meets during lunch and study halls, not much can be done about it. They discuss, your channel, SSM, Joker and others. I thought this was fascinating and
encouraging that the message has started a TGTOW movement or teens going their own way. Anyway, thought you'd be interested God Bless, and stay safe in this crazy mixed up World." Well Tom thanks for the donation and topic. Isn't it wonderful to hear that even though MGTOW can be censored online by forcing many of it's creators to stop using the acronym that the ideas are spreading in the real world and have reach a critical mass in high schools and that they can't be stopped. Women make up eighty or ninety percent of the teachers in grade schools and they can censor the ciriculum to be anti-man as much as they want but they can't control what boys talk about in their free time. Universities can ban on campus groups but that doesn't mean that guys can't find other ways to meet and discuss female nature. The combination of information age communications technology and MGTOW philosophy are having an impact. I knew this to be the case when a vile feminist in the UK was saying that MGTOW and manosphere ideas couldn't be censored online because if they were that more boys would learn about them. She said something has to be done, most likely to maintain covert female control over men and our species as a whole but they don't know exactly what to do. I love your story Tom and I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. It brings a tear to my cock when I hear that girls and some teachers complained vehemently against fifty or sixty boys meeting in an un-sanctioned MGTOW club. They can't do anything for now and guys like Better Bachelor can't really be censored because he doesn't use the MGTOW acronym. The mainstream media can't make a hit piece about a group of men going their own way sharing knowledge about female nature and demonitize dozens or hundreds of YouTube channels at once because the message is more decentralized than it used to be. Plus if they get someone like Better Bachelor off of YouTube with a hit piece then they need to go for Coach Greg Adams or Think Before You Sleep next. Other guys also exist that discuss dating and health for men and they drop red pills all the time. The ideas are becoming mainstream and from what I see MGTOW content with the label or not gets about three to four times as much traffic as Bitcoin channels. We are witnessing three revolutions at the same time. One against the banksters with Bitcoin. One against the thots with MGTOW and one against the lame stream media and social media with alt tech platforms like Bitchute and Parler. Women are complaining about high school boys they can't control and while that's awesome we can't be complacent.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Algumas considerações sobre o caso do AlfaceSpirit relevantes e edificantes
Algumas considerações sobre o caso do AlfaceSpirit relevantes e edificantes liutaio 66 Views • 3 years ago

O Roque tras aqui algumas considerações importantes sob o ponto de vista individualista dessa pequena cena patética so PUA que tanto foi zoado. E São pontos que qualquer um que tenha comprometimento com si mesmo de evoluir deveria considerar e fazer uma auto análise. Assim como eu mesmo fiz.
Não me arrependo de ter postado o video sobre ele e nem acho que eu tenha feito sem um objetivo, o que ficou claro nos comentários e descrição: Em que o ponto era que não existe esse negocio de alfa, beta e que não devemos cair nesse jogo de parecer o que não somos e dar dinheiro pra esses caras pilantras que ensinam a fazer o que não fazem. E continuo afirmando isto sobre ele: O cara ensina o que não sabe! E outro ponto é que esse negócio de religião nofap é outra balela (pelas promessas que faz e não pelo autocontrole em si).
Mas o ponto que o Roque colocou é ao mesmo tempo importante e oportunidade de auto conhecimento. Redpill profunda.

ps. publiquei aqui pq ele não tem fins monetários com o canal e porque ele não costuma postar por aqui.

The Psychology of Prostitutes
The Psychology of Prostitutes Obsidian_pill_from_bitchute 105 Views • 3 years ago

Bitches ain't shit. They are demonic, chaotic, destructive, and want to destroy your soul.

RPMGTOW Only When WOMEN Are Affected
RPMGTOW Only When WOMEN Are Affected REDPILLMARRIED 186 Views • 3 years ago

⁣If I'm mad at this article more men should become outright ENRAGED!


The TFM Show: 3/27/2021
The TFM Show: 3/27/2021 T.F. Monkey 1,442 Views • 3 years ago

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She's Waiting For The Perfect Man - MGTOW
She's Waiting For The Perfect Man - MGTOW Sandman 355 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
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Former church pastor now makes $100K a month as life-coaching stripper

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Rich from the UK and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Love your work Sandman. You've helped me a lot over the years in focusing on myself and achievements." Well Rich thanks for the donation and kind words. I'll put your money towards a Reddit post I recently found called Women waiting for the perfect man. In the post we saw a woman that had turned into a skeleton waiting dead on a park bench for the lover of her life the Undertaker to arrive. And no I'm not referring to the wrastler although that would be funny if he showed up and crushed those bones down to pulp and put them in the Paul Bearers urn. Those sure were good wrestling days in the world wrestling federation. The reason I'm bringing this topic up is because every so often I get upset because I see women in their late thirties, forties or fifties that are single and you know they would jump on the right jocks cock at a moments notice but they won't jump on a nerds worm. They are willing to bench their boobs and stay off the market and stay single for a decade or two or even til they shed their mortal milf costume but they won't settle down for a guy that they see as being beneath their standards. So they spin on spin on spinster sister and wait strategically to find the right man. Meanwhile society doesn't shame them for being selfish with their slit. They aren't hounded by nationalists because they are wasting their fertility window and being told that because they aren't choosing to have babies it means the end of the human race. Meanwhile I tell guys not to get married and suddenly there are ton of guys that can barely grow a mustache from the barrels of soy they ingest telling me what I'm doing is wrong. The double standard is incredible. These guys are going to end up the way Mike Pence might end up if history fifty to one hundred years from now looks at Trump in a positive light. Trump told Pence that if he did the right thing history would remember him as a patriot. But if he did the wrong thing history would remember him as a pussy. I guess it all depends on who's writing that history. I'll discuss all this and more in just one moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways now back to the clown world show. As I've stated on numerous occasions I've seen women in their fifties and sixties spend the previous ten to fifteen years single or they spend their time looking for the right man and then when they find him they end up with him. Some of these women with no class just waiting for a good man to breakup with his abusive wife, the first woman he ever had sex that recognized his law career was going to take off and she married him first and enjoyed the good life. For whatever reason the relationship ends and a guy like that is being eyed like a prize and a bunch of different women end up throwing themselves at him the way an unemployed Japanese career man throws himself in front of a moving train pretending that it's a subway samurai sword or something.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

NÃO DISCUTA COM FEMINISTA Voz da Liberdade 93 Views • 3 years ago

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Um vídeo do copini me motivou a criar o canal!
Um vídeo do copini me motivou a criar o canal! MGTOW_Alfa 55 Views • 3 years ago

Resumindo um pouco!

Lessons From The D J Saga
Lessons From The D J Saga REDPILLMARRIED 168 Views • 3 years ago

⁣So much to be learned.

Resposta ao canal 1001 idéias!
Resposta ao canal 1001 idéias! MGTOW_Alfa 22 Views • 3 years ago


Documental: ¿Cómo se dividió la comunidad MGTOW en Español?
Documental: ¿Cómo se dividió la comunidad MGTOW en Español? Biblioteca Hombres Libres 507 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Documental que narra y analiza los hechos que llevaron a la comunidad MGTOW en Español a su división más grande hasta ahora. Cuenta con 3 Partes:

1. Acciones del Canal Master CR que encaminaron a la división de la comunidad mgtow:
0:00:00 Intro
0:03:29 Master permite difamaciones a compañeros mgtow por parte de detractores sin rebatir sus argumentos.
0:15:43 Master permite tergiversaciones de la filosofía y amenazas a che en su canal
0:24:17 Master niega pruebas mediante gaslighting, negando pruebas y atacando a quienes le cuestionan su comportamiento
0:55:04 Master desaprovecha la oportunidad que se le da de dialogo
1:15:46 Master fomenta el crecimiento de trolls e infiltrados en la comunidad con su discurso
1:22:55 Master se alía con infiltrados y los defiende a diferencia de lo que hace con canales MGTOW
1:47:14 Master crea salseos pero luego acusa a otros de ser quienes los inician
1:59:59 Conclusiones respecto a las acciones de Master CR

2. Otros factores que desmotivaron a creadores de contenido a continuar en la misma linea:
2:09:00 Razones por las que che morpheus y otros creadores se distanciaron de la comunidad MGTOW

3. Reflexión Final y propuestas para evitar estos mismos problemas a futuro
2:28:34 Reflexión final

"Eu sou ganhadora de 8 troféus pelo sexy hot!!" Isso a deixa lado a lado de Isaac Newton e Nikolas Tesla. Kkk.
"Eu sou ganhadora de 8 troféus pelo sexy hot!!" Isso a deixa lado a lado de Isaac Newton e Nikolas Tesla. Kkk. Incognito X 243 Views • 3 years ago

Grandes bosta minha filha!!

Feminism Frees Men - MGTOW
Feminism Frees Men - MGTOW Sandman 381 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Passive Income With CJ

Moldy Dirty Pineapple:

Carl Jung - Shadow Projection

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Travis and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, My buddy is MGTOW and I wonder if you’d follow their accounts and if you’d consider using their art in your video response to my question? Thanks! The apostle Paul, who wrote much of the Bible, writes that it is better to be single. I get you on that. How much of MGTOW’s description of “female nature” is Jungian shadow projection? And what should men recognize about their own nature in order to live meaningful lives?" Well Travis thanks for the donation and topic. I put the two links to you buddy Moldy Dirty Pineapple and his art in the description so people can go there and check him out. I also added him on Twitter but I don't have Instagram so I can't do that. As for your question I think it's a little bit laughable but also quite thot provoking. I put a link in the description to a video on Shadow Projection with Carl Jung where the narrator says that shadow projection is when we do things behind our own backs and unwittingly help our enemy. But how does sharing information about female nature help women? We are reducing their chances of finding a good quality man to marry and capture resources from him. We are making men aware of the tricks that women employ on men to convince men that the juice is not worth the squeeze. If anything it's the PUAs, MRAs and Incels that are shadow projecting. PUAs help women by giving them attention. MRAs give women a platform to speak at men's rights events and make money from the causes of men and Incels also give females too much validation by going under the knife to get chin and peck implants so they can get their peckers wet. How exactly do MGTOWs help women? I see no way. A better example of shadow projection would be leftist Wokesters fighting the alt right. They say they are against greedy capitalists and corporations yet they support the censorship of big tech platforms and the insane amounts of money they makes using our data illegally for their own benefit. They don't see that they are helping those that they claim they are fighting against. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ: Insert AD Anyways, now back to the video. The video about Jung says that the shadow only becomes hostile towards others when he is ignored or misunderstood. But how are men that choose to go their own way ignored or misunderstood by women? We are the ones ignoring women. We are not misunderstood. They immediately see us as a threat when they hear us speak and start shaming us calling us gay and selfish. They understand our behavior and they become hostile not our own unconscious shadow. Because let's get real that's what Jung is saying. The unconscious is the shadow. The shadow can take many forms according to Jung and it can take opposite sides of the ego and embody the qualities that one dislikes about other people. I don't see myself as doing that or many MGTOW content creators. In fact my channel allows me to embody the qualities I like in other people and my honest true self that I may not be confident enough to say or do in real life. I used to think that Sandman in some way was my Tyler Durden alter ego. The bad boy that could say or do all the things the real me wouldn't or couldn't. Not someone embodying the negative qualities of others so I can defend myself from the criticism of others. But instead a way to be honest and true. I feel that if anything I have to play the role of the shadow in real life and online in the MGTOW community I can be myself. Partially because I don't have FU money to say what I really mean. But as the price of Bitcoin keeps rising and the FU money keeps showing up I find that it's not changing my resolve and making me an asshole and to be honest it's a bit of a relief. Jung also says that sometimes the self and the shadow are pointing in the same direction.

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Ask me "me pergunte" março de 2021
Ask me "me pergunte" março de 2021 Constantino 33 Views • 3 years ago

mgtow manda

Beta Male Strategies Are So 1999
Beta Male Strategies Are So 1999 Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 267 Views • 3 years ago

Download the new Android app from here

Smash Her & Throw Her In The Trash? LOL - MGTOW
Smash Her & Throw Her In The Trash? LOL - MGTOW Sandman 368 Views • 3 years ago

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Passive Income With CJ

Bullet Dodged I'd Say

Pepper "The Savage" Potts

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from a more than generous donation from Aaron. I believe this is the second of third. With his donation I've decided to cover a reddit post which I've linked to in the description and here's what some random woman from the female dating strategy subreddit has to say and I quote: "The roommate of the man I'm currently dating is in his early 30s, conventionally attractive, a practicing lawyer, owns his own condo (has a roommate to offset the mortgage and law school loans), is very fit, eats well, is clean... He exhibits a lot of high value attributes at face value. Since meeting him I've been confused as to why he's still single. My boyfriend mentioned to my a conversation he had with said lawyer roommate about diamond rings - how they're way over valued and the concept of diamond engagement rings only exists because of marketing. My Boyfriend agreed with his roommate that shelling out all of your savings for an engagement ring is an unfair expectation, and you can show your love to someone in other ways. I pushed back at that and said that if you are asking a woman to marry you, and she is the thing you value most in life, then the expensive ring is necessary. He told me I had the "wrong answer" and I was being materialistic. He then goes on and recalls a story the lawyer roommate told him recently after spending all day with a woman, the lawyer roommate and said woman go out to a club together. He then takes her home and she spends the night. The next morning as she is leaving, she gets in a screaming match because the lawyer roommate refused to get an Uber for her. My boyfriend says something along the lines of "isn't that ridiculous, why should she expect an Uber?" I told him by not even offering to get her an Uber, he's showing her that he doesn't care about her after he got what he wanted: Sex. My boyfriend retaliated by saying "he spent all day with her, obviously he like her". I said No because by not ordering her an Uber, he showed her that the day spent together was just playing the long game to assure he gets to have Sex with her. He got what he wanted and discarded her. So now I know why this sexy lawyer is still single. PS I know that my boyfriend failed my vetting process too. He'll be dropped tomorrow." unquote. Just to let everyone know this woman was also vetting the lawyer as a potential relationship candidate while she was with said boyfriend. I'll discuss this situation in just a sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ:

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MÃE DO ANO telecurso_mgtow 85 Views • 3 years ago


O que a roupa diz sobre a mulher?!
O que a roupa diz sobre a mulher?! MGTOW_Alfa 131 Views • 3 years ago

Meus conceitos!

Os outros comeram de graça, mas você tem que pagar?
Os outros comeram de graça, mas você tem que pagar? MGTOW_Alfa 133 Views • 3 years ago

Assisti esse video no dia da mulher foi épico!

Real Man - Mgtow
Real Man - Mgtow Zuberi87 107 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Grim Rants: Quit Killing People Because You Don't Get Your Way!
Grim Rants: Quit Killing People Because You Don't Get Your Way! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 80 Views • 3 years ago

Game Tetris Effect (More like Woketris)

These are my rather angry thoughts regarding the Colorado shooting, by yet another incel. I'm more than just angry about this stuff, I'm pissed off. Recent information shows that he never had a girlfriend and lived in his mother's basement (Daily Mail). Seriously not making this up. Should have just gotten a doll and put a hijab on her.

Mais uma borderline usando da artimanha de campanhas difamatórias ao ex companheiro, depois de ter sido rejeitada. CANCE
Mais uma borderline usando da artimanha de campanhas difamatórias ao ex companheiro, depois de ter sido rejeitada. CANCE Incognito X 144 Views • 3 years ago

É sempre a mesma história!!
- Não me ajuda em casa.
- Só me procura pra sexo.
- Não me dá atenção.
- Traidor!!
- Me afastou da minha família.
- É possessivo!!
- Blá blá blá!!
- E mimimi!!

Ah vai tomar no cú!!

Why Does My Wife Cheat On Me With Chad? - MGTOW
Why Does My Wife Cheat On Me With Chad? - MGTOW Sandman 344 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
Swan Bitcoin (Americans Only)

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by another donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey sandman I've got another topic for you and that is why do women Cheat on the working man when the working man is paying for that happy life they live? While this hasn't happened to me yet, I've noticed that a lot of women have cheated on their boyfriends or husbands because they are at work rather than at home. But when they have been caught cheating on their significant other they lose that paid happy life. I just don't understand why is it they say we were so lonely that's why we cheated, but they'll never be with a broke man or a guy that hardly ever works to pay for a happy life. I fear this could happen to me which is why I asked my Gay neighbour to watch my house for me because recently I've taken 3 jobs due to Covid. My tenets could not afford the rent so I offered them free rent with certain conditions. I used to have just one job plus taking care of the apartment. But now I have turned my car into a lyft ride And working another job thus the 3." Well Teaven thanks for another donation and topic. So the coof is really messing you up with regards to rents. I know one guy that's having trouble renting his properties too and might have to sell one or two of them shortly to free up cash flow for mortgages. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Swan Bitcoin: Anyways now back to the clown world show. Isn't it obviously by now as to why women are greasing up another man's hot dog while the man they are in a relationship is out working and paying for her lifestyle? They were never really all that attracted to the man they are with. He's just a door stop for her to practice hypergamy and sleep with other guys she finds more successful. Women see well off guys that have a sexy mistress and also have an average looking wife to raise their kids and they think what's the problem with them having a pool boy Chad on the side and an average looking beta to provide a steady paycheck? According to them men have been doing it since the dawn of time so it's their turn to get their twat pocket wet too. What they don't realise is that only a small percentage of men throughout history were either good looking enough or successful enough to be able to have a mistress. Women emulate the top men because I believe that deep down inside they are trying to emulate what they are attracted to. They want to be with the alpha Chad and either be his mistress or the mother of his children and are willing to play the field even when they are with a loyal hard working male provider. Most women would do that if they could get away with it. There have been surveys done asking both men and women if they would cheat on their significant other if the risk of not getting caught was guaranteed to be zero and a substantial amount of women would be far more likely to do so when compared to the men. Teaven as for offering your tenants free rent without certain conditions I hope that one of those conditions isn't that they have to get on their knees and take it if you know what I mean? You don't want to get metoo during the coof and be forced to live out of the trunk of your car. A few days ago I had a guy contact me asking me about where he could park his vehicle over night and sleep in it without worrying about being interrupted. I told him that a Walmart Parking lot near where the RVs are parked is the best place. There are a lot of desperate guys out there. I can only imagine how many white knights and simps are paying out of pocket for their own rental apartments for thots that say they can't afford to live there anymore. If she can't afford to live there there's no reason a guy needs to play captain save a hoe. Meanwhile more often than not if it's a man living there and can't afford it he'll got thrown out on the street on account of his male privilege. As for women settling down on betas and then cheating on them I see so many women
like that that are single mothers and then they find a new beta and have an anchor baby to keep him around.

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Weak Men Pray 4 Hard Times
Weak Men Pray 4 Hard Times Hold The Truth Hostage 43 Views • 3 years ago

Why Hard times do not truly breed strong man and why men claiming it does goes against wanting to help men

#men #hardtimes #society

Why Women Love Abusive Men
Why Women Love Abusive Men Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 341 Views • 3 years ago

Download the new Android app from here

It Only Takes Eight Seconds For Her To Sleep With You
It Only Takes Eight Seconds For Her To Sleep With You Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 308 Views • 3 years ago

Download the new Android app from here

Derrick Jaxn Should Have Just Got A Doll
Derrick Jaxn Should Have Just Got A Doll REDPILLMARRIED 244 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Yes Mr. Jaxn some woman ARE being replaced by waifus.

Never Go to A Church Where Women Call the Shots
Never Go to A Church Where Women Call the Shots Francis_UD 107 Views • 3 years ago

Or YOLO to you!

Grim Rants: I Was Wrong About Donovan Sharpe! Don't Fall Into The Trap Of Lies and Deceit!
Grim Rants: I Was Wrong About Donovan Sharpe! Don't Fall Into The Trap Of Lies and Deceit! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 123 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Carmageddon Max Damage (This Game Is Terrible, Do Not Buy!)

This video was made after listening to some guys in Drexel's chat and discovering some things about Donovan Sharpe that I did not know. Like many (though not all) guys who try to sell game, he was living a lie. I also bring up the story of a PUA coach that I knew back in the day, what happened to him and why you should not deceive men. Men have come here because they were either deceived by women or do not want to be deceived by women; so they do not want to be deceived by their own brothers in the manosphere, selling false hope and dreams. Don't be a deceiver to try to help men.

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Beware Of Women - MGTOW
Beware Of Women - MGTOW Sandman 451 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Beware MGTOW: REKT by Ayn Rand's Gynocentric Philosophy Objectivism

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman This is an Ayn Rand related topic. You have already made a video about Ayn Rand. You have also already made a video rebutting, Charles Tew, a nihilist disguising as an objectivist who lives in his parents basement. You also made another video rebutting the global voice of objectivism, Yaron Brook, a materialistic globalist tradcon who recently moved in a gated condo in Puerto Rico to escape the IRS. This new guy has recently popped up now called Mr Cropper and has made a couple of videos about MGTOW. In my view this guy is a thousand times less rationalistic compared to the other two bozos and therefore stands closer to Ayn Rand’s philosophy. He has made numerous points that show that he understands reality. For instance, the other two egalitarians fooling the sheeple that they are objectivists would never ever admit the truth about IQ differences between the genders. I only have a few apprehensions about him but before I conclude my thoughts I would appreciate your thoughts on the rebuttal video that he made. MGTOWs are decent, hard working, honest men who are enslaved by most women and the simps and they have used their rational mind in order to achieve or pursue happiness via freedom and self determination. How are they any different from the heroes in Ayn Rand’s magnificent Atlas Shrugged (that was originally called “the Strike”). MGTOW is not a philosophy. In the same way that Galt’s Gulch is not a philosophy. MGTOW and the Gulch are similar. A reactionary movement against the oppressors of the mind. Why is Yaron’s hide out in Puerto Rico any more rational? Objectivism is basically the philosophy that is behind MGTOW. Objectivism is the only philosophy out there that represents rational human beings, striving for their own self interest and with their ultimate goal being their happiness. I say that if MGTOW is Neo from the Matrix, an Objectivist MGTOW is Morpheus. Thanks in advance." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I couldn't really make heads or tales of your words. They confuse me. But I'll try to use my fancy MGTOW decoder ring found on the back of a cereal box to figure you out and give you a response in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWS Guide To Retiring on 200k In Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. Mr. Anonymous the video you shared with me from Mr. Cropper I put a link to it down below. Your request it confusing and I don't know if I can give you a proper answer. Even Mr. Cropper in his video says that he doesn't know if the video he's replying to by someone named Plain Sight has anything worth replying to in it. Cropper does however make a valid point when he says that all buildings are built in some way to raise men's stature with women or house women. So in a sense he's saying that Ayn Rand created a gynocentric philosophy worshiping alpha males. The men that built everything should be worshiped like gods in a sense. Many men worship god for building the physical world around them. Some women like Ayn Rand worship men that took what god built and used it to build even better things for women. So in a sense Ayn Rand was cheerleading for cock. As for the Cropper video I don't really know what I can say about it. It's confusing. So what I want to focus on is a series of questions you asked me and the first one is how are MGTOWs different than the heroes in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged? Since I haven't read the Fountainhead I'll focus on the men of Atlas Shrugged. You have Rearden and he's not a MGTOW. He's married to a miserable wife and he's being used by her as well as the government that are both stealing his resources and time.

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Video Background Credits:
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RPMGTOW Hit Piece Articles No Longer Work
RPMGTOW Hit Piece Articles No Longer Work REDPILLMARRIED 184 Views • 3 years ago

⁣You can't catch Shadows or Ghosts.


Games & Rants (3/22/21) Let's Quit Fighting and Be Men!
Games & Rants (3/22/21) Let's Quit Fighting and Be Men! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 25 Views • 4 years ago

Game: A Hat In Time


Note: There was a slight microphone error in this video. I tried to utilize two mics and apparently they were too close to each other or something and ended up echoing off each other. This only happens in certain parts of the video. I looked through it and still felt that it was worth posting. The echo wasn't that terrible. From now on, we will only use the blue yeti. And we tested this with some bonus SubscribeStar content. The blue yeti by itself works wonders, let me just say...

From now on, we will do our shows with this format:

- Intro and housekeeping
- Opening article and discussion (One article will be discussed per show)
- Show topic and commentary
- Profit? XD

You get the idea. After the main topic, tangents will fill the rest of the conversation. Whether they're revelant to the red pill or just something that came off the top of my head. I still believe the best discussions are organic. So we want to continue that organic back and forth.

Today we are going to talk about the stupidity of men fighting over roughly the same issues, but different approaches. Stop it. Also, men should not be crawling into women's DM's and harassing them for bullshit. Let's cut that out too. All of this shit is childish, just like that shit Zack Snyder pulled a few days ago. Fuck Zack Snyder for that shit, by the way. That's not how a man acts.

The Mexican Cartel Makes Feminists Disappear - MGTOW
The Mexican Cartel Makes Feminists Disappear - MGTOW Sandman 604 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
YouTube Channel

Why have feminists been disappearing in Mexico?

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

This video is brought to you by a donation from Michael. He didn't give me a topic so I want to cover an article I found called "Why have feminists been disappearing in Mexico?" which I've linked to in the description. While in the west most men have resigned themselves to being woke, drinking soy and squeezing all the milk out of their mammaries after taking their daily dose of estrogen in Mexico they have taken a different approach to feminism and woke women. They make being a feminist very dangerous and deadly as they Mary Antoinette them instead. It's despicable what the cartel is doing to Mexican Feminists. Despicable I tell you. They are give them acid barrel baths a making them disappear in the desert after what they believe is giving these women their just desserts. I don't agree with violence. It's never the answer. So why is this happening? Why are Mexican men fighting back against women and their Taco Supreme movement south of the border. Women blame the patriarchy in all it's forms and I heard some rumblings that they started to MeToo the cartel members. In the west when we say something naughty against women we get deplatformed. But in Mexico when you say something bad about a powerful man or attack masculinity in general you're not going to simply get thrown out of social media. You're going to get thrown out of your mortal meat coil regardless of if you have a golden taco or not. Now let me read a bit from that article and I quote: "Earlier this year, a well known lesbian feminist Twitter user called Luisa started to receive death threats via the microblog network. Fearing for her own life as trolls released sensitive personal information about her, she shut down her Twitter account and released a statement about the direct violence she was experiencing. It’s very clear the political and gendered message, has shaken the nation, especially the activist and journalist communities. “We are realizing that we are at the mercy of whichever force, albeit narco trafficking, organized crime or our government,” Lulu V. Barrera, an activist with the feminist group Luchadoras, told Dazed. A mere week before the quintuple murder, Barrera arrived at her day job with the organization Justice Equity for Women to find that their offices and been raided. In what she called a very targeted attack, the robbers took administrative computers and then proceeded to steal from their bank account half of the organisation’s operational budget for the year. Barrera believes it was a clear assault on the work they are doing defending women within what she calls the “patriarchal justice system." unquote. Well guys maybe it's time to look at moving to Mexico. Now we know why Vention MGTOW is probably down there. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lord Bogdanoff:

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Ya'll Go Your Own Way More Of Latisha For Me
Ya'll Go Your Own Way More Of Latisha For Me Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 349 Views • 4 years ago

Download the new Android app from here

RPMGTOW Survival Of The FITTEST REDPILLMARRIED 232 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Nothing else needs to be said.


From High School to Success (for a Man)
From High School to Success (for a Man) theredpath 31 Views • 4 years ago

My thoughts on the differences for man between High School and Success!

מתי הבת זוג שלי תיראה כמו דוגמנית אינסטגרם???
מתי הבת זוג שלי תיראה כמו דוגמנית אינסטגרם??? Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 34 Views • 4 years ago

p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
מתי הבת זוג שלי תיראה כמו דוגמנית אינסטגרם???
when my woman will look like an Instagram model???
מתברר, שהאונס באילת היה פיקציה. ואיסי רפאלוב וחבריו הולכים לצאת זכאים מבית המשפט.
אחותי היקרה, מתי תיראי כמוה???

O que eu acho das GPs!
O que eu acho das GPs! MGTOW_Alfa 57 Views • 4 years ago

Obrigados pelos comenterios no videos anteriores!

Stingy - Mgtow
Stingy - Mgtow Zuberi87 109 Views • 4 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Os caras relutantes!
Os caras relutantes! MGTOW_Alfa 42 Views • 4 years ago

Link do video: ⁣

Thirsty Men Getting Ripped Off By Escorts - MGTOW
Thirsty Men Getting Ripped Off By Escorts - MGTOW Sandman 534 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. anonymous and he's got quite a bit to say so before I read his comments and questions let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. Here's what Mr. Anonymous has to say and I quote: "Hey Sandman, I wanted you to do a video if you already haven’t on this topic. How thirsty men are destroying the escort economy. I’ve been going what I like to call “semi monk mode” for the past few years now. I only do the bedroom calypso on special occasions, birthdays, Christmas, New Years, and the day me and my ex fiancé broke up thus celebrating the day I woke up and walked off the plantation. The past few years of going semi monk mode, I’ve been seeing escorts. I’ve never had a problem until recently, I felt a disturbance in the force, and no, it wasn’t from one of the escorts coochi coo’s. It started with my regulars for my birthday back in summer. This was of course when the beer flu hit hard. I contacted my regulars seeing which ones were available that day, Which both of them were. I went to go see the one I was in the mood for and she told me that she had raised her prices. It wasn’t much so I didn’t mind, not to mention I know with the beer flu, times are hard. Then things got a little weirder, come Christmas the prices (not just on my regulars) shot up again. In fact, they shot up so much they became unreasonable. Not saying that the women I was seeing weren’t attractive, they were just at this point over pricing their SMV (sexual marketplace value). They were approaching stripper prices and in some cases, porn star level prices. Now as of recently it’s gotten extremely ridiculous. I went on a website that I know of that I met my regulars on, just to see how deep the rabbit hole goes. It took me to things I thought I would never see a day in my life. There is literally a hardcore dyke charging men five hundred dollars for one hour of fun time. She’s not even cute or attractive. I couldn’t believe my eyes Sandman, not to mention other women on there who are also over pricing themselves are extremely rude, disrespectful, and even don’t cater to their clients. It’s their way or the highway. Either you do what they say, even for ridiculous pay, or they keep their cooch away. It’s absolute madness, madness I tell you..........I had a conversion with one of my regulars I’m most closest to, and I asked her “are men really paying these prices?” She said “yes”. I told her I couldn’t believe it. That’s when she told me that the men she’s been seeing are so desperate for sex they’ll pay whatever she wants them to. She also told me that until me, no ones told her that her prices are to high. Also, I had a conversation with a friend of mine who frequents escorts. He told me on two occasions the escorts did something really strange that’s never happened to him before. He said two of them wanted the money up front (no surprise, sometimes this happens), but after giving them the money, he said in the middle of the fun time, they kicked him off and forced him out. They took his money and left him high and dry. I mean what’s he gonna do anyway? He can’t call the police because what’s he gonna say???.....”I went to see an escort, she took my money but didn’t give me the service I paid for.” Apparently you can’t even pay for it anymore, the juice really isn’t worth the squeeze. So with all that being said bro, here’s a little of the money I was gonna spend to take a dip in some escorts river. I Figured since the pools are closed, I might as well put it to good use, by putting out a public service warning to my fellow MGTOW. Next time you think you’re safe paying for a chance to slide in to the pearly meat curtains of some escorts golden vajayjay.........think again. You might either be severely over paying and or about to get screwed (and not in the good way) out of your hard earned money. As always, have a good day bro and cheers!" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. It breaks my heart and my cock sheds a lonely tear for all the men out there that are getting screwed out of a lot of money when they want to screw. I'm not surprised. For the first month or two of Covid I had at least one coaching session a day.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Young Men (Inspired By C.1)
Young Men (Inspired By C.1) Hold The Truth Hostage 43 Views • 4 years ago

My thoughts on alternatives for young men and how they can be helped

#men #youngmen #help

Showing 233 out of 234