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People & Blogs

Origins - Mgtow
Origins - Mgtow Zuberi87 86 Views • 4 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

RPMGTOW My Perfect Week
RPMGTOW My Perfect Week REDPILLMARRIED 230 Views • 4 years ago

Gents, live your life to the FULLEST!

Practised Some East Asian Languages Again With A Lady &Hoping It doesn't Count As Simping
Practised Some East Asian Languages Again With A Lady &Hoping It doesn't Count As Simping Francis_UD 16 Views • 4 years ago

Filmed on 21/03/2021

The TFM Show: 3/20/2021
The TFM Show: 3/20/2021 T.F. Monkey 1,304 Views • 4 years ago

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A mulher pode ser substituida
A mulher pode ser substituida MGTOW_Alfa 78 Views • 4 years ago

Reflexão, audio antigo!

Senso de merecimento MGTOW
Senso de merecimento MGTOW MGTOW_Alfa 39 Views • 4 years ago

Mais uma reflaxão!

The Facebook Friendzone - MGTOW
The Facebook Friendzone - MGTOW Sandman 443 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
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Men, here are seven types of friend zone you are likely to be trapped in

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I want to do is cover something I realized recently while doing a Skype chat with someone. He told me that back while we were younger you'd go out to a night club and you'd ask a girl for her number. If she wasn't interested she would be honest by refusing to give you her phone number. Over the years he's had way more luck getting girls numbers but now she doesn't want to talk to him over the phone or date him. Instead she's either using him as a texting friend or she's connecting to him through social media like Facebook or Instagram and leaving it at that. She doesn't even respond when he contacts her. I thought about this and realised that about four or five years ago when I was finishing up my dating days that similar things were happening to me. I call this phenomena the simpening. Men haven't realised that the game has changed when it comes to the friend zone. That there are now different levels in the friend zone. There are friends a woman goes out with in real life. There are friends she's going to text or talk through Facebook messenger and finally there are friends that she's adding to Instagram that will potentially feed her lots of tiny doses of attention as tiny little dopamine fixes the more likes she gets on her posts. She doesn't want to talk to you over the phone or through text messaging in various forms. She just wants to add you as a friend so that you watch her posts so she can see the numbers go up and up because she's addicted to them like a drug. I'll discuss the Facebook friend zone and so much more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. So the next time you meet a woman and exchange numbers or connect on social media and if you have some interest in her contact her and see what happens. If she blows you off entirely then you're nothing more than a potential supply for Facebook likes. If she talks to you over the phone but doesn't want to go out with you then you're in the more traditional friend zone. So what's a guy to do when he realizes that there is a now a hierarchy in the friend zone and that the guy that gets to talk to a woman over the phone that's using him as an emotional tampon is king of the simps. She doesn't want to have sex with him she just wants him to commit all of his attention to her whenever she wants it. If she calls and he ignores her a few times she can just as easily rotate into another guy that she has in the Facebook friend zone. It's not like average men are scarce or anything. That guy will be happy to hear her voice and obtain more female validation. That is until if and when she finds someone better to replace him. The conventional friend zone might be where a woman is single and you're her activity partner and she's using you as a shoulder to cry on because Chad stretched out her Vag a little to hard and she needs your emotional support. There are also women that are in relationships that place guys in the friendzone so that not only can they complain about their boyfriends to the guy making them think they are about to dump their boyfriends for them. What they are really doing is using beta males as emotional tampons so they don't have to dump all their toxic emotional crap onto their boyfriends and risk messing up the relationship and they know their girlfriends don't want to hear it either so the false hope of cooch keeps the suckers coming back think they will get sucked.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

The Art Of Cope: The Doll Life
The Art Of Cope: The Doll Life Grim Lord's Games & Rants 193 Views • 4 years ago

Game: Remilore

Tonight I'm talking all about the doll life, or what living with a sex doll is ACTUALLY like. I'm also going to dispel the myth that doll owners are timid shut-ins with no friends or personal contacts. I also discuss a few personal things. Hey, I'm not perfect and I still have things I could work on, but we all have our flaws. Finally, I discuss my shot down idea of using silicone molds to modify dolls. Hey, it's not a bad idea in theory at least - but neither was communism. We all know how that turned out.

This is the first video with an actual Blue Yeti as opposed to the snowball.

Why Women Go Woke - MGTOW
Why Women Go Woke - MGTOW Sandman 378 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Passive Income With CJ

The Trials of Wokery

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a topic so I want to explore why women get woke. We all know that being woke quite often leads to cancel culture. The two go hand in hand. Woke women love cancelling men and publicly shaming us for behavior that is inappropriate today that would have been appropriate a decade or two ago. Why do they do it? What do they get from it? As far as I can tell it destabilizes society so that women can get enough drama and attention through their actions and use men and other groups of people as emotional tampons so they can prevent themselves from going insane just a little bit longer. I have a feeling that it's going to get worse as society atomizes. Woke oppressed minorities will eventually lead to tribes of one. The oppressed individual. That's what the woke crowd doesn't seem to understand that eventually when you keep adding adding more people to the right of woke you create alienation between everyone. But in the meantime the woke tribes still exist. For now. Being woke is a religion and cancel culture is like the inquisition. Women love going on the offensive accusing others of the very same thing they are guilty of. Because if you can accuse someone of something before they can accuse you of the same thing then you take that power away from you. You can't reason or argue with them because they don't care about that. They want to play mind games with you while you believe they actually have a point. They get pleasure from mind games like gas lighting and dominating men. It just shows a lack of power in their lives so the only way they can feel empowered is to mess with your big head because obviously they don't want to mess with your little head. Or maybe because they are horribly behaved feminists with a terrible appearance you wouldn't even pay them to play with your little head so they are taking out their angst on all men because individual men keep rejecting them. As the wealth inequality in society grows it's only going to get worse. I guess you might say that many that are woke are also broke. har har. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ: Anyways, now back to the video. As I was saying woke women aren't necessarily in it to win. They are in it for distance and irritation. The only way you win against radical wokesterism is by going your own way from it. They want power for powers sake and they want to use it by pointing out all the so called inappropriate things you are doing in your life. What did people think was going to happen when all the churches closed? Did they really expect all the church ladies that go around pointing out everyone elses sins so that no one can point out theres would just go away. Most humans need something greater than themselves to believe in and a social group to feel connected to. The church of woke has replaced Christ for many. There is also great power in cancel culture. Powerless women that can make false sexual allegations simply because they are jealous of a man's success because their own life is an utter failure. Originally according to the Urban Dictionary Being woke means being aware and knowing everything about what’s going on in the community related to racism and social injustice." But woke has gone on to symbolize the millennial special snowflake attitude and woke women are egged on by this attitude against them. Woke women and groups will eventually self destruct. They didn't want Donald Trump to disappear so they put him on trial to throw him out of office after he had already left office. They know that once he's gone they will start to turn on each other. They need a constant external threat to survive and once they overcome it they need a new one. One of my favorite writers James Howard Kunstler wrote an article called "The Trials of Wokery" and it inspired me to make this video. Now I'll read the part that inspired me and I quote: "Wokery is not about principle, not even a teeny-weeny bit. It’s simply about coercion and punishment, which is exactly why apologizing for supposed counter-Woke errors never avails.

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Grim Rants: Incel Violence Already? I Hate Being Right About This Shit!
Grim Rants: Incel Violence Already? I Hate Being Right About This Shit! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 37 Views • 4 years ago

Game: Last Encounter

My thoughts on the Atlanta shooting. This was recorded just after it happened, so information was still coming in. I hate being right about incel violence in this country starting up again just as the lockdowns start to wind down. Unfortunately, there will probably be more of this and we have a see a problem.

Just get a waifu, you fucks!

Grim Rants: Old Man Says, "Wear Your Mask!"
Grim Rants: Old Man Says, "Wear Your Mask!" Grim Lord's Games & Rants 26 Views • 4 years ago

Game: Owlboy

I wasn't going to release this one because of the drawl, just maybe a bit too down south for ya'll. But it is still important. This old man tells us that if we behave like good boys, we may get to have a barbecue with our family on the fourth of July. Apparently he forgot what the fourth of July is all about.

Congrats Covidiots You Now Have AIDS
Congrats Covidiots You Now Have AIDS Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 480 Views • 4 years ago

Download the new Android app from here

What If Women Watched My Channel?
What If Women Watched My Channel? Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 300 Views • 4 years ago

Download the new Android app from here

How Women Define Themselves
How Women Define Themselves theredpath 58 Views • 4 years ago

⁣How women define themselves and my life experience on that..

Them White Bitches ain’t no Damn Better
Them White Bitches ain’t no Damn Better NotchLion 72 Views • 4 years ago

white girls aint no better than Black Women

RPMGTOW All Hail The Stingy Men Association
RPMGTOW All Hail The Stingy Men Association REDPILLMARRIED 194 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Men Guarding Their Own Wallets


Nashville airport no mask this is such a acam
Nashville airport no mask this is such a acam Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 231 Views • 4 years ago


Jamais dê atenção gratuíta a uma mulher!
Jamais dê atenção gratuíta a uma mulher! MGTOW_Alfa 103 Views • 4 years ago


The Great Feminist Reset - MGTOW
The Great Feminist Reset - MGTOW Sandman 519 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Passive Income With CJ

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, Thanks for waking up men all over the world regarding female nature. I do have a burning question regarding the feminist's role in the "great reset". With the shutdowns causing many business owners to lose their livelihoods and the elite's plan by 2030 where everyone will "own nothing and be happy for it," how would the feminists play an important role during that transition where they probably won't be able to extract as much money and resources from men if all the property and assets is going to be in the hands of the corrupt big government/corporations by then? Subsequently, is it possible that the "great reset" is also being used as a stealth population control as the elite's ultimate goal is to reduce global population growth and to have all the assets and wealth to themselves as it will be used to control the world populace that is still around despite growing opposition against what here in America is considered to be "corporate fascism". I can't help but be more convinced that the corrupt media is constantly fanning the narrative that the women is the "victim" while the men get laughed at and spit upon because of our "toxic masculinity", more so as a MAJOR distraction from the elite's ultimate plan is so that we going to be attacking each other based on gender and gender fluidity and less on whom is REALLY behind all of this. Anyhow, sorry for the somewhat long rant, but I figured that you would be the best guy to answer those type of questions. Thank you for keeping us men informed and continue "preaching to the choir" about us going our own way!" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ: Anyways, now back to the video. So you want to know how women will get men's money and resources if we won't own anything and we will be happy in 2030. The great reset is actually the idea of stake holder versus share holder capitalism. Getting more women into positions in big corporations while shutting down small companies thanks to coof lock downs and any other means necessary. Stake holder capitalism means more loyalty for big companies from the people, mostly women in the future that they employ. The problem for companies when hiring men is that men tend to go where they are treated best. Women tend to stick around in abusive jobs and relationships. Don't believe me then look at many of the women that are part of MeToo and ask yourself why they stayed with many so called toxic and abusive men if they were so bad? As for the corporations they will give women money directly in the form of jobs and as stakeholders in companies. What amounts to crumbs to shut them up. The feminists and women in general are too stupid not to realize what's happening. They won't need men to extract the wealth from if the corporations hand over many if not most of men's jobs to women because of equality and hiring quotas. Of course it won't stop at equality and you could easily see most corporations eighty or ninety percent staffed by women and men being the poor ones in society. Look at what happened in Paris city hall with violating the hiring rules with regards to having too many women working there. If that happens everywhere it's not as though men wouldn't rise up at that point instead of smiling like that soy boy in the world economic forum's video about it being 2030 and you own nothing and you're happy. Everyone freaks out thinking that's going to happen.

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ארוחת ערב של גבר אלפא 100% סטרייט???
ארוחת ערב של גבר אלפא 100% סטרייט??? Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 37 Views • 4 years ago

ארוחת ערב של גבר אלפא 100% סטרייט???

UK  lawmaker wants 6:00 PM curfew for men
UK lawmaker wants 6:00 PM curfew for men KenDelrican 77 Views • 4 years ago
⁣Use my referral link to sign up for and we both get $25 USD :)

Por que sou mgtow, um pouco da minha historia!
Por que sou mgtow, um pouco da minha historia! MGTOW_Alfa 64 Views • 4 years ago

Backup dos video youtoba!

Put Single Mothers Into The Trash LOL - MGTOW
Put Single Mothers Into The Trash LOL - MGTOW Sandman 419 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Swan Bitcoin (Americans Only)

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Gregor and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman. I discovered your channel after I was discarded by a 44 year old mother of 3. One adopted and twins via ivf. No father around. I was Papa for 2 years and after proposing to her 3 months in, I bought her a diamond and we were married. 1 ½ years later. . . . 4 months after being exhausted by her demands I callled her out. Her response was couples therapy. In the first session she said she was finished. I moved out heart broken 3 months later. I haven’t seen the children since April and don’t expect to see them as long as they are children ever again. It was a super red pill experience. Btw I am 50 and earn well over six figures. I'm a healthy man who is a professional chef of 30 years and a degree in natural therapeutics. I am not disposable. I thank God that I am now awake and free to be me and do my own thing. Thank you." Well Gregor. thanks for the donation and topic. Before I discuss your crazy case let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Swan Bitcoin: Anyways, now back to the video. So Gregor it wasn't enough for your wife, now ex wife to tug on your nut sack while her kids tugged on your heart strings. It wasn't enough to get you to stick around and take all of her abuse and high demands. This is the world we have entered. One where women are adopting African babies and having their own well past their fertility windows in their forties with ivf technology and they aren't happy with this. They want a man making six figures serving them five star chef meals on their picnic table and they push those poor guys to Anthony Bordain themselves in the upstairs bathroom after nagging at them non stop. The really sad part about this is that there are men out there willing to trade their lives for the chance to spawn up her barren snatch once a month after he serves her a five star brunch. No man is disposable until they are disposable. As you found out Gregor. What's really sad is I think that one of the consequences of living in a disposable culture is that we see people disposably if we see our technology that same way. I form emotional attachments with people and objects. But women like the one you were with probably don't form any attachments with either. Getting rid of a car, computer or phone feels wrong and I feel like I'm breaking my commitment to it. 2 weeks in I slightly crack my phone screen. Not to worry in 2 years I'll get another free phone. Besides my old phone had a slight crack in it as well and I used it just fine for almost seven years. Plus it was a lot slower. It bothered me so much that the new phone had a tiny crack but I live for four years with a bigger one on the old phone and it didn't bother me at all. I suspect that when we are constantly updating our material possessions we get pickier and pickier and willing to throw the old away quicker because we know there's a new one around every corner. That's why your ex wife divorced you Gregor. Because you're like a phone on a two year contract. You get a new phone after two years so you might as well get a new papa for your kids after two years too. Two year phone contracts. Two year marriage contracts. The problem with single mothers is that many of them were willing to throw away their first relationship with the father of their children for a shiny new father, you. You can't change or
raise a fully grown woman to know any better. You can't help her. You have to treat single mothers the way you treat people with narcissistic personality disorder. Just stay away. If you could help her then someone else would have before you. She obviously doesn't care about the children as much as she cares about herself.

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RPMGTOW HMT Special Case 2
RPMGTOW HMT Special Case 2 REDPILLMARRIED 149 Views • 4 years ago

⁣I had a lot to say about this one.


Motorista Ferido E  Preso Nas Ferragens e o Saqueamento De Mercadorias
Motorista Ferido E Preso Nas Ferragens e o Saqueamento De Mercadorias Nikaido 89 Views • 4 years ago


El Mejor Comentario De Una Mujer Visto Hasta Ahora En Mi Canal (Che Morpheus)
El Mejor Comentario De Una Mujer Visto Hasta Ahora En Mi Canal (Che Morpheus) Biblioteca Hombres Libres 131 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Canal Che Morpheus:
Canal Principal:

Link Bonus:

Che Morpheus Es uno de los primeros y mejores creadores de contenido de la filosofía de los hombres libres en español. En este video Che analiza una gran pildora roja, donde una comentarista nos confirma que todo lo explicado por MGTOW es cierto


MGTOW no es una secta (Patricia MGTOW)
MGTOW no es una secta (Patricia MGTOW) Biblioteca Hombres Libres 79 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Canal de Patricia:

Patricia gestiona un canal de contenido que expone datos de forma muy objetiva si te gusta aprender con datos y razonamiento lógico recomiendo seguir su canal.

En este video Patricia desmiente la falacia usada ad nauseam de que la filosofia MGTOW es una secta, cada uno de nosotros somos hombres con criterio propio, somo hombres libres.

Visita mi canal principal para ver más videos:

בחורה טובה, עושה מה שאתה אומר לה לעשות???-9wG8EGa1el8
בחורה טובה, עושה מה שאתה אומר לה לעשות???-9wG8EGa1el8 Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 32 Views • 4 years ago

בחורה טובה, עושה מה שאתה אומר לה לעשות???

מצעד הגאווה מגעיל ומבחיל אותי בתור גבר 100% סטרייט
מצעד הגאווה מגעיל ומבחיל אותי בתור גבר 100% סטרייט Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 36 Views • 4 years ago

מצעד הגאווה מגעיל ומבחיל אותי בתור גבר 100% סטרייט.

חזקיהו מחליף את מייקל לואיס?
חזקיהו מחליף את מייקל לואיס? Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 27 Views • 4 years ago

חזקיהו מחליף את מייקל לואיס?

My Wife Won't Let Me Buy Bitcoin LOL - MGTOW
My Wife Won't Let Me Buy Bitcoin LOL - MGTOW Sandman 283 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

I buy $500/month of bitcoin. My wife hates it. Should I care?

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is cover a Tampa Bay Times article called "I buy $500/month of bitcoin. My wife hates it. Should I care?" which I've put a link to in the description. Here's are the initial remarks by someone named Crypto Chris has to say and I quote: "Dear Penny, My wife and I have an agreement where we each are allowed to spend $500 a month however we choose. We have emergency savings, we both contribute to our retirement accounts and we have college savings plans for both of our kids. I’ve recently started using my $500 to invest in bitcoin, and my wife is furious. She hates bitcoin because I lost money on it a couple years back. But I only jumped back into it in August, and already I’ve tripled my money. If we’re allowed to spend our money however we want, shouldn’t I be allowed to invest in bitcoin? She’s wasted money by buying too many clothes and doing DIY projects that would have been cheaper just to pay someone else to do. I’ve never complained because it’s her $500." unquote. So thank you Thomas for the donation and I'll respond to Crypto Chris's comments in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the crypto clown world show. I'll share my own thoughts about this situation first and then I'll go through the comments of Penny the penny hoarder a little bit later. Of course this is a double standard. The wife is allowed to spend her money on useless consumer goods like clothes and do it yourself projects that probably never get done. Or if they do they never get done properly. Maybe the wife of Chris doesn't like crypto because if he's right this time and it goes up ten times from where he invested his money right now and say he has sixty thousand dollars in a year to spend on whatever he likes instead of only six thousand then she's going to get pissy because he might have enough to buy himself a new sports car or fishing boat and enjoy his life for a change. Meanwhile she'll be sulking by schlepping around paint buckets in the backyard. But that's ok because most women use their cooch to capture the value of the money that men make. Chris will be able to spend some of his money. Sorry our money. Because in the end she will have spent the first $500 dollars she was budgeted each month for herself and after Bitcoin goes up another two or three times she's going to spend another five hundred dollars a month that belongs to him. Odds are he's going to simp out and give her some money. But if she takes it she's going to look like an idiot because she told him not to invest it but she's a woman and she's mostly likely going to take it. He can use that money, if he makes a ton of Bitcoin to shame her and hold it over her head. Remember women deal in social currency. If her husband wins and she attacked him and told him not to do it then her social currency goes down if she spends any of the crypto currency he gives her. Chris doesn't see things that way but she does. Women don't want to feel like they owe men something. They hate that. Also it's a husbands' responsibility to make more money than she can spend in her life as well as to stand up to her financial shit tests. If he's really sneaky he'll put a woman in a tough position. For example one of my favorite recent authors Jeff Booth had to get permission from his wife to write the book called the Price of Tomorrow. What if she had told him no? Would he have still written it? If he hadn't then I never would have bought Bitcoin because he gave me the perfect use case. I'd hate to think that I might not own any Bitcoin right now because his wife said no. The guy is super successful as an entrepreneur yet he still needed his wife to write him a metaphorical permission slip. If she had said no I think he would have still written it because of his children. You tell your wife you want to write a book because you love your children and you ask her if you can. What is she going to say don't write it because I hate our kids? It's the perfect plausible deniability regardless of if his reason was genuine or not.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

שיר חדש: "איזה שדיים יש לאשה אלפא"
שיר חדש: "איזה שדיים יש לאשה אלפא" Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 28 Views • 4 years ago

שיר חדש: "איזה שדיים יש לאשה אלפא"

Wife Left Baby In Burning House To Save Herself LOL - MGTOW
Wife Left Baby In Burning House To Save Herself LOL - MGTOW Sandman 330 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
YouTube Channel

AITA for how I reacted to my wife?

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from MGTOW Smurf. He didn't give me a specific topic so I've decided to cover some comments that I've put in the description from someone on the I am an ahole subreddit and here's what some random guy has to say and I quote: "My wife and I have an 8 month old. Last week I was coming home from work and just as I was coming up the driveway, she came running down the driveway barefoot. She saw me and yelled at me to call 911, there was a fire in the kitchen. I asked her where our daughter was because she wasn't with her, and she said she was inside and to call 911 fast. We live somewhere rural and response times are slow, I immediately was scared the house would go up with our daughter inside before the fire department came. I tried to run inside and she tried to stop me yelling again and again that I couldn't go in, there was a fire... I went in, the way the house is laid out you have to go through the kitchen to get to the hallway with the nursery. There was a grease fire on the stove in a pan and the wall above the stove and the curtains nearby was catching. I put out the pan by putting a lid on and then put out the wall and curtains with the fire extinguisher. Then I immediately went to the nursery and got our daughter. Going back outside my wife was gone, I soon found out she went down the road looking for a neighbor who's phone she could use. But at the time, and for a while, I was really upset that her reaction to a fire had been to run out without our baby and to even try to run out without our baby and to even try to stop me from going inside before the fire department had come. And that she put her in danger by not trying to put the fire out with a lid or baking tray over the grease fire at first when it was smaller, or trying to use the fire extinguisher. If I hadn't come home when I did I don't want to think about what would have happened The fire department showed up but the fire was already out, and my wife returned too, driven by a neighbor. I was angry with her for the reasons I said and she just totally clammed up. I went to stay with my brother and sister and law that night, taking our daughter. And my wife was very angry with me over it, saying the next day "how dare i leave her alone after that, she needed someone to drive her to the urgent care after injuring her feet running barefoot" That upset me even more, that that was what she was worried about, not what had almost happened when she ran out of the house on fire without our baby. I've been staying at my brother's for about a week now. I don't know what to do, or if I was in the wrong for being so angry AITA for how I reacted to my wife starting an accidental kitchen fire then running away leaving our baby in the house?" unquote. Well MGTOW Smurf thanks for the donation. I'll cover this crazy topic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lord Bogdanoff:

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Don't Date Successful Women - MGTOW
Don't Date Successful Women - MGTOW Sandman 548 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

Here is this month's free preview of my weekly chats for subscribers on Patreon and Subscribestar. Five dollars a month gets you access to premium content like this. This video is brought to you by a donation from Andrew and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I enjoyed the coaching call a few weeks back. I remember we talked about finding women to date with certain jobs that hit the sweet spot of making enough money to not need to suck the life and resources out of a man, but not a management type position that makes them a "career wahman." A paralegal was one example mentioned. I still think that would make a great topic if you haven't done so already. Otherwise I love to hear your take on the Megan Markle situation. I find it fascinating how it's not enough for her to take her simp husband prince away from his family and into the public, but then claim she was oppressed while living in Buckingham Palace. I think she is a perfect role model for wahmen of today. No matter how much fame and money you receive, you still are a victim. Thanks again Sandman!" Well Andrew thanks again for the donation and topic. I'll make two videos for you. This one and another one called Meghan Markle Was An Oppressed Princess. But before I get to this one let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Mulher Coloca +1 Homem Na Cadeia - Falsa acusação (Caso Isolado 94542121221212135460387513168)
Mulher Coloca +1 Homem Na Cadeia - Falsa acusação (Caso Isolado 94542121221212135460387513168) Nikaido 213 Views • 4 years ago


I Fear So Many Pitfalls in China Might Drive Me Freaking Nuts &Feeling Like Venting Again
I Fear So Many Pitfalls in China Might Drive Me Freaking Nuts &Feeling Like Venting Again Francis_UD 30 Views • 4 years ago

Sup dudes

Blue Pill Cucks Have Seen all the MGTOW Videos
Blue Pill Cucks Have Seen all the MGTOW Videos NerokeFive 128 Views • 4 years ago

Three times in the past month since I've joined Twitter there's been a run in with a Blue Pill Male that makes all-encompassing statements about MGTOW.

When I've called out and challenged these men on what they say, they claim that they're "seen all the videos" After having dealt with this a few times there's a pattern there and this video, in particular, will give you an idea on how to answer and deal with these men.

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The Spaces in Between
The Spaces in Between NerokeFive 20 Views • 4 years ago

In the commentary, I'll be discussing false allegations how they work and my personal experiences with them and one real-life prominent case

More specifically though I'll relate what you can likely expect what will happen with #metoo once it's been exposed and why there's such a large push to censor voices online

Thanks Time Magazine
Thanks Time Magazine NerokeFive 73 Views • 4 years ago


Time Magazine openly lauded and declared a group of people that will likely be exposed (Some of them) as false accusers. The list of Man of the Year for Time is somewhat dubious with all sorts of interesting characters on there.

What they've gone and done though is expand the strength of the Manosphere in the long run

My PayPal account


Hangout with Misandry Today
Hangout with Misandry Today NerokeFive 58 Views • 4 years ago

Interview with DDJ

Coffee Shop Blues
Coffee Shop Blues NerokeFive 16 Views • 4 years ago

Had a run in today online with a fellow Native American. This guy in particular played the race card over a cup of coffee and didn't appreciate me calling him out on his BS.

Just wondering how many of you have seen this on the upswing if you have let me know in the comments below

If you like what I do, it's taking up more of my time so feel free to throw me a dollar or two

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Thirteen things you can do to move the Men's Movement Forward
Thirteen things you can do to move the Men's Movement Forward NerokeFive 31 Views • 4 years ago

The first recording I made for this site. Took me a while and more than a little nerve to put it up

Here's the original blog on The Red Pill Nation that it's based on

Thot Fatigue - Mgtow
Thot Fatigue - Mgtow Zuberi87 170 Views • 4 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Traitors Among Us 2???
Traitors Among Us 2??? Hold The Truth Hostage 53 Views • 4 years ago

Why We have Men That Are Traitors In The community & How to Identify them
#men #truth

Email Me Questions:
[email protected]

Meditations from Dixie National Forest, Part 2
Meditations from Dixie National Forest, Part 2 Johnny_Cage 35 Views • 4 years ago


The TFM Show: 3/13/2020
The TFM Show: 3/13/2020 T.F. Monkey 1,237 Views • 4 years ago

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Zhana,Reptiliana? Nikaido 110 Views • 4 years ago

Faz mais de 1 ano que vi esse caso,Segundo o Cineasta Andrey Giperborey,os olhos dessa mulher são reais
Quem quiser ver mais sobre esse assunto,ta aqui o link da entrevista do Andrey - ⁣

Strong Independent Whamen - MGTOW
Strong Independent Whamen - MGTOW Sandman 422 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Andrey. Here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hey Sandman, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Keep up the good work. Well Andrey thanks for the donation and since you didn't give me a topic what I want to do is discuss a Reddit post called Strong Independent Women. Usually it takes me ten or twenty minutes to find a topic on Reddit. This one I saw right at the top and the person posting it his name is Hayashi and he put up a conversation between two women named Mindy and Emma. Mindy says this and I quote: "I'm generally very much enjoying being single and living alone (never lived alone before!) but my garbage disposal is broken and I don't feel like paying a professional to fix it Or learn how to do it myself. Emma then pipes in by saying this and I quote: "I'm not suggesting you do this but back when I was single I would go on tinder dates and come back to my appartment and be like "Ugh this is broken and I don't know how to fix it and sometimes they'd fix it lol." Unquote. I won't share the full conversation image on my channel. If you want to see it then take a look at the reddit link I've put in the description. I'll discuss what I think about these strong independent women dangling the carrot of sex in front of men for our help in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Considering that almost half of all dating and relationships start on dating sites and apps like Tinder today there are many ways that so called independent women can game the system. In the
past women only had access to the men in their own social circle at school or work. Bars and night clubs were Tinder. They were the places where you might find a man to use. But having conversations in a bar with loud music while drunk is like turning yourself in a mental midget and finding someone to date in a place like that was the only option for people that didn't have many options for men or women in their real lives. The bar owners were taking advantage of desperate lonely people selling overpriced drinks to them. Tinder changed much of that game. I spoke before about the first time I heard about first time I heard about Tinder from a fat woman that looked like a T-Rex with tits wearing ironic glasses with tiny delicate hands. She told me she was connecting with guys on Tinder for free meals and she was boasting about it to me the way these two women are boasting about going on a date with a guy on Tinder and then trying to get a few hundred dollars of support to fix their dishwashers or garbage disposal units. Two to three hundred dollars is usually the rate around here for working girls. Guys going back to Emma's place were probably getting laid. So she was probably trading tricks for tech support for her computer or some other device in her house. She's a prostitute working a flesh flute for the plumbing. First he cleans her pipes in the bedroom and then he cleans her pipes in the kitchen. If that's the case then all the guys on Reddit saying this is pathetic need to stop. If the guy paid for dinner and he fixed her plumbing or computer then yeah he's been taken advantage of. But if they went dutch and he got to take her home for a good muff munch after brunch then that sounds like a good deal. Plus as I've mentioned many times before men are happiest when we are unfree. When we are being useful to others when they are just using us. Someone in the comments section insinuates that Mindy should wear a sign around her neck saying will such schlongs for sink repair. She's a whore just a covert one. I can just imagine her lying on her back as he's pumping her like a clown pumps balloon animals and as she fakes her orgasm all she can do is think about her garborator.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Games & Rants (3/13/21) Consent Is No Longer Enough, Plus We Talk Ghosting & Incel Radicalization!
Games & Rants (3/13/21) Consent Is No Longer Enough, Plus We Talk Ghosting & Incel Radicalization! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 75 Views • 4 years ago

Game: Silver Night's Crusaders (The game is free at it's official website.)

Today we discuss a long, meandering article from The Guardian where a shocking revelation is made and you'll hear my phone hit the ground when I realize what this crazy bitch is trying to say - consent is no longer enough.

Also, I discuss the Fat Elvis Rule when dealing with women you don't know in public and why ghosting is important. This was supposed to be a simple lesson and TFM regurgitation, but it turned into a full debate between DP and I.

After that, we discuss my feelings on absolutists/white nationalists and how they are also recruiting some incels to their cause under the fake guise of compassion. The alt-right unfortunately still falls under the spectrum of right wing conservatism and traditionalism, however they have twisted things into a eugenics sort of radical ideology that is not something I feel that easily manipulated young men should find their way into. They may not like the left, but they are not good people either.

Also, I want to stress (and I even made a seperare video to clarify this just in case) that when I said "the alt-right is right", I meant that they are (far) right wing, not that I agree with their ideology and racial supremacy. I figure you guys would realize that, but I know we have a few moles on this site with teal colored hair as well and I didn't want to give them any fuel for their culture war.

RPMGTOW Thanks For The Info
RPMGTOW Thanks For The Info REDPILLMARRIED 194 Views • 4 years ago

⁣They KEEP giving us their playbook.



⁣A Gorda empoderada Jojo Todinho Assédiou um cara no reality Show que participou e ganhou, a lacraçõ Lacrou infelizmente!


Link Original:

Friday Morning Dark Side Vlog 12_03_2021 AEDT
Friday Morning Dark Side Vlog 12_03_2021 AEDT Francis_UD 22 Views • 4 years ago

Sup ddd

Military Clothes Are Sexist?! | Live From The Lair
Military Clothes Are Sexist?! | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 475 Views • 4 years ago

⁣An Instagram user with her head planted firmly in their fourth point of contact actually expects people to believe that military clothes are sexist. Get ready for the explosion.

Watch the video that inspired the madness here:

Brought to you by “ The Black Man’s Guide Out of Poverty”

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Prostitute Can't Find A Partner On Tinder LOL - MGTOW
Prostitute Can't Find A Partner On Tinder LOL - MGTOW Sandman 487 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Passive Income With CJ

Escort can't find a partner on tinder

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Timothy. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I wanted to cover a Reddit post that has a very similar title to this video. Here's what some random escort has to say and I quote: Hey guys I need to rant a bit. I'm a sex worker and genuinely love what I do. I've added that fact on tinder and bumble just a warning you know? Like in case it's a deal breaker. Which is fine I respect that some men are just not okay with their partner being a sex worker. That's why I add that on my bio. But when I match with people everything turns sexual so quick and I'm so over that. I had to block the last three guys for overstepping boundaries with me because they think I'm easy since I do sex work. Does anyone have any advice?" Well mystery meat lady of course guys are going to think you're easy and push for sex right off the bat. Afterall guys pay to overstep into your ovarian boundaries all the time when you're working. Maybe some of the men you're talking to believe that you're actually just using Bumble or Tinder to find work. They probably think you're just there looking for men to service so they think that's what you're all about because afterall when someone pays for a working girl the rule is they don't talk about paying for her services. They just pay for her time. Plus what guy is going to wait a month to sleep with a woman that's handing out bjs like bon bons to everyone? She probably expects way more money, time and attention from a man she calls her boyfriend instead of all the other guys she calls John. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Sex work is still work believe it or not. So that means that if you're working with a sex worker when you're sleeping with her she associates acts in the bedroom with work. I was with a couple of women that did customer service jobs. They were completely different when they put on their public face versus their regular face with me. They smiled to please customers but never smiled at me unless they were up to something sneaky. A woman that has sex all day with many men that are better looking than you and more well endowed how can you live up to that? If this world was fair she would probably end up finding a boyfriend that was a gigalo. But this world isn't fair. The really hopeful thing about this story is that the guys she's attracting on those dating apps are most likely just going to hit it and quit it. It's probably happened to her many times before so now she's shaming men in general because she's unable to lock one down because she's not dating material. Who's going to want to bring a whore over to meet their mom for thanksgiving day dinner. Just imagine if she gave a somewhat honest answer to his mother and told her that she was a cock gobbler. It's the same as what man would want to be seen with a trap. I remember about twenty years ago I was at a local Tim Horton's with a friend and in comes a creepy looking balding beta with a mustache on his lip and a trans-gendered Asian woman on his arm. He had this grin on his face like he was the happiest man in the world. I just started laughing hysterically because they just looked like a weird couple. The smirk on his face disappeared fast and my friend started laughing and neither of us could stop and we had to leave the restaurant. I bring this story up because the type of guy that would go for a sex worker is probably like that mustached bald man. He has to feel happy enough to just be in her company because everyone else turns him down that he's willing to be with a woman like that.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

RPMGTOW A Pastor Gets Cancelled For Telling The TRUTH
RPMGTOW A Pastor Gets Cancelled For Telling The TRUTH REDPILLMARRIED 271 Views • 4 years ago

⁣I guess even GOD will get cancelled one day.


R.I.P. MGTOW Exposed and No Respect will be given by me
R.I.P. MGTOW Exposed and No Respect will be given by me NerokeFive 151 Views • 4 years ago

It's always unfortunate when someone dies too early. Condolences to his family and friends
Lying, Dishonesty, Twisting of Facts, Cowardice, Unwillingness to Adress the Issues, Bullying, Cherry-picking and Projecting, Suggestions of someone's sexuality The need to want to hang on to a lie SO BADLY that he was willing to not only be insulting but also attempting to get in the way of solutions that other men may have needed

I never directly dealt with him because his content was never really any kind of a threat to MGTOW.

What I'm going to miss most though? The chance to add your head to the wall of all the "Alpha Males" and Anti-MGTOW that were stupid enough to cross me

Oh and to all the stooges who pull the "You must've been triggered" BS. Why yes a dishonest POS like this deserved to have themselves called out and disrespected. You can shove the gaslighting up your ass

The Cavalry isn't Coming!
The Cavalry isn't Coming! NerokeFive 68 Views • 4 years ago

People (Men) in the Manosphere. Question here
Given the recent results of the election in the US it's very safe to say that not only is the state not going to bring the solution. But in fact it's fairly safe to say that in some or alot of cases the situation is going to get rolled back

At what point do you do for yourself and not wait on the state to provide the solution. Even when Trump was President there was little to no movement here.

The Cavalry isn't coming!

Homem Teve A Vida Arruinada Após Ser Assediado Por Superiora - Tribuna da Massa (26 09 19)
Homem Teve A Vida Arruinada Após Ser Assediado Por Superiora - Tribuna da Massa (26 09 19) Nikaido 114 Views • 4 years ago


Reconheça E Evite Mulheres Que Estão Danificadas
Reconheça E Evite Mulheres Que Estão Danificadas Nikaido 124 Views • 4 years ago


Married Men Don’t let your wife know about your Bitcoins
Married Men Don’t let your wife know about your Bitcoins KenDelrican 33 Views • 4 years ago

Live stream link below 10: 00 Pac time

Yasmin Mineira - Subornando Um Policial
Yasmin Mineira - Subornando Um Policial Nikaido 1,797 Views • 4 years ago


Women Ban Men From The White House? LOL - MGTOW
Women Ban Men From The White House? LOL - MGTOW Sandman 313 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Passive Income With CJ

Who run the world? White House press briefing is dominated by women.

Mystery Link:

Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Harold and he didn't give me a specific topic so I wanted to cover a hilarious article called "Who run the world? White House press briefing is dominated by women on Thursday with lone man joining 12 ladies - after four major networks named new female WH correspondents." The first thing that made me laugh was the title by Carly Stern. The first sentence should be "Who Runs The World? instead of Who Run the World?" Carly no spell so good. Daily Mail editor spell not so goodie good too. The article makes the point that on Thursday January 29th the white house press briefing room was filled almost exclusively by female journalists. There was only one male journalist there. There were 12 female and 1 male reporters and looks like ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN have all appointed female white house correspondents. Bye bye Jim Accosta. There were many people on social media celebrating that so many women were present. But I'm sure that no one will be celebrating at the big networks when no one is watching white house briefings anymore because women start asking questions like will Joe Biden paint Air Force One a different color. I'm not making this up. That was an actual question. If you scroll down into the middle of the article you'll see a photo of the briefing room and you can see there are several male photographers and videographers. Probably also a man running the audio system too. Women are patting each other on their push up bras thinking this is true equality. Meanwhile it's just become a girls club. The funny thing is no one is going to listen to these press briefings anymore or care about what is being said. I work for women that spend tons of money to produce high quality production video shows with three cameras, studio lighting and they don't get the message that content is king. Ironically their content isn't even queen in this case. I'll discuss this more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ: Anyways, now back to the video. The first time I knew things were going to go back is when a female reporter asked Jen Psaki the white house press secretary about how Joe Biden would deal with the financial problems facing the country. She said well Janet Yellen is a female. That was her answer. Not an actual solution just a statement about her gender. I can just see things in the future. She'll be asked how do you fix the bridge? Well the engineer is a woman. How to we put out the housefire? Well the firefighters are all stunning and brave women. I can't even make this up. For every problem that's brought up it wouldn't surprise me if the answer was whamen. No actual plan of attack just whamen! This is how far we gotten in clown world. So if you're a man that's dreamed about being a reporter at the white house you'll see that it will soon be all women so why would you bother getting into that field of study unless you're an online journalist? Why wouldn't you see all the men in the back of the room with their cameras and think to yourself I'd rather do that instead. Women don't want to be videographers and photographers. They find it too technical unless they use
a selfie stick and an Iphone. The sexes will be increasingly segregated in the media environment. Women and minorities will be the anchors and journalists while men will do the technical production and filming. But as I was saying content is king and not queen. I've seen women spend tens of thousands of dollars on me to produce content that only fifty or one hundred people might see. They want the production quality because it comes down to status and they are willing to pay for it.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

RPMGTOW Why Keep Asking The Same Rhetorical Question?
RPMGTOW Why Keep Asking The Same Rhetorical Question? REDPILLMARRIED 180 Views • 4 years ago

⁣They know the TRUE answer, they just don't like it.

Article 1:
Article 2:
Article 3:

Homem Alfa e Beta - EXPLICAÇÃO FILOSÓFICA NIETZSCHE SorenLorensen 81 Views • 4 years ago

Trecho da aula: Nietzsche - Crepúsculo dos ídolos (Parte 1 - Vontade de poder). - Youtube

Canal do YouTube: Escola de filosofia


I Just Bought Dogecoin & Elon Musk Is A Low IQ Sperg
I Just Bought Dogecoin & Elon Musk Is A Low IQ Sperg Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 319 Views • 4 years ago


Traitors Among Us???
Traitors Among Us??? Hold The Truth Hostage 77 Views • 4 years ago

Why We have Men That Are Traitors In The community & How to Identify them

#dating #men #relationship

Email Me Questions:
[email protected]

Jovem Dança Funk Em Frente A Viatura Da PM
Jovem Dança Funk Em Frente A Viatura Da PM Nikaido 127 Views • 4 years ago


Canada Wants To Ban MGTOW?
Canada Wants To Ban MGTOW? Sandman 797 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Swan Bitcoin (Americans Only)

Trudeau wants to turn back clock on free speech

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations. If you want to send me money to cover a topic of your choosing you can do so through paypal and subscribestar. Links to both are down below. Or you can do a coaching call or get downloadable content at $15 per year on mp3s that you can put on your phone to take on the go. Watching me on Lbry also helps as they pay me in cryptocurrency. So with all that out of the way in the middle of January we learned that Jack Dorsey was just getting warmed up with censorship after Trump after a video of him was leaked by Project Veritas. A few days later I found a story called: "Trudeau wants to turn back clock on free speech" from the Toronto Sun Newspaper. For as long as I remember the Sun was left leaning and the paper for the common man against big business. The Sun seems to have stayed where it is but the rest of Canada has swung well over to the left. So the federal heritage minster in Canada, Steven Guilbeault wants to introduce legislation that protects Canadian Online from hate speech. Meaning that they will target platforms like Twitter and Facebook and hold them accountable for anything they deem hateful as a government. If they don't take it down to supposedly protect Canadians from the ideas and opinions Trudeau's Liberal Government approves of then they will regulate them and probably fine them promote a safer and more inclusive online environment. Most likely Twitter and Facebook will just pull the plug on Canada and make their websites unavailable to Canadians unless we start using VPNs. We will have the start of the great information ice wall of Canada. Even the El
Presidente of Mexico is calling the censorship lately crazy. A few Canadians I know are moving or have moved to Mexico so they can be free. Canada will soon be a cold desolate dystopia. So how does this new legislation apply to me and MGTOW? Well in 2013 the Conservative government back then allowed to say whatever you want online under the conservative government. Now the Liberal government under Trudeau appears to to put an end to that. Or at the very least reform some of it. One of the things they want to target is misogyny online. Before I discuss all this and more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Swan Bitcoin: Anyways, now back to Canadian Clown World and maple syrup show. I think that the Canadian government is smart enough to realise that they can't ban Canadian from saying naughty things. But they can prevent them from going onto the platforms they would say things the government sees as harmful. So making the social media platforms accountable for the actions of Canadians means that they will do the tyrannical work of the government with regards to censorship. If this works and social media companies pull out of Canada then all that will be left is the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and the major newspapers and TV channels spewing propaganda for the government. This is what the government wants. This is the way it's always been up until about ten to fifteen years ago. In the past male Canadians didn't have a place to discuss female nature and we do now. But in the short term future the government wants to remove our place to speak. Not our right to say it but our ability to say it so that our ideas, the best ideas win. They want to rig the playing field. Imagine if Trudeau forces YouTube to moderate it's comments under videos for Canadians and YouTube doesn't comply and Canadians can't watch it anymore. In all honesty Canada is a small market and country when compared to the United States and it makes up maybe one fifteenth or one twentieth of the entire global English speaking big tech market. Big tech won't waste it's time.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

This Will End Badly For Women
This Will End Badly For Women Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 526 Views • 4 years ago

Download the new Android app from here

Relacionamento? Já era. - Søren
Relacionamento? Já era. - Søren telecurso_mgtow 87 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo do antigo canal ⁣SørenCast Z. Canal atual dele: ⁣

Venting About Some Insidious Cellphone Apps & Annoying OCD Thoughts
Venting About Some Insidious Cellphone Apps & Annoying OCD Thoughts Francis_UD 14 Views • 4 years ago

Filmed and uploaded on 11/03/2021 AEDT

AYU BRAZIL DEFENDE MGTOW SERÁ! Wall_Mgtow 153 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Youtuber Ruiva Ayu Brazil disse sobre o MGTOW no seu canal Fala Ayu, expondo seu ponto de vista, vejam o Posicianamento dela ao Movimento MGTOW!

Ela tá defendendo o MGTOW como Resposta ao Feminismo mas não disfarça ser uma Agente dupla!

(OBS: Este vídeo é uma opinião minha e crítica direta sobre o Youtuber mencionado ao vídeo, pondo meus argumentos há ele de forma concreta,
sem usar minha discussão como briga mas sim meu ponto de vista referente ao Youtuber.)

vídeo Original:

גבר אמיתי, לא נוגע בשוקולד.
גבר אמיתי, לא נוגע בשוקולד. Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 17 Views • 4 years ago

גבר אמיתי, לא נוגע בשוקולד.

BostilSemCensura - Caso Vitor Gurman
BostilSemCensura - Caso Vitor Gurman フクロウ Fukuro 77 Views • 4 years ago


BostilSemCensura - Kapivara sendo punida por Traficantes após bater em Mãe
BostilSemCensura - Kapivara sendo punida por Traficantes após bater em Mãe フクロウ Fukuro 205 Views • 4 years ago

??? Aposto que ela não prestou queixa contra o dono da Boca.

Cooch Cancel Culture - MGTOW
Cooch Cancel Culture - MGTOW Sandman 380 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The MGTOW Book

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Aaron. He didn't give me a topic so I want to read some comments from someone named Aposematicly on Reddit and here's what he has to say: "Today I become a ghost. The medical board suspended my registration for assaulting a thief. (I also shitposted the glorious state leader on Facebook over the Plandemic and such) They are sentencing me first before ANY investigation. Nice of them. 32 years of medical practice and now I am "Dangerous". I couldn't even fight them as they would impose restrictions that would kill my practice anyway. The good news is I have been debt free for 11 years, and have enough wealth to carry through to retirement without having to work or go on the dole. I have lost 2 children (23 and 19) to obscene parental alienation and was dragged through the family court system for 10 years. My aged frail father lives across the country- I can now visit him for any length of time for any duration. "All things come to an end!" was his response when I broke the news to him. So fellow MGTOWs please live well within your means so If you are ever in a situation to defend your honor or for that matter need to ghost effectively, "FU" money makes all the difference. As you get older, the old Time=Money equation is kicking in- the time is all crucial. I am kinda glad I don't have to participate in the workforce unless I choose to. What's my new occupation- Psychopath or Musician? Or Both? A year ago my Dad collapsed and I had to do CPR on him, he had severe bleeding on the brain and facial fractures an was left with heart failure and mild epilepsy so is basically house bound on a frame. At this point, my Dad is my only friend or relative that cares. It is wonderful to be able to give back to him. Tomorrow I fly out to see my Dad for a 10 day visit. His internet is down and he needs me to help fix it. He lives in a large executive house 2 blocks from a surf life saving patrolled beach!" unquote. Well Aaron thanks for a more than generous donation and this is the first of three videos I'll dedicate to you. Also thanks to Aposematicly for your Reddit Post. I'll discuss it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. I used to think that FU money was enough to fight back against cooch cancel culture. In the short term it certainly is but in the long-term things are going to get realy bad. I thought about if I were a globalist and wanted to bring about a one world government. How exactly would I achieve that without firing a single bullet. I would make sure it was a global gynocentric government using the female own group preference of women
in all countries to unite all countries. It's a scary thought that the women of the world once they make up fifty percent plus of all politicians in the world in twenty-five years that they will united like used tampon voltron. At that point the only free place might be Mars and Elon Musk will laugh sitting on his red alien throne made of Amber Hurst's metaphorical bones. So what does this have to do with FU money you ask and cooch cancel culture. I'm predicting that a global gynocratic government will come for the FU money of guys like Aposematically in sneaky ways. He's right we need FU money but my goal in this video is to try and give everyone advice on how to protect it from the coming financial cooch cancel culture. Right now commiefornia is thinking about introducing a 0.4% net worth tax and taxing residents that leave for a decade after they leave.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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RPMGTOW It's NEVER Free REDPILLMARRIED 182 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Too many men's pride and ego make them refuse to accept this hard truth

אחי, היום היא איתך, מחר היא עם חבר שלך בפלאקא.
אחי, היום היא איתך, מחר היא עם חבר שלך בפלאקא. Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 18 Views • 4 years ago

אחי, היום היא איתך, מחר היא עם חבר שלך בפלאקא.

Games & Rants (3/8/21) SubscribeStar Suggestions & Online Red Pill Debates!
Games & Rants (3/8/21) SubscribeStar Suggestions & Online Red Pill Debates! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 37 Views • 4 years ago

Game: Double Cross

In this video, we're talking about potential things that we will offer to people who subscribe to us on SubscribeStar. Erotic gameplay vids? Questions we can answer on our shows? Show topic suggestions? Pics of our buttholes? Let us know.

Note: Butthole pics and pics of my waifu's tiddies will not be up for negotiation. That's what I meant by "no waifu tiddies."

Also, I had a series of red pill debates online. No, the gentleman does not explain what he did to have to serve jail time. Sorry to disappoint. But the climax of this video revolves a conversation that hit me very hard. A real reminder that men really need the red pill and mgtow philosophy. I just hope I could save the guy.

RPMGTOW Numbers Don't Lie
RPMGTOW Numbers Don't Lie REDPILLMARRIED 233 Views • 4 years ago

⁣The reasons and stats on the marriage decline.


CDC data:

Miss Independent - Mgtow
Miss Independent - Mgtow Zuberi87 230 Views • 4 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Where is MGTOW Going?
Where is MGTOW Going? NerokeFive 89 Views • 4 years ago

A couple of years ago in an interview, I was asked where MGTOW is going? As expected like everyone else in MGTOW that's completed the Red Pill Rage I could also really answer for myself and the only answer I could give the interviewer at the time was "It's going to get bigger"

As the numbers of men going MGTOW worldwide approaches 7 figures at an ever-increasing pace though there are some things that are starting to happen. An information exchange being among them. Networking has also been taking place. There have been the occasional gatherings. The trend appears to be an imprint on the male mind that there are options for them beyond what they've been told.

Freedom awaits

Hot Women Hate Change - MGTOW
Hot Women Hate Change - MGTOW Sandman 387 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone SAndman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Greeting Sandman, I thought of an idea of what might happen if women didn't have simps or cucks To support and defend their Tom foolery. If we indeed succeed in building and making reproductive sexbots, would women face a financial drop or a supportive drop from society with most men are being sexually satisfied? Of course there should be policies in systems in place to keep these things in check but if we could successfully build these things would women see themselves as being out of luck. Because we all know that these blue pill simps and cucks are only doing it to get laid or get some sort of sexual satisfaction. Cheers!" Well Teaven Thanks for another donation and topic. I honestly don't think we'll have to wait for a sexbot to cut women off from their simp bucks either directly or through the form of taxes. We could see the end of the nation state thanks to Bitcoin where individual financial soverignty takes resources away from women. It could also lead to the end of the consumer based economy too because why would I spend a thousand dollars worth of Bitcoin this year to buy A deflationary monetary system saves the ecology because it destroys the consumer economy. Does that mean women will like consuming less? Of course not. Shopping therapy will still be around but it will be harder for men to justify parting with their money and giving it to a thot when it's worth more next year. The simps and cucks will hold onto their resources instead of handing it out willy nilly to women that suck their willies. Sexbots would just be the cherry and sprinkles on that testicle Sunday that would take women's purchasing power away. I'll get to more in just a moment but before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. Of course men that were sexually satisfied using technology would cut women off from financial, emotional and attention support. But as I was saying with Crypto it's a revolution that's happening right now and has the potential to separate the state and money. As we all know the state supports women through government jobs, welfare payments, mostly female teacher jobs and many other forms for make work. Western states are already teetering on bankruptcy and what happens to whamen when they print their money into oblivion and mostly men take what value is left in that money and put it into crypto and other hard assets. Many of the women I know that rely on government checks which are mostly just male tax dollars and debt these days spend every last dollar they make each month because when you're a teacher you know that more money is on it's way. Even during Covid here in Ontario, Canada the government hired thousands of teachers for schools that are mostly closed. With Bitcoin most governments currently treat it like an asset which is taxable when it's sold. But what if I park it with a company like Gemini and get three percent on my Crypto or what if I get six percent with Blockfi? This isn't financial advice and I'm not telling you what to do. Do your own due diligence.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Her Heart was Never Yours
Her Heart was Never Yours NerokeFive 33 Views • 4 years ago

We've all been there. Some woman and girl who you thought liked you just up and dropped you like a used dishrag and it was usually over some guy that ended up dropping her a few weeks or months later because he was bored with her

How do you stop this from happening?
Don't play the game for one MGTOW
The other is to have something in your life that gives you purpose and meaning that doesn't require the validation of a woman. That way your life has something in it regardless of what the outcome is, OR even better yet what someone else tells you what's important

I Was An Mens Rights Activist now I'm a Fierce Feminist: Edwin Hodges
I Was An Mens Rights Activist now I'm a Fierce Feminist: Edwin Hodges NerokeFive 52 Views • 4 years ago

It's one thing to write an awful piece about how you returned to Feminism after discovering the MRM that had holes so large a supertanker could sail through them. It's another to then remove it, have someone rewrite it and STILL have holes so large that it doesn't hold up THEN try to pass yourself off as some kind of academic authority on the Red Pill oh and CLAIMING that he got threats whilst doing it without sources

If Edwin was hoping that nobody noticed I did. I did because it was my pointing out of the factual errors you made in the first article that got fixed. Too bad you too lazy to correct the other issues

Just an FYI here Edwin because I know at some point you'll read this. I'm taking the liberty of posting this up at both Bitchute and so you won't be able to censor it

Archived Version (Not Bluffing)

Socialismo,Gramscismo - Dança dos Macaquinhos
Socialismo,Gramscismo - Dança dos Macaquinhos Nikaido 39 Views • 4 years ago

One of the best places in the world to apply, this luciferianism
OBS* - ⁣Be careful with Brazilian women, they are opportunists.

Mulher Sobrevivente fala sobre o TITANIC 1979
Mulher Sobrevivente fala sobre o TITANIC 1979 Nikaido 80 Views • 4 years ago

Mulher fala do horror da tragédia do TITANIC,e como homens perderam as suas vidas para salvar as mulheres e crianças.

RPMGTOW HMT 157 REDPILLMARRIED 126 Views • 4 years ago

⁣The MASK is getting put on worldwide.


הפמיניסטיות מנסות להשתלט על חשבון היוטיוב שלי ולמנוע ממני את חופש הביטוי.
הפמיניסטיות מנסות להשתלט על חשבון היוטיוב שלי ולמנוע ממני את חופש הביטוי. Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 20 Views • 4 years ago

הפמיניסטיות מנסות להשתלט על חשבון היוטיוב שלי ולמנוע ממני את חופש הביטוי.

מזל טוב לאלה הצלמת המפורסמת והשופעת?
מזל טוב לאלה הצלמת המפורסמת והשופעת? Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 18 Views • 4 years ago

מזל טוב לאלה הצלמת המפורסמת והשופעת?

The TFM Show: 3/6/2021
The TFM Show: 3/6/2021 T.F. Monkey 1,306 Views • 4 years ago

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Doctor Dollhouse (doll-centric Alternate YouTube Channel):

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Want to be a guest? Email Aeroshogun at [email protected]

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Psique Feminina
Psique Feminina Nikaido 277 Views • 4 years ago


Image Over Substance -  Mgtow
Image Over Substance - Mgtow Zuberi87 73 Views • 4 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Taking Too Many Red Pills - MGTOW
Taking Too Many Red Pills - MGTOW Sandman 379 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Sandman MGTOW

Starship SN8 takes flight - The Blaze of Glory - "Mars, here we come!!"

Mystery Link:

Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I took about a month off of thinking so much and absorbing red pill content as I had finally reached mental exhaustion for the first time in my life. This year has been so chaotic. I withdrew into my consciousness and rejected a lot of blue pill bs. Now I feel like I have recovered and am stronger than I have ever been mentally. I only just realized this today. Now I am back and ready to continue my MGTOW JOURNEY now more than ever! Even during my down time I couldn't help but absorb mgtow content but also explored other types of red pills and I can only say that I feel more powerful and enlightened than ever! Have you ever experienced this before? I am much like a red pill Phoenix and suddenly feel re-energized and more hungry and determined than before! I will, triple my efforts now that I have recovered. Maybe I should elaborate more... I felt free before. I was just battered after almost 8 years of constant every day red pills so instead I focused on relaxing, connecting to family, and generally enjoying life. My mind had
become slowly clouded. However each day that I rested my hunger for red pill and MGTOW content returned and grew greater than ever. I also noticed that I have thought far more openly and extensively about the world surrounding me. Now I feel as though I have ascended further. I can't wait for your response to this entire subject I have encompassed in this messages. I hope this is enough to provide a topic for you; cheers!" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'm in a similar situation because I've been producing content for well over seven years now with no breaks. I've also explored other pills like you before MGTOW as well as during my content production. I'll discuss what those pills are in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Mr. Anonymous I've experienced things like this a bunch of times in my life. These so called read pill moments. Those would include my investigations into the paranormal, the history of liberalism and how corporations shape our consciousness through marketing. I read the book captains of consciousness by Ewan Stuart back in college and it pissed me off how our minds were a petri dish for advertising and I learned to loath advertising. Ironically I went into business doing online advertising because I had spent so much time not only figuring out advertising making me good at it but it also helped me with the art of persuasion. Convincing people to think or feel the way that I wanted them to using images, words and art. After that I became obsessed with peak oil, more like peak everything from top soil to the fish in the oceans. I had the aha moment when I realized that our financial system and lifestyles were built on the model of infinite growth on a finite planet. But thanks to deflation we can have infinite improvements in technological efficiency with lower and lower energy costs and material inputs. I didn't look at the idea that technology would solve our issues of over consumption. That journey ended around 2010 and then I took the first manosphere red pills back in the middle of 2013. I watched almost every MGTOW and MRA video that existed back then. I felt that mental growth spurt after consuming as much content as possible.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Meditations from Dixie National Forest [Part 1]
Meditations from Dixie National Forest [Part 1] Johnny_Cage 38 Views • 4 years ago

Part one of a 2 or 3-part video series, about some thoughts and ponderances I had while convalescing in Dixie National Forest, Utah. Enjoy!

Mulher trocando idéia na live stream com os presidiarios
Mulher trocando idéia na live stream com os presidiarios Nikaido 157 Views • 4 years ago


Rejecting Women Makes Them Crazy - MGTOW
Rejecting Women Makes Them Crazy - MGTOW Sandman 569 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Passive Income With CJ

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Burt. He didn't send me a specific topic so I wanted to discuss how rejecting a woman outright by clearly telling her that you're not interested in her advances makes her crazy to the point where she gets super pissed off and tries to destroy your social connections in a fit of rage. If however you reject her by simply ignoring her advances and playing stupid she will keep pushing harder and harder to get you to give her attention until she eventually realises it's a fruitless endeavor because you won't let her near your flesh flute and she will be on her merry way. But she won't usually get crazy with anger because you wouldn't pound her cooch the way she might if you were dating her for a month or two and then dumped her. Instead that thot tucks her tail between her thot and eventually stops pursuing you. No insane breakdown explosion the way she might if you showed initial interest and then reject her. I've also asked myself why did I always reject the right women and go out with the wrong ones? I've had experiences growing up where I could have easily gotten together with about ten different hot, thin, attractive women and girls all the way from the tenth grade forward into my early to mid twenties but I rejected them all silently. I didn't reject them consciously. It was my subconscious that made them invisible to me until fifteen to twenty years later after I went my own way did I finally understand what I did. They never made of move on me or made their affections obvious and hid in plain sight waiting for me to ask them out but I had zero interest. I never really thought about why I rejected them until now. Why did I instead choose to accept the advances of far less attractive and less mentally stable women instead? The answer is that the unstable women had to work to attract a man. They had to be the female chameleon and pretend to be into the same things that I was. Or they had to be the first ones to grab me and kiss me. They had to have the courage to be different because throughout high school and the rest of my life I've never been afraid to be different either. So I've experienced that the more perfect a woman looks the more boring her soul is. Her good looks mean she doesn't have to try to pretend to be into the same things as the guy to offer something else because for most guys what she looks like is enough. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ: Anyways, now back to the show. The first girl I ever rejected she got pissed off because we went on an impromptu date and spoke on the phone dozens of times and the reason I rejected her can be seen in the video I put out called The Girl Of My Dreams. I rejected her not because I wasn't attracted to her but because of the potential for my life being ruined if I had dated her. She was perfect and I rejected that perfection and the following year went out with girls that were bumpkins. From someone looking in from the outside it made no sense. But looking back if I had dated her and fell in love after that I would had much higher standards for women and as a result I probably would have dated some of those other hotter women and married one of them and my life would have been bland and boring. The sexy women would have forced me down the safe path to keep them. I would have forever feared being rejected by them and I never would have gone my own way because the simp spell never wears off on me in a relationship.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

RPMGTOW Sweet Sweet REVENGE REDPILLMARRIED 221 Views • 4 years ago

⁣This man's balls are LEGENDARY! We salute you!

Article: ⁣

איך להיות אשה אלפא 100% סטרייטית.
איך להיות אשה אלפא 100% סטרייטית. Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 13 Views • 4 years ago

איך להיות אשה אלפא 100% סטרייטית.

מתי תהיה לי בת זוג שנראית כמו דוגמנית אינסטגרם?
מתי תהיה לי בת זוג שנראית כמו דוגמנית אינסטגרם? Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 23 Views • 4 years ago

מתי תהיה לי בת זוג שנראית כמו דוגמנית אינסטגרם?

Showing 234 out of 235