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האם אתה גבר 100% סטרייט?
האם אתה גבר 100% סטרייט? Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 19 Views • 4 years ago

האם אתה גבר 100% סטרייט?

Reply to Amr Metwally's 'Only Looks Matter' video
Reply to Amr Metwally's 'Only Looks Matter' video Johnny_Cage 187 Views • 4 years ago

⁣This is a reply regarding Amr Metwally's video about looks and the real
reason behind the Satanic, anti-human impulses of the 'elites.' He made a very good point that has a LOT more significance once you think hard about it.

Porque o homem NÃO deve casar
Porque o homem NÃO deve casar Voz da Liberdade 165 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo explicando porque o homem não tem NADA a ganhar com o casamento

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Have Women Gone Too Far? - MGTOW
Have Women Gone Too Far? - MGTOW Sandman 348 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Passive Income With CJ

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, We hired some new recruits at work and I was given the honor to train two of them. One of them was a female that asked me how was I hired and how long have I worked here? I told her how long and asked why are you asking about the hiring process? She said that during her interview she was recorded and watched by someone who didn't even ask her a single question, just wrote stuff down on paper. I was about to say something like "it's for safety" but was cut off by the other trainee that said they didn't do that with him. They had just one person interviewing him. So I lied and told her they did it to me too and said it's for safety reasons. But I know the real reason why. Companies are now being cautious about hiring women and no longer feel safe around them. It starting to look like women are digging their own graves just like the with Biden. We also just had our yearly meeting where they train us on the do's and don'ts of the job but with a twist. They separated the men from the women and gave two different lessons on sexual harassment and what it is. For the men side we were basically told how to interact with women and how to avoid there sensitive side and for the women side I heard it was about telling them what is and is not harassment some were even offended by the course Cheers" Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ: Anyways, now back to the clown world sexual harassment in an office show. I know that I'm probably reading way too much into the situation. But when your companies hiring team brought two people into the room with the trainee when they hired her it was obviously it's not for the safety of the potential female employee but for the safety of the person hiring her. Yes sir ree bob women have gone too far. Now office culture and politics are going to change and if it starts getting any worse men and women will start to get separated. I initially thought it was great that you lied about the situation where someone else interviewed you. With an afrocentric sounding name such as yours maybe your trainee is going to think that there's only another person in an interview room with a new recruit if that recruit is either black or a woman. I bet you anything she's going to ask around and don't be surprised if someone comes up to you later and asks you why you told her there was someone else in the interview room with you? Why you lied. Now wouldn't that put you in the hot seat? Obviously there's a low probability of that happening but there's still what a three or four percent chance maybe? If it does happen then you're going to be the one in the hot seat and if it were me at that point I would tell your boss that you lied because you wanted to make her feel comfortable and so that she didn't feel singled out. The other trainee is an idiot. He couldn't put one plus one together and realize that the reason there was only other person in the interview room with him. Teaven if you had kept your mouth shut then management would have to explain to her why there were two people in the room with her. I wouldn't be surprised if women like her are going to start to discriminate and hire labor attorneys because they might think the hiring process isn't fair. That there are two people judging them instead of just one. For the longest time we've had to hear all about the wage gap. Now we might have to hear about some non-sense like the hiring gap because women can't be allowed to be alone with men at work regardless of if they are hiring them or working with them.

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If She's Over 30 She's Settling For You
If She's Over 30 She's Settling For You Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 505 Views • 4 years ago


Praise the ALMIGHTY for this Weekend &Thank You All Too
Praise the ALMIGHTY for this Weekend &Thank You All Too Francis_UD 8 Views • 4 years ago

Filmed on 22/02/2021 AEDT
Another upload to backup my videos on YouTube
Link to my YouTube channel if you feel curious.

Turd Flinging Monkey Is Wrong About Bitcoin? - MGTOW
Turd Flinging Monkey Is Wrong About Bitcoin? - MGTOW Sandman 375 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
Swan Bitcoin (Americans Only)

Monkeynomics 101: Digital Beanie Babies

Ballmer Laughs at iPhone


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so I thought I'd read everyone a recent statement by Turd Flinging Monkey where he created a Monkey's Market Minute and lays out the case there as well as a recent video where he calls crypto currency. I want to where I believe he's right and where I believe he's wrong. His post is locked on Patreon so only people that pay for it can actually read it. I hope he doesn't mind I read it as I'm sure he'll enjoy the promotion for this segment and that some of you might go over to Patreon and Subscribestar and sponsor him. Here's what the market minute says after a 3% pullback on the markets on February 26th and I quote: "Yesterday, bond yields caused all markets to fall as people pulled out of all assets into cash. Even Cryptocurrency, gold, real estate, and bonds were down which shows how irrational it was. You have to put your money somewhere or inflation will eat your lunch, and stocks are the best liquid hedge against inflation. Gold doesn't pay dividends, and real estate income is not reliable due to eviction moratoriums and low interest rates (causing good renters to buy their own homes). Cryptocurrency, as a sector is horrible, and under performed all other sectors, including gold. Some coins are doing well, but when the stimmy checks end, there won't be any more suckers to buy." unquote. I'll get to TFM's comments in just a moment but let me first tell me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Swan Bitcoin: Anyways now back to the clown world. I guess with that ad you might say that I have a bias towards crypto currency. But the answer to that is yes and now. First off I'm in agreement with TFM about inflation. I also agree on the point about Bitcoin It's in a bubble. You're probably wondering how I can promote it and own it if I believe it's in a bubble. I'll get to that in a few moments. TFM is also right that I'm in Crypto because I was paid in basic attention token. That's what first got me into it in 2019 but I converted them all to Bitcoin or cash to pay my taxes. I own Bitcoins and not shitcoins. You can only create digital scarcity once and expect people to adopt it. Bitcoin is a one time thing. Other coins that are ICOs are fraudulent shitcoins that were created out of thin air like fiat and the people that created them are just as bad as the money printers. Where I believe TFM gets things wrong is when he's underestimating the effects of real estate which makes stocks a poor hedge against inflation unless they are high growth tech stocks in companies that are monopolies. Amazon, Google, etc. Also he's right that on the 26th of February cryptocurrency under performed all other other sectors, including gold. But for the last ten years it's outperformed all other sectors combined. You're cherry picking TFM instead of zooming out. I wasn't going to say anything but I want to clarify why crypto has room in a balanced portfolio. Not your entire portfolio but a portion of it. You also say that once the stimulus checks end there won't be anymore suckers to buy. Actually the retail investors don't really drive crypto as much anymore. It's the hedge funds, as well as companies like Tesla, Twitter, Micro-strategy as well insurance companies like Boston Mass Mutual, The Guggenheim Fund, Black rock, Paypal and even schools like Yale, Harvard, Brown. Why are all those people buying crypto which you described as a great big beany baby in your Monkeynomics 101 video? It went over a trillion dollars as an asset class.

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Self Inflicted part 3 - Mgtow
Self Inflicted part 3 - Mgtow Zuberi87 109 Views • 4 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

RPMGTOW South Korea Is At It Again
RPMGTOW South Korea Is At It Again REDPILLMARRIED 465 Views • 4 years ago

A country that is literally DYING OUT, but WAIFUS are bigger concern.

Article: ⁣

Be Self-Concerning Yet Don't Be An Arsehole&Leverage Their Superstitions
Be Self-Concerning Yet Don't Be An Arsehole&Leverage Their Superstitions Francis_UD 9 Views • 4 years ago

Filmed on 10/02/2021

Why I Imagine MGTOW Does NOT Deviate from God's Way
Why I Imagine MGTOW Does NOT Deviate from God's Way Francis_UD 75 Views • 4 years ago

Uploaded here as a backup archive.
Filmed on roughly 19/11/2019.

Women Are Suckers For Nice Lies - MGTOW
Women Are Suckers For Nice Lies - MGTOW Sandman 305 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

She's My Dream Woman - MGTOW

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is Ilya and here's what he has to say: "Sandman, If you want to discuss it, I'd like to hear more of your thoughts on supernatural, precognitive dreams and nature of reality. Also, am I an NPC if I don't see precog dreams? Thank you for engaging content" Well Ilya thanks for the donation and topic. With regards to all the precognitive dreams and weird metaphysical x-files style experiences in my life there is no way I can share everything in only ten minutes. I recently put out a video called She's My Dream Woman that I haven't released as of scripting this video but will be out before this one and it discusses the strange circumstances as to how I went my own way and how there were outside forces meddling with my relationships my entire life. Those same forces set me free from them. I've also learned over the years that women are more interested in things like psychic phenomena and are more open to this sort of thing so long as the precognitive and paranormal experiences are positive. If they are negative they have a hard time processing things and start to freak out. I'll discuss my experiences in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. First of Ilya you're not an NPC if you've never had a precognitive dream you probably just haven't unlocked that ability yet. A friend of mine didn't really believe what I was saying until he started having lucid dreams. Now he wonders about the precognitive kind. For me it took trauma to have curse. I say curse because you start to question consciousness and if we are in a simulation as well as free will. We all want to feel that reality is real and that we have the ability to guide our own destinies. For me what triggered all of this was taking one Larazapam pill combined with a panic state which unintentionally lead me to have precognitive dreams. I sometimes worry about what walls of perception if I took something like ayawaska in South America. I fear learning too much about reality too quickly that I can't handle it. Precognitive Dreams are a curse because if you dream something and change the outcome does that mean what you drempt never existed in the first place? If it didn't then how and why did you see it? Maybe you saw it exist in the multiverse? There are also ways to communicate with what I would assume are multi-dimensional beings in my sleep. Some telling me about the future and things I can't change no matter how hard I try. That's where the issue of free will comes into play. Some things I have changed when dreaming of them. Other things I couldn't even though I had pre-knowledge. The things I did change maybe I was meant to change them and seeing what was going to happen was simply part of the equation. As you can see it gets complicated fast. There is something called the observer effect. When you measure the air pressure in a tire you have to use a device that measures the air pressure but it changes the pressure because it requires that air be released so the meter gets a correct reading. But by releasing it the value is different. Does seeing the future mean that your choices will be different simply because you've seen it? I can't answer that question completely? I know that sometimes it can't be changed and sometimes it can from personal experience. A lot of the time when I've had precognitive dreams they would involve a sequence of events. Sometimes I would get through about 75% of the sequence and then stop before I got to the last part of the dream as I was reliving it in my waking life. This was a way for me to mess back with reality.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

PUA SINS??? Hold The Truth Hostage 42 Views • 4 years ago

Why PUA are trapped in the 1980s-190s

#dating #men #relationship

Email Me Questions:
[email protected]

She's More Equal Than You - MGTOW
She's More Equal Than You - MGTOW Sandman 284 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lithuanian Apiary

Lilith in the white house 2020

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation Richard Drazil. He's the author of the book Lilith in the White House 2020 which I've put a link to in the description. In Richard's book he believes that cultures have replaced female figures, fertility goddesses like Lilith with a male figure god to support the male drive to procreate. He says that the Lilith archetypes of women have been around forever. He then poses the question will Lilith in this millennia get her eternal wish of not only escaping her biology her biology but also reaching the pinnacle of power in the most powerful nation on the face of the Earth the United States. He wrote this last year before it became clear to everyone that Kamala Harris would be VP and more than likely soon also be the president. His book is perfectly timed as in the white house recently in the press briefing room all of the reporters except one were women and some women thought it was cool to have this sort of inequality at the highest levels of American Power. Or how in Paris France there was a rule that only sixty percent of the city hall staff could either be male or female. Men had to step down to make room for all the aspiring Lilith's out there but once women made up sixty plus percent of the staff did any of the women step aside for the sake of equality for men? No they didn't and in fact they said the rules weren't fair and changed them and increased the number of women in power because now they had the power and could do as they like and as Richard says in the introduction to his book if you want to know who rules your society what you do is find those you aren't allowed to criticize. Anyways, I'll discuss more about his thought provoking and thot provoking book in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Lithuanian Apiary: Anyways, now back to the cooches dressed up as clowns show. According to the Bible and Genesis women were punished by god to have children and were commanded to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth. But that women were eternally angry for this because they couldn't escape their biology so how can Lilith escape this curse? By overthrowing the patriarchy of course. Richard says that Lilith is the name of Satan or she's like the mythological female Mesopotamian storm demon bearer of disease, illness and death. She first appears in 4000 BCE as an idea and then in 700 BCE with her current name. Lilith is the seductress that has been with us since the beginnings of civilization. Richard spends the first part of his book discussing her origins and who she is. That in some folk traditions she is known as Adam's first wife and that she is his equal because she wasn't created from his rib the way Eve was but with clay or mud the way that Adam was so in a way she was created in God's image along with Adam. But the bible is gynocentric because Genesis 2:18 says that "it is not good for man to be alone." I guess god didn't want men to go their own way. This line can also be found in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Here's what part of that Epic says and I quote: "He then created a woman for Adam, from the earth, as he had created Adam himself, and called her Lilith. Adam and Lilith immediately began to fight. She said, ‘I will not lie below,’ and he said, ‘I will not lie beneath you, but only on top. For you are fit only to be in the bottom position, while I am to be the superior one.’ Lilith responded, ‘We are equal to each other inasmuch as we were both created from the earth.’ But they would not listen to one another." unquote. I won't read anymore.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

2 photo credits:

1. Beekeeper controlling beehive and comb frame

2. Portrait of a cheerful man and woman beekepers in protective uniform

A INFLUENCER que CHOROU ao saber que teria que TRABALHAR como QUALQUER PESSOA CN 106 Views • 4 years ago


If you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best!
If you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best! NerokeFive 55 Views • 4 years ago

The name of this video pretty much says it all! To date, EVERY single woman that I've seen use this excuse has used it to excuse or dismiss their bad behavior

News Flash being "difficult" isn't a virtue and if your worst is abusive, insane, destructive, etc?

I ain't interested in your best!

Facebook "Fact Checked" My Parody Post
Facebook "Fact Checked" My Parody Post NerokeFive 35 Views • 4 years ago

No that's not a misleading title. I posted up a Story from a Parody News site and Facebook fact-checked it! Turns out Snopes ALSO fact-checked this. Good to see that the workers over at the Ministry of Truth are on guard for thee! After all, people might not have been able to figure it out themselves. All of you will sleep better knowing this

The Honourable Man
The Honourable Man NerokeFive 21 Views • 4 years ago

It's a dilemma that more than a few men are facing. Nice Guys finish last and Women like the Bad Boys. There's a conflict here, some men don't like assholes and certainly don't want to debase themselves by becoming the very thing they dislike. So is there another option?

Yes, there is! It's been derided, mocked, and ridiculed in some circles and there have definitely men that have taken it too far. Honor a big part of it, is about having boundaries and rules about what you will and won't do. It's also about having a name that's not feared but respected. Even the assholes know better than to cross paths with such man. It usually doesn't end well for the asshole

This isn't even about getting the girl either (Or more fitting shouldn't) this is about self-respect, integrity, having purpose and keeping your word as much as humanly possible. And better yet while you may need to put your foot down from time. Nobody will ever mistake you for a meathead. You've ascended past men like that

The Black Pill - All the Options for Men have been Stigmatized
The Black Pill - All the Options for Men have been Stigmatized NerokeFive 54 Views • 4 years ago

The Emergence of the Phenomenon known as the Red Pill as scores of young men everywhere are falling into depression and nihilism as they discover that they've been told a lie and the options that are available have some sort of stigma attached to them.

The answer is pretty obvious (At least to me) And that is to discover their personal purpose...But how?

The NPC's of Quora Franklin Veaux III
The NPC's of Quora Franklin Veaux III NerokeFive 17 Views • 4 years ago

Reupload after a needed correction

It's one thing to go around posting up comments on something like what you have to say is definitive! It's another matter entirely to post up comments take them out of context intentionally, and then have stooges come over and taunt me into responding. ONLY to have them report me then come back and claim Franklin won when not even he had the chance to respond (Assuming he wasn't the one doing the reporting in the first place OR that he had directed these stooges to come at me in the first place. Not only did they make a false claim but then THEY would block my attempt to respond in an attempt to make it look like I bowed out

Let me make this clear...FRANK!
*Not Incel never have been.
*I have the post you made on Quora screen saved and will send it to anyone who asks me for it just in case you try and lie and say you didn't post it!
*This video isn't targeted at Polyamory and in no way should be seen that way. Yeah Frank, I'm aware of what you tried to do after that last video

Furthermore, this act done by Frank is easily one of the most cowardly, dishonest acts I've seen done online ANYWHERE! And I've seen a lot of it.

Oh and Anger (Which you bet your ass I was) is quite justified given your post and the actions of the people who supported you.

Elon Musk Takes the Red Pill
Elon Musk Takes the Red Pill NerokeFive 51 Views • 4 years ago

Elon Musk made it very clear back in May that he was aware of the Red Pill and openly started talking about it. The fact that Ivanka Trump responded so enthusiastically and that at one point Donald Trump and his wife at one point gave Elon a like for this was pretty significant

That means that the concept of the Red Pill has reached the highest levels of society making any attempt to quell, suppress or eliminate the concepts brought forward via the Red Pill are pretty much execution proof

Johnny Depp Loses Lawsuit to The Sun Newspaper
Johnny Depp Loses Lawsuit to The Sun Newspaper NerokeFive 20 Views • 4 years ago

As we're all aware Johnny Depp lost his lawsuit to the Sun. While this isn't the main lawsuit and this particular Lawsuit would've been hard to win in the first place. The bottom line here is that the MSM and Hollywood have done everything they can to unperson Johnny after this decision despite more than a little evidence to showing what kinda person Amber Heard was

Long and deep running repercussions for the Manosphere justice wasn't served here and if you think that this fact went unnoticed by anybody in the Manosphere you're deluding yourself

Takedown of Hashtag#Cult MGTOW is a Cult how and why
Takedown of Hashtag#Cult MGTOW is a Cult how and why NerokeFive 33 Views • 4 years ago

More gold from Hashtag#Cult this video "Exposes" MGTOW but half of this video ends up being about Fat and Body-Shaming an issue that has almost no connection with MGTOW. It also becomes very clear that despite their claims neither of these people did any real research. Mike is also clearly convinced that MGTOW is exclusively about sex which it's not

Keep in mind here to that to my knowledge Mike's site here on YouTube DOESN'T allow comments

Dating Is A Waste Of Time - MGTOW
Dating Is A Waste Of Time - MGTOW Sandman 486 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Why Don’t People Go On Actual Dates Anymore?

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from TJ and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I appreciate you continuing to make your videos during the Wuflu... Somehow, I managed to survive a massive layoff at my company. And have continued to work. But during this crisis I’ve been seriously increasing my savings. I seriously enjoyed your video "Beginning my MGTOW journey." I’m about four years into mine - After surviving a divorce rape and even more painfully - a deep sense of betrayal by someone I seriously loved and trusted. You mentioned that older guys, which I am one of, tend to sit around and watch TV. Not very true in my case. I consider watching TV a huge time suck. A complete waste of time. And something I do very little of... If you’re looking for a good TV show to devour your time, check out one called Longmire. After watching the entire series I stopped watching TV again. Now let me get back to the road less taken. My MGTOW journey continues. Currently searching for a new mountain home. Want to get away from people all together. Well TJ thanks for the donation. You do realise that it's ironic that in one breath you say you aren't one of those old guys that sits around watching television all day but in the very next breath you mention how you've got some TV show and movie picks for me. But then you recover by saying that after that show you stopped watching tv again. I limit my watching time down to only thirty minutes of actual television but I really have to cut down on all the thot provoking and stressful podcasts I listen to. You mentioned that you're increasing savings during the coof. On average people are now saving 20-30% of their income because they are scared for the future but also because they can't travel and go to restaurants. As a result of all that saving prices would be falling if it hadn't been for all those governments printing all that money to devalue all that currency people are saving. Inflation is the most insidious tax and it's taking ten to fifteen percent of your money each year if you look at housing costs, food, health care and edumacation. But that's not what I want to talk about today. I found an interesting article called "Why Don't People Go On Actual Dates Anymore?" which I've linked to in the description. I'll discuss that and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the video. So the article about why people don't go on dates anymore is by Jessica Blake and she gives us a big list of reasons why dating is irrelevant. I'll get to those a little later but I think it's important for me to share my opinions as to why dating is done on my own before being tainted by her words. The way I see it today women don't have to date to find out about a guy over dinner. Once they have his name they can look him up on social media and see what he looks like in various environment and attire. They can also get social proof off of social media. For example if you're a woman and some of your female friends are friends with a guy you meet randomly then you don't have to go on a date to find out about him. All you have to do is talk to your female friends to get information about him. This is more quality control before letting some man snatch up your cooch. In the past dating was an activity for people to meet members of the opposite sex outside of their immediate social circle, to get to know each other relatively quickly in order to see if a relationship was worth having or not. This was the most efficient way because there was no Tinder or social media.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:





The NPC's of Quora Ernest W Adams
The NPC's of Quora Ernest W Adams NerokeFive 17 Views • 4 years ago

Yet another one of the Egotistical Blowhards that seem t thrive on this site. This guy is literally so bad that he has sites online that talk about what a poor excuse for a human being he is. Noted on Quora for posting up opinions but NEVER and I do mean never allowing anyone to comment on them. He also has a group of stooges on there that run block for him. That is of course assuming the admins don't which they usually will

His single most famous act though was literally threatening Gamergaters back in the Gamergate days. The Ralph Retort did several stories on this guy. He never really shut up all he did was move on to another platform where he can bloviate and not get called on it

Extensive and I do mean extensive material on this guy

Many words describe this guy, egotistical, insecure, smug, arrogant, narcissistic plus many more. Just keep in mind this guy KNOWS that he's so dishonest that as far as I know, it's literally impossible to comment on almost anything he does he's got such a nuclear grade safe space

Also if you dare to look on here. The first two videos for Ernest DON'T allow comments. One even suspended the voting and almost all the others have below 50% and just so you know. NO that doesn't make him any kind of a noble warrior in the fight against...Whatever

Takedown of Confessions of a Former Misogynist: My Descent Into the MGTOW Pipeline
Takedown of Confessions of a Former Misogynist: My Descent Into the MGTOW Pipeline NerokeFive 47 Views • 4 years ago

Google chose to use this as a form of weaponization against MGTOW. The title says one thing but when you get into the details of the story especially if you know what MGTOW is, what it's about the language used etc. You discover this video has no more substance than any other badly written hit piece. The writer of this article clearly demonstrates a total lack of knowledge of MGTOW

Most important though there's one thing to remember here
The Red Pill once actually taken cannot be untaken

Eight Stages of  a Movement Stage 4 The Triggering
Eight Stages of a Movement Stage 4 The Triggering NerokeFive 12 Views • 4 years ago

This is part of an older collection of videos that I made but didn't post up in 2016-17. This video discusses the manosphere in the context of Eight Stages of a Movement by Bill Moyers. The first three stages of the Manosphere were easy to spot (Lorena Bobbit, Duke Lacrosse, & Donglegate) It's still hard to tell if Stage 4 has actually occurred or is yet to occur. Stage 4 is when the Manosphere gains wide knowledge and enters the common culture as an issue. This hasn't happened yet to my knowledge but is getting closer.

Another video or expansion on this one because it's aged a little may be necessary

MGTOW Master Series 39 MGTOW Fitness
MGTOW Master Series 39 MGTOW Fitness NerokeFive 25 Views • 4 years ago

Nihilst and I discuss MGTOW Fitness both Physical and Mental. Maintaining your health in both areas is critical as you progress

MGTOW Master Series 38 Towards a New Civil War
MGTOW Master Series 38 Towards a New Civil War NerokeFive 52 Views • 4 years ago

In this video Nihilist and I discuss the repercussions of what a Civil War might look and how it might play out. In making this video we found out that war (and in this case civil war) has repercussions that would extend far beyond the United States

Just remember it's never as cut and dried as you think it is when it comes to violence and/or combat

OF COURSE It's About Not Needing Women!
OF COURSE It's About Not Needing Women! NerokeFive 44 Views • 4 years ago

A response to a commonly held criticism that despite the fact that MGTOW are supposed to be separating themselves from women that they're not doing so because they keep discussing women. There's a really simple explanation for this. The Trolls in the midst either can't or won't

The Rebuttal to this group is easy. That doesn't mean they'll get it. It's not your job to get them to understand. It's likely your job though to make sure trolls don't take over the MGTOW or your space

Hopefully, this helps

A Misunderstanding of Female Attraction
A Misunderstanding of Female Attraction NerokeFive 57 Views • 4 years ago

Based on a Question I found on Quora I found from a guy that was wondering why despite what he claims to be physically attractive he still hasn't been having as much success with women

The answer is pretty clear of you're familiar with the breeding selection and what women desire more in men. Looks are not everything here. Quick video as to how that takes effect

Best way to win though? Don't Play

Dis Son Nom (Say His Name
Dis Son Nom (Say His Name NerokeFive 9 Views • 4 years ago

Lauren Chen brought this website to my attention. To say that there's a possibility for abuse is an understatement in fact there have already been 2 men at least falsely accused and several lawsuits are pending. To quote Lauren here "Yet another monstrosity to come out of the #metoo movement

Original Video

Tomi Lahren PSA to Girly Men- If you think Conservative women are the answer
Tomi Lahren PSA to Girly Men- If you think Conservative women are the answer NerokeFive 94 Views • 4 years ago

If you haven't seen Tomi Lahren's video in regards to men. It was an eye-opener. I took a while to find an angle not already covered by someone else but I found one. For MGTOW finding the NAWALT is something that we men can fall into and in some cases are actively looking. If you're under the impression that this woman is easy to find think again

Consider the calibre of most women today
Now consider that (maybe) Conservative women are just a step above that
Feminism has done a good job of tainting women everywhere not just with Liberals and Tomi Lahren's rant proves that in spades.

Link to Tomi Lahren PSA

MGTOW Master Series #36 Workplace Lessons
MGTOW Master Series #36 Workplace Lessons NerokeFive 27 Views • 4 years ago

Recorded a couple months both uploading now. Nihilist recounts an event that happened at his workplace that was indirectly involved in. This story though represents what can happen when you sell yourself out to get a little action. The man in this story had a job and had done enough to even move up a little.

He lost all that ground because he wanted to keep sleeping with a woman who was clearly feeling more entitled than she deserved to be

MGTOW Lurkers
MGTOW Lurkers NerokeFive 31 Views • 4 years ago

Every group has a certain percentage of people who will simply lurk on the board and not reveal themselves or interact.

Again though for some reason that I've yet to figure out, these lurkers like to come out of nowhere and post comments that are not only insulting but in a lot of cases show how ignorant they are about MGTOW and the processes around and driving it

MGTOW Master Series #24 Stages of Grief Kubler/Ross Model Stage 5 Acceptance
MGTOW Master Series #24 Stages of Grief Kubler/Ross Model Stage 5 Acceptance NerokeFive 22 Views • 4 years ago

We discuss the Red Pill Rage in the framework of the Kubler/Ross model. While this model does have it's critics and the process can and does vary between individuals this model is something like a guide. By no means does there appear to be hard-line separating one stage from another.

But for the purposes of this hangout, we'll be discussing Stage 5 Acceptance

MGTOW Master Series #23 Stages of Grief Kubler/Ross Model Stage 4 Bargaining
MGTOW Master Series #23 Stages of Grief Kubler/Ross Model Stage 4 Bargaining NerokeFive 14 Views • 4 years ago

We discuss the Red Pill Rage in the framework of the Kubler/Ross model. While this model does have it's critics and the process can and does vary between individuals this model is something like a guide. By no means does there appear to be hard-line separating one stage from another.

But for the purposes of this hangout, we'll be discussing Stage 4 Bargaining

Limited Liability Relationship???
Limited Liability Relationship??? Hold The Truth Hostage 22 Views • 4 years ago

Why Limited Liability Relationship for Women has ended the relationship Between Men & Women
#men #youngmen #social

Join The Discord To Chat Since Youtube Blocks My Replies

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MGTOW Master Series #28 What Women Need to Know about MGTOW
MGTOW Master Series #28 What Women Need to Know about MGTOW NerokeFive 33 Views • 4 years ago

There are some women that still haven't heard of MGTOW and the information out there about MGTOW really isn't all that good or reliable. This will MANsplain to you what MGTOW and what you need to know as opposed to what you might know

Just a heads up here ladies: The answers you get in this video are the answers you get. Nothing personal but your approval isn't the first and foremost thing on my mind

Is AMS Dating A Call Girl?
Is AMS Dating A Call Girl? Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 327 Views • 4 years ago


Recommendation and Commentary on YouTuber 'Academy of Ideas'
Recommendation and Commentary on YouTuber 'Academy of Ideas' Johnny_Cage 32 Views • 4 years ago

Y'all know what this is!

RPMGTOW Falling Sperm Counts Are NOT A Good Thing
RPMGTOW Falling Sperm Counts Are NOT A Good Thing REDPILLMARRIED 270 Views • 4 years ago

This sucks, BUT oh well.

Article: ⁣

The TFM Show: 2/27/2021
The TFM Show: 2/27/2021 T.F. Monkey 1,225 Views • 4 years ago

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Fantasias sexuales satisfechas con robots
Fantasias sexuales satisfechas con robots Trolluminati 63 Views • 4 years ago

⁣ [Bitcoin]

Keep Your Gaurd Up???
Keep Your Gaurd Up??? Hold The Truth Hostage 33 Views • 4 years ago

Email Me Questions:
[email protected]

Trying To Save My Fat Ex Girlfriend - MGTOW
Trying To Save My Fat Ex Girlfriend - MGTOW Sandman 273 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
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Dating Fat Girls - MGTOW

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Slow Learner but what he has to say is lengthy so before I share it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. Here's what Slow Learner has to say and I quote: "Hello Sandman, This is a follow up on a video you put online December 24, 2015 called "dating fat girls" where I emailed you about my horrible breakup that almost ruined my life. I ask your listeners to watch that video to see how bad getting involved with the wrong person as a blue pill beta male can be. You can refer to me "Slow Learner" now, because it seems it takes me a long time to figure things out. It has been 5 years since that video, and I really started the MGTOW path in 2017. I have been absorbing as much material from your channel and other guys like Coach Greg Adams and Better Bachelor and Red Pill Men's Health and Donovan Sharpe. This has been better therapy for me than all of the counseling sessions I ever attended. My ex of 7 years contacted me in 2018 after the Washington Capitals won the Stanley Cup, using that as an excuse to "breadcrumb" back into my life. She congratulated me on the team finally getting the cup, then asked me if I am dating anyone or in a relationship. When I told her that I am focusing on paying my bills and improving my life, and that dating is not on the table at the moment she replies "fair enough". What kind of response is that? "Fair Enough"? This was not some agreement I was trying to iron out with her, this was me fixing my own issues. Any decent normal human being would say something like "that is a really good idea" or "I hope you meet your goals and succeed". Not a single word of decency, just "fair enough". What the hell do you think she meant by that??? Then she comes back and says her new husband is a struggle to be with and is depressed. I think she is making him unhappy and he sees who she really is. A stuck up arrogant controlling woman. She married a poor white trash guy who put her on a pedestal who thought he hit the jackpot because she makes close to $200,000 a year and works for a big pharma company and has a brand new 3,000 square foot townhouse. She said she married him because he gets her coffee without asking, he cleans the place where as we could afford a maid service together, he does things for her like puts up book shelves, and he has a lot of friends and nerdy interests like Harry Potter and Dungeons and Dragons. It seems like she wanted a nerd butler with a big social circle she could work her way into and make his friends her friends. Before she lost all the weight she said once "I want to be fabulous". If this is fabulous I want no part of it. I am so glad I never married this woman. I went through hell for about 3 or 4 years mentally and eventually learned about female nature but more importantly learned some things about myself that led me to bad choices with women. I am sharing this to be honest and helpful because some guys might benefit from my newfound awareness. It turns out I had a bad codependency issue, combined with what is known as anxious attachment style and bipolar disorder. I encourage the listeners to look these issues up and learn about them. This is more common than we realize with men. I came from an abusive family and lost my mom as a kid to cancer and my dad to his drinking finally catching up to him. For decades I felt like some sort of lost dog looking for love and validation because of what happened. Fear of being alone. Fear of rejection. I only recently put the pieces together and understood this.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

It All Comes Down To Looks
It All Comes Down To Looks Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 438 Views • 4 years ago


Games & Rants (2/27/21) : Superman Cancelled & More Leftist Antics! Also WAR!!!
Games & Rants (2/27/21) : Superman Cancelled & More Leftist Antics! Also WAR!!! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 60 Views • 4 years ago

Game: Huniepop 2 Double Date

The left cancels Henry Cavill for dating Gina Corrano ten years ago. Plus, I follow an absolutist woman who infiltrated the left and discovered much of what we always assumed was true. Definitely on board with TFM's impalement spike idea. Also, I discussed with a black woman the stupidity of Barnour Hesse's "Eight Degrees Of Whiteness" and Biden wants war! Go die in the desert, incels.

Then we have the craziest part of the night as yet another young simp at work proves how bad this damn generation of men is. Can we please get a fucking goddamned mulligan? Can I roll the dice again and get better attributes? Enough is enough!

That's all tonight on Games & Rants!

Hibristofilia estampada/ Lays Paes- Dama de Luxo
Hibristofilia estampada/ Lays Paes- Dama de Luxo Incognito X 138 Views • 4 years ago


RPMGTOW Age Gap Dating
RPMGTOW Age Gap Dating REDPILLMARRIED 258 Views • 4 years ago

Nature simply taking it's course.

Article: ⁣

The Art Of Cope: Just Live In The Fantasy If You Want It So Bad!
The Art Of Cope: Just Live In The Fantasy If You Want It So Bad! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 102 Views • 4 years ago

Game: Cybercrush 2069

In the first video of my Art Of Cope series, I will be discussing the importance of the fantasy experience of dating sims, anime and other forms of romantic or erotic entertainment and what the reality of many of these things entails. I'm friends with many women from all over the world on social media and I see so many L's folks. And as they get older and even more insecure, these get worse. If you love the fantasy of having a relationship so much, then just go live in one of these fantasy worlds where you can relive the dream over and over again. Because the reality of all this is not so bright and as years pass, it will never be like the interactions in these artificial landscapes that have been created for your own enjoyment.

AMS Tactics Send Beta Male To Divorce Court
AMS Tactics Send Beta Male To Divorce Court Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 333 Views • 4 years ago

8:25 the beta male mentions AMS and his tactics. This is REAL WORLD consquences for following AMS.

Criança de 12 anos mata bebê recém nascido com ajuda dá mãe(avó)
Criança de 12 anos mata bebê recém nascido com ajuda dá mãe(avó) Chadpobre 67 Views • 4 years ago

Nem sei o que escrever aqui,me desculpem amigos meu sumiço,mas os estudos para o concurso dos meus sonhos é pesado, tamo junto.

Marriage Destroyed. Mission Accomplished - MGTOW
Marriage Destroyed. Mission Accomplished - MGTOW Sandman 399 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Passive Income With CJ

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Jonathan and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I've been thinking about MGTOW and the ironies of it lately. I remember someone saying, which may have been you, that if we're going MGTOW then why do we bring up women? This made me delve deeper into MGTOW and its philosophy. It's philosophy is essentially breaking the matrix by understanding female nature to a point where a man does not want to associate with one or at least get married to one. Also MGTOW touches upon society and our roles as a male in a matrix that we (MGTOW) do not accept. The whole point of MGTOW is for men to go their own way, if that's the case then why do we need affirmation of this all the time? Is it because when I get a dose of red pill of your daily content I do feel better, but my brain is trying to wire me to get a wife and have babies? Technically there shouldn't be a community for people doing their own thing, ironically. I can't give enough credit to MGTOW and red pill, I am not trying to knock it down at all, as I grew up with no father image in my life. But imagine a group whose tagline is "Doing Our Own Thing" group everyone is doing their own thing. Maybe I'm digging too deep. Also I find that going to /r/MGTOW they are always bringing up how women are going to hit the wall by 30 and that they'll regret their 20s from riding the CC. Or that she left a good relationship for a bad boy and now regrets it. Although it is very hurtful to be left for someone else, why do we bring this up if we understand female nature? It seems like when there is a chance to bring up womens crappy nature they are there to criticise it, it kind of turns me off. Not because I feel bad for females, not at all, but this shouldn't really be a surprise anymore. It's reaffirmation for a belief in my previous point. If men were truly going their own way, shouldn't they not seek any guidance or groups and just, well do their own thing. Also there are women who were with their husbands/boyfriends but the husbands cheated on them and manipulated them as well and treated them like crap and maybe even beat them. I don't really enjoy women playing the victim card, but I kind of feel that men on MGTOW just go after the worst bunch of women to compare to to have confirmation bias for their ideologies and beliefs. It's kind of like Liberals comparing Nazi supportors who are Conservatives and Conservatives who compare Antifa supportoers who are Liberal, there's never a solution or any olive branch extended. People will always compare the worst of the other side to have confirmation for their belief if they look for it. Anyways I think I'm going crazy or maybe you could straighten my thinking, thanks again!" Well Jonathan thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's spnosor Passive Income With CJ:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

What If I Told You A Nuclear Bomb Will Fall On Us
What If I Told You A Nuclear Bomb Will Fall On Us Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 358 Views • 4 years ago


FIZ UBER DE EVOQUE E FUI ASSEDIADO PELA CLIENTE フクロウ Fukuro 126 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Imagine se fosse o reverso, o cara seria acusado de assédio psicológico e moral. Quando chegasse na DP seria agredido pelos policiais manginas e depois colocado numa cela com outros presos para ser violado e linchado. Lembrando que EVOQUE é carrão no BOSTIL, fora daqui é carroça de pobretão americano e britanico.

#Globolixo Incognito X 101 Views • 4 years ago


¡Hola, carrusel! ¡Adiós, monogamia! (El Observador)
¡Hola, carrusel! ¡Adiós, monogamia! (El Observador) Biblioteca Hombres Libres 268 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣Canal de El Observador:
El obserador en
El observador es un canal que con su modo pausado y muy relajado a la vez que racional, explica de forma muy clara los conceptos base de la filosofía de los hombres libres.
En este video el observador explica el concepto de carrusel y como se ha destruido la monogamia establecida artificialmente por la sociedad de antaño.
Visita mi canal principal para tener tener acceso asegurado a todos los vídeos además de algunos adicionales


SINGLE Mothers Living Debt: Part 2
SINGLE Mothers Living Debt: Part 2 Hold The Truth Hostage 91 Views • 4 years ago

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[email protected]

MANGINICE GRAU MÁXIMO!!! telecurso_mgtow 177 Views • 4 years ago


RUN! No Wife Simple Life - MGTOW
RUN! No Wife Simple Life - MGTOW Sandman 283 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Passive Income With CJ

How many of you fellas just want a simple life?

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Steve MC and he didn't send me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is cover a reddit post called: "How many of you fellas just want a simple life?" which I've also put a link to in the description. Here's what a guy called Bodacious Fi says in that post and I quote: "No loans, no car payments, no commitments, no contracts, no relationship, no kids, etc. I know the criteria can be unrealistic for some people, but this is the kind of life I seek. Anyone else? I find that based on my experience, this lifestyle rapidly builds your wealth. It feels like society wants you to live with commitments to keep you down and in debt. This is counterproductive to the status quo so they want you to play the game. I’m a minimalist. All I need are my hobbies, food, and a roof over my head. I'll probably rent a room for a while for a few hundred bucks to save and buy a house in full. Let me know y'alls thoughts on a simple life." Well Bodaciousfi thanks for posting on reddit and thanks Steve MC for the donation. I'll get on with the topic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. BodaciousFi of course the system wants you in debt. We live in a debt based economy and money system. The only way for it to survive is for the value of our currency to continuously keep going down. If you want to rebel against that financial system then take a small portion of your personal savings and buy some silver or Bitcoin. Also you're forgetting the fact that time is money and when you don't have a relationship you don't have to spend your weekends with your significant other stressed out at her sisters house eating fancy patte with people you hate. You can double your efforts at work, working overtime or starting a small business on the weekends to stack cash, sats and silver stacks a lot faster. Your money multiplies four times faster. But don't let that fool you into thinking that you should stop being productive the moment you retire. Having a simple life as a man can be extremely deadly. As men we are naturally hard wired to self destruct when we are free and flourish when we are slaves. That's why most guys have issues dying young by drinking themselves to death in retirement. Just because you're not a slave to a woman and a bankster doesn't mean you are free. Become a slave to your own hopes and dreams like myself and many other guys and you'll be surprised with what you can achieve. The system doesn't want that and do you really think it's a coincidence that the MGTOW community is the only part of the manosphere that's been demonetized completely. Encouraging men to focus on building their wealth instead of boning some wench means there's more competition for the wealthy classes because free men can't be controlled and they have an abundance of energy and time to get life right and get a piece of the wealth pie for themselves. Under the reddit post I see guys saying things like they want to live in the woods in a log cabin away from everything. The log cabin for men is the equivalent of a beach vacation for women. I can understand it's appeal if you've done nothing but work your entire life. But after a month or two off you start to lose it. I also don't agree with the idea of buying a house for cash. I made a mistake not putting down two hundred grand on a five hundred thousand dollar house back in 2008. Today that house is 1.3 million dollars and sure my 200k has grown but no where near as much as if I bought a property on a mortgage.

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◀| Karen Don’t Be Sad | Channels | Music |►
◀| Karen Don’t Be Sad | Channels | Music |► Robokitty 37 Views • 4 years ago

▼?????? ?????

Grim Rants: The Grim Lord On Trial! Why Should You Listen To Me?
Grim Rants: The Grim Lord On Trial! Why Should You Listen To Me? Grim Lord's Games & Rants 79 Views • 4 years ago

Game: Hollow Knight

Drexel of The Migtown Podcast (You can check them out either here or on YouTube) said in a conversation a week or so ago that red pill men should have to prove themselves to show that they know what they're talking about. Though you may like my content, you may not really know me and that's what I'm here to do. Here I explain the kind of life I've lived, what I've learned and why I don't want you making the same mistakes.

I'm allowing you to put me on trial and giving you the option as to whether or not you still want to follow me and my content here. I think it is important that we know each other enough that we can decide whether or not a man knows what he's talking about.

RPMGTOW When Thotting It Up Goes Wrong
RPMGTOW When Thotting It Up Goes Wrong REDPILLMARRIED 269 Views • 4 years ago

We need MORE of this! Bring back SHAME!!!!

Article: ⁣

Women Dating Violent Men - MGTOW
Women Dating Violent Men - MGTOW Sandman 280 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
Swan Bitcoin (Americans Only)

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and he has a lot to say so before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Swan Bitcoin: Anyways, now back the commiefornia clown world show and here's what Mr. Anonymous has to say: "Hey, Sandman, I want to discuss another phenomenon I've observed in Commiefornia and see what you and your viewers think about it. This is the phenomenon of chicks who seem to prefer guys who are violent with them. If you hear feminists speak you get the opposite idea, they're always complaining about "violence against women". And of course in 1994 Bill Clinton signed the "Violence Against Women Act". Liberals and feminists are always complaining about "violence against women", then why do so many women prefer guys that rough them up? The first time I ran into this phenomenon I was dating a chick in Northern California named Lori. I went to Lori's house one night and we ate some food and drank some booze and talked. I had brought a video over and about midnight Lori said "why don't we go in the bedroom and watch the video?" It was a rather inviting line. As we watched the video I began giving Lori a neck and shoulders message--often a good tactic with chicks! After about 15 minutes of this I tried to kiss her. She rebuffed me by saying "I don't want to have sex with you because I'm not in love with you!" I tried on several other occasions to get physical with Lori, but she kept turning me down, until finally I gave up on Lori. But we stayed friends and we talked on the phone occasionally. Then one day we were talking on the phone and she told a story that shocked me. "Darcy broke into my house and beat me up!" she explained. "And she trashed my house and kept beating me up until the police came!" Darcy was a woman Lori was "in love" with. Darcy was an alcoholic who had been in a mental hospital when I first met Lori. Darcy also had warrants in every county in the area. Apparently, Darcy had gotten drunk and broken into Lori's house and had beaten her up. "But I love her so much!!" Lori concluded her story. Of course, she couldn't have been in love with me because I'm not an alcoholic in a mental hospital! I had never come across this type of behavior before, until I moved to California, so I was confused. The second time I experienced a situation like this was when I was seeing a chick named Rachel. I met Rachel on Venice Beach and she was homeless, so I let her stay at my place for awhile. Rachel was also an alcoholic. I tried to help her by give her self help books, psychology books, and information on AA. I also let her stay at my place so she could try to get a job or start a business and try to get off the street. Rachel was also a former model and quite good looking, so I tried to get physical with her several times, but she kept rebuffing me. It seemed like it wasn't going anywhere and she never looked for a job or anything, so I finally asked her to leave. About a year later I talked to Rachel on the phone and she told me she was in a situation of domestic violence. The guy she was with beat her ever night and she had been in and out of jail herself for domestic violence. My being nice to her and trying to help her get off the street of course was not nearly as attractive! And the fact that I had been on "America's Got Talent" since we split and people said I had the best act on the beach didn't help either. The "cool" guy was the guy who who hit her every night! The most exciting thing that happened to me in California was when I was on NBC's "America's Got Talent" in 2013. I was especially excited when I found out that it was the #1 show in the country!! I asked a chick named Amanda to go with me, but she said "No".

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All Men Are Now Enemy Combatants
All Men Are Now Enemy Combatants Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 367 Views • 4 years ago


Aquí no hay odio a las mujeres (Utopian)
Aquí no hay odio a las mujeres (Utopian) Biblioteca Hombres Libres 140 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Canal Utopian:
Escucha a Utopian en Ivoox:
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Utopian es un creador de contenido que ha ido abriéndose paso en la comunidad de la filosofía de los hombres que sigue su propia camino. Es un canal muy equilibrado ya que trata diversidad de temas, desde superación personal hasta análisis de relaciones y otros temas de forma concisa pero muy esclarecedora.

En este video Utopian expone porque el odio no es parte de la filosofía MGTOW y porque no se recomienda alimentarlo.
Sigue mi canal principal para ver más videos de la filosofía MGTOW:

Israel For Dummies
Israel For Dummies MGTOW CHATS 76 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Halsey English comes on to discuss a brief history
on modern Israel and its formation as the age of disinformation and to
delegitimatize a country is at a fever pitch.

Whether you support Israel or not one must remain detached
emotionally when learning history. There are a lot of points of views
and we should try to respect and understand and get the facts before
dick swinging.

Please check out my article and check out some of my others:

DATING Drought#2
DATING Drought#2 Hold The Truth Hostage 143 Views • 4 years ago

The Dating Drought why Dating Is Tanking

#dating #men #relationship Email Me Questions:

Email Me Questions:
[email protected]

The Worst Ones - Mgtow
The Worst Ones - Mgtow Zuberi87 152 Views • 4 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Chaveiro recusa XERECARD e sai no prejuízo
Chaveiro recusa XERECARD e sai no prejuízo telecurso_mgtow 154 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo do canal Abner Trovão.

Men Want To Be Slaves To Women? - MGTOW
Men Want To Be Slaves To Women? - MGTOW Sandman 322 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lithuanian Apiary

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from John and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I enjoy all your presentations.. I really dont have any questions because I'm 60 now, divorced, and I know the program. But I thought it would be funny if you did a video on the topic of male slavery around the idea of the slogan work will set you free from those evil weight loss camps from ww2 where our wonderful cupcakes are keeping us, imprisoned as slaves, bound in the camp of our choice. LOL maybe you could put in a pic of a female ww2 officer beating up some poor bugger? lol My whorenado came self inflicted. In 2003 I went to Russia and immigrated a bride who was almost ok at first, but she had all the ingredients of a financial abuser and after three years of financial abuse I got an amicable divorce. I got that divorce because when the fighting got nearly out of control, she threatened to call the police. In five minutes I was at the sheriffs office filing a domestic abuse report against her, because my shirt was torn and I had scratches on my face. I'm a big guy so she never had a chance of beating me up but the whole thing was laughable. lol...cheers.
PS... Her previous hubby was a five foot nothing, 90 pound weakling. Look for me on Linkedin" Well John thanks for the donation and topic. I won't look you up on Linkedin because you can see who looks you up on there and see their profile. When I started erasing myself from the internet a number of years ago the first thing I did was delete my Linkedin profile so that I wouldn't be tempted to look at the profiles of others and accidentally give away my identity. As for men being slaves to women. Our psychology is such that we are free in our unfreedom. Mental and physical work will actually set us free from our minds and bodies eating themselves. Biologically we are slaves looking for a master and they are masters looking for slaves. Once we find something else to enslave ourselves with to that sets us free we become free of them. Anyways, I'll discuss what that something else is in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Lithuanian Apiary: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. As I was saying as men if we don't use our minds for a purpose greater than our own or enslave ourselves to something or someone outside ourselves we tend to get depressed, nihilistic and maybe even suicidal. Again, we are free in our unfreedom but to attract a mate to be consumed by her we have to display a high level of intelligence before we get married and turn into Homer Simpson. I think of married men as once being butterflies but once they settle down into a long-term relationship and fall in love they turn into caterpillers. It's a metamorphisis to a lower form of intelligence for the sake of reproduction. Or a man's mind is like peacock feathers and once he attracts a mate his intellect is no longer needed so it falls away because it's no longer mating season. A peacock loses his feathers quickly at the end of mating season and they are usually gone in a week after mating. Why wouldn't the male mind be the same way? The brain afterall is the most expensive organ in the human body energy wise and the more intelligent a male is the more likely he is to provide resources for a woman so his intelligence needs to be on display. What if inventors like Nikola Tesla went mad from using their minds too much instead of settling down and getting mad. I know that I can't be creative or write very well when I'm in love. It's as if my IQ drops ten to twenty points. I know the moment I'm free of relationships my intelligence is restored no doubt to attract a mate. When I find one I'm a happy, stupid slave to her.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

2 photo credits:

1. Beekeeper controlling beehive and comb frame

2. Portrait of a cheerful man and woman beekepers in protective uniform

RPMGTOW Random Talks 13
RPMGTOW Random Talks 13 REDPILLMARRIED 185 Views • 4 years ago

Enjoy the decline GENTS!

Latest Musings and Actual Video Footage!
Latest Musings and Actual Video Footage! Johnny_Cage 43 Views • 4 years ago

I think I'll start recording video from my excursions I take when doing contemplative or meditative thinking. The scenery is just gorgeous; I thought I'd try my hand at including actual video.

Let me know what you think!

Pare de falar mal de mulher
Pare de falar mal de mulher Scifer 213 Views • 4 years ago

Porque não se deve falar com um MGTOW?

Men Of 2021
Men Of 2021 Hold The Truth Hostage 81 Views • 4 years ago

Why Men Of 2021 will Be the return of a more confident male

#men #youngmen #social

Thot Makes Fun Of Girl With Cancer LOL - MGTOW
Thot Makes Fun Of Girl With Cancer LOL - MGTOW Sandman 294 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring
- (Cancer harassment, false police report, cancel culture against dad) (Dad's response with text context) (Full dad response and dad's personal channel) (Daughter running out of money and asking for men to become ATM's)

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trump Nukem and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, Whamen's ability to cancel culture a male partner or family member without consequences has been a plague on men/fathers since the rise of social media. Recently I discovered a utterly vile whamen named PlayMateTessi or Maya who was caught harassing a girl while live streaming with cancer with no remorse and claimed she cancel cultured lots of other people before this and is good at it. Two Weeks later Tessi was asleep during live stream and the father was caught with hot mike yelling at other daughter, info was leaked, viewers then traced dads workplace and emailed Tessi's cancer harassment video to them and got dad fired. When the father called to confront Tessi, she live streamed the call where father told Tessi to leave house in 1 hour. Tessi proceeded to call police and give false report to gain instant victim status
and cancel culture her own father. The father released a video explaining that Tessi has severe mental health issues and has spent $40K to get Tessi treatment and also to answer a few questions the internet populace had in regards to the whole thing. The father seems genuine and explains his side very well while still explaining that he loves his daughter though she is an adult now so is on her own after this backstabbing. Tessi is currently flooding Youtube with delusion streams of her current (spiral out of control) situation. As of January 29th Tessi is now asking for the Simps to become ATM's and support her financially because she's a whamen. Sandman I'd like your MGTOW perspective on the current trend of young Social Media Thots who spitefully cancel culture on their own family members while living in fantasy land with no consequences of actions, claiming independence while still suckling at the teat of men's income for survival while doing absolutely nothing towards furthering society. Well Trump Nukem thanks for the donation and topic. I shared the video links in the description with Tessi also known by her real name Maya so people can follow along with this thot debauchery. It's not enough that she got her father unintentionally cancelled from his own job but when he called her out on it she then got the police involved to cancel him even more. Whatever that's supposed to mean. Maybe put him in jail and cancel his freedom. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to the video. First I'll share my thoughts about Tessi or Maya and then I'll discuss women claiming independence while suckling a man's shwing shwang for resources. Trump Nukem the links you shared with me are quite disturbing. So when I watched Tessi the first thing I thought about when I saw her face in the fourth video, the most recent one is her face is red like she's a Meth head. I hate to say this but the path that she's going down I wouldn't be surprised if they find her in a back ally dead with no hear on her head because she sold her locks to make wigs for cancer patients so she could put the meth in her mouth that finally did her in. Her father had said that he had 2 rules for under his roof don't do drugs and other illegal activities and keep your room clean. He said she couldn't keep any of those promises. So she's definitely on drugs. In the latest video she's calling out all of her pay piggies to support her but what she should be doing is going online and begging for money or begging the company that fired her father for his job back. Yes she was streaming herself while sleeping and her father was heard being verbally abusive to his other daughter in the background and it cost him his job. Because of that he kicked her out of his life. He doesn't want her to ever come home.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Simp Fathers Are Worse Than Single Mothers
Simp Fathers Are Worse Than Single Mothers Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 410 Views • 4 years ago


Games & Rants (2/22/21) Emerging Triumphant From The Blizzard!
Games & Rants (2/22/21) Emerging Triumphant From The Blizzard! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 21 Views • 4 years ago

Game: Mushroom Kingdom Fusion, Hentai Girl Division, Hentai Crush (The game is free, similar to Super Mario Bros Crossover but much better, more footage and a playthrough of the upcoming 0.75 is coming soon. I talk with the devs on a regular basis. This game has also been around since 2008.)

We have finally returned from the blizzard and there was so much to discuss. From recent politics to personal mgtow related topics, DP and I talk about it all. We ran out of video footage three times and didn't even finish the outro proper! I spent a number of hours prepping game footage for future videos.

It’s 2021” Men” stop Cold Approaching Woman
It’s 2021” Men” stop Cold Approaching Woman NotchLion 240 Views • 4 years ago

Red Pill MGTOW

Hide Your Success Part 2 - Mgtow
Hide Your Success Part 2 - Mgtow Zuberi87 117 Views • 4 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Crazy Female Professor Wants All Humans To Die? - MGTOW
Crazy Female Professor Wants All Humans To Die? - MGTOW Sandman 357 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

'The only solution for climate change is letting the human race become extinct'

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mars and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, Can you please cover this article about a crazy female professor trying to convince her Cambridge students that the best way to fight climate change is for the human race to go extinct. What do you think of her plan Sandman?" Well Mars thanks for the donation and topic. Of course Angelica Ruskin the professor that wrote the book called the Ahuman Manifesto is appropriately dressed in a goth outfit. All black like someone just died. Is she crazy? Not at all. She's just as right as when you go to the doctor and he tells you that you have a life threatening virus. You ask him how he's going to kill the virus. He says that to cure the disease we need to kill the patient. He's right the virus is dead but so are you. You wouldn't go to a doctor like that. So why would you listen to a professor like this? You go to a different doctor and he tells you that he can't get rid of the virus but that he can help strengthen your immune system and help you make the right lifestyle choices so the virus doesn't die off completely but your symptoms can be minimalized. So if we look at humans as a virus on this planet then all we need to do is reduce the negative impact we have on the earth that's hosting us. Population growth is unsustainable but human extinction being the crazy pill solution being
offered by Anglica the tenured professor that can say whatever she like without being fired is not the answer. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways now back to the clown world show. So the article about Angelica and her book is called: "The only solution for climate change is letting the human race become extinct" and she says we should gradually phase out reproduction. She's also a feminist. I guess she hasn't been looking around lately to see that reproduction is already being phased out. She blames capitalism for the environmental damage but it's capitalism that's given women the right to choose if they want to reproduce or not making less women than ever reproduce. When asked about how she came up with her views she said this and I quote: "I arrived at this idea from a couple of directions. I was introduced to philosophy due to my interest in feminism and queer theory, so reproductive rights have long been an interest to me – this led me to learn more about animal rights, which is when I became vegan. The basic premise of the book is that we’re in the age of the Anthropocene, humanity has caused mass problems and one of them is creating this hierarchical world where white, male, heterosexual and able-bodied people are succeeding, and people of different races, genders, sexualities and those with disabilities are struggling to get that. This is where the idea of dismantling identity politics comes in – they deserve rights not because of what they are, but because they are. The book also argues that we need to dismantle religion, and other overriding powers like the church of capitalism or the cult of self, as it makes people act upon enforced rules rather than respond thoughtfully to the situations in front of them.” unquote. So she's basically blaming able bodied straight men that built the infrastructure and tamed the wild world around us so that humanity can prosper because they are successful. If they weren't successful she wouldn't even exist today. She's saying that every other group is struggling to get that same success.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:





The TFM Show: 2/20/2021
The TFM Show: 2/20/2021 T.F. Monkey 1,361 Views • 4 years ago

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Australia Gets Woke - MGTOW
Australia Gets Woke - MGTOW Sandman 418 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Adam and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I’ve binge watching your content for a few months now, going through it from the start (still at mid 2016) – I appreciate it so MUCH!!!!!! I’m in my 40s living in Sydney Australia, would love you to grow your audience here and make a piece on the current case of Brittany Higgins alleged rape at Parliament House. Here story is the typical thing a woman would say back in the 80s and reminds me of Goldilocks waking up in the bears house. The Australian simp Prime Minister admits he had to consult his wife in order to make a public statement. Kind regards, Adam" Well Adam thanks for the donation and topic. The thing about this story that immediately stood out was that the Aussie Prime Minister has to consult his wife before making a public statement. Who's in charge of your country the Male Prime Minster or his unelected female wife? We pretty much have the same situation in Canada where it looks like Justin Trudeau's wife seems to dominate their relationship and probably the country. But I don't want to dwell on that. Let me recap what happened in Australia with the latest case of political woke mayhem. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. Trying to find this story online was a pain because everywhere I looked it was behind a paywall and Facebook has been blocked in Australia as of scripting this because Facebook refuses to pay money to the Australian government to help fund the lame stream media news in that country. Now Canada is trying to do the same thing. They also want to force Facebook to pay for allowing users to repost articles and I can see Facebook censoring news content on their platform. News outlets actually want this because they believe that this will force people to visit their websites and pay for subscriptions or at the very least watch ads. Ironically it's just going to create an industry of people reposting content on YouTube in short videos or on their own websites that the government will never be able to stop and tax. The propaganda ministry of fake news is being demonetized and there's nothing news outlets can do to stop it. Anyways, onto the story about the Rape down in Roo land. The Austrlian simp prime minister Scott Morrison is upset with the Defense Minister Linda Reynolds because she didn't tell him about the alleged rape of one of her staffers two years ago. Her excuse is she was trying to protect her privacy. Morrison was kept in the dark and now with this scandal the government seems ready to review the culture in federal politics. Questions are coming out about when Simp Morrison knew about the allegations? It seems like no one dares question the defense minister Linda on why she didn't tell him sooner. It's another case of you can't blame women for anything. Instead you blame the Prime Minister for not knowing for two years and when he does know you blame him for not acting soon enough and instead consulting his wife the cooch power behind Kangarooland.

Australia Gets Woke - Photos

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Ted Cruz Is A Traitor
Ted Cruz Is A Traitor Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 245 Views • 4 years ago


Unbelievable, Post Wall Single Mother Wanted Me To Help Her Move
Unbelievable, Post Wall Single Mother Wanted Me To Help Her Move Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 328 Views • 4 years ago


Incels Are Manginas? - MGTOW
Incels Are Manginas? - MGTOW Sandman 353 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Ancient Purity
- (Save 10% enter the code MGTOW in the check out)

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Danielle. He has quite a bit to say so before I get to his words let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Hello Sandman. I want to talk about how to maximize the effectiveness of the red pill with MGTOW and ponders what lies beyond MGTOW, the red pill, and the four waves of feminism. The red pill in its context offers masculine empowerment. The delivery system is knowledge of female nature, and the intent of taking a red pill is to transform a man from a beta into an alpha. Out of the three subgroups that fall under the red pill MGTOW is the only one that actually offers a path towards that path of transformation to an alpha male. When incels ingest the red pill, it has toxic side effects because they were not psychologically prepared to take it. Most incels are younger and operate as manginas in our social hierarchy because this is how they were taught to act and think of themselves when they were socialized in those indoctrination centers that pass for public schools. Typically, an incel will take that masculine empowerment, forge it into a victim card and carry on with it on social media in the vain hope that they will receive the same results, as a woman will. This is madness because social media is a woman’s world and to a degree is like a woman’s vagina. The red pill transforms the pick-up artist, but they do not become alpha males. Instead, they create a fantasy of themselves as alpha males by using knowledge of the female in order to engage in as many sexual encounters as possible. PUA’s end up becoming the male equivalent of the hypergamous woman that rides the cock carousel, and just like those women the PUA will eventually hit a wall and in the aftermath face the same phenomenon of the laws of diminishing returns against his sexual market value. Only the MGTOW takes the course that can lead to the path of the alpha male because it pushes the man to step away from the beta trough, re-evaluate his priorities and focus on himself. Once this happens, the path of the alpha comes into view and those who take that path marry something in this world besides a woman in that all of that love, affection, loyalty and protection goes into his labors as investment instead of a woman. I also do believe that MGTOW is not something that can be a permanent path for most men. Although giving up on women entirely might be fine for someone older, a younger man is inevitably going to reject it because even though female nature is what it is, so is human nature. Some men do not do this and that is fine and if they do not take the path, eventually they will end up back at the beta trough and will end up red-pilling over and over again. The second topic I I want you to cover is what lies beyond MGTOW and the four waves of feminism within the framework of a smartphone zombie apocalypse. People are having sex and making babies with less frequency than in previous years and this phenomenon is causing a global baby bust. How bad is it? We know enough about Japan, but even countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia and China are also dealing with declining birth rates. Feminism is a proven libido killer but I'm of the impression that the reason might be more obvious than people think in that smartphone zombies do not reproduce. I read somewhere that the average millennial will spend something like an average of 44 years staring into an LCD screen. We are already a society that has migrated its socialization to online formats. This is in addition to the endless amounts of entertainment that someone can find online. The overall effect is that people are now so thoroughly engaged in this that it is coming at the expense of all other human activities including sex, relationships, and making babies.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

RPMGTOW Another Broken Empty Promise
RPMGTOW Another Broken Empty Promise REDPILLMARRIED 231 Views • 4 years ago

HA! Got'em!

Article: ⁣

Venting about Dealing with Normies; and New Favorite Creator!
Venting about Dealing with Normies; and New Favorite Creator! Johnny_Cage 121 Views • 4 years ago

In this video, I talk about my latest gripings with the world at large. I also talk about a new creator that has blown my socks off with his honesty and subject topics.

Drop by Eggy Noggy's channel when you get a chance. You won't regret it!

She Can't Make Enough Money On OnlyFans LOL - MGTOW
She Can't Make Enough Money On OnlyFans LOL - MGTOW Sandman 567 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Jobless, Selling Nudes Online and Still Struggling

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations as the coof keeps killing them. If you want to suggest a topic or share a story then you can donate through subscribestar or through paypal. Link is in the description. As for the topic of this video a while back I ran into an article that was trending on Twitter in Canada called: "Jobless Women, Selling Nudes Online and Still Struggling" and I knew this was going to happen back when the pandemic started as more and more women started jumping onto the online humpty dance rollercoaster and went on there taking off their pants. Being an OnlyFans Striper is like being the new waitresses or flight attendents. Air Canada cut 1700 staff and most of those were female beverage cart and snack ladies that used to serve peanuts but they themselve are now getting nothing but peanuts. As for the article I cover the tales of three ladies that are trying to sell their tails online. The first one is Lexi Eixenberger. A fat 22 year old woman that only made $500 dollars and is struggling. Before she started stripping online she was donating plasma which is the fancy fat pants way of saying she was selling her blood. I'm predicting that as she runs out of money and starts to starve she will lose weight. This in turn will elevate her sexual marketplace value every pound she loses and exponentially increase the amount of money pay piggies will throw that former miss piggy as she slim down from a hot piece of bacon to a Bmi of 20. In the photo for the article she's wearing black. That's the fat woman uniform color. If women wear all black with a top that reveals their meat canyons then tons of new guys will try and get their sperm to slide between her chest thighs. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the video. Besides Lexi there are two other women in the article that have also earned around five hundred dollars on Onlyfans. I bet they heard tons of stories about simps sending greenbacks and they too decided to give online stripping a try. Afterall it's the career that the most young girls in high school want to pursue one day. There are now well over a million content creators on onlyfans up from around 120k when the coof began. Guys that frequent working girls are saying that the price of such women has doubled and their service quality has gone down. But on only fans the number of women on there has gone up ten fold. So if the number of content producers went from 120k to 240k then it would mean that it would be line with male demand during covid. But there's just too much fat ass flooding that place. There simply isn't enough cash to go around for all that gash. It's the pretto distribution. Where only a small percentage of women, say ten percent get ninety percent of the pay piggy money. The three women I tried searching for them with the names they game in this New York Times article but I couldn't find any of them. Either they don't exist and this article is fake and the pictures they use are of random women with side profiles that can't be recognized or the story is true and it means that they don't want to reveal their identities and be publicly shamed for showing off their pubes. My money is on them being real women trying to avoid shaming. But if I was one of these women I wouldn't care at this point. I'd post my real onlyfans account to try to attract as many man bucks as possible to it. Afterall these women are already desperate. If people they know read the story and see their faces they might gain greater sympathy and have people feel sorry enough to support them. The question I want answered is where do you go when you fail at being at being an online sex worker? That term sex worker keeps coming up over and over again. It's a fancy pants way of saying whore.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Ad Image Credits:



RPMGTOW HE Filed?!! Oh Well.
RPMGTOW HE Filed?!! Oh Well. REDPILLMARRIED 221 Views • 4 years ago

You KNOW she's being VERY dishonest.

Article: ⁣

Women From Commiefornia - MGTOW
Women From Commiefornia - MGTOW Sandman 380 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Swan Bitcoin (Americans Only)

Banana Man - MGTOW (International Banana Museum)

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Sandman, there's a new situation for males and I don't know if you or any of your viewers have experienced it, but I call it "no contact"! "No contact" means they won't talk to you, they won't touch you, nor will they even be in the same room with you! When I first moved to Commiefornia I rapidly became aware that there was a strong women's rights movement. After I had been there for a few months I started feeling like the women there hated men! After I had been there a little while longer I ran into a third level of misandry I call "no contact"! For example, one day I was working as a street performer on Haight Street in San Francisco and a chick, I think her name was Anna, stopped and watched my act. She seemed to dig my act and we had a short conversation. I told her I was performing at a local bookstore in a few weeks and she expressed interest in seeing the show. We exchanged emails and I said I would send her an email a day or 2 before the show to remind her. So, a day or 2 before the show I sent her an email. She responded enthusiastically and thanked me
for letting me know because she really wanted to see the show! I did the show the next night and never saw her, so I figured she changed her mind. I emailed her and told her she should have seen the show, that we had fun! She replied, "Oh, I was there, I left when the woman came out playing acoustic guitar! I realized she was telling the truth, she really was there, because a woman came out playing acoustic guitar right after my set! So, Anna had driven all the way to the bookstore, parked the car, gone to the show, but had never even bothered to say "hi" to me? I wrote a little paragraph in my next email expressing my confusion and hurt feelings and my dismay at the situation. I had been in "Commiefornia" only a few years and was very confused by the female behavior there. I asked her, "What is the problem with dating in California?" I was genuinely curious. When she sent me an email in reply she sounded like she was in a rage. "OKAY, FU YOU AHOLE!" She started chewing me out. She concluded with, "WHAT'S THE PROBLEM WITH DATING IN CALIFORNIA!?! PEOPLE WHO ARE TOO SENSITIVE!!" she continued cursing me out in a white hot rage. I asked her if she wanted to get together a few more times, but I never got a response. I had experienced a new and confusing paradigm in dealing with the opposite sex: no contact!! Another time I was at a Buddhist meditation in L.A. and as I was leaving, I was introduced to a woman named Rachel. I talked to Rachel for a few minutes and then excused myself. As I was leaving I said, "high five", I usually offer a "high five" as opposed to the old fashioned European handshake. Every time I offered a "high five", Rachel would put her hands together, as if praying, as an alternative to touching my hand. I finally realized that she was unwilling to touch my hand, I suppose because I'm a man. I walked away, hurt and confused with the concept of "no contact". Another time, as I was leaving a party, I saw a chick I had shared the dance floor with. I offered my hand and said, "high five", and she did the same thing, she refused to touch my hand. She finally bumped her elbow against my elbow, but I still had the strange feeling of "no contact", because I was a man! There was another time when a woman gave me a message and she put plastic gloves on her hands before hand, I assume because she couldn't touch me because I'm a male! I could go on and on with these incidents, but I think I've made my point. Have you or any of your viewers any experience with this strange phenomenon of "no contact" where chicks won't talk to you, touch you, or even be in the same room with you because you're a male? Or maybe it's just a California thing? I'm interested in hearing you guys' reply!" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. Before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Swan Bitcoin:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

You Can't Criticize Women - MGTOW
You Can't Criticize Women - MGTOW Sandman 375 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Viktor and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, You're doing a great job my man. If it's not a hassle you can pick a topic of your own choosing. Cheers!" Well Viktor thanks for the donation and I want to discuss something that's been on my mind for a while. My thoughts and feelings about when I first found MGTOW content and reshaped my consciousness to understand female nature the way it is instead of the way my nature and those around me nurtured me to see it. Back in 2013 when I first listened to Stardusk, Karen Straughan, Paul Elam, Man Woman Myth, Barbarossaaaa and other content creators in the manophere I heard the truth in their words but at the same time when I started typing out my first handful of videos it felt like what I was doing was wrong. That somehow when being critical of female nature and behavior I was turning into an evil person and was seduced by the dark side like Darth Vader. I'm not going to lie. The first ten or twenty videos I felt an adrenaline rush because I felt like I was saying bad things and I was going to be punished for them. The difference between the red pilling with regards to female nature versus other red pilling experiences I had before that with regards to the paranormal, the control of the bankers or corporations brainwashing me to consume things I didn't want to was that those other groups were evil because they were trying to control me and I saw myself as good. But with women I had seen them as good and idealized them my entire life so suddenly seeing them as corruptible and using their cooches to control me created a great existential crisis inside of me that lasted almost three years until I went through that second red pill rage stage 2.0 in 2016. Up to that point I was conflicted. I'll discuss more about my experiences in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the video. So I was conflicted about spreading the new truth I had learned about female nature in 2013. The truth is supposed to set you free and for me it made me feel sick to my stomach and like an immoral person for spreading it. This was a new experience. How could I feel so unrighteous being righteous? I don't know about you but that has been the greatest barrier for me when it comes to doing what I do. The red pill rage when I first got it lasted around six or seven months. But the dirtiness I felt criticizing women lasted around a year or two. I just couldn't shake it. Today I don't feel it because I'm so used to thinking the way that I do. But I understand why people come to my channel and attack me for saying the things that I say. A version of me from ten years ago would have felt that what I'm saying today, even though it's the truth is also hate at the same time. How does one reconcile with himself when he feels right and wrong about what he's doing at the same time? In some ways I feel the same way today. For example I tell guys to go their own way and generally not get married and have a family. But I also want the human race to procreate and succeed. Those two ideas are fundamentally incompatible. To deal with that contradiction I believe that we need technology or women hired as surrogates to get us through that paradox. I don't want women to suffer but at the same time I understand that if our society was full of red pill men that have freed themselves from women that women would suffer because they wouldn't be getting the emotional tampons and attention that helps them remain relatively sane. I don't want women to suffer and self destruct but I also don't think it's fair that men have to bear the burden of the emotional abuse women put us through.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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Após a morte do pai, mãe expulsa filho de casa e confisca herança
Após a morte do pai, mãe expulsa filho de casa e confisca herança Falco 125 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Eduardo Queiroz vivia com a família em um condomínio fechado em Taubaté,
no interior de São Paulo. Segundo ele, foi expulso de casa pela mãe
após uma discussão sobre a herança deixada por seu pai. Atualmente, ele
mora em uma praça e passa horas procurando por um emprego.

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