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People & Blogs

Who Hurt You - Mgtow
Who Hurt You - Mgtow Zuberi87 43 Views • 5 years ago

Classic Title, different video!

How To Red Pill Your Daughter - MGTOW
How To Red Pill Your Daughter - MGTOW Sandman 121 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Body Transformation Made Simple

Why Men and Women Cant be friends

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Johnpil and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Although I have no daughters and instead have two sons, I am interested what a MGTOW aware father should tell his DAUGHTERS about boys/men when they have the age of 16-18 years? I watched a lot of your great content videos, but up until now, I could not find a video that clearly explains that. Please create a video for this topic. Well Johnpil thanks for the
donation and topic. But before I get to it let me first tell you about today's sponsor Body Transformation Made Simple: Anyways, now back to Johnpil and what a married father should tell his 16-18 year old daughters. What can he realistically tell them that they don't already know. By the time women are in their early to mid teens they already know they can manipulate guys with their mammaries. Like charming a snake with her cleavage. To prove this I put a link in the description to a video where a guy goes to college campuses, presumably somewhere in the United States and talks to women in their late teens and early twenties about if guys and girls can be friends. Obviously they can't but all of the girls that he shows in this video lie and say they can. Obviously they want their beta orbiter male tampons and they know that guys want them for sex but at the same time they use that as bait for beta males. They already have no issues using deception on men. If I had a couple of daughters and no sons besides realising that my life would now be a tragedy of epic Shakespearean proportions, think King Lear, what I would do without getting them to rebel and ride the cock carousel is to perhaps buy them a vibrator fun pack with a lifetime supply of batteries, just kidding. I would explain to them that I don't really care what they do in their lives but that they should be aware that after they've slept with a few guys their ability to bond emotionally with a man will be greatly deminished. I wouldn't try and red pill them because they have already been red pilled. If I pressed them on male and female nature and caught them in their words then they would start laughing like the women in the interview I linked down below. First they would think to themselves that you caught them in a lie and then you'll see that hamster wheel spinning in their heads.

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Ad Image Credits:

1. Cheerful young couple in love having fun outdoors. Man and woman screaming and fighting for fun. Bride and groom posing for photographer.

2. Collage of upset brides- square banner size

3. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Women Hate Men Because They Hate Themselves - MGTOW
Women Hate Men Because They Hate Themselves - MGTOW GarudaGhost 151 Views • 5 years ago

Men Are Builders And Women They Will Destroy It

Women Age Like Winos - MGTOW
Women Age Like Winos - MGTOW Sandman 148 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Bitch - An Incursion Into The Manosphere

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Simo and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Im a 49 year old Australian construction professional, un-married with no children and well on way to my planned FU money. I’ve pretty much been MGTOW before MGTOW was a thing. As you recently commented, many men – especially men my age had to found their way to MGTOW pre internet, so I agree that even with sensorship the numbers of men taking the red pill will grow even by itself, albeit slower. Anyways, there is a lot of difficult times ahead for young men, so I would like to make the suggestion of not giving up – that is, there are many great things ahead for men, even in the seemingly dark and uncertain times. Suicide seems to have taken a lot of men especially in their early 40’s which reminds me of the old saying “it’s the darkest before the dawn”. Men, please hang in there, don’t let them win. Having been to some dark and sad times myself I do speak with experience when I say Life truly gets better as a man. At 49 I have the money to do things I never been able to before, including picking my work. I don’t have to work in a women filled office – I have the choice to say NO. Almost all the women I dated from my teens to mid 30’s have at some stage in my early 40’s tried to “reconnect” with me. I’m only average looking, actually I’ve aged, put on a few pounds etc but – suddenly they all wanted to reconnect, funny because the only real thing that’s changed in a positive direction is my net wealth, oh wait….. LOL They aren’t there for race – they just wait at the finish line. My last date a few years ago was with a 42 year old, rich and successful woman that clearly had baby rabbies. Once she considered me to be suitable she asked what I thought of having children, and sandman, as quick as she asked I replied “well if they were important I wouldn’t be having a drink with a woman your age” she all but stormed out. Later when telling a mate about it I coined the phrase “my fridge has more eggs left in it” which I’ve used since. So you see, it’s true – men gain more of what a woman want with age & women lose most of what a man wants with age. So men - work hard, work smart & enjoy the fruits as you get older – if nothing else it will provide you with life choices and bloody good last laugh. Men may have to take the scraps in their 20’s, but women have nothing but scraps the rest of their life. Kind regards Simo." Well Simo thanks for the donation and topic. Sounds to me like the women that you went out with in their their thirties aged like winos instead of wine and and are now looking for you to bale them out. I'll get to your request in just a sec but let me first tell you about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Solipsism.mp4 AngryVeganCyclist 16 Views • 5 years ago

The core of everything wrong with society

Coming Of Age - Mgtow
Coming Of Age - Mgtow Zuberi87 27 Views • 5 years ago

32 and counting!
As promised!

Her Looks Are Gone - MGTOW
Her Looks Are Gone - MGTOW Sandman 127 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I was just chatting to an old school friend on Facebook and was reminded of something that I had long forgotten and thought it might make a good topic for you. There was this really hot stuck up blonde chick with her group of hot stuck up friends. Kind of like the movie mean girls. Everyone was scared of them. Then one day this girl was involved in a nasty car accident. This left her with a huge scar on her face. She was still attractive but it was enough to get her kicked out of her group of so called friends. As far as I know she had no female friends from this time on. But she got a lot of attention from the boys. They could finally approach her. Guys were flocking to chat her up. They reminded me of a pack of wolves going after an injured dear. On lunch break she would just sit by her self and look sad and would go and talk to her for a while. Whenever my friends would go talk to her I would hang back. I was stuck between thinking maybe God was punishing her and she deserved this and I didn’t want to take advantage. I am pretty sure I creeped her out by lingering at a distance and occasionally staring at her. Maybe now I would do it differently. Anyway I thought this would make a good topic." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. This is something I haven't really thought about before. Women that are so physically damaged that their looks are gone but they still have a fully functioning vag that brings all the boys to the yard. But before I cover this let me first tell you about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, Now back Mr. Anonymous and my thoughts about what happens to a woman's social status when she gets mangled up. Back in my early twenties I was dating a woman with a roommate. Her roommate was a childhood friend that got into a terrible ski accident where a tree branch literally went through her cheek, into her brain and out the back of her skull. She suffered some brain damage but was still functional. As a result of this she went from being one of the cool kids in her teens to becoming an aspiring cat lady in her early twenties. When my girlfriend at the time was in school with her the ski accident girl didn't talk to her before the accident. But after that accident she came back to school with her head shaved, looking like Eleven from Stranger things with scars on her head the other kids were laughing at her. Especially her friends. They didn't care about what she went through. If young girls don't show empathy to their female friends after such an accident is it any wonder that grown women don't show much empathy for men that get injured on the job by divorcing them when they are down on their luck?

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Women Don't Want The Patriarchy Back
Women Don't Want The Patriarchy Back Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 226 Views • 5 years ago


#MGTOW-Why Women Love Chaos.mp4
#MGTOW-Why Women Love Chaos.mp4 RED_PILL_On_Steroids 1 Views • 5 years ago

drama and conflict of the modern western woman

#MGTOW-Men walking away from society.mp4
#MGTOW-Men walking away from society.mp4 RED_PILL_On_Steroids 3 Views • 5 years ago

men opting out of the state

Bananas In Her Pants - MGTOW
Bananas In Her Pants - MGTOW Sandman 181 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

"Mr. Tesla Explains Why He Will Never Marry"

Modern Times: Camille Paglia & Jordan B Peterson

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Scott and here's what he has to say: "Sandman, here is my video request. Conservatives have come out against transgender women participating in women's sports on the pretext that it is unfair for biological males to compete against women. But I sense that the issue goes deeper than that. Making women's sports "fair" is not worth spilling an ounce of ink over, but NRO and the American Conservative have published several articles about it (one written by a feminist). From what I gather, the biggest sin (from a conservative pov) that is committed by trans women is that they are biological males who have completely rejected their masculinity, and conservatives are heavily invested in regulating the behavior of men. There are articles at NRO and the American Conservative imploring men to "man up" and learn to fight etc, but none imploring women to dress modestly and make motherhood the focus of their lives. They are gung ho on manhood, but lax on the traditional role of women. If they were opposed to transgenderism because it bucks gender norms, they would be opposed to the very existence of women's sports which they seek to save from trans women. Women's sports does not help girls develop the nurturing skills to raise children. It is competitive and simulates warfare. And not only would they be opposed to sports, but women who climb the corporate ladder, join the military and even women who run for office. Until the last 50 years, these were exclusively male domains. The point is that women have been "trans" for the past several decades without going the extra step of calling themselves men and strapping on a prosthetic. As I say, conservatives have no problem with any of this, only when men do. My question Sandman is why are conservatives so inconsistent on the issue of gender norms?" Well Scott thanks for the donation and topic. But before I get to it let me first tell you about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back with the show. Perhaps all that feminism, twerking and scantily clad women out there in the streets and naked in the bed sheets have started to desensitize the conservatives so they are far less likely to impose
restictions on a woman's behavior? Could it be possible that conservatives or traditional cucks believe that men's roles should remain the same while women should become more and more liberated? Conservative views on gays have changed. So why wouldn't they also change on females? Twenty to twenty-five years ago conservatives would never have been accepting of gays. Today you have gay conservatives and libertarians like Dave Rubin and Milo Yanopolous. They have most likely been socially conditioned to accept women's liberation and equality. But at the same time most tradcucks aren't even aware of men's oppression. Scott we in the manosphere are in the minority.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Clown World Disorder - MGTOW
Clown World Disorder - MGTOW GarudaGhost 222 Views • 5 years ago

We are living in a clown world where most people are acting like clowns with a mental disorder : Clown World Disorder

The DDJ Spin
The DDJ Spin InfamousRifle 61 Views • 5 years ago

Bob Lewis / Misandry Today / DDJ doing what he always does: Spinning things out of context

Emma Watson Is An Incel LOL - MGTOW
Emma Watson Is An Incel LOL - MGTOW Sandman 299 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Completeness VS Wholeness

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Paul and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I saw video from Short Fat Otaku. One of your fellow Canadians. The thumbnail for his video says that Emma is an Incel. He brings up MGTOW in his video which was kind of shocking. He also says that MGTOWs, MRAs and PUAS are all united misogynists according to radical feminists. I was laughing my ass off when he mentioned that Charlize "I'm still shockingly single" Theron is an Incel because she's a single woman and no man wants to date her and she's complaining about it and she's the victim. Yet, if a man can't find a girlfriend he's treated like he's about to shoot up a 7/11 and dance wild like Joker in the streets with his happy feet. In the end, according to him the situation you have is the same. One group of men that can't find a date and a group of women that can't find a date are both incels. He also says something very interesting about how societies view on male vs female singles has changed. That unmarried women were shamed and called spinsters while bachelors were left alone. But today bachelors are shamed as dangerous incels while modern day spinsters are praised. Please share your thoughts. Thanks" Well Paul thanks for the donation and topic. But before I get to it let me first tell you about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to Emma the Incel. I really wish that Short Fat Otaku looked into Emma's sexual history and how committed she really is to staying single. He did however accurately predict that women that marry themselves usually end up cheating on themselves. I think her frustration with turning thirty is something I've coined called the red rag rage. The rage women feel as they start getting shamed for hitting the wall at around thirty. The Guardian article about this story makes is sound like she's bold and brave stil being single at the age of thirty. That she's happy still being single. But just listen to the shmorgesboard of shlongs she's been riding like those brooms from Harry Potter. Emma Watson has been in relationships with Tom Felton (2019), Cole Cook (Entrepreneur) (2019), Brendan Wallace (2018 - 2019), Chord Overstreet (2018 - 2019), William (2015 - 2017), Roberto Aguire (2015), Prince Harry (2015), Matthew Janney (2014), Will Adamowicz (2011 - 2013), Johnny Simmons (2011), George Craig (2010), Rafael Cebrián (2009 - 2010) and Jay Barrymore (2008 - 2009). That's thirteen confirmed relationships in ten years. She probably slept with another ten to fifteen guys between those relationships. So from twenty to the age of thirty she most likely slept with thirty men and now for a few months she's single and suddenly it's an accomplishment worthy of the news. She probably has more sperm on her than stickly motel bathroom floor.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Genocide - Mgtow
Genocide - Mgtow Zuberi87 9 Views • 5 years ago

Old series.

Pair Bonding Is Broken - MGTOW
Pair Bonding Is Broken - MGTOW Sandman 300 Views • 5 years ago

Pair Bonding Is Broken - MGTOW

Sponsor Link:

Sponsor YouTube Link:

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mike and his brother Zach the twin truckers somewhere on the highways and biways of America. But before I read their Mike's comments to me let me first tell you about today's sponsor: Anyways, here's what Mike has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, with me and Zack, we're a 24/7 think-tank while on the road... I'm ready to just condemn the country and go somewhere else to be honest. In every simulation of thousands of possibilities, I struggle to see an end game where being in America is ideal. We still don't have a solution, but we know we need one before next election cycle gets ramped up. Things are gonna start to get scary in the next couple years... I'm convinced. I want to just hole up on some land, learn basic agriculture, eat off a personal fish pond, get in shape, and continue monk mode 12 hours a day. I have also found more resolve than ever. I've finally killed off the last delusional bit of tradcuck lite I've been holding on to. Barring a post apocalyptic shit-hits-the-fan scenario where I adopt and nurture a gem of a girl to live in a village in a Fallout 3 kind of world where I happen to have resources and clout, there is no pair bonding for me. I'm still on the fence with surrogacy or artificial womb if it becomes possible and accessible someday, though likely not. I'm also working on my own MGTOW content and I'll link you my channel when I've finally recorded what I've scripted. With regards to my life it's pretty easy to say I'm going through a storm of emotions right now, and I have been for awhile. I'm depressed and have some survivor's guilt but I'm also very grateful and thankful I made it out of the tradcuck hellhole that I can definitively say was responsible for the deaths of my childhood friends. The women where I'm from in Oklahoma city are increasingly radicalizing along white nationalist lines. Its an insane timeline when women in the family are advocating self preservation and losing "optics" and shaming men to step up and provide. My mom and grandma, even if I personally hold them partly responsible for the deaths of guys I tried to help and knew that just a bit more space and emotional sanity on my end could have made the break for them... I can't hold it against them, since I don't have the money and power for a clean cut away from them and they literally will hunt me down and practically torcher my older brother on the plantation even more if I don't pay my dues.

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Photo Credits

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Red Pill Sharpshooters - MGTOW
Red Pill Sharpshooters - MGTOW GarudaGhost 52 Views • 5 years ago

Spiritual Warfare

Autopilot - Mgtow
Autopilot - Mgtow Zuberi87 25 Views • 5 years ago

Your thoughts are appreciated.

My Wallet Is Closed Part 2 - Mgtow
My Wallet Is Closed Part 2 - Mgtow Zuberi87 27 Views • 5 years ago

Second in the series covering the spectacular failure that was the Charlie's Angels Reboot.

My Wallet Is Closed
My Wallet Is Closed Zuberi87 25 Views • 5 years ago

First In The series.

Commiefornia Blues
Commiefornia Blues Aeroshogun 106 Views • 5 years ago

A therapeutic rant was needed, so I ranted on this video I discovered on facebook regarding the current state of Commiefornia. This state was like a second home to me, and it pisses me off that the Democrat policies have been ruining it. The dodgy politicians have been dodging direct questions and criticisms with vague answers as the state continues to go straight to hell. What really sucks is that it's spreading to other prosperous cities/states which will eventually crash the rest of the country at this rate!

DDJ / Misandry Today / Bob Lewis at the National Organization for Women conference in 2014
DDJ / Misandry Today / Bob Lewis at the National Organization for Women conference in 2014 InfamousRifle 225 Views • 5 years ago

Leftist Entryist DDJ in the flesh. For some reason, despite claiming to be so smart and competent, he couldn't find an argument against a $15 minimum wage.
For any doubters, he admitted that this was him - ⁣

Is Keanu Reeves Dating His Mother? - MGTOW
Is Keanu Reeves Dating His Mother? - MGTOW Sandman 478 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Richard Elsliger

Keanu Reeves and Alexandra Grant’s Relationship ‘Wasn’t a Secret’: They’ve ‘Been Dating for Years’

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Srcmaker and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman. Did you see the news about Keanu Reeves dating Alexandra Grant. Man she looks terrible for a 46 year old. I've banged 50 year olds that looked way better on my business trips." unquote. Well Srcmaker thanks for the donation and topic. When I first saw this story and picture of the happy couple I thought to myself what's Keanu doing dating Helen Mirren? Can't he do better than her. The fact that Alexandra is 46 and has nothing but grey hair than makes her look like she's much older than him. But I wouldn't be quick to say that he's dating her or in a relationship. Neither are the tabloids. They are saying that she's his friend because they don't want to print fake news in this case for some reason. But Alexadra is an artist that works for Keanu. You never know if he's just doing this with her to boost her career and also get the tabloids off his back for being single most of the last two decades. Can you imagine the shaming language that guy has to endure and deal with all the women throwing their bodies at him and him rejecting him? Before I get to what might be the most epic MGTOW trolling in history let me first tell you about today's sponsor Richard Elslinger: Anyways, now back to the video. When I started doing research for this video there was one female reporter that was super happy with Keanu having a girlfriend. I guess she was rejoicing because a man that had been seemingly single for years was finally with a woman. With an average looking woman that looked his age when he could have easily found a younger woman. As I kept digging I found out that it looks like Reeves has been dating Alexandra for years and if you look at the link in the description saying that their relationship wasn't a secret. Look at the picture of them together on there. I can't show you because I don't have the rights and the last thing I need is a copyright strike. You can see that look of pain in Keanu's eyes, worse than when he lost his car, his puppy and his wife in John Wick. That's when I realised the relationship is real because no one pretending to be in a relationship can look that unhappy. Apparently according to a source US Magazine the couple has been together since at least the summer of 2017. Apparently they aren't openly affectionate in public. I guess they are more like an old married couple. The source says that they are low key and cool. The source as I mentioned says that Keanu is extremely happy. Of course he says that because by the look on his face he's in a love coma. I guess another famous MGTOW bites the dust and feminists everywhere rejoice. If Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't get married soon to his former Titanic co-star with three kids with three different dads they will keep shaming him saying that he needs to raise his age limit over 25. He refuses to date women with too much damage. But who knows what Keanu is thinking?

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Beautiful sexy woman working to repair the car in the showroom the style of fashion photography on the background of wheels and tires

2. Beautiful sexy brunette woman in swimsuit washing a car. Sexy car wash.

The Heat Is Around The Corner - MGTOW
The Heat Is Around The Corner - MGTOW GarudaGhost 49 Views • 5 years ago

My First Video

How To Make MGTOW Unstoppable
How To Make MGTOW Unstoppable Sandman 255 Views • 5 years ago

Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

If you can't build it, buy it: Google's biggest acquisitions mapped

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Dave and he didn't give me a topic so I wanted to discuss ways to make MGTOW even more unstoppable than it already is. It's unstoppable because men everywhere regardless of if they find this sort of content on YouTube, Bitchute or Reddit MGTOW forums are reaching the same conclusions independently. But if we want to make MGTOW unstoppable on the internet, which is what this video is really about. I want you to look at this picture of all these stairs and you're the guy in the wheel chair and red pill MGTOW knowledge is at the top and free for everyone to access. Each of these steps represents one tiny step towards freedom. What I want to do is outline many of the steps that I've taken to get to the top and keep myself there. Most of it involves de-googling your life as well as getting rid of many of the big tech companies out there. Taking back power and control of your life. We've let the big tech companies slowly creep into every aspect of our lives over the last twenty years and we weren't even aware of it. Before I cover my multistep approach to ridding yourself of big tech companies that spy and you and try to control your mind and life let me first tell you about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: Anyways, now back with the show. I wanted to call this video freeing yourself from Google or something else like that because that's what it's mostly going to be about. For MGTOW to grow and thrive and for content producers to use that acronym without the fear of censorship taking that away we need to be free to use language and reach people. The first criticism I always get is that if Bitchute becomes big enough it will be bought up by Google and shut down so there's no point in continuing to produce content. That I should just give up. But Bitchute has to be accountable or or some other peer to peer file sharing platform will emerge and eat their lunch. The Google search engine is no longer accountable to it's users so we are rapidly seeing Duck Duck Go growing. They are the 188th most visited website in the world. They are even advertising on YouTube. I don't know how that works exactly. Luckily I don't see those ads
anymore since I watch most of my video content on bitchute and what little I still watch on YouTube I watch on my desktop using the Brave Browser. So even if they are still running their ads I wouldn't be able to see them. It was in June of 2019 that I started to get serious about de-googling my online life because they fully demonitized me thanks to the voxadpocalypse. That's when I discovered the first and easiest step. The Brave Browser which I put a link to in all of my videos now to promote. That's when I got serious and dumped Chrome. Brave is growing fast and building their own VPN service.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

It Never Happened - Mgtow
It Never Happened - Mgtow Zuberi87 23 Views • 5 years ago

When you corner these chameleons and tradthots, they often times like to pretend that feminism never happened!

Boozing and Losing (Part 5) - Enemies of Sobriety
Boozing and Losing (Part 5) - Enemies of Sobriety Aeroshogun 62 Views • 5 years ago

My thoughts on the enemies of sobriety, and how you should choose wisely about those you associate with. Because drunken peers can land you in trouble as well. There's a bit of psychology behind peers getting you to drink with them, so be aware if you are trying to be sober.

In my experience, drunk girls can be a big risk to be around (guys too, but for different reasons). Listen and you will hear the tale of this drunk lesbian who really freaked me out. I didn't think of it at the time, but I also had an ex that would drink and drive, but she wasn't very smart. Just be wise, and don't let thirst get to you.

Tribalistic Drinking Source:

KenDelrican introduction to MGTOW.TV
KenDelrican introduction to MGTOW.TV KenDelrican 159 Views • 5 years ago
Intro to the walk and talk MGTOW

My Black Pill Tinder Results & It's OVER for Men in 2019
My Black Pill Tinder Results & It's OVER for Men in 2019 Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 452 Views • 5 years ago


My Rebuttal to AnthonySpades!! MGTOW video
My Rebuttal to AnthonySpades!! MGTOW video KenDelrican 106 Views • 5 years ago

Walk and Talk MGTOW shit

Men Have No Rights - MGTOW
Men Have No Rights - MGTOW Sandman 380 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Alaska Chaga

John The Other

List of Other MGTOW Channels:
Spetsnaz -
Man Woman Myth -
Angry Harry -
RazorBladeKandy2 -
MGTOW Is Freedom -

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by another donation from Rational Animal and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Yet another month and another request to cover a MGTOW channel, this time it's John the Other. My view on his channel is that it's a great one to watch for those who think that "it's not so bad in the real world". He puts out constant reminder to MGTOW to not idealize women or fall into a complacency of thinking that the consequences of dating or being in a relationship are minor. His view may be too grim because he is constantly dealing with men who've been falsely accused, however he discusses things that happened in real life and it's important for men to realize what can and does
happen. Btw, if I ever ask you to cover somebody that you would rather not cover or have a disagreement, please don't feel compelled to do so. Just let me know and I'll pick somebody else. Thank you" Well Rational Animal thanks for the donation and topic. I like John The Others content but my personal dealings with him weren't all that positive. I'll get to my stories in a second but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Alaska Chaga: Anyways now back to my thoughts about John the Other. A few years ago I was chatting to John via email and I told him I wanted to start up a crowdfunding campaign to help Dean Esmay get some new front teeth because he was one of the main spokes people for the men's rights website a voice for men. He's no longer there. I told John about my plan and next thing I know he runs off and does it himself and tells everyone that it was my idea. The Dean Esmay insults me and John appears to have the perfect scapegoat, the Sandman, for his plan of action. There were a lot of conflicts behind John and a Voice For Men. Paul Elam at a voice for men even claimed that that John and Diana were banging behind the scenes and that they were actually a couple. But I never saw any proof of that. I believe they live in the same city. But if they are or were living together, again no proof, would John really be a MGTOW? The sad truth about the men's rights movement is that there has always been a lot of infighting for attention because they show their faces and I saw a lot of Narcissism running wild like period blood without a tampon. I sometimes got the feeling that John and Diana rebranded after a potential falling out with the MRA. Men's rights activists have a lot of internal conflict and step on each other for attention and status. It's absolutely disgusting. But not all MRAs are like that. I didn't see that sort of thing happening here in Canada with the groups here in Toronto. Also Rational Animal The reason John deals with men that are falsely accused has a lot to do with the fact that he was part of the men's rights movement and part of a voice for men back then. So it would have been typical content for the men's rights movement but suddenly you slap and MGTOW logo in the background and jump ship and take the side of the MGTOW community instead of the MRA and attack it and now you have a new audience that others built and you can plug yourself into. Talk about getting out of the MRA when the getting was good. I think he was out of a voice for men in early 2014 at the height of their popularity. John has been really good over the years summing up things like MeToo and more recently he was also one of the many people discussing a story about a woman that lives in New York that was on the CBC trying to incite violence against men.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

3 Bigstock Photos Credits For Ad:

1. Young beautiful barista woman

2. Gorgeous young lady drinking coffee

3. portrait of attractive and sexy asian woman in sexy dress

3 Ways to Save Western Civilization
3 Ways to Save Western Civilization T.F. Monkey 615 Views • 5 years ago

A brief history of goths - Dan Adams

Background Music:
A Typical Ride Out by Noir Et Blanc Vie. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

Gameplay: Remnant: From the Ashes (on PC)

Social Media Links:
Bitchute Referral Link:
Discord Username: Turd Flinging Monkey#1892
Instagram (Celestina):
Main YouTube Channel (TFM):
Alternate YouTube Channel (Celestina):
Want to be a guest? Email Aeroshogun at [email protected] or join the Monkey Business discord server (link above).

12 Years Prison For Kissing Her - MGTOW
12 Years Prison For Kissing Her - MGTOW Sandman 5,626 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Body Transformation Made Simple

Albert N. Wilson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, Seeing what youtube is doing makes me sick. Your content exposed me to the red pill after I got out of a long term relationship a few years ago. I was in a really bad place and have crawled out if that hole because of content like yours. I thank you for that. It’s my pleasure to donate and help keep the fire burning. Hypergamy puts such unrealistic standards in dating. Very few men even qualify and the bar is constantly raised. As mgtow grows, not just the bottom 80% will leave the plantation. Women don’t care about the bottom 80% going mgtow, the top 20% will sting something fierce. Every top 20% man that goes his own way, hundreds if not thousands of women lose their “potential” white knight. Men, if you really want to influence feminism, elevate yourself to the top 20% and stay mgtow. Seeing rejection on a thot’s face is priceless. Thanks Sandman. Please keep me anonymous and edit what you wish." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and from what I gather you want to encourage the top twenty percent of guys out there, the guys that matter the most to women to go their own way to influence feminism. I'm guessing you mean influence them so they change and stop being feminists? I will certainly discuss this in the first half of the video because I think there's only enough material there for half a request. In the second half I'm going to cover a story a story like the title says about a guy that kissed a girl on camera and then they went in a private area and had sex for five minutes in an apparently consentual way yet he's now going to prison for 12 years for rape. I'll cover both of those things but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Body Transformation Made Simple: Anyways, now back to Mr. Anonymous. So you want the top twenty percent of guys to go their own way to stick it to the feminists. The thing you have to keep in mind is that the top twenty percent of guys out there don't want to go anywhere near feminists. That's why they are feminists in the first place. If you don't know what I mean then do a search for pictures or videos of the girls at slut walks. The women there are unattractive and Shamu sized or they look butch and masculine. There are few cuties that would be worth doing if they cleaned themselves up but for the most part the top twenty percent of men will not settle for slut walk Sally. Because of that many those women are bitter because even though they are aspiring carousel riders they never got a chance to be satisfied by Chad Thunder Rod and instead have to settle for other beauty challenged butch babes out there. Feminism I believe is born from the
bitterness that the lower twenty percent of women feel towards the rejection they get from the top twenty percent of men. Just like Incels are born out of the lower 20% of men becoming bitter because of the rejection of all women.
Although there have been rumblings out there that there are femcels out there.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Ad Image Credits:

1. Handsome young fit muscular caucasian man of model appearance workout training in the gym gaining weight

2. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Jean-Claude Van Damme - License Free Green Screen Footage

Antinatalism = communism
Antinatalism = communism AngryVeganCyclist 42 Views • 5 years ago

And it needs to stop.

Helping or Hurting? Stretching your Neck (Part 1).
Helping or Hurting? Stretching your Neck (Part 1). ReduxMovement 10 Views • 5 years ago

Mobility E-courses and Fitness Programs:

This is part 1 of the neck mobility series.

It covers a basic lateral neck stretch and proper isometric training for further flexibility and neuromuscular improvements.

Areas worked:
-Cervical Spine

Arch and Big Toe Mobility (Ankle Mobility Part 3)
Arch and Big Toe Mobility (Ankle Mobility Part 3) ReduxMovement 22 Views • 5 years ago

Hip Mobility Course:

Part 3 of the Ankle Mobility Series covering:

1) Plantar Fascia and Arch Stretches
2) Big Toe Stretch and strength training
3) Flat foot and arch strengthening exercises

Women Never Do Anything From The Goodness Of Their Heart
Women Never Do Anything From The Goodness Of Their Heart Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 9 Views • 5 years ago


The Age of Confused Absolutists (Making Sense of Nazi Asians)
The Age of Confused Absolutists (Making Sense of Nazi Asians) T.F. Monkey 419 Views • 5 years ago


Background Music: "Fonkee Ryde" by Noir Et Blanc Vie. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

Gameplay: Remnant: From the Ashes (on PC)

I've Had It With Simps Worshipping Chameleons
I've Had It With Simps Worshipping Chameleons Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 276 Views • 5 years ago


Tradcucks Blaming Porn Instead of Women's Rights
Tradcucks Blaming Porn Instead of Women's Rights T.F. Monkey 579 Views • 5 years ago

The right being worse than useless as per the usual.

John Doyle: Stop Watching Porn | Heck Off, Commie!

The Red Elephants Vincent James: How Pornographers DESTROYED the Patriarchy and the West


Background Music: True Art Real Affection Part 2 by Noir Et Blanc Vie. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

Sponsor Information:

The Black Pill Truth AMS will NEVER tell 80% of You It's Over!
The Black Pill Truth AMS will NEVER tell 80% of You It's Over! Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 204 Views • 5 years ago


Core Moves for Better Shoulders and Hips (MGTOW FItness)
Core Moves for Better Shoulders and Hips (MGTOW FItness) ReduxMovement 54 Views • 5 years ago

Hip Mobility Course:

Here are my favorite ab Movements for better shoulder and hip mobility:
1) Opposite Plank
2) Plank Circles
3) Frozen Scissor
4) Thread the Needle
5) Single Arm DB Sit Ups
6) Side Plank Double Dumbell Press

IG Model Krissy Cela Dumps Fiancé Who Made Her & Why AMS Subs Must go MGTOW or Pay the 75
IG Model Krissy Cela Dumps Fiancé Who Made Her & Why AMS Subs Must go MGTOW or Pay the 75 Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 180 Views • 5 years ago


Why Islam Treats Women Like Animals
Why Islam Treats Women Like Animals Seed_of_King_David_Speaks 278 Views • 5 years ago

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1) Patreon starting with $1.00 w/ Exclusive early video access!

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My Arabcel Friend Got Divorce Raped by a Hojabi
My Arabcel Friend Got Divorce Raped by a Hojabi Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 1 Views • 5 years ago


Understanding High Value/Quality/Status & SMV For Men & Women
Understanding High Value/Quality/Status & SMV For Men & Women Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 4 Views • 5 years ago


Storytime - MGTOW
Storytime - MGTOW Darren 10 Views • 5 years ago

The ugly side of internet dating...

Fatherly Influence
Fatherly Influence Darren 23 Views • 5 years ago

The influence of our environment discussed. Nurture vs nature...

Women Are Dangerous & AMS Subs Are Incels
Women Are Dangerous & AMS Subs Are Incels Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 171 Views • 5 years ago


IG Th0t Krissy Cela Dumps Fiancé Who Built Her Empire
IG Th0t Krissy Cela Dumps Fiancé Who Built Her Empire Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 9 Views • 5 years ago


Slut Shaming Vol. 7
Slut Shaming Vol. 7 VBLAKEROSE 78 Views • 5 years ago

The latest installment of the series

Exploding Egyptian Divorce Rates & Why Virginity Means NOTHING
Exploding Egyptian Divorce Rates & Why Virginity Means NOTHING Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 267 Views • 5 years ago


Slut Shaming Vol. 6
Slut Shaming Vol. 6 VBLAKEROSE 47 Views • 5 years ago

Sluts must be shamed!

Slut Shaming Vol. 5
Slut Shaming Vol. 5 VBLAKEROSE 95 Views • 5 years ago

The new shit since the Screwtube ban

Are You a High Quality Male?
Are You a High Quality Male? Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 88 Views • 5 years ago


Slut Shaming Vol. 4
Slut Shaming Vol. 4 VBLAKEROSE 55 Views • 5 years ago

The sluts get shamed here.

Slut Shaming Vol. 3
Slut Shaming Vol. 3 VBLAKEROSE 29 Views • 5 years ago

More sluts being shamed.

Slut Shaming Vol. 2
Slut Shaming Vol. 2 VBLAKEROSE 57 Views • 5 years ago

Sluts must be shamed.

Slut Shaming Vol. 1
Slut Shaming Vol. 1 VBLAKEROSE 77 Views • 5 years ago

Sluts must be shamed.

Why I Went MGTOW
Why I Went MGTOW Blackcatloner 275 Views • 5 years ago

My first official MGTOW video where I explain why I decided to go my own way.

Background effect courtesy of Chaofanatic:

Theme: "1975"- Josh Kirsch- YouTube Audio Library
Background Music: "George Street Shuffle" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Never Date A Girl Over 25. CRP archive
Never Date A Girl Over 25. CRP archive ArchiveChannel 301 Views • 5 years ago

coach red pill archive.

"TOXIC MASCULINITY REDUX- FULL MCINTOSH EDITION" Edgy spinx aka braving ruin archive
"TOXIC MASCULINITY REDUX- FULL MCINTOSH EDITION" Edgy spinx aka braving ruin archive ArchiveChannel 55 Views • 5 years ago

Edgy spinx archive, aka braving ruin archive, anti feminist MGTOW.

"My girlfriend wants to look at my phone, wat do." Dick show clip
"My girlfriend wants to look at my phone, wat do." Dick show clip ArchiveChannel 61 Views • 5 years ago

Dick masterson clip, check out dick mastersons website the clip was from the dick show.

"Fare Thee Well Friend" Thinking Ape (stardusk) archive
"Fare Thee Well Friend" Thinking Ape (stardusk) archive ArchiveChannel 204 Views • 5 years ago


There was a time, long ago, when friendship was as important to a man as anything else...those times are gone.

Donations are greatly appreciated and help me survive to make videos:



Backup Channel:

Ladies Do You Like Incels?
Ladies Do You Like Incels? Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 278 Views • 5 years ago


Confidence Don't Mean Squat If You Are F(u)gly
Confidence Don't Mean Squat If You Are F(u)gly Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 110 Views • 5 years ago


Social Justice Scapegoats
Social Justice Scapegoats T.F. Monkey 675 Views • 5 years ago

YouTube wants to take back monetization now that their competition is bankrupt, but they need a scapegoat so people blame eachother and not them.

The government needs to massively raise taxes and cut welfare or the government will collapse, but they need a scapegoat so people blame eachother and not them.

Enter ... Social Justice Warriors.

Social Media Links:
Bitchute Referral Link:
Discord Username: Turd Flinging Monkey#1892
Instagram (Celestina):
Main YouTube Channel (TFM):
Alternate YouTube Channel (Celestina):
Want to be a guest? Email Aeroshogun at [email protected] or join the Monkey Business discord server (link above).

Intro Music (TFM Show): "Fling My Turds II: Rise of Celestina” by Red Pill Chemist
Outro Music (TFM Show): “Sweet Corn Love” by Anonymous Artist
Intro/ Outro Music (TFM 42O): Intro/Outro Music: "A Clockwork Monkey" by DarkStar.
Background Music (TFM Show):
Monkey Image: "Male chimpanzee in business clothes - Stock image" by Lise Gagne. Licensed from Getty Images. Animated Newsroom by rpancake. Licensed from Shutterstock.

Sponsor Links:

Men-Are-Better-Than-Women dr phil.mp4
Men-Are-Better-Than-Women dr phil.mp4 ArchiveChannel 733 Views • 5 years ago

Dick masterson Dr phil archive. check out to see dick mastersons website.

Nick Wilson Interview
Nick Wilson Interview T.F. Monkey 712 Views • 5 years ago

1. In your personal life, how often are you criticized for your involvement with mgtow?
2. What is Red Pill Rage?
3. While watching one of your videos, a quote that stood out to me was, “Women aren’t the problem, the system is”. Do you mind elaborating on that?
4. Who would you describe as the opposition or enemy of mgtow?
5. What are your greatest obstacles currently? I notice that recently you have been banned from youtube and I remember you using the term “thought prison”. Do you feel like you’re being singled out? I noticed that Sandman, and stardusk along with a few other mgtow youtubers still have their channels.
6. You talk about evolution a lot, do you think that mgtow and your followers will expand rapidly over the next couple of years?
7. Its very common to see feminist rallies, do you think a mgtow rally would be something we might see one day?

The Pitiful Dating Scene Indian Men Suffer From Starring YogiOabs
The Pitiful Dating Scene Indian Men Suffer From Starring YogiOabs Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 319 Views • 5 years ago


The #1 Reason Women Hate MGTOW
The #1 Reason Women Hate MGTOW Seed_of_King_David_Speaks 199 Views • 5 years ago


Game Over Gents
Game Over Gents Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 166 Views • 5 years ago


Chad Buys Drinks For Land Whales!
Chad Buys Drinks For Land Whales! Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 127 Views • 5 years ago


YogiOabs PROOF that FeFails are Addicted to Drama & How Multiple Women Can Benefit You
YogiOabs PROOF that FeFails are Addicted to Drama & How Multiple Women Can Benefit You Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 116 Views • 5 years ago


Stages of Change and Freedom From, Freedom To
Stages of Change and Freedom From, Freedom To mgtowcafe 93 Views • 5 years ago

We are archiving youtube videos from prominent content creators whose videos might be at risk for removal from other platforms. This is one of them. If you think a video elsewhere in particular from youtube needs archiving, please contact us at [email protected]

Rogue - What Dating Coaches Never Tell You
Rogue - What Dating Coaches Never Tell You Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 106 Views • 5 years ago


Why Zionist YouTube Martyred My MGTOW Channel
Why Zionist YouTube Martyred My MGTOW Channel Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 172 Views • 5 years ago


OMG! YogiOabs admits going MGTOW  because he caught multiple STD's from Portland skanks!!!
OMG! YogiOabs admits going MGTOW because he caught multiple STD's from Portland skanks!!! Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 431 Views • 5 years ago


Why Islam Segregates Women From Men
Why Islam Segregates Women From Men Seed_of_King_David_Speaks 186 Views • 5 years ago


AMS's Choosing Signals vs AML's Fantasty Eyes
AMS's Choosing Signals vs AML's Fantasty Eyes Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 162 Views • 5 years ago


YogiOabs is Losing it! I am not a person of color
YogiOabs is Losing it! I am not a person of color Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 377 Views • 5 years ago


Alphas Taking Your Women Part 2 of 2
Alphas Taking Your Women Part 2 of 2 Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 115 Views • 5 years ago


Why Islam Is Right About Women
Why Islam Is Right About Women Seed_of_King_David_Speaks 296 Views • 5 years ago


Why I Pity Modern Women
Why I Pity Modern Women Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 175 Views • 5 years ago


Egyptian Con Artists & Horny Arab Girls
Egyptian Con Artists & Horny Arab Girls Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 251 Views • 5 years ago


THOTs Using Simps For Their Retirement Plans
THOTs Using Simps For Their Retirement Plans Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 203 Views • 5 years ago


Feminine Women Do Exist!
Feminine Women Do Exist! Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 127 Views • 5 years ago


Seven Laws to Successfully Win a War
Seven Laws to Successfully Win a War Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 157 Views • 5 years ago

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Showing 272 out of 273