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Other <br> <br>Underground and Underwater Bases: <br> <br>Underground Bases and Tunnels: What Is the Government Trying to Hide?: <br> <br> <br> <br> What can i say man other than most men were destined to eat shit for there entire lifes at least savvy guy had someone who was real with him most men dont even have that growing up.
Abp. Viganò: The globalist New World Order has the marks of the ‘antichurch of Satan’ <br>Cardinal Carla 'Maria Vigano Le Nouvel Ordre Mondial mondialiste a les marques de l'anti-église de Satan fr sous-titré
In this beginner's guide to the keto diet, we'll explore the basics of this low-carb, high-fat eating plan and how to get started. Whether you're looking to lose weight, improve your overall health, or boost your energy levels, the keto diet may be right for you. <br> <br>We'll start by explaining what the keto diet is and how it works, including the science behind ketosis and the benefits of this approach to eating. From there, we'll go over the foods you should be eating on the keto diet and those you should avoid. <br> <br>We'll also cover the potential side effects of the keto diet and how to mitigate them, as well as tips for staying on track and making the transition to this new way of eating. <br> <br>If you're ready to take charge of your health and start your keto journey, this video is for you. Follow along as we walk you through everything you need to know to start a keto diet and achieve your health and wellness goals.
Feel free to laugh man. SAUCE:
La Cuba de Fidel y sus negocios con Pablo Escobar y el Cartel de Medellìn - nov 2016 <br> <br>Reportaje MUY Completo en donde se vincula a Cuba en los negocios de Pablo Escobar y El Cartel de Medellin. IMPERDIBLE! En el reportaje, Jhon Jairo . <br> <br>Entrevista a Juan Reinaldo Sanchez quien fuera Teniente Coronel de la Armada Cubana y Ex Excolta del anillo intimo de Fidel Castro en Cuba. Juan Reinaldo . <br> <br>Reportaje de como Fidel y Raul Castro usaron como chivos expiatorios al General Arnaldo Ochoa y 3 otros oficiales de la milicia Cubana que fueron . <br> <br>Entrevista a Juan Reynaldo Sánchez, autor del libro La Vida Secreta de Fidel Castro que relata la relación de Pablo Escobar y el Cartel de Medellín con Cuba y .
ALBERTO FUJIMORI 3 AÑOS QUE CAMBIARION LA HISTORIA DEL PERU <br> <br>“El Gobierno de FUJIMORI ha hecho probablemente más que ninguno de sus predecesores para dirigir la ayuda hacia la población rural pobre, con esfuerzos particularmente fuertes para ampliar el acceso a la Educación y a los Servicios de Salud Pública”. <br> <br>RESULTADOS Y LOGROS OBTENIDOS <br> <br>1.- Los resultados de la Política económica y social e internacional <br> aplicada fueron realmente POSITIVOS. <br>2.- Lo que trasciende en nuestra Historia Política, no solo son las <br> extraordinarias cifras cuantitativas alcanzadas; sino lo más <br> IMPORTANTE es el CAMBIO CUALITATIVO EN LA CONDUCCIÓN <br> DE LA ECONOMÍA Y DEL GOBIERNO Y SU CONJUNTO. <br>3.- FUJIMORI y su equipo logró adoptar las políticas y reformas <br> que afectaban muchos grupos temporalmente, permitieron <br> superar las permanentes y tradicionales DISTORSIONES que se <br> mantienen en nuestro país impidiendo un verdadero desarrollo. <br> Este Hecho es una VERDADERA REVOLUCIÓN HISTÓRICA. <br> <br>4.- Si deseamos evaluar el Programa Económico-Social que ejecutó <br> FUJIMORI para darle el cambio de la Esperanza al Perú, <br> debemos considerar el periodo 1991-1997. <br> Del 98 adelante la situación internacional se deteriora, crisis <br> asiática, Rusa, Brasileña. El Problema con el Ecuador. <br> Internamente el Fenómeno del Niño. <br> <br>5.- Necesidades Básicas y el Acceso a los Servicios Públicos, se <br> incrementó en forma significativa. <br> <br> 5.1.- Hogares con acceso a servicios de agua potable de 55.3% <br> pasó a 69.5% <br> <br>YOMADO DE: CONFERENCIA DEL INGº ALFREDO ROSS ANTEZANA, EX MINISTRO DE TRANSPORTES Y COMUNICACIONES, VIVIENDA Y CONSTRUCCION. AÑO 2009 <br>LINK: <br> 5.2.- Con servicios de desagüe de 38.7% a 52.5% <br> 5.3 .- Con alumbrado público de 52.8% a 74% <br> 5.4.- Con Servicios telefónicos de 8.5% a 24% <br> <br> <br>New monument to Soviet leader Stalin unveiled ahead of WW2 anniversary. <br> <br>Is Stalin Making a Comeback in Russia? <br> <br>Stalin Monument Unveiled to Mark 80th Anniversary of Stalingrad Victory. <br> <br>Far from toppling statues, former Soviet Union puts up new monuments to Stalin. <br> <br>Russia's New Stalin Center evokes pride, and revulsion. <br> <br>Russia unveils monument to Stalin. <br> <br>As Confederate statues fall in U.S., Russians are erecting statues for dictator Stalin.
Documentário Histórico que relata os acontecimentos que deram origem à chamada Guerra do Contestado (1912-1916) em Santa Catarina. Através de entrevistas atuais filmes e fotografias da época é mostrada uma das maiores revoltas populares no interior brasileiro, onde os camponeses defenderam com o próprio sangue o seu direito à terra. <br> <br>Prêmio Especial do Juri - Festival Vídeo da Terra - UNICAMP/MIRAD - 1987. <br> <br>Produção: Irani Produções Ltda. <br>Direção: Enio Staub <br>SC/1986/60'/U-Matic/PAL M <br> <br>"A ABVP foi criada em 1984 com o objetivo de incentivar iniciativas de vídeo - distribuição, capacitação e informação - junto aos movimentos sociais e populares. Constituiu-se ao longo de duas décadas em um espaço de discussão e reflexão acerca da produção videográfica alternativa popular, consolidando-se como um dos principais atores no debate e nas experiências de democratização da comunicação no Brasil, tornando-se referência na América Latina. <br> <br>A Associação dividia-se em núcleos regionais, respeitando as divisões geográficas do país, e nas capitais de diferentes Estados contava com ilhas de edição de vídeo, que possuíam qualidade semi-profissional e eram cedidas aos produtores populares com o intuito de melhorar e aperfeiçoar a qualidade da finalização dos programas produzidos. Posteriormente, vários desses centros de pós-produção serviram de canais comunitários locais. Ainda, participava e promovia eventos em torno do tema vídeo popular, emissoras comunitárias e educação, bem como editava o Boletim de Vídeo Popular, de 1984 a 1995. <br> <br>A entidade chegou a congregar cerca de 250 organizações não-governamentais, produtores independentes e usuários de vídeo popular, e a produzir e distribuir em torno de 500 vídeos. <br> <br>O acervo videográfico, proveniente de todo o Brasil, versa sobre as mais diversas áreas, como educação popular, reforma agrária, sexualidade, gênero, saúde, questões étnicas e raciais, meio ambiente, trabalhadores entre outras. <br> <br>Em meados de 2004, após resistir por três anos a uma forte crise política e financeira, a Associação foi encerrada." <br> <br>FONTE: Catálogo ABVP 1992 e CEDIC da PUC: <br> <br>O vídeo foi digitalizado a partir de VHS pelo Armazém Memória.
The media are responsible for this division along with the average person being a npc jackass its what happens when your never taught to question the narritive to any rational black man reading this get away from the ghettos if you can.
▶ Join DOGGK on BITCHUTE: <br>▶ DOGGK's 2ND CHANNEL : <br>▶ DOGGK's GAMING CHANNEL : <br> <br>- Please hit the "LIKE"- button and don't forget to "SUBSCRIBE" ✔ <br>- COMMENT & SHARE if you liked the video ! <br>- There's more to come for the following DAYS ! So stay tuned ✔ <br> <br>Go your own way guys
YouTube Fair Use Disclaimer: <br>Fair use principles under Section 107 of the Copyright Act allow the unlicensed use of copyrighted materials for fair use purposes, such as commentary, criticism, teaching, and news reporting. <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD
YouTube Fair Use Disclaimer: <br>Fair use principles under Section 107 of the Copyright Act allow the unlicensed use of copyrighted materials for fair use purposes, such as commentary, criticism, teaching, and news reporting. <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD
YouTube Fair Use Disclaimer: <br>Fair use principles under Section 107 of the Copyright Act allow the unlicensed use of copyrighted materials for fair use purposes, such as commentary, criticism, teaching, and news reporting. <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD
YouTube Fair Use Disclaimer: <br>Fair use principles under Section 107 of the Copyright Act allow the unlicensed use of copyrighted materials for fair use purposes, such as commentary, criticism, teaching, and news reporting. <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD
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Fair Use <br>All RIghts Reserved <br>Everything stated herein is my opinion based upon research and using the scientific method and other avenues of confirmation & detection. #nohate #pleasedonotsendhate I am not inciting anyone to go after the individuals I speak on. Best is to give them no views, report, & ignore them completely! This is a chillstream designed to relax, entertain, inform, & gather together (drama & troll free) (IF THAT MEANS/APPLIES TO YOU) Kindly Leave
Papéis Avulsos by Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis (1839 - 1908) <br>Genre(s): Single Author Collections <br> <br>Read by: Katarina K. Müller, Mayah, deni, Leni, diegoqueres81, Pier in Portuguese <br> <br>Chapters: <br>00:00:00 - 00 - Advertência <br>00:03:57 - 01 - O Alienista, Capítulos 1 ao 4 <br>00:41:18 - 02 - O Alienista, Capítulo 5 <br>01:06:50 - 03 - O Alienista, Capítulos 6 ao 9 <br>01:35:30 - 04 - O Alienista, Capítulos 10 ao 13 <br>02:13:07 - 05 - Teoria do Medalhão <br>02:36:27 - 06 - A Chinela Turca <br>03:07:56 - 07 - Na Arca <br>03:23:41 - 08 - Dona Benedicta Capítulos 1 e 2 <br>03:50:59 - 09 - Dona Benedicta, Capítulos 3 e 4 <br>04:23:03 - 10 - O Segredo do Bonzo <br>04:51:15 - 11 - O anel de Polycrates <br>05:18:30 - 12 - O Empréstimo <br>05:39:57 - 13 - A Sereníssima República <br>06:02:13 - 14 - O Espelho <br>06:28:52 - 15 - Uma Visita de Alcibíades <br>06:46:39 - 16 - Verba Testamentária
YouTube Fair Use Disclaimer: <br>Fair use principles under Section 107 of the Copyright Act allow the unlicensed use of copyrighted materials for fair use purposes, such as commentary, criticism, teaching, and news reporting. <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD
YouTube Fair Use Disclaimer: <br>Fair use principles under Section 107 of the Copyright Act allow the unlicensed use of copyrighted materials for fair use purposes, such as commentary, criticism, teaching, and news reporting. <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD
YouTube Fair Use Disclaimer: <br>Fair use principles under Section 107 of the Copyright Act allow the unlicensed use of copyrighted materials for fair use purposes, such as commentary, criticism, teaching, and news reporting. <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD
YouTube Fair Use Disclaimer: <br>Fair use principles under Section 107 of the Copyright Act allow the unlicensed use of copyrighted materials for fair use purposes, such as commentary, criticism, teaching, and news reporting. <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD
YouTube Fair Use Disclaimer: <br>Fair use principles under Section 107 of the Copyright Act allow the unlicensed use of copyrighted materials for fair use purposes, such as commentary, criticism, teaching, and news reporting. <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD
YouTube Fair Use Disclaimer: <br>Fair use principles under Section 107 of the Copyright Act allow the unlicensed use of copyrighted materials for fair use purposes, such as commentary, criticism, teaching, and news reporting. <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD
YouTube Fair Use Disclaimer: <br>Fair use principles under Section 107 of the Copyright Act allow the unlicensed use of copyrighted materials for fair use purposes, such as commentary, criticism, teaching, and news reporting. <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD