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Quel amour musulman
Quel amour musulman user12 5 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Parce qu’Allah est puissant, et un, il ne sait pas ce que signifie être faible, partager la souffrance de l’aimé. Il ignore que l’amour rend vulnérable ... Comment pourrait-il aimer (Coran 11.90 ; 19.96 ; 85.14), et même respecter, puisqu’il veut dominer (Coran 3.83 ; 6.18,61 ; 13.16) ? Aussi le musulman ne peut-il admettre que des rapports dominant/dominé (entre Allah et les musulmans, le musulman et le non-musulman, l’homme et la femme, l’homme libre et l’esclave). Or l’amour ne peut se développer qu’entre égaux. C’est la raison pour laquelle le Dieu des chrétiens S’est incarné, S’est rendu semblable à nous, à l’exception du péché (He 4.15). Mais l’islam, imitant l’orgueil de Satan/Iblis (Coran 2.34), rejette l’abaissement de Dieu, et donc Son amour. Comment les musulmans pourront-ils être un jour heureux en rejetant l’amour de Dieu ? <br> <br> <br> <br>



Reporting done. (Enough is Enough) everyone check out Emcee Lama Hawks Obsession.  #⬛work
Reporting done. (Enough is Enough) everyone check out Emcee Lama Hawks Obsession. #⬛work Ian Gibb-Wilson 12 Views • 2 years ago

This Video is about Emcee needing to be removed from YouTube. He has been Maliciously cyber-stalking, harrassing, an bullying as well as doxxing an slandering my legal name. No threat was made except he will be gone from YouTube for what he's doing to me. #neverseenanythinglikeitbefore <br> <br> <br>DISCLAIMER: THE VIDEOS ON THIS CHANNEL ARE MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, EDUCATIONAL, OR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. (CHILLSTREAMS, SKETCHES, PARODIES, MELODRAMATIC STREAMS) <br>They are not to be taken as factual news (unless specified explicitly) <br>Please remember to consult your professional for any real world advice. <br>Fair Use <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>⬛ Square Work's Media ? <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators that come with handy tools, checklist for best video practices, and tons more. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>This Video is about Emcee needing to be removed from YouTube. <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD

THE FUTURE WAS PLANNED THIS WAY ~ ALAN WATT Ozmosis 31 Views • 2 years ago

I do wish to follow Mr. Tripple T's advice to a T. ( For myself to show him I dont mean disrespect)
I do wish to follow Mr. Tripple T's advice to a T. ( For myself to show him I dont mean disrespect) Ian Gibb-Wilson 10 Views • 2 years ago

DISCLAIMER: THE VIDEOS ON THIS CHANNEL ARE MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, EDUCATIONAL, OR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. (CHILLSTREAMS, SKETCHES, PARODIES, MELODRAMATIC STREAMS) <br>They are not to be taken as factual news (unless specified explicitly) <br>Please remember to consult your professional for any real world advice. <br>Fair Use <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>⬛ Square Work's Media ? <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators that come with handy tools, checklist for best video practices, and tons more. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD

Well you guys voted, & it seems even in all 3
Well you guys voted, & it seems even in all 3 Ian Gibb-Wilson 17 Views • 2 years ago

THE NEPHILIM - THE ORIGIN OF GENETIC EVIL Ozmosis 43 Views • 2 years ago

Allah et l'évangile
Allah et l'évangile user12 5 Views • 2 years ago

À la différence du Christ qui, distinguant le pécheur du péché, prie pour ses bourreaux (Lc 23.34), Allah est étranger à l'amour. Il ne demande pas l’amour, mais la soumission à l’empire de sa terreur (Coran 8.13,25). Le Coran est en effet rempli de versets tels celui-ci : « Entre nous et vous, c’est l’inimitié et la haine À JAMAIS jusqu’à ce que vous soyez musulmans ! (Coran 60.4) » Ainsi Allah aime ceux qui vont jusqu’à tuer pour lui (Coran 61.4 ; 9.111). Mahomet a si bien compris le pouvoir de la terreur d’Allah qu’il l’utilise à ses fins : « Craignez Allah et obéissez-moi ! (Coran 71.3) » ... L’Évangile commande : « Aimez vos ennemis, faites du bien à ceux qui vous haïssent, priez pour vos persécuteurs (Mt 5.44) » Comment l’islam peut-il se prétendre le rappel de l’Évangile ? <br> <br> <br> <br>

Kanye West Speaks on the Discrimination Against "Straight White Males"!
Kanye West Speaks on the Discrimination Against "Straight White Males"! Ozmosis 44 Views • 2 years ago

Como ser um Ditador | Mikal Hem, livro em análise
Como ser um Ditador | Mikal Hem, livro em análise Jadem Freitas 17 Views • 2 years ago

Livro em análise: &quot;Como ser um Ditador&quot; de Mikal Hem <br>Voz e análise: Jadem Freitas

Misandry Expo 2015! MGTOW (360p)
Misandry Expo 2015! MGTOW (360p) for_Archangel Liberation_Y 31 Views • 2 years ago

a 2015 upload

Prince of Doxxin? Shove a cane up my Dog? Making fun of Muslims & Differently able
Prince of Doxxin? Shove a cane up my Dog? Making fun of Muslims & Differently able Ian Gibb-Wilson 12 Views • 2 years ago

DISCLAIMER: THE VIDEOS ON THIS CHANNEL ARE MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, EDUCATIONAL, OR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. (CHILLSTREAMS, SKETCHES, PARODIES, MELODRAMATIC STREAMS) <br>They are not to be taken as factual news (unless specified explicitly) <br>Please remember to consult your professional for any real world advice. <br>Fair Use <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>⬛ Square Work's Media ? <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators that come with handy tools, checklist for best video practices, and tons more. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD

Interview Abbé Guy Pagès pare Fabrice Dragan
Interview Abbé Guy Pagès pare Fabrice Dragan user12 5 Views • 2 years ago

Interview Abbé Guy Pagès pare Fabrice Dragan <br> <br>

Le Bois de la Croix à San Toribio, Espagne, 9 Avril 2000
Le Bois de la Croix à San Toribio, Espagne, 9 Avril 2000 user12 4 Views • 2 years ago

Durant un pèlerinage en Espagne en Avril 2000, nous avons visité pplusieurs sanctuaires, dont Garabandal. Au monastère de San Toribio en Espagne se trouve une croix qui sert de reliquaire au bois de la Croix, cette même croix sur laquelle Jésus a été crucifié. Le reliquaire dispose d'un espace ouvert dans le bas qui permet aux pèlerins de pouvoir toucher directement à ce bois qui est très vieux et qui est identifié comme étant du cèdre du Liban, ou nommé autrement, du cyprès. L'abbé Michel Rodrigue nous fait un bref historique de ce reliquaire du Bois de la Croix.

MARIE BIGOT, 59ÈME MIRACULÉE DE LOURDES ! user12 8 Views • 2 years ago


Allah jure
Allah jure user12 6 Views • 2 years ago

Jurer, c’est prendre à témoin un être au moins aussi digne de confiance que soi pour attester d’une vérité, et le serment est d’autant plus sacré que ce par qui ou par quoi l’on jure est plus grand. Or, Allah, pourtant unique, jure … par les anges (Coran 37.1), la plume (Coran 68.1), les vents (Coran 51.1), la mer agitée (Coran 52.6), l'étoile du matin (Coran 53.1), le soleil (Coran 91.1), le figuier et l'olivier (Coran 95.1), etc. Allah jure ! Et non seulement il appelle à témoin des créatures qui sont muettes, mais, sorties de ses mains, il peut leur faire dire ce qu'il veut … Les dés sont donc pipés ! De plus, si Dieu est vérité, Il ne peut pas mentir … Or, si Allah jure, c’est qu’il peut mentir. D’ailleurs, il commande même de se parjurer (Coran 2.225 ; 66.2) ! Comment dès lors le mensonge serait-il péché en islam ? ! Quand Jésus nous commande de ne pas jurer (Mt 5.34-37), c’est pour imiter le vrai Dieu, qui, Lui, ne peut pas mentir. <br> <br> <br> <br>

Who blasphemes ?
Who blasphemes ? user12 12 Views • 2 years ago

Blacks and Moslems ?
Blacks and Moslems ? user12 16 Views • 2 years ago

Blacks and Moslems ? <br> <br>

islamiste devenu converti David
islamiste devenu converti David user12 5 Views • 2 years ago

islamiste devenu converti <br> <br>

Padre Pio Stay with me Lord/Reste avec moi Seigneur
Padre Pio Stay with me Lord/Reste avec moi Seigneur user12 9 Views • 2 years ago

Padre Pio Stay with me Lord <br> <br>

Le Messie, et l'islam et l'Antichrist
Le Messie, et l'islam et l'Antichrist user12 6 Views • 2 years ago

Le Messie, et l'islam et l'Antichrist <br> <br>

Interroger l'islam et Judas est-il en enfer: Abbé Guy Pagès est reçu à Radio liberté
Interroger l'islam et Judas est-il en enfer: Abbé Guy Pagès est reçu à Radio liberté user12 7 Views • 2 years ago

Interroger l'islam et Judas est-il en enfer: Abbé Guy Pagès est reçu à Radio liberté <br> <br>

persecution of christians in the moslems country, la persécution des chrétiens en pays musulmans
persecution of christians in the moslems country, la persécution des chrétiens en pays musulmans user12 6 Views • 2 years ago

persecution of christians in the moslems country, la persécution des chrétiens en pays musulmans <br>

LASZLO FÖLDI : A moslem army want to attack Europa from inside: UNE ARMÉE MUSULMANE PRÊTE À ATTAQUER L’EUROPE DE L’INTÉR
LASZLO FÖLDI : A moslem army want to attack Europa from inside: UNE ARMÉE MUSULMANE PRÊTE À ATTAQUER L’EUROPE DE L’INTÉR user12 12 Views • 2 years ago


what bring islam at the world ? qu'apporte de nouveau l'islam dans le monde?
what bring islam at the world ? qu'apporte de nouveau l'islam dans le monde? user12 9 Views • 2 years ago

what bring islam at the world ? <br>qu'apporte de nouveau l'islam dans le monde? <br>

Islam peut-il évoluer?
Islam peut-il évoluer? user12 4 Views • 2 years ago

Islam peut-il évoluer?

Abbé Guy Pagès Vs Islam
Abbé Guy Pagès Vs Islam user12 3 Views • 2 years ago

Abbé Guy Pagès Vs Islam <br> <br>

Interview de SOS MAMANS  755 bébés sauvés de l'avortement
Interview de SOS MAMANS 755 bébés sauvés de l'avortement user12 3 Views • 2 years ago

Interview de SOS MAMANS 755 bébés sauvés de l'avortement

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s Speech
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s Speech user12 13 Views • 2 years ago

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s Speech

Saturday Night Chillstream (Discussing whatever is trending/you guys want!)
Saturday Night Chillstream (Discussing whatever is trending/you guys want!) Ian Gibb-Wilson 13 Views • 2 years ago

Positive people only preferred. Not wanting to get into the old. In with the new! <br> <br>DISCLAIMER: THE VIDEOS ON THIS CHANNEL ARE MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, EDUCATIONAL, OR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. (CHILLSTREAMS, SKETCHES, PARODIES, MELODRAMATIC STREAMS) <br>They are not to be taken as factual news (unless specified explicitly) <br>Please remember to consult your professional for any real world advice. <br>Fair Use <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>⬛ Square Work's Media ? <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD

Scooter Beggins really? you still have the nerve to act like you know me?
Scooter Beggins really? you still have the nerve to act like you know me? Ian Gibb-Wilson 10 Views • 2 years ago

DISCLAIMER: THE VIDEOS ON THIS CHANNEL ARE MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, EDUCATIONAL, OR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. (CHILLSTREAMS, SKETCHES, PARODIES, MELODRAMATIC STREAMS) <br>They are not to be taken as factual news (unless specified explicitly) <br>Please remember to consult your professional for any real world advice. <br>Fair Use <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>⬛ Square Work's Media ? <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators that come with handy tools, checklist for best video practices, and tons more. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD

Live first-time Cannabis Testing of "Mean Mug" by Sinse Co. #MOMM
Live first-time Cannabis Testing of "Mean Mug" by Sinse Co. #MOMM Ian Gibb-Wilson 16 Views • 2 years ago

DISCLAIMER: THE VIDEOS ON THIS CHANNEL ARE MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, EDUCATIONAL, OR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. (CHILLSTREAMS, SKETCHES, PARODIES, MELODRAMATIC STREAMS) <br>They are not to be taken as factual news (unless specified explicitly) <br>Please remember to consult your professional for any real world advice. <br>Fair Use <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>⬛ Square Work's Media ? <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators that come with handy tools, checklist for best video practices, and tons more. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò — Official Intervento per Canale Italia
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò — Official Intervento per Canale Italia user12 11 Views • 2 years ago

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò — Official Intervento per Canale Italia

Cardinal Carla Maria Vigano denouces coup d'étal globalist/Card. Vigano dénonce l'omposture mondiale
Cardinal Carla Maria Vigano denouces coup d'étal globalist/Card. Vigano dénonce l'omposture mondiale user12 14 Views • 2 years ago

Cardinal Carla Maria Vigano denouces coup d'étal globalist/Card. Vigano dénonce l'omposture mondiale

About the Holy Apostolic Mass Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Official - Dilecta Mea
About the Holy Apostolic Mass Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Official - Dilecta Mea user12 10 Views • 2 years ago

About the Holy Apostolic Mass Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Official - Dilecta Mea

Il était une fois Jésus
Il était une fois Jésus user12 2 Views • 2 years ago

Il était une fois Jésus

Los niños y el sol. La verdadera historia de Fátima
Los niños y el sol. La verdadera historia de Fátima user12 3 Views • 2 years ago

Los niños y el sol. La verdadera historia de Fátima

The Day the Sun Danced- The True Story of Fatima
The Day the Sun Danced- The True Story of Fatima user12 2 Views • 2 years ago

The Day the Sun Danced- The True Story of Fatima

unis-T _ Ps 24 (23 n° liturgique) Père Guy Pagès
unis-T _ Ps 24 (23 n° liturgique) Père Guy Pagès user12 2 Views • 2 years ago

⁣unis-T _ Ps 24 (23 n° liturgique) Père Guy Pagès720p

How to understand God?
How to understand God? user12 10 Views • 2 years ago

How to understand God?

Idriss Aberkane islamiste et islam
Idriss Aberkane islamiste et islam user12 2 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Idriss Aberkane islamiste et islam

La Passione Di Bernadette Ita Sound Subtitle Italiano
La Passione Di Bernadette Ita Sound Subtitle Italiano user12 3 Views • 2 years ago

La Passione Di Bernadette Ita Sound Subtitle Italiano

Noirs et musulmans ?
Noirs et musulmans ? user12 2 Views • 2 years ago

De nombreux Noirs musulmans quittent l’islam parce qu’ils s’y sentent méprisés en tant que Noirs. Même dans un pays parmi les moins arriérés, comme le Maroc, la société est divisée par la couleur et la « race », reconnaît le professeur Chouki El Hamel, auteur de : « Le Maroc noir, une histoire de l’esclavage, de la race et de l’islam (Éditions La Croisée de Chemins) ». Il note qu’au Maroc la légitimité politique et la liberté ont été liées à la « blancheur », notamment sous le règne du sultan Ahmad Al-Mansour (1578-1603) ; et que les Haratine, ces Noirs convertis à l’islam pour échapper à l’esclavage, y ont pourtant été maintenus, en particulier sous le règne du sultan Moulay Ismaïl au XVIIe siècle. Ainsi s’est perpétué pour les Noirs, quels qu’ils soient, le statut d’esclave. D’ailleurs, l’esclavage n’est toujours pas aboli au Maroc, par aucun décret de l’autorité royale … Si donc l’esclavage a disparu au Maroc, c’est grâce à la colonisation française. Mais le mépris racial y persiste à l’égard des Haratine et des Noirs en général. Certains Noirs ont certes occupé des postes à responsabilité, mais la majorité d’entre eux se bat toujours contre le racisme. Des villages entiers de Noirs sont marginalisés, privés des services sociaux et administratifs de base. Les mariages mixtes entre Arabes ou Amazighs et Noirs sont toujours honteux dans le sud du Maroc. Bref, comment l’islam a-t-il justifié le racisme envers les Noirs ? C’est ce que je vous propose de découvrir maintenant. <br>Suite : <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>Chaîne Youtube de

Le Grand MIRACLE (film animation) Le Miracle de chaque Messe!
Le Grand MIRACLE (film animation) Le Miracle de chaque Messe! user12 3 Views • 2 years ago

Le Grand MIRACLE (film animation) Le Miracle de chaque Messe!

THE SENS OF THE LIFE user12 1 Views • 2 years ago

Praised be Jesus-Christ, His grace and His peace be with you ! I would to tell you today few words about of the life. I am not going on this great theme obviously, be exhaustive but just tell you which seems me to be the most essential. Our existence in this world, to my eyes, is comparable to that of a fetus in the womb of his mother, day after day, the child prepares himself for the time where he will be born to the life of world, than he does not know: no more than we know the life eternal to which we are going. And so is the moment when the fetus is born to the life of world is the moment where he dies at his intra-uterine life, likewise, the moment where we die at the life of this world will be that where we will be born to the eternal life. The assessment allows to validate this affirmation; that of the totally gratuitous nature of this present life: which is in itself a source of wonder infinite... No one indeed has asked to exist, nor pay anything for it. How this logic of gift wouldn't it lead to think than an another life can also free be offered to us: but then a life neither mortal and imperfect but eternal and divine. Why This one who already has given us what we have and what we are, could He not put the fullest of His love by giving Himself, Him who is the eternal life. Why not dare to believe that God The Creator can to do that ? What is impossible or too much beautiful for God? Why would He have a limit to His love for us? Didn't He already sufficiently provided of proofs of His Almighty Power and of His love infinite by taking us out of nothingness, by revealing to us the desire of His heart: by the prophets, by His own preaching, and up to shedding His blood on a cross to atone our sins ? If neither the fetus nor ourselves, have not asked to live, we have, us, however the freedom to want or of refusing the eternal life, the happiness that God wants to give us: it that shows us the fact than we cannot not desire it; so much it is in agreement with what God wants to give us. No man on earth wants to be unhappy. And likewise than our life in this world has little to see with that which was the ours in the maternal breast, similarly the eternal life has little of comparable with earthly life. No risk for example, as the fear some, to get bored there! She is a moment of absolute joy... of sublime purity, of fullness infinite... perfect communion to the joy itself of God to be God. At the difference of the life of this world, end of the life intra-uterine, the divine life is not the extension necessary, natural, of existence terrestrial. If none of two lives is due to us, the eternal life being in relationship with God must be chosen. God created us without us but does not want to save us without us. Nobody goes to Paradise against his will. Go there only those who want to go there and continue in The way up to the end, by knowing The way. And as true as only love gives the life and the happiness, the love is The way and the purpose of our life. We cannot be happy without being loved and without loving in return. Reason for which Jesus commanded us to love God with all our heart and our fellow like ourselves. And indeed, since God is love, how to love without loving God? And how not to like our fellow since God likes him? Thus, there is no love without freedom, the love implies the freedom. Also, there is the possibility of refusing to love, that is called the sin, and therefore the damnation. The reality of Hell cannot be accepted without the knowledge of our reason to exist. Then, what other reason can to have God in creating us, otherwise that we glorify Him? And if nothing is more glorious that love, and that there is no greater love than to give one's life for whom we love, how not to give our life to God, who has already given it to us? Thus, not only we will do Him a gift as beautiful as the one He made us but we will save our life: because He is able Him and Him alone... to keep it for the eternity. Give love for love, giving free what we have received free, it is imitating God and thus glorifying Him. It is because our reason to be is so high, than to miss to it plunges us so low. The measure of horror of the Hell is directly proportional at the sublimity of our vocation; what the unbelievers of Hell always hide. God created us free for that we can to love Him Him who is the love. Blessed are those who know to recognize in Jesus this love to give us free. &quot;I am the Way, The Truth and the Life. <br> No people goes to the Father THAN BY ME. (Jn 14.6)&quot;

FRANÇOIS, le chevalier d'Assise
FRANÇOIS, le chevalier d'Assise user12 1 Views • 2 years ago

FRANÇOIS, le chevalier d'Assise

BERNADETTE La Messagère de Lourdes
BERNADETTE La Messagère de Lourdes user12 1 Views • 2 years ago

BERNADETTE La Messagère de Lourdes

LE JOUR DU SOLEIL DANSANT La Vraie Histoire De Fatima
LE JOUR DU SOLEIL DANSANT La Vraie Histoire De Fatima user12 1 Views • 2 years ago

LE JOUR DU SOLEIL DANSANT La Vraie Histoire De Fatima

@Rick Sanchez  @Moses Heaps Shame poor shame. Rick you used me. Blocked me from speakin. ? u bth
@Rick Sanchez @Moses Heaps Shame poor shame. Rick you used me. Blocked me from speakin. ? u bth Ian Gibb-Wilson 13 Views • 2 years ago

F@!@!!!!!! Ian Gibb-Wilson 11 Views • 2 years ago

Dieu veut-il plusieurs religions ? Arnaud Dumouch / Abbé Pagès
Dieu veut-il plusieurs religions ? Arnaud Dumouch / Abbé Pagès user12 5 Views • 2 years ago

Que penser de cette phrase tirée du Document sur la fraternité humaine pour la paix mondiale et la coexistence commune co-signé par le Pape François et le Grand Imam Al-Tayeb, à Abou Dhabi en février 2019 : “C’est une sage volonté de Dieu qu’il y ait plusieurs religions” ? Elle est tirée de cette phrase du Pape François : « La liberté est un droit de toute personne : chacune jouit de la liberté de croyance, de pensée, d’expression et d’action. Le pluralisme et les diversités de religion, de couleur, de sexe, de race et de langue sont une sage volonté divine, par laquelle Dieu a créé les êtres humains. » <br> <br>Au delà du fait que cette phrase est d’inspiration musulmane, montrant bien la schizophrénie d’Allah qui crée plusieurs religions (Coran 7.16 ; 22.66)… pour que l’islam les détruise (Coran 2.193 ; 9.30,33), le vrai Dieu peut-Il Se contredire ? <br> <br>Plus d'info : <br> <br>Voici le lien de la vidéo intégrale : <br> <br>Chaîne Youtube de

Du dialogue islamo-chrétien
Du dialogue islamo-chrétien user12 2 Views • 2 years ago

Extrait de l'émission Terres de Mission n°138 du 08/09/2019 où M. Guillaume de Thieulloy recevait l’abbé Guy Pagès pour évoquer le dialogue islamo-chrétien et l’annonce de l’Evangile aux musulmans, ainsi que la question de l’accueil des convertis de l’islam au christianisme dans les paroisses de France. <br> <br>&quot;Nous disons avec Paul: «Je ne rougis pas de l'Evangile: il est une force de Dieu pour le salut de tout homme qui croit» (Rm 1, 16). Les martyrs chrétiens de tous les temps - et aussi de notre temps - ont donné et continuent de donner leur vie pour rendre témoignage de cette foi devant les hommes, convaincus que tout homme a besoin de Jésus Christ, lui qui a vaincu le péché et la mort et réconcilié les hommes avec Dieu. <br> <br>Le Christ s'est proclamé Fils de Dieu, intimement uni au Père, et il a été reconnu comme tel par ses disciples, confirmant ses paroles par des miracles et par sa résurrection d'entre les morts. L'Eglise offre aux hommes l'Evangile, document prophétique qui répond aux exigences et aux aspirations du cœur humain: il est toujours «Bonne Nouvelle». L'Eglise ne peut se dispenser de proclamer que Jésus est venu révéler le visage de Dieu et mériter, par la Croix et la Résurrection, le salut pour tous les hommes. <br> <br>A la question pourquoi la mission?, nous répondons, grâce à la foi et à l'expérience de l'Eglise, que la véritable libération, c'est s'ouvrir à l'amour du Christ. En lui, et en lui seulement, nous sommes libérés de toute aliénation et de tout égarement, de la soumission au pouvoir du péché et de la mort. Le Christ est véritablement «notre paix» (Ep 2, 14), et «l'amour du Christ nous presse» (2 Co 5, 14), donnant à notre vie son sens et sa joie. La mission est un problème de foi; elle est précisément la mesure de notre foi en Jésus Christ et en son amour pour nous. <br> <br>Aujourd'hui, la tentation existe de réduire le christianisme à une sagesse purement humaine, en quelque sorte une science pour bien vivre. En un monde fortement sécularisé, est apparue une «sécularisation progressive du salut », ce pourquoi on se bat pour l'homme, certes, mais pour un homme mutilé, ramené à sa seule dimension horizontale. Nous savons au contraire que Jésus est venu apporter le salut intégral qui saisit tout l'homme et tous les hommes, en les ouvrant à la perspective merveilleuse de la filiation divine. <br> <br>Pourquoi la mission? Parce que, à nous comme à saint Paul «a été confiée cette grâce-là, d'annoncer aux païens l'insondable richesse du Christ» (Ep 3, 8). La nouveauté de la vie en lui est la Bonne Nouvelle pour l'homme de tous les temps: tous les hommes y sont appelés et destinés. Tous la recherchent effectivement même si c'est parfois de manière confuse, et tous ont le droit de connaître la valeur de ce don et d'y accéder. L'Eglise, et en elle tout chrétien, ne peut cacher ni garder pour elle cette nouveauté et cette richesse, reçues de la bonté divine pour être communiquées à tous les hommes. <br> <br>Voilà pourquoi la mission découle non seulement du précepte formel du Seigneur, mais aussi de l'exigence profonde de la vie de Dieu en nous. Ceux qui font partie de l'Eglise catholique doivent se considérer comme privilégiés et, de ce fait, d'autant plus engagés à donner un témoignage de foi et de vie chrétienne qui soit un service à l'égard de leurs frères et une réponse due à Dieu, se souvenant que « la grandeur de leur condition doit être rapportée non à leurs mérites, mais à une grâce spéciale du Christ; s'ils n'y correspondent pas par la pensée, la parole et l'action, ce n'est pas le salut qu'elle leur vaudra, mais un plus sévère jugement.» (Jean-Paul II, Redemptoris Missio, n°11)&quot; <br> <br>Chaîne Youtube de

Sens de la vie ?
Sens de la vie ? user12 1 Views • 2 years ago

Nous pouvons comparer notre existence en ce monde à celle d’un fœtus dans le sein de sa mère, qui, jour après jour, se prépare pour l’heure où il va naître à la vie du monde, qu’il ne connaît pas. Ainsi de nous qui préparons jour après jour notre naissance à la vie éternelle, que nous ne connaissons pas davantage que le fœtus ne connaît la vie du monde. Et de même que le moment où le fœtus naît à la vie du monde est le moment où il meurt à sa vie intra-utérine, de même, le moment où nous mourrons à la vie de ce monde sera celui où nous naîtrons à la vie éternelle. Si le fœtus, comme nous-mêmes, n’a pas demandé à vivre, il y a cependant une différence essentielle entre nos conditions respectives : nous avons, nous, la liberté d’accueillir la vie divine pour laquelle nous avons été créés, mais au petit enfant n’est pas donné la liberté d’accepter la vie de ce monde. Et de même que notre vie en ce monde n’a que peu à voir avec celle qui fut la nôtre dans le sein maternel, de même la vie éternelle a-t-elle peu à voir avec la vie terrestre. Pas de risque par exemple de s’y ennuyer ! Elle est un instant de joie d’une plénitude sans fin… <br> <br>A la différence de la relation entre la vie intra-utérine et la vie de ce monde, la vie divine n’est pas le prolongement nécessaire de notre existence terrestre. Elle ne nous est pas due… Nous ne sommes pas Dieu ! Et pas plus que nous nous sommes donnés à nous-mêmes la grâce d’exister (si cela avait été le cas, certainement serions-nous bien différents !), personne ne va au Paradis contre sa volonté. N’y vont que ceux qui veulent y aller et en connaissent le chemin. Et ce chemin est l’Amour, qui en est aussi le but, aussi vrai que nous avons été créés par Dieu, qui est Amour (1 Jn 4.8,16), et que personne ne peut être heureux sans être aimé et aimer à son tour, raison pour laquelle Jésus nous commande de nous aimer les uns les autres comme Il nous a aimés (Jn 13.34). L’Amour, seul, donne la vie. Et parce que l’Amour suppose la liberté, existe la possibilité théorique du rejet de l’Amour, qui est Dieu, et que l’on appelle la damnation. <br> <br>Si cette vie nous a été offerte gratuitement (personne n’a rien demandé ou payé pour exister), qu’est-ce qui empêche que Celui qui nous l’a donnée, mette le comble à Son amour en Se donnant Lui-même, Lui qui est la Vie éternelle (Jn 6.54 ; 10.28 ; 1 Jn 1.2 ; 5.11,20) ? Cette possibilité théorique est validée par le constat du caractère totalement gratuit de cette présente vie… source d’émerveillement infini… gratuité laissant toute liberté de penser qu’une autre vie puisse nous être tout aussi gratuitement offerte… Et cette fois-ci, une vie non plus mortelle, mais éternelle, parfaite, sainte, divine ! La vie même de Dieu… Pourquoi ne pas oser croire que Dieu, le Créateur, puisse faire cela ? Qu’est-ce qui est impossible à Dieu ? Qu’est-ce qui serait trop beau pour Dieu ? Pourquoi Dieu mettrait-Il une limite à Son amour pour nous ? Ne nous a-t-Il pas déjà donné suffisamment de gages de Sa puissance et de Son amour en nous tirant du néant, et en versant tout Son sang pour nous laver de nos péchés ? <br> <br>L’existence de l’Enfer ne peut se comprendre sans la connaissance de notre raison d’exister. Mettons-nous à la place de Dieu : qu’attendrions-nous de notre créature ? Dieu veut trouver en nous rien de moins que Sa gloire, parce qu’il n’y a rien de plus grand que Sa gloire. Notre ultime raison d’être n’est donc pas seulement de connaître, aimer et servir Dieu, mais de Le glorifier ! C'est-à-dire de Lui offrir sans cesse un amour incandescent, absolu. Que Dieu trouve en nous Sa joie et Sa fierté ! Et c’est parce que notre raison d’être est si haute, qu’y manquer nous plonge si bas. La mesure de l’horreur de l’Enfer est directement proportionnelle à la sublimité de notre vocation. <br> <br> <br> <br>Chaîne Youtube de

SYNOD ON SYNODALITY_ Cardinal Gerhard Müller with Raymond Arroyo  The World Over October 6, 2022 _
SYNOD ON SYNODALITY_ Cardinal Gerhard Müller with Raymond Arroyo The World Over October 6, 2022 _ user12 2 Views • 2 years ago

SYNOD ON SYNODALITY_ Cardinal Gerhard Müller with Raymond Arroyo The World Over October 6, 2022 _

Karim devient chrétien
Karim devient chrétien user12 2 Views • 2 years ago

Voir plus de témoignages de conversion : <br> <br>Chaîne Youtube de

interview with Archbishop Vigano october 2022
interview with Archbishop Vigano october 2022 user12 2 Views • 2 years ago

interview with Archbishop Vigano octobre 2022

What this Atheist Saw in Hell is FRIGHTENING!!! Bryan Melvin NDE Testimony
What this Atheist Saw in Hell is FRIGHTENING!!! Bryan Melvin NDE Testimony Ozmosis 41 Views • 2 years ago

What do you believe?

I didnt want any of this, I said nothing that wasnt accurate
I didnt want any of this, I said nothing that wasnt accurate Ian Gibb-Wilson 12 Views • 2 years ago

DISCLAIMER: THE VIDEOS ON THIS CHANNEL ARE MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, EDUCATIONAL, OR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. (CHILLSTREAMS, SKETCHES, PARODIES, MELODRAMATIC STREAMS) <br>They are not to be taken as factual news (unless specified explicitly) <br>Please remember to consult your professional for any real world advice. <br>Fair Use <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>⬛ Square Work's Media ? <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators that come with handy tools, checklist for best video practices, and tons more. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD

Friday Night Chillstream (Doing Research & Smoking "Soul Planet") Come Join me!
Friday Night Chillstream (Doing Research & Smoking "Soul Planet") Come Join me! Ian Gibb-Wilson 10 Views • 2 years ago

DISCLAIMER: THE VIDEOS ON THIS CHANNEL ARE MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, EDUCATIONAL, OR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. (CHILLSTREAMS, SKETCHES, PARODIES, MELODRAMATIC STREAMS) <br>They are not to be taken as factual news (unless specified explicitly) <br>Please remember to consult your professional for any real world advice. <br>Fair Use <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>⬛ Square Work's Media ? <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators that come with handy tools, checklist for best video practices, and tons more. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD


Sacrificada: Imigração, Islã e a Erosão dos Direitos Humanos, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, livro em análise
Sacrificada: Imigração, Islã e a Erosão dos Direitos Humanos, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, livro em análise Jadem Freitas 18 Views • 2 years ago

Livro em análise: &quot;⁣Sacrificada: Imigração, Islã e a Erosão dos Direitos Humanos, Ayaan Hirsi Ali <br>Voz e análise: Jadem Freitas

Im beyond words anymore at this point....sigh
Im beyond words anymore at this point....sigh Ian Gibb-Wilson 11 Views • 2 years ago

DISCLAIMER: THE VIDEOS ON THIS CHANNEL ARE MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, EDUCATIONAL, OR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. (CHILLSTREAMS, SKETCHES, PARODIES, MELODRAMATIC STREAMS) <br>They are not to be taken as factual news (unless specified explicitly) <br>Please remember to consult your professional for any real world advice. <br>Fair Use <br>All Rights Reserved <br>Video is intended for Subscribers (or people interested in this channel that want to subscribe only) Please leave your bullying to your channel. <br>⬛ Square Work's Media ? <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators that come with handy tools, checklist for best video practices, and tons more. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD

Pansexual/Bisexual/ Pan demonic realm
Pansexual/Bisexual/ Pan demonic realm Ozmosis 36 Views • 2 years ago


Just a recent upload LIVE from the Proceeding today in the Darrelle Brook's case (Christmas Parade)
Just a recent upload LIVE from the Proceeding today in the Darrelle Brook's case (Christmas Parade) Ian Gibb-Wilson 9 Views • 2 years ago

Omg, not only is he clogging up time &amp; taxpayer money with his &quot;sovereign-citizen&quot; A4V crap! Now he resorts to threatening THE MOST PATIENT &amp; ACCOMMODATING JUDGE I'VE EVER SEEN! (I watch alot of trials &amp; sentencing's) <br> <br>Disclaimer: This video is for educational, entertainment, an informational purposes only. <br>Fair Use <br>#⬛Media <br>All Right's Reserved <br> <br>Everyone have the best day you can!!! ✌ ? ?

Unfortunately. Thanks to...@Filthy Animal #2  You upset my Grandfather.  #endcybermobbingme!!!!
Unfortunately. Thanks to...@Filthy Animal #2 You upset my Grandfather. #endcybermobbingme!!!! Ian Gibb-Wilson 17 Views • 2 years ago

@Anonymous Dude This is another interesting character. I wonder how your loved one would take it when they come home (your crying misteably) because of the past few weeks &amp; months as well as the intensity building &amp; lies getting getting outrageous. He knew I had just got done listening to the answering machine earlier as I went to the bathroom an it got to the &quot;end of messages part&quot; he replayed it. Told me to just keep logging/recording what comes at you through none of your doing. We may have to see a Lawyer again. So out of the goodness of my Heart...again I am asking the &quot;Men&quot; that have been cybermobbing/bullying/slandering me to please stop. Please for the sake of just me &amp; my Grandfathers health if anything else.

Okay Okay. ? Message Recieved. However I'm right your Wrong. Goodbye & Peace be unto you ✌
Okay Okay. ? Message Recieved. However I'm right your Wrong. Goodbye & Peace be unto you ✌ Ian Gibb-Wilson 9 Views • 2 years ago

Sad that someone would think you'd be lying on your Mom about some things that to others would be trivial. I guess when hate becomes #mobhate from Bullies it's full fledged frontal. Smh. Why can't we just get along people?? <br> <br>Ps. This is being done to prove several points for those subs of mine that care to make metaphysical/multilayered connections.

Okay...after this morning. I want to make some things perfectly clear.
Okay...after this morning. I want to make some things perfectly clear. Ian Gibb-Wilson 17 Views • 2 years ago

Apparently people don't understand/think Im putting on/or tryna make smoke <br> But that's not not. Tune in if interested.

Live Hangout & Testing of "Soul Planet" by Sinse/ Discussion of "Darrell Brooks" Case & More
Live Hangout & Testing of "Soul Planet" by Sinse/ Discussion of "Darrell Brooks" Case & More Ian Gibb-Wilson 16 Views • 2 years ago

(Subscribers Only Live)

@Straightshootin Not tryna say anything!! You said it before me Bro ? Frfr tho, I don't need it.?
@Straightshootin Not tryna say anything!! You said it before me Bro ? Frfr tho, I don't need it.? Ian Gibb-Wilson 14 Views • 2 years ago


Brownie at it again with the ???‍???‍♂️
Brownie at it again with the ???‍???‍♂️ Ian Gibb-Wilson 23 Views • 2 years ago

@Anonymous Dude Shoutout to Anon Dude! <br> <br> <br>Disclaimer: <br>This video is for educational, informational, &amp; entertainment purposes only. Nothing here is based on a professional opinion. This is in the State of MO, about Legalized Medical Marijuanna in thay state. If you have any concerns please contact your nearest local medical professional for questions.

Fall Got So Cold so fast ? I swear you ever get the feeling the season's aren't as they once was? ?
Fall Got So Cold so fast ? I swear you ever get the feeling the season's aren't as they once was? ? Ian Gibb-Wilson 19 Views • 2 years ago

It's getting colder faster & faster ?
It's getting colder faster & faster ? Ian Gibb-Wilson 24 Views • 2 years ago

Re-Forming the Channel. (Final time) We sink or swim. Under New Direction** Add My Ig if you Mod**
Re-Forming the Channel. (Final time) We sink or swim. Under New Direction** Add My Ig if you Mod** Ian Gibb-Wilson 14 Views • 2 years ago

Bye YouTube. I guess it's not meant to be. After what I had told to me in Private an sent pics of.
Bye YouTube. I guess it's not meant to be. After what I had told to me in Private an sent pics of. Ian Gibb-Wilson 23 Views • 2 years ago

Midnight Stream #1 Real Spill (Truth about the Crime Issue in America) Discussion
Midnight Stream #1 Real Spill (Truth about the Crime Issue in America) Discussion Ian Gibb-Wilson 9 Views • 2 years ago

DISCLAIMER: THE VIDEOS ON THIS CHANNEL ARE MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, EDUCATIONAL, OR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. (CHILLSTREAMS, SKETCHES, PARODIES, MELODRAMATIC STREAMS) <br>They are not to be taken as factual news (unless specified explicitly) <br>Please remember to consult your professional for any real world advice. <br>Fair Use <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>⬛ Square Work's Media ? <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators that come with handy tools, checklist for best video practices, and tons more. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD

Night Chilll-Stream w/@Anonymous DudeTalking about moving forward with this hate campaign ag me.
Night Chilll-Stream w/@Anonymous DudeTalking about moving forward with this hate campaign ag me. Ian Gibb-Wilson 13 Views • 2 years ago <br> <br> <br> <br>Sign The Petition, Please help me get these people to leave me alone and let me have a Youtube without interference that they created &amp; manipulated. <br> <br> <br>If you sign the petition from now on &amp; lie on it/defame me or troll it. You will be left on it and I will seek legal action.

Going to dentist ? ?
Going to dentist ? ? Ian Gibb-Wilson 19 Views • 2 years ago

@MrFusionTV                  @Anonymous Dude
@MrFusionTV @Anonymous Dude Ian Gibb-Wilson 7 Views • 2 years ago

@Dagburn Goble Nation Don't Slander/Defame/Cause me Libel here's why
@Dagburn Goble Nation Don't Slander/Defame/Cause me Libel here's why Ian Gibb-Wilson 22 Views • 2 years ago

DISCLAIMER: THE VIDEOS ON THIS CHANNEL ARE MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, EDUCATIONAL, OR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. (CHILLSTREAMS, SKETCHES, PARODIES, MELODRAMATIC STREAMS) <br>They are not to be taken as factual news (unless specified explicitly) <br>Please remember to consult your professional for any real world advice. <br>Fair Use <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>⬛ Square Work's Media ? <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators that come with handy tools, checklist for best video practices, and tons more. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD

71 of 100 Ex Parte Child removal
71 of 100 Ex Parte Child removal Supreme_Decisions 15 Views • 2 years ago

⁣71 of 100 Ex Parte Child removal

70 of 100 Police Compliance
70 of 100 Police Compliance Supreme_Decisions 13 Views • 2 years ago

⁣70 of 100 Police Compliance

67 of 100
67 of 100 Supreme_Decisions 15 Views • 2 years ago

Mask Mandate 1

2 Words for all you.
2 Words for all you. Ian Gibb-Wilson 17 Views • 2 years ago

Nighttime ? Chillstream (let's get together as our own community against the nonsense!)
Nighttime ? Chillstream (let's get together as our own community against the nonsense!) Ian Gibb-Wilson 9 Views • 2 years ago

DISCLAIMER: THE VIDEOS ON THIS CHANNEL ARE MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, EDUCATIONAL, OR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. (CHILLSTREAMS, SKETCHES, PARODIES, MELODRAMATIC STREAMS) <br>They are not to be taken as factual news (unless specified explicitly) <br>Please remember to consult your professional for any real world advice. <br>Fair Use <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>⬛ Square Work's Media ? <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators that come with handy tools, checklist for best video practices, and tons more. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD

Darkness & Depression for months
Darkness & Depression for months Ian Gibb-Wilson 7 Views • 2 years ago

Wow if that isn't enough Proof. STORM THAT WAS YOUR YOUTUBE ACCOUNT
Wow if that isn't enough Proof. STORM THAT WAS YOUR YOUTUBE ACCOUNT Ian Gibb-Wilson 15 Views • 2 years ago

DISCLAIMER: THE VIDEOS ON THIS CHANNEL ARE MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, EDUCATIONAL, OR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. (CHILLSTREAMS, SKETCHES, PARODIES, MELODRAMATIC STREAMS) <br>They are not to be taken as factual news (unless specified explicitly) <br>Please remember to consult your professional for any real world advice. <br>Fair Use <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>⬛ Square Work's Media ? <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators that come with handy tools, checklist for best video practices, and tons more. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD

Masculinidade em Meio à Loucura | Ryan Landry, livro em analise
Masculinidade em Meio à Loucura | Ryan Landry, livro em analise Jadem Freitas 22 Views • 2 years ago

Livro em análise: &quot;Masculinidade em Meio à Loucura&quot; de Ryan Landry <br>Voaz e análise: Jadem Freitas

Positive Chillstream Tuesday Edition (Fall Season is Awesome!!)
Positive Chillstream Tuesday Edition (Fall Season is Awesome!!) Ian Gibb-Wilson 14 Views • 2 years ago

DISCLAIMER: THE VIDEOS ON THIS CHANNEL ARE MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, EDUCATIONAL, OR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. (CHILLSTREAMS, SKETCHES, PARODIES, MELODRAMATIC STREAMS) <br>They are not to be taken as factual news (unless specified explicitly) <br>Please remember to consult your professional for any real world advice. <br>Fair Use <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>⬛ Square Work's Media ? <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators that come with handy tools, checklist for best video practices, and tons more. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD

Live Testing Reaction to **Georgia Pie by cookies** Missouri Medical Cannabis
Live Testing Reaction to **Georgia Pie by cookies** Missouri Medical Cannabis Ian Gibb-Wilson 14 Views • 2 years ago

DISCLAIMER: THE VIDEOS ON THIS CHANNEL ARE MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, EDUCATIONAL, OR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. (CHILLSTREAMS, SKETCHES, PARODIES, MELODRAMATIC STREAMS) <br>They are not to be taken as factual news (unless specified explicitly) <br>Please remember to consult your professional for any real world advice. <br>Fair Use <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>⬛ Square Work's Media ? <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators that come with handy tools, checklist for best video practices, and tons more. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD

Live chill & chat for POSITIVE PEOPLE ONLY.
Live chill & chat for POSITIVE PEOPLE ONLY. Ian Gibb-Wilson 13 Views • 2 years ago

The fact people make Hail Squitler merch &amp; constantly have my name in their mouth bit oh you better not have a name come outta your mouth. Tf? Whatever. You read into sh** too much

Okay that's enough. (Seriously)
Okay that's enough. (Seriously) Ian Gibb-Wilson 12 Views • 2 years ago

DISCLAIMER: THE VIDEOS ON THIS CHANNEL ARE MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, EDUCATIONAL, OR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. (CHILLSTREAMS, SKETCHES, PARODIES, MELODRAMATIC STREAMS) <br>They are not to be taken as factual news (unless specified explicitly) <br>Please remember to consult your professional for any real world advice. <br>Fair Use <br>All Rights Reserved <br> <br>⬛ Square Work's Media ? <br> <br>Want tool's that help a Channel Creator at a Discounted rate with bonus earning kickbacks when you share your referral code? <br>Try Tubebuddy Today!!! Highly Recommended Plugin for Youtube Creators that come with handy tools, checklist for best video practices, and tons more. My link that will give you a discount and pay me is below!! Use Code :RisingStarBuddy for an extral 20% off a License also ;) :)!!! <br> <br> <br>No hate <br>Just facts <br>An jokes <br>Laugh it's YouTube Remember? XD

Eat Your Cranberries Brownie!!! ??‍????
Eat Your Cranberries Brownie!!! ??‍???? Ian Gibb-Wilson 17 Views • 2 years ago

@Whacki Jacki ? I see you got 2 accounts. go delete that disparaging comment quick! #hypocrisy
@Whacki Jacki ? I see you got 2 accounts. go delete that disparaging comment quick! #hypocrisy Ian Gibb-Wilson 11 Views • 2 years ago

Ok-Dirtoutlaw, Clifford ray, Heather, kaitana, Real Deal are all Biased & hve played mind games w/me
Ok-Dirtoutlaw, Clifford ray, Heather, kaitana, Real Deal are all Biased & hve played mind games w/me Ian Gibb-Wilson 18 Views • 2 years ago

Hello my name is Brownie not Carl. I approve this message. ????✌?‍???????
Hello my name is Brownie not Carl. I approve this message. ????✌?‍??????? Ian Gibb-Wilson 15 Views • 2 years ago


Chill Stream #2 W/ @Anonymous Dude
Chill Stream #2 W/ @Anonymous Dude Ian Gibb-Wilson 10 Views • 2 years ago

No more humiliation vids <br>No more merch unless it's a coop or single idea that don't make one or other look like a fool <br>No linesteppin <br>No bullshittin <br>You do this to just f*** with me and you won't ever again.

NEW WORLD ORDER QUOTES Ozmosis 34 Views • 2 years ago

Attention I am pro Freedom. Equal Rights. A mix. Not left/right. I am not anti-anyone fyi
Attention I am pro Freedom. Equal Rights. A mix. Not left/right. I am not anti-anyone fyi Ian Gibb-Wilson 12 Views • 2 years ago

Showing 22 out of 23