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Turd Flinging Monkey | Become a Winner (1): How to Retire Right Now [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Become a Winner (1): How to Retire Right Now [Mirror] KaiserVenom 182 Views • 5 years ago

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Traditionalism Cycle: Part 6 [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Traditionalism Cycle: Part 6 [Mirror] KaiserVenom 159 Views • 5 years ago

Video's original description:

In India's Nagaland, men are on strike until women return to the kitchen

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Traditionalism Cycle: Part 5 [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Traditionalism Cycle: Part 5 [Mirror] KaiserVenom 114 Views • 5 years ago

Video's original description:
Yet another addition to my working theory about societal cycles of patriarchy to Feminism (matriarchy) and back again via societal collapse.

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Traditionalism Cycle: Part 4 [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Traditionalism Cycle: Part 4 [Mirror] KaiserVenom 104 Views • 5 years ago

Video's original description:

Time to dust off the whole Traditionalism/Egalitarianism Cycle and make a few more major changes. It's shrunk from 4 phases to 3, and I am now unsure what to call the middle phase. It was originally called "Gynocentric Traditionalism", and then was changed to "Egalitarianism", but both terms have a lot of baggage and require explaining, so I just used the term "Patriarchy" (with quotation marks) to differentiate it from an ACTUAL patriarchy.

Life history theory predicts fish assemblage response to hydrologic regimes

CS MGTOW: Calories, Epigenetics and MGTOW


Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Traditionalism Cycle: Part 3 [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Traditionalism Cycle: Part 3 [Mirror] KaiserVenom 138 Views • 5 years ago

Video's original description:

UPDATE: I didn't define what I meant by responsibility. Men are financially, legally, and physically responsible for women the way that parents are financially, legally, and physically responsible for children. Even though children may have chores, and minimal responsibilities within their families, that dynamic does not change. In the same way, while women have had certain domestic responsibilities, men have always been responsible for them financially, legally, and psychically.

Part 3 of my ongoing working theory about societal cycles and how gynocentrism destroys societies throughout history. I've made several revisions to the theory, including renaming it from the Traditionalism Cycle to the Egalitarianism Cycle.

Return of Kings: This Accidental Experiment Shows The Superiority Of Patriarchy
Raging Golden Eagle: MGTOW: Women are superior? Where is the proof?
Volkskrant: Soap voor psychologen (in dutch)

Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr. "The Equal Rights Amendment"

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Traditionalism Cycle: Part 2 [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Traditionalism Cycle: Part 2 [Mirror] KaiserVenom 159 Views • 5 years ago

Video's original description:

CORRECTIONS: The Lombard Invasion was in the 8th Century (after the empire was split between west and east). The original invasion that destroyed the original Roman Empire in the 5th Century was a barbarian coalition led by Odoacer. Also, the Age of Enlightenment began in 1650, although the Protestant Reformation that sparked the Age of Enlightenment did occur within the 16th Century. Thanks to Stardusk for the information.

UPDATES: SixSensessss made a series on ancient Sparta similar to this. Check it out below:
Sparta #1 Statism Communism Slavery:
Sparta #2 Male vs Female Life:
Sparta #3 Conclusions and Predictions:

MGTOW: The Traditionalism Cycle:

Not Sure: Ancient Rome and Feminism:
-Part 1:
-Part 2:

Raging Golden Eagle: Feminism and the Fall of Rome

Patria Potestas:

Patriarchy in Ancient Rome:

Lex Oppia: An Ancient Example of the Persistence of Emergency Powers:

Female Fury in the Forum:

The Emancipation of Women in Ancient Rome:


Femininity During Medieval Times:

Women in the 16th Century:

Women and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Britain:

The Protestant Reformation and Women: (link wasn't available at Bitchute)

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Traditionalism Cycle: Part 1 [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Traditionalism Cycle: Part 1 [Mirror] KaiserVenom 146 Views • 5 years ago

Video's original description:
Even though the theory has been revised over time, it's important to update the earlier versions so you can see where I've been and how I arrived at the conclusions that I did.

NOTE: Those whom are pro-Traditionalism DO NOT advocate a male-dominated society where women are the property of men, but rather the Gynocentric form of Traditionalism (usually associated with Conservative family values). I was originally going to name the states: "Patriarchal Traditionalism", "Gynocentric Traditionalism", Feminism, and Economic Collapse. However, because Feminists have overused and misused the term "Patriarchy" so much, I chose to avoid using that word, and I apologize for any confusion that my decision has caused.

Traditionalism, Gynocentrism, Feminism, Economic Collapse, back to Traditionalism.
Is there any way to break the cycle?

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Political Trichotomy: Lions, Beehives and Bears. Oh my! [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Political Trichotomy: Lions, Beehives and Bears. Oh my! [Mirror] KaiserVenom 170 Views • 5 years ago

Video's original description:

I'm sure some pseudo-intellectual will incorrectly say I'm making an "appeal to nature fallacy" because I'm referencing nature, and they never actually learned what a logical fallacy was. As a reminder, I'm not saying that a meritocratic oligarchy is good BECAUSE it's natural, but it's good BECAUSE it works the best, and is CONFIRMED by nature.

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Political Trichotomy: Freedom vs. Equality vs. Stability [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Political Trichotomy: Freedom vs. Equality vs. Stability [Mirror] KaiserVenom 145 Views • 5 years ago

Video's original description:

If you wonder why arguing with NPCs feels like having the same argument over and over again, it's because it is. There is no way to "argue" for values. You either have the same (or similar) values, or you hold opposing values. That's just the way it goes. I just wish there was an "America" for Americans to immigrate to while the Left tries to make Communism work for the 100th time.

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Political Trichotomy: The Moderate Right [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Political Trichotomy: The Moderate Right [Mirror] KaiserVenom 249 Views • 5 years ago

Note from TFM: I'm aware that some of you will hear what you want to hear, and say that I'm advocating violence or civil war instead of advocating for PREPARING for the INEVITABILITY of violence and civil war (which has ALREADY BEGUN). Defending yourself FROM violence isn't morally equivalent to advocating FOR violence, but if you understood that in the first place, this video wouldn't be necessary.


Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Political Trichotomy: Regarding the Religious Right [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Political Trichotomy: Regarding the Religious Right [Mirror] KaiserVenom 99 Views • 5 years ago

Joe Rogan & Gad Saad - Progressivism is a Religion

Charlemagne: Mulling Over Moldbug: Progressive Christianity

The Academic Agent: The Difficulty in Defining "Left-wing" and "Right-wing"

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Political Trichotomy: All Systems Fail [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Political Trichotomy: All Systems Fail [Mirror] KaiserVenom 167 Views • 5 years ago

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Political Trichotomy: The American State Religion [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Political Trichotomy: The American State Religion [Mirror] KaiserVenom 307 Views • 5 years ago

Joe Rogan & Gad Saad - Progressivism is a Religion

Charlemagne: Mulling Over Moldbug: Progressive Christianity

Academy of Ideas: Public Schools, the Fixation of Belief, and Social Control

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Political Trichotomy: The Treaty of Mars [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Political Trichotomy: The Treaty of Mars [Mirror] KaiserVenom 238 Views • 5 years ago

Treaty of Mars (Warhammer 40K Wiki)

Economic Freedom Index:
Hong Kong:

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Political Trichotomy [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Political Trichotomy [Mirror] KaiserVenom 406 Views • 5 years ago

Charlemagne: The Neoreactionary Trichotomy, Mapping The Three Estates:

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Solution (4) Contingency Plans [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Solution (4) Contingency Plans [Mirror] KaiserVenom 57 Views • 5 years ago

Video's original description:

We've reached the end of our journey, and while I realize that this video is going to seen as a betrayal of MGTOW by some (being seen as pro-marriage and pro-traditionalism), there has to be a sense of situational context.

I hope that you'll appreciate the fact that I am only advocating for the lesser evil given the limited choices available, and am not presenting it as an ideal or permanent solution.

Anyway, I may do a part 5 where I answer questions or concerns from this video before compiling all the parts into a single video, but we'll see.

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Solution (3) Long Term Goals [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Solution (3) Long Term Goals [Mirror] KaiserVenom 95 Views • 5 years ago

Video's original description:

In this video I advocate for some long term goals, starting with the personal and simple, and slowly moving towards asexually reproducing lizard people. Obviously some goals are more realistic than others.

1. Self-Actualization
2. Financial Independence
3. Defend and Expand Male Spaces
4. Political/Social Reform
5. Space Exploration/Colonization
6. Genetic Manipulation

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Solution (2) Immediate Solutions [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Solution (2) Immediate Solutions [Mirror] KaiserVenom 125 Views • 5 years ago

Video's original description:

In this video I clear up some points from my last video, detail why MGTOW is the only logical path for a man to follow within a society as gynocentric society, and then put forward an idea that is so crazy ... so absolutely insane ... that it's brilliant. Bricks shall be SHAT!

Illuminatus Pythagoras: Straight White Males who Identify as Lesbian Black Females

Groundwork For The Metaphysics of MGTOW: Feminist Epistemology Part 3: Postmodernism - MGTOW

What the row over banning Germaine Greer is really about

Meet the 52 Year-Old Father Who Identifies As a 6 Year-Old Girl

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Solution (1) Indentifying the Problem [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Solution (1) Indentifying the Problem [Mirror] KaiserVenom 150 Views • 5 years ago

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Fable of the Seagulls and the Fisherman [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Fable of the Seagulls and the Fisherman [Mirror] KaiserVenom 70 Views • 5 years ago

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Enemies of Man (6) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Enemies of Man (6) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 161 Views • 5 years ago

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

تعلّم كيف تعنى بصحتك الجنسية
تعلّم كيف تعنى بصحتك الجنسية SKARMAN 35 Views • 5 years ago

سلسلة تشمل مواضيع الثقافة والتوعية الجنسية تهم الرجال
Sexual education and awareness for your men from a moroccan perspective

Turd Flinging Monkey | Enemies of Man (5) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Enemies of Man (5) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 394 Views • 5 years ago

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

احتلامات النسّاء وسُعار الإنجاب
احتلامات النسّاء وسُعار الإنجاب SKARMAN 32 Views • 5 years ago

سلسلة تشمل مواضيع الثقافة والتوعية الجنسية تهم الرجال
Sexual education and awareness for your men from a moroccan perspective

الجوع الجنسيّ خطر....
الجوع الجنسيّ خطر.... SKARMAN 30 Views • 5 years ago

سلسلة تشمل مواضيع الثقافة والتوعية الجنسية تهم الرجال
Sexual education and awareness for your men from a moroccan perspective

Turd Flinging Monkey | Enemies of Man (4) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Enemies of Man (4) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 124 Views • 5 years ago

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Enemies of Man (3) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Enemies of Man (3) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 148 Views • 5 years ago

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Enemies of Man (2) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Enemies of Man (2) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 157 Views • 5 years ago

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Enemies of Man (1) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Enemies of Man (1) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 175 Views • 5 years ago

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Red Pill Grief Cycle (4) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Red Pill Grief Cycle (4) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 163 Views • 5 years ago

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Red Pill Grief Cycle (3) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Red Pill Grief Cycle (3) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 160 Views • 5 years ago

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Red Pill Grief Cycle (2) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Red Pill Grief Cycle (2) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 251 Views • 5 years ago

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Red Pill Grief Cycle (1) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Red Pill Grief Cycle (1) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 326 Views • 5 years ago

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

MGTOW IS FREEDOM : MGTOW at the Movies... Jack Reacher 2
MGTOW IS FREEDOM : MGTOW at the Movies... Jack Reacher 2 MGTOW_Is_Freedom 53 Views • 5 years ago

(MGTOW is Freedom) Mirror Status

Power by : Johnny Mgtow

community of men .FREE MAN RUSSIA
community of men .FREE MAN RUSSIA Yairov 3 Views • 5 years ago ссылка на канал MFL. ссылка на основной чат канала MFL... чат для стадии прозрения красной таблетки ярости (red pill rage).

The Wall 1_3 - Introdução - Groundwork For The Metaphysics of MGTOW
The Wall 1_3 - Introdução - Groundwork For The Metaphysics of MGTOW Adeus Atlântida 276 Views • 5 years ago

Ajude o canal a crescer, leia a descrição e se inscreva.

Se gostou do conteúdo:
Ø Então deixe seu comentário. Esse canal não tem pretensão de lucro, livre de propaganda e feito de fã para fã.
Ø Faça o seguinte, compartilhe entre amigos, no whatsapp ou em canais de predominância masculina.
Ø Acrescente nos comentários links\estudos que colaborem com o vídeo.
Ø E por ultimo, mas não menos importante, debata educadamente nos comentários. Minha proposta é de não excluir comentário algum, mas peço humildemente para que sejam polidos ao conversar.
Tentarei trazer os vídeos do TFM, mas até lá, estou apenas começando.
Não modero comentários e muito menos brigas. Cada um é responsável pelo que diz.

Outros Canais Excelentes que eu acompanho:
Angry Fox Pilgrim -
Angry Fox Pilgrim ( -
Angry Fox Pilgrim ( -
Angry Fox Pilgrim ( -
Assinado: O Pensador Selvagem:
Assinado: O Pensador Selvagem ( -
Assinado: O Pensador Selvagem ( -
Don Sandro -
Imperial Crow -
Mgtow Brasil -
Mgtow patriota -
O Traduzeiro -
Raccooning Raccoon -
Raccooning Raccoon (BitChute) -
Raccooning Raccoon (DLive) -
Realverdade -
Red Pill for real Brasil -
Tiozão -
Tricell Investimentos ( -
Tricell Investimentos ( -
Tradutor de Direita Vegano -
WisdowMan -

Agradecimento enorme ao: Pensador Selvagem, por ter ajudado na Revisão do texto.

Vídeo Original:

Red Pill Anthem
Red Pill Anthem OlDirtyBazturd 9 Views • 5 years ago

Everybody sing along...

Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (11) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (11) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 199 Views • 5 years ago

Monkeynomics 101: Don't Get Bit
This is so clearly and obviously a bubble, but hey... you do you.

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (10) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (10) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 147 Views • 5 years ago

Monkeynomics 101: The Role of Gold
Had to take a sick day today, so I thought I'd get a Monkeynomics video I've been meaning to make for a while out of the way. Sorry if my voice is distracting.
North-Western Territorial Mind doesn't sponsor me or whatever, so I don't have a coupon code or anything for you. Oh well, whatareyougonnado?

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (9) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (9) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 146 Views • 5 years ago

Monkeynomics 101: Incorporating Bonds
Correction from TFM: I misspoke at about 1:30 in regards to 10% bonds paying $100 every 6 months. A bond that pays semiannually would split it's interest between the two payments, or 5% every 6 months for a 10% bond. An annotation has been added to the video as well.
The finale to my mini-series about finance, assets, and investments. I will still do more Monkeynomics videos about specific requested topics, but they will be one-off videos about that thing, and won't be linked in a series as these have been.
I hope I've given you some useful knowledge and tools over the last few months.
As always, if you have any questions, or have a topic that you'd like me to cover, or cover more in depth, let me know in the comments section.

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (8) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (8) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 289 Views • 5 years ago

Monkeynomics 101: Constructing a Portfolio
Wall Street Journal: The Average Stock Price Is Expensive; Get Used to It
Investopedia: Beta
Google Finance: S&P500 Index

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (7) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (7) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 356 Views • 5 years ago

Monkeynomics 101: Getting Started with Investing
Note from TFM: Hopefully this video helps you get started with understanding different broker and advisor relationships, so that you can choose the one that fits your personality, goals, and expectations.
I'm not recommending any specific company over any other. All the information in this video is educational, and combined with a little Google-research, you should be able to find a broker/advisor in your area that suites your needs.

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (6) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (6) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 162 Views • 5 years ago

Monkeynomics 101: Market Cycles, Emotional Investing, and Risk Tolerance
Warren Buffett Story Source:

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (5) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (5) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 194 Views • 5 years ago

Monkeynomics 101: Asset Diversification
A video about the different asset classes, how they fit into a diversified portfolio, and a little bit regarding ways to use the concept of asset diversification to protect yourself in anticipation for an economic collapse.
Note from TFM: I'm not the biggest expert on commodities, as my background is more in securities. If I make any mistakes, let me know, and I'll add a correction in the description, or add an annotation to the video itself.
Also note that the US and EU are cracking down on bank secrecy, but the goal isn't to avoid taxes, but to keep the government from being able to seize your legal assets during a collapse.

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (4) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (4) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 239 Views • 5 years ago

Monkeynomics 101: Retirement Planning
IRS: Retirement Plans:
Forbes: Want To Be A Millionaire In Retirement? Start Saving 10% Of Your Salary In Your 20s.
IS SOCIAL SECURITY WELFARE?: Intergovernmental Debt (Social Security Trust Fund)
401K VS IRA:
Investment Only Variable Annuities (IOVA):

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (3) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (3) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 321 Views • 5 years ago

Monkeynomics 101: Career Planning, College, and Capital Budgeting
Free IT certification prep-materials at Thanks to MGTOW Bachelor for the link.
Free Online Courses with Certificates:
Where Did You Go to College? Employers Don’t Care:
Online Schools and Colleges: California
Business Insider: Duke Grad Student Secretly Lived In a Van To Escape Loan Debt
The 15 Most Profitable Industries:
Capital Budget Calculator:

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (2) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (2) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 303 Views • 5 years ago

Monkeynomics 101: Debt Management and Bankruptcy
ANDEX Chart (Morningstar)
Average American Debts
Student Loans: $32,264 APR 5%
Credit Card Debt: $15,611 APR 14.9%
Auto Loan Debt $27,000 APR 4.31%
Mortgage Debt: $155,192 APR 3.8%
Average 401K Balance $101,650
Dave Ramsey
Terrance Popp: “Deadbeat Dad Dilemma”

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (1) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (1) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 503 Views • 5 years ago

Monkeynomics 101: Becoming the 1%, Time Value of Money (TVM), and the Rule of 72
US Global Investors: What Does It Take to Be in the Top 1 Percent? Not As Much As You Think
Financial Samurai: Who Are The Top 1% Income Earners?
Average Single Person Living Expenses
Tax Calculator:
Bloomberg Retirement Calculator

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Capable of Anything (Remastered) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Capable of Anything (Remastered) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 765 Views • 5 years ago

Simply the best out of TFM's classic videos, finally mirrored.

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

Turd Flinging Monkey | The Zen of Zero Fucks Given (Complete Series) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | The Zen of Zero Fucks Given (Complete Series) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 1,532 Views • 5 years ago

One of TFM's best videos, about his philosophy of life, finally mirrored to

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

When A Girl Becomes A Woman
When A Girl Becomes A Woman MgtowMonkMode 53 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Why You Need A Daily Dose Of Red Pills
Why You Need A Daily Dose Of Red Pills MgtowMonkMode 43 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Respect Resentment
Respect Resentment MgtowMonkMode 16 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

The Science Of Mgtow
The Science Of Mgtow MgtowMonkMode 48 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

The Friend Zone
The Friend Zone MgtowMonkMode 27 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Peace Or Prison...An Optomistic Perspective
Peace Or Prison...An Optomistic Perspective MgtowMonkMode 23 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Validated - Board Of Truth
Validated - Board Of Truth MgtowMonkMode 29 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

What Men Want Now Thats What Really Matters
What Men Want Now Thats What Really Matters MgtowMonkMode 17 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Youtube Censorship Proof
Youtube Censorship Proof MgtowMonkMode 13 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

The Most Ancient Tale Of Deadly Woman
The Most Ancient Tale Of Deadly Woman MgtowMonkMode 32 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Women Dont Love You
Women Dont Love You MgtowMonkMode 70 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Mgtow - Women Own Their Men
Mgtow - Women Own Their Men MgtowMonkMode 45 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Stupid Piled On Stupid
Stupid Piled On Stupid MgtowMonkMode 31 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Minstrels Yesteryears And Today...Think About It
Minstrels Yesteryears And Today...Think About It MgtowMonkMode 11 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Stalked By A Cougar
Stalked By A Cougar MgtowMonkMode 14 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

The Promise Peril Of Youth
The Promise Peril Of Youth MgtowMonkMode 13 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Myths Legends Of The Mighty
Myths Legends Of The Mighty MgtowMonkMode 19 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

The Bro - mance - AMust Watch
The Bro - mance - AMust Watch MgtowMonkMode 17 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Ms. Jekyll Ms . Hyde
Ms. Jekyll Ms . Hyde MgtowMonkMode 13 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

The clamouring Of Gynocentrists clam Lol
The clamouring Of Gynocentrists clam Lol MgtowMonkMode 11 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

They Dont Love You
They Dont Love You MgtowMonkMode 16 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Tinder Six Market Value six Is Misspelled On Purpose
Tinder Six Market Value six Is Misspelled On Purpose MgtowMonkMode 28 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

You Are Objectified
You Are Objectified MgtowMonkMode 14 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

We Are Exonerated By Our Adversary
We Are Exonerated By Our Adversary MgtowMonkMode 11 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Traditional Women Are Coming Back
Traditional Women Are Coming Back MgtowMonkMode 58 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Pharma - chemical Castration - Mgtow Beware Its A Man - killer Critical
Pharma - chemical Castration - Mgtow Beware Its A Man - killer Critical MgtowMonkMode 36 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

What benefit Do You Get
What benefit Do You Get MgtowMonkMode 10 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

What Has She Done For You
What Has She Done For You MgtowMonkMode 6 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

The Bar Game
The Bar Game MgtowMonkMode 14 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Taking A Stand As A Man
Taking A Stand As A Man MgtowMonkMode 10 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Relationship Roulette - Wanna Play
Relationship Roulette - Wanna Play MgtowMonkMode 12 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

The Price Is Wrong
The Price Is Wrong MgtowMonkMode 9 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

The Way Its Going To Be
The Way Its Going To Be MgtowMonkMode 9 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Return Of The Masculine Man
Return Of The Masculine Man MgtowMonkMode 15 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Tricks Of The Trade - Learn Them Or Face Peril
Tricks Of The Trade - Learn Them Or Face Peril MgtowMonkMode 13 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Who Pays First
Who Pays First MgtowMonkMode 7 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Womens Needs Or Their wants
Womens Needs Or Their wants MgtowMonkMode 8 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Mg_tow When No One Is Looking....
Mg_tow When No One Is Looking.... MgtowMonkMode 11 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

She Let You
She Let You MgtowMonkMode 17 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Wepponized Flesh intentional Bad Spelling
Wepponized Flesh intentional Bad Spelling MgtowMonkMode 10 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

The Most Ancient Tale To Learn From
The Most Ancient Tale To Learn From MgtowMonkMode 12 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Shes Soooooooo Sexy
Shes Soooooooo Sexy MgtowMonkMode 16 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

The Anti - fun Paradigm
The Anti - fun Paradigm MgtowMonkMode 16 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

The Bell Curve - Fcking Funny
The Bell Curve - Fcking Funny MgtowMonkMode 60 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Wags The Dog - Trains The Dog Too
Wags The Dog - Trains The Dog Too MgtowMonkMode 8 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Priced Out Of The Market
Priced Out Of The Market MgtowMonkMode 17 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Youtube Is Anti - speeeeeech
Youtube Is Anti - speeeeeech MgtowMonkMode 16 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

The Gig Economy...i Dont Need A
The Gig Economy...i Dont Need A MgtowMonkMode 13 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Reason Accountability
Reason Accountability MgtowMonkMode 8 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Time For A Test
Time For A Test MgtowMonkMode 8 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom

Showing 58 out of 59