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Latest videos

Herbivore Men and the Dangers of State Punishment for Reproductive Drive Defection
Herbivore Men and the Dangers of State Punishment for Reproductive Drive Defection Thinking_Ape 20 Views • 11 years ago
Here is the article i talked about:

Response to Eugene on the Rift
Response to Eugene on the Rift Thinking_Ape 3 Views • 11 years ago

Just a response to the things he said

A Tale of Two Cities, or a Tale of Male Disposability
A Tale of Two Cities, or a Tale of Male Disposability Thinking_Ape 4 Views • 11 years ago

A discussion on male disposability, alphamaleness, and other related issues.

Quo vadis  Response to a PM
Quo vadis Response to a PM Thinking_Ape 16 Views • 11 years ago

"After watching some of your videos I feel mysef being pried away from my tradionalist view of the way the world should be. The type of people I usually look to for answers is the whole ultra far right, proto-facist, might makes right, Nietzschean ilk found at places like inmalafide and counter-currents publishing. Barbarossa pointed out how inherantly fragile the family unit is, women bailed the second they had a chance, therefore this is not the most stable, healthy enviroment to raise children in. The family unit cannot be maintained women men reasserting patriarchial control of women, and this will be unbelievably difficult considering the role modern technology (reproductive and otherwise) has played in their liberation. Patriarchy might not be possible without having to wind back the clock of technological progress. So the only other option is to look for technology to liberate men just as it did women. I get that. But any technology that would have any significant effect, such as the artifial womb, is decades and decades away at a mininum. The question is, what the fuck are we supposed to do till then? If society can even hold that long, then its quite optimistic to think the next Albert Einstein or Nicolla Tesla will be produced in a society consisting largely of women giving birth to bastards spawned only by alpha thugs, PUA's and sperm banks.
But the family unit is the foundation stone of civilisation, that cannot be denied. Despite all its flaws it has been the most stable and just institution to regulate sexuality. One of the only historical alternatives has been polygamy, which excludes huge numbers of men, which must be subsequently kept in line either through despotism, constant warfare or a combination of both. The other is single motherhood slutdom, with only the top tier alpha males procreating, no real male investment in society, therefore material and technological process is absent and disorder, chaos, poverty and violence are the order of the day. To my knowledge, no other system has ever existed in human history. Whilst you offer men alternatives to marriage on an individual level, you have yet to offer a viable, blue print of a post family unit society that might hypothetically exist in the future. I'm fine with men abandoning women and children, starving the beast of the state, as a strategy to hasten the collapse of the system, but how exactly can we build a heathly society afterwards if men don't restablish a patriarchial nuclear family structure? None of you have actually manadged to outline how this could possibly work. I'd love to hear one, because at this point it simply nothing more than utopianism. Not saying it shouldn't ever be attempted, but how would you see something which has never been attempted in history.
I don't see "society", as I define it, as being possibly without men being highly invested in its protection and advancment. Men WILL NOT invest in a society that doesn't afford them the reliable oppurtunity to satisfy there deepest biological needs, to fuck and procreate with women. The nucelar family, rigidly enforced sexual mores, provide most men with this oppurtunity, polygamy, single mother slutdom do not. Do you forsee the artificial womb in combination with widespread legalised prostitution as something that might take of the problem? I don't think it will personally because the primal need to bond, commite and procreate with one woman, or atleast many women in a serial monogamous way (whilst fucking other women on the side), is far to strong, but I'd love to hear your views. Also how could such a society where the nuclear family is not the norm successfully raise emotionally healthy children to be productive members of society? We see what basketcases the children of both single mothers and divorce are, how could we ensure that the products of the artificial womb aren't the same, or do you forsee a way to make sure that even such children manage to grow up recieving equal investment from both their mothers and fathers?
Listen, sorry to make this so long, but I hope you get my point. Male liberation, this is something completlely new, and I just think its silly to promote such a thing without giving a long, detailed explanation about how any other alternative could possibly succeed, what such a society would like, what its morale principles and laws (or lack thereof) would be and how you plan to overcome our own biological shortcomings which propell us to keep repeating the same behaviours again and again. You haven't done this yet, neither has barbarossa, or any other radical MGTOW types. Please do!"

Male Self Perception with regards to Disposabilty
Male Self Perception with regards to Disposabilty Thinking_Ape 4 Views • 11 years ago

As description

Coming to Terms with Reality
Coming to Terms with Reality Thinking_Ape 13 Views • 11 years ago

Something that needs to be stated.

What can be done about civilisational misandry
What can be done about civilisational misandry Thinking_Ape 10 Views • 11 years ago

I discuss what can be done to combat the core of this problem.

The Trick to Repelling Aussie Vaccine Police - Sing to Them
The Trick to Repelling Aussie Vaccine Police - Sing to Them Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 43 Views • 3 years ago


Response to Jerlstif
Response to Jerlstif Thinking_Ape 5 Views • 11 years ago

On what is going on, very off the cuff
On what is going on, very off the cuff Thinking_Ape 1 Views • 11 years ago

As decription

Some thoughts on the Bachelor Tax, Politics and the Evolution of the MRM
Some thoughts on the Bachelor Tax, Politics and the Evolution of the MRM Thinking_Ape 4 Views • 11 years ago!pb0Kj

SATF, DNA Propagation Obsession, the Information Age and the Caged Beast
SATF, DNA Propagation Obsession, the Information Age and the Caged Beast Thinking_Ape 9 Views • 11 years ago

A commentary on these things.

Whither  Response to Jerlstif
Whither Response to Jerlstif Thinking_Ape 4 Views • 11 years ago

A response to his video......

Gaming  Profits Matter More than Female Caterwauling
Gaming Profits Matter More than Female Caterwauling Thinking_Ape 10 Views • 11 years ago

A video response to the issue Bernard is covering regarding a young feminists collecting money to 'point out misogyny' in games.

His Video:

Response to Rocking Mr E's Hit Piece
Response to Rocking Mr E's Hit Piece Thinking_Ape 8 Views • 11 years ago

For Brian Banks
For Brian Banks Thinking_Ape 5 Views • 11 years ago

I made this video as a response to Eugene's video. I also made it in a show of support for Brian Banks. If you can help, no matter in how small a way, please do, not a command, just a plea.

Kickstarter project:

Brian Banks Follow Up and the Concept of 'No Strings Attached Sex'
Brian Banks Follow Up and the Concept of 'No Strings Attached Sex' Thinking_Ape 5 Views • 11 years ago

Additional thoughts on Brian Banks and 'No strings attached' sex.

MGTOW  Definitions and Explanations
MGTOW Definitions and Explanations Thinking_Ape 12 Views • 11 years ago

I explain what MGTOW based on my opinion.

GWW's Video:

Are there criteria for establishing the legitimacy of female MRAs
Are there criteria for establishing the legitimacy of female MRAs Thinking_Ape 4 Views • 11 years ago

Response to Eugene's Video:

The Cab Driver and the False Accusations
The Cab Driver and the False Accusations Thinking_Ape 9 Views • 11 years ago

Here is a link:

Neoteny, Hypoagency and the Nefarious Consequence  Solipsism
Neoteny, Hypoagency and the Nefarious Consequence Solipsism Thinking_Ape 9 Views • 11 years ago

A brief talk on what happens when you mix neoteny and hypoagency.

Atheism, Feminism, and Gaming
Atheism, Feminism, and Gaming Thinking_Ape 3 Views • 11 years ago

A response to Colonel Absconder's Video:

Of Wolves and Sheep  response to  Why anti feminists are not helping the mens movement
Of Wolves and Sheep response to Why anti feminists are not helping the mens movement Thinking_Ape 10 Views • 11 years ago

A long and less than perfect response to genderempathy 's Why anti feminists are not helping the mens movement. I am ill at the moment so it is not as clear as I would like it to be.

Gender Empathy:

Girl Writes What:

German Rant Please Ignore, Unrelated to MRM; stirbt das Siezen aus
German Rant Please Ignore, Unrelated to MRM; stirbt das Siezen aus Thinking_Ape 5 Views • 11 years ago

Don't worry, future videos won't be in German and will be about MRM stuff....just needed to rant a bit.

Revisiting Traditionalism
Revisiting Traditionalism Thinking_Ape 5 Views • 11 years ago

Just looking at sex for labour contracts and how viable that is...

War Brides by Rollo Tomassi, PUAs, Solipsism, Biology and Political Correctness
War Brides by Rollo Tomassi, PUAs, Solipsism, Biology and Political Correctness Thinking_Ape 11 Views • 11 years ago

Blog post by Rollo Tomassi

Sex and Stormtroopers:

Nature vs  Nurture as well as Determinism vs  Fatalism
Nature vs Nurture as well as Determinism vs Fatalism Thinking_Ape 4 Views • 11 years ago

A video response to the Lord of Northumbria.

Male DNA found in Female Brains
Male DNA found in Female Brains Thinking_Ape 9 Views • 11 years ago

Perhaps a vindication of my theories of male brain wiring and mother-son advocacy of MRM issues?

Female Behavioural Universals by way of Lesbian Marriage Relationships
Female Behavioural Universals by way of Lesbian Marriage Relationships Thinking_Ape 34 Views • 11 years ago


South Korea, Traditionalism and Divorce  it's all about the money
South Korea, Traditionalism and Divorce it's all about the money Thinking_Ape 6 Views • 11 years ago

A look at what marriage is about from the S.Korean perspective.

Are the Sexes Complementary  Population Bottlenecks and an Evolutionary Analysis
Are the Sexes Complementary Population Bottlenecks and an Evolutionary Analysis Thinking_Ape 3 Views • 11 years ago


Response to HannibalVictorthe13  does society favour women over men
Response to HannibalVictorthe13 does society favour women over men Thinking_Ape 7 Views • 11 years ago

A response to Mr. HannibalVictorthe13.

Rural and Urban Divorce  Reality of Mechanisation and Hypergamy
Rural and Urban Divorce Reality of Mechanisation and Hypergamy Thinking_Ape 9 Views • 11 years ago


Female Hypergamy in Action

You're useless/a pushover

Why the hell should I marry you

A man without money is just trash

When we were shopping this morning...

...being laughed at, you know that?

你要养你爸妈, 我爸妈呢?
You (say) you have to provide for your parents, what about mine?

没钱, 想起来就让我觉得可怕, 你知道吗
No money, the very idea horrifies me, you know that?

Say something!

You're such a pathetic pushover.

什么本事都没有, 还想让我和你结婚
You are without any skill, how can you expect me to marry you

Let's just call it quits

You're always like this

Say something!

How about we just call it quits

I'll move out tonight

[Girl stands up]

That's it. Bye bye.

[Girl leaves]

Shame and Guilt  How They Manifest Differently Between the Sexes and Across Cultures
Shame and Guilt How They Manifest Differently Between the Sexes and Across Cultures Thinking_Ape 3 Views • 11 years ago

A little talk about how guilt and shame manifest themselves differently in women and men, in different cultures and why "laying down the law" with women does not work.

Consumerism, Feminism and the Fempocalypse
Consumerism, Feminism and the Fempocalypse Thinking_Ape 6 Views • 11 years ago


Stardusk  On the Male desire for Unfreedom
Stardusk On the Male desire for Unfreedom Thinking_Ape 8 Views • 11 years ago

off the cuff discussion

Stardusk  Determinism, Utilitarianism, and Free Will
Stardusk Determinism, Utilitarianism, and Free Will Thinking_Ape 6 Views • 11 years ago

Clarification of points on free will and determinism

Stardusk  Scientific Reality and the Dissolution of Political Ideology
Stardusk Scientific Reality and the Dissolution of Political Ideology Thinking_Ape 7 Views • 11 years ago

The dissolution of political ideologies as science finds more answers.

Stardusk  Biological Precedence, longer original version
Stardusk Biological Precedence, longer original version Thinking_Ape 2 Views • 11 years ago

Some Quick Clarifications for Paul
Some Quick Clarifications for Paul Thinking_Ape 3 Views • 11 years ago

Just a short response, that's all.

Child support claim rankles sperm donor to lesbian couple
Child support claim rankles sperm donor to lesbian couple Thinking_Ape 8 Views • 11 years ago

The End of Faith in Sam Harris    or concerning Sam Harris' misandry
The End of Faith in Sam Harris or concerning Sam Harris' misandry Thinking_Ape 5 Views • 11 years ago

Female Projection
Female Projection Thinking_Ape 8 Views • 11 years ago

Just an informal discussion on how women self-project with regards to what they want in men or rather don't want.

When my information changes, I alter my conclusions  What do you do, sir
When my information changes, I alter my conclusions What do you do, sir Thinking_Ape 1 Views • 11 years ago

Reassessment in light of new information.

MGTOW  A Committment to Intellectual Honesty
MGTOW A Committment to Intellectual Honesty Thinking_Ape 13 Views • 11 years ago

Let's NOT stop talking about human biology and psychology male and female
Let's NOT stop talking about human biology and psychology male and female Thinking_Ape 4 Views • 11 years ago

This is a on the fly video response to Barbarossa's video, the link to which can be found below:

Are humans' mate selection preferences optimised for modernity
Are humans' mate selection preferences optimised for modernity Thinking_Ape 6 Views • 11 years ago

More on Divorce in China among other Things
More on Divorce in China among other Things Thinking_Ape 2 Views • 11 years ago,8599,2072530,00.html

Fisherian Runaway  The Tale of the Irish Elk and the Human Male
Fisherian Runaway The Tale of the Irish Elk and the Human Male Thinking_Ape 5 Views • 11 years ago

Protectors, Providers, Nazis and Prostitutes
Protectors, Providers, Nazis and Prostitutes Thinking_Ape 34 Views • 11 years ago,8599,1700821,00.html

Interview with AVFM Radio to air this coming Tuesday
Interview with AVFM Radio to air this coming Tuesday Thinking_Ape 5 Views • 11 years ago

I did a prerecorded interview this past Sunday, which will air on Tuesday.

Lest men be forgotten
Lest men be forgotten Thinking_Ape 9 Views • 11 years ago

A short video montage; for those curious, the first men are Leonardo Davinci, Leibniz, Newton, Fourier and Laplace...

Response Video to Why Men Should Still Get Married
Response Video to Why Men Should Still Get Married Thinking_Ape 8 Views • 11 years ago


Rational Self Interest and a Refutation of Blocking  Philosophy  Part 3
Rational Self Interest and a Refutation of Blocking Philosophy Part 3 Thinking_Ape 1 Views • 11 years ago

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Due to copyright violation all my videos longer than 15 minutes will be segmented in the future as is the case with this one.

Join the Awakened or a challenge to the it's feminism not women crowd
Join the Awakened or a challenge to the it's feminism not women crowd Thinking_Ape 8 Views • 11 years ago

Something about what is going on, the bullshit, it's feminism, not women.

Mirrored Video  The Young Misandrists
Mirrored Video The Young Misandrists Thinking_Ape 8 Views • 11 years ago

Mirrored Video.

New 15 Minute  Upload Policy and Some Other Stuff
New 15 Minute Upload Policy and Some Other Stuff Thinking_Ape 2 Views • 11 years ago

Whatever. I am just going to do what I'm going to do.

Rational Self Interest and a Refutation of Blocking  Philosophy  Part 2
Rational Self Interest and a Refutation of Blocking Philosophy Part 2 Thinking_Ape 1 Views • 11 years ago

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Due to copyright violation all my videos longer than 15 minutes will be segmented in the future as is the case with this one.

Response to ManWomanMyth  Freedom of Speech, Offence and Stoic Men
Response to ManWomanMyth Freedom of Speech, Offence and Stoic Men Thinking_Ape 7 Views • 11 years ago

A response to manwomanmyth's video:

Men Will Not Change
Men Will Not Change Thinking_Ape 6 Views • 11 years ago


Rational Self Interest and a Refutation of Blocking  Philosophy  Part 1
Rational Self Interest and a Refutation of Blocking Philosophy Part 1 Thinking_Ape 6 Views • 11 years ago

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Due to copyright violation all my videos longer than 15 minutes will be segmented in the future as is the case with this one.

Traditional Conservafeminism and the Network of Enlightened Women
Traditional Conservafeminism and the Network of Enlightened Women Thinking_Ape 4 Views • 11 years ago

Copyright Infringement Announcement
Copyright Infringement Announcement Thinking_Ape 4 Views • 11 years ago

The video I infringed upon:

Important Barbarossa Stardusk MGTOW Announcement
Important Barbarossa Stardusk MGTOW Announcement Thinking_Ape 24 Views • 11 years ago

Important Announcement

Little Update
Little Update Thinking_Ape 4 Views • 11 years ago

Just an update as to why I have not put out new material.

Paternalism and the Patriarchy are dead  Send flowers
Paternalism and the Patriarchy are dead Send flowers Thinking_Ape 7 Views • 11 years ago

a rant about all the non sense that has been going around recently.

Can relationships compete with the wonders of modernity
Can relationships compete with the wonders of modernity Thinking_Ape 1 Views • 11 years ago

Just an off the cuff rant.

My 2 cents on all the stuff going on
My 2 cents on all the stuff going on Thinking_Ape 3 Views • 11 years ago

Tiger Woods proposing again to ex wife
Tiger Woods proposing again to ex wife Thinking_Ape 6 Views • 11 years ago

My interview with A Voice For Men
My interview with A Voice For Men Thinking_Ape 8 Views • 11 years ago

As description.

Jodi Arias and the Travis Alexander Murder Trial
Jodi Arias and the Travis Alexander Murder Trial Thinking_Ape 4 Views • 11 years ago

Mirrored Barbarossa Video  Essential Viewing; Traditional Parasitism
Mirrored Barbarossa Video Essential Viewing; Traditional Parasitism Thinking_Ape 27 Views • 11 years ago

This is one of Barbarossa's best videos ever imho; it was a breakthrough video for me. I am resurrecting it so more people are exposed to it.

Hypotheses can be tested
Hypotheses can be tested Thinking_Ape 3 Views • 11 years ago

Hypotheses about hypergamy and how it works with relation to different cultures and transitioning from culture to culture can be tested.

Mirrored Barbarossa Video  One of the best PUA Refutations Out There essential video
Mirrored Barbarossa Video One of the best PUA Refutations Out There essential video Thinking_Ape 23 Views • 11 years ago

I think this video and its content is so important I am mirroring it in case some people have not seen it.

Are you a repairman  No, you're not
Are you a repairman No, you're not Thinking_Ape 3 Views • 11 years ago

You're told to fix things; I'm here to tell you it's not your job.

The Time for Pretence is Over
The Time for Pretence is Over Thinking_Ape 3 Views • 11 years ago

Biological Apostasy
Biological Apostasy Thinking_Ape 3 Views • 11 years ago

Or the distinction between determinism and fatalism

The Myth of the  Real  Man
The Myth of the Real Man Thinking_Ape 2 Views • 11 years ago

Lots of talk about so-called real men, here I break it down into what it is really about.

An Informal Conversation with GirlWritesWhat about MGTOW, Feminism and Stuff
An Informal Conversation with GirlWritesWhat about MGTOW, Feminism and Stuff Thinking_Ape 12 Views • 11 years ago

Just a little conversation we had....

I apologise for the extended ending with black, I tried to fix it but after 2 tries I did not want to go through it again, too much time. Apologies again.

For BugsMr 123, the Way the World Looks  A Vantage Point
For BugsMr 123, the Way the World Looks A Vantage Point Thinking_Ape 4 Views • 11 years ago

A monologue on what the world has come to be in terms of employment and related issues.

On the Men in the Matrix
On the Men in the Matrix Thinking_Ape 5 Views • 11 years ago

Concerning the men who are both the enemy and in need of aid.

Discussion with Paul Elam; 30 05 2013 1PM CST GMT 7 PM
Discussion with Paul Elam; 30 05 2013 1PM CST GMT 7 PM Thinking_Ape 7 Views • 11 years ago

The call in number for the show is 310-388-9709.

Yeah, that abortion thing   again
Yeah, that abortion thing again Thinking_Ape 4 Views • 11 years ago

Young Turks

Barbarossa Quotes by MGTOW Database
Barbarossa Quotes by MGTOW Database Thinking_Ape 28 Views • 11 years ago

A great compilation

Check out his channel:

Interview with Paul Elam at AVFM
Interview with Paul Elam at AVFM Thinking_Ape 8 Views • 11 years ago

Recording of the interview I did the other day at AVFM.

Can there be indirect or abstract complicity  A Response to Justicar
Can there be indirect or abstract complicity A Response to Justicar Thinking_Ape 0 Views • 11 years ago

Link to the video:

Bumblebee Response  MGTOW gone fishing or something or whatever
Bumblebee Response MGTOW gone fishing or something or whatever Thinking_Ape 7 Views • 11 years ago

Tom Leykis  A Woman Being Honest Do Not Get Married, Ever!  Mirrored Video
Tom Leykis A Woman Being Honest Do Not Get Married, Ever! Mirrored Video Thinking_Ape 15 Views • 11 years ago

Credit to her for her honesty.

Male Mother Need and Experiential Realisation  On the Heels of the Validation Question
Male Mother Need and Experiential Realisation On the Heels of the Validation Question Thinking_Ape 2 Views • 11 years ago

Just some thoughts I have had this past week.

Mirror Stardusk on the validation question
Mirror Stardusk on the validation question Thinking_Ape 11 Views • 11 years ago

Audio side (all I have for now) of the video that got flagged and deleted on Stardusk's channel, resulting in a copyright strike, and subsequently limits Stardusk to making 15 minute videos only.

Stardusk's channel:

-Like with thosepeskydames, the flagger uploaded the video in question to youtube himself. Stardusk took a shot from the video and used it as a still for a couple of seconds (!) in his video.

This is NOT a copyright infringement. This is fair use. The flagging of Stardusk's video and the subsequent strike on his channel is nothing but a knee-jerk reaction of a douche, or a simple attempt to bully and harass people with opinions not in line with his own.

It should be noted, that in order to defend oneself against copyright infringement claims, one has to accept that all personal information is sent to the plaintiff by YT. Since there is no way of knowing the plaintiff is who he claims to be, the potential for abuse (ie. doxxing) only helps build the case against bullies who use this strategy to leave anonymous users defenseless.

Video infringed upon

Flagger's channel

Flaggers facebook

Flaggers twitter: @KurtKuenne

NB: all 'identifiers' above provided on the flagger's own channel.

===YT global TOS, excerpt from section 6 C: ==========
You also hereby grant each user of the Service a non-exclusive license to access your Content through the Service, and to use, reproduce, distribute, display and perform such Content as permitted through the functionality of the Service and under these Terms of Service.


===YT guidelines for fair use:======================

1: The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes

Courts typically focus on whether the use is "transformative." That is, whether it adds new expression or meaning to the original, or whether it merely copies from the original. Nonprofit educational purposes tend to be considered fair more often than commercial uses, but it is not automatic one way or the other.

2: The nature of the copyrighted work

Using material from largely factual works is more likely to be fair than using purely fictional works.

3: The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole

Borrowing small bits of material from an original work is more likely to be considered fair use than borrowing large portions. However, even a small taking may weigh against fair use in some situations if it constitutes the "heart" of the work.

4: The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work

Uses that harm the copyright owner's ability to profit from his or her original work are less likely to be fair uses. Courts have sometimes made an exception under this factor in cases involving parodies.


Channel Endorsement  Red Pill Game Reviews
Channel Endorsement Red Pill Game Reviews Thinking_Ape 4 Views • 11 years ago


Request for help
Request for help Thinking_Ape 1 Views • 11 years ago

If you are one of the chosen, feel free to send me a pm.

Request for 3 D Modelling Aid Blender
Request for 3 D Modelling Aid Blender Thinking_Ape 2 Views • 11 years ago

Short video as the title suggests.

YouTube and Uploads
YouTube and Uploads Thinking_Ape 2 Views • 11 years ago

a bit of a rant.

Intellectually Induced Asexuality
Intellectually Induced Asexuality Thinking_Ape 8 Views • 11 years ago

Extended Thoughts on Artificial Womb Technology Part 1
Extended Thoughts on Artificial Womb Technology Part 1 Thinking_Ape 19 Views • 11 years ago


Why I Go My Own Way
Why I Go My Own Way Thinking_Ape 8 Views • 11 years ago

Extended Thoughts on Artificial Womb Technology Part 2
Extended Thoughts on Artificial Womb Technology Part 2 Thinking_Ape 11 Views • 11 years ago


Psychological Origins of Male Mother Need
Psychological Origins of Male Mother Need Thinking_Ape 6 Views • 11 years ago

Overcoming Male Mother Need
Overcoming Male Mother Need Thinking_Ape 2 Views • 11 years ago

As description.

Showing 1066 out of 1067