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My Dancing Man Series 004 - Зикар Атаги 1
My Dancing Man Series 004 - Зикар Атаги 1 Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 26 Views • 3 years ago

This is a really good video to download and rip into an MP3 - and sing along with it.... I gather it's in Eastern Europe / Russia somewhere and I would appreciate it if anyone knows the language and can translate it.... Well I live in the land of divine inspiration. ⁣Зикар Атаги 1 = ⁣Zikar Atagi 1 - AND I need an accurate translation of it - if anyone can do it.... Or I can chase this up too....

· 5y

Bikes, Books, Coffee, & Grammar.

They'll be Sufis, who practice a mystic form of Islam.
There's a lot to it, but one thing that they do is to practice 'active meditation'.
The video mentions 'Zikr'
which is an islamic term for a number of devotional acts. The sufi view
of Zikr is different to 'mainstream' islam, and they practice the
recitation of liturgy via group chanting, dancing, and singing with the
goal of achieving a trance like state.
In Turkey you can see performances of Dervishes
who twirl in ceremonial gear to get into the 'trance' state, and I
believe that this is basically a group version of that kind of
I don't really know enough to elaborate on it, but it's a feature of
Islam primarily in the Balkans, Turkey, and North Africa I believe.
It's not dissimilar to pentecostal christian churches which play music, and
through singing and prayer encourage people to speak in 'tongues' (which is often accompanied by a trance like state).

Hurricane Katrina   Police looting Walmart   MSNBC
Hurricane Katrina Police looting Walmart MSNBC TelepathicRapist 42 Views • 3 years ago

Hey man, be scared, the big bad police are gonna get you. The military is gonna get you. That is unless a hurricane comes and screws things up a bit, then they all run and start stealing. I mean there couldn't be anything worse than a hurricane right? or could there be?....... Stop thinking the police or military are to be feared in a SHTF scenario. In this case, they are really no different than another person. They will be scared for there own family too then they will have to go by a different set of rules.

speech from Allen West the obama era and leading up to the end of the clinton crime family
speech from Allen West the obama era and leading up to the end of the clinton crime family TelepathicRapist 22 Views • 3 years ago

This awesome speech shows the fire that was rising torward the end of the obama era. I don't think the elites realized how frustrated the US people were. Then trump came and threw a match on the gasoline.

⁣Times Square. 22 July '15,.statesman, Rep. Allen West inspires opposition to Obama's weakening America's military, global position, and lifting sanctions on Iran while enabling them to become a nuclear, terror-enabling power. Introduced by Stop Iran Rally's Jeffrey Wiesenfeld.

Logo,Logo uma mulher ira assumir a PRESIDENCIA DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS
Logo,Logo uma mulher ira assumir a PRESIDENCIA DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS Nikaido 73 Views • 3 years ago

Biden um fantoche,para assim uma mulher assumir a presidencia,e Biden nao ser resposabilizado por algo,por alegarem problemas mentais,e claro como vejo quando algum homem,principalmente religioso tocar por força maior sobre feminismo,só falam "MULHERES DE SUVACO CABELUDO",só isso

Grannie Feminist becoming "SUGAR MAMAS" for imigrants
Grannie Feminist becoming "SUGAR MAMAS" for imigrants Nikaido 59 Views • 3 years ago

#⁣ After the carousel of PENIS,in your youth,⁣just like that to live your hedonism.⁣


Eles lutaram pelo Ocidente
Eles lutaram pelo Ocidente Nikaido 81 Views • 3 years ago


Mom twerks at sons funeral
Mom twerks at sons funeral Nikaido 81 Views • 3 years ago


Da serie as melhores Redpills vem delas , Conservadia 2.0, uma das mais perigosas da atualidade .
Da serie as melhores Redpills vem delas , Conservadia 2.0, uma das mais perigosas da atualidade . MGTOWBahia 217 Views • 3 years ago

Alcorão revela como ser humano foi criado há 1.400 anos atrás
Alcorão revela como ser humano foi criado há 1.400 anos atrás UmCara 75 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Alcorão revela como ser humano foi criado há 1.400 anos atrás (praticamente quando o islã foi criado).

Fonte: ⁣

Patriarca ortodoxo exalta qualidades dos muçulmanos russos
Patriarca ortodoxo exalta qualidades dos muçulmanos russos UmCara 51 Views • 3 years ago

Homem religioso elogindo as ações dos muçulmanos.

Fonte: ⁣

Statement On The Virus Arabic Subtitles
Statement On The Virus Arabic Subtitles Imran Hosein 13 Views • 3 years ago

An Islamic Eschatological View Of Corona Virus  Arabic Sutitles
An Islamic Eschatological View Of Corona Virus Arabic Sutitles Imran Hosein 12 Views • 3 years ago

Mãe,ou é uma Stripper faz twerk no funeral  (Título reeditado)
Mãe,ou é uma Stripper faz twerk no funeral (Título reeditado) Nikaido 158 Views • 3 years ago

#Esquizofrenia humana atualizada com sucesso!
Apesar das poucas informações que consegui,e o título falar isso,parece que é um club de striptease e a mãe levou o caixao,e eu quero acreditar que não é a mãe mas sim um put....

When you have 1% Jamaican Blood
When you have 1% Jamaican Blood mustard 59 Views • 3 years ago

You go get a DNA test, and in the results it says you are 1% Jamaican, you turn out to be like this

Truths of naruto
Truths of naruto mustard 2 Views • 3 years ago

When everyone thought Haku was a girl

Mas os caras e teimosos, não larga o osso então toma  chifre agora chora corno , casa que e gostoso .
Mas os caras e teimosos, não larga o osso então toma chifre agora chora corno , casa que e gostoso . MGTOWBahia 211 Views • 3 years ago

Neo the outflanked
Neo the outflanked AmanleyLoad 16 Views • 3 years ago

⁣An exposure video. just some youtube beef thats not important but i find entertaining.

glass houses boy glass houses. The best description of you i had so far was cold and difficult... sounds about right after all the lies. Apparently i am a black lives matter feminist. I let all you be the judge of that and let you decide whos cognitive abilities are more sane.

SER FUNCIONAL É SER CAPACH0 E C0RN0? kkkk TÔ FORA (olha a hipocrisia desse mangina).
SER FUNCIONAL É SER CAPACH0 E C0RN0? kkkk TÔ FORA (olha a hipocrisia desse mangina). MGTOWBahia 149 Views • 3 years ago

Cortes de Alto Valor LINK .

Where Are The Girl Power Relief Efforts For Louisiana? RPM
Where Are The Girl Power Relief Efforts For Louisiana? RPM REDPILLMARRIED 145 Views • 3 years ago

⁣They are VERY silent when trouble comes.

My Dancing Man Series 003 - Jewish Dance
My Dancing Man Series 003 - Jewish Dance Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 69 Views • 3 years ago


Solar Furnace for under $50
Solar Furnace for under $50 KEEPER 33 Views • 3 years ago

Shows how to build self-contained warming module. For rest of building, please visit

My Dancing Man Series 002 - Turkish  Australian WEDDING with Lebanese Drums
My Dancing Man Series 002 - Turkish Australian WEDDING with Lebanese Drums Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 21 Views • 3 years ago

Men are fucking Awesome

O verdadeiro vírus do Brasil
O verdadeiro vírus do Brasil GAROU BAIANO 79 Views • 3 years ago

é piadinha goy não leva a sério Ok?

Maskurbation: Public Schools Bait and Switch to Steal Your Money | Grunt Speak Highlights
Maskurbation: Public Schools Bait and Switch to Steal Your Money | Grunt Speak Highlights Terrence Popp 251 Views • 3 years ago

Public schools are now outright lying to parents to secure their taxpayer funded budgets. Pull your kids now.
#GruntSpeakLive #Maskurbators #Faucism
Watch the complete stream here:

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or send one-time tips through SubscribeStar:

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Send physical donations to: Productions
29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407
Royal Oak, MI 48072
If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3
All donations are tax deductible

You can watch Grunt Speak Live on these channels!

Hydroxychloroquine is the smartest drug in history! (Dr. Richard Urso)
Hydroxychloroquine is the smartest drug in history! (Dr. Richard Urso) Adam_Reith 34 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Hydroxychloroquine is the smartest drug in history

Source: America’s Frontline Doctors

Speaker: Dr. Richard Urso

May 21, 2021

Dr Richard Urso uncovers a tiny but enormously significant detail in a chloroquine study – listen carefully…

"So we corresponded with the author, and I said, I am so happy for your study. You just showed one of the most amazing things that I’ve ever seen. I never thought I would see something so clear. You just proved that when viruses are around when chloroquine is around, chloroquine will let the virus attack a cancer cell. Think about that. So it will protect a normal cell.

"But chloroquine will not protect a cancer cell because they differentiate. The receptors are different. I mean, think about that. I mean, think about that. So I tore them back. I said, thank you. You completely misinterpreted the data, and you hid the fact, they hid it. They put it all the way down. As you know, you have to look for the data set.

"So I found it in the appendix in little letters. Kalu three lung cells. This is the disinformation campaign that we are faced with. They put out a big thing and they said, "Oh, it doesn’t work." They put it on Medical Express. "That’s it for chloroquine. It’s unlikely to work against SARS CoV two. We just proved it."

"No, you proved chloroquine is one of the smartest drugs in history. It will let viruses attack cancer cells, but not normal cells."

Dead Bedrooms - MGTOW
Dead Bedrooms - MGTOW Sandman 257 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Odium Music

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Odium and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, hope your keeping yourself balanced in those crazy times. got some new music out, finally. Part of the inspiration for the current album was from Ricky Geravis' show 'After Life'. I've found it very funny and painful at the same time, and during my binge I was curious about your red-pill take on the show and characters. If it's too much you could just find a crazy Reddit thread to pick apart. thanks for all the daily content. listening to your entertaining takes of our clown world helps me to keep my sanity." Well Odium thanks for the donation and topic. I put a link to your music in the description for people to checkout. I've also found a Reddit thread about guys getting kicked off the dead bedrooms subreddit and being banned for suggesting that marriage was obsolete after being accused of being MGTOWs. Here's what someone called the
Smart Trader has to say and I quote: "I was banned there as well. They sent me a message saying this: "You have been permanently banned from participating in r/DeadBedrooms. You can still view and subscribe to r/DeadBedrooms, but you won't be able to post or comment." I asked them which rule did I break sir? The first mod said rule 6 no redpillers. I responded by saying I have never been on the red pill subreddit and you can completely check my comment history from start to end. Nor did I push any ideology or opinion on someone. But it's alright, I won't appeal the ban. The Mod responded by saying that MGTOW is worse than redpill In my opinion, and equally deserving of a ban from participating here. The 2nd Mod said MGTOW is red pill and all they are ever talking about is women and all the red pills the get on the relationship subs of Reddit. This is literally silencing and banning people out of spite. Absolutely insane. What does it matter what I read in my freetime if I do not break any rules nor do I push any "ideology" on anyone." Unquote. Well it does matter when there are women and blue pilled simps out there that are trying to help married men stay married by figuring out a way to bring their dead bedrooms back to life. Time to use your frankenweenie on your fat land whale wife. Hell if you might even be able to feed her a hot dog the same time you're banging that wife. You know fucking and feeding at the same time. Before I discuss more about my thoughts on banning guys that visit other subreddits and what can be done let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the banning mgtow men from walking jumping off the ledge of divorce first clown world show. Imagine you've been blue pilled your entire life and it's been years since you got any sex from your wife and you're frustrated but you love her and will stay in your sexless marriage while letting her have access to your higher pay.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Bolsonaro sanciona lei que desarma ACUSADO de violência doméstica
Bolsonaro sanciona lei que desarma ACUSADO de violência doméstica telecurso_mgtow 88 Views • 3 years ago

A notícia é de 2019.

Karens and #BLM
Karens and #BLM mrghoster 88 Views • 3 years ago

Karens and BLM

Tik Tok Compilation 10
Tik Tok Compilation 10 TheRareBreedTheory 111 Views • 3 years ago

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Jimmy Roasting Women - Jimmy Carr
Jimmy Roasting Women - Jimmy Carr mrghoster 51 Views • 3 years ago

Brit Comedian Jimmy Carr roast's out women in the Audience!

Feminists Are FREAKING Out Because Men Don-t Want To Defend The West!!
Feminists Are FREAKING Out Because Men Don-t Want To Defend The West!! mrghoster 183 Views • 3 years ago

Apparently MEN don't want to Defend the West anymore? Well why should be and what for? so women can be safe? Fuck off! lol!

[Response] Stop Leaving Us Men Are Leaving Relationships And Single Mothers Aren-t Happy
[Response] Stop Leaving Us Men Are Leaving Relationships And Single Mothers Aren-t Happy mrghoster 136 Views • 3 years ago

More whinging, irrational women!

7 Stoic Ways to Escape the Chains of the World
7 Stoic Ways to Escape the Chains of the World mrghoster 33 Views • 3 years ago

7 Stoic ways to retreat from the world.

Burden - F Biden (Official Video)
Burden - F Biden (Official Video) Jess Sosnoski 46 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Burden - F Biden (Official Video)

Crowds in Stadiums Across America Are Chanting F-CK Joe Biden
Crowds in Stadiums Across America Are Chanting F-CK Joe Biden Jess Sosnoski 53 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Crowds in Stadiums Across America Are Chanting F-CK Joe Biden

How To End Up In Prison With Bubba As Your Cellmate
How To End Up In Prison With Bubba As Your Cellmate Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 440 Views • 3 years ago


Dumb Cunt from the Dairy
Dumb Cunt from the Dairy Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 32 Views • 3 years ago

⁣This woman is unbelievably stupid, a shit head and a game playing, go around in circles all day kind of a cunt. She does everything, except what she is paid to do, to facilitate the sales, of the products, that she earns her wages from. Why she even got the job is beyond me. But there ARE managers who have absolute shit for brains as well. Putting the intellectually handicapped woman on the payroll, makes EVERYONE lose money from carrying the free loading fuckwit. So quit employing STUPID game playing, mind fucked, women.

Grim's Comic Corner: Transmetropolitan (Issues 1-3)
Grim's Comic Corner: Transmetropolitan (Issues 1-3) Grim Lord's Games & Rants 28 Views • 3 years ago

Comic: Transmetropolitan (Warren Ellis)

If you like this, we'll continue with Transmetropolitan. However, if you don't like it I'm gonna start reading more books from indie publishers.

Warren Ellis was cancelled heavily, but damn if he wasn't a fucking prophet.

Grim's Hentai Corner: Starless Pt. 1: The Entrance To Hell (SFW)
Grim's Hentai Corner: Starless Pt. 1: The Entrance To Hell (SFW) Grim Lord's Games & Rants 303 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Starless (Jast USA)

The preamble to Starless is quite long. There's actually a full hour of reading here before things get, how do we say... Uncomfortable? This is just a teaser for the horrors that await within the Mamiya mansion. Or should we say, pleasures?

Anyway, I have been waiting a long time to bring this to you. This video will be featured on all my current platforms for hosting content, but the rest of the story will be exclusively continued on, with the exception of a few scenes we just can't broadcast anywhere.


Grim Articles & Rants (9/9/21) No, Young Men! Do Not Join Or Support The Fucking Taliban! Are You Nuts!?
Grim Articles & Rants (9/9/21) No, Young Men! Do Not Join Or Support The Fucking Taliban! Are You Nuts!? Grim Lord's Games & Rants 30 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Psychonauts 2

I don't even know why this needs to be said, but please do not join or support the fucking Taliban. I even got input from TFM on this one, who knows quite a bit as he served over there as intelligence for several years. You know, he drew the fancy power points. But it doesn't take a power point to drive home the point that no matter how "based" you think the "Towel Chad's" are, they are still a domestic terror organization and you'll go to jail forever if you even think of sending them money.

They don't need your money.

But if you don't mind throwing it away, I would definitely take some of it. You can donate to the cause of common sense over at ⁣ We'd appreciate it!


Journey To The Red Pill: With Guest Phil "Dollhouse Phil" Bass!
Journey To The Red Pill: With Guest Phil "Dollhouse Phil" Bass! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 28 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Various

The interview you've all been waiting for! Phil talks about some of his relationships and why he found it better to just be on his own, so to speak. He also dishes the truth out about these Asian women that guys are still going crazy about. We also talked about the covid-19 pandemic, the vaccines, the black pill community and other topics as requested by the audience!

Note: The audio on Phil's end did not come out as well as Ken. Phil sounds a bit like the original British Darth Vader, if you are familiar with Star Wars lore. I'm calling this the Phil Vader interview!


Sweden Feminizing Boys with Genderless Schools
Sweden Feminizing Boys with Genderless Schools Nikaido 61 Views • 3 years ago


Gambia - Sex Paradise for GRANNIES
Gambia - Sex Paradise for GRANNIES Nikaido 82 Views • 3 years ago

Feminists at the end of their careers, or as it is known in the slang "They're in the crow's beak" and to get sex you have to pay

#MeToo - Women who sexualize migrants - RETURN OF THE BATIKHÄXOR
#MeToo - Women who sexualize migrants - RETURN OF THE BATIKHÄXOR Nikaido 41 Views • 3 years ago


Ain os Zomi só nos objetifica #3
Ain os Zomi só nos objetifica #3 Nikaido 124 Views • 3 years ago


Origin of the 2% False Allegation Myth | R.P. Mentor Tokyo Clips
Origin of the 2% False Allegation Myth | R.P. Mentor Tokyo Clips Red Pill Mentor Tokyo 26 Views • 3 years ago

Full video:

É fake, mas serve de lição. Olhem o que o "macho escroto" fez com essa sancta pura e inocente Cúlher.
É fake, mas serve de lição. Olhem o que o "macho escroto" fez com essa sancta pura e inocente Cúlher. MGTOWRaiiz 159 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Esse vídeo, nada mais é que uma simulação do que acontece todos os dias.
So pelo fato do cara ser homem a Empoderada acusou ele sem nem pedir as filmagens.
E ainda o que mais revolta nesse vídeo simulação, e ver a atitude do cavaleiro branco.
Na moral os cavalheiros brancos sao uma raça que mereceram...

O bolsonarismo é o novo lulismo
O bolsonarismo é o novo lulismo akiago 71 Views • 3 years ago

114_LATIN HL PODCAST_14_El Bacha Bazi de Afganistan
114_LATIN HL PODCAST_14_El Bacha Bazi de Afganistan Latin Mgtow 97 Views • 3 years ago

⁣114_LATIN HL PODCAST_14_El Bacha Bazi de Afganistan

114_LATIN HL PODCAST_13_Misoginia Coreana
114_LATIN HL PODCAST_13_Misoginia Coreana Latin Mgtow 117 Views • 3 years ago

⁣114_LATIN HL PODCAST_13_Misoginia Coreana

E Sobre as Novas e Balzacas famosas. Eu tô passaaaaandoo maaalllll
E Sobre as Novas e Balzacas famosas. Eu tô passaaaaandoo maaalllll MGTOWRaiiz 173 Views • 3 years ago

⁣O emputeramento vai por água abaixo rapidinho kkkk a cara de choro delas não nega!

⁣E Se você não engole a redpill, a blackpill engole você."
⁣Reportagem com a autentica cara do Fantástico/Globosta.

TOCHA HUMANA telecurso_mgtow 60 Views • 3 years ago


Before & After Feminism - MGTOW
Before & After Feminism - MGTOW Sandman 329 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off


Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Bob better known as Dr. B Real and this is a review of his fourth chapter in his two volume book series called Surviving fourth wave feminism. This chapter is called Recruiting Westerners into an anti-western movement. There are tons of pictures in this chapter with women that were once beautiful but after going to college they look like they were beaten with an ugly stick while riding the rooster roller coaster. College has also given them colorful rooster like haircuts and tramp stamps all over their bodies that look like something you'd put on a butterball turkey before you ship it out to land whales at thanks giving. I think he should have called this chapter women before and after 4th wave feminism simply because of all the pictures he used. I'll discuss this chapter more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k
in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the college women that go from being princess to pumpkins in just one semester of college clown world show. Dr. B Real or Bob says that higher education was once a place for men to learn new ideas and about advancing to the next level of intellect. But eventually women and minorities were let into the college club and men have been outnumbered and now ideologues in higher education are using it as a platform to attack capitalism and democracy. They are attacking the foundations of freedom that led to the creation of higher education in the first place. Campuses were all about freedom of speech but now they are about shutting that down. This makes sense given that women make up the majority of college students and women put a priority on comfort and safety and don't want to be triggered by scary ideas. Women by their nature don't like free speech because it threatens to reveal their desire to make men into slaves. Women are leftists by nature and now anything that doesn't sound like it's on the left is labelled as hate speech. Universities are even promoting the idea that scientific facts are fake because it hurts women's feelings. As for why women are working hard to look really bad in college. Maybe it all comes down to that one line from Fight Club someone says "Maybe self-improvement isn’t the answer, maybe self-destruction is the answer” Self Destruction is anti-establishment and feminists are fighting the patriarchal establishment and men are attracted to good looking women so by making themselves look bad they see it as a way to punish men by looking repulsive. Ironically they also punish themselves because the most attractive of men refuse to touch them and this makes such women angrier and angrier and it justifies the hatred of men they learn about in gender studies. But we're living in the real world and not fight club for fatties. I don't care how many times Tyler Durden might say that self-improvement is masturbation it doesn't mean that a three hundred pound woman has the same right to be a fashion model as one that's only a hundred and twenty pounds. But college is making so many women entitled that they believe that the outcomes must be the same and successful for everyone even when the effort each person puts in are different. It's just communism in a different disguise. Instead of the workers being oppressed by the owners it's everyone in society being oppressed by white males. Bob also says that traditionally attractive women that want a traditional relationship are seen as traitors because they stay thin and refuse to get empowered by pounding down whoppers. Only fat unattractive women have the right to celebrate their bodies.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Feministra damares é chamada de MITA em manifestação bolsonarista
Feministra damares é chamada de MITA em manifestação bolsonarista telecurso_mgtow 48 Views • 3 years ago


Introduction To Gog & Magog Arabic Subtitles
Introduction To Gog & Magog Arabic Subtitles Imran Hosein 16 Views • 3 years ago

Moses & Khidir & The Anti Christ Arabic Subtitles
Moses & Khidir & The Anti Christ Arabic Subtitles Imran Hosein 8 Views • 3 years ago

Older Women Complain about Men Who 'Play Games'
Older Women Complain about Men Who 'Play Games' Texting Prince 407 Views • 3 years ago

This video shows older women complaining about dating men who 'play games'. The interesting thing is that younger women are excited and enjoy men who 'play games'. The men who do not 'play games' are seen as too 'boring' or too 'nice'.

However... as a woman gets older and doesn't get as much attention from the men that she truly desires, then she finally gets sick of all of the 'games'.

The dating world today is super interesting.

Oh and to join UNPLUGGED you will get access to all of my full-length Uncensored redpill webinars that break down the ugly but necessary truths about women, dating, and relationships.

This is information that all men NEED to know - so I make it affordable for everyone. You can join with any donation for lifetime access - meaning for literally just $1 you can get full access to UnPlugged


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Within 10 minutes of reading my texting guide, you can use the technique Mirror Texting to know EXACTLY whether any woman texting you is actually interested or just playing games



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These days if you don't understand the 'game' of dating women, you will probably waste tons of your time and money and end up getting played. If you want to play the 'dating' game, you have to know how to do it the absolute best way.

My private VIP membership will give you access to 100+ strategy videos teaching you how to MEET beautiful women and keep them HIGHLY attracted to you.

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Texting School is the 12-level program to transform from S*MP to PIMP with your cell phone. This is information all men NEED to have in today’s digital dating world, you will learn how to consistently CREATE attraction with just your fingertips. Enroll now.


Policiais mulheres empoderadas no tik tok. feat Don Sandro
Policiais mulheres empoderadas no tik tok. feat Don Sandro Falco 104 Views • 3 years ago

Vídeo do canal Mgtow Forever: ⁣

Lockout Part 5 - Mgtow
Lockout Part 5 - Mgtow Zuberi87 102 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

JFK TO 9/11 - EVERYTHING IS A RICH MAN'S TRICK Jess Sosnoski 46 Views • 3 years ago


Hey Leftoids! Cut it Out! | Grunt Speak Live
Hey Leftoids! Cut it Out! | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 296 Views • 3 years ago

⁣The modern American Leftoid loves children so much they can’t wait to delete them.
#GruntSpeakLive #Afghanistan #Texas

All your support is appreciated. We have many donation options.
or send one-time tips through SubscribeStar:

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Go to
You can contribute via Patreon, Paypal, SubscribeStar or Cryptocurrency!
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Send physical donations to: Productions
29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407
Royal Oak, MI 48072
If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3
All donations are tax deductible

You can watch Grunt Speak Live on these channels!

114_LATIN HL PODCAST_12_Dimorfismo Sexual a Profundidad
114_LATIN HL PODCAST_12_Dimorfismo Sexual a Profundidad Latin Mgtow 99 Views • 3 years ago

⁣114_LATIN HL PODCAST_12_Dimorfismo Sexual a Profundidad

114_LATIN HL PODCAST_11_Afganas sin Derechos Otra Vez
114_LATIN HL PODCAST_11_Afganas sin Derechos Otra Vez Latin Mgtow 84 Views • 3 years ago

⁣114_LATIN HL PODCAST_11_Afganas sin Derechos Otra Vez

114_LATIN HL PODCAST_10_Matematicas y Patrinos Magicos
114_LATIN HL PODCAST_10_Matematicas y Patrinos Magicos Latin Mgtow 64 Views • 3 years ago

⁣114_LATIN HL PODCAST_10_Matematicas y Patrinos Magicos

Keanu Reeves - Mulher estelionatária tenta dar o golpe
Keanu Reeves - Mulher estelionatária tenta dar o golpe Nikaido 102 Views • 3 years ago


Quando uma modernet me assedia.
Quando uma modernet me assedia. BetaBeta 120 Views • 3 years ago

Homem assedia: monstro! machista!
Mulher assedia: empoderada! Cara que não corresponde é beta!

28,000 Year Nuclear Waste Battery? Diamond Batteries Explained
28,000 Year Nuclear Waste Battery? Diamond Batteries Explained KEEPER 25 Views • 3 years ago

28,000 Year Nuclear Waste Battery? Diamond Batteries Explained. The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: Given the relatively short lifespan, overheating, and battery cell supply issues of current battery technologies, they can't be used everywhere. Some companies are claiming that nuclear diamond battery technology can kill two birds with one stone: creating energy storage that could last for thousands of years by putting nuclear waste to use... potentially powering everything from EVs to cellphones. Is this the holy grail of battery technology or hype; and more importantly, is it safe? Let's explore Nano Diamond Batteries and where this might be going.

Watch "The Mechanical Battery Explained - A Flywheel Comeback?":

Video script and citations:

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10 Stupid Pro-Abortion Arguments Destroyed | Popp Culture
10 Stupid Pro-Abortion Arguments Destroyed | Popp Culture Terrence Popp 508 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣We've all heard this "arguments" spouted off by people trying to justify the eradication of over 1 billion babies. Do any of them hold up?

Brought to you by "VOSOT: Voice Over/Shot on Tape"
Banned from streaming on Amazon! So buy it on DVD!

Also brought to you by Frank Cervi's "Burning the Midnight"

and Aaron Clarey's "Curse of the High IQ"

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Alabama Abortion Law Triggers Wahmyn
No Uterus, No Opinion
Feminist Parenting
Wahmyn Aren’t the Only Ones Who Get Abortions LOL
Aborted Fetuses Aren’t People
Study Proves “Fetus as Parasite” Arguments Are False
NASA Searches for Clumps of Cells
Baby’s Heartbeat
The Democrats Moving Abortion Goal Posts
Virginia Governor Has a Hard-On For Child Murder
1-in-3 Abortion Claim is Bullshit
Over Half of Americans Oppose Abortion
Congress Approval Higher Than Abortion
The Bullshit “War on Women” Narrative
Man Forced to Pay Child Support for Bastard
Wahmen Want Free Products, Too
Feminists Hate Women Who Stand Up to Them
Abortion is “Morally Good”?!
Lena Dunham Wants it Raw Dog
Women Takes Abortion Pill on Camera, Killing Twins
NY Abortion Law
NY Celebrates Partial Birth Abortions
Abortion Regrets
More Black Babies Aborted Than Born

Video Throwbacks
Dear Minorities, You Are Still Slaves


⁣O canto da sereia! Mas você acreditam nessa dai? Eu até acreditaria se não fosse uma modernete falando, poque quem acredita em duende, acredita em colher.

Actitudes agradables que te hacen perder su respeto - El Observador
Actitudes agradables que te hacen perder su respeto - El Observador Adonis MGTOW 352 Views • 3 years ago

?? ??? ?????



????? ??:


??? ????:


????? ??????:

​ @Kevin Samuels  EXPOSES A Modern Woman Who Values Her CAREER Over Her FAMILY
​ @Kevin Samuels EXPOSES A Modern Woman Who Values Her CAREER Over Her FAMILY Donovan Sharpe 22 Views • 3 years ago

⁣​ @Kevin Samuels EXPOSES A Modern Woman Who Values Her CAREER Over Her FAMILY

COVID Slavery: What Will You Do?
COVID Slavery: What Will You Do? Jess Sosnoski 67 Views • 3 years ago

⁣COVID Slavery: What Will You Do?

So What's Keeping You Here? RPM
So What's Keeping You Here? RPM REDPILLMARRIED 181 Views • 3 years ago

⁣All talk, yet they WON'T give up the comfort and security afforded to them.
Article 1:
Article 2:

My Dancing Man Series 001 - The Hari Krisnas
My Dancing Man Series 001 - The Hari Krisnas Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 28 Views • 3 years ago

My favourite Chant at an AA meeting - when it comes to the sheeple chanting the serenity prayer, I really like singing the Haris Krisna mantra, and it annoys the fucking AA retards no end.
You know - "⁣Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him"- well I have so many gods to satisfy....

SENNAGOSTOSO GAROU BAIANO 80 Views • 3 years ago


114_LATIN HL PODCAST_09_China Contra la Diversidad
114_LATIN HL PODCAST_09_China Contra la Diversidad Latin Mgtow 52 Views • 3 years ago

⁣114_LATIN HL PODCAST_09_China Contra la Diversidad

114_LATIN HL PODCAST_08_Biologias a la Baja, Waifus a la Alza
114_LATIN HL PODCAST_08_Biologias a la Baja, Waifus a la Alza Latin Mgtow 110 Views • 3 years ago

⁣114_LATIN HL PODCAST_08_Biologias a la Baja, Waifus a la Alza

Juan O Savin – Vital Updates & Warnings!! – Clif High, Jon Voight, Dave X22Report – Must Video
Juan O Savin – Vital Updates & Warnings!! – Clif High, Jon Voight, Dave X22Report – Must Video Jess Sosnoski 83 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Juan O Savin – Vital Updates & Warnings!! – Clif High, Jon Voight, Dave X22Report – Must Video

114_LATIN HL PODCAST_07_Citas Estrategicas y Hombres de Alto VAlor
114_LATIN HL PODCAST_07_Citas Estrategicas y Hombres de Alto VAlor Latin Mgtow 110 Views • 3 years ago

⁣114_LATIN HL PODCAST_07_Citas Estrategicas y Hombres de Alto VAlor

114_LATIN HL PODCAST_06_Coreanos Contra el Feminismo
114_LATIN HL PODCAST_06_Coreanos Contra el Feminismo Latin Mgtow 75 Views • 3 years ago

⁣114_LATIN HL PODCAST_06_Coreanos Contra el Feminismo

Escravocetas Do Zodíaco
Escravocetas Do Zodíaco Nikaido 82 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Deêm uma força pro canal tem muito conteudo bom - ⁣

SÉKSU NO CASAMENTO PILL Falco 98 Views • 3 years ago

Canal Cortes de Alto Valor: ⁣

Mulher Histérica insultando o polícial
Mulher Histérica insultando o polícial Nikaido 58 Views • 3 years ago

Aquela velha frase batida - Imagina se fosse com homem,ou se fosse homem a situação seria diferente

114_LATIN HL PODCAST_05_Memes, Ranas y Solteros Involuntarios
114_LATIN HL PODCAST_05_Memes, Ranas y Solteros Involuntarios Latin Mgtow 85 Views • 3 years ago

⁣114_LATIN HL PODCAST_05_Memes, Ranas y Solteros Involuntarios

In da Bucket (featuring Tru Sherm and Hidden MGTOW!!!)
In da Bucket (featuring Tru Sherm and Hidden MGTOW!!!) Psychesoap DOO DOO DOO 16 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Featuring Mr. Forma couldn't make it so there's Hidden and Tru Sherm...indulge and enjoy...

Peep their channels and don't forget to BANG THE BELL FOR ALL NOTIFICATIONS!!!
Mr. Forma:
Tru Sherm:



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114_LATIN HL PODCAST_04_La Naturaleza de la Propaganda
114_LATIN HL PODCAST_04_La Naturaleza de la Propaganda Latin Mgtow 104 Views • 3 years ago

⁣114_LATIN HL PODCAST_04_La Naturaleza de la Propaganda

114_LATIN HL PODCAST_03_Los Negacionistas del Sexo
114_LATIN HL PODCAST_03_Los Negacionistas del Sexo Latin Mgtow 61 Views • 3 years ago

⁣114_LATIN HL PODCAST_03_Los Negacionistas del Sexo

Atrizes porno em podcast  Marcia imperator podcast
Atrizes porno em podcast Marcia imperator podcast Nikaido 123 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Deêm uma força pro canal tem muito conteudo bom - ⁣

Robert Deniro virou escravo monetario da EX - ESPOSA
Robert Deniro virou escravo monetario da EX - ESPOSA Nikaido 50 Views • 3 years ago

Ator perto da falência,e aceita qualquer papel em filmes para poder pagar as dívidas que a sua ex mulher faz

Mulheres Doentes prejudicam trabalhadores de barbearia
Mulheres Doentes prejudicam trabalhadores de barbearia フクロウ Fukuro 94 Views • 3 years ago


Cabaré PEGOU FOGO (casa das primas) e acharam as notas dos clientes hahahaha .
Cabaré PEGOU FOGO (casa das primas) e acharam as notas dos clientes hahahaha . MGTOWBahia 132 Views • 3 years ago

Abstain from taking the Blood Clot Depopulation Shot? Surely you jest?
Abstain from taking the Blood Clot Depopulation Shot? Surely you jest? Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 42 Views • 3 years ago

A slight rewording - Grammar Nazis have fun too. This evolved version reads better.

Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury, livro em análise
Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury, livro em análise Jadem Freitas 30 Views • 3 years ago

Livro em análise: "Fahrenheit 451" de Ray Bradbury
Voz e análise: Jadem Freitas

Donovan_Sharpe is now Live!
Donovan_Sharpe is now Live! Donovan Sharpe 5 Views • 3 years ago

This is a LIVE stream

No One Wants To Sleep With Her - MGTOW
No One Wants To Sleep With Her - MGTOW Sandman 294 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

My boyfriend and I have only had sex twice in our 2 year relationship

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Randy the Dakota MGTOW and he let me choose whatever topic I want. Up until a while ago it was easy to find something new to talk about when I got a donation with no topic. I'd just pop into the MGTOW SubReddit and find something to talk about. But since that's gone I decided I'd explore the dead bedrooms subreddit instead and boy was I happy to do so. I ran into a bunch of stories immediately where women were the ones complaining that their boyfriends were the ones that didn't want to sleep with them a year or two into the relationship. Let me read one of them by a woman named purple 7281 and I quote: "We moved in together a year and a half ago. The first time we got spicy wasn't a great experience. I've only had is a couple of times, so honestly, it hurt even after lube and getting myself excited. He obviously didn't want to hurt me and we ended with a bj instead. The second time was more romantic. He put a fireplace on our TV screen, set the mood, and we had a ton of foreplay beforehand. It was definitely far less painful, but we couldn't get the positioning right. We're both pretty fat and not entirely flexible, so it was hard to get into a good position and rhythm. After that, he just didn't want to try anymore. I've mentioned it a few times, but he has an excuse every time. He's never performed oral on me. I've given him a couple bjs (under 10 though) and a couple of hjs. So for us it's mostly mutual masturbation. Sometimes he'll play with my nips while we dirty talk and get ourselves laying next to each other. Even that these days is sporadic at best. It's typically the days that I wear makeup and perfume though it has happened when I'm not and doesn't happen every time I do. I don't have a crazy libido or anything. I'd actually say mine is on the lower end of the spectrum, but having him want it even less than me is....surprising? Concerning? I know at least sometimes he gets himself off in the shower, which I don't really mind in and of itself, but if we're not being intimate, he could, ya know, invite me? He says he's stressed and anxious, which is why he's been more distant, but previous times he's been anxious he's asked me to be intimate with him to relieve stress. So I don't know what's going on. All I know is that I'm tired of not feeling wanted." Well Randy the Dakota MGTOW thanks for the donation and I'm sure you'll enjoy me roasting the women on the dead bedrooms subreddit that kicked all the MGTOWs out of there and are now spreading their stories for attention. But before I do let met first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High-Conflict Divorce: Anyways, now back to the women crying me a river because their man's cock doesn't want to cry in them clown world show. First of all this woman doesn't have a dead bedroom situation. Without penetration this is what lesbian relationships are like. I had a lesbian complain about the same thing to me before and eventually left. The same will probably happen to purple 7281. Her man might have issues because fat guys tend to suffer from a micro penis and fat chicks need a bigger dong to service the place she hides her thong. If an overweight woman wears a string bikini and you can't see it because of her weight is she still wearing it? Lady there's your problem your fat and don't wear perfume and makeup. But we both know that if you lost the weight you'd be off getting smashed by someone else way more often. It's also great that he hasn't gone down because that's how HPV is spread around. I wish someone told me that while growing up so I didn't risk turning into Valk Kilmer one day. As for the Dead Bedroom Subreddit I figure that's another reason they don't want red pill MGTOW guys on there. There are a lot of women there looking for sympathy and attention from men. Also what if the women posting these stories about their boyfriend not wanting to sleep with them are doing it as a form of projection.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Fuck NA and AA Group Think Retards
Fuck NA and AA Group Think Retards Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 28 Views • 3 years ago


Occultura: as Forças Invisíveis que Impulsionam a Cultura, Carl Abrahamsson
Occultura: as Forças Invisíveis que Impulsionam a Cultura, Carl Abrahamsson Jadem Freitas 49 Views • 3 years ago

Livro em análise: "Occultura: as Forças Invisíveis que Impulsionam a Cultura" de CArl Abrahamsson
Voz e análise: Jadem Freitas

Women - They are fucked - Get Away From Me
Women - They are fucked - Get Away From Me Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 89 Views • 3 years ago


É só um trecho da novela. Os Mutantes uma novela de 2008.
É só um trecho da novela. Os Mutantes uma novela de 2008. Airuf Sigma 162 Views • 3 years ago


Showing 1133 out of 1134