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Constantinople In The Quran A New Book By Imran N  Hosein
Constantinople In The Quran A New Book By Imran N Hosein Imran Hosein 3 Views • 6 years ago

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The Prohibition of Riba In The Quran Sunnah By Sheikh Imran N Hosein In West London 2018
The Prohibition of Riba In The Quran Sunnah By Sheikh Imran N Hosein In West London 2018 Imran Hosein 40 Views • 6 years ago

How Rich Will Dajjal Be?
How Rich Will Dajjal Be? Imran Hosein 6 Views • 6 years ago

Deep Talk On End Times With Sheikh Imran Hosein
Deep Talk On End Times With Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 3 Views • 6 years ago

Deep Talk On End Times With Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein.
Interviewed by Deen Choudhury on 12 Rabīʿ al-Thani 1440 / 20 December 2018 in London, UK.

To become a Patreon please click on the link below:

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Session 1 What Is Islamic Eschatology By Sheikh Imran N Hosein In South London September 2018
Session 1 What Is Islamic Eschatology By Sheikh Imran N Hosein In South London September 2018 Imran Hosein 5 Views • 6 years ago

Session 2 The Messiah By Sheikh Imran N Hosein In South London  September 2018
Session 2 The Messiah By Sheikh Imran N Hosein In South London September 2018 Imran Hosein 3 Views • 6 years ago

Session 3 Dajjal & Gog & Magog By Sheikh Imran N Hosein In Croydon  September 2018
Session 3 Dajjal & Gog & Magog By Sheikh Imran N Hosein In Croydon September 2018 Imran Hosein 2 Views • 6 years ago

Session 4 An Islamic View Of The End Of History By Sheikh Imran N Hosein In Croydon  Sep 2018
Session 4 An Islamic View Of The End Of History By Sheikh Imran N Hosein In Croydon Sep 2018 Imran Hosein 2 Views • 6 years ago

Sheikh Imran Hosein interviews The Saker
Sheikh Imran Hosein interviews The Saker Imran Hosein 4 Views • 7 years ago

Sheikh Imran Hosein interviews The Saker

SIGNS OF THE TIMES [10] Coming of Malhama WW3 23-4-17 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein
SIGNS OF THE TIMES [10] Coming of Malhama WW3 23-4-17 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein Imran Hosein 4 Views • 7 years ago

Lecture from Sheikh Imran N. Hosein from the IBN studio in Trinidad and Tobago on SIGNS OF THE TIMES. The topic is an "Islamic view of the modern international monetary system and our anticipation of the replacement, in toto, of bogus paper-money with even-more-bogus electronic, digital, virtual money in the not-too-distant future. We should prepare for that monetary Guantanamo by stocking-up on gold and silver coins, and we should also prepare ourselves to defy the IMF and its satraps by trading with gold and silver. If we do not act now, the future world of money will enslave us, so we should prepare ourselves for that slavery. This lecture will be repeated on Sunday February 12th on the website Subsequent lectures will be broadcast live every Sunday morning (Youm al Ahad) at 8am (Trinidad time) from the same website. Questions (which will be answered on the program), can be sent by email to [email protected]. Please let us know your city and country of residence. INH

Dajjal and Digital Money By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Dajjal and Digital Money By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 3 Views • 7 years ago

Lecture from sheikh Imran Hosein in Geneva on 27th of july 2017 (ENGLISH/FRENCH)

Signs of Times [16] - By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Signs of Times [16] - By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 3 Views • 7 years ago

Imran Hosein interviewed by Christian Peschken in Geneva
Imran Hosein interviewed by Christian Peschken in Geneva Imran Hosein 3 Views • 7 years ago

Interview conducted by Christian Peschken at the United Nations in Geneva. Christian is an independent UN Correspondent for EWTN (The Global Catholic TV Network). This interview was filmed for EWTN Broadcast.

Signs Of The Times Part 21 By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Signs Of The Times Part 21 By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 6 Views • 7 years ago

Sheikh Imran Hosein Interview with THE STRATEGIC CULTURE FOUNDATION OF SERBIA Belgrade
Sheikh Imran Hosein Interview with THE STRATEGIC CULTURE FOUNDATION OF SERBIA Belgrade Imran Hosein 2 Views • 8 years ago

Venezuela: Could It Happen Here? | Live From The Lair
Venezuela: Could It Happen Here? | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 347 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Venezuela used to be the third richest nation in the West. Now its currency is worth more as toilet paper. Could the same thing happen to the United States?
#CommunismisEvil #Venezuela #LiveFromTheLair

Brought to you by “The Book of Numbers” by Aaron Clarey

Featuring music by TeknoAXE’s Royalty Free Music

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29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407
Royal Oak, MI 48072
If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3
All donations are tax deductible

Check us out on all these platforms and social media!

Watch us live on these channels every Tuesday and Thursday at 8pm Eastern!

I Feel Sorry For Women - MGTOW
I Feel Sorry For Women - MGTOW Sandman 288 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Bachelor Pad Economics

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from J and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I've been a long time listener and my video request is this. I'll do my best to explain it. I've talked about it with my friend and he seems to think it's because of our inner programming as men to want to protect women. I've noticed that when I "fall in love" with a woman it's largely due to the fact I "feel sorry for her". Don't get me wrong I'm physically attracted to her but there is something deeper where she either doesn't have a lot of money or she is being bullied or she is trapped due to her circumstances or something like that. It seems to me that I get this "I must rescue her" type thinking. I'm wondering if you could point this out or if this is just me or if this is a common theme among other men? It's a very deep feeling that I believe is part of my hard-wiring as a man to protect and provide for a female. My friend says that "love is a man feeling sorry for a woman." Have you experienced this yourself? Do you suppose this feeling is from a biological wiring perspective or insecurity or both? Even when a woman fucks me over I still can't hate her like I should as I still feel sorry for her. For me it's an actual feeling of feeling a sadness for her. It's separate from missing her. It's why I fall in love with her in the first place it seems. I've gotten hot camel toes before and I'm not a desperate guy but maybe I am for true love which as we both know simply doesn't exist? Thanks Brother and god bless." Well J thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Bachelor Pad Economics: Anyways, now back to women breeding with men and selecting for simp genes to make it from one generation to the next clown world show. So J first of all we have to establish that these women you fall in love with have to have some sort of sad victim story. Something that makes them appear as though they are incapable of taking care of themselves in the world and when men see this they come riding to the rescue like captain save-a-hoe. Remember that Women's facade of weakness is her strength. She tends to attract a man that will do everything for her. She's not as helpless as she looks. In fact women try and look helpless intentionally to trigger this rescue response from men. They want us to feel sorry for them because that's how they get our attention. Why do you think that women wear high heels and appear to almost be falling over. It's a way to make themselves look artificially unstable to attract the attention, help and love from a man. All subconscious of course. Most men have no idea they are doing this. J it's great you realize what you're doing. There was a study about women in high heels in France and they found that when a woman asked for help wearing flat shoes she got 40% of men to help her. When her heels were higher, in the middle range 60% of men came to the rescue. When they six inches 80% of men came. Subconsciously men feel sorry for women wearing them and we pity them thinking they are about to fall any moment. It has to do with neoteny which is juvenile features in an adult woman. Like a little girl wearing her mothers unstable high heels and about to fall and trip. Women also project that they have the mind of a child and are completely helpless with many tasks and we come riding to the rescue. Neoteny is also why they wear over sized sun glasses and bright colors the way a child would. Children are helpless and adults give them attention. Some women want men to think the same of them. You also asked me if something similar happened to me. I guess you could say that.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

The Triangle of Akhir al-Zaman By Sheikh Imran Hosein (Urdu Subtitles)
The Triangle of Akhir al-Zaman By Sheikh Imran Hosein (Urdu Subtitles) Imran Hosein 0 Views • 8 years ago

Recitation by Imam Mohamed Magid before President Trump
Recitation by Imam Mohamed Magid before President Trump Imran Hosein 1 Views • 8 years ago

Denegeração - Paul Joseph Watson
Denegeração - Paul Joseph Watson Nikaido 121 Views • 3 years ago


SIGNS OF THE TIMES [1] 5-2-17 By Sheikh Imran N. Hosein
SIGNS OF THE TIMES [1] 5-2-17 By Sheikh Imran N. Hosein Imran Hosein 14 Views • 8 years ago

Lecture from Sheikh Imran N. Hosein from the IBN studio in Trinidad and Tobago on SIGNS OF THE TIMES. The topic is an "Islamic view of the modern international monetary system and our anticipation of the replacement, in toto, of bogus paper-money with even-more-bogus electronic, digital, virtual money in the not-too-distant future. We should prepare for that monetary Guantanamo by stocking-up on gold and silver coins, and we should also prepare ourselves to defy the IMF and its satraps by trading with gold and silver. If we do not act now, the future world of money will enslave us, so we should prepare ourselves for that slavery. This lecture will be repeated on Sunday February 12th on the website Subsequent lectures will be broadcast live every Sunday morning (Youm al Ahad) at 8am (Trinidad time) from the same website. Questions (which will be answered on the program), can be sent by email to [email protected]. Please let us know your city and country of residence. INH

Popp and Cappy Walk the Vegas Strip |
Popp and Cappy Walk the Vegas Strip | Terrence Popp 335 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Popp and Captain Capitalism (Aaron Clarey) walk the Vegas strip together, talking about everything from how much Popp hates Vegas to the irresponsible behavior of western wahmen.
#LasVegas #Redonkulas #CaptainCapitalism

Brought to you by Dr. B. Real’s series on “Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism”
Volume 1:
Volume 2:

Featuring music by Jeffrey Paul

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Send physical donations to: Productions
29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407
Royal Oak, MI 48072
If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3
All donations are tax deductible

Check us out on all these platforms and social media!

Watch us live on these channels every Tuesday and Thursday at 8pm Eastern!

Mercado Sexual Moderno: El poder de la vagina - ItsComplicatedChannel
Mercado Sexual Moderno: El poder de la vagina - ItsComplicatedChannel Adonis MGTOW 142 Views • 3 years ago

?? ??? ?????



??? ????:


????? ??????:

Bispa da Suécia transforma igreja em mesquita
Bispa da Suécia transforma igreja em mesquita razamma 58 Views • 3 years ago

link - ⁣
⁣O caso incrível de uma igreja cristã na Suécia que teve a brilhante ideia de remover suas cruzes e substituir por placas indicando Meca. Dentre todos os vídeos sobre a destruição multiculturalista da Europa acredito que esse seja o mais claro e didático. Ezra Levant é um ativista conservador no Canadá que mantém o canal de direita The Rebel Media com canadenses conservadores e libertários como Lauren Southern, Brian Lilley e Gavin McInnes.

Seu canal no Youtube:

Polônia e Hungria contra a União Europeia
Polônia e Hungria contra a União Europeia razamma 23 Views • 3 years ago


⁣Discurso de Nigel Farage sobre as retaliações da União Europeia contra os governos de Estados-membros que ousam questionar as decisões de Bruxelas.

Link do vídeo original:

Ukraine's Anti Russian Stance Is a Zionist Masterplan By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Ukraine's Anti Russian Stance Is a Zionist Masterplan By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 5 Views • 8 years ago

SIGNS OF THE TIMES [2] 19 2 17 By Sheikh Imran N  Hosein
SIGNS OF THE TIMES [2] 19 2 17 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein Imran Hosein 1 Views • 8 years ago

Lecture from Sheikh Imran N. Hosein from the IBN studio in Trinidad and Tobago on SIGNS OF THE TIMES. The topic is an "Islamic view of the modern international monetary system and our anticipation of the replacement, in toto, of bogus paper-money with even-more-bogus electronic, digital, virtual money in the not-too-distant future. We should prepare for that monetary Guantanamo by stocking-up on gold and silver coins, and we should also prepare ourselves to defy the IMF and its satraps by trading with gold and silver. If we do not act now, the future world of money will enslave us, so we should prepare ourselves for that slavery. This lecture will be repeated on Sunday February 12th on the website Subsequent lectures will be broadcast live every Sunday morning (Youm al Ahad) at 8am (Trinidad time) from the same website. Questions (which will be answered on the program), can be sent by email to [email protected]. Please let us know your city and country of residence. INH

SIGNS OF THE TIMES [3] 26/2/17 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein
SIGNS OF THE TIMES [3] 26/2/17 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein Imran Hosein 1 Views • 8 years ago

Lecture from Sheikh Imran N. Hosein from the IBN studio in Trinidad and Tobago on SIGNS OF THE TIMES. The topic is an "Islamic view of the modern international monetary system and our anticipation of the replacement, in toto, of bogus paper-money with even-more-bogus electronic, digital, virtual money in the not-too-distant future. We should prepare for that monetary Guantanamo by stocking-up on gold and silver coins, and we should also prepare ourselves to defy the IMF and its satraps by trading with gold and silver. If we do not act now, the future world of money will enslave us, so we should prepare ourselves for that slavery. This lecture will be repeated on Sunday February 12th on the website Subsequent lectures will be broadcast live every Sunday morning (Youm al Ahad) at 8am (Trinidad time) from the same website. Questions (which will be answered on the program), can be sent by email to [email protected]. Please let us know your city and country of residence. INH

SIGNS OF THE TIMES [4] 12/3/17 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein
SIGNS OF THE TIMES [4] 12/3/17 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein Imran Hosein 2 Views • 8 years ago

Lecture from Sheikh Imran N. Hosein from the IBN studio in Trinidad and Tobago on SIGNS OF THE TIMES. The topic is an "Islamic view of the modern international monetary system and our anticipation of the replacement, in toto, of bogus paper-money with even-more-bogus electronic, digital, virtual money in the not-too-distant future. We should prepare for that monetary Guantanamo by stocking-up on gold and silver coins, and we should also prepare ourselves to defy the IMF and its satraps by trading with gold and silver. If we do not act now, the future world of money will enslave us, so we should prepare ourselves for that slavery. Subsequent lectures will be broadcast live every Sunday morning (Youm al Ahad) at 8am (Trinidad time) from the same website Questions (which will be answered on the program), can be sent by email to [email protected]. Please let us know your city and country of residence. INH

Maulana Imran N  Hosein Book Launch
Maulana Imran N Hosein Book Launch Imran Hosein 2 Views • 8 years ago

SIGNS OF THE TIMES [5] 5/3/17 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein
SIGNS OF THE TIMES [5] 5/3/17 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein Imran Hosein 1 Views • 8 years ago

Lecture from Sheikh Imran N. Hosein from the IBN studio in Trinidad and Tobago on SIGNS OF THE TIMES. The topic is an "Islamic view of the modern international monetary system and our anticipation of the replacement, in toto, of bogus paper-money with even-more-bogus electronic, digital, virtual money in the not-too-distant future. We should prepare for that monetary Guantanamo by stocking-up on gold and silver coins, and we should also prepare ourselves to defy the IMF and its satraps by trading with gold and silver. If we do not act now, the future world of money will enslave us, so we should prepare ourselves for that slavery. This lecture will be repeated on Sunday February 12th on the website Subsequent lectures will be broadcast live every Sunday morning (Youm al Ahad) at 8am (Trinidad time) from the same website. Questions (which will be answered on the program), can be sent by email to [email protected]. Please let us know your city and country of residence. INH

Blue Öyster Cult
Blue Öyster Cult Drums McBashington 21 Views • 3 years ago

Audience Tape

Ayn Rand - Amor romântico
Ayn Rand - Amor romântico CN 39 Views • 3 years ago


Porque a Suécia não é um sucesso socialista
Porque a Suécia não é um sucesso socialista razamma 42 Views • 3 years ago

link - ⁣⁣

⁣O jornalista e ativista libertário John Stossel entrevista o criador do documentário "Sweden: Lessons for America?" que tem como alvo desconstruir o mito de uma Suécia onde o socialismo deu certo.

Vídeo original de John Stossel no Reason TV:

Documentário do historiador Johan Norberg:

A campanha sendo feita pela normalização da pedofilia no Brasil
A campanha sendo feita pela normalização da pedofilia no Brasil razamma 19 Views • 3 years ago

link no youtube - ⁣(3) ⁣⁣watch?v=-QwLMO_G7vA

⁣Algumas pessoas ficaram muito chocadas com a "reportagem especial" da Globonews desse mês sobre pedofilia, mas o aviso já tinha sido dado em 2012 por Olavo de Carvalho.

Programa completo do True Outspeak de 4 de janeiro de 2012 no canal do Mídia Sem Máscara do Youtube:

SIGNS OF THE TIMES [7] 2/4/17 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein
SIGNS OF THE TIMES [7] 2/4/17 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein Imran Hosein 1 Views • 7 years ago

Lecture from Sheikh Imran N. Hosein from the IBN studio in Trinidad and Tobago on SIGNS OF THE TIMES. The topic is an "Islamic view of the modern international monetary system and our anticipation of the replacement, in toto, of bogus paper-money with even-more-bogus electronic, digital, virtual money in the not-too-distant future. We should prepare for that monetary Guantanamo by stocking-up on gold and silver coins, and we should also prepare ourselves to defy the IMF and its satraps by trading with gold and silver. If we do not act now, the future world of money will enslave us, so we should prepare ourselves for that slavery. This lecture will be repeated on Sunday February 12th on the website Subsequent lectures will be broadcast live every Sunday morning (Youm al Ahad) at 8am (Trinidad time) from the same website. Questions (which will be answered on the program), can be sent by email to [email protected]. Please let us know your city and country of residence. INH

[+18] WOMAN MASTURBATES AT A PARTY.. (USA) Doggk 542 Views • 3 years ago


⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Join DOGGK on BITCHUTE: ⁣⁣

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- There's more to come for the following DAYS ! So stay tuned ✔

Go your own way guys



⁣E. Michael Jones - Sobre os eventos no Muro das Lamentações
⁣E. Michael Jones - Sobre os eventos no Muro das Lamentações フクロウ Fukuro 83 Views • 3 years ago

⁣E. Michael Jones, CATÓLICO TRADICIONALISTA, fala sobre os eventos no muro das lamentações em Jerusalém e a invasão e queima da mesquita de Al-Aqsa por hordas de radicalistas sionistas, o lugar mais sagrado do islã e onde se encontram locais santos também para cristãos. Jones fala em como esses eventos descrevem na atualidade o poderio Sionista mundial e não escondem sua ideologia.
Lembrando que eu não estou passando pano pra Kebab escravoceta idiota que se explode em nome da Matrix Religiosa acreditando que irá receber dezenas de Honradinhas com Hímem.

Mgtow memes 2
Mgtow memes 2 JonnyMGTOW 94 Views • 3 years ago

Here's another meme set from me. Enjoy brothers. :D

RESPONDING TO TRUMP'S ATTACK ON SYRIA [8] 9/4/17 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein
RESPONDING TO TRUMP'S ATTACK ON SYRIA [8] 9/4/17 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein Imran Hosein 2 Views • 7 years ago

SIGNS OF THE TIMES [9] Answering Questions from around the World 16/4/17 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein
SIGNS OF THE TIMES [9] Answering Questions from around the World 16/4/17 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein Imran Hosein 2 Views • 7 years ago

Lecture from Sheikh Imran N. Hosein from the IBN studio in Trinidad and Tobago on SIGNS OF THE TIMES. The topic is an "Islamic view of the modern international monetary system and our anticipation of the replacement, in toto, of bogus paper-money with even-more-bogus electronic, digital, virtual money in the not-too-distant future. We should prepare for that monetary Guantanamo by stocking-up on gold and silver coins, and we should also prepare ourselves to defy the IMF and its satraps by trading with gold and silver. If we do not act now, the future world of money will enslave us, so we should prepare ourselves for that slavery. This lecture will be repeated on Sunday February 12th on the website Subsequent lectures will be broadcast live every Sunday morning (Youm al Ahad) at 8am (Trinidad time) from the same website. Questions (which will be answered on the program), can be sent by email to [email protected]. Please let us know your city and country of residence. INH

Lady Justice is still a woman.
Lady Justice is still a woman. IncelTV 121 Views • 3 years ago

Jeremy Meeks’ heir is here ? Just a quick vid about Cameron Herrin. Forget about meeks, take the Cameronpill.

Contact: [email protected]
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Signs Of The Times [11] By Sheikh Imran Hosein 30 4 2017
Signs Of The Times [11] By Sheikh Imran Hosein 30 4 2017 Imran Hosein 3 Views • 7 years ago

Lecture of Sheikh Imran N. Hosein from the IBN studio in Trinidad and Tobago on SIGNS OF THE TIMES. Today's topic is A STRATEGIC VIEW OF ISRA AND MIRAJ.

The Meeting of Imran N  Hosein with Youseff Hindi
The Meeting of Imran N Hosein with Youseff Hindi Imran Hosein 0 Views • 7 years ago

An Islamic Response To The French Presidential Elections By Sheikh Imran Hosein
An Islamic Response To The French Presidential Elections By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 4 Views • 7 years ago

ARMY RECRUITMENT ADS : AUSTRIA -vs- ROMANIA -vs- ITALY.. [PART 7] Doggk 85 Views • 3 years ago


⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Join DOGGK on BITCHUTE: ⁣⁣

⁣⁣⁣- Please hit the "LIKE"- button and don't forget to "SUBSCRIBE" ✔
- COMMENT & SHARE if you liked the video !
- There's more to come for the following DAYS ! So stay tuned ✔

Go your own way guys

Body ARMOR - The Basics
Body ARMOR - The Basics TAOGYOW - The Art of Going Your Own Way! 57 Views • 3 years ago

Looking at my choices... Are you?

TAOGYOW - Another day of Fuckery
TAOGYOW - Another day of Fuckery TAOGYOW - The Art of Going Your Own Way! 108 Views • 3 years ago

Well here we go straight down the shitter!

Isra and Miraj Lecture at Barrackpore Islamic Center By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Isra and Miraj Lecture at Barrackpore Islamic Center By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 1 Views • 7 years ago

Coming to America 3 - SOUTH AFRICA RIOTS
Coming to America 3 - SOUTH AFRICA RIOTS TAOGYOW - The Art of Going Your Own Way! 110 Views • 3 years ago

My favorite part was when the lady yells "Where are the police?" LMAO

Migtown Episode 033 Drexel vs Eagles
Migtown Episode 033 Drexel vs Eagles Migtown Podcast 18 Views • 3 years ago

Migtown Podcast Episode 033: Drexel vs Eagles

This week, Drexel and Producer Tim welcome a RGE into the studio for 2 hours of legendary banter. We talk gaming, how to treat people who want to destroy you, censorship, Hollywood apathy, tradcucks are worse than simps, men’s standards vs women’s standards, Tim’s death, and much more!

Migtown Arcade:
and on Twitch:
Show website and schedule:
Odysee Channel:
Unofficial Minds:
Download the audio:

Love the show? It costs money to produce this. Support the show by subscribing to our Patreon or Subscribe Star (or both, I won’t stop you). One of the benefits is access to the Discord server we constantly reference.

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[Reupload] Migtown Episode 032 Drexel vs Cuck Simulator
[Reupload] Migtown Episode 032 Drexel vs Cuck Simulator Migtown Podcast 22 Views • 3 years ago

Migtown Podcast Episode 032: Drexel vs Cuck Simulator

NOTE: Reeeeupload to fix the missing thumbnail from last week.

This week, Drexel and Producer Tim welcome the developer of Cuckold Simulator: Life as a Beta Male, TeamSNEED into the studio. We discuss some of the inspiration of the game, TeamSNEED's future plans for the game, how loot crates, microtransactions, and Pay-to-win are ruining the game industry, an email about MarzGurl and much more!

Migtown Arcade:
and on Twitch:
Show website and schedule:
Odysee Channel:
Unofficial Minds:
Download the audio:

Love the show? It costs money to produce this. Support the show by subscribing to our Patreon or Subscribe Star (or both, I won’t stop you). One of the benefits is access to the Discord server we constantly reference.

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Ayn Rand - sobre o movimento feminista
Ayn Rand - sobre o movimento feminista CN 55 Views • 3 years ago


36 States are Suing Google | Grunt Speak Highlights
36 States are Suing Google | Grunt Speak Highlights Terrence Popp 191 Views • 3 years ago

36 states plus Washington DC are suing Google for antitrust violations. Winning!
#GruntSpeakLive #Google #BigTechCensorship
Watch the full stream here:

All your support is appreciated. We have many donation options.
or send one-time tips through SubscribeStar:

How can you support Popp Culture?
Go to
You can contribute via Patreon, Paypal, SubscribeStar or Cryptocurrency!
Purchase your genuine Redonkulas swag on

Send physical donations to: Productions
29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407
Royal Oak, MI 48072
If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3
All donations are tax deductible

You can watch Grunt Speak Live on these channels!

New countdown song: "The Grunt" by Jeffrey Paul

Bad Religion - We_re Only Gonna Die
Bad Religion - We_re Only Gonna Die xnofun 21 Views • 3 years ago

todos nos um dia iremos morrer ,entao apenas siga o seu caminho!!

Empoeirada xnofun 83 Views • 3 years ago

ok , então faz teu nome vadia

Dwayne Haskins Is A VICTIM Of DV So Where Is The Outrage Mob
Dwayne Haskins Is A VICTIM Of DV So Where Is The Outrage Mob REDPILLMARRIED 87 Views • 3 years ago

⁣The same energy levels directed at Ray Rice should be here too right?

Talk Talk - Life-s What You Make It (Official Video)
Talk Talk - Life-s What You Make It (Official Video) mrghoster 23 Views • 3 years ago

As they say "Life's what YOU make it"

Blue Oyster Cult - Don-t Fear The Reaper (Single Version) (1976) (HD)
Blue Oyster Cult - Don-t Fear The Reaper (Single Version) (1976) (HD) mrghoster 25 Views • 3 years ago

Just one of my favotie song's

She Thinks SMART water is MAGIC Water!
She Thinks SMART water is MAGIC Water! mrghoster 62 Views • 3 years ago

Personally anything with the word SMART on it usually attract's people like this! lol"

“Someone despises me
“Someone despises me mrghoster 13 Views • 3 years ago

More words of MGTOW Stoic wisdom

Jimmy Nail - Ain-t No Doubt with Lyrics
Jimmy Nail - Ain-t No Doubt with Lyrics mrghoster 16 Views • 3 years ago

A song with something to say

How Spike Proteins from COVID-19 Injections KILL (DELETED by Susie's PooTube)
How Spike Proteins from COVID-19 Injections KILL (DELETED by Susie's PooTube) Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 325 Views • 3 years ago

How your going to die on the Depopulation Shot!
Party! Party! Party - With the Fauci Ouchie!
No More Back Door Gore in Susie's PooTube - Banned Forever!

TROJANTRANSPOCALYPTYCUS - Magnetism, Nanoparticles, Graphene, Vaxxines - Depopulation
TROJANTRANSPOCALYPTYCUS - Magnetism, Nanoparticles, Graphene, Vaxxines - Depopulation TAOGYOW - The Art of Going Your Own Way! 73 Views • 3 years ago

Need more information that this is a bio weapon?

Women Talk About Money On Dates and Dating
Women Talk About Money On Dates and Dating TheRareBreedTheory 50 Views • 3 years ago

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Signs Of The Times [12] By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Signs Of The Times [12] By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 1 Views • 7 years ago

Responding to Questions, and Seminar in Geneva on 29-7-17

Signs Of The Times [13] By Sheikh Imran Hosein 14/5/2017
Signs Of The Times [13] By Sheikh Imran Hosein 14/5/2017 Imran Hosein 3 Views • 7 years ago

Importance of Ramadan Part 1 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein
Importance of Ramadan Part 1 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein Imran Hosein 0 Views • 7 years ago

Signs of Times [13] By Sheikh Imran Hosein (French Subtitles)
Signs of Times [13] By Sheikh Imran Hosein (French Subtitles) Imran Hosein 2 Views • 7 years ago

La plupart des gens, aux États-Unis, en Europe et dans le reste du monde, pensent que les dollars en circulation sont créés par le gouvernement américain. Que le nom de « Réserve Fédérale », mentionné sur chaque billet, désigne une administration gouvernementale. Or, il n'en est rien : la « Réserve Fédérale » est une institution privée. Le système de la Réserve Fédérale n'est pas fédéral. En outre, il ne possède pas les moindres réserves. C est un syndicat d émission monétaire, dont les membres sont juives ou d'ascendance juives , des puissants groupes bancaires majoritairement européens ; (Warburg, Rockefellers, Rothschild, Sieff, etc.).

Sheikh Imran Hosein critique le système monétaire international dont les statuts du Fond Monétaire International interdisent l’utilisation de l’or comme monnaie, considérant que par le biais de la monnaie fiduciaire, c’est une porte ouverte à la manipulation des cours dans le but de dévaluer une monnaie et ainsi conduire à une inflation. Il milite pour un retour à une monnaie ayant une valeur intrinsèque, c’est-à-dire l’or et l’argent, le dinar et le dirham, pour une meilleure stabilité monétaire. Il considère que la monnaie doit être un moyen d’échange et un marqueur de valeur. La monnaie papier et la monnaie électronique sont contraire aux fondements de l’Islam concernant l’équité et la liberté du marché, du fait que la monnaie fiduciaire est soumise à la perte de valeur conduisant à un pillage de la richesse.

Importance of Ramadan Part 2 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein
Importance of Ramadan Part 2 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein Imran Hosein 0 Views • 7 years ago

Is Russia fulfilling a 1000 year old Prophecy Sheikh Imran Hosein
Is Russia fulfilling a 1000 year old Prophecy Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 0 Views • 7 years ago

Strategic Culture Foundation: Interview with Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein
Strategic Culture Foundation: Interview with Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein Imran Hosein 8 Views • 7 years ago

Sheikh Imran Hosein Shares his Vision of Contemporary World

The focal point of Sheikh Imran Hosein’s study is eschatology, the religious teaching about the end-times and the ultimate fulfillment of the respective visions of each of the three great monotheistic faiths, with regard to the conclusion of mundane history. Judaism and Christianity have well-developed and even sophisticated eschatological teachings, but until recently Islam in that regard has been lagging behind. Under the inspiration of his revered teacher Maulana Al-Ansari, Sheikh Imran Hosein has laid the foundations of an Islamic eschatological philosophy based, naturally, on the precepts of the Kuran and the relevant hadises. Surprising as it may appear, no Islamic scholar before him had ever approached this important and delicate subject in a systematic manner. Taking into account the Sheikh’s numerous books and lectures on this subject, it is accurate to say that he has elevated Islamic Eschatology to the rank of a new branch of knowledge within the broad system of Islamic theology. It would not be extravagant to also add that he is now the world’s leading authority on this fascinating subject.

Confronting head-on the clash of civilizations narrative and boldly disputing the legitimacy of intolerant and extremist schools of thought within the world of Islam, Sheikh Imran Hosein is a strong advocate of solidarity between the followers of the three monotheistic religions, Islam, Christianity, and Torah Judaism. Based on his reading of the Kuran and certain hadises, sheikh Imran Hosein is, in particular, a champion of «friendship and alliance» between Muslims and Orthodox Christians. Over the centuries, and during the preceding decades with particular brutality, these two religious groups have been victims of the plundering and conquering ambitions of that portion of mankind that is most frequently referred to as the West. The latter’s main tools of oppression, in the sheikh’s mind, are the world banking and monetary system and NATO. He perceives in that part of mankind the operation of the evil forces of Gog and Magog (Yajuj and Majuj), familiar from the Islamic and other monotheistic eschatologies. By contrast, it is in the form of Eastern Christianity, with its historic roots in Byzantium (to which almost certainly reference is made in the thirtieth Sura of the Kuran, Ar-Rum), which is presently established in Russia, that Sheikh Imran Hosein perceives the Empire of Ar-Rum. He regards it as a force for the good, with respect to which the Messenger Muhammed prophesied to his followers thus: «You will conclude an alliance with Ar-Rum».

As a student of geopolitics with a keen eschatological perspective, Sheikh Imran Hosein is an attentive and approving observer of Russia’s dynamic and increasingly assertive role in international affairs.

Advocacy of friendly relations and alliance between Muslims and Orthodox Christians by an Islamic scholar of such renown and depth of knowledge as Sheikh Imran Hosein, and the interest that he has also displayed in the conditions that prevail in Serbia and the Balkans, should have the beneficial effect of facilitating improved relations between Muslims and Orthodox Christians in that volatile part of the world.

The sheikh’s stance as a reconciler and peacemaker – while earning him affection and respect in many quarters – has made him also a figure of controversy elsewhere. Paradoxically, the latter seems to include some segments of the Islamic community because on many points the sheikh’s insistence on unadulterated traditional Islam clashes with key contemporary political agendas.

The Importance of Ramadan Pt 2 French Subtitles
The Importance of Ramadan Pt 2 French Subtitles Imran Hosein 0 Views • 7 years ago

Importance of Ramadan Part 3 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein
Importance of Ramadan Part 3 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein Imran Hosein 1 Views • 7 years ago

For the Dr Who Fans - The Origins of the Weeping Angels
For the Dr Who Fans - The Origins of the Weeping Angels Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 18 Views • 3 years ago

I have a long memory. Back in 1986 a band called "The The" released an album called, "Infected" with a song called "Sweet Bird of Truth", and that stuck in my mind for decades. I finally hunted it down but when I realised the Angel sequence at the start of it, was the foundation for the "Dr Who" "Weeping Angels", AND then advertised it, ALL the 6 minute version videos on the net, dissappeared and the 4 minute versions, minus the first 2 minutes came onto the internet.

They were ALL deleted from the internet.

On a friends social out of CHINA Trump should have won...funny
On a friends social out of CHINA Trump should have won...funny erick rendoza 38 Views • 3 years ago

The chinese know it too...

I hate this KAREN....White House: Facebook needs to censor anti-vaxxers | New York Post
I hate this KAREN....White House: Facebook needs to censor anti-vaxxers | New York Post erick rendoza 39 Views • 3 years ago

The White House wants Facebook to come clean about harmful misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine spread online. “There’s about 12 people who are producing 65% of anti-vaccine misinformation on social media platforms,” White House Press Sec. Jen Psaki said.

#COVID #Facebook #WhiteHouse

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Importance of Ramadan Part 4 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein
Importance of Ramadan Part 4 By Sheikh Imran N Hosein Imran Hosein 0 Views • 7 years ago

THE PROPHECY OF SYRIA & YEMEN (Animated) By Sheikh Imran Hosein
THE PROPHECY OF SYRIA & YEMEN (Animated) By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 3 Views • 7 years ago

In this video Imran Hosein talks about the the following hadith and how we are witnessing it before our very eyes!

Narrated Ibn ‘Umar:

(The Prophet) said, “O Allah! Bless our Sham (Syria and some other countries) and our Yemen.” People said, “ What about Our Najd as well.” The Prophet again said, “O Allah! Bless our Sham and Yemen.” They said again, “What about Our Najd as well.” On that the Prophet said, “There will appear earthquakes and afflictions, and from there will come out the side of the head of Satan.”

Najd is the eastern area of saudi arabia! Many people don't know this but they sponsor terrorism & are the cause of many trials & tests which are facing the surrounding nations including palestine, syria & yemen.
Hence when people ask "Why is saudi arabia not helping the muslims? Well They are the cause of the corruption because they have allied themselves with the judeo-christian zionist alliance and hence are deceiving the muslims.

However on the bright side,
Prophet SAW prayed for Shaam and Yemen. Just goes to say that Allah will help Syria and take them out of the conditions they’re in currently.

WORLD WAR 3 The Malhama (Animated) By Sheikh Imran Hosein
WORLD WAR 3 The Malhama (Animated) By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 8 Views • 7 years ago

In this Video Imran Hosein tells us about the Malhama and how it is around the corner. The Malhama is one of the major signs of the end of times, the 44th Surah in the Quran, al-Dukhan, talks about a visible smoke which will be seen in the sky, and this scholar has concluded that the Smoke could possibly be the mushroom clouds which result from multiple nuclear explosions.
World War 3 would also likely result in the abandonment of the Hajj to Makkah. These are some of the major signs of the end of times and they may be just around the corner, so prepare yourself.

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Saudi Arabia Qatar & The Eighty Flags By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Saudi Arabia Qatar & The Eighty Flags By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 1 Views • 7 years ago

Signs of Times [14] - Islam the Petro-dollar and the Great War By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Signs of Times [14] - Islam the Petro-dollar and the Great War By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 1 Views • 7 years ago

Signs of Times [15] - Money the Salafi Methodology and Akhir al-Zaman - Imran Hosein
Signs of Times [15] - Money the Salafi Methodology and Akhir al-Zaman - Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 3 Views • 7 years ago

We devote attention in this lecture to the critically important subject of methodology for the study of the Last Age. The subject of money has now occupied center-stage in the world and mankind is now poised on the very verge of a monetary trap from which there will be no escape.

Maulana Imran Hosein Masjid Ul Furqaan Khutba 7th July 2017
Maulana Imran Hosein Masjid Ul Furqaan Khutba 7th July 2017 Imran Hosein 0 Views • 7 years ago

HOMEM IDEAL QUE AS MULHERES MODERNETES GOSTA!!! Wall_Mgtow 138 Views • 3 years ago

Pra elas tanto o Homem ideal em formar um relacionamento atual, mulheres sempre foram hipergâmicas interesseiras e bastantes atraidas pelo mal e caras bandidos ricos destacades, para de acreditar em amor elas gostam do perigo e status!

Quranic view on Russia and The Eastern Orthodox Christianity The coming alliance
Quranic view on Russia and The Eastern Orthodox Christianity The coming alliance Imran Hosein 0 Views • 7 years ago

An Islamic View of Gog & Magog In the Modern World
An Islamic View of Gog & Magog In the Modern World Imran Hosein 5 Views • 7 years ago

Lecture given by Maulana Imran Hosein at the Barrackpore Islamic Centre in the Caribbean island of Trinidad on Saturday 8th July 2017. The topic was "An Islamic View of Gog & Magog in the Modern World.

Trailer Of The Geneva Seminar On Electronic Money By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Trailer Of The Geneva Seminar On Electronic Money By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 4 Views • 7 years ago

Entitled "An Islamic Response to Dajjal's Electronic or Digital Money." Sheikh Imran Hosein held a seminar in Geneva, Switzerland on July 29. The seminar is a 2 part @ 1 hour program. This trailer shows selections from PART 1.

The Morning Constitutional: 7/15/2021
The Morning Constitutional: 7/15/2021 T.F. Monkey 865 Views • 3 years ago

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Another Dumb Feminist Attacks Men - It's Thrashing Time! Part 2
Another Dumb Feminist Attacks Men - It's Thrashing Time! Part 2 The Realist Philosopher 67 Views • 3 years ago

⁣And the story continues. Yes, it's a long video, but this is the final part. Don't blame me for the length guys. Blame the dopey UK feminist broad who can't help but make fallacy after fallacy, which I feel obliged to point out. I guess I could overlook them, but where's the fun in that? Enjoy ;D

Balada Gospel Gay
Balada Gospel Gay Nikaido 69 Views • 3 years ago


Dajjal and Digital Money By Sheikh Imran Hosein Part 1
Dajjal and Digital Money By Sheikh Imran Hosein Part 1 Imran Hosein 5 Views • 7 years ago

Dajjal and Digital Money By Sheikh Imran Hosein Part 2
Dajjal and Digital Money By Sheikh Imran Hosein Part 2 Imran Hosein 2 Views • 7 years ago

Sheikh Imran Hosein Upcoming Books
Sheikh Imran Hosein Upcoming Books Imran Hosein 2 Views • 7 years ago

Announcements and Appeal

Signs of Times [17] Interview In Geneva By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Signs of Times [17] Interview In Geneva By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 3 Views • 7 years ago

Signs Of The Times [18] By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Signs Of The Times [18] By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 22 Views • 7 years ago

This is the last IBN lecture on Money in Islam and our response to electronic or digital money

Signs Of The Times Part 19 By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Signs Of The Times Part 19 By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 4 Views • 7 years ago

Signs Of The Times Part 20 By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Signs Of The Times Part 20 By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 2 Views • 7 years ago

Sheikh Imran Hosein Interview at the UN Geneva
Sheikh Imran Hosein Interview at the UN Geneva Imran Hosein 6 Views • 7 years ago

Showing 1159 out of 1160