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Quran Secularism & Crime By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Quran Secularism & Crime By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 3 Views • 12 years ago

Mali Egypt Syria Algeria Analysis Interview With Sheikh Imran Hosein
Mali Egypt Syria Algeria Analysis Interview With Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 2 Views • 12 years ago

Shariah (Islamic Law) Of The Quran In A Corrupt World By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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Reality Of The World & The Coming World War Sheikh Imran Hosein's Interview
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Constantinople By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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Islamic Eschatology 2013 By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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The International Monetary System & The Future Of Money By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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Basirah Q_A By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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The Zionist Attack On Syria By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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Syria Turkey Pakistan NWO & The Zionist World War Sheikh Imran Hosein Interview With Morris
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Imran Nazar Hosein Message to Youtube Subscribers
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Russia, Syria And The End Times By Sheikh Imran Hosein KNews May 2013
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Published on May 13, 2013

Russia, Syria And The End Times By Sheikh Imran Hosein K-News May 2013
Video Courtesy:
Edited By Youtube: DaringDeen
Recorded on 31 March 2013

Role Of Russia & China In Changing The World Order By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Role Of Russia & China In Changing The World Order By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 8 Views • 11 years ago

This is Imran N. Hosein. There are no restrictions for either viewing, or uploading this, and all other videos, on other channels. Kindly ignore the above notice.

with love,


Q&A Session Current Events By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Q&A Session Current Events By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 3 Views • 11 years ago

Turkish Unrest Could Encourage An Attack On Syria Interview Sheikh Imran Hosein Part 1
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Will The Kurds Join In Freeing Turkey From NATO Interview Sheikh Imran Hosein Part 2
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Turkish Civil War can reconnect Islam and Orthodox Christianity Sheikh Imran Hosein Part 3
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Imam al-Mahdi & the End-Time By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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Islam & The West (Moscow State University): Imran Hosein
Islam & The West (Moscow State University): Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 3 Views • 11 years ago

This lecture was delivered at the State University of Moscow in July 2013 - more than 3 years ago - at the invitation of Professor Alexander Dugin. We choose to bring it back to attention because of the urgent need of forging Muslim friendship and alliance with the Orthodox Christian world in order that we might jointly resist a common enemy.

One of the main points made in this lecture - indeed it was used to also conclude the lecture - is that "Russia's moment in history has arrived". Three years later, Russia stands firmly and fearlessly, with admirable support from China, and from the masses of Muslims around the world who despise American oppression, in resisting the greatest oppressor mankind has ever known. The Great War or Malhamah that Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam) prophesied, and which is also present in Christian eschatology, is about to occur. The Prophet said that 99 out of every 100 who fight in this war will be killed - hence it will not be conventional warfare - rather it will witness the use of weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons.

Indeed Russia's moment in history has arrived, and Russia shows no fear of that coming nuclear war.

Islamic eschatology is on spot! But there is more to come. The Islamic eschatological view is that Orthodox Christian Russia will survive this Great War as well, as it has survived centuries of relentless bogus Ottoman Jihad, and so many others wars since then, to re-emerge in a post-nuclear world as a power capable of joining with Islam in liberating Constantinople.

The Coming of Imam Al Mahdi Interview with Sheikh Imran Hosein in Pakistan July 2013
The Coming of Imam Al Mahdi Interview with Sheikh Imran Hosein in Pakistan July 2013 Imran Hosein 3 Views • 11 years ago

A special invitation by Imran Nazar Hosein to ISEEK 2013
A special invitation by Imran Nazar Hosein to ISEEK 2013 Imran Hosein 1 Views • 11 years ago
International Summit of Essential Expert Knowledge

Imran N. Hosein - News September 2013 (
Imran N. Hosein - News September 2013 ( Imran Hosein 5 Views • 11 years ago

Maulana Imran N. Hosein speaks about what is currently happening in the world today.
Quran and the Last Age, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Antichrist, Gog and Magog, Syria and the Big War.

Ashura In the Quran and Sunnah by Sheikh Imran Hosein
Ashura In the Quran and Sunnah by Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 2 Views • 11 years ago

From Arab Spring to Arab Spring - Connecting the Dots.
From Arab Spring to Arab Spring - Connecting the Dots. Imran Hosein 4 Views • 11 years ago

He was born in the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 from parents whose ancestors had migrated as indentured labourer from India. He is a graduate of the Aleemiyah Institute in Karachi and has studied at sevaral instutions of higher learning including the University of Karachi,the University of the West Indies, Al Azhar University and the Graduate Institute of International Relations in Switzerland

ولد في جزيرة ترينداد في البحر الكاريبي عام 1942 من أبوين هاجر أجدادهم من الهند كعمال متعاقدين. تخرج من معهد العليمية في كراتشي ودرس في العديد من معاهد الدراسات العليا بما فيها جامعة كراتشي و جامعة جزر الهند الغربية وجامعة الأزهر وفي المعهد الدولي للدراسات الدولية في جنيف.

He worked for several years as a Foreign Service Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago but gave up his job in 1985 to devote his life to the mission of Islam.

عمل في السلك الدبلوماسي في وزارة خارجية ترينيداد وتوباغو ولكنه استقال في عام 1985 ليكرس حياته من أجل خدمة الإسلام.

He lived in New York for ten years during which time he served as the Director of Islamic Studies for the Joint Committee of Muslim Organizations of Greater New York. He lectured on Islam in several American and Canadian universities, colleges, churches, synagogues, prisons, community halls, etc. He also participated in many inter-faith dialogues with Christian and Jewish scholars while representing Islam in USA. He was the Imam, for sometime, at Masjid Dar al-Qur'an in Long Island, New York. He also led the weekly Juma'ah prayers and delivered the sermon at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan once a month for ten years continuously.

عاش في نيويورك لعشر سنوات خدم خلالها كرئيس للدراسات الإسلامية لدى اللجنة المشتركة للمنظمات الإسلامية بنيويورك الكبرى. حاضر عن الإسلام في عديد من الجامعات الأمريكية والكندية وفي الكليات و الكنائس والمعابد اليهودية والسجون و قاعات المجتمعات إلخ. كما شارك في كثير من حوارات الأديان مع علماء مسيحيين ويهوديين بينما كان يمثل الإسلام في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. كان الإمام، لبعض الوقت، في مسجد دار القرآن في لونج آيلاند، نيويورك. قام ايضاً بإمامة صلاة الجمعة الأسبوعية وقدم الخطبة في المقر الرئيسي للأمم المتحدة في منهاتن مرة واحد كل شهر وذلك لعشر سنوات متواصلة.

He is a former Principal of the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, Director of Research of the World Muslim Congress in Karachi, Pakistan, Director of the Islamic Institute for Education and Research in Miami, Florida, and Director of D'awah for Tanzeem-e-Islami of North America.

عمل سابقاً كمدير لمعهد العليمية للدراسات الإسلامية في كراتشي، باكستان، وكذلك مديراً للبحث في مؤتمر العالم الإسلامي في كراتشي، باكستان، كما عمل أيضاً كمدير لمعهد التعليم والبحوث الإسلامية في مدينة ميامي، فلوريدا، ومديراً للدعوة في التنظيم الإسلامي لأمريكا الشمالية.

He has traveled continuously and extensively around the world on Islamic lecture-tours since graduating from the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in 1971 at age 29. And he has also written more than a dozen books on Islam that have invariably been received with public respect. Indeed, 'Jerusalem in the Qur'an - An Islamic View of the Destiny of Jerusalem' has become a best seller and has been translated and published in several languages.

سافر حول العالم بشكل مكثف ومستمر لتقديم محاضرات إسلامية منذ تخرجه من معهد العليمية للدراسات الإسلامية عام 1971 حيث كان يبلغ 29 عاماً من العمر. قام بتأليف أكثر من إثني عشر كتاباً عن الإسلام ولقد حظيت كل كتبه على إحترام الجمهور بشكل دائم. بالفعل، كتاب "القدس في القرآن -- نظرة إسلامية في مستقبل القدس" أصبح من أكثر الكتب مبيعاً وقد ترجم ونشر في العديد من اللغات.

The Art of Critical Thinking By Sheikh Imran Hosein
The Art of Critical Thinking By Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 5 Views • 11 years ago

Sheikh Imran N. Hosein provides a dynamic view of the events to unfold at the End of Time. This video explains the methodology to use in order to recognize the deceptive global agenda.

Sheikh Imran Podcast Interview With Mark Glenn Christian Muslim Resistance To Zionism Imperialism
Sheikh Imran Podcast Interview With Mark Glenn Christian Muslim Resistance To Zionism Imperialism Imran Hosein 18 Views • 13 years ago

We are honored and pleased to have on the program for the first time Sheik Imran Hosein, internationally-consulted scholar on geo-politics and the insidious agenda the Zionists are enforcing upon the world.

Tonight's discussion--The 'Arab Spring' as a fraud', Islamic eschatology and its prophecy of the Anti-Christ, and the inevitability of the Christian and Islamic peoples converging in cooperative union against the forces of evil worldwide.

An Islamic Response To The Looming Economic Crisis By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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Sheikh Imran Hosein Interview With Morris Herman - Israel Takes The US To Its End Part 1
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The last ten years are just preparatory to the wars that are coming. The story of how the US is being drawn to its demise so that Israel can take over.

This is Part one of a larger interview.

Sheik Imran Hosein Interview With Morris   US$ Iran Syria Zionists UnNatural Disasters Arab Spring Part 2
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Sheikh Imran Hosein Interview With Imam Arber Berisha - Islam, Albania And The Zionist Deception
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Explaining Pax Islamica, The Islamic Conception Of An International Order By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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KN-OW Q&A By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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Public Talk The Qur'an And The End Of Times By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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Role Of Muslims In The Liberation Of AlQuds By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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Sheikh Imran Hosein Interview With Morris - Current Trends
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Sheikh Imran Hosein Interview With Morris May 17 2012
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Sheikh Imran Hosein Q&A 24-5-2012
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Khidr And Akhirulzaman By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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The Future Of Islam In India, Pakistan & Bangladesh By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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Dajjal's Corruption Of Money In Akhirulzaman By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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Madinahtun Nabi Fi Akhirulzaman By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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The Shia, Sunni And Akhirulzaman By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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Sheik Imran Hosein Egyptian TV Interview  (Arabic) 13 JUNE 2012
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Dreams And Visions In Islam By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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The Return Of Nabi Isa A.S By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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The Islamic Village In Akhirulzaman By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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The Conquest Of Constantinople In Akhirulzaman By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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Ilmu Akhirulzaman By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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Turkish Threat Of Invading Syria Interview Sheikh Imran Hosein
Turkish Threat Of Invading Syria Interview Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 9 Views • 12 years ago

The Sheikh Imran Hosein answers questions from YouTube Subscribers.
The questions are listed below:

When will the Arab world realize that it is better that the Shias and the Sunnis join hand in hand in promoting their agenda and to strenghten their position on the globe. Yes, there are 1.5 billion Muslims but how divided are they?
Thank you

Does the Sheikh Imran Hosein think the crisis in Syria has caused the foretold split between Gog and Magog

1. It seams more and more clear that the islamists such as the muslim brotherhood, and the NTC in libya, the rebels in Syria, ....The Islamists in Pakistan . All are working together with the zionists. It seams after every overthrow of these arab regimes the goverments are more open to western influence and to invite the capitalists into there country.

Is there an end of the world prophecy in islam regarding Damascus?
Syrian Girl

There have been increasing rumors and signs of a Zionist Attack this summer in the London Olympics and the Big Ben, what is your opinion on this matter? What Advice would you give to the people living in the UK?
Daring Deen

How do we survive the coming wars? Can Remote Villages in the countryside guarantee the safety of Muslims from the upcoming destruction of the Nuclear Clash between Gog & Magog?
Daring Deen

This is clear cut war for israel.. Nothing else... Syria is one army which can take care of israel.. Every American has to look into this angel..Who is benefitting.. Neither saudia . or syria nor america only one country israel...Either its luck for them or is well played them..
Comment ....

I would like to know if the Sheikh Imran Hosein thinks Turkey has been 'secretly' encouraging and supporting the anti-Assad terrorists from the beginning already.
Quoriana Green

The Sheikh wants to build villages for only Muslims to live in and have their own system.
the globe and lived among different people. If somebody sees something bad taking place, he should not run and ignore it otherwise he will be part of the problem.

The Question for Sheikh Imran Hossein
2.Whats your view on the future Of the Kurdish Conflict between Iran,Turkey , Iraq and Syria? How will the Kurdish conflict shape the interests of zionists or will it be a blow for zionists?
Umer Bhatt
Kashmir (Jammu and Kashmir )

my personal question would be:
what kind of new rule for Tunisia is planned in the new arab world scenario of the times of a greater Israel coming?
and for Algeria?
There are voices on tunisian news saying that Tunisia has become a platform for terrorists coming from everywhere since the borders to Libya and Algeria are not so safe.
Thank you!

Can you please ask the following question to Sheikh Imran Hosein?
Today Iran and Armenia (the first nation to adopt Christianity as its official religion) signed a security agreement. Does this signify what Sheikh Imran Hosein has been predicting [that] Islam and Eastern Christianity will join hands?
Iran-Armenia sign security agreement
Moscow, July 11, IRNA -- A security agreement between Iran and Armenia was signed in the presence of Iran Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar and Head of Armenian Police force Lieutenant-General Vladimir Gasparyan.
Rush from USA

Dennis Fetcho Interviews Sheikh Imran Hosein Zionism, Arab Spring, Islamic Eschatology, NATO
Dennis Fetcho Interviews Sheikh Imran Hosein Zionism, Arab Spring, Islamic Eschatology, NATO Imran Hosein 15 Views • 12 years ago

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Ernesto is the american people the president is the senators
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Ernesto Escobedo is made that they are stealing his money

Components Of Akhirul Zaman By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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Dajjal's Warriors Are Dancing To Some Surreptitious String Pullers Sheikh Imran Hosein Part 1
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Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan And The Zionists Sheikh Imran Hosein Part 2
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Message To Muslims And Americans Sheikh Imran Hosein Part 3
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The Taliban America's Real Heroes
The Taliban America's Real Heroes Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 503 Views • 3 years ago

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Deciphering the Maya Script
Deciphering the Maya Script erick rendoza 23 Views • 3 years ago

Coe is the Charles J. MacCurdy Professor of Anthropology, Emeritus at Yale University. He is recognized for his work in the field of the ethnohistory of Mesoamerica, the historical archaeology of northeastern United States, and writing systems. He is also a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the Royal Anthropological Institute, and the Mexican Society of Anthropology. Born in New York in 1929, Coe received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1959. He began his academic career as an Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee (1958-1960), after which he joined the Yale University faculty. Coe has authored numerous world-renowned books on Mesoamerica including Breaking the Maya Code (1992). This book constitutes an informed account of one of the most exciting adventures of our age, the extraordinary breakthrough in deciphering the inscribed remains of Mayan monuments. Coe's other works include The Maya (1966), America's First Civilization: Discovering the Olmec (1968), and The True History of Chocolate (1996).

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Sheikh Imran Hosein 3rd World Conference On Riba
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Sheikh Imran Hosein The Quranic Foundation And Structure Of Muslim Society
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Sheikh Imran Hosein Message For Muslims In Singapore
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NATO Has Multiple War Aims - Sheikh Imran Hosein
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Obama Romney Sandy And The Zionists - Sheikh Imran Hosein
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Imam Al-Mahdi & the Return of the Caliphate By Sheikh Imran Hosein 3 of 10
Imam Al-Mahdi & the Return of the Caliphate By Sheikh Imran Hosein 3 of 10 Imran Hosein 3 Views • 14 years ago

Imam Al-Mahdi & the Return of the Caliphate By Sheikh Imran Hosein 4 of 10
Imam Al-Mahdi & the Return of the Caliphate By Sheikh Imran Hosein 4 of 10 Imran Hosein 0 Views • 14 years ago

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