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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trump Nukem and here's what he has to say: "Hello Mr Sandman, I came across a channel called Teal Swan on Odysee a few weeks ago and curiously watched her most recent videos on relationship advice aimed at men. The channel is portrayed as being a calm spiritual approach to various topics as evident by the tarot and spiritual language used. In her channel description and other sites it says she is a survivor of childhood abuse, does frequency paintings, has written 6 books, founder of HEADWAY FOUNDATION and also has extrasensory abilities (ESP). Site bios say she is half alien half human and is reincarnation of an Indian spiritualist. Her career started in 2011 and is on various social media platforms. Now with the backstory covered I'd like your MGTOW opinion on her relationship outlook and advise for men, in particular her most recent 3 or 4 videos which I've observed contains many one sided red flags aimed to fool men back to the plantation by adopting the same old me me me whamen mentality of no accountability. This topic is sure to perk up your morning coffee with curiosity, as always thank you for your relentless work for the MGTOW philosophy community and for red pilling men worldwide Mr Sandman." Well Trump Nuken thanks for the donation and topic. This is the types of videos that leads to strikes for bullying and harassment if the person you're speaking about doesn't like what you have to say. I used to listen to Teal Swan back in 2013 and 2014. Back then she was massive compared to my channel but today we have roughly the same number of views. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book: Anyways now back to the video. According to the celebrity tap website and I quote: "Teal Swan married Mark Scott in 2006, but the two went separate ways in 2012 after being associated with Fallon Dobson (Jared Dobson), whom she branded a sociopath in 2013 and sent to therapy. Swan and Scott have a son together. In 2014 she married again, this time Sarbedeep Swan, who is a British citizen of Indian origin. The marriage broke up after Sarbedeep accused Teal of not being bound to their marriage and of cheating on him. In 2016 she married a Frenchman named Ale Gicqueau." unquote. What I find amusing is that she's in her mid thirties and she's on her third marriage. Clearly she's had a hard time selecting the right men for marriage and yet there she is putting out videos for women on how to find the right man for a relationship. YouTube and content creation is a funny thing. Over time and posting new content on YouTube scrubs your sins away in an avalanche of new media as the old media get buried. For example Trump Nukem you just found out about her but she's been around for ten years now. I remember how her older videos were much better than the new stuff you're pointing me to Trump. If you go to her YouTube page and look at her most viewed videos they are from seven or eight years ago. To be fair my new videos don't get as many views but if you look at my most viewed content even two or three years ago, right up to the point where I was demonetized my videos were still gaining tons of views. I was handicapped and she wasn't. Maybe her relationship advice is geared toward women because of the fact that she's been divorced twice already and she hasn't even hit middle age yet. She claims to be a reborn Indian spiritualist yet according to her Indian spiritualist husband she cheated on him.

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The Sirens Song - Ain't nothing new under the sun. Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 47 Views • 3 years ago



He shows from Hell his safe retreat
To th’ isle Ææa, Circe’s seat;
And how he ’scap’d the Sirens’ calls,
With th’ erring rocks, and waters’ falls,
That Scylla and Charybdis break;
The Sun’ s stol’ n herds; and his sad wreak
Both of Ulysses’ ship and men,
His own head ’scaping scarce the pain.


The rocks that err’d,
The Sirens’ call.
The Sun’s stol’n herd.
The soldiers’ fall.

“Our ship now past the straits of th’ ocean flood,
She plow’d the broad sea’s billows, and made good
The isle Ææa, where the palace stands
Of th’ early riser with the rosy hands,
Active Aurora, where she loves to dance,
And where the Sun doth his prime beams advance.
When here arriv’d, we drew her up to land,
And trod ourselves the re-saluted sand,
Found on the shore fit resting for the night,
Slept, and expected the celestial light.
Soon as the white-and-red-mix’d finger’d Dame
Had gilt the mountains with her saffron flame,
I sent my men to Circe’s house before,
To fetch deceas’d Elpenor to the shore.
Straight swell’d the high banks with fell’d heaps of trees,
And, full of tears, we did due exsequies
To our dead friend. Whose corse consum’d with fire,
And honour’d arms, whose sepulchre entire,
And over that a column rais’d, his oar,
Curiously carv’d, to his desire before,
Upon the top of all his tomb we fix’d.
Of all rites fit his funeral pile was mix’d.
Nor was our safe ascent from Hell conceal’d
From Circe’s knowledge; nor so soon reveal’d
But she was with us, with her bread and food,
And ruddy wine, brought by her sacred brood
Of woods and fountains. In the midst she stood,
And thus saluted us; ‘Unhappy men,
That have, inform’d with all your senses, been
In Pluto’s dismal mansion! You shall die
Twice now, where others, that Mortality
In her fair arms holds, shall but once decease.
But eat and drink out all conceit of these,
And this day dedicate to food and wine,
The following night to sleep. When next shall shine
The cheerful morning, you shall prove the seas.
Your way, and ev’ry act ye must address,
My knowledge of their order shall design,
Lest with your own bad counsels ye incline
Events as bad against ye, and sustain,
By sea and shore, the woful ends that reign
In wilful actions.’ Thus did she advise
And, for the time, our fortunes were so wise
To follow wise directions. All that day
We sat and feasted. When his lower way
The Sun had entered, and the Even the high,
My friends slept on their gables; she and I
(Led by her fair hand to place apart,
By her well-sorted) did to sleep convert
Our timid pow’rs; when all things Fate let fall
In our affair she ask’d; I told her all.
To which she answer’d: ‘These things thus took end.
And now to those that I inform attend,
Which you rememb’ring, God himself shall be
The blesséd author of your memory.
First to the Sirens ye shall come, that taint
The minds of all men whom they can acquaint
With their attractions. Whosoever shall,
For want of knowledge mov’d, but hear the call
Of any Siren, he will so despise
Both wife and children, for their sorceries,
That never home turns his affection’s stream,
Nor they take joy in him, nor he in them.
The Sirens will so soften with their song
(Shrill, and in sensual appetite so strong)
His loose affections, that he gives them head.
And then observe: They sit amidst a mead,
And round about it runs a hedge or wall
Of dead men’s bones, their wither’d skins and all
Hung all along upon it; and these men
Were such as they had fawn’d into their fen,
And then their skins hung on their hedge of bones.
Sail by them therefore, thy companions
Beforehand causing to stop ev’ry ear
With sweet soft wax, so close that none may hear
A note of all their charmings. Yet may you,
If you affect it, open ear allow
To try their motion; but presume not so
To trust your judgment, when your senses go
So loose about you, but give strait command
To all your men, to bind you foot and hand
Sure to the mast, that you may safe approve
How strong in instigation to their love
Their rapting tunes are. If so much they move,
That, spite of all your reason, your will stands
To be enfranchis’d both of feet and hands,
Charge all your men before to slight your charge,
And rest so far from fearing to enlarge
That much more sure they bind you. When your friends
Have outsail’d these, the danger that transcends
Rests not in any counsel to prevent,
Unless your own mind finds the tract and bent
Of that way that avoids it. I can say
That in your course there lies a twofold way,
The right of which your own, taught, present wit,
And grace divine, must prompt. In gen’ral yet
Let this inform you: Near these Sirens’ shore
Move two steep rocks, at whose feet lie and roar
The black sea’s cruel billows; the bless’d Gods
Call them the Rovers. Their abhorr’d abodes
No bird can pass; no not the doves, whose fear[1]
Sire Jove so loves that they are said to bear
Ambrosia to him, can their ravine ’scape,
But one of them falls ever to the rape
Of those sly rocks; yet Jove another still
Adds to the rest, that so may ever fill
The sacred number. Never ship could shun
The nimble peril wing’d there, but did run
With all her bulk, and bodies of her men,
To utter ruin. For the seas retain
Not only their outrageous æsture there,
But fierce assistants of particular fear,
And supernatural mischief, they exspire,
And those are whirlwinds of devouring fire
Whisking about still. Th’ Argive ship alone,
Which bore the care of all men, got her gone,[2]
Come from Areta. Yet perhaps ev’n she
Had wrack’d at those rocks, if the Deity,
That lies by Jove’s side, had not lent her hand
To their transmission; since the man, that mann’d
In chief that voyage, she in chief did love.
Of these two spiteful rocks, the one doth shove
Against the height of heav’n her pointed brow.
A black cloud binds it round, and never show
Lends to the sharp point; not the clear blue sky
Lets ever view it, not the summer’s eye,
Nor fervent autumn’s. None that death could end
Could ever scale it, or, if up, descend,
Though twenty hands and feet he had for hold,
A polish’d ice-like glibness doth enfold
The rock so round, whose midst a gloomy cell
Shrouds so far westward that it sees to hell.
From this keep you as far, as from his bow
An able young man can his shaft bestow.
For here the whuling Scylla shrouds her face,[3]
That breathes a voice at all parts no more base
Than are a newly-kitten’d kitling’s cries,
Herself a monster yet of boundless size,
Whose sight would nothing please a mortal’s eyes,
No nor the eyes of any God, if he
(Whom nought should fright) fell foul on her, and she
Her full shape show’d. Twelve foul feet bear about
Her ugly bulk. Six huge long necks look out
Of her rank shoulders; ev’ry neck doth let
A ghastly head out; ev’ry head three set,
Thick thrust together, of abhorréd teeth,
And ev’ry tooth stuck with a sable death.
She lurks in midst of all her den, and streaks
From out a ghastly whirlpool all her necks;
Where, gloting round her rock, to fish she falls;
And up rush dolphins, dogfish; somewhiles whales
If got within her when her rapine feeds;
For ever-groaning Amphitrite breeds
About her whirlpool an unmeasur’d store.
No sea-man ever boasted touch of shore
That there touch’d with his ship, but still she fed
Of him and his; a man for ev’ry head
Spoiling his ship of. You shall then descry
The other humbler rock, that moves so nigh
Your dart may mete the distance. It receives
A huge wild fig-tree, curl’d with ample leaves,
Beneath whose shades divine Charybdis sits,
Supping the black deeps. Thrice a day her pits
She drinking all dry, and thrice a day again
All up she belches, baneful to sustain.
When she is drinking, dare not near her draught,
For not the force of Neptune, if once caught,
Can force your freedom. Therefore, in your strife
To ’scape Charybdis, labour all for life
To row near Scylla, for she will but have
For her six heads six men; and better save
The rest, than all make off’rings to the wave.’
This need she told me of my loss, when I
Desir’d to know, if that Necessity,
When I had ’scap’d Charybdis’ outrages,
My pow’rs might not revenge, though not redress?
She answer’d: ‘O unhappy! art thou yet
Enflam’d with war, and thirst to drink thy sweat?
Not to the Gods give up both arms and will?
She deathless is, and that immortal ill
Grave, harsh, outrageous, not to be subdued,
That men must suffer till they be renew’d.
Nor lives there any virtue that can fly
The vicious outrage of their cruelty.
Shouldst thou put arms on, and approach the rock,
I fear six more must expiate the shock.
Six heads six men ask still. Hoise sail, and fly,
And, in thy flight, aloud on Cratis cry
(Great Scylla’s mother, who expos’d to light
The bane of men) and she will do such right
To thy observance, that she down will tread
Her daughter’s rage, nor let her show a head.
From thenceforth then, for ever past her care,
Thou shalt ascend the isle triangular,
Where many oxen of the Sun are fed,
And fatted flocks. Of oxen fifty head
In ev’ry herd feed, and their herds are seven;
And of his fat flocks is their number even.
Increase they yield not, for they never die.
There ev’ry shepherdess a Deity.
Fair Phaëthusa, and Lampetié,
The lovely Nymphs are that their guardians be,
Who to the daylight’s lofty-going Flame
Had gracious birthright from the heav’nly Dame,
Still young Neæra; who (brought forth and bred)
Far off dismiss’d them, to see duly fed
Their father’s herds and flocks in Sicily.
These herds and flocks if to the Deity
Ye leave, as sacred things, untouch’d, and on
Go with all fit care of your home, alone,
(Though through some suff’rance) you yet safe shall land
In wishéd Ithaca. But if impious hand
You lay on those herds to their hurts, I then
Presage sure ruin to thy ship and men.
If thou escap’st thyself, extending home
Thy long’d-for landing, thou shalt loaded come
With store of losses, most exceeding late,
And not consorted with a savéd mate.’
This said, the golden-thron’d Aurora rose,
She her way went, and I did mine dispose
Up to my ship, weigh’d anchor, and away.
When rev’rend Circe help’d us to convey
Our vessel safe, by making well inclin’d
A seaman’s true companion, a forewind,
With which she fill’d our sails; when, fitting all
Our arms close by us, I did sadly fall
To grave relation what concern’d in fate
My friends to know, and told them that the state
Of our affairs’ success, which Circe had
Presag’d to me alone, must yet be made
To one nor only two known, but to all;
That, since their lives and deaths were left to fall
In their elections, they might life elect,
And give what would preserve it fit effect.
I first inform’d them, that we were to fly
The heav’nly-singing Sirens’ harmony,
And flow’r-adorned meadow; and that I
Had charge to hear their song, but fetter’d fast
In bands, unfavour’d, to th’ erected mast,
From whence, if I should pray, or use command,
To be enlarg’d, they should with much more band
Contain my strugglings. This I simply told
To each particular, nor would withhold
What most enjoin’d mine own affection’s stay,
That theirs the rather might be taught t’ obey.
In mean time flew our ships, and straight we fetch’d
The Siren’s isle; a spleenless wind so stretch’d
Her wings to waft us, and so urg’d our keel.
But having reach’d this isle, we could not feel
The least gasp of it, it was stricken dead,
And all the sea in prostrate slumber spread,
The Sirens’ devil charm’d all. Up then flew
My friends to work, struck sail, together drew,
And under hatches stow’d them, sat, and plied
The polish’d oars, and did in curls divide
The white-head waters. My part then came on:
A mighty waxen cake I set upon,
Chopp’d it in fragments with my sword, and wrought
With strong hand ev’ry piece, till all were soft.
The great pow’r of the sun, in such a beam
As then flew burning from his diadem,
To liquefaction help’d us. Orderly
I stopp’d their ears; and they as fair did ply
My feet and hands with cords, and to the mast
With other halsers made me soundly fast.
Then took they seat, and forth our passage strook,
The foamy sea beneath their labour shook.
Row’d on, in reach of an erected voice,
The Sirens soon took note, without our noise,
Tun’d those sweet accents that made charms so strong,
And these learn’d numbers made the Sirens’ song:
_‘Come here, thou worthy of a world of praise,
That dost so high the Grecian glory raise,
Ulysses! stay thy ship, and that song hear
That none pass’d ever but it bent his ear,
But left him ravish’d, and instructed more
By us, than any ever heard before.
For we know all things whatsoever were
In wide Troy labour’d; whatsoever there
The Grecians and the Trojans both sustain’d
By those high issues that the Gods ordain’d.
And whatsoever all the earth can show
T’ inform a knowledge of desert, we know.’_
This they gave accent in the sweetest strain
That ever open’d an enamour’d vein.
When my constrain’d heart needs would have mine ear
Yet more delighted, force way forth, and hear.
To which end I commanded with all sign
Stern looks could make (for not a joint of mine
Had pow’r to stir) my friends to rise, and give
My limbs free way. They freely striv’d to drive
Their ship still on. When, far from will to loose,
Eurylochus and Perimedes rose
To wrap me surer, and oppress’d me more
With many a halser than had use before.
When, rowing on without the reach of sound,
My friends unstopp’d their ears, and me unbound,
And that isle quite we quitted. But again
Fresh fears employ’d us. I beheld a main
Of mighty billows, and a smoke ascend,
A horrid murmur hearing. Ev’ry friend
Astonish’d sat; from ev’ry hand his Oar
Fell quite forsaken; with the dismal roar
Were all things there made echoes; stone-still stood
Our ship itself, because the ghastly flood
Took all men’s motions from her in their own.
I through the ship went, labouring up and down
My friends’ recover’d spirits. One by one
I gave good words, and said: That well were known
These ills to them before, I told them all,
And that these could not prove more capital
Than those the Cyclops block’d us up in, yet
My virtue, wit, and heav’n-help’d counsels set
Their freedoms open. I could not believe
But they remember’d it, and wish’d them give
My equal care and means now equal trust.
The strength they had for stirring up they must
Rouse and extend, to try if Jove had laid
His pow’rs in theirs up, and would add his aid
To ’scape ev’n that death. In particular then,
I told our pilot, that past other men
He most must bear firm spirits, since he sway’d
The continent that all our spirits convey’d,
In his whole guide of her. He saw there boil
The fiery whirlpools that to all our spoil
Inclos’d a rock, without which he must steer,
Or all our ruins stood concluded there.
All heard me and obey’d, and little knew
That, shunning that rock, six of them should rue
The wrack another hid. For I conceal’d
The heavy wounds, that never would be heal’d,
To be by Scylla open’d; for their fear
Would then have robb’d all of all care to steer,
Or stir an oar, and made them hide beneath,
When they and all had died an idle death.
But then ev’n I forgot to shun the harm
Circe forewarn’d; who will’d I should not arm,
Nor show myself to Scylla, lest in vain
I ventur’d life. Yet could not I contain,
But arm’d at all parts, and two lances took,
Up to the foredeck went, and thence did look
That rocky Scylla would have first appear’d
And taken my life with the friends I fear’d.
From thence yet no place could afford her sight,
Though through the dark rock mine eye threw her light,
And ransack’d all ways. I then took a strait
That gave myself, and some few more, receit
’Twixt Scylla and Charybdis; whence we saw
How horridly Charybdis’ throat did draw
The brackish sea up, which when all aboard
She spit again out, never caldron sod
With so much fervour, fed with all the store
That could enrage it; all the rock did roar
With troubled waters; round about the tops
Of all the steep crags flew the foamy drops.
But when her draught the sea and earth dissunder’d,
The troubled bottoms turn’d up, and she thunder’d,
Far under shore the swart sands naked lay.
Whose whole stern sight the startled blood did fray
From all our faces. And while we on her
Our eyes bestow’d thus to our ruin’s fear,
Six friends had Scylla snatch’d out of our keel,
In whom most loss did force and virtue feel.
When looking to my ship, and lending eye
To see my friends’ estates, their heels turn’d high,
And hands cast up, I might discern, and hear
Their calls to me for help, when now they were
To try me in their last extremities.
And as an angler med’cine for surprise
Of little fish sits pouring from the rocks,
From out the crook’d horn of a fold-bred ox,
And then with his long angle hoists them high
Up to the air, then slightly hurls them by,
When helpless sprawling on the land they lie;
So eas’ly Scylla to her rock had rapt
My woeful friends, and so unhelp’d entrapt
Struggling they lay beneath her violent rape,
Who in their tortures, desp’rate of escape,
Shriek’d as she tore, and up their hands to me
Still threw for sweet life. I did never see,
In all my suff’rance ransacking the seas,
A spectacle so full of miseries.
Thus having fled these rocks (these cruel dames
Scylla, Charybdis) where the King of flames
Hath off’rings burn’d to him, our ship put in
The island that from all the earth doth win
The epithet _Faultless,_ where the broad-of-head
And famous oxen for the Sun are fed,
With many fat flocks of that high-gone God.
Set in my ship, mine ear reach’d where we rode
The bellowing of oxen, and the bleat
Of fleecy sheep, that in my memory’s seat
Put up the forms that late had been imprest
By dread Ææn Circe, and the best
Of souls and prophets, the blind Theban seer,
The wise Tiresias, who was grave decreer
Of my return’s whole means; of which this one
In chief he urg’d—that I should always shun
The island of the man-delighting Sun.
When, sad at heart for our late loss, I pray’d
My friends to hear fit counsel (though dismay’d
With all ill fortunes) which was giv’n to me
By Circe’s and Tiresias’ prophecy,—
That I should fly the isle where was ador’d
The Comfort of the world, for ills abhorr’d
Were ambush’d for us there; and therefore will’d
They should put off and leave the isle. This kill’d
Their tender spirits; when Eurylochus
A speech that vex’d me utter’d, answ’ring thus:
‘Cruel Ulysses! Since thy nerves abound
In strength, the more spent, and no toils confound
Thy able limbs, as all beat out of steel,
Thou ablest us too, as unapt to feel
The teeth of Labour, and the spoil of Sleep,
And therefore still wet waste us in the deep,
Nor let us land to eat, but madly now
In night put forth, and leave firm land to strew
The sea with errors. All the rabid flight
Of winds that ruin ships are bred in night.
Who is it that can keep off cruel Death,
If suddenly should rush out th’ angry breath
Of Notus, or the eager-spirited West,
That cuff ships dead, and do the Gods their best?
Serve black Night still with shore, meat, sleep, and ease,
And offer to the Morning for the seas.’
This all the rest approv’d, and then knew I
That past all doubt the Devil did apply
His slaught’rous works. Nor would they be withheld;
I was but one, nor yielded but compell’d.
But all that might contain them I assay’d,
A sacred oath on all their pow’rs I laid,
That if with herds or any richest-flocks
We chanc’d t’ encounter, neither sheep nor ox
We once should touch, nor (for that constant ill
That follows folly) scorn advice and kill,
But quiet sit us down and take such food
As the immortal Circe had bestow’d.
They swore all this in all severest sort;
And then we anchor’d in the winding port
Near a fresh river, where the long’d-for shore
They all flew out to, took in victuals store,
And, being full, thought of their friends, and wept
Their loss by Scylla, weeping till they slept.
In night’s third part, when stars began to stoop,
The Cloud-assembler put a tempest up.
A boist’rous spirit he gave it, drave out all
His flocks of clouds, and let such darkness fall
That Earth and Seas, for fear, to hide were driv’n,
For with his clouds he thrust out Night from heav’n.
At morn we drew our ships into a cave,
In which the Nymphs that Phœbus’ cattle drave
Fair dancing-rooms had, and their seats of state.
I urg’d my friends then, that, to shun their fate,
They would observe their oath, and take the food
Our ship afforded, nor attempt the blood
Of those fair herds and flocks, because they were
The dreadful God’s that all could see and hear.
They stood observant, and in that good mind
Had we been gone; but so adverse the wind
Stood to our passage, that we could not go.
For one whole month perpetually did blow
Impetuous Notus, not a breath’s repair
But his and Eurus’ rul’d in all the air.
As long yet as their ruddy wine and bread
Stood out amongst them, so long not a head
Of all those oxen fell in any strife
Amongst those students for the gut and life;
But when their victuals fail’d they fell to prey,
Necessity compell’d them then to stray
In rape of fish and fowl; whatever came
In reach of hand or hook, the belly’s flame
Afflicted to it. I then fell to pray’r,
And (making to a close retreat repair,
Free from both friends and winds) I wash’d my hands,
And all the Gods besought, that held commands
In liberal heav’n, to yield some mean to stay
Their desp’rate hunger, and set up the way
Of our return restrain’d. The Gods, instead
Of giving what I pray’d for—pow’r of deed—
A deedless sleep did on my lids distill,
For mean to work upon my friends their fill.
For whiles I slept, there wak’d no mean to curb
Their headstrong wants; which he that did disturb
My rule in chief at all times, and was chief
To all the rest in counsel to their grief,
Knew well, and of my present absence took
His fit advantage, and their iron strook
At highest heat. For, feeling their desire
In his own entrails, to allay the fire
That Famine blew in them, he thus gave way
To that affection: ‘Hear what I shall say,
Though words will staunch no hunger, ev’ry death
To us poor wretches that draw temporal breath
You know is hateful; but, all know, to die
The death of Famine is a misery
Past all death loathsome. Let us, therefore, take
The chief of this fair herd, and off’rings make
To all the Deathless that in broad heav’n live,
And in particular vow, if we arrive
In natural Ithaca, to straight erect
A temple to the Haughty-in-aspect,
Rich and magnificent, and all within
Deck it with relics many and divine.
If yet he stands incens’d, since we have slain
His high-brow’d herd, and, therefore, will sustain
Desire to wrack our ship, he is but one,
And all the other Gods that we atone
With our divine rites will their suffrage give
To our design’d return, and let us live.
If not, and all take part, I rather crave
To serve with one sole death the yawning wave,
Than in a desert island lie and sterve,
And with one pin’d life many deaths observe.’
All cried ‘He counsels nobly,’ and all speed
Made to their resolute driving; for the feed
Of those coal-black, fair, broad-brow’d, sun-lov’d beeves
Had place close by our ships. They took the lives
Of sence, most eminent; about their fall
Stood round, and to the States Celestial
Made solemn vows; but other rites their ship
Could not afford them, they did, therefore, strip
The curl’d-head oak of fresh young leaves, to make
Supply of service for their barley-cake.
And on the sacredly-enflam’d, for wine,
Pour’d purest water, all the parts divine
Spitting and roasting; all the rites beside
Orderly using. Then did light divide
My low and upper lids; when, my repair
Made near my ship, I met the delicate air
Their roast exhal’d; out instantly I cried,
And said: ‘O Jove, and all ye Deified,
Ye have oppress’d me with a cruel sleep,
While ye conferr’d on me a loss as deep
As Death descends to. To themselves alone
My rude men left ungovern’d, they have done
A deed so impious, I stand well assur’d,
That you will not forgive though ye procur’d.’
Then flew Lampetié with the ample robe
Up to her father with the golden globe,
Ambassadress t’ inform him that my men
Had slain his oxen. Heart-incensed then,
He cried: ‘Revenge me, Father, and the rest
Both ever-living and for ever blest!
Ulysses’ impious men have drawn the blood
Of those my oxen that it did me good
To look on, walking all my starry round,
And when I trod earth all with meadows crown’d.
Without your full amends I’ll leave heav’n quite,
Dis and the dead adorning with my light.’
The Cloud-herd answer’d: ‘Son! Thou shalt be ours,
And light those mortals in that mine of flow’rs!
My red-hot flash shall graze but on their ship,
And eat it, burning, in the boiling deep.’
This by Calypso I was told, and she
Inform’d it from the verger Mercury.
Come to our ship, I chid and told by name
Each man how impiously he was to blame.
But chiding got no peace, and beeves were slain!
When straight the Gods forewent their following pain
With dire ostents. The hides the flesh had lost
Crept all before them. As the flesh did roast,
It bellow’d like the ox itself alive.
And yet my soldiers did their dead beeves drive
Through all these prodigies in daily feasts.
Six days they banqueted and slew fresh beasts;
And when the sev’nth day Jove reduc’d the wind
That all the month rag’d, and so in did bind
Our ship and us, was turn’d and calm’d, and we
Launch’d, put up masts, sails hoised, and to sea.
The island left so far that land nowhere
But only sea and sky had pow’r t’ appear,
Jove fix’d a cloud above our ship, so black
That all the sea it darken’d. Yet from wrack
She ran a good free time, till from the West
Came Zephyr ruffling forth, and put his breast
Out in a singing tempest, so most vast
It burst the gables that made sure our mast.
Our masts came tumbling down, our cattle down
Rush’d to the pump, and by our pilot’s crown
The main-mast pass’d his fall, pash’d all his skull,
And all this wrack but one flaw made at full.
Off from the stern the sternsman diving fell,
And from his sinews flew his soul to hell.
Together all this time Jove’s thunder chid,
And through and through the ship his lightning glid,
Till it embrac’d her round; her bulk was fill’d
With nasty sulphur, and her men were kill’d,
Tumbled to sea, like sea-mews swum about,
And there the date of their return was out.
I toss’d from side to side still, till all-broke
Her ribs were with the storm, and she did choke
With let-in surges; for the mast torn down
Tore her up piecemeal, and for me to drown
Left little undissolv’d. But to the mast
There was a leather thong left, which I cast
About it and the keel, and so sat tost
With baneful weather, till the West had lost
His stormy tyranny. And then arose
The South, that bred me more abhorréd woes;
For back again his blasts expell’d me quite
On ravenous Charybdis. All that night
I totter’d up and down, till Light and I
At Scylla’s rock encounter’d, and the nigh
Dreadful Charybdis. As I drave on these,
I saw Charybdis supping up the seas,
And had gone up together, if the tree
That bore the wild figs had not rescued me;
To which I leap’d, and left my keel, and high
Chamb’ring upon it did as close imply
My breast about it as a reremouse could;
Yet might my feet on no stub fasten hold
To ease my hands, the roots were crept so low
Beneath the earth, and so aloft did grow
The far-spread arms that, though good height I gat,
I could not reach them. To the main bole flat
I, therefore, still must cling; till up again
She belch’d my mast, and after that amain
My keel came tumbling. So at length it chanc’d
To me, as to a judge that long advanc’d
To judge a sort of hot young fellows’ jars,
At length time frees him from their civil wars,
When glad he riseth and to dinner goes;
So time, at length, releas’d with joys my woes,
And from Charybdis’ mouth appear’d my keel.
To which, my hand now loos’d and now my heel,
I altogether with a huge noise dropp’d,
Just in her midst fell, where the mast was propp’d,
And there row’d off with owers of my hands.
God and man’s Father would not from her sands
Let Scylla see me, for I then had died
That bitter death that my poor friends supplied.
Nine days at sea I hover’d; the tenth night
In th’ isle Ogygia, where, about the bright
And right renown’d Calypso, I was cast
By pow’r of Deity; where I lived embrac’d
With love and feasts. But why should I relate
Those kind occurrents? I should iterate
What I in part to your chaste queen and you
So late imparted. And, for me to grow
A talker-over of my tale again,
Were past my free contentment to sustain.”


Man Woman Myth: Misandry - Rape (4 of 4)
Man Woman Myth: Misandry - Rape (4 of 4) Drums McBashington 27 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣A classic from Man Woman Myth
Snagged from Failtube.

Man Woman Myth: Misandry - Rape (3 of 4)
Man Woman Myth: Misandry - Rape (3 of 4) Drums McBashington 16 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣A classic from Man Woman Myth
Snagged from Failtube.

Man Woman Myth: Misandry - Rape (2 of 4)
Man Woman Myth: Misandry - Rape (2 of 4) Drums McBashington 18 Views • 3 years ago

⁣A classic from Man Woman Myth
Snagged from Failtube.

Man Woman Myth: Misandry - Rape (1 of 4)
Man Woman Myth: Misandry - Rape (1 of 4) Drums McBashington 23 Views • 3 years ago

⁣A classic from Man Woman Myth
Snagged from Failtube.

Man Woman Myth: Introducing the Female Paedophile
Man Woman Myth: Introducing the Female Paedophile Drums McBashington 27 Views • 3 years ago

⁣A classic from Man Woman Myth
Snagged from Failtube.

Kevin Samuel response to Cory.H and apologize to MGTOW
Kevin Samuel response to Cory.H and apologize to MGTOW KenDelrican 106 Views • 3 years ago

Kevin Samuel response to Cory Holcombs
chek out KDR live

Tudo pra elas envolve usar o sexo  parte 2
Tudo pra elas envolve usar o sexo parte 2 liutaio 212 Views • 3 years ago

Essa parte dois vai especialmente pros que dizem que é o ocidente que está sem valore...


⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Join DOGGK on BITCHUTE: ⁣⁣

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Go your own way g

Spooky Spoof - "Least Haunted"! Funny take on Psychic and Ghost shows
Spooky Spoof - "Least Haunted"! Funny take on Psychic and Ghost shows mrghoster 16 Views • 3 years ago

The things Yvette Fielding will do just to get the willies put up her! lol!

Spoof - Heathrow- Britain-s Most Dangerous Airport
Spoof - Heathrow- Britain-s Most Dangerous Airport mrghoster 24 Views • 3 years ago

A lightearted but cynicle look a Heathrow Airport

Tom MacDonald Ft Brandon Hart Ft Nova Rockafeller - Church
Tom MacDonald Ft Brandon Hart Ft Nova Rockafeller - Church Malkav Saiya Yautja 38 Views • 3 years ago

⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}

⁣[Verse 1: Tom MacDonald]

I need a short drink or a long prayer

I've been sober, but I don't care

I'm so scared of my own self

I get no help, and that's no fair

So don't go there, I've been hell and back

I got scorched hair in this Gucci cap

I got empty bottles and a million follows

I regret swallowing the Ativan

Fuck it, let's be real

I resent the way that I feel

I pretend that it's cool, but I miss gettin' drunk

And I'm angry that God doesn't help when I kneel

Fuck it, I said my prayers

When I got cleaned, shit just got worse

I quit doing drugs, and I pleaded with Jesus to save me

But he didn't hear my words

This shit don't work, it hurts

I went to church, now I need liquid courage

Whiskey in my glass, I take the knives out of my back to stir it

Go to hell and back again, then show you burns to prove I earned it

I need shots or God to gain the strength I need, I'm just a person

[Chorus: Tom MacDonald & Nova Rockafeller]

I pray on my way

To the liquor store that they lock the door

'Cause I'll lay in my grave

If the whiskey pours like it did before

I'm scared, I send out a prayer

Can anybody hear me? Is anybody there?

'Cause honestly it hurts and every day is worse

I keep buyin' whiskey when all I need is church

[Verse 2: Brandon Hart]

I keep talkin' to God, but he don't hear me

And my demons are there, always listenin'

I get lost in the dark, drownin' in whiskey

And I went in so far, you say you miss me

I'm on a ship in a bottle, so say goodbye at the shore

Break the glass and you'll find me, I'm not who I was before

Close my eyes in the darkness and hold on through the storm

I'm a wreck in a bottle, I wasn't built for a war

These church pews

Bright lights, whiskey glasses, bottles of booze

Make short days to long nights

The bottle, the Bible, I didn't know what to choose

[Chorus: Tom MacDonald & Nova Rockafeller]

I pray on my way

To the liquor store that they lock the door

'Cause I'll lay in my grave

If the whiskey pours like it did before

I'm scared, I send out a prayer

Can anybody hear me? Is anybody there?

'Cause honestly it hurts and every day is worse

I keep buyin' whiskey when all I need is church

[Bridge: Tom MacDonald]

I can't read, but the Bible's still with me

My eyes can't see from the bottles of whiskey

I don't believe anybody will miss me

And I'm on my knees, tell me, God, are you listenin'?

[Chorus: Tom MacDonald
& Nova Rockafeller]

I pray on my way

To the liquor store that they lock the door

'Cause I'll lay in my grave

If the whiskey pours like it did before

I'm scared, I send out a prayer

Can anybody hear me? Is anybody there?

'Cause honestly it hurts and every day is worst

I keep buyin' whiskey when all I need is church

ГРАЙ - В объятиях Мары (GRAY - In the arms of Mary) (Official Music Video)
ГРАЙ - В объятиях Мары (GRAY - In the arms of Mary) (Official Music Video) Malkav Saiya Yautja 12 Views • 3 years ago

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⁣⁣Белая зима, ой, пришла да не спросила,
Лютая пришла, серебром снегов укрыла.
Превратила в лёд мою душу и сердечко,
Замерзшими слезами покрыла речку.

Белая зима принесла недобры думы.
Солнце спряталось, да на небе полнолунье.
В полутьме брожу, слышу, смерть крадется тихо.
Снежная метель все свистит да кружит лихо.

Лютая зима холод в сердце поселила.
Хладная пришла, ой, пришла да не спросила.
Принесла печаль, забрала все мои силы
Белая зима.

Ели снежные на ветру качаются,
Да лютая зима в сердце не кончается.
Да вьюгою в окно постучалася нежданно
Лютая зима.

Ой, не спится мне, душу полонила вьюга.
Увела зима за собой милого друга.
Погубили душу зимы недобры чары,
Лютая зима забрала в объятия Мары.

Enigma - Mea Culpa Part II
Enigma - Mea Culpa Part II Malkav Saiya Yautja 25 Views • 3 years ago

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⁣Je ne dors plus

(the time has come)

Je te desire

(the time has come)

Prends moi

Je suis a toi

Mea culpa

Je veux aller au bout de mes fantasmes

Je sais que c'est interdit

Je suis folle

Je m'abandonne

Mea culpa

Je suis la et ailleurs

Je n'ai plus rien

Je deviens folle

Je m'abandonne

Mea culpa

Je ne dors plus

Je te desire

Prends moi

Je suis a toi

Je suis la et ailleurs

Je veux tout

Quand tu veux

Comme tu veux

Mea culpa

СЛОТ - Сумерки (The SLoT - Twilight) (Official Music Video)
СЛОТ - Сумерки (The SLoT - Twilight) (Official Music Video) Malkav Saiya Yautja 8 Views • 3 years ago

⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}

⁣Никто не спросит мое 'нет'
Придется мне на этот свет родиться
Могла бы бабочкой я стать
Мерцать морской звездой
Летать как птица
Только это снится

Через годы, через реки
Тянут-потянут срок смертники-бурлаки
С первым криком крылья-веки
Открыли для меня вечные сумерки

Мне в этой тьме дышать одной
Я появилась на чужой планете
И что в себе не изменяй
Я в центре зала
Но меня не встретят
Если только ветер

Через годы, через реки
Тянут-потянут срок смертники-бурлаки
С первым криком крылья-веки
Открыли для меня вечные сумерки

Куда хватает глаз ни конца, ни края
Эта серая стая вокруг стеной вырастает
Знает, не выжить одной иной
Крик выносит за буйки кровавой волной
Здесь дети, старики, ярлыки
Запрещены все языки
Кроме языка бегущей строки
Корпоративно-примитивные моно- микро- мирки
Измеряются длиной протянутой руки
Сначала апатия подглядывает в глазки
Потом распростертые объятия встретят в штыки
Эта братия спустит всех собак и все курки
Короче полный мрак, короче беги
Ночью беги, пока цветные кошки серые
Пока они не приняли меры в соответствии с верой
Не подогнали под размеры, под манеры, под отца и мать
Только бы не сдаться и как они не стать

Через годы, через реки
Тянут-потянут срок смертники-бурлаки
С первым криком крылья-веки
Открыли для меня вечные сумерки

Archive - Here
Archive - Here Malkav Saiya Yautja 28 Views • 3 years ago

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⁣Here it comes
Creeping up
Hold it down
Can't hold it down
Hold it down
Here it comes
Creeping up

✅ VITAMINAS DO COMPLEXO B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6) - Funções, Deficiência e Fontes | Parte I
✅ VITAMINAS DO COMPLEXO B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6) - Funções, Deficiência e Fontes | Parte I フクロウ Fukuro 45 Views • 3 years ago

Em breve disponível a segunda parte ?????

WW3 draft goes to western THOTS.
WW3 draft goes to western THOTS. HennessyVenom 136 Views • 3 years ago

If you submit or come up with some reason in your head "guess i got to do it" taking up responsibility cause you think your a man and men are accountable for womens actions you are not my brother you are my enemy. When world war 3 starts they will only have women fighting and simps. I will never die for this evil western culture. Come up in my comments saying it wont happen thats how i weed out the simps. Women are finished, they get 0 passes, only death awaits them.

Tadinhas, mas só depois do carrossel do mundo que gira.  Ai são elas as mulheres que um Betão vai encontrar para se rela
Tadinhas, mas só depois do carrossel do mundo que gira. Ai são elas as mulheres que um Betão vai encontrar para se rela MGTOWRaiiz 363 Views • 3 years ago

⁣E só depois do carrossel da vida...
Elas são o Vitimismo Puro!
+vai tú Betonilso por uma assim na tua vida!
Vai lá e assume elas ambiguinho!

Se a cruz pesada for, Cristo estará contigo...
Se a cruz pesada for, Cristo estará contigo... MGTOWRaiiz 94 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Mesmo que muitos queiram que o pior te aconteça Deus nunca te desampara.


Olha a Muié feminista quando bate de frentre com um ''Macho escroto'' com a pergunta certa!
Olha a Muié feminista quando bate de frentre com um ''Macho escroto'' com a pergunta certa! MGTOWRaiiz 239 Views • 3 years ago

⁣O inseticida deslas é ter argumentos fortes e perguntas diretas.

Muiéres indo a loucura e imaginando levar um tapa na carnuda, solitária e  fedorenta! Vídeo completo
Muiéres indo a loucura e imaginando levar um tapa na carnuda, solitária e fedorenta! Vídeo completo MGTOWRaiiz 170 Views • 3 years ago

⁣O com homens redpillados MGTOWs e a falta de homem no mercado elas tinham que pirar né?
Ainda mais vendo o cara que manja de temperar um peito de frango, kkkkkkkkkkk ?!

E viva MGTOW!

✅ 10 Principais Alimentos Ricos e Fontes de Vitamina A
✅ 10 Principais Alimentos Ricos e Fontes de Vitamina A フクロウ Fukuro 21 Views • 3 years ago


E Qundo se tratando de Muié
E Qundo se tratando de Muié MGTOWRaiiz 102 Views • 3 years ago

Momento em que a FILHA joga seu PAI INVÁLIDO na piscina, por NÃO QUERER assinar os papéis da HARENCIA...
No caso desse vídeo foi uma foi apenas uma encenação.
Mas casos assim com toda certeza acontece no dia a dia, ainda mais quando se envolve dinheiro bens e muié na historia.
Gostou? Deixe seu like a assine o canal!

✅ Como Calcular O IMC (Índice De Massa Corporal) + Tabela De Referência | Dicas De Nutrição
✅ Como Calcular O IMC (Índice De Massa Corporal) + Tabela De Referência | Dicas De Nutrição フクロウ Fukuro 43 Views • 3 years ago




✅ O que é a Pirâmide Dos Alimentos | Como Funciona ?
✅ O que é a Pirâmide Dos Alimentos | Como Funciona ? フクロウ Fukuro 36 Views • 3 years ago


SHOULD MEN TODAY GET MARRIED ? (USA) Doggk 142 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Join DOGGK on BITCHUTE: ⁣⁣

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Go your own way g

Bill e Melinda Gates anunciam divórcio após 27 anos casados
Bill e Melinda Gates anunciam divórcio após 27 anos casados Falco 56 Views • 3 years ago

⁣O casal fez o anúncio pelas redes sociais, mas confirmou que manterá o trabalho a frente da instituição que leva o nome deles.


⁣Hombres que siguen su propio camino.
Visitanos en MGTOW.TV

What Imagine Will Happen to My Channel Next: A Brief Forecast
What Imagine Will Happen to My Channel Next: A Brief Forecast Francis_UD 13 Views • 3 years ago

⁣In particular, patrons-exclusive contents.
Filmed on 04/05/2021 AEST in the morning while attempting to reset my degenerated circadian rhythm again.

image source:

Shoutouts , thanks to:
Hammer Hand , link to his channel :

Thank you very much for your patronage :
DeltaDan(Formerly DeltaDanMGTOW) & John Smith

Link to his channel:

Link to his Patreon Page:

Perhaps you may want to help another dude who's apparently stranded in a desperate situation:

Link to his video:

Genocide: Just a Different Cultural Norm | Grunt Speak Highlights
Genocide: Just a Different Cultural Norm | Grunt Speak Highlights Terrence Popp 328 Views • 3 years ago

⁣According to the “most popular president ever,” genocide and forced labor camps are just a different cultural norm.
Featuring Polska Bob.
Watch the whole stream here:

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29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407
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Fear and Social Control
Fear and Social Control Jess Sosnoski 25 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Fear and Social Control

Uma Cosplay Se objetifica pra ter mais Fama e Status!
Uma Cosplay Se objetifica pra ter mais Fama e Status! Wall_Mgtow 129 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Não se engane com as tais CosplayGirls pois elas não jogom mas parasitam pra ter money em cima dos seus gadinhos!


BBC - Fake News at Ten
BBC - Fake News at Ten mrghoster 31 Views • 3 years ago

The BBC is determined to vanish up it's own ASS!

Charla MGTOW 3.0 & Aliendas
Charla MGTOW 3.0 & Aliendas CaraBMGTOW 153 Views • 3 years ago

Charla trasmitida originalmente por Latin en la que intentamos dilucidar lo que tenemos en común y limar algunas asperezas tras conflictos en twitter.

My Three Reasons To Avoid Listen to Women
My Three Reasons To Avoid Listen to Women theredpath 72 Views • 3 years ago

My thoughts about why I think that is not a good idea to listen to what women say...

CINDERELA ESCORTS - Leilão de Mulheres Virgens
CINDERELA ESCORTS - Leilão de Mulheres Virgens Nikaido 148 Views • 3 years ago

Homens ricos ceifadores de buças virgens

CIA's new Recruitment VID...We are so Flucked...
CIA's new Recruitment VID...We are so Flucked... erick rendoza 56 Views • 3 years ago

usa is screwed

Existe PROPRIEDADE PRIVADA no BRASIL ? Nikaido 36 Views • 3 years ago

Youtube - ⁣

EX-SATANISTA conta o que fazia EM CLÍNICAS de ABORTO Nikaido 58 Views • 3 years ago

Confissões de um Ex - Satanista

Mar de carros e Motos
Mar de carros e Motos Nikaido 26 Views • 3 years ago

O estado prefere deixar mofando,e talvez pagando aluguel com dinheiro público,do que facilitar a pessoa o acesso ao seu veículo.

Just a rant
Just a rant Crimson Hawk 2 Views • 3 years ago

over here in navada. hope tou men are doing welll

Incels say “getting a women is ascension”. WRONG
Incels say “getting a women is ascension”. WRONG HennessyVenom 80 Views • 3 years ago

Replacing women with artificial wombs and aex robots permanently is mankinds ascension if you dont you will always be held down by their hypergamy stifling collective male effort and growth.

Does Money Make A Man High Value? (Kevin Samuels in Studio)
Does Money Make A Man High Value? (Kevin Samuels in Studio) Donovan Sharpe 55 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Does Money Make A Man High Value? (Kevin Samuels in Studio)

Investimento em experiências, agregando valor e sentindo a  vida!
Investimento em experiências, agregando valor e sentindo a vida! MGTOW_Alfa 49 Views • 3 years ago

Ficou meio longo e meio perdido, mas acho que dá pra tira uma lição!

THE CURRENT SITUATION IN INDIA 2021... ( INTERESTING ! DON'T MISS IT !! ) Doggk 254 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Join DOGGK on BITCHUTE: ⁣⁣

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- There's more to come for the following DAYS ! So stay tuned ✔

Go your own way g

If Men Stop Paying Taxes Women Are Finished - MGTOW
If Men Stop Paying Taxes Women Are Finished - MGTOW Sandman 414 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Robert and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I thought this would be an interesting topic if you decide to cover it. How can red pill/MGTOW guys vote with their dollars? Both in the commercial and political spaces. Not buying from companies like Gillette that ridicule men. Legally limiting personal taxes to not support a government which demonizes men at every turn yet seeks their resources to absolve women of their past bad decisions like paying off their student loans for useless degrees. Also thinking about geoarbitrage. Taking my savings and spending to a country not so toxic towards males. Cheers." Well Robert thanks for the donation and topic. I have a bit of a confession to make. I have to admit to everyone that I broke down and bought Gillette again even after all the insanity. Nothing shaves your back and butt like a Gillette. Just kidding. When I usually buy a box of Razors at Costco the package is massive with twenty plus razors for forty-five bucks. I'm running low on the Gillette razors and I'd have to buy Shick or dollar shave club at some point soon. I don't exactly know what I'm buying and
something tells me I'd probably have to pay more for a worse shave. Plus Gillette seems to have learned their lessons and they toned down the man hating rhetoric. Enough other guys boycotted them to change their behavior so I'm thinking of going back. But Gillette ads were so bad for men that sometimes I wish they would make toxic maxi pad commercials telling women to get back into the kitchen and stop their bitching during their special time of the month. When you bleed red it should remind you that it's time to make some special spaghetti sauce for your man. Before I discuss more things that will help you lose your appetite let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the show. To quickly go back to razors I found that if I have lower stress makes my beard softer meaning I need less razors. Also run your razor under hot water. That gives you a better shave and means your razor will last longer. Also, put hot water on your face first because that helps open up your pores or something like that. Now all that being said I have adopted some tax limiting strategies in my life that go beyond spending fifteen to twenty dollars a year on some social justice shavers. In Canada we have something called a tax free savings account that you are allowed to put seventy-five thousand dollars in with after tax money. But anything that you make in there is completely 100% tax free and you can take it out at any time. It's similar to a Roth IRA in the United States but with those you're only allowed to take the money penalty free once you turn sixty. Plus with the tax free savings account you can take the money out and put it back the following year. The same amount you took out you're allowed to put back in. The contribution room grows to include what you took out. So far I've implemented a strategy with the TFSA and Bitcoin. So for example if someone had maxxed out their TFSA with 75 thousand Canadian dollars in early 2020 with a bitcoin fund they could have 300 thousand in there right now. If Bitcoin goes up four more times in value from here in 2021 then you're looking at 1.2 million in there tax free. Say in the next run in 2025 that initial investment goes to ten million dollars then that's ten million tax free. You invest that at six percent and now you have fifty thousand bucks a month in income tax free. This is not financial advice but what's better than making ten or twenty times your money on Bitcoin and becoming a millionaire? I'll tell you what.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:





SoloMan Woffling
SoloMan Woffling SoloManZone 59 Views • 3 years ago

I wasn't drinking.....I promise

Mother Afraid Her Teen Son Will Learn The Truth About Women | Woman Has 15 Year Affair With Coworker
Mother Afraid Her Teen Son Will Learn The Truth About Women | Woman Has 15 Year Affair With Coworker Donovan Sharpe 14 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Mother Afraid Her Teen Son Will Learn The Truth About Women | Woman Has 15 Year Affair With Coworker

Mother Afraid Her Teen Son Will Learn The Truth About Women | Woman Has 15 Year Affair With Coworker
Mother Afraid Her Teen Son Will Learn The Truth About Women | Woman Has 15 Year Affair With Coworker Donovan Sharpe 4 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Mother Afraid Her Teen Son Will Learn The Truth About Women | Woman Has 15 Year Affair With Coworker

Man Woman Myth: Man's Penis Cut Off: What Is a Man Worth?
Man Woman Myth: Man's Penis Cut Off: What Is a Man Worth? Drums McBashington 22 Views • 3 years ago

⁣A classic from Man Woman Myth
Snagged from Failtube.

Man Woman Myth: Male Circumcision: Radio Interview
Man Woman Myth: Male Circumcision: Radio Interview Drums McBashington 29 Views • 3 years ago

⁣A classic from Man Woman Myth
Snagged from Failtube.

Man Woman Myth: Family - Reproductive Rights (3 of 3)
Man Woman Myth: Family - Reproductive Rights (3 of 3) Drums McBashington 13 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣A classic from Man Woman Myth
Snagged from Failtube.

Man Woman Myth: Family - Reproductive Rights (2 of 3)
Man Woman Myth: Family - Reproductive Rights (2 of 3) Drums McBashington 17 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣A classic from Man Woman Myth
Snagged from Failtube.

Man Woman Myth: Family - Reproductive Rights (1 of 3)
Man Woman Myth: Family - Reproductive Rights (1 of 3) Drums McBashington 13 Views • 3 years ago

⁣A classic from Man Woman Myth
Snagged from Failtube.

Book of Enoch [ likely an oral tradition as Enoch was Noah's ancestor ]
Book of Enoch [ likely an oral tradition as Enoch was Noah's ancestor ] ancientsea 17 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Original Archive Narration by WR Hobbs

Enoch preceeded Noah...therefore this books oral tradions were pre-deluvian,

YOW PUTTING ME IN DANGER! mrghoster 32 Views • 3 years ago

NHS security goon tries to get shitty with pubic person filming Vacine Station?

Usa is paying alimony to its wife until it goes bankrupt.
Usa is paying alimony to its wife until it goes bankrupt. HennessyVenom 64 Views • 3 years ago

IF we have a world war do not support usa as women revert back to chameleopn status and larp as trad to avoid death when they caused this is the first place. SEND WOMEN TO THE FRONT LINES TO DIE OR FUCK OFF.

Social Collapse Best Practices | Dmitry Orlov, He moved back to Russia hello....
Social Collapse Best Practices | Dmitry Orlov, He moved back to Russia hello.... erick rendoza 39 Views • 3 years ago

A close student and observer of the collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe twenty years ago, engineer Dmitry Orlov finds a similar sequence of events taking shape in America. His savagely humorous presentation spells out how Russia was better prepared than the US is for the stages of collapse that begin with financial meltdown. Renewal awaits on the other side of collapse, and there are ways to hasten that process. Orlov is the author of "Reinventing Collapse: Soviet Example and American Prospects" (02008).

"Social Collapse Best Practices" was given on February 13, 02009 as part of Long Now's Seminar series. The series was started in 02003 to build a compelling body of ideas about long-term thinking from some of the world's leading thinkers. The Seminars take place in San Francisco and are curated and hosted by Stewart Brand. To follow the talks, you can:

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O sexo é sempre uma alternativa para terem o que querem.
O sexo é sempre uma alternativa para terem o que querem. liutaio 188 Views • 3 years ago

Mesmo quando tentam fazer outras coisas na vida, não se enganem, o sexo sempre é uma alternativa para conseguirem coisas sem o qual não conseguiriam.
Essa daí não pode competir com outros pianistas e apelou para a nudez para chamar atenção. O mesmo elas fazem em TODAS as profissões. Quem acha que não está iludido. Mesmo que tenham profissão toda mulher é prostituta

Muié orgulhosa, mostrando seu talento!
Muié orgulhosa, mostrando seu talento! MGTOWRaiiz 227 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Essa sim é uma muié de "Orgulho" que um Beta Blue pill vai assumir!

Elas EXIGEM tanto é NÃO OFERECEM NADA -PODCAST MGTOWRaiiz 66 Views • 3 years ago

E mesmo elas Sem nada a oferecer, querem tudo o que possam ganhar.


⁣Nada vai ser igual o que era antes!

Never Getting Married? Welcome to the Red Pill. | Grunt Speak Highlights
Never Getting Married? Welcome to the Red Pill. | Grunt Speak Highlights Terrence Popp 429 Views • 3 years ago

⁣There are tons of dudes out there who have taken the Crimson Capsule and don’t even know it..
Featuring Thumprr the Redneck Comic.
Originally aired on February 11, 2021

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or send one-time tips through SubscribeStar:

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Send physical donations to: Productions
29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407
Royal Oak, MI 48072
If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3
All donations are tax deductible

You can watch Grunt Speak Live on these channels!

Essa sim é ''muié de verdade''! E ela ainda não perde tempo em acompanhando um aulinha!
Essa sim é ''muié de verdade''! E ela ainda não perde tempo em acompanhando um aulinha! MGTOWRaiiz 201 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Esse "empoderada virtuosa" aí não perde aula nem fhudendho.


⁣Putz! kkkkkkkk meu deus, os boomer são tristes viu!

What Is Intelligence
What Is Intelligence SoloManZone 79 Views • 3 years ago

I'm thinking

Manginas nível ultra mega masters!!
Manginas nível ultra mega masters!! Incognito X 94 Views • 3 years ago

Como um cara perde seu tempo pra comer uma mulher dessas?!
Não sei qual é o pior, aquele que assume compromisso sério com a jubarte, ou o que come pra ela se vingar do ex.

Politicians and money
Politicians and money erick rendoza 19 Views • 3 years ago

Not sure what movie but could cross reference the actors

How to get to work
How to get to work erick rendoza 29 Views • 3 years ago


How to stop a robbery at the pump
How to stop a robbery at the pump erick rendoza 69 Views • 3 years ago

asian style

Dog joke
Dog joke erick rendoza 30 Views • 3 years ago

Kinda funny

Unvaccinated they will be doing what HITLER did. Blame them for your problems
Unvaccinated they will be doing what HITLER did. Blame them for your problems erick rendoza 81 Views • 3 years ago

Leana Wen, M.D.

· 16h
Guidance for the vaccinated needs to be much more nuanced: those vaccinated are at much lower risk to themselves & others, and people need to decide what’s right for each person. The vaccinated are not a threat to public health; focus should be to incentivizing the unvaccinated.

TRAFFIC COCKS mrghoster 21 Views • 3 years ago

A look into the useless, pointless lives of The Traffic Cock's.

On Life After Death, by Carl Jung  -> Audio  Text
On Life After Death, by Carl Jung -> Audio Text ancientsea 26 Views • 3 years ago

⁣On Life after Death by C.G. Jung is a shorter discussion on the nature of the soul based on Jung’s own experience

Showing 1197 out of 1198