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called her "Best [platonic] Friend" Lets have sex!
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This is pretty shitty, beta cuck in the friendzone thinks he finally gets lucky

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Mangina - El Observador
Mangina - El Observador Adonis MGTOW 291 Views • 4 years ago


En este corto de 8 minutos El
Observador nos explica el concepto MGTOW de mangina, también conocido como
Hombroño, una subespecie de hombre proveniente de la decadente masculinidad

El feminismo ha logrado sembrar el
odio hacia el varón en la población femenina, las ha convencido que el origen
de todos los problemas son los hombres, pero… ¿Qué sienten y piensan los
hombres cuando se les acusa de estas cosas?

Los más listos sabrán que se trata
de un mal chiste y de una forma de discriminación sexista hacia ellos, sin
embargo, un varón inocente, ingenuo, sensible y honesto sentirá vergüenza de
ser hombre cuando escucha la palabra patriarcado, destruirá su propia dignidad
para servir a las necesidades de una mujer cuando escucha el concepto “Macho
opresor” y le dará pena competir con una mujer en la escuela o en una empresa
cuando escucha el concepto de la “Brecha salarial”.

Así es como en las sociedades
modernas ha surgido una nueva raza de hombres, los manginas u Hombroños,
hombres que han arrojado su dignidad por la borda y se creen que el único
propósito en la vida es tener sexo con las mujeres y eventualmente encontrar a
esa chica especial y única que existe solo para él, idea que han recibido de
las películas de Hollywood y de los comerciales que bombardean su mente cientos
de veces todos los días para venderle productos basura.

Hombroño estará dispuesto a
humillarse y arrastrarse por tener sexo con las mujeres, pues la sociedad lo ha
convencido que tener sexo con una mujer es el mayor logro que puede alcanzar un
hombre en toda su vida, incluso algunos se humillan ya no por la garantía del
sexo sino por la simple posibilidad de que algún día muy muy lejano esa mujer a
la que ha idealizado lo acoja entre sus extremidades y le dé acceso a lo que él
considera una cavidad sagrada.

Uno de los objetivos de la
filosofía MGTOW es decirle la verdad a los hombres para así disminuir la
cantidad de suicidios masculinos que ocurren en la distópica sociedad moderna,
pero también sirve para disminuir la población de manginas dándoles a ingerir
la píldora roja.

?? ??? ?????

????? ??:



??? ????:



????? ??????:

Why women are not Real women these days? (133)
Why women are not Real women these days? (133) StandUpMen 90 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣in this video ⁣we will talk about ⁣Why women are not Real women these days?

⁣⁣On Sale FemaleNature psychology and behaviour that will blow you away

USD$9.00 money back gaurantee via pay pal -

El Mejor Comentario De Una Mujer Visto Hasta Ahora En Mi Canal (Che Morpheus)
El Mejor Comentario De Una Mujer Visto Hasta Ahora En Mi Canal (Che Morpheus) Biblioteca Hombres Libres 131 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Canal Che Morpheus:
Canal Principal:

Link Bonus:

Che Morpheus Es uno de los primeros y mejores creadores de contenido de la filosofía de los hombres libres en español. En este video Che analiza una gran pildora roja, donde una comentarista nos confirma que todo lo explicado por MGTOW es cierto


MGTOW no es una secta (Patricia MGTOW)
MGTOW no es una secta (Patricia MGTOW) Biblioteca Hombres Libres 79 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Canal de Patricia:

Patricia gestiona un canal de contenido que expone datos de forma muy objetiva si te gusta aprender con datos y razonamiento lógico recomiendo seguir su canal.

En este video Patricia desmiente la falacia usada ad nauseam de que la filosofia MGTOW es una secta, cada uno de nosotros somos hombres con criterio propio, somo hombres libres.

Visita mi canal principal para ver más videos:

Policial mangina subestima fêmea e paga pra ver!!
Policial mangina subestima fêmea e paga pra ver!! Incognito X 221 Views • 4 years ago

Notem!! Ela está mexendo no porta luvas e o idiota não puxa a arma de fogo.

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This is a LIVE stream

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בחורה טובה, עושה מה שאתה אומר לה לעשות???

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"I am opposed to selective condemnation from any side of the political chasm; on the Left ignoring or minimizing the Bolshevik, Leninist-Stalinist Soviet, and Maoist crimes, and on the far Right, largely oblivious HItler's tyranny." - Michael Hoffman

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מי נגד שואת גברים??? שיצטרף אלי!!!

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מצעד הגאווה מגעיל ומבחיל אותי בתור גבר 100% סטרייט.

OUTCRY TO THE WORLD, FROM ISRAEL!!! (NL+ENG subtitles) erick rendoza 42 Views • 4 years ago

Ilana Rachel Daniel came with an emotional outcry for help from Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. At record speed, the government is trying to vaccinate the entire population - including pregnant women and small children - against the corona virus. "Civil rights are put aside and people can only participate in society again after vaccination," told Ilana to Flavio Pasquino in the BLCKBX studio via a live stream connection, who tracked down Ilana after an - even - more emotional audio clip on Telegram. Ilana talks about the Green Pass, the Freedom Bracelet, the mRNA vaccine and human rights violations. "Currently reminiscent of the Holocaust," said the Jewess who emigrated from the US to Jerusalem 30 years ago.

Ilana Rachel is active in Jerusalem as a health advisor and information officer for a new political party (Rappeh) that is heavily opposed by the regime. Opening a banc account is not possible and members of the party are also thwarted in their daily lives.

This is an official platform to find more info about Rappeh:

The facebook group has been removed and the site can no longer be found, but through this newspaper article you can find some information about the activities of her and the party.

BLCKBX is a Dutch YouTube platform including a website with a sharp focus on society matters. We are critical and seeking for truth in a investigative way but we don’t want to polarise the debates. If you want to support our work please donate what ever you can so we can maintain the important work.

Donations are possible via

Nederlandse info:

Note: de video bevat Nederlandse ondertitels.

Ilana Rachel Daniel doet een emotionele noodkreet vanuit Jeruzalem, de hoofdstad van Israël. In een record tempo probeert de regering de gehele bevolking - inclusief zwangere vrouwen en kleine kinderen - te vaccineren tegen het corona virus. “Burgerrechten worden ter zijde geschoven en mensen kunnen pas weer deelnemen aan de samenleving na vaccinatie”, vertel Ilana via een livestream verbinding aan Flavio Pasquino in de BLCKBX studio, die Ilana op het spoort kwam n.a.v. een - nog - emotionelere audio clip op Telegram. Ilana vertelt over de Green Pass, de Freedom Bracelet, het mRNA vaccin en de mensenrechten schendingen. “Die momenteel doen denken aan de Holocaust”, aldus de Jodin die 30 jaar geleden vanuit de US naar Jeruzalem emigreerde.

Ilana Rachel is in Jeruzalem actief als gezondheidsadviseur en voorlichter van een nieuwe politieke partij die flink wordt tegengewerkt door het regime. Een bankrekening openen, is niet mogelijk en ook worden leden van de partij in hun dagelijks leven tegengewerkt.

Dit is het online platform van Rappeh:

De facebook groep is verwijderd en ook de site is niet meer te vinden maar via dit kranten artikel kun je toch wat info vinden over de activiteiten van haar en de partij;

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Jij kan helpen met een donatie maar ook door deze video te delen op social media en/of via whatt's app, telegram, signal, messenger, what ever...als de video maar zoveel mogelijk mensen bereikt.

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פדופיליה, זה אך ורק מתחת לגיל 3??? על פי ההלכה היהודית שקיבלנו ממשה רבנו בהר סיני.
פדופיליה, זה אך ורק מתחת לגיל 3??? על פי ההלכה היהודית שקיבלנו ממשה רבנו בהר סיני. Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 28 Views • 4 years ago

פדופיליה, זה אך ורק מתחת לגיל 3??? על פי ההלכה היהודית שקיבלנו ממשה רבנו בהר סיני.

חזקיהו מחליף את מייקל לואיס?
חזקיהו מחליף את מייקל לואיס? Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 27 Views • 4 years ago

חזקיהו מחליף את מייקל לואיס?

The Importance Of Having A Healthy Community
The Importance Of Having A Healthy Community Shadow Monk 41 Views • 4 years ago

Learning to let go and put the past behind us. I wish you guys good luck, I only want the best for MGTOW, Which I Apoligize for my outburst on my rant eventhough I never meant it for you gentlemen...plz forgive me.. Love&Cheers

; )


⁣Muitas dessas GAME GIRLS fazem de tudo pra ter status e fama, se fazendo de santas e tem perfis apelativos nos gados e abrindo o Only Fans, Egirl parece ser mais ""conservadora"" A egirl gosta de ficar na coleira e levar tapa na cara, uma GP Digital rodam geral pra ter fama com e Zé Droguinha, youtubers e pro player ganhando MONEY com sua hipocrísia hipergâmica modernete.

Não sejam gado de mulher mordenete e nem das falsas fraudes chamada de Garota Gamer Hardcore com milhares de gados com tiktok/twitch e only fans!.

SEDUCED | Inside the NXIVM Cult | Episódio 4 - EXPOSTA
SEDUCED | Inside the NXIVM Cult | Episódio 4 - EXPOSTA フクロウ Fukuro 55 Views • 4 years ago


SEDUCED | Inside the NXIVM Cult | Episódio 3 - ESCRAVIZADA
SEDUCED | Inside the NXIVM Cult | Episódio 3 - ESCRAVIZADA フクロウ Fukuro 73 Views • 4 years ago

⁣RECOMENDO A TODOS A ASSISTIREM: Esse documentário de quatro episódios, é RED PILL RAIZ. Expõem como as mulheres não conseguem assumir responsabilidades por suas péssimas escolhas individuais e como elas são facilmente manipuláveis e fúteis. Também expõe como ao longo dos programas de educação promovidos pela NXIVM elas se tornaram mais dóceis e fieis mostrando como as femeas estão pré progamadas a buscarem serem dominadas e buscarem fortes emoções. Também nos deixa uma dúvida... O quão longe irá o delírio Feminista.

SEDUCED | Inside the NXIVM Cult | Episódio 2 - DOUTRINADA
SEDUCED | Inside the NXIVM Cult | Episódio 2 - DOUTRINADA フクロウ Fukuro 159 Views • 4 years ago

⁣RECOMENDO A TODOS A ASSISTIREM: Esse documentário de quatro episódios é RED PILL RAIZ. Expõem como as mulheres não conseguem assumir responsabilidades por suas péssimas escolhas individuais e como elas são facilmente manipuláveis e fúteis. Também expõe como ao longo dos programas de educação promovidos pela NXIVM elas se tornaram mais dóceis e fieis mostrando como as femeas estão pré progamadas a buscarem serem dominadas e buscarem fortes emoções.

WOMAN GETS THROWN OUT A 7 ELEVEN... (USA) Doggk 277 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Join DOGGK on BITCHUTE: ⁣⁣

⁣⁣⁣- Please hit the "LIKE"- button and don't forget to "SUBSCRIBE" ✔
- COMMENT & SHARE if you liked the video !
- There's more to come for the following DAYS ! So stay tuned ✔

Go your own way g

SEDUCED | Inside the NXIVM Cult | Episódio 1 - FISGADA
SEDUCED | Inside the NXIVM Cult | Episódio 1 - FISGADA フクロウ Fukuro 91 Views • 4 years ago

RECOMENDO A TODOS A ASSISTIREM: Esse documentário de quatro episódios é RED PILL RAIZ. Expõem como as mulheres não conseguem assumir responsabilidades por suas péssimas escolhas individuais e como elas são facilmente manipuláveis e fúteis. Também expõe como ao longo dos programas de educação promovidos pela NXIVM elas se tornaram mais dóceis e fieis mostrando como as femeas estão pré progamadas a buscarem serem dominadas e buscarem fortes emoções.

My Wife Won't Let Me Buy Bitcoin LOL - MGTOW
My Wife Won't Let Me Buy Bitcoin LOL - MGTOW Sandman 283 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

I buy $500/month of bitcoin. My wife hates it. Should I care?

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is cover a Tampa Bay Times article called "I buy $500/month of bitcoin. My wife hates it. Should I care?" which I've put a link to in the description. Here's are the initial remarks by someone named Crypto Chris has to say and I quote: "Dear Penny, My wife and I have an agreement where we each are allowed to spend $500 a month however we choose. We have emergency savings, we both contribute to our retirement accounts and we have college savings plans for both of our kids. I’ve recently started using my $500 to invest in bitcoin, and my wife is furious. She hates bitcoin because I lost money on it a couple years back. But I only jumped back into it in August, and already I’ve tripled my money. If we’re allowed to spend our money however we want, shouldn’t I be allowed to invest in bitcoin? She’s wasted money by buying too many clothes and doing DIY projects that would have been cheaper just to pay someone else to do. I’ve never complained because it’s her $500." unquote. So thank you Thomas for the donation and I'll respond to Crypto Chris's comments in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the crypto clown world show. I'll share my own thoughts about this situation first and then I'll go through the comments of Penny the penny hoarder a little bit later. Of course this is a double standard. The wife is allowed to spend her money on useless consumer goods like clothes and do it yourself projects that probably never get done. Or if they do they never get done properly. Maybe the wife of Chris doesn't like crypto because if he's right this time and it goes up ten times from where he invested his money right now and say he has sixty thousand dollars in a year to spend on whatever he likes instead of only six thousand then she's going to get pissy because he might have enough to buy himself a new sports car or fishing boat and enjoy his life for a change. Meanwhile she'll be sulking by schlepping around paint buckets in the backyard. But that's ok because most women use their cooch to capture the value of the money that men make. Chris will be able to spend some of his money. Sorry our money. Because in the end she will have spent the first $500 dollars she was budgeted each month for herself and after Bitcoin goes up another two or three times she's going to spend another five hundred dollars a month that belongs to him. Odds are he's going to simp out and give her some money. But if she takes it she's going to look like an idiot because she told him not to invest it but she's a woman and she's mostly likely going to take it. He can use that money, if he makes a ton of Bitcoin to shame her and hold it over her head. Remember women deal in social currency. If her husband wins and she attacked him and told him not to do it then her social currency goes down if she spends any of the crypto currency he gives her. Chris doesn't see things that way but she does. Women don't want to feel like they owe men something. They hate that. Also it's a husbands' responsibility to make more money than she can spend in her life as well as to stand up to her financial shit tests. If he's really sneaky he'll put a woman in a tough position. For example one of my favorite recent authors Jeff Booth had to get permission from his wife to write the book called the Price of Tomorrow. What if she had told him no? Would he have still written it? If he hadn't then I never would have bought Bitcoin because he gave me the perfect use case. I'd hate to think that I might not own any Bitcoin right now because his wife said no. The guy is super successful as an entrepreneur yet he still needed his wife to write him a metaphorical permission slip. If she had said no I think he would have still written it because of his children. You tell your wife you want to write a book because you love your children and you ask her if you can. What is she going to say don't write it because I hate our kids? It's the perfect plausible deniability regardless of if his reason was genuine or not.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

A mulher como sempre vulnerabilizando o homem e os filhos. E o homem como sempre tendo que limpar a merda.
A mulher como sempre vulnerabilizando o homem e os filhos. E o homem como sempre tendo que limpar a merda. Incognito X 174 Views • 4 years ago


An Apology For My RageRant
An Apology For My RageRant Shadow Monk 27 Views • 4 years ago

Sorry for my temper guys, The rant wasnt for you guys, Just for the assholes who dont truly care. I'll still care and supoort you guys.

Broke niggas don’t get nun ever
Broke niggas don’t get nun ever NotchLion 99 Views • 4 years ago

if you are Broke it's over for you most girls are Golddiggers and Attention Whores

Total surveillance future short film
Total surveillance future short film AmanleyLoad 36 Views • 4 years ago

A short film i found

Man Catches Officer Trespassing and Orders Him to Leave
Man Catches Officer Trespassing and Orders Him to Leave erick rendoza 80 Views • 4 years ago

Man Catches Officer Trespassing and Orders Him to Leave

[MGTOW BACKLASH GIRLS WANT TO SUBMIT TO MEN IN 2021] 5 girls feat. Jibrizy (Fresh and Fit Afterhours)
[MGTOW BACKLASH GIRLS WANT TO SUBMIT TO MEN IN 2021] 5 girls feat. Jibrizy (Fresh and Fit Afterhours) Lucifer 448 Views • 4 years ago

Want to meet attractive women as seen here? On today's late night podcast we had 5 ladies in the studio.

00:00-4:51- Intro, announcements, girls introduce themselves
4:51- What do the ladies rate themselves?
11:00-Ladies stand up and show the goods ;)
12:40-What do the ladies want on a one night stand v a husband?
30:32-Where do the guys see themselves in 10 years (Ladies ask)
32:47-What do the guys look for in women (Ladies)
40:16-What do the ladies bring to the table
48:57-What are the ladies thoughts on polygamy?
54:29-Myron breaks down why men can be polygamous but women can't (LISTEN UP!)
01:04:50-Ladies ask the guys what men want
01:09:51-The REAL reason men dislike masculine women (Mic Drop moment)
01:11:27-What type of women do guys want with them in public (ladies question)
01:17:51-Why successful men don't seriously date successful women
01:20:49-The importance of context of HOW you meet women impacting close rates
01:34:24-Funny moment from Coco (Str*pper tales haha)
01:41:00 -Can women approach men?
01:46:40-Super Chats Qs, Jokes, Outro

Guests & IGs (Ladies):
Jaclyn: @Jaclyntestone
Chloe aka Coco: @Chloesannito
Kailyn: @Kailynstein
Seda: @Seda.davoyan
Margarita: Margarita__mar
Jibrizy: Jibrizy



?(Get our Fresh&fit gear):

Get my FREE E-Book, unplugging from Matrix of Fitness and Game HERE and EARLY ACCESS to the IG Course HERE:

Apple Podcast:

?(Social Media)
Tiktok: @realtalkmiami

?(Book 1 on 1 Conslutation)

?(Collaboration/sponsorship inquiries):
[email protected]


?AFFILIATE LINKS? (In Studio Equipment We Use):

?(Camera Equipment):

Sony Alpha a6400 Camera Full Package:
Sony a6400 (Camera Only):
Sony Camera Zoom Lens:
Camera Tripod For Cameras:
Sony Power Supply:
Livestream Camera Switcher:
Elgato 4k Cam Link:

?(Sound Equipment):

Shure SM7B Microphone:
Rode Wireless Microphone:
Shure Microphone Stand:
Stream Deck For Sound Effects:
Shure MV7 Microphone:
Cloudlifter Microphone Activator:
Cloud Microphones Cloudlifter:
RodeCaster Pro Podcast Studio:

?(PC Setup):

38-Inch Studio Monitor:
PC Case:
Ryzen 9 3900XT CPU:
Rtx 2060 Super Graphics Card:
CPU Liquid Cooler:
64 GB RAM (2x32GB):
1 TB PC Hard Drive:
Gaming Keyboard:
Mouse Pad:
Logitech Gaming Mouse: Logitech Gaming Mouse
Bluetooth Mouse:
Monitor Extension Arm:


Studio Video Lights:
Studio Light Stands:
Light Umbrella:
Elgato LED Light Pannel:

?(Wires Used To Connect Equipment):

HDMI Adapter:
Cable Management Box:
Power Strip:
Microphone Cable Male to Female:
Headphone Extension Cable:
Cable Management Sleeves:

Is the US Breaking Apart_ _ Why Some Conservatives Want to Form New States
Is the US Breaking Apart_ _ Why Some Conservatives Want to Form New States PlazmoidialSoup 32 Views • 4 years ago

Is the US Breaking Apart? | Why Some Conservatives Want to Form New States






America Uncovered
417K subscribers


Published on Mar 16, 2021
The political divide in the United States is at an all time high. And some red counties in blue states want to break off to become their own states. The divide between conservative values and liberal values, over issues like abortion, immigration, and gun control are fueling what's called state partition proposals. But is this possible? And will the new country of Cascadia be formed? Or are we headed to another American Civil War?



state of jefferson jefferson state portland oregon eastern washington washington state

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Animated Soviet Propaganda American Imperialist The Millionaire


GOON CARTOONS is a creator and curator of funny, cartoon and basically sick-ass videos! WE make Cartoons, Shorts, Skits and wacky crap! We also find and upload Vintage public domain commercials, sex Ed videos and strange vids that can't be seen anywhere else.

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Miss this fucker what a great actor/comedian

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To help understand WhitePill knowledge which is the final level or the ultimate RedPill, The spiritual RedPill. Which the WhitePill is the RedPill of all RedPills.

; )

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Best version of this 1977 TV special that reunited the original TV show's cast and served as a pilot for a potential new series (which never happened because it was a bomb).

Critica a los Gurús de la Seducción PUA - MGTOW DEL FUTURO ALTERNATIVO
Critica a los Gurús de la Seducción PUA - MGTOW DEL FUTURO ALTERNATIVO ElMensajeroMGTOW 57 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Critica a los Gurús de la Seducción PUA - MGTOW DEL FUTURO ALTERNATIVO
Joan Zeroz

17 Nations Ban Covid-19 Vaccine
17 Nations Ban Covid-19 Vaccine erick rendoza 69 Views • 4 years ago


Sororidade feminina e a hipócrita autocensura
Sororidade feminina e a hipócrita autocensura CN 127 Views • 4 years ago


woman protest
woman protest Mgtow live 82 Views • 4 years ago

woman protest

20200430 VHH-395 Recebi caneta espiã pelo FedEx
20200430 VHH-395 Recebi caneta espiã pelo FedEx VITOR HONK BACK UP 19 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 395

Modernos Degenerados: a Modernidade como Racionalização da Perversão| Michael Jones, livro em análise
Modernos Degenerados: a Modernidade como Racionalização da Perversão| Michael Jones, livro em análise Jadem Freitas 57 Views • 4 years ago

Livro em análise: "Modernos Degenerados: a Modernidade como Racionalização da Perversão" de Michael Jones
Voz e análise: Jadem Freitas

20200426 VHH-394 Aviso De Live
20200426 VHH-394 Aviso De Live VITOR HONK BACK UP 7 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 394


⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Join DOGGK on BITCHUTE: ⁣⁣

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- There's more to come for the following DAYS ! So stay tuned ✔

Go your own way g

20200426 VHH-393 Vitor conversa com Lord
20200426 VHH-393 Vitor conversa com Lord VITOR HONK BACK UP 29 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 393

KING ZUCK: Facebook Global Planning Lead Reveals Need for Government Intervention
KING ZUCK: Facebook Global Planning Lead Reveals Need for Government Intervention Jess Sosnoski 28 Views • 4 years ago

KING ZUCK: Facebook Global Planning Lead Reveals Need for Government Intervention

Funça sendo Funça. Políciais de Formosa Província da Argentina,atacando manifestantes.
Funça sendo Funça. Políciais de Formosa Província da Argentina,atacando manifestantes. Airuf Sigma 89 Views • 4 years ago


What Is A Spun Bearing?  What Is A Spun Rod, Main, or Cam Bearing?  What Causes A Spun Bearing?
What Is A Spun Bearing? What Is A Spun Rod, Main, or Cam Bearing? What Causes A Spun Bearing? erick rendoza 12 Views • 4 years ago

What is a spun bearing? In this video you will learn what a spun bearing is, why a bearing spins, what can cause a bearing to spin, what are the symptoms, and how do you fix it.

Thank you to those that provided donations to this channel at [email protected] on Paypal, you make these videos possible.

Inside An Off-Grid Hippie Community in Costa Rica
Inside An Off-Grid Hippie Community in Costa Rica erick rendoza 44 Views • 4 years ago

See the UNCUT INTERVIEW with Stephen Brooks on my Patreon Sky Life Uncut:

In this video, I share my experience of spending a week at Punta Mona, an off-the-grid permaculture ecovillage and hippie commune tucked inside the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica.

Punta Mona is an off-the-grid permaculture community home to hundreds of varieties of tropical fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, and medicinal plants. The humans who inhabit this land are passionate about living in harmony with nature and each other.

Founded in 1997 by visionary permaculture expert and plant wizard, Stephen Brooks, Punta Mona was built for sustainability and regenerative living, as a solution to the modern ways of life that are destroying natural systems.

When I saw Punta Mona featured on the hit Netflix show, “Down to the Earth with Zac Efron” I knew it was a place I needed to visit someday. I didn’t expect that day to come so quickly. So when I was invited by my dear friend Kiley to spend New Years' at Punta Mona, I knew I had to go. I made the decision last minute to take off to Costa Rica after Christmas, to witness how the community at Punta Mona lives.

Throughout my week at Punta Mona, I met so many incredible human beings who care so much about the Planet and being good stewards of this earth. I learned so much about permaculture, sustainability, farming, growing food, off-the-grid living, solar energy, composting, and all sorts of regenerative techniques that allow humans to live more sustainably and in harmony with the land.

THANK YOU to Lila Behr for sharing her fantastic footage with me
Gaia Protection:

THANK YOU to Louis Cole for the dope drone shots!

Music Credits:
"Young" by Zane Christopher

"Four Leaf Clover" by Elle Beale

Check-out Punta Mona!


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Hear what changed Trump voters' minds about vaccine brain washing...
Hear what changed Trump voters' minds about vaccine brain washing... erick rendoza 50 Views • 4 years ago

CNN's Anderson Cooper speaks with former CDC director, Tom Frieden, about a recent focus group conducted by a Republican pollster consisting of vaccine-hesitant Trump voters, who spoke about why they are reluctant to receive the Covid-19 vaccine.

#CNN #News

The Biden Administration using the US military to illegally occupy NE Syria
The Biden Administration using the US military to illegally occupy NE Syria erick rendoza 62 Views • 4 years ago

Big corporations and the agenda if people only read how much war costs we could all buy homes and new cars.
Smedley Butler you were right 1000 percent keep your military within 500 miles from US shores.

I’m glad that some of my former colleagues in Congress are speaking out against the recent unconstitutional airstrikes in Syria - but they’re ignoring the bigger issue: the regime change war the US continues to wage in Syria using al-Qaeda/al-Nusra/HTS terrorists as our proxy ground force, who now occupy and control the city of Idlib, imposing Sharia Law and “cleansing” the area of most Christians and religious minorities.

The Biden Administration continues to use the US military to illegally occupy NE Syria to "take the oil" as Trump so crassly but honestly put it, violating international law.

A modern-day siege of draconian embargo/sanctions similar to what the Saudi-US alliance employed in Yemen is causing death & suffering for millions of innocent Syrians, depriving them of food, medicine, clean water, energy & warmth, and making it impossible for the Syrian people to try to rebuild their war-torn country.

Skillful Mechanic Intelligently Restore an Old Truck Alternator
Skillful Mechanic Intelligently Restore an Old Truck Alternator erick rendoza 15 Views • 4 years ago

project 04

If only western society would adopt this mind set.

How to rewind a starter Body starter armature rewinding part 2
How to rewind a starter Body starter armature rewinding part 2 erick rendoza 26 Views • 4 years ago

part 1 ?
These craftsman have amazing truck manufacturing and crafting skills.
Watch the complete video to find out their process of repairing and restorations.                       
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Παγκοσμιοποίηση και εξωγήινοι (1/18)
Παγκοσμιοποίηση και εξωγήινοι (1/18) erick rendoza 10 Views • 4 years ago

Ο Alex Collier, ο οποίος βρίσκεται σε τηλεπαθητική επαφή με την εξωγήινη φυλή των Ανδρομεδίων, μιλά για τα ακόλουθα θέματα, με βάση τις πληροφορίες που παίρνει από αυτούς: Γκρίζοι, Δρακονιανοί, Ομάδα του Ωρίωνα, η ατζέντα των προηγουμένων για τη Γη, ρόλος των Ανδρομεδίων, Πλειάδιοι, άλλες εξωγήινες φυλές και η σχέση τους με τη Γη, ανθρώπινη πνευματικότητα, ανθρώπινες θρησκείες, ταξική διαίρεση της κοινωνίας, γήινες κυβερνήσεις, Νέα Τάξη Πραγμάτων, εξέγερση ενάντια στο κατεστημένο, οικολογική ρύπανση, πολυεθνικές, αυτοματισμός της ζωής και καταναλωτισμός, η ιστορία του πλανήτη, εξωγήινες φυλές που έχουν αποικίσει τη Γη, 2012 και άνοδος σε υψηλότερη διάσταση, οι διάφορες διαστάσεις του σύμπαντος, η εξέλιξη της ζωής, μαύρες τρύπες, η Μεγάλη Έκρηξη, γενετικά πειράματα, υπόγειες εγκαταστάσεις, Area 51 και άλλες παρόμοιες περιοχές μυστικών πειραμάτων, η γήινη αποίκιση του Άρη, η σελήνη ως τεχνητός δορυφόρος, επαφή γήινων με εξωγήινους, θεάσεις ΑΤΙΑ στην Αμερική και κυβερνητική απόκρυψη αυτών, καταστρατήγηση του αμερικανικού συντάγματος, το αμερικανικό χρέος, η συνένωση της ανθρωπότητας, η αγάπη, η ανθρώπινη ευθύνη.

Το βίντεο βρίσκεται ολόκληρο (και τα δεκαοχτώ του μέρη) εδώ:
'Άλλα βίντεο του ίδιου ομιλητή:
Υποτιτλισμοί των καλύτερων βίντεο του Youtube

Saga_ Mãe solteira evangélica-1
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Quero ajudar mais homens em breve
Quero ajudar mais homens em breve Vitor hon honk 94 Views • 4 years ago


La química del amor - By OBSTINATOR
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A felicidade do homem estar no casamento?
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A capacidade de mentir da mulher de mentir
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São Tempos de Crise... (rir para não chorar)
São Tempos de Crise... (rir para não chorar) Silent Investor 116 Views • 4 years ago

As red pill wars rage I build women’s replace
As red pill wars rage I build women’s replace HennessyVenom 134 Views • 4 years ago

3rd iteration modified from previous model in progress.
Toes seperated
Size 7-8
Arches widened slightly.

Navus ordo, compromising of the crown
Navus ordo, compromising of the crown KEEPER 24 Views • 4 years ago

⁣The Royal Family of the United Kingdom have been under growing scrutiny, especially after the suspicious death of Lady Diana.

שלושה בדואים אנסו ילדה בת 10 היכן האבירים הלבנים בתקשורת נעלמו?
שלושה בדואים אנסו ילדה בת 10 היכן האבירים הלבנים בתקשורת נעלמו? Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 15 Views • 4 years ago

שלושה בדואים אנסו ילדה בת 10 היכן האבירים הלבנים בתקשורת נעלמו?

אבירים לבנים/סימפיים/קאקס אתגר שכיבות סמיכה?
אבירים לבנים/סימפיים/קאקס אתגר שכיבות סמיכה? Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 27 Views • 4 years ago

אבירים לבנים/סימפיים/קאקס אתגר שכיבות סמיכה?

ירין שרף הוא בחזקת זכאי חברים?
ירין שרף הוא בחזקת זכאי חברים? Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 65 Views • 4 years ago

ירין שרף הוא בחזקת זכאי חברים?

שיר חדש: "איזה שדיים יש לאשה אלפא"
שיר חדש: "איזה שדיים יש לאשה אלפא" Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 28 Views • 4 years ago

שיר חדש: "איזה שדיים יש לאשה אלפא"

פמיניסטיות והתקשורת, תניחו כבר לירין שרף במנוחה!!!
פמיניסטיות והתקשורת, תניחו כבר לירין שרף במנוחה!!! Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 23 Views • 4 years ago

סרטון סאטירי. לא מצדיק אונס חס ושלום על סמך לבוש לא הולם.

◀| Re: MGTOW Exposed Tribute | Channels | BFH |►
◀| Re: MGTOW Exposed Tribute | Channels | BFH |► Robokitty 23 Views • 4 years ago

▼?????? ?????

◀| Spicy Chicken Sandwich | Channels | Main |►
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▼?????? ?????

◀| Ep. 23 – We got arrested | Channels | Main |►
◀| Ep. 23 – We got arrested | Channels | Main |► Robokitty 26 Views • 4 years ago

▼?????? ?????

Wife Left Baby In Burning House To Save Herself LOL - MGTOW
Wife Left Baby In Burning House To Save Herself LOL - MGTOW Sandman 330 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
YouTube Channel

AITA for how I reacted to my wife?

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from MGTOW Smurf. He didn't give me a specific topic so I've decided to cover some comments that I've put in the description from someone on the I am an ahole subreddit and here's what some random guy has to say and I quote: "My wife and I have an 8 month old. Last week I was coming home from work and just as I was coming up the driveway, she came running down the driveway barefoot. She saw me and yelled at me to call 911, there was a fire in the kitchen. I asked her where our daughter was because she wasn't with her, and she said she was inside and to call 911 fast. We live somewhere rural and response times are slow, I immediately was scared the house would go up with our daughter inside before the fire department came. I tried to run inside and she tried to stop me yelling again and again that I couldn't go in, there was a fire... I went in, the way the house is laid out you have to go through the kitchen to get to the hallway with the nursery. There was a grease fire on the stove in a pan and the wall above the stove and the curtains nearby was catching. I put out the pan by putting a lid on and then put out the wall and curtains with the fire extinguisher. Then I immediately went to the nursery and got our daughter. Going back outside my wife was gone, I soon found out she went down the road looking for a neighbor who's phone she could use. But at the time, and for a while, I was really upset that her reaction to a fire had been to run out without our baby and to even try to run out without our baby and to even try to stop me from going inside before the fire department had come. And that she put her in danger by not trying to put the fire out with a lid or baking tray over the grease fire at first when it was smaller, or trying to use the fire extinguisher. If I hadn't come home when I did I don't want to think about what would have happened The fire department showed up but the fire was already out, and my wife returned too, driven by a neighbor. I was angry with her for the reasons I said and she just totally clammed up. I went to stay with my brother and sister and law that night, taking our daughter. And my wife was very angry with me over it, saying the next day "how dare i leave her alone after that, she needed someone to drive her to the urgent care after injuring her feet running barefoot" That upset me even more, that that was what she was worried about, not what had almost happened when she ran out of the house on fire without our baby. I've been staying at my brother's for about a week now. I don't know what to do, or if I was in the wrong for being so angry AITA for how I reacted to my wife starting an accidental kitchen fire then running away leaving our baby in the house?" unquote. Well MGTOW Smurf thanks for the donation. I'll cover this crazy topic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lord Bogdanoff:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Ad Image Credits:





Don't Date Successful Women - MGTOW
Don't Date Successful Women - MGTOW Sandman 548 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

Here is this month's free preview of my weekly chats for subscribers on Patreon and Subscribestar. Five dollars a month gets you access to premium content like this. This video is brought to you by a donation from Andrew and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I enjoyed the coaching call a few weeks back. I remember we talked about finding women to date with certain jobs that hit the sweet spot of making enough money to not need to suck the life and resources out of a man, but not a management type position that makes them a "career wahman." A paralegal was one example mentioned. I still think that would make a great topic if you haven't done so already. Otherwise I love to hear your take on the Megan Markle situation. I find it fascinating how it's not enough for her to take her simp husband prince away from his family and into the public, but then claim she was oppressed while living in Buckingham Palace. I think she is a perfect role model for wahmen of today. No matter how much fame and money you receive, you still are a victim. Thanks again Sandman!" Well Andrew thanks again for the donation and topic. I'll make two videos for you. This one and another one called Meghan Markle Was An Oppressed Princess. But before I get to this one let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

WOMAN FAILS TO COMMIT SUICIDE.. (EAST-EUROPE) Doggk 218 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Join DOGGK on BITCHUTE: ⁣⁣

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- There's more to come for the following DAYS ! So stay tuned ✔

Go your own way guys

20200421 VHH-392 Depoimento - Puxação de saco no trabalho
20200421 VHH-392 Depoimento - Puxação de saco no trabalho VITOR HONK BACK UP 31 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 392

20200419 VHH-391 Duas profetas que dizem ter falado com Deus trás avisos pra nós
20200419 VHH-391 Duas profetas que dizem ter falado com Deus trás avisos pra nós VITOR HONK BACK UP 23 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 391

Bizu do Ratão 03   PANCS + Geração Z
Bizu do Ratão 03 PANCS + Geração Z Ratão do Banhado 41 Views • 4 years ago

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Mulher Coloca +1 Homem Na Cadeia - Falsa acusação (Caso Isolado 94542121221212135460387513168)
Mulher Coloca +1 Homem Na Cadeia - Falsa acusação (Caso Isolado 94542121221212135460387513168) Nikaido 213 Views • 4 years ago


[MGToW movie hour]Big Trouble in little China
[MGToW movie hour]Big Trouble in little China Lucifer 105 Views • 4 years ago

Big Trouble in little China
Kurt Russal, not being a pussybegger

3 Girls Giving A Uber Driver Corona in California
3 Girls Giving A Uber Driver Corona in California Nikaido 69 Views • 4 years ago

3 empoderadas discutem com o motorista do uber,porque 1 delas não quis colocar a mascára,e ainda tossiu no rosto do motorista e pegou o seu celular

Sobrevivencialista Nutella
Sobrevivencialista Nutella Constantino 77 Views • 4 years ago

mgtow manda

Dicas De Ferramentas Para Ter 1 Navegação Anonima,Sem Rastreio
Dicas De Ferramentas Para Ter 1 Navegação Anonima,Sem Rastreio Nikaido 74 Views • 4 years ago

Como citei não sou especialista,mas mostro alguns softwares pra tentar ter mais privacidade e coloquei o link de um curso profissional,sabemos que tempos sombrios virão ao mundo então,conhecimento é poder,e as coisas citadas no vídeo:

Curso Anonimato e Deep Web - ⁣

⁣Documentario -

ProtonVPN -

Navegador Brave -

Proton email -

Technitium mac address changer -

Win7 mac address changer -

Prestem Atenção - A Historia Está Se Repetindo
Prestem Atenção - A Historia Está Se Repetindo Nikaido 138 Views • 4 years ago

Canal ⁣Atalaia De Yeshua

How ZOZO Started The Cabal, To: Alpha Male Lifestyle, StarBlazer, Jaguar_Media_Archives,
How ZOZO Started The Cabal, To: Alpha Male Lifestyle, StarBlazer, Jaguar_Media_Archives, Shadow Monk 131 Views • 4 years ago

a very important message/truthbomb and shout out


Feros Mission Fighting the Thorian&Rescuing the Colonists Walkthrough Pt2
Feros Mission Fighting the Thorian&Rescuing the Colonists Walkthrough Pt2 Francis_UD 20 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sup again Mass Effect!
Filmed on 19/01/2021 AEDT / Beijing Time

To Uni-Dropouts: Take Advantage of the Covid 19 Shite NOW!
To Uni-Dropouts: Take Advantage of the Covid 19 Shite NOW! Francis_UD 27 Views • 4 years ago

⁣You still have hope, we still have hope!

Filmed on 15/03/2021

Get your free and internationally recognised free short course here

Introduction to Packet Tracer by Cisco

Learn coding for free with Google code labs

Brochure of chemical and materials engineering , by VUB, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Tom MacDonald Clown World LEGENDADO
Tom MacDonald Clown World LEGENDADO green 53 Views • 4 years ago


Seal Team Rescues Jessica Buchanan
Seal Team Rescues Jessica Buchanan erick rendoza 27 Views • 4 years ago

Long ago was in college with a frogman... no women are on seal teams not that i have heard.

Let's Read the Bible Psalm 44 to 52 KJV in My Lousy British Accent
Let's Read the Bible Psalm 44 to 52 KJV in My Lousy British Accent Francis_UD 12 Views • 4 years ago


My super ex-girlfriend
My super ex-girlfriend erick rendoza 45 Views • 4 years ago

Seems women i meet are like this psycho chick we have all dated this crap?

When a regular guy dumps a superhero for her neediness, she uses her powers to make his life a living hell.

Showing 1221 out of 1222