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Latest videos

Falsas acusações contra homens se tornaram uma epidemia no país!
Falsas acusações contra homens se tornaram uma epidemia no país! MGTOWRaiiz 105 Views • 4 years ago

⁣As falsas acusações contra homens acontecem por todo o país, fazendo com que sofram preconceito, discriminação, alienação parental, problemas no trabalho, e tantas outras injustiças... Até quando?

Vasectomizado e sem filhos, sem sofrimento e sem dar a esperança a elas a se multiplicarem nesse mundo de (M)!
Assim serão Menos problemas para o homem com essas modernetes malignas!

Sobre os mendigos de Buças e manginas e escravocethas da atualidade!
Sobre os mendigos de Buças e manginas e escravocethas da atualidade! MGTOWRaiiz 116 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Em um mundo igual nós homens estamos vivendo hoje.
Temos que ter amigos e aliados assim em nossos círculos de amizades.
Amigos assim nós passa a consciência Red Pill a serio, e nos livra de cair em varias estratégia amadas por espíritos sebosos.

Starpoint Gemini 3 Ep22 Thomas Scott – No Commentary –
Starpoint Gemini 3 Ep22 Thomas Scott – No Commentary – Aborrecido 34 Views • 4 years ago

⁣I only what to have some fun

M$ol de hoje em dia, uma Red Pill calibre 50 em 2021!
M$ol de hoje em dia, uma Red Pill calibre 50 em 2021! MGTOWRaiiz 198 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Ou Seja, Um Grande Atraso de Vida de Betões desavisados com o que esta rolando no mundo atualmente!
Por isso Homens não deixem de degustas todos os dias sua Red Pill diária, essa Red Pill Vai Manter você ciente e consciente de tudo!

Essas coisas só fortalecem  os cara! Pois coisas assim fazem o Estilo de vida mudar e salva tudo!
Essas coisas só fortalecem os cara! Pois coisas assim fazem o Estilo de vida mudar e salva tudo! MGTOWRaiiz 259 Views • 4 years ago

⁣A Musica do anime Naruto é triste, mas é inspiradora na vida de qualquer beta...
Afinal de contas o Naruto no anime só chegou aonde ele chegou, pensando por tudo que é ruim na sua vida!

''Empoderada'' de 34 anos estufha menino de 13 anos e ainda ganha pensão!
''Empoderada'' de 34 anos estufha menino de 13 anos e ainda ganha pensão! MGTOWRaiiz 196 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Com elas, não é bom abaixar a grado um segundo sequer, é bom sempre manter "Um olho no padre e outro na missa".

Starpoint Gemini 3 Ep21 More XP – No Commentary –
Starpoint Gemini 3 Ep21 More XP – No Commentary – Aborrecido 5 Views • 4 years ago

⁣I only what to have some fun

Opinion of George Floyd CHANGES DRASTICALLY as Support for BLM IMPLODES!!!
Opinion of George Floyd CHANGES DRASTICALLY as Support for BLM IMPLODES!!! Jess Sosnoski 29 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Opinion of George Floyd CHANGES DRASTICALLY as Support for BLM IMPLODES!!!

אחי, היום היא איתך, מחר היא עם חבר שלך בפלאקא.
אחי, היום היא איתך, מחר היא עם חבר שלך בפלאקא. Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 18 Views • 4 years ago

אחי, היום היא איתך, מחר היא עם חבר שלך בפלאקא.

סינגל חדש שהפקנו לכבוד הפמיניסטיות❤️ (גברים 100% סטרייטים בטלגרם?)
סינגל חדש שהפקנו לכבוד הפמיניסטיות❤️ (גברים 100% סטרייטים בטלגרם?) Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 28 Views • 4 years ago


סינגל שהכנתי לכל הפמיניסטיות❤️ (בטלגרם גברים 100% סטרייטים?)
סינגל שהכנתי לכל הפמיניסטיות❤️ (בטלגרם גברים 100% סטרייטים?) Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 84 Views • 4 years ago

סינגל שהכנתי לכל הפמיניסטיות❤️ (בטלגרם גברים 100% סטרייטים?)

רק לנשים מותר להיות אלימות בימינו??? (גברים 100% סטרייטים בטלגרם?)
רק לנשים מותר להיות אלימות בימינו??? (גברים 100% סטרייטים בטלגרם?) Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 93 Views • 4 years ago

p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
רק לנשים מותר להיות אלימות בימינו??? (גברים 100% סטרייטים בטלגרם?)

מעיין אדם אני מזמין אותך לעימות טלוויזיוני, למה את מפחדת ממני?
מעיין אדם אני מזמין אותך לעימות טלוויזיוני, למה את מפחדת ממני? Hizkiahu_Tenenbaum_ISRAEL 22 Views • 4 years ago

p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }

מעיין אדם אני מזמין אותך לעימות טלוויזיוני, למה את מפחדת ממני

Rising Mortgage Rates Trigger A Housing Market Crash: Prepare Your Self For The Worst!
Rising Mortgage Rates Trigger A Housing Market Crash: Prepare Your Self For The Worst! erick rendoza 56 Views • 4 years ago

Housing prices all across the country have surged at the fastest pace since 2014, but wages haven't keep up with that growth, and all of these determinants are affecting people's ability to buy new homes. The housing bubble has become so unsustainable that demand is already significantly collapsing and further increases in interest rates could push the entire market to the brink of housing market collapse just as well. That's what we're going to analyze in this video.
Last week, mortgage interest rates have unexpectedly soared, throwing cold water on already cooling demand. Consequently, the total mortgage application rate has flat-lined, increasing by just 0,5%, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association’s seasonally adjusted index. The median contract interest rate for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages with conforming loan balances registered a significant hike, having increased to 3.23% from 3.08%.
The latest housing rally has been fueled by several different factors, in addition to historically low mortgage rates, there was an unprecedented demand for suburban homes as city-dwellers fled urban centers to escape the harsh effects of the health crisis and mounting social turbulence. But low inventory has sent prices to sky-highs and formed a splendid price bubble that never ceased to grow.
However, rising borrowing costs could not only jeopardize the rally but also burst the housing price bubble and push the entire housing market to a secular correction. Higher rates are also bad news for lenders who have managed to collect huge gains ever since we entered a low rate environment at the beginning of the recession last year.
These developments outline that the Fed's attempt to offset the devastating impact the health crisis caused to the economy by lowering rates and pumping trillions of dollars into the markets in order to create an artificial "wealth effect", has not only enabled the formation of a massive housing bubble, as it could suddenly pop it due to the unsustainability of its policies. That's why investors and bondholders are already running for the exits not to see their gains irreversibly wiped out in face of an imminent crash. Moreover, in the process of artificially fueling the bubble, policymakers have ended up worsening wealth inequality and housing affordability issues.
The spring housing market is on track to become the leanest, most expensive, and most competitive ever. As the supply gets tighter and tighter, home prices soar even higher, and increasingly fewer Americans can afford to have a home of their own. In January alone, prices increased more than 10% year over year, according to CoreLogic. But wages are not keeping up with the rising costs of housing.
According to a 2020 report from the National Low Income Housing Coalition, workers need to make $21.10 an hour just to afford a market-rate 2-bedroom rental. The massive gap between wages and housing prices is the reason why millions of families are evicted every year, ending up in shelters or on the streets and oftentimes being pushed to a poverty spiral that is incredibly hard to recover from.
People in middle and lower-income segments being are increasingly priced out of the market for homeownership. And the situation will likely get worse, as legislators are considering a number of bills this session that will significantly increase the cost of new homes. With the passing of a new fiscal relief package, although payments may help to ease the economic struggles of renters and landlords in the short-term, it also means our money supply will increase by $1.9 trillion dollars.
As soon as the economy reopens and consumer spending resumes to pre-lockdown levels, we will see a major spike in inflation, which is the most frequently mentioned trigger to the burst of the current asset bubbles. In that way, a dramatic housing market crash is now more imminent than ever, and that will cause enormous financial pain to homeowners as they see the value of their properties sharply collapsing. As our leaders and policymakers seem to remain unbothered in face of so many warnings, eventually, we will all be witnessing an astronomical explosion occur across financial markets. Needless to say, we will be the ones paying the price for this tragic housing crisis made by design.


Finished Reading Robinson Crusoe Chapter 2 in my Lousy British Accent
Finished Reading Robinson Crusoe Chapter 2 in my Lousy British Accent Francis_UD 9 Views • 4 years ago

Reading this book again sup

NYPD Gets Snuck On. Can happen with any situation even in a SHTF you wonder why people come back with PTSD and cannot sl
NYPD Gets Snuck On. Can happen with any situation even in a SHTF you wonder why people come back with PTSD and cannot sl erick rendoza 111 Views • 4 years ago

Another instance of something going from zero to soup sandwich in .01 seconds. By the time they realized what was happening, it was already happening.
Life comes at you fast.

¿Por que ellas odian que las traten bien?
¿Por que ellas odian que las traten bien? Adonis MGTOW 193 Views • 4 years ago

??? ????? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ?????

En este corto de 9 minutos Jader
Antonio nos explica a detalle porque las mujeres se apresuran a rechazar a los
hombres buenos y caballerosos y porque aceptan a los cretinos y misteriosos
chicos malos, la razón es que usar la amabilidad como estrategia de seducción
es la peor estrategia de todas.

Las mujeres detestan a los hombres
que les regalan flores y chocolates porque lo consideran una forma de
manipulación, creen que el hombre lo está haciendo para conseguir sexo y nada
mas, aunque muchos hombres tienen un sentimiento sincero hacia ellas, eso no lo
ven, o quizás si lo ven pero no le dan importancia porque ellas lo que buscan
son chicos malos que les proporcionen una ilusión de protección y una montaña
rusa de emociones intensas.

Mientras el chico bueno, en su
soledad, se deprime pensando en la mujer que lo considera una especie de
sub-humano, la mujer no para de cambiar de novio como un simio cambia de ramas.

Las mujeres son seres muy prácticos
en lo que respecta al “Amor”, ellas buscan beneficios no sentimientos, por lo
que tener dinero y estatus sin duda será una mayor garatía que solo ser amable
con ellas, la amabilidad es la peor estrategia de seducción.

Aquí cabe hacer una leve reflexión:
Quizás el hombre moderno es el mejor hombre que ha existido en la historia de
la humanidad, está altamente educado y trata con cariño y respeto a sus
compañeras de especie femeninas, sin embargo, vemos que la mujer moderna
aprovecha la bondad y moral del hombre moderno para sacarle partido y alimentar
el pozo sin fondo que significan su ego y su hipergamia.

Quizás el hombre moderno es
demasiado bueno, tolerante y respetuoso con las hembras, la mente primitiva de
la mujer requirió millones de años de dolor y sufrimiento para evolucionar como
lo hizo, puedes verlo de esta manera y dejar de intentar ser un caballero
blanco con ellas todo el tiempo e intenta ser un caballero negro, alguien que
no les regala nada y les dice sus verdades sin temor alguno, sin necesidad de
su aprobación, eso las excita más que el respetuoso, callado y paciente chico

Pero sería mejor que te ahorraras
el dolor de cabeza y simplemente dejaras de buscar mujeres, el sexo no es la
solución a todos tus problemas, cuando dejes de darle prioridad al sexo te
harás inmune a la influencia femenina, enfócate en ti mismo y olvídate de

?? ??? ?????

????? ??:



??? ????:

????? ??????:

Female Hypergamy is like a Camp Site
Female Hypergamy is like a Camp Site NotchLion 99 Views • 4 years ago

women are Conscious to their Fuckery

Dicas para evitar Falsas Acusações de Abuso Sexual JOGOS PSICOLÓGICOS ( ALIENAÇÂO PARENTAL )
Dicas para evitar Falsas Acusações de Abuso Sexual JOGOS PSICOLÓGICOS ( ALIENAÇÂO PARENTAL ) Nikaido 93 Views • 4 years ago

A muitos anos atrás eu li,um caso sobre um homem que foi acusado falsamente de abuso sexual contra o filho,só porque estava passando talco,e a sua mulher usou isso pra detonar com ele,essa psicologa fala de algo parecido e outras coisas pra você ficar ligado.

Old radio program about our greateat friends
Old radio program about our greateat friends SpaceJew 160 Views • 4 years ago


Based Padre
Based Padre SpaceJew 52 Views • 4 years ago


Terrorism is a tradition for them
Terrorism is a tradition for them SpaceJew 19 Views • 4 years ago

lavon affair

Birth rates in africa is whos fault?
Birth rates in africa is whos fault? SpaceJew 50 Views • 4 years ago

go meddling with nature and see what happens

Our best buds?
Our best buds? SpaceJew 13 Views • 4 years ago

come by the spacejew telegram for more vids and discuasion

Regis Tadeu Caneta Azul, Azul Caneta
Regis Tadeu Caneta Azul, Azul Caneta Nikaido 27 Views • 4 years ago

"Mais uma música ridicula,num país de retardados - Regis Tadeu"

20200323 VHH-370 Especulações da crise atual
20200323 VHH-370 Especulações da crise atual VITOR HONK BACK UP 18 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 370

Children And Teens Going Their Own Way Next Gen/Future MGTOW
Children And Teens Going Their Own Way Next Gen/Future MGTOW Shadow Monk 140 Views • 4 years ago

The Next RedPill Wave, Or Tsunami Coming. It's very great to see our redpill philosophy reach younger and younger generations, The gynocentric system doesn't have a complete clue although they've now been starting to get wind of how we are impacting younger generations. So that's why COPPA is there, To basically keep the younger generations in the dark from ever receving the Redpill as much as the feminists think they could but truthfully they won't succeed in doing so.

Sure we may face the fearces resistance from the gynocentric system and the bluepillers, Which won't ever be enough to stop us. Because MGTOW will prevail as thee biggest most giant upcoming juggernaut imaginable

The best is yet to come.
Nothing can stop from what is comming.

20200322 VHH-369 live com Fúria
20200322 VHH-369 live com Fúria VITOR HONK BACK UP 60 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 369

Why Women Censor Men? - MGTOW
Why Women Censor Men? - MGTOW Sandman 344 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lithuanian Apiary

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Brendan and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I wanted to discuss my personal life, redpill journey and the scrutiny I have faced from my peers. But I won't bore you. Instead I want to share something absolutely absurd and crazy that happened to me as an audience member on Youtube. I was banned for "repeated abusive comments that violated their hate speech policy" as the YT support team put it. My account went poof. I was told that if I tried to make other accounts those would go poof too! My only account video was a narration of me talking over lil baby goats fighting. But banning me for my comments? I almost never had a swear word and was consistently on redpill channels. I followed and consistently commented on you, Better Bachelor, Donovan Sharpes, Coach Greg Adams, and Terrence Popps video's. How truly far of a stretch is it to say that my "hate speech" is redpilled truths regarding women? I know I would drop redpills in reddit video's regarding stories of cheating and disloyalty to men. Anything non MGTOW or redpill related such as food channels I kept very clean and peaceful. I think that Youtube is scared they may lose their protections in the U.S. in regards to section 230? I believe? The one that does not hold them responsible for their members actions. That gives them monopoly like protections. I know the Republican's repeatedly question Twitter and Facebook's CEO's on whether or not they work together with google and their other related apps to share our data. They want to revoke those corporation rights. So if Google, Facebook, and Twitter begin to censor everyone who does not align with them on watch lists deemed undesirable beforehand then they lessen the potential blowout of thousands if not billions of people attempting to run said companies into the ground with lawsuits. I am not too affected. I have spotify for my musics. I have for most of my content. I can still use Youtube without an account. I simply lose all my playlists. Funny enough YT is still tracking what I watch and what I like to promote other content I may like. Despite no longer having a channel. I told a friend it was like having a stalker who knew EVERYTHING about you. Your favorite foods. Where you will be at what time you'll be there. Suddenly popping up trying to befriend you knowing way too much about your personal life. You would feel disgusted this person knew so much and yet did not take the time to be your friend first. Our data is not safe. These channels arent safe. Using gmail to message you is not safe. I don't quite understand in all the years I have listened to you now just how donations and topic requests work. But I do think if these companies get their protections revoked that those in the red and black pilled communities need to mirror their own favorite things on other sites. Whatever they can mirror, make sure it's over there and they could switch over to the other sites if they get zucked, cucked, or majorly ducked. I would love it if you warned others on YouTubers and such to find other avenues to get their same content elsewhere. A reminder that this "world reset" is on the rise and MGTOW is watching the sunset. So if men want to continue to have open free spaces to enjoy discussing such topics then they need to prepare by mirroring their social media/mainstream media usage to sites that will not ban them for it. These redpills are the lessons our fathers should have taught us. They need to stick around. We are redpilling the men of tomorrow and they are going to benefit from it down the line. Keep up the good work Sandman, and stay in good health. Well Brendan thanks for the donation and topic. Before I cover it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lituanian Apiary:

2 photo credits:

1. Beekeeper controlling beehive and comb frame

2. Portrait of a cheerful man and woman beekepers in protective uniform

◀| Your Done Son | Channels | Main |►
◀| Your Done Son | Channels | Main |► Robokitty 15 Views • 4 years ago

▼?????? ?????

Quem é superior vai além
Quem é superior vai além Scifer 167 Views • 4 years ago


Games & Rants (3/8/21) SubscribeStar Suggestions & Online Red Pill Debates!
Games & Rants (3/8/21) SubscribeStar Suggestions & Online Red Pill Debates! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 37 Views • 4 years ago

Game: Double Cross

In this video, we're talking about potential things that we will offer to people who subscribe to us on SubscribeStar. Erotic gameplay vids? Questions we can answer on our shows? Show topic suggestions? Pics of our buttholes? Let us know.

Note: Butthole pics and pics of my waifu's tiddies will not be up for negotiation. That's what I meant by "no waifu tiddies."

Also, I had a series of red pill debates online. No, the gentleman does not explain what he did to have to serve jail time. Sorry to disappoint. But the climax of this video revolves a conversation that hit me very hard. A real reminder that men really need the red pill and mgtow philosophy. I just hope I could save the guy.

Jack the Kat
Jack the Kat Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 17 Views • 4 years ago

Gravy in the Beard = Yummy.


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- COMMENT & SHARE if you liked the video !
- There's more to come for the following DAYS ! So stay tuned ✔

Go your own way guys

International Cunt Day
International Cunt Day Shadow Monk 66 Views • 4 years ago

As a video slamming International whamen's Day and Shoutout to our friend RPOS_RPOS which he prefers to call himself BPOS_BPOS.

#MGTOW: Int'l ('Red-Pilled') Women's Day Star Wars & Lucasfilm Q & A...
#MGTOW: Int'l ('Red-Pilled') Women's Day Star Wars & Lucasfilm Q & A... Emmanuel Matteer, Jr. 58 Views • 4 years ago


Welcome back...and Happy Int'l Women's Day, MGTOWs! For this 1st ever Q & A, who do you think is worthy of 'womanly' props today--Star Wars-Mandalorian actress, Gina Carano, or Lucasfilm president, Kathleen Kennedy?

Kathleen Kennedy "The Future Is Female" pic, c/o Inside the Magic:

Gina Carano pic, via Fox News:

Local Forecast - Slower (Elevator Music), by Kevin MacLeod

Bizu do Ratão 01 Aparência é tudo, Morte do amigo
Bizu do Ratão 01 Aparência é tudo, Morte do amigo Ratão do Banhado 42 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Para falar com o Ratão do Banhado segue os meios abaixo
E-mail do Ratão: [email protected]
Twitter do Ratão:​​
Canal principal:​​
Canal Nova Vertente:

Não existe almoço grátis nem nos relacionamentos
Não existe almoço grátis nem nos relacionamentos Nerd Redpill 92 Views • 4 years ago

Salve confrades mais um vídeo aqui no Mgtow tv é bom te-los aqui, esse vídeo é um recorte do canal do YouTube Nerd stonks Redpill meu canal, agradeço os confrades que se escreverem lá.

Quantos manginas pensam em formar familia e viver um conto de fadas da Disney, mas não passa de um descontrole da libido e a cultura fazendo o homem operar no modo Muié, através das emoções.

Espada no Dragão [Canção] por Eduardo Taddeo (Ex-Facção Central)
Espada no Dragão [Canção] por Eduardo Taddeo (Ex-Facção Central) Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 61 Views • 4 years ago


GMV - Hitman Absolution (Yvone Waterfall - Anubis)
GMV - Hitman Absolution (Yvone Waterfall - Anubis) Malkav Saiya Yautja 32 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}
No lyrics found.

Two Steps From Hell - Epic Music Mix [Part 1]
Two Steps From Hell - Epic Music Mix [Part 1] Malkav Saiya Yautja 36 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}
Request from KEEPER
⁣00:00:00​ Heart Of Courage
00:01:57​ Protectors Of The Earth
00:04:48​ Winterspell
00:08:09​ Victory
00:13:30​ Blackheart
00:17:55​ El Dorado
00:22:09​ Strength of a Thousand Men
00:24:28​ Northern Pastures
00:26:39​ After The Fall
00:29:06​ Love & Loss
00:30:57​ Birth of a Hero
00:33:10​ Never Back Down
00:36:06​ Secret Melody
00:39:51​ Unleashed
00:44:42​ Flight Of The Silverbird
00:48:36​ Freedom Fighters
00:51:09​ For The Win
00:53:20​ Breathe
00:56:15​ Black Blade
00:59:23​ Invincible
01:02:16​ Magika
01:04:15​ Pegasus
01:08:45​ Archangel
01:11:21​ Riders
01:14:54​ Compass

Papa Roach - Getting Away With Murder
Papa Roach - Getting Away With Murder Malkav Saiya Yautja 19 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}

⁣[Verse 1]
Somewhere beyond happiness and sadness
I need to calculate
What creates my own madness
And I'm addicted to your punishment
And you're the master
And I am waiting for disaster

I feel irrational
So confrontational
To tell the truth I am
Getting away with murder
It isn't possible
To never tell the truth
But the reality is I'm getting away with murder

Getting away, getting away, getting away

[Verse 2]
I drink my drink and I don't even want to
I think my thoughts when I don't even need to
I never look back because I don't even want to
And I don't need to
Because I'm getting away with murder

I feel irrational
So confrontational
To tell the truth I am
Getting away with murder
It isn't possible
To never tell the truth
But the reality is I'm getting away with murder

Getting away, getting away, getting away
Getting away, getting away, getting away
Getting away, getting away, getting away with murder

[Verse 3]
Somewhere beyond happiness and sadness
I need to calculate
What creates my own madness
And I'm addicted to your punishment
And you're the master
And I am craving this disaster

I feel irrational
So confrontational
To tell the truth I am
Getting away with murder
It isn't possible
To never tell the truth
But the reality is I'm getting away with murder
(Getting away, getting away, getting away)
I feel irrational
So confrontational
To tell the truth I am
Getting away with murder
It isn't possible
To never tell the truth
But the reality is I'm getting away with murder

Papa Roach - Broken Home
Papa Roach - Broken Home Malkav Saiya Yautja 14 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}

Broken home
All alone
Broken home
All alone

[Verse 1]
I can't seem to fight these feelings
I'm caught in the middle of this
And my wounds are not healing
I'm stuck in between my parents
I wish I had someone to talk to
Someone I could confide in
I just want to know the truth, I just want to know the truth
Want to know the truth

Broken home
All alone

[Verse 2]
I know my mother loves me
But does my father even care?
If I'm sad or angry
You were never ever there
When I needed you
I hope you regret what you did
I think I know the truth
Your father did the same to you, did the same to you

[Verse 3]
Well I'm crying day and night now
What is wrong with me?
I cannot fight now
I feel like a weak link
Crying day and night now
What is wrong with me?
Well I cannot fight now
I feel like a weak link, a weak link

Broken home
All alone

[Verse 4]
It feels bad to be alone
Crying by yourself, living in a broken home
How could I tell it so all you all could feel it?
Depression strikes me hard just like my old earth would tell it
To me, her son, she told me I'm the one
Pain bottled up about to blow like a gun
Stories that I tell are non-fiction
And you can't take it back cause it's already done

Broken home
Broken home

[Verse 5]
Can't seem to fight these feelings
Caught in the middle of this
My wounds are not healing
Stuck in between my parents

Broken home
Broken home

Serial killer de Goiania recebe várias cartas de Mulheres,e acabou se casando
Serial killer de Goiania recebe várias cartas de Mulheres,e acabou se casando Nikaido 107 Views • 4 years ago

O assassino,estuprador recebe muitas cartas de mulheres,e acabou casando com uma.

20200318 VHH-368 Voltando com as lives ao vivo senhores! Vitor x Lord (O retorno) kkkkk
20200318 VHH-368 Voltando com as lives ao vivo senhores! Vitor x Lord (O retorno) kkkkk VITOR HONK BACK UP 51 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 368

O QUE AS TAIS GAME GIRL FAZ EM LIVES!? Wall_Mgtow 257 Views • 4 years ago

O que as tais Gamer Girls fazem nas suas live alem de dizer que jogar bem e fazer lives apelativas no Twitch, e chamar atenção dos gados delas e ter pack de fotos ou ASMR no Onlyfans, e "namorar" um funkeiro youtuber grande ou proplayer de lol-lixo!

Tem muita puta gamer pra ter grana nos gados e no Twitch!

Georgialee Lang  - Canada Divorce Law Is A Banquet For Wives And Lawyers
Georgialee Lang - Canada Divorce Law Is A Banquet For Wives And Lawyers Nikaido 78 Views • 4 years ago


RPMGTOW Numbers Don't Lie
RPMGTOW Numbers Don't Lie REDPILLMARRIED 233 Views • 4 years ago

⁣The reasons and stats on the marriage decline.


CDC data:

20200309 VHH-367 Podcast diálogo com Boris - parte 2-esquerda, economia e ideologias
20200309 VHH-367 Podcast diálogo com Boris - parte 2-esquerda, economia e ideologias VITOR HONK BACK UP 16 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 367

Criação do Corona Vírus - Projeto quimérico do DNA
Criação do Corona Vírus - Projeto quimérico do DNA Nikaido 88 Views • 4 years ago

Mostra quem esta por trás do Corona vírus

Canal do Youtube - ⁣

The modern-day book burners | Benny Johnson
The modern-day book burners | Benny Johnson erick rendoza 32 Views • 4 years ago

Benny Johnson reacts to the latest round of 'cancelations' seen in American cultural icons, and likens them and those who advocate for such changes to the 'Communist Manifesto.' - via The Benny Report, Saturdays at 7:30PM ET on Newsmax TV

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EA simpleFXer 10 Views • 4 years ago

EUR/AUD trade this am.

How To Truly Make 5-Meo-DMT
How To Truly Make 5-Meo-DMT Shadow Monk 282 Views • 4 years ago

Why I Promote and embrase 5-Meo-DMT and why it's truly harmless and why it should be ⁣legalized and removed from the class-1 drug list which is just is a corrupt corprate big pharma gustavo whitch hunt for these truly wonderful medicines that the elite have withheld from we the people which these good medications like 5-Meo-DMT, Psilocybin or LSD would truly help people and especially put big pharma out of business.
which is such a travesty that the fake news media and establishment try to lie, smear and cover up 5-Meo-DMT and others.

Also for those of you who don't know my message chat board doesn't work and I've been trying to access it but it doesn't work and so I'm sorry if I am unable to reach you guys :(

Capitol Hill Insurrectionist, John Sullivan, Paid $35,000 for Capitol Hill Video Footage
Capitol Hill Insurrectionist, John Sullivan, Paid $35,000 for Capitol Hill Video Footage Jess Sosnoski 21 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Capitol Hill Insurrectionist, John Sullivan, Paid $35,000 for Capitol Hill Video Footage

CBS 60mins Reports - 1976 Deadly Swine Flu Fraud - part 2
CBS 60mins Reports - 1976 Deadly Swine Flu Fraud - part 2 erick rendoza 46 Views • 4 years ago


1)The CDC did NOT test the actual vaccine that ultimately went to 46 millions Americans (X-53).

2)The vaccine killed hundreds of people and permanently maimed/injured several thousands in America.

3)The public was NOT warned about the possible permanant neurological sicknesses that could result from taking the shot.

4)The CDC knew that the shot was dangerous but did NOT put this information on the waivers that people would sign before getting the shot.

5)The entire vaccine campaign was ordered and started BEFORE any confirmed case of swine flu was actually found.

6)The actual only confirmed flu case that was deadly (and this is dubious since the soldier refused a sick bed order), was one soldier who had the flu and collapsed on a forced march, all other soldiers, four of them, were back to normal within days without getting a shot.

7)The CDC freely used the names of well-known movie stars without their permission to launch the campaign successfully, including Mary Tyler Moore.

8)Mary Tyler Moore did NOT take the shot, although the CDC said she did. She wisely said "NO" because she suspected it was not healthy. Her doctor ulitimately agreed.

9)Dr. Sencer, head of the CDC at the time, ordered the campaign as well as the advertising for it, and not once was any danger mentioned in any of the literature!

10)The CDC LIED to the public to sell a vaccination campaign.

RFID erick rendoza 25 Views • 4 years ago


20200307 VHH-366 Entrevista com inscrito realista cafa. Parte 1
20200307 VHH-366 Entrevista com inscrito realista cafa. Parte 1 VITOR HONK BACK UP 23 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 366

Allegedly Dave zoom presentation - what can we do
Allegedly Dave zoom presentation - what can we do AmanleyLoad 21 Views • 4 years ago

Dave doing a live talk about current situatuions and what we can do about it

Morgan Freeman's view on Black History Month and BLM
Morgan Freeman's view on Black History Month and BLM erick rendoza 28 Views • 4 years ago

Morgan Freeman shares his views on the hypocrisy of Black History Month and BLM. It perfectly demonstrates how organisations like BLM are the reason racism is still an issue in today's society

Morgan Freeman's view on Black History Month and BLM
Morgan Freeman's view on Black History Month and BLM erick rendoza 16 Views • 4 years ago

Morgan Freeman shares his views on the hypocrisy of Black History Month and BLM. It perfectly demonstrates how organisations like BLM are the reason racism is still an issue in today's society

The Descendents of Slaves and Slave-Owners Meet Face-to-Face | The Oprah Winfrey *read my comments below*
The Descendents of Slaves and Slave-Owners Meet Face-to-Face | The Oprah Winfrey *read my comments below* erick rendoza 17 Views • 4 years ago

The 'Oprah Show' has hosted any number of highly emotional apologies over its 25-year history. Few of them, however, carry the same historic weight as the time the grandchildren of slaves received a moving apology from a man whose ancestors had been notorious slaveholders. For more on #oprahwinfreyshow, visit h

The Descendents of Slaves and Slave-Owners Meet Face-to-Face | The Oprah Winfrey Show

Being half native america from one of the oldest tribes in america. I think this is all bs brain washing by media. I remember watching this show years ago. Remember the LA riots ? Watts Riots or when the japanese came back to their homes from the camps where was the apology after obama got into office
he sent officials to japan to apologize for us nuking them twice. Who started it? No apology for what happened in Nanking? Or when the chinese took firearms away to protect themselves the people had to protect those same idiots asses when the japanese army invaded and almost took over china or it would be one country today.

History is all BS just people forget do not care and you cannot argue with stupid because reading the comments on you tube to this video those same idiots are pushing for vaccinations and mask wearing.

Black men who stand out in speeches and great actors would have a ton to talk about this. Does this mean i have to go back and apoligize to other tribes my ancestors 1000 yrs ago took slaves in battles i was not there.

In history there was a black slave owner who sold babies right after birth the mother was never allowed to hold them even white slave owners looked down on his
methods. He would rape his slaves and sell his own children.

Será que de cima de uma arvore assim... Poderá cair alguma fruta Virtuosa e de honra e de respeito para um homem?
Será que de cima de uma arvore assim... Poderá cair alguma fruta Virtuosa e de honra e de respeito para um homem? MGTOWRaiiz 223 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Será quem tem orgulha e em se agir assim?

Rogério Skylab - O que é?
Rogério Skylab - O que é? MGTOWRaiiz 59 Views • 4 years ago

⁣É um copo cheio de arte adoçado com red pill.

MARIA DA PENHA, SEM PROVAS, PODE - Os ATENDENTES da DEAM respondem! PARTE I MGTOWRaiiz 50 Views • 4 years ago

⁣O mundo é Ginocentrico e perverso com os homens veja o vídeo e absorva a verdade!
Lei para os homens absolutamente não existe!

A os 31 anos Já estão na regaça da aparência!
A os 31 anos Já estão na regaça da aparência! MGTOWRaiiz 215 Views • 4 years ago

⁣E o pior que A os 31 Já estão na regaça da aparência e se acham o top no valor de mercado!
Geração de podridão da pohha sem moral, sem virtudes e sem honra nenhuma que faça elas valerem apena.


⁣ discussão inútil!
Essa é Lógica e coerência não há no mundo feminista e dos tradicionalistas.
A verdade é que as feministas arranjam qualquer coisa para tirar vantagem.
Claro!... com os Cavaleiros Brancos Manginas e os escravocethas que as apoiam ai se torna até mais fácil pra elas.

So they want a cashless society? Watch California Cops Steal Every Penny from an Innocent Family
So they want a cashless society? Watch California Cops Steal Every Penny from an Innocent Family erick rendoza 139 Views • 4 years ago

Can the government take all of a family’s money based on suspicion that one family member committed a crime? That is exactly what happened to the Slatic family earlier this year, when the San Diego County District Attorney seized over $100,000 in personal bank accounts belonging to James Slatic, his wife Annette, and their two teenage daughters, Lily and Penny, without charging anyone with a crime.


Using civil forfeiture, the District Attorney seized nearly every penny from the Slatic family following a January 2016 raid on Med-West Distribution—the legal medical marijuana business owned by James. Police accused Med-West of operating a “clandestine” drug lab, even though the business complied with state medical marijuana laws, operated publically for two years, and paid its taxes. The police took everything from Med-West, including $324,000, and shut the business down. Then, a few days later, the District Attorney went after James’ family, seizing nearly every penny in their personal bank accounts.

The seizure of the Slatic family’s money has nothing to do with crime fighting; it has everything to do with policing for profit. In the nine months since the raid, the District Attorney has not brought criminal charges against the Slatics or anyone associated with Med-West. The District Attorney has instead left the Slatics’ money in legal limbo, refusing even to begin legal proceedings in which the Slatics could prove their innocence.

Now the Slatics have teamed up with the Institute for Justice to demand their money back. The District Attorney’s abuse of civil forfeiture takes the American principle of innocent until proven guilty and flips it on its head, treating innocent property owners like the Slatics worse than criminals. A victory in this case will not only mean the return of the Slatics’ money, it will uphold the principle that no American should lose his or her property without being convicted of a crime.

Angry lawyer goes off the deep end
Angry lawyer goes off the deep end erick rendoza 94 Views • 4 years ago

Joseph Kouri, attorney for Blueprint LSAT Prep, behaves unprofessionally at depositions.

The Transgenerational Effects of the Pill
The Transgenerational Effects of the Pill Red Pill Mentor Tokyo 31 Views • 4 years ago

⁣It's not just divorce rates hormonal contraceptives are affecting.

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The "Where Have All the Good Men Gone?" Hypothesis - Red Pill Mentor

The Pill: Mate Selection Under the Influence
The Pill: Mate Selection Under the Influence Red Pill Mentor Tokyo 40 Views • 4 years ago

⁣On multiple occasions I've heard it stated that the pill has an affect on divorce rates, but not the reason why, so I decided to look into this subject further.

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The "Where Have All the Good Men Gone?" Hypothesis - Red Pill Mentor

Career Women Struggle To Date Men Who Earn As Much As They Do, Men Want Younger Women
Career Women Struggle To Date Men Who Earn As Much As They Do, Men Want Younger Women KEEPER 150 Views • 4 years ago

Tim, Ian, and Lydia invite friend, author, podcaster, and YouTube commentator Jack Murphy to discuss what it means for modern culture that women are doing so well they can barely find men who are doing better than they are, financially.

From Ep. #236, March 3, 2021

Jack Murphy
@JackMurphyLive (Twitter)
@Jack Murphy Live (YouTube)

Tim @timcast (everywhere)
Ian @IanCrossland (everywhere)
Lydia @SourPatchLyds (Twitter, Minds) @REALSourPatchLyds (Gab, Instagram)

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Podcast available on iTunes and Spotify, coming soon to all podcast platforms!

Female paedophile
Female paedophile Nikaido 38 Views • 4 years ago

Paedophile women is taboo in society

BOOK - Female Sexual Abuse Of Children - The Ultimate Taboo by Michele Elliott

Me Perdoe por ser HOMEM :(
Me Perdoe por ser HOMEM :( Silent Investor 135 Views • 4 years ago

Link do vídeo: ⁣

Miss Independent - Mgtow
Miss Independent - Mgtow Zuberi87 230 Views • 4 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Blackram - Nunca pague pelo que os outros receberam de graça
Blackram - Nunca pague pelo que os outros receberam de graça Nikaido 213 Views • 4 years ago

creditos do vídeo ao canal WisdomMan
Youtube - ⁣

Impressão de Dinheiro Continua - Segue a FESTA?
Impressão de Dinheiro Continua - Segue a FESTA? Silent Investor 63 Views • 4 years ago

Alea Jacta Est ?


Papa Roach - Between Angels And Insects
Papa Roach - Between Angels And Insects Malkav Saiya Yautja 27 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}

There's no money, there's no possessions, only obsession
I don't need that shit
Take my money, take my obsession

[Verse 1]
I just want to be heard
Loud and clear are my words
Coming from within man
Tell them what you heard
It's about a revolution
In your heart and in your mind
You can find the conclusion
Lifestyle and obsession
Diamond rings get you nothin'
But a lifelong lesson
And your pocketbook stressin'
You're a slave to the system
Working jobs that you hate
For that shit you don't need
It's too bad the world is based on greed
Step back and see
Stop thinking about yourself
Start thinking about

There's no money, there's no possessions, only obsession
I don't need that shit
Take my money, take my possessions, take my obsession
I don't need that shit

[Verse 2]
Because everything is nothing, and emptiness is in everything
This reality is really just a fucked up dream
With the flesh and the blood that you call your soul
Flip it inside out It's a big black hole
Take your money burn it up like an asteroid
Possessions, they are never going to fill the void
Take it away and learn the best lesson
The heart, the soul, the life, the passion

There's no money, there's no possessions, only obsession
I don't need that shit
Take my money, take my possessions, take my obsession
I don't need that shit

Money, possessions, obsession

Present yourself, press your clothes
Comb your hair, clock in
You just can't win, just can't win
The things you own, own you. No!

Take my money, take my possessions, take my obsession
I don't need that shit
Fuck your money, fuck your possessions, fuck your obsession
I don't need that shit

Money, possession, obsession
I don't need that shit

State Of Emergency
State Of Emergency KEEPER 20 Views • 4 years ago

⁣As Texas was battered by a Polar Vortex dumping Arctic air into the state and multiple winter storms that left millions of people without electricity…

Obsidia Ft Coma - Masquerade
Obsidia Ft Coma - Masquerade Malkav Saiya Yautja 20 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}

⁣I'm not angry
I'm not sad
I'm just tired
I've been had

(Too tired)

I'm not angry
I'm not sad
I'm just tired
I've been had

I'm not angry
I'm not sad
I'm just tired
I've been had

I've been had
I've been had
I've been had
I've been had

I'm not angry
I'm not sad
I'm just tired
I've been had

I'm not angry
I'm not sad
I'm just tired
I've been had

I'm not angry
I'm not sad
I'm just tired
I've been had

(Too tired)

I'm not angry
I'm not sad
I'm just tired
I've been had

I'm not angry
I'm not sad
I'm just tired
I've been had

I've been had
I've been had
I've been had
I've been had

I'm not angry
I'm not sad
I'm just tired
I've been had

I'm not angry
I've been had

I'm not angry
I've been had

Two Steps From Hell - Unleashed (Full Album)
Two Steps From Hell - Unleashed (Full Album) Malkav Saiya Yautja 28 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}
Request from KEEPER
⁣00:00 Unleashed
05:20 One Above All
08:56 Impossible
17:44 Rune
21:25 Wild Heart
24:37 Neptune & Mars
28:40 Run Free
31:10 Oracle
35:00 Never Give Up On Your Dreams
40:10 Step into the Light
44:56 Secret Melody
48:34 Final Days of Rome
51:49 Molto Piratissimo
54:54 Descendent of the Sun
58:40 Snow Angels
1:01:21 I'll Stand Alone
1:05:41 Westward
1:09:20 Emblem
1:13:00 Foundation
1:16:58 See Me Fight

White Girls Embracing Islam To Get That Arab Beta Bux Deluxe
White Girls Embracing Islam To Get That Arab Beta Bux Deluxe Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 411 Views • 4 years ago


Obsidia Ft Coma - Beautiful
Obsidia Ft Coma - Beautiful Malkav Saiya Yautja 20 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}

⁣Tell me something beautiful
Oh, tell me something real
Tell me no more make believe
I just want to feel.

Fill it full of horror
Fill it full of life
Feel it full of feeling
There's more honesty in strife.

Tell me something beautiful.

Where is MGTOW Going?
Where is MGTOW Going? NerokeFive 89 Views • 4 years ago

A couple of years ago in an interview, I was asked where MGTOW is going? As expected like everyone else in MGTOW that's completed the Red Pill Rage I could also really answer for myself and the only answer I could give the interviewer at the time was "It's going to get bigger"

As the numbers of men going MGTOW worldwide approaches 7 figures at an ever-increasing pace though there are some things that are starting to happen. An information exchange being among them. Networking has also been taking place. There have been the occasional gatherings. The trend appears to be an imprint on the male mind that there are options for them beyond what they've been told.

Freedom awaits

Lucasfilm wants to Self Destruct
Lucasfilm wants to Self Destruct NerokeFive 55 Views • 4 years ago

Disney has been a very poor caretaker of Lucasfilm and more importantly Star Wars. There was the absolute atrocity that was The Last Jedi. The Hiring of Krystina Arielle an absolute racist, The constant hypocrisy coming from Kathleen Kennedy, the chronic wokeness, The disaster that was Solo And certainly not the least was the firing of Gina Carano the "Strong Independent Woman" that got the axe because she dared to have a mind of her own

While Lucasfilm is far from the only studio going down this is the only place where it's going down due to sheer incompetence

Hot Women Hate Change - MGTOW
Hot Women Hate Change - MGTOW Sandman 387 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone SAndman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Greeting Sandman, I thought of an idea of what might happen if women didn't have simps or cucks To support and defend their Tom foolery. If we indeed succeed in building and making reproductive sexbots, would women face a financial drop or a supportive drop from society with most men are being sexually satisfied? Of course there should be policies in systems in place to keep these things in check but if we could successfully build these things would women see themselves as being out of luck. Because we all know that these blue pill simps and cucks are only doing it to get laid or get some sort of sexual satisfaction. Cheers!" Well Teaven Thanks for another donation and topic. I honestly don't think we'll have to wait for a sexbot to cut women off from their simp bucks either directly or through the form of taxes. We could see the end of the nation state thanks to Bitcoin where individual financial soverignty takes resources away from women. It could also lead to the end of the consumer based economy too because why would I spend a thousand dollars worth of Bitcoin this year to buy A deflationary monetary system saves the ecology because it destroys the consumer economy. Does that mean women will like consuming less? Of course not. Shopping therapy will still be around but it will be harder for men to justify parting with their money and giving it to a thot when it's worth more next year. The simps and cucks will hold onto their resources instead of handing it out willy nilly to women that suck their willies. Sexbots would just be the cherry and sprinkles on that testicle Sunday that would take women's purchasing power away. I'll get to more in just a moment but before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. Of course men that were sexually satisfied using technology would cut women off from financial, emotional and attention support. But as I was saying with Crypto it's a revolution that's happening right now and has the potential to separate the state and money. As we all know the state supports women through government jobs, welfare payments, mostly female teacher jobs and many other forms for make work. Western states are already teetering on bankruptcy and what happens to whamen when they print their money into oblivion and mostly men take what value is left in that money and put it into crypto and other hard assets. Many of the women I know that rely on government checks which are mostly just male tax dollars and debt these days spend every last dollar they make each month because when you're a teacher you know that more money is on it's way. Even during Covid here in Ontario, Canada the government hired thousands of teachers for schools that are mostly closed. With Bitcoin most governments currently treat it like an asset which is taxable when it's sold. But what if I park it with a company like Gemini and get three percent on my Crypto or what if I get six percent with Blockfi? This isn't financial advice and I'm not telling you what to do. Do your own due diligence.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Her Heart was Never Yours
Her Heart was Never Yours NerokeFive 33 Views • 4 years ago

We've all been there. Some woman and girl who you thought liked you just up and dropped you like a used dishrag and it was usually over some guy that ended up dropping her a few weeks or months later because he was bored with her

How do you stop this from happening?
Don't play the game for one MGTOW
The other is to have something in your life that gives you purpose and meaning that doesn't require the validation of a woman. That way your life has something in it regardless of what the outcome is, OR even better yet what someone else tells you what's important

I Was An Mens Rights Activist now I'm a Fierce Feminist: Edwin Hodges
I Was An Mens Rights Activist now I'm a Fierce Feminist: Edwin Hodges NerokeFive 52 Views • 4 years ago

It's one thing to write an awful piece about how you returned to Feminism after discovering the MRM that had holes so large a supertanker could sail through them. It's another to then remove it, have someone rewrite it and STILL have holes so large that it doesn't hold up THEN try to pass yourself off as some kind of academic authority on the Red Pill oh and CLAIMING that he got threats whilst doing it without sources

If Edwin was hoping that nobody noticed I did. I did because it was my pointing out of the factual errors you made in the first article that got fixed. Too bad you too lazy to correct the other issues

Just an FYI here Edwin because I know at some point you'll read this. I'm taking the liberty of posting this up at both Bitchute and so you won't be able to censor it

Archived Version (Not Bluffing)

MSOL mostra sua hipergamia na frente do namorado
MSOL mostra sua hipergamia na frente do namorado Falco 184 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Msol traindo na cara dura
Pegadinha do canal Hooman Tv "Gold Digger Prank"
Vídeo legendado pelo canal realverdade: ⁣
Vídeo original canal Hooman Tv : ⁣"GOLD DIGGER PRANK PART 9! HoomanTV" ⁣

LatinMgtow is now Live!
LatinMgtow is now Live! Latin Mgtow 29 Views • 4 years ago

This is a LIVE stream

Beta Simp gave my Friend $50 because she rejected him
Beta Simp gave my Friend $50 because she rejected him NotchLion 73 Views • 4 years ago

beta male simp gave my Friend $50 becuase she rejected him

LHLP 109 - 06 Dinamarca y el Consentimiento
LHLP 109 - 06 Dinamarca y el Consentimiento Latin Mgtow 89 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Conoce más sobre este tema y la filosofía Mgtow en este canal te invito a que te suscribas y me sigas en mis redes sociales y canales alternativos (enlaces más abajo) para que no te pierdas ningún vídeo o publicación.

⁣Documento "Principios Fundamentales de la Filosofía MGTOW 3.0"
Descarga aquí:

Glosario MGTOW:
-Bubok. Te enviarán de forma gratuita el pdf con el documento al correo electrónico aquí:
-Wattpad. Puedes leerlo online de forma gratuita aquí:



Como Instalar Brave

Como Ganar Dinero con Brave


Reino Unido




? DLIVE? Aquí:

?TWITCH? Aquí:

? DISCORD? Aquí:







LHLP 109 - 05 Biden Aniquila el Deporte Femenino
LHLP 109 - 05 Biden Aniquila el Deporte Femenino Latin Mgtow 69 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Conoce más sobre este tema y la filosofía Mgtow en este canal te invito a que te suscribas y me sigas en mis redes sociales y canales alternativos (enlaces más abajo) para que no te pierdas ningún vídeo o publicación.

⁣Documento "Principios Fundamentales de la Filosofía MGTOW 3.0"
Descarga aquí:

Glosario MGTOW:
-Bubok. Te enviarán de forma gratuita el pdf con el documento al correo electrónico aquí:
-Wattpad. Puedes leerlo online de forma gratuita aquí:



Como Instalar Brave

Como Ganar Dinero con Brave


Reino Unido




? DLIVE? Aquí:

?TWITCH? Aquí:

? DISCORD? Aquí:








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⁣? ⁣EPISODE 3 :
? EPISODE 4 :⁣ ⁣
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Go your own way guys

A MAIOR HISTÓRIA JAMAIS CONTADA – PARTE 19 SpirT 42 Views • 4 years ago

⁣JULGAMENTOS DE DE NUREMBERG – A “desnazificação” e limpeza étnica dos alemães. Ainda na Ásia, a guerra continua com o Japão.

Socialismo,Gramscismo - Dança dos Macaquinhos
Socialismo,Gramscismo - Dança dos Macaquinhos Nikaido 39 Views • 4 years ago

One of the best places in the world to apply, this luciferianism
OBS* - ⁣Be careful with Brazilian women, they are opportunists.

A MAIOR HISTÓRIA JAMAIS CONTADA – PARTE 18 SpirT 35 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Parte 18 Alemanha derrotada. As terríveis mortes de Joseph e Magda Goebbels, a “Operação Matadouro” e os maus-tratos aliados aos prisioneiros alemães.

Mulher Sobrevivente fala sobre o TITANIC 1979
Mulher Sobrevivente fala sobre o TITANIC 1979 Nikaido 80 Views • 4 years ago

Mulher fala do horror da tragédia do TITANIC,e como homens perderam as suas vidas para salvar as mulheres e crianças.

Galactic Dust Micronova Trigger Arriving_ _ S0 News Mar 721
Galactic Dust Micronova Trigger Arriving_ _ S0 News Mar 721 PlazmoidialSoup 19 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Published on Mar 7, 2021
Daily Sun, Earth and Science News
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Solo French Learning: Répondre à des questions à propos de soi  Passed
Solo French Learning: Répondre à des questions à propos de soi Passed Francis_UD 1 Views • 4 years ago

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