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Latest videos

Choose players... 18 years – elas – Life bonus game! 18 years - eles - Life very Hard!
Choose players... 18 years – elas – Life bonus game! 18 years - eles - Life very Hard! MGTOWRaiiz 136 Views • 4 years ago

⁣A diferença de já nascer com a ideologia que Cria as sem virtudes.
E nascer No m.a.c.h.i.s.m.o que cria os homens destinados à honra!

A Honradinha de Betão, que nem fez a questão de procurar saber o seu passado!
A Honradinha de Betão, que nem fez a questão de procurar saber o seu passado! MGTOWRaiiz 336 Views • 4 years ago

⁣"Aquela vontade monstra de ter uma filha agora, o cara tem que sustentar isso aqui pro consumo da rapaziada, orgulho do pai. ???
Por isso que sair pra comprar cigarros sempre, acaba sendo o melhor a se fazer. Hoje mais do que na idade medieval, acho que ter uma filha deve ser um desgosto maior que um catarrento comum".

Hammer Hand and co. Declining health
Hammer Hand and co. Declining health PennyMgtow 116 Views • 4 years ago

The end times of fake Mgtows.

20191101 VHH-320 Live - Filhos de M$OL
20191101 VHH-320 Live - Filhos de M$OL VITOR HONK BACK UP 16 Views • 4 years ago

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20191028 VHH-319 live da noite
20191028 VHH-319 live da noite VITOR HONK BACK UP 12 Views • 4 years ago

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20191027 VHH-318 Podcast resposta sobre luzilene, homens e Istanbul
20191027 VHH-318 Podcast resposta sobre luzilene, homens e Istanbul VITOR HONK BACK UP 21 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 318

Biden loves to say the N word
Biden loves to say the N word Red Pill Satori 78 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Biden loves to say the N word over and over

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20191026 VHH-317 Relato - Tenho um colega de trabalho gay e capacho escroto de capivara VITOR HONK BACK UP 30 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 317

20191020 VHH-316 Comentando vídeos sobre investimento em terrenos
20191020 VHH-316 Comentando vídeos sobre investimento em terrenos VITOR HONK BACK UP 15 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 316

Latest Musings and Actual Video Footage!
Latest Musings and Actual Video Footage! Johnny_Cage 43 Views • 4 years ago

I think I'll start recording video from my excursions I take when doing contemplative or meditative thinking. The scenery is just gorgeous; I thought I'd try my hand at including actual video.

Let me know what you think!

Men, what are you chasing in life?
Men, what are you chasing in life? Jay K 32 Views • 4 years ago

Men, what are you chasing in life.
Credits: RPW Liberation

Pare de falar mal de mulher
Pare de falar mal de mulher Scifer 213 Views • 4 years ago

Porque não se deve falar com um MGTOW?

Una mujer trans me pide consejo - Sandman
Una mujer trans me pide consejo - Sandman Adonis MGTOW 72 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Una mujer trans me
pide consejo

En este corto de 9 minutos, Sandman nos cuenta la historia
de una mujer trans que ha empezado a actuar como una verdadera mujer, su
testimonio nos revela varios aspectos de la naturaleza femenina.

Ariana ha pasado por cirugías y se ha inyectado hormonas a
tal grado que ahora actúa y parece una mujer, pero debido a que mantiene una
mente masculina es capaz de percibir a la sociedad y a su propio persona desde
un aspecto diferente.

Empieza por relatarno que se ha dado cuenta que la sociedad
no trata muy bien a los hombres y debido a la presión social que se ejerze
sobre ellos muchos deciden hacerse el cambio de género, ella al volverse mujer
nota un gran cambio en su vida, para mejor.

Pero cuando establece una relación amorosa con un hombre se
da cuenta que ella misma ahora le exige a su pareja lo mismo que le exigían a
ella cuando era hombre, es decir, no llorar, no lucir débil, etc.

Ella ha manipulado a su novio de tal forma que él ya no es
el mismo y Ariana, nuestra chica trans, ya no sabe que hacer pues lo ha
hostigado a tal punto que se ha dado cuenta que el hombre que ella quizó
moldear en su pareja no es realmente lo que ella quería y ahora quisiera que
volviera a ser el mismo de antes.

Como buena mujer, siempre vio por sus propios intereses y
ahora incluso es incapaz de ver la ironía en su propio comportamiento, sin duda
la transición de hombre a mujer es profunda, no solo modifica el cuerpo sino
hasta las emociones y el comportamiento, pero en lo mas profundo siempre
tendrán una mentalidad masculina que las criticará duramente, como le sucedió a
esta chica.

Video Fuente:

A glimpse of the future which is female??? Part 2
A glimpse of the future which is female??? Part 2 Jay K 179 Views • 4 years ago

What women do in free time?
They try to mess with the snowman.
These women hate anything and everything.

Men Of 2021
Men Of 2021 Hold The Truth Hostage 81 Views • 4 years ago

Why Men Of 2021 will Be the return of a more confident male

#men #youngmen #social

Vitamin D Without the Toxicity
Vitamin D Without the Toxicity fishandchicks 12 Views • 4 years ago


Thot Makes Fun Of Girl With Cancer LOL - MGTOW
Thot Makes Fun Of Girl With Cancer LOL - MGTOW Sandman 294 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring
- (Cancer harassment, false police report, cancel culture against dad) (Dad's response with text context) (Full dad response and dad's personal channel) (Daughter running out of money and asking for men to become ATM's)

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trump Nukem and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, Whamen's ability to cancel culture a male partner or family member without consequences has been a plague on men/fathers since the rise of social media. Recently I discovered a utterly vile whamen named PlayMateTessi or Maya who was caught harassing a girl while live streaming with cancer with no remorse and claimed she cancel cultured lots of other people before this and is good at it. Two Weeks later Tessi was asleep during live stream and the father was caught with hot mike yelling at other daughter, info was leaked, viewers then traced dads workplace and emailed Tessi's cancer harassment video to them and got dad fired. When the father called to confront Tessi, she live streamed the call where father told Tessi to leave house in 1 hour. Tessi proceeded to call police and give false report to gain instant victim status
and cancel culture her own father. The father released a video explaining that Tessi has severe mental health issues and has spent $40K to get Tessi treatment and also to answer a few questions the internet populace had in regards to the whole thing. The father seems genuine and explains his side very well while still explaining that he loves his daughter though she is an adult now so is on her own after this backstabbing. Tessi is currently flooding Youtube with delusion streams of her current (spiral out of control) situation. As of January 29th Tessi is now asking for the Simps to become ATM's and support her financially because she's a whamen. Sandman I'd like your MGTOW perspective on the current trend of young Social Media Thots who spitefully cancel culture on their own family members while living in fantasy land with no consequences of actions, claiming independence while still suckling at the teat of men's income for survival while doing absolutely nothing towards furthering society. Well Trump Nukem thanks for the donation and topic. I shared the video links in the description with Tessi also known by her real name Maya so people can follow along with this thot debauchery. It's not enough that she got her father unintentionally cancelled from his own job but when he called her out on it she then got the police involved to cancel him even more. Whatever that's supposed to mean. Maybe put him in jail and cancel his freedom. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to the video. First I'll share my thoughts about Tessi or Maya and then I'll discuss women claiming independence while suckling a man's shwing shwang for resources. Trump Nukem the links you shared with me are quite disturbing. So when I watched Tessi the first thing I thought about when I saw her face in the fourth video, the most recent one is her face is red like she's a Meth head. I hate to say this but the path that she's going down I wouldn't be surprised if they find her in a back ally dead with no hear on her head because she sold her locks to make wigs for cancer patients so she could put the meth in her mouth that finally did her in. Her father had said that he had 2 rules for under his roof don't do drugs and other illegal activities and keep your room clean. He said she couldn't keep any of those promises. So she's definitely on drugs. In the latest video she's calling out all of her pay piggies to support her but what she should be doing is going online and begging for money or begging the company that fired her father for his job back. Yes she was streaming herself while sleeping and her father was heard being verbally abusive to his other daughter in the background and it cost him his job. Because of that he kicked her out of his life. He doesn't want her to ever come home.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Simp Fathers Are Worse Than Single Mothers
Simp Fathers Are Worse Than Single Mothers Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 410 Views • 4 years ago


Falling Down
Falling Down Drums McBashington 61 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Director: Joel Schumacher
Writer: Ebbe Roe Smith
Starring: ⁣Michael Douglas, Robert Duvall, Barbara Hershey, Rachel Ticotin, Tuesday Weld, Frederic Forrest, Lois Smith, Joey Singer, Ebbe Roe Smith, Michael Paul Chan, Raymond J. Barry, Steve Park, James Keane, Macon McCalman, Richard Montoya, Bruce Beatty, Matthew Saks, Agustin Rodriguez, Eddie Frias, Pat Romano, Julian Scott Urena, Karina Arroyave, Benjamin Mouton, James Morrison, John Fleck, Brent Hinkley, Dedee Pfeiffer, Carole Androsky, Margaret Medina, Vondie Curtis-Hall, Mark Frank, Peter Radon, Spencer Rochfort, Carole White, Russell Curry, John Fink, Jack Kehoe, Valentino D. Harrison, Jack Betts, Al Mancini, John Diehl, Amy Morton, Abbey Barthel, Susie Singer Carter, Wayne Duvall & ⁣Valisha Jean Malin

LAYERS OF FEAR [PC] : PART 1 (HORROR GAME) Doggk_Gaming 32 Views • 4 years ago


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Go your own way guys

Games & Rants (2/22/21) Emerging Triumphant From The Blizzard!
Games & Rants (2/22/21) Emerging Triumphant From The Blizzard! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 21 Views • 4 years ago

Game: Mushroom Kingdom Fusion, Hentai Girl Division, Hentai Crush (The game is free, similar to Super Mario Bros Crossover but much better, more footage and a playthrough of the upcoming 0.75 is coming soon. I talk with the devs on a regular basis. This game has also been around since 2008.)

We have finally returned from the blizzard and there was so much to discuss. From recent politics to personal mgtow related topics, DP and I talk about it all. We ran out of video footage three times and didn't even finish the outro proper! I spent a number of hours prepping game footage for future videos.

Grim Plays: Adorable Crush
Grim Plays: Adorable Crush Grim Lord's Games & Rants 31 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Game: Adorable Crush

No DP yet, but I figured I would do some housekeeping and then play a bit of Adorable Crush, a Japanese doujin answer to Huniepop. You can pick it up for about three bucks on Steam. Another video will go up later today. Stay tuned.

The black community as a whole, is becoming a serious danger
The black community as a whole, is becoming a serious danger SpaceJew 135 Views • 4 years ago

if you are so cucked you cant say that... you also are part of the problem...

ChillWave Joyride
ChillWave Joyride Shadow Monk 12 Views • 4 years ago

RedPilotSun: Bodybuilder

Bolsonaro Dilmou mesmo?
Bolsonaro Dilmou mesmo? Ratão do Banhado 71 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Para falar com o Ratão do Banhado segue os meios abaixo
E-mail do Ratão: [email protected]
Twitter do Ratão:​
Canal principal:​
Canal Nova Vertente:

It’s 2021” Men” stop Cold Approaching Woman
It’s 2021” Men” stop Cold Approaching Woman NotchLion 240 Views • 4 years ago

Red Pill MGTOW

Snowboarders Run Dry
Snowboarders Run Dry Joe Kerr 14 Views • 4 years ago

⁣This was a fun water gliding sesh on the mountains back in 2020.⁣Also, water gliding on a snowboard in speedos; I'd never lol. Check out Jonathan Buckhouse and get him on Bitchute will ya!
Song from Menthalo
Hope you enjoy!

Betão o Seu sonho é Comer ''Anittha''!
Betão o Seu sonho é Comer ''Anittha''! MGTOWRaiiz 136 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Ai Betão!
Essa vai pra você, que pensa é bate o dia todo pela sua Anittha!
Digo as anitthas da vida, as minas que estão em evidencia onde você mora
ou perto de seu interesse de consumo, aquelas madona de seus sonhos
mais picantes.
Lembre-se sempre o sucesso delas e a beleza e etc.
Tudo isso tem prazo de validade...
Enquanto durar sua fama no carrossel de chapeletas e etc...
A hora que a fama de sucesso delas acabarem é por pessoas iguais a os
Betões que elas irão procurar pra assumir as suas caghadas na vida.
Então vídeos assim servem para preparas a galera BluePill para Não
passarem a humilhação de terem que assumir as modernetes pedintes de
$amor de um Beta desavisado com tudo que esta rolando hoje em dia.

Igual a achar os Pés de uma cobra. É igual a achar na historia do mundo Muié que se sacrifica por amor a próximo!
Igual a achar os Pés de uma cobra. É igual a achar na historia do mundo Muié que se sacrifica por amor a próximo! MGTOWRaiiz 168 Views • 4 years ago

Faça um testezinho com elas, Perguntem a Elas...
Na história do mundo, Quantas muiéres empoderadas deram a vida por amor a seu próximo?
Depois dessa pergunta é só esperar a resposta delas eternamente.

E Mais uma M$ol se dando bem nas costas de um Beta!
E Mais uma M$ol se dando bem nas costas de um Beta! MGTOWRaiiz 279 Views • 4 years ago

⁣E Mais um Betão que caiu no canto da sereia da M$ol!

Escuta ai! Mas Ela Só pode ter muito para barganhar entronca né?
Escuta ai! Mas Ela Só pode ter muito para barganhar entronca né? MGTOWRaiiz 161 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Mas o futuro é uma caixinha de surpresas né?
E no caso delas, elas plantaram...
E Bateu os 28,38, 48 dá ruim né?
A Beleza acabando se é que ainda elas tem...
A lista de rhetardhados Betas que ficavam de gados vem diminuindo, os alfas não as enxergam mais, e os betas não são mais tão idiotas...kkk
Ai que vem o Desespero de quem trephou igual chuchu na serra!
E outrora elas esnobaram os caras sérios!
Pensavam que sempre estariam na moda, mas a juventude passou né?
E agora tá Se-Fú...
Mas chora, chora e chora!
pois agora o canto da serei não tem mais efeito!

E Viva os RedPllados e os MGTOWs!

Cafajeste conselhos para um Gado. Redpill - MGTOW
Cafajeste conselhos para um Gado. Redpill - MGTOW MGTOWRaiiz 203 Views • 4 years ago

⁣E enquanto mais o cara é virado para o lado do mau, é ai que elas mais se apaixonam por ele... Resumo: Os canalhas que lhes degustam de primeiro... As sobras e os restos são reservados para os maltrapilhos dos betas... Mais só depois que elas passearem bastante no carrossel de P, dos canalhas!E Viva MGTOW!

E já que eu sei que vão perguntar o nome desse filme, o nome dele é...
(Minhas adoráveis ex namoradas).

The glimpse of the future which is female ???
The glimpse of the future which is female ??? Jay K 175 Views • 4 years ago

What will women do when men suddenly disappear from planet Earth?
Simple, they will fight with each other.
Women hate women.

Linkin Park - Faint
Linkin Park - Faint Malkav Saiya Yautja 41 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}

⁣[Verse 1: Mike Shinoda]
I am a little bit of loneliness
A little bit of disregard
Handful of complaints, but I can't help the fact
That everyone can see these scars
I am what I want you to want
What I want you to feel
But it's like no matter what I do
I can't convince you to just believe this is real

[Pre-Chorus: Mike Shinoda]
So I let go, watching you
Turn your back like you always do
Face away and pretend that I'm not
But I'll be here 'cause you're all that I've got

[Chorus: Chester Bennington]
I can't feel the way I did before
Don't turn your back on me, I won't be ignored
Time won't heal this damage anymore
Don't turn your back on me, I won't be ignored

[Verse 2: Mike Shinoda]
I am a little bit insecure
A little unconfident
'Cause you don't understand, I do what I can
But sometimes, I don't make sense
I am what you never wanna say
But I've never had a doubt
It's like no matter what I do, I can't convince you
For once, just to hear me out

[Pre-Chorus: Mike Shinoda]
So I let go, watching you
Turn your back like you always do
Face away and pretend that I'm not
But I'll be here 'cause you're all that I've got

[Chorus: Chester Bennington]
I can't feel the way I did before
Don't turn your back on me, I won't be ignored
Time won't heal this damage anymore
Don't turn your back on me, I won't be ignored

[Bridge: Chester Bennington]
No, hear me out now
You're gonna listen to me, like it or not
Right now, hear me out now
You're gonna listen to me, like it or not
Right now
I can't feel the way I did before
Don't turn your back on me, I won't be ignored

[Chorus: Chester Bennington]
I can't feel the way I did before
Don't turn your back on me, I won't be ignored
Time won't heal this damage anymore
Don't turn your back on me, I won't be ignored

[Outro: Chester Bennington]
I can't feel
Don't turn your back on me, I won't be ignored
Time won't heal
Don't turn your back on me, I won't be ignored

Linkin Park - Crawling (Mt Eden Bootleg)
Linkin Park - Crawling (Mt Eden Bootleg) Malkav Saiya Yautja 50 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}
No lyrics found.

Linkin Park - Carousel
Linkin Park - Carousel Malkav Saiya Yautja 40 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}

⁣[Verse 1: Mike Shinoda]
She can't hide, no matter how hard she tries
Her secret disguise behind the lies
And at night, she cries away her pride
With eyes shut tight, staring at her inside
All her friends know why she can't sleep at night
All her family asking if she's alright
All she wants to do is get rid of this hell
Well, all she's gotta do is stop kidding herself

[Pre-Chorus: Mike Shinoda & Chester Bennington]
She can only fool herself for so long
She can only fool herself for so long
She can only fool herself for so long
(I'm too weak to face me!) She can only fool herself

[Chorus: Chester Bennington]
I never know just why you run
So far away, far away from me
I never know just why you run
So far away, far away from me

[Verse 2: Mike Shinoda]
When it comes to how to live his life, he can't be told
Says he's got it all under control
Thinks he knows it's not a problem he's stuck with
But in reality, it'd be a problem to just quit
An addict and he can't hold the reigns
The pain is worse 'cause his friends have it the same
Tries to slow down the problem he's got
But can't get off the carousel until he makes it stop

[Pre-Chorus: Mike Shinoda & Chester Bennington]
He can only fool himself for so long
He can only fool himself for so long
He can only fool himself for so long
(I'm too weak to face me!) He can only fool himself

[Chorus: Chester Bennington]
I never know just why you run
So far away, far away from me
I never know just why you run
So far away, far away from me

[Bridge: Mike Shinoda]
Fly with me, under the wings I gave you
Try to be closer to me and I'll save you
Fly with me, under the wings I gave you
Try to be closer to me and I'll save you

[Chorus: Chester Bennington]
I never know just why you run
So far away, far away from me
I never know just why you run
So far away, far away from me
I never know just why you run
So far away, far away from me
I never know just why you run
So far away, far away from me

Skul The Hero Slayer Ep6 Ending – 4K No Commentary –
Skul The Hero Slayer Ep6 Ending – 4K No Commentary – Aborrecido 24 Views • 4 years ago

⁣I'm not a good player I only what to have some fun

MAGNETIC NEANDERTHAL EXTINCTION - The World on Notice PlazmoidialSoup 40 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Reversal of earths magnetic poles may have triggered Neanderthal extiction and it could happen again

⁣Published on Feb 21, 2021
In case you spent yesterday under a rock, another top journal confirmed the entire purpose of this channel... only this time the world took notice. Magnetic excursions of earth's field are extinction events... the next one is underway now.

Ammunition Company REFUSES To Sell To Biden Voters, INFURIATING Them
Ammunition Company REFUSES To Sell To Biden Voters, INFURIATING Them KEEPER 56 Views • 4 years ago

Tim, Ian, and Lydia host ammunition and arms expert and majority owner of Fenix Ammunition Justin Nazaroff to explain Fenix's choice to refuse to do business with people who voted for Biden.

Guest: Justin Nazaroff, Fenix Ammunition @FenixAmmunition (Twitter)

Tim @timcast (everywhere)
Ian @IanCrossland (everywhere)
Lydia @SourPatchLyds (Twitter, Minds) @REALSourPatchLyds (Gab, Instagram)

Sign Up For Exclusive Episodes At

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Podcast available on iTunes and Spotify, coming soon to all podcast platforms!

HG wells....   The Time Machine...  Book report
HG wells.... The Time Machine... Book report SpaceJew 30 Views • 4 years ago

By Appalonian Germ

Moving forward_ dry run your gear
Moving forward_ dry run your gear PlazmoidialSoup 20 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Alpha Charlie Concepts
10.2K subscribers
Published on Feb 10, 2021
For Palmetto State Armory and Primary Arms

⁣Concepts, thoughts and info for the self reliant, armed, prepared citizen..... and whatever else crosses my mind.

larping at its best? sounds like fun.
Popp was talking about PACE.
So check these guys out.
there's plenty onYt for now. it just came up in my recommendations really.

Bushido II
Bushido II PlazmoidialSoup 16 Views • 4 years ago

Just for continuity of post. Go check him out on mgtow mirror. he just deleted all his yt. great speaker and teacher. and a proclaimed centrist

Appalonian germ on the Beowulf kike theory
Appalonian germ on the Beowulf kike theory SpaceJew 40 Views • 4 years ago


Future and Bushido
Future and Bushido PlazmoidialSoup 24 Views • 4 years ago

Quasimandas is not here on mgtow tv but you can find him on mgtow mirror. he just recently took down his videos off you tube for saftey "reasons"
you can find his talk with human too around on here and bitchute &yt
This is where i really started to hear what he was saying.

Mystical Fascism
Mystical Fascism PlazmoidialSoup 14 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Published on Dec 18, 2020
Order of the Black Sun
Lord Imperius discusses fascism and reads excerpts from the book "Dark Side Philosophy", available here:

So to understand each side holds their values as correct or values above the others.

20191019 VHH-315 homem gadoso xonadinho
20191019 VHH-315 homem gadoso xonadinho VITOR HONK BACK UP 12 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 315

20191019 VHH-314 Relato de família - Golpe investimento Cap.2
20191019 VHH-314 Relato de família - Golpe investimento Cap.2 VITOR HONK BACK UP 22 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 314

"The Redpill is WRONG About Women and Love"
"The Redpill is WRONG About Women and Love" Texting Prince 163 Views • 4 years ago

We have this guy Joshy boy that is ready to convince us that the #redpill is wrong about #women.

Take a watch and see if Joshy convinces you to get back on that blue pill plantation chasing that Disney love...

Or if he just exposes himself as a little emotional #Betamon


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20191018 VHH-313 Relato de família - Golpe em investimentos. Cap. 1
20191018 VHH-313 Relato de família - Golpe em investimentos. Cap. 1 VITOR HONK BACK UP 27 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 313

Hide Your Success Part 2 - Mgtow
Hide Your Success Part 2 - Mgtow Zuberi87 117 Views • 4 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Jimmy Bond
Jimmy Bond OniriumSage 24 Views • 4 years ago

see it say it laugh it debunk it be my guests
but i verify what youtube is going to do
and yes, D.L. if you need and edit
Stay Strong !

20191018 VHH-312 BATE PAPO SOBRE EX BORDERLINE VITOR HONK BACK UP 14 Views • 4 years ago

Video 312

20191014 VHH-311 Podcast, comentários sobre a vida de casadinho e a exploração de uma classe masculina
20191014 VHH-311 Podcast, comentários sobre a vida de casadinho e a exploração de uma classe masculina VITOR HONK BACK UP 27 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 311

22 Acacia Avenue
22 Acacia Avenue Drums McBashington 7 Views • 4 years ago

Iron Maiden

Charlotte The Harlot
Charlotte The Harlot Drums McBashington 11 Views • 4 years ago

Iron Maiden

The Realist Philosopher Show - Wed & Sun 5PM MST
The Realist Philosopher Show - Wed & Sun 5PM MST The Realist Philosopher 36 Views • 4 years ago

Crewman Sucked Into Jet Engine
Crewman Sucked Into Jet Engine Shadow Monk 31 Views • 4 years ago

very interesting survival story.

Crazy Female Professor Wants All Humans To Die? - MGTOW
Crazy Female Professor Wants All Humans To Die? - MGTOW Sandman 357 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

'The only solution for climate change is letting the human race become extinct'

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mars and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, Can you please cover this article about a crazy female professor trying to convince her Cambridge students that the best way to fight climate change is for the human race to go extinct. What do you think of her plan Sandman?" Well Mars thanks for the donation and topic. Of course Angelica Ruskin the professor that wrote the book called the Ahuman Manifesto is appropriately dressed in a goth outfit. All black like someone just died. Is she crazy? Not at all. She's just as right as when you go to the doctor and he tells you that you have a life threatening virus. You ask him how he's going to kill the virus. He says that to cure the disease we need to kill the patient. He's right the virus is dead but so are you. You wouldn't go to a doctor like that. So why would you listen to a professor like this? You go to a different doctor and he tells you that he can't get rid of the virus but that he can help strengthen your immune system and help you make the right lifestyle choices so the virus doesn't die off completely but your symptoms can be minimalized. So if we look at humans as a virus on this planet then all we need to do is reduce the negative impact we have on the earth that's hosting us. Population growth is unsustainable but human extinction being the crazy pill solution being
offered by Anglica the tenured professor that can say whatever she like without being fired is not the answer. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways now back to the clown world show. So the article about Angelica and her book is called: "The only solution for climate change is letting the human race become extinct" and she says we should gradually phase out reproduction. She's also a feminist. I guess she hasn't been looking around lately to see that reproduction is already being phased out. She blames capitalism for the environmental damage but it's capitalism that's given women the right to choose if they want to reproduce or not making less women than ever reproduce. When asked about how she came up with her views she said this and I quote: "I arrived at this idea from a couple of directions. I was introduced to philosophy due to my interest in feminism and queer theory, so reproductive rights have long been an interest to me – this led me to learn more about animal rights, which is when I became vegan. The basic premise of the book is that we’re in the age of the Anthropocene, humanity has caused mass problems and one of them is creating this hierarchical world where white, male, heterosexual and able-bodied people are succeeding, and people of different races, genders, sexualities and those with disabilities are struggling to get that. This is where the idea of dismantling identity politics comes in – they deserve rights not because of what they are, but because they are. The book also argues that we need to dismantle religion, and other overriding powers like the church of capitalism or the cult of self, as it makes people act upon enforced rules rather than respond thoughtfully to the situations in front of them.” unquote. So she's basically blaming able bodied straight men that built the infrastructure and tamed the wild world around us so that humanity can prosper because they are successful. If they weren't successful she wouldn't even exist today. She's saying that every other group is struggling to get that same success.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Thinking-Ape "Stardusk" - Dejar Todo Atras. MGTOW.
Thinking-Ape "Stardusk" - Dejar Todo Atras. MGTOW. Perseus (Perseo) Mgtow en Ingles Subtitulado al Español 170 Views • 4 years ago

Traduccion del video original: ⁣
Fecha: ⁣Oct 26, 2019

⁣El pasado está hecho e irrecuperable, avanzamos inexorablemente tanto si queremos como si no ...

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all of IT
all of IT OniriumSage 13 Views • 4 years ago


Gypsy Drums McBashington 10 Views • 4 years ago

Black Sabbath

Country Girl
Country Girl Drums McBashington 52 Views • 4 years ago

Black Sabbath

MORON Celebrities pressure Biden to cancel Dakota Pipeline
MORON Celebrities pressure Biden to cancel Dakota Pipeline erick rendoza 43 Views • 4 years ago

Pressure mounts as celebrities join call to cancel the Dakota Access Pipeline.

I worked in the oil fields these people are idiots.

"A Time for Choosing" by Ronald Reagan
"A Time for Choosing" by Ronald Reagan erick rendoza 16 Views • 4 years ago

MGTOW all over Reagan talks about knowing a judge he talked to about a woman how if she divorced she gets more money from her ex husband.

Televised Campaign Address for Goldwater Presidential Campaign - 10/27/64.

Watch a special "Remembering A Time For Choosing" video here:

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Former Keystone worker tells celebrity pipeline activists to 'focus on movies'
Former Keystone worker tells celebrity pipeline activists to 'focus on movies' erick rendoza 29 Views • 4 years ago

Former Keystone pipeline worker Neal Crabtree slams activists and celebrities calling for the shutdown of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

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Linkin Park - Breaking The Habit
Linkin Park - Breaking The Habit Malkav Saiya Yautja 26 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}

⁣[Verse 1]
Memories consume, like opening the wound
I'm picking me apart again
You all assume I'm safe here in my room
Unless I try to start again

I don't want to be the one the battles always choose
'Cause inside, I realize that I'm the one confused

I don't know what's worth fighting for or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate and say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way, I know it's not alright
So, I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit tonight

[Verse 2]
Clutching my cure, I tightly lock the door
I try to catch my breath again
I hurt much more than anytime before
I had no options left again

I don't want to be the one the battles always choose
'Cause inside, I realize that I'm the one confused

I don't know what's worth fighting for or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate and say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way, I'll never be alright
So, I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit tonight

I'll paint it on the walls 'cause I'm the one at fault
I'll never fight again and this is how it ends

I don't know what's worth fighting for or why I have to scream
But now I have some clarity to show you what I mean
I don't know how I got this way, I'll never be alright
So, I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit
I’m breaking the habit tonight


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Go your own way guys

Tsunami of Fire, Solar Eruption, Climate Hits _ S0 News Feb
Tsunami of Fire, Solar Eruption, Climate Hits _ S0 News Feb PlazmoidialSoup 20 Views • 4 years ago


The Flight That ALMOST Didn't Make It
The Flight That ALMOST Didn't Make It PlazmoidialSoup 36 Views • 4 years ago


MGTOW: Dark lords of the Apocalypse
MGTOW: Dark lords of the Apocalypse PlazmoidialSoup 67 Views • 4 years ago

ill try to get the links

Tom Leykis Radio Show | MGTOW: The Animated Series Episode 6 - Woman vs Logic
Tom Leykis Radio Show | MGTOW: The Animated Series Episode 6 - Woman vs Logic Alpha_Male_Guide 177 Views • 4 years ago

Could Psychedelics Be The Cure For Depression?
Could Psychedelics Be The Cure For Depression? Shadow Monk 17 Views • 4 years ago

psychedelics are truly proven by non-corporate independent research to have realy great benefit even for therapeutic puropses.

⁣In the 50 years since this golden era, scientific progress in psychedelic research has been limited. A backlash against the hippy counterculture – “the war on drugs” – halted research into psychedelics. In 1971, the UK parliament introduced the Misuse of Drugs Act, classifying psilocybin, LSD and DMT as illegal class A drugs. All further research on psychedelics was banned.

The definition of a schedule 1 drug, which the most illegal classification, is a substance that has no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Since the 1970’s there has been strong advocacy to take cannabis off the schedule 1 list. Cannabis has been found to improve many health issues, such as seizures, sleep disorders and arthritis. Although cannabis still remains on the schedule 1 list today, The evidence is so strong in favor of medicinal marijuana that it has become legalized in over half the U.S states and many countries around the world.

The legalization of cannabis has opened the door to re-examine the possible medical benefits of other currently illegal substances, like psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, MDMA and DMT. The first new studies in over 30 years are finding that these so called dangerous drugs can have a profound positive impact on mental health when used properly.
Depression is a growing problem and antidepressants continue not to work for up to half of the people who take them. A recent study examined the treatment of 20 patients suffering from depression. Half took antidepressants and half took psilocybin. After three months, the antidepressant effects were found to be greater for those taking psilocybin than for people taking typical antidepressants and therapy. Patients said they went from feeling “totally disconnected” with themselves and the world to “connected”, and from repressing and avoiding emotions and memories to accepting them.
Unlike antidepressants, which are taken daily, psilocybin therapy would take place a few times over a series of months until the patient decides that they no longer need it.

In most cases, only a few sessions of psilocybin are needed to bring about permanent change. Other research has found a similar positive impact on depression with the use of LSD, DMT and Ketamine. The push for more research on psychedelics is growing fast, but we still need a much deeper understanding before this becomes mainstream.

How the Crooked jack shaft is straightened
How the Crooked jack shaft is straightened erick rendoza 22 Views • 4 years ago

Pakistan's first Hydraulic press channel
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TV; Já Era Para Quem Náo Quer Ser Desconstruido!
TV; Já Era Para Quem Náo Quer Ser Desconstruido! MGTOWRaiiz 135 Views • 4 years ago

⁣A mídia quer junto com a cartilha progressista Está forçando cada vez mais pra destruir o padrão de família tradicional que nos conhecemos.
E pra forçar isso?
Eles querem destruir a imagem que conhecemos do homem!
Até a palavra machismo que significava o orgulho de ser homem viril guerreiro e protetor dos seus... Até essa palavra lindo e de orgulho para nops homens, atualmente eles emfeiaram essa palavra.
Aquele homem guerreiro, protetor, o homem descobridores, inventores, desbravadores...
Querem passa toda essa importância que os homens Tiveram a o longo da historia mundial para as muiéres... Logo elas que tão pouco fizeram para a evolução da espécie humana.
Por essas e outras devemos tirar nosso time de campo o quanto antes possível... Se o homem não presta mais na sociedade de hoje.
Então elas que se virem com tudo que o mundo vai trazer em um inevitável tempo sombrio que esta por vir.

E enquanto isso não acontece...
Seguiremos firmes!

E viva MGTOW!

O movimento feminista quer ser igual aos homens mas na hora H fica a dúvida joy
O movimento feminista quer ser igual aos homens mas na hora H fica a dúvida joy MGTOWRaiiz 311 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Na verdade Elas só Querem apenas as molezinhas e as vantagens!
Agora quando se fala nas responsabilidades, Ai elas tiram o delas fora!

MUIÉRES SÃO SUPERIORES! - Melhor música kkkkkkkkkk!
MUIÉRES SÃO SUPERIORES! - Melhor música kkkkkkkkkk! MGTOWRaiiz 97 Views • 4 years ago

⁣M$ol... "nós Somos superiores em fazer filhos com homens estranhos sem casar e cobrar pensões".

Enfim uma música com uma letra realista!

E se elas são tão Bucetasoufoda, Poderia começarem provando isso em uma futura guerra mundial, Então na Guerra, vão todas pro campo de batalha e os homens, ficam como enfermeiros. O que acham?

homem decidiu desmascarar a sua mulher no meio do próprio chá de bebê!
homem decidiu desmascarar a sua mulher no meio do próprio chá de bebê! MGTOWRaiiz 98 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Mais uma mae solteira "empodera" no mundo.. tadinha ne?
Bem, pelo menos, ele não assumiu um filho de outro cara. Parabéns a esse cara.
Nem quero imaginar a quantidade de caras que são cornocratas e nem sabem disso.
Devem ser tantos que, nem dá para contar com os dedos.

Como já Cantava o saudoso Bezerra da Silva... "Malandro é malandro, Mané é Mané".
E sábio é o leão que não permite outro macho ficar próximo do seu harém.

E viva MGTOW, por esta afastando muitos insetos ruins iguais a esses da vida muitos homens!

Aquela nossa boa redpill diária!
Aquela nossa boa redpill diária! MGTOWRaiiz 265 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Hoje em dia dessas muiéres modernetes, Em 99% dos casos essas empoderadas tem um longo histórico de carrossel de piccas!

AMS and his Sleazeballs strike again
AMS and his Sleazeballs strike again NotchLion 103 Views • 4 years ago

AMS and his sleazeballs strike again

Dra. Cláudia Pacheco , o que a senhora acha da sigla MGTOW ?
Dra. Cláudia Pacheco , o que a senhora acha da sigla MGTOW ? MGTOWBahia 181 Views • 4 years ago

link da live submundo intelectual com nosso amigo Junior .

The Psychology of Conformity
The Psychology of Conformity erick rendoza 20 Views • 4 years ago

The psychology of Conformity. Video i watched long ago. I am simply pointing out in fact women during war. Why is it women from russia and other countries become great snipers i see any future war with the lemmings of today they will all be ran over like a roller smoothing out asphalt. All i see in the next generation of women is women who are lost.

UK Column Live - Interview with Dr Patrick Quanten
UK Column Live - Interview with Dr Patrick Quanten erick rendoza 19 Views • 4 years ago

UK Column Live - Interview with Dr Patrick Quanten

Most women don't even know how to get drinking water, RIP tesla
Most women don't even know how to get drinking water, RIP tesla AmanleyLoad 179 Views • 4 years ago

I just watched a Kevin Samuels video and what i witnessed was pure comedy gold.
Scenario - Thanos clicked his fingers and all men disappeared. Would women survive an if so how many would die.

kevin asked : where will you get your water
she said: ill go to the beach and boil it with her gas stove (supplied by a male workforce)

I am still laughing.


Useless Puppet POTUS who cares nothing for the people who are suffering
Useless Puppet POTUS who cares nothing for the people who are suffering KEEPER 30 Views • 4 years ago

Trump handled this better than Biden and his team of cronies.
this was translated by a man who was chinese and i took his message and used google translate to get the audio. there was nothing on the screen you needed to see as all that mattered was the audio.

INDICADORES ECONÔMICOS estão GRITANDO Silent Investor 66 Views • 4 years ago

The TFM Show: 2/20/2021
The TFM Show: 2/20/2021 T.F. Monkey 1,361 Views • 4 years ago

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belive nothing trust no one question everything
belive nothing trust no one question everything Mgtow live 118 Views • 4 years ago

belive nothing trust no one question everything

She thinks she has superpowers.
She thinks she has superpowers. Jay K 90 Views • 4 years ago

Woman thinks that she has superpowers and can not be touched. Enjoy the video.

Sean Hannity 2/21/21 FULL | FOX BREAKING NEWS February 21,21
Sean Hannity 2/21/21 FULL | FOX BREAKING NEWS February 21,21 erick rendoza 60 Views • 4 years ago

Sean Hannity 2/21/21
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Nebraska retiree uses earths's heat to grow oranges in snow
Nebraska retiree uses earths's heat to grow oranges in snow erick rendoza 11 Views • 4 years ago

Winter temperatures in Alliance, Nebraska can drop to -20°F (the record low is -40°F/C), but retired mailman Russ Finch grows oranges in his backyard greenhouse without paying for heat. Instead, he draws on the earth's stable temperature (around 52 degrees in his region) to grow warm weather produce- citrus, figs, pomegranates - in the snow.

Finch first discovered geothermal heating in 1979 when he and his wife built it into their 4400-square-foot dream home to cut energy costs. Eighteen years later they decided to add a 16'x80' greenhouse in the backyard. The greenhouse resembles a pit greenhouse (walipini) in that the floor is dug down 4 feet below the surface and the roof is slanted to catch the southern sun.

To avoid using heaters for the cold Nebraska winter nights, Finch relies on the warm underground air fed into the greenhouse via plastic tubing under the yard and one fan.

Finch sells a "Citrus in the Snow" report detailing his work with his "geo-air" greenhouses and says anyone can build a market-producing greenhouse for about $25,000 or "less than the cost of a heat system on a traditional greenhouse".

Comfort Station Japanese/Chinese women Nanking
Comfort Station Japanese/Chinese women Nanking erick rendoza 71 Views • 4 years ago

Scenes from "City of Life and Death".

The Rape and Massacre of Nanking (China) 1937-1938
The Rape and Massacre of Nanking (China) 1937-1938 erick rendoza 83 Views • 4 years ago

Credits to the ff.
Music by Twisterium
Pictures and Captions: By Mark Oliver

WWII Survivor Warns of SOCIALISM and GUN CONTROL! (MUST WATCH) erick rendoza 53 Views • 4 years ago

Kitty Werthmann, an Austrian World War II survivor, gives her account of Hitler's takeover of Austria. The similarities to today's left and their "progressive agenda", are staggering! This is a MUST WATCH!

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Ice Wall of Antarctica - FLAT EARTH
Ice Wall of Antarctica - FLAT EARTH FarmboyCustoms 47 Views • 4 years ago

This is what holds the water at the Edge for the ball fondlers

Australia Gets Woke - MGTOW
Australia Gets Woke - MGTOW Sandman 418 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Adam and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I’ve binge watching your content for a few months now, going through it from the start (still at mid 2016) – I appreciate it so MUCH!!!!!! I’m in my 40s living in Sydney Australia, would love you to grow your audience here and make a piece on the current case of Brittany Higgins alleged rape at Parliament House. Here story is the typical thing a woman would say back in the 80s and reminds me of Goldilocks waking up in the bears house. The Australian simp Prime Minister admits he had to consult his wife in order to make a public statement. Kind regards, Adam" Well Adam thanks for the donation and topic. The thing about this story that immediately stood out was that the Aussie Prime Minister has to consult his wife before making a public statement. Who's in charge of your country the Male Prime Minster or his unelected female wife? We pretty much have the same situation in Canada where it looks like Justin Trudeau's wife seems to dominate their relationship and probably the country. But I don't want to dwell on that. Let me recap what happened in Australia with the latest case of political woke mayhem. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. Trying to find this story online was a pain because everywhere I looked it was behind a paywall and Facebook has been blocked in Australia as of scripting this because Facebook refuses to pay money to the Australian government to help fund the lame stream media news in that country. Now Canada is trying to do the same thing. They also want to force Facebook to pay for allowing users to repost articles and I can see Facebook censoring news content on their platform. News outlets actually want this because they believe that this will force people to visit their websites and pay for subscriptions or at the very least watch ads. Ironically it's just going to create an industry of people reposting content on YouTube in short videos or on their own websites that the government will never be able to stop and tax. The propaganda ministry of fake news is being demonetized and there's nothing news outlets can do to stop it. Anyways, onto the story about the Rape down in Roo land. The Austrlian simp prime minister Scott Morrison is upset with the Defense Minister Linda Reynolds because she didn't tell him about the alleged rape of one of her staffers two years ago. Her excuse is she was trying to protect her privacy. Morrison was kept in the dark and now with this scandal the government seems ready to review the culture in federal politics. Questions are coming out about when Simp Morrison knew about the allegations? It seems like no one dares question the defense minister Linda on why she didn't tell him sooner. It's another case of you can't blame women for anything. Instead you blame the Prime Minister for not knowing for two years and when he does know you blame him for not acting soon enough and instead consulting his wife the cooch power behind Kangarooland.

Australia Gets Woke - Photos

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Unemployed Americans Are Smuggling Drugs to Survive the Pandemic
Unemployed Americans Are Smuggling Drugs to Survive the Pandemic erick rendoza 25 Views • 4 years ago

The Sinaloa cartel is enlisting unemployed Americans to move drugs over the border with Mexico. VICE News speaks with cartel members and smugglers adapting to pandemic conditions

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Supervivencia - Hombres vs Mujeres: Parte 3
Supervivencia - Hombres vs Mujeres: Parte 3 Adonis MGTOW 73 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Supervivencia - Hombres vs Mujeres:
Parte 3

En este corto de 13 minutos Think
Before You Sleep relata su opinión sobre un programa de televisión en el que
compiten hombres contra mujeres para sobrevivir en una isla, cuyos resultados
son de esperar, los hombres alcanzan su objetivo siendo metódicos y prácticos
mientras las mujeres se hunden en una lucha de egos que les impide progresar.

Este programa resultó ser un fracaso
para el feminismo puesto que ambos grupos cayeron directamente en los
estereotipos de género, por ejemplo, para conseguir comida los hombres se
dedicaron a cazar y las mujeres a recolectar, la clásica división del trabajo
de la edad de piedra, además los hombres dormían en camas separadas y las
mujeres dormían colectivamente.

Por esta razón las feministas
atacaron el programa diciendo que había hecho lucir débiles a las mujeres a
pesa de que en el último capítulo Bear Grylls lanza una mentira descarada
diciendo que las mujeres son perfectamente capaces de sobrevivir por si solas y
hubieran sobrevivido hasta 6 meses sin ayuda, lo cual su propio programa
demostró que es falso, pero no se puede esperar algo de sinceridad en nuestra
sociedad ginocentrista.

Por último, en el grupo de los
hombres tenemos una buena moraleja, el caso de Sam, un chico que no obedecía
todas las ordenes y se dedicaba a trabajar en una red de pesca que todos
consideraban una pérdida de tiempo, pero al final Sam los salva de caer en la
hambruna al pescar 21 pescados en un solo día, ganándose así el respeto del
grupo y mostrándonos el valor de la creatividad que requiere tiempo y
aprendizaje a base de ensayo y error.

Además aprendemos que para ser
aceptado en un grupo o tribu es necesario ser de utilidad para los demás, de
esa forma les aportamos valor a nuestros congéneres y ellos a nosotros.

The Letters
The Letters Drums McBashington 12 Views • 4 years ago

King Crimson

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