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Any Opinions from a black/red pilled Point of view?
Any Opinions from a black/red pilled Point of view? bluewaters 33 Views • 4 years ago

I would like to know what you guys think about this video, please comment away. Point out what you agree and disagree with. I am curious to see yo⁣ur overall impression in the following sense. Do you think that this video spreads wisdom or is actually pro-simping in disguise.

Tutelage of a warrior
Tutelage of a warrior for_Archangel Liberation_Y 5 Views • 4 years ago

food for thought

Pulling their weight  -   MGTOW
Pulling their weight - MGTOW for_Archangel Liberation_Y 9 Views • 4 years ago

Micheal Beck, the Archangel

"Women Don't Like Men Who Play Games" - WRONG
"Women Don't Like Men Who Play Games" - WRONG Texting Prince 111 Views • 4 years ago

This video is part 2 of breaking down Georgia Free's bad dating advice to men. In this video she is trying to convince us men to 'not play games' and 'be upfront' with women.

It is terrible advice - and I will be breaking down why in the video



Within 10 minutes of reading my texting guide, you can use the technique Mirror Texting to know EXACTLY whether any woman texting you is actually interested or just playing games



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Texting School is the 12-level program to transform from SIMP to PIMP with your cell phone. This is information all men NEED to have in today’s digital dating world, you will learn how to consistently CREATE attraction with just your fingertips. Enroll now.


Truly Hypocritical - Anti-MGTOW
Truly Hypocritical - Anti-MGTOW CrimsonCrusader 30 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Good morrow, ladies and gents! In this video, I am once again responding to Tru Sherm's MGTOW video. In this response video to part of Tru Sherm's video called "Shaming MGTOW," I expose Tru Sherm's hypocritical statements. I am still working on the Mini Shit Show Series, so in the meantime, I will be posting other videos I made that are responding to things related to Anti-MGTOW.

✱Twitter -
✱YouTube -
✱Truly Hypocritical (Part 1) -
✱Last Video -

Video Notes:
This video is NOT intended to be a malicious personal attack against MGTOW! Instead, it is a critical analysis and commentary about their opinions, ideas, perspectives, and presentation of the material.

Certain video clips in this video are copyrighted material. I do not take credit or ownership for any of their creative work. Clips from their video(s) are included for the purpose of commentary and criticism. If you would like to view the original material feel free to click on this link to view the original video(s):

"Shaming MGTOW" -
"A Message to anti MGTOWs" -


[Channel Intro Music]

Crusade Heavy Industry by Kevin MacLeod

Modifications: Soundtrack cut down to a 13 second segment (part of the original soundtrack used - 00:04:18-00:17:00), Fade in 1 second & Fade out 1.40 seconds

[Channel Outro Music]

Lord of the Land by Kevin MacLeod

Modifications: Soundtrack cut down to 12 seconds, Fade In 2.00s & Fade Out 1.16s

MGTOW - Youtube Deleted Spetnaz Channel & The Empathy
MGTOW - Youtube Deleted Spetnaz Channel & The Empathy Alpha_Male_Guide 123 Views • 4 years ago

⁣#Spetsnaz #MGTOW #Redpill

Spetsnaz Bitchute:
Spetsnaz LBRY/Odysee:
My Bitchute:

Japan Is Becoming The MGTOW Country
Japan Is Becoming The MGTOW Country Sandman 835 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Ancient Purity
- (Save 10% enter the code MGTOW in the check out)

Japan Is Becoming The MGTOW Country

Why Japanese Men Are Choosing The Single Life

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from MGTOW Smurf. He didn't send me a topic with his donation so what I'd like to do is cover a reddit post with the same title as this video. Which I've also put a link to in the description. I've pretty much spoken about herbivore men in Japan since 2013. The person starting the reddit post shared this quote and I quote: "The main reason they have for staying single is wanting to use their money on themselves. There is a common perception that for men, marriage means having their freedom to use money restricted. This is in direct opposition to women listing ‘financial security’ as one of the benefits of getting married.” unquote. Of course this idea that men are better off financially and with regards to health is something that Prager University Queefed out a while back. Meanwhile unmarried monks live longer then married men. The idea of course is to promote that men should be utilities for women because it obviously has to do with family formation and traditionalism. It's not about caring for men's well being. It's about tricking men out of their independence to propagate the species. I also put another link in the description to an article titled "Why Japanese Men Are Choosing The Single Life" which I will also cover in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the video. Up until the 1980s almost everyone in Japan got married. But by 2035 the government is predicting that one third of men will be unmarried for life. The Japanese government says that by age fifty if you're not married then you'll be single for the rest of your life as the odds go down to virtually zero. Even in the west once you hit forty your chances of marriage if you're a man drop to under ten percent. The article says the herbivores are thriving and many are financially secure as opposed to being depressed about their singledom. For Japanese women financial security is partially about marriage. The economy in Japan is shrinking along with the population and Japan is not becoming a MGTOW country. It's been one for the last fifteen to twenty years. It's just taking the rest of the world time to catch up. In Japan good white collar jobs, the kinds that are required for men to get so they can earn enough money to raise a family are scarce. People over there are saying that herbivore men are choosing to opt out of society and do their own thing. Is that really the case or a Japanese women just getting ever more picky and rejecting men that don't make enough money to support a family? The blame seems to be on men detaching themselves from Japanese society. But maybe it's the other way around? Maybe society detached from them because they saw them as unemployed bums and want nothing to do with them? What if many if not most of the herbivore men are not single due to choosing not to work themselves to death like their fathers did for a tyrant of a wife that runs their lives? What if women aren't giving them the time of day? What if they are really incels pretending to go their own way? I'm sure there are some guys like that but there are also guys like 36-year-old Riku Inamoto. He is what used to be called a confirmed bachelor. For him, time is a big factor. “I have two things in my life that take up all my time: my work and my hobbies,” he says. “I can’t stop work, so if I get married, I will lose my hobbies, which means I will have no fun. That would be a terrible life. “I like having my own time and space, being able to make my own decisions, eat what I want, go where I want.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

El Mito del Poder Masculino
El Mito del Poder Masculino Adonis MGTOW 75 Views • 4 years ago

⁣“El Mito del Poder Masculino”

En este corto de 6 minutos, extraído del documental “Red
Pill” vemos la teoría del Warren Farrell titulada El Mito del Poder Masculino

Nuestra civilización ha alcanzado un nivel de sofisticación
tecnológica nunca antes vista en la historia y tenemos muchas comodidades, no
nos falta comida, agua, ni conectividad; pero…

¿Cuántos de nosotros somos conscientes de los millones de
hombres que murieron en el pasado para que nosotros pudiéramos tener esta vida
de lujos?

En resumen, el mito del poder masculino explica que la
sociedad educa a los hombres para que piensen que su vida no vale nada a menos
que sean proveedores, llegando al punto de inclusive proveer su vida en un
campo de batalla en favor de una nación ingrata.

Sexualmente explica que, aunque las mujeres son vistas como
un objeto sexual a los hombres se nos ve como objetos de éxito, cajeros
automáticos andantes.

Las feministas tienen razón al decir que la sociedad valora
más el trabajo de los hombres, pero no dicen o no saben que esto se debe a que
la sociedad valora más la vida de las mujeres.

Ellas creen que el hecho de que los hombres en promedio
ganen más dinero que las mujeres es evidencia del Patriarcado, pero no
entienden que el dinero, el honor a los hombres plasmados en estatuas y libros
de historia no son muestras de poder sino sobornos con los que se ha convencido
al hombre de convertirse en un ser desechable.

Conclusión Personal:

Para traer verdadera igualdad de género las feministas
tendrían que convencer a la sociedad de que la vida de la mujer también es
desechable, así se les darían también los trabajos más peligrosos y bien
pagados, se les obligaría a prestar servicio militar obligatorio y demás obligaciones.

Los hombres viven menos tiempo que las mujeres por varias
razones, una de ellas es que los hombres tienen los trabajos más difíciles y
desgastantes de la economía, si las feministas de verdad quisieran disminuir la
brecha salarial pondrían a mujeres en estos trabajos y eso disminuiría el
promedio de vida de la mujer, algo que jamás va a suceder.

Parte de ser MGTOW es entender que los hombres deben dejar
de ser proveedores, deben desprogramarse de esa educación que les dice que por
ser hombres son seres desechables en la economía y en la guerra. El
tradicionalismo nos obligó a proveer a una mujer a través del matrimonio, pero
entre más de nosotros despertemos más pronto seremos los pastores de nuestra
propia civilización, una civilización MGTOW que tenga como centro ideológico el
bienestar del hombre.

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Holly Jolly Christmas
Holly Jolly Christmas MgtowSmurf 84 Views • 4 years ago

Burl Ives and xmas party images

Disturbed - Stricken
Disturbed - Stricken Malkav Saiya Yautja 25 Views • 4 years ago

⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}

⁣[Verse 1]
You walk on like a woman in suffering
Won't even bother now to tell me why
You come alone, letting all of us savor the moment
Leaving me broken another time
You come on like a bloodstained hurricane
Leave me alone, let me be this time
You carry on like a holy man pushing redemption
I don't want to mention, the reason I know

That I am stricken and can't let you go
When the heart is cold, there's no hope, and we know
That I am crippled by all that you've done
Into the abyss will I run

[Verse 2]
You don't know what your power has done to me
I want to know if I'll heal inside
I can't go on with a holocaust about to happen
Seeing you laughing another time
You'll never know why your face has haunted me
My very soul has to bleed this time
Another hole in the wall of my inner defenses
Leaving me breathless, the reason I know

That I am stricken and can't let you go
When the heart is cold, there's no hope, and we know
That I am crippled by all that you've done
Into the abyss will I run
Into the abyss will I run

[Verse 1]
You walk on like a woman in suffering
Won't even bother now to tell me why
You come alone, letting all of us savor the moment
Leaving me broken another time
You come on like a bloodstained hurricane
Leave me alone, let me be this time
You carry on like a holy man pushing redemption
I don't want to mention, the reason I know

That I am stricken and can't let you go
When the heart is cold, there's no hope, and we know
That I am crippled by all that you've done
Into the abyss will I run

Into the abyss will I run
I can't let you go
Yes, I am stricken and can't let you go

Disturbed - Open Your Eyes
Disturbed - Open Your Eyes Malkav Saiya Yautja 37 Views • 4 years ago

⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}

⁣[Verse 1]
You're paralyzed
Breathe your disguise
You feed on the lies
That they tell you
Got to break away
From the numbing pain
Succumb to the rage
That's inside you

You're hypnotized
Believe every line
That they sell you
Start channeling
Whatever will remains
Discern from what's fiction
And what is true

Open your eyes
Open your eyes
Open your eyes
See through the disguise
Won't you open your eyes?
(Hey! Hey!)

[Verse 2]
You've lost your sense
From the emptiness
You do as the headlines
Compel you
Become whole again
And let the war begin
Destroy the veneer
That surrounds you

There's no defense
For your recklessness
You stare as the proof
Lies before you
Why can't you see?
Are you afraid to be
Exposed to the demons
Around you?

Open your eyes
Open your eyes
Open your eyes
See through the disguise
Won't you open your eyes?

(Oh-oh-oh, hey!)
Open your eyes
(Oh-oh-oh, hey!)
Open your eyes
(Oh-oh-oh, hey!)
Open your eyes
See through the disguise
Won't you open your eyes?

You would all be running
In a world you cannot hide
And the end is coming
For the lemmings standing in line
Overcome it
Let the fury build inside
It could all be broken
If you only opened your eyes

Open your eyes
Open your eyes
Open your eyes
See through the disguise
Won't you open your eyes?

(Oh-oh-oh, hey!)
Open your eyes
(Oh-oh-oh, hey!)
Open your eyes
(Oh-oh-oh, hey!)
Open your eyes
See through the disguise
Won't you open your eyes?

Disturbed - Indestructible
Disturbed - Indestructible Malkav Saiya Yautja 33 Views • 4 years ago

⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}

⁣[Verse 1]
Another mission, the powers have called me away
Another time to carry the colors again
My motivation: an oath I've sworn to defend
To win the honor of coming back home again
No explanation will matter after we begin
Unlock the dark destroyer that's buried within
My true vocation, and now, my unfortunate friend
You will discover a war you're unable to win

[Pre-Chorus 1]
I'll have you know that I've become

[Chorus 1]
Determination that is incorruptible
From the other side a terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible master of war

[Verse 2]
Another reason, another cause for me to fight
Another fuse uncovered now for me to light
My dedication to all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders without a regret
My declaration embedded deep under the skin
A permanent reminder of how it began
No hesitation when I am commanded to strike
You need to know that you're in for the fight of your life

[Pre-Chorus 2]
You will be shown how I've become

[Chorus 1]
Determination that is incorruptible
From the other side a terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible master of war

[Chorus 2]
I'm indestructible
Determination that is incorruptible
From the other side a terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you're alive
I am indestructible (Indestructible)

[Chorus 1]
Determination that is incorruptible
From the other side a terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible master of war

Disturbed - Down With The Sickness
Disturbed - Down With The Sickness Malkav Saiya Yautja 29 Views • 4 years ago

⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}

Can you feel that?
Ah, shit

Ooh, wah-ah-ah-ah!
Ooh, wah-ah-ah-ah!
Oh, oh! Oh, oh!
Oh, oh!

[Verse 1]
Drowning deep in my sea of loathing
Broken, your servant, I kneel
(Will you give in to me?)
It seems what's left of my human side
Is slowly changing in me
(Will you give in to me?)

Looking at my own reflection
When, suddenly, it changes
Violently, it changes
Oh, no, there is no turning back now
You've woken up the demon in me

Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
Open up your hate and let it flow into me
Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
You mother, get up, come on, get down with the sickness
You fucker, get up, come on, get down with the sickness
Madness is the gift that has been given to me

[Verse 2]
I can see inside you, the sickness is rising
Don't try to deny what you feel
(Will you give in to me?)
It seems that all that was good has died
And is decaying in me
(Will you give in to me?)

It seems you're having some trouble
In dealing with these changes
Living with these changes
Oh, no, the world is a scary place
Now that you've woken up the demon in me

Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
Open up your hate and let it flow into me
Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
You mother, get up, come on, get down with the sickness
You fucker, get up, come on, get down with the sickness
Madness is the gift that has been given to me

And when I dream...
And when I dream...
And when I dream...
And when I dream...

No, Mommy, don't do it again!
Don't do it again, I'll be a good boy!
I'll be a good boy, I promise!
No, Mommy, don't hit me!
Why did you have to hit me like that, Mommy?
Don't do it, you're hurting me!
Why did you have to be such a bitch?
Why don't you? Why don't you just fuck off and die?
Why can't you just fuck off and die?
Why can't you just leave here and die?
Never stick your hand in my face again, bitch!
Fuck you! I don't need this shit!
You stupid, sadistic, abusive, fucking whore!
How would you like to see how it feels, Mommy?
Here it comes, get ready to die!

Ooh, wah-ah-ah-ah!

Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
Open up your hate and let it flow into me
Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
You mother, get up, come on, get down with the sickness
You fucker, get up, come on, get down with the sickness
Madness has now come over me

[RO] Iesirea din Umbre - Out of Shadows (ROsub subtitrat romana) backup FULL HD
[RO] Iesirea din Umbre - Out of Shadows (ROsub subtitrat romana) backup FULL HD TheGreatAwakening 160 Views • 4 years ago

⁣[RO] Iesirea din Umbre - Out of Shadows (ROsub subtitrat romana) backup FULL HD <br>⁣ <br>⁣?----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br>⁣?Website: <br>⁣ <br>?Telegram: <br>⁣ <br>?TelegramChat: <br> <br>⚛Channel: <br> <br>?PM: <br>⁣ <br>?Chat: <br>⁣ <br>?Donations⁣&amp;amp;Requests: <br>⁣ <br>⁣?⁣----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br> <br>⁣?Please also support the creators!?

.aezaleator.--This Knifes Inner Lost Love
.aezaleator.--This Knifes Inner Lost Love Emmanuel Matteer, Jr. 14 Views • 4 years ago

⁣#mgtow #lmms #music
My 4th MGTOW beat in the form of a #trap/#metal hybrid is called, "This Knife's Inner Lost Love". Recorded with LMMS, December 1st-8th, 2020. All guitar, percussion, and drum programming are done by me. Enjoy!

03. Fat Sick and Nearly Dead
03. Fat Sick and Nearly Dead Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 15 Views • 4 years ago

Fat Sick and Nearly Dead

Liberación Sexual - El Observador
Liberación Sexual - El Observador Adonis MGTOW 118 Views • 4 years ago

“Liberación Sexual”

En este corto de 4:30 minutos El Observador nos explica el
funcionamiento de la libertad sexual que tanto promueve nuestra sociedad
moderna y sus consecuencias

En un estado social de completa libertad sexual los seres
humanos caen bajo la Ley de Briffault donde no hay lugar para el matrimonio y
tiene diferentes consecuencias, como las siguientes:

Machos Alfa (20% de la población masculina)

Las mujeres compiten por ver quien sexualiza mas su imagen
para que el alfa dominante las elija a ellas y poder someterse a él. El hombre
dominante se libera de la preocupación de tener que proteger y alimentar a su
harén pues de eso se encarga el estado.

Para el hombre Alfa la liberación sexual significa el acceso
ilimitado a la mujer sin comprometerse a nada con ninguna. El hombre dominante
es el vencedor absoluto de la liberación sexual.

Machos Beta (80% de la población)

Estos hombres son invisibles para las hembras y por eso
viven en la miseria sexual mendigando sexo a las mujeres.

El hombre beta proveedor vivirá su juventud en la miseria
sexual hasta que desarrolle una situación profesional y económica interesante
que alguna mujer se acercará a él tejiendo una tela de araña a su alrededor
para inmovilizarlo y succionar sus recursos.

De manera infantil este hombre pensará que esta mujer está
realmente enamorada de él, pero cuando la mujer haya obtenido todo por lo que
lo necesita, terminará su asociación con él y le abandonará por medio del
divorcio condenando al hombre beta a una especie de esclavitud forzada
supervisada por el estado protector de las mujeres que le impedirá ver a sus
hijos mientras saquea sus recursos en favor de la mujer.


La liberación sexual permite a las mujeres dar rienda suelta
a su hipergamia, por lo que ellas preferirán compartir a un macho alfa
dominante en vez de tener a un hombre proveedor para ellas solas. No sienten
que haya ninguna razón para considerar ni el matrimonio ni una relación
exclusiva como algo deseable. La mujer tiene la libertad de elegir a todos los
hombres alfa dominantes que quiera, pero no consigue nunca su compromiso.

La mujer lista se conseguirá un hombre proveedor antes de
los 30 años antes de envejecer y quedar estéril. A pesar de eso el recuerdo de
todos los hombres dominantes con todos los que ha estado la harán sentirse
miserable y despreciará a su hombre proveedor del que probablemente terminará
por divorciarse.

La mujer tonta seguirá teniendo relaciones sexuales con
todos los hombres alfa que pueda pasando los 30 o 40 años y eventualmente
terminará sola y con una docena de gatos. A la mujer moderna le espera un
futuro más triste que en la sociedad tradicional.

Desgraciadamente los Beta Proveedor son la mayoría de
hombres y están atrapados en la miseria sexual, quizás sería un buen momento
para unirse y rebelarse y reinstaurar la sociedad tradicional. Pero a los
hombres libres nos queda nuestro propio camino por separado sin dejarnos llevar
por los instintos desatados de la liberación sexual moderna utilizando nuestra
inteligencia para escapar del retorno a la edad de piedra.
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Arch of Ba'al or Arch of Peace - What do you think?
Arch of Ba'al or Arch of Peace - What do you think? TheGreatAwakening 62 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Arch of Ba'al or Arch of Peace - What do you think?

This is a vdeo by TheGreatAwakening Channel:

⁣Palmyra's Arch of Triumph replica erected in central London :
⁣"Arch of Baal" unveiled at Elite Party (R$E):
⁣Jonathan Cahn: The Arch Of Baal In Washington D.C.:
⁣Installation Time Lapse - IDA's Triumphal Arch in Washington DC:
⁣The IDA's Triumphal Arch Unveiled in Washington D.C.:
⁣Arch of Baal in Geneva (CERN) Altar in Damascus! May 14 DC 9:11 Sun Rise!:

Temple of Ba'al - 10 parts info


Temple of Ba'al continued

Temple of Ba'al - Arch Rises Again


Triumphal Arch of Palmyra tammy's blog


⁣?Please also support the creators!?

German Army: Why No Collapse
German Army: Why No Collapse Lucifer 66 Views • 4 years ago

The Wehrmacht during the Second World War sustained two times the deaths of the Imperial German Army in the First World War, yet it did not collapse, quite on the contrary it fought until the bitter end. Why was this the case? Why did the Wehrmacht and particularly the German Army did not collapse in the Second World War.

Disclaimer: I received a pre-release ebook of Prof. Neitzel’s Book “ Deutsche Krieger. Vom Kaiserreich zur Berliner Republik – eine Militärgeschichte ”.

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Neitzel, Sönke: Deutsche Krieger. Vom Kaiserreich zur Berliner Republik – eine Militärgeschichte. Propyläen: Berlin, Germany, 2020.

McBree, Brendan B.: Improving Unit Cohesion: The First Step in Improving Marine Corps Infantry Battalion Capabilities. 23 May 2002.

OKH: H.Dv. 130/2a: Die Schützenkompanie. Ausbildungsvorschrift für die Infanterie – Heft 2a. Verlag „Offene Worte“, Berlin, Germany, 16. März 1941.

Overmans, Rüdiger: Deutsche militärische Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg. R. Oldenbourg Verlag: München, Germany, 2004.

Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg – Band 9 / 1 – Deutsche Kriegsgesellschaft 1939 bis 1945.

Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg – Band 9 / 2 - Deutsche Kriegsgesellschaft 1939 bis 1945.

Yelton, David K.: Hitler’s Volkssturm. The Nazi Militia and the Fall of Germany 1944-1945. Kansas University Press: Kansas, US, 2002.

Biddle, Tami Davis: On the Crest of Fear: V-Weapons, the Battle of the Bulge, and the Last Stages of World War II in Europe. In: The Journal of Military History. Vol. 83, No. 1, January 2019.

Yelton, David K.: Hitler’s Volkssturm. The Nazi Militia and the Fall of Germany 1944-1945. Kansas University Press: Kansas, US, 2002.

Mawdsley, Evan: Thunder in the East. The Nazi-Soviet War 1941-1945. Second Edition. Bloomsbury: London, 2016., last accessed: 19th October 2020

National Defense Research Institute: Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Personnel Policy. An Update of RAND’s 1993 Study, RAND Corporation: CA, USA, 2010.


02. Harry Lustig - Fructose Two Point Zero
02. Harry Lustig - Fructose Two Point Zero Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 15 Views • 4 years ago

⁣02. Harry Lustig - Fructose Two Point Zero

⁣TFM 420 1 ⁄23 ⁄2019
⁣TFM 420 1 ⁄23 ⁄2019 KEEPER 18 Views • 4 years ago

⁣TFM 420

⁣TFM 420 1 ⁄16 ⁄2019
⁣TFM 420 1 ⁄16 ⁄2019 KEEPER 19 Views • 4 years ago

⁣TFM 420

TFM 420 1 ⁄9 ⁄2019
TFM 420 1 ⁄9 ⁄2019 KEEPER 17 Views • 4 years ago

TFM 420

20180808 VHH-076 Inocência feminina. SQN
20180808 VHH-076 Inocência feminina. SQN VITOR HONK BACK UP 14 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 076

The Hot Man Fallacy
The Hot Man Fallacy Greek Mgtow 120 Views • 4 years ago

The Chad myth is a strong cope for many men.

20180807 VHH-074 Querendo ser cafajeste... Consequências
20180807 VHH-074 Querendo ser cafajeste... Consequências VITOR HONK BACK UP 22 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 074

Cara B MGTOW Responde a Joan Zeroz Coach de Seducción
Cara B MGTOW Responde a Joan Zeroz Coach de Seducción ElMensajeroMGTOW 73 Views • 4 years ago

Joan Zeroz maestro de la seducción pua mgtow

20180805 VHH-073 Canal Dom Sandro-E como se proteger no trabalho
20180805 VHH-073 Canal Dom Sandro-E como se proteger no trabalho VITOR HONK BACK UP 53 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 073

20180804 VHH-072 Resposta ao canal MGTOW - SÉRIE LÚCIFER E ATEÍSMO
20180804 VHH-072 Resposta ao canal MGTOW - SÉRIE LÚCIFER E ATEÍSMO VITOR HONK BACK UP 18 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 072

01. Harry Lustig - Sugar - The Bitter Truth.
01. Harry Lustig - Sugar - The Bitter Truth. Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 22 Views • 4 years ago

⁣01. Harry Lustig - Sugar - The Bitter Truth.

⁣Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin. Recorded on 05/26/2009

DeadwingDork Discord Debacle & Did Joshua Moon Stream On Me?
DeadwingDork Discord Debacle & Did Joshua Moon Stream On Me? VBLAKEROSE 101 Views • 4 years ago

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Fakers and Takers | Popp Culture
Fakers and Takers | Popp Culture Terrence Popp 998 Views • 4 years ago

⁣We've all known someone who soaks up generosity like a sponge and offers nothing in return. Disable the enabler and stop the cycle.

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Video Throwbacks

YouTube Will Delete All Videos That Question The Election Outcome!
YouTube Will Delete All Videos That Question The Election Outcome! Generation Apollo 28 Views • 4 years ago

⁣The latest news from the YouTube blog should alarm
everyone out there who values freedom of expression! YouTube will now
start deleting any videos that question the validity of the 2020
election! If you haven't moved to alt tech yet then what are you
waiting for!?

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Parler: @GenerationApollo

Women Worshiping Monks???
Women Worshiping Monks??? Hold The Truth Hostage 69 Views • 4 years ago

Men Worshiping & Awaiting A Women That Doesn't exist False Monks

#dating #men #relationship

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◀| Re: MGTOW Turned Me Into A Drug Addict | Channels | BFH |►
◀| Re: MGTOW Turned Me Into A Drug Addict | Channels | BFH |► Robokitty 76 Views • 4 years ago

▼?????? ?????

Gambling Boomers and their Entitlement
Gambling Boomers and their Entitlement Johnny_Cage 39 Views • 4 years ago


◀| Re: MGTOW EXPOSED | Channels | BFH |►
◀| Re: MGTOW EXPOSED | Channels | BFH |► Robokitty 55 Views • 4 years ago

▼?????? ?????

◀| Fireside Chat Ep. 7 - We Hunted The Mammoth Attempted to Doxxed Me | Channels | Main |►
◀| Fireside Chat Ep. 7 - We Hunted The Mammoth Attempted to Doxxed Me | Channels | Main |► Robokitty 30 Views • 4 years ago

▼?????? ?????

Paralaxe cognitiva
Paralaxe cognitiva CN 141 Views • 4 years ago


100% Proveedor - Tania Lucely
100% Proveedor - Tania Lucely Adonis MGTOW 94 Views • 4 years ago

⁣“100% Proveedor”

En este corto de 5 minutos Tania Lucely explica a sus
seguidores como utilizar mentiras y el chantaje emocional para convencer a su
pareja de que sea él quien pague todos los gastos.

Para convertir a un hombre en 100% proveedor Lucely lo
explica en 4 sencillos pasos:

1. Miente y hazlo pensar que tienes menos dinero

Como la mujer sabe que su hombre la ama el estará dispuesto
a creer todo lo que ella diga pero aún así debe saber mentir muy bien y
convencerlo que ella esta ganando menos dinero para que el asuma todos los
gastos. Es clave que ella esté bien arreglada y bien maquillada y con voz
inocente para que funcione. Si el hombre accede ella debe recompensar este
comportamiento tratándolo mejor por haber aprendido ese nuevo truco.

2. Miente y hazle creer que tuviste una emergencia que te
dejó sin dinero

Un hombre que ama a su mujer sin duda le va a creer si esta
le dice que tuvo una emergencia y tuvo que gastar su dinero en algo importante
(aunque en realidad sólo haya sido en comprar ropa) de esta forma la mujer
explota la lástima del hombre y este accederá a ceder sus recursos. La mujer
debe hacer esto bien arreglada y maquillada y si por alguna razón el hombre no
se cree su mentira entonces la mujer debe tomarse a mal esa negativa y hacerlo
más infeliz quitándole su dosis de sexo o dejando de hacer algo que al hombre
le guste.

3. Miente y explota sus celos

Los celos son una emoción altamente destructiva para el
hombre y por tanto una herramienta de manipulación perfecta para la mujer. Dado
que el hombre a cometido el error de amar a su mujer ella podrá mentirle e
inventarle que ella conoce a otro hombre que es mejor que él porque se hace
cargo de todos los gastos de su pareja mientras que él es un poco hombre porque
la obliga a ella a cubrir sus propios gastos. Así él tendrá miedo de perderla y
cederá a todo lo que ella diga para conservarla.

4. Ve al grano

Si el hombre la ama ella podrá decirle directamente que
necesita que él se haga cargo de todos sus gastos ya que no es justo repartir
50/50 los gastos porque la mujer sufre mucho y además si tienen o planean tener
hijos una relación familiar debe ser así.

El hombre debe proveer y la mujer debe alimentarse de los
recursos de éste como un virus que succiona los nutrientes de un cuerpo huésped
para poder sobrevivir.

En la sociedad tradicional era el hombre quien se encargaba
de proveer de todo a su mujer y a su familia, mientras que la mujer se dedicaba
a la crianza de los hijos y darle sexo a su hombre constantemente para tenerlo

Este modelo de familia esta desapareciendo pero se le pide
al hombre que haga sacrificios como permitir que la mujer trabaje y gane su propio dinero, pero a la mujer se le
mantiene en un pedestal, tanto así que si ella quiere explotar al hombre
pudiendo ella solventar sus propios gastos se considera un acto de
empoderamiento y no de abuso.

Es curioso como Lucely relaciona el amor con el dinero, si
un hombre ama a una mujer éste le dará todo su dinero, si él no la ama entonces
no le cederá su dinero y la mujer debe buscarse a otro hombre. Hipergamia pura
y dura. La única forma de no caer en las garras de una mantis es no
enamorándose de una mujer ni mucho menos casarse con ella. Sigan su camino,
sigan MGTOW.
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Dominican Food Sucks
Dominican Food Sucks Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 184 Views • 4 years ago


#MGTOW / #RedPill Brothers: It's over for these #motherf##### !
#MGTOW / #RedPill Brothers: It's over for these #motherf##### ! TheMasterofBluePillDisaster 59 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Honestly, I think #womenists have just given up; I liken them to #careerfelons / #habitualfelons ; that's all they know!
#ahistoryofviolence #MauriceLovellWilson #TheMasterofBluePillDisaster #TheMGTOWPoet #TheMGTOWGuyWithALife
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Dominican Republic Vs South Florida
Dominican Republic Vs South Florida Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 234 Views • 4 years ago


My Wife Is 23 Years Older Than Me - MGTOW
My Wife Is 23 Years Older Than Me - MGTOW Sandman 336 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
David Konkol - Axiom Tales of a Grim Future Vol 1

Bill Burr - Lennon, Chuck Berry... And Yoko


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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ms. Anonymous and here's what she's has to say: "Hi Sandman, I don't know if you covered the story of Aaron Taylor-Johnson of the Kick-Ass movies and his career and personal life. Well I'll correct myself, it was never a 'story', but I always thought it should be. I'll leave it there because you'll see what I mean, and I don't want to hear your organic reaction. That being said, I want to recommend the New Blood Revival album 'Nice Girls', it's free on YouTube in The States, not sure about Canada. Every song is a winner in my book, would be fun if you reviewed it. Have a good day and enjoy the rest of this crummy year." Well Ms. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. For me this hasn't been a crummy year. It's been the best for me in many ways. 2020 might be the year my life turned around in a major way. These are exciting times for misanthropes and I'm a misanthrope when it comes to female nature. As for the first part of your topic. First of all I'm not sure what you mean by not wanting to hear my organic reaction. That's a term used in the field of chemistry so I'll cover this topic the way I normally do without any chemistry. I didn't realize that Aaron Taylor-Johnson married a woman that's 23 years older than him. I remember seeing him in Kick-Ass and as Quicksilver in the Avengers Age Of Ultron film and then he seemed to have
disappeared from the big blockbuster films. He's wealthy, young, high status and seemingly has it all. Yet he's a with a woman that could easily be his mother's age. Until 3 or four years ago the biggest age difference I saw between couples was six or seven years in cases where the woman was older. There were freak cases like Madonna and her twenty something boy toys. But this doesn't shock me anymore. It was only a matter of time before a famous male actor or celebrity hooked up with a much older woman. Can we really blame him? Can you imagine the attitude and cock carousel rides that female stars have these days? I'll discuss this and more in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor David Konkel: Anyways now back to clown world. On Aaron's Wikipedia page it says he has two step-children with his wife Samantha as well as two daughters with him. So she has four daughters. God help Quicksilver. He needs those super powers to get the hell out of there. But it doesn't say if they are biological or adopted. I also guess Samantha fancies herself a younger man the way that Yoko Ono did when she got together with John Lennon. It's fitting because she made a film about Lennon's life and Aaron played the part of Lennon. Also back in 1993 she recreated the famous photo with Yoko Ono being embraced by a naked John Lennon. So the film might have been her elaborate fantasy and now she has her Lennon. She
appears to have a John Lennon fetish. I thought at first that she was the reason Aaron's career was waning but he was also in Tenet recently as well as a film I enjoyed recently called Nocturnal Animals.

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◀| Re: MGTOW BULLY &THEIR SEXISM | Channels | BFH |►
◀| Re: MGTOW BULLY &THEIR SEXISM | Channels | BFH |► Robokitty 24 Views • 4 years ago

▼?????? ?????

Che Morpheus - Mujeres que se quejan de abusos de sus ex novios
Che Morpheus - Mujeres que se quejan de abusos de sus ex novios JohnDeschain 423 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Video del referente Che Morpheus, si desean ver más de su contenido, visiten mi canal y vayan a la lista reproducción que lleva su nombre

Cristãos devem apoiar Israel?
Cristãos devem apoiar Israel? Um Viking de Óculos 274 Views • 4 years ago

O judaísmo é profundamente anticristão

Che Morpheus -Nunca Confies En La Palabra De Una Mujer
Che Morpheus -Nunca Confies En La Palabra De Una Mujer JohnDeschain 438 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Video del referente Che Morpheus, si desean ver más de su contenido, visiten mi canal y vayan a la lista reproducción que lleva su nombre

CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE fishandchicks 36 Views • 4 years ago


Che Morpheus - La Gran Farsa De Las Mujeres AntiFeministas
Che Morpheus - La Gran Farsa De Las Mujeres AntiFeministas JohnDeschain 223 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Video del referente Che Morpheus, si desean ver más de su contenido, visiten mi canal y vayan a la lista reproducción que lleva su nombre

Walk-in Cooler
Walk-in Cooler fishandchicks 17 Views • 4 years ago


Singularity SPECTRE 31 Views • 4 years ago

⁣So what is the red pill, really? You might have heard the term being thrown out in the public already but you might have no idea what it means. If you are watching this, you probably do, but in case you don’t, let me explain it to you.

Hombres Invisibles
Hombres Invisibles Adonis MGTOW 136 Views • 4 years ago

⁣“Hombres Invisibles”

En este corto de 7 minutos Alexander Grace nos explica la
situación actual del hombre moderno en el mercado sexual y las sociedades

La mayoría de los hombres conocemos las dificultades que
deben soportar las mujeres, pero alguna vez se han preguntado. ¿Ella saben las
dificultades que pasamos nosotros? La respuesta es NO.

La mujer moderna se piensa que es la única que sufre
problemas y que los hombres tenemos todo el sexo, todo el dinero y todo el
poder del mundo en este supuesto “Patriarcado” pero desconocen que los hombres
son los que más cometen suicidios, se nos engaña con paternidad falsa, no
tenemos la custodia de los hijos en el divorcio, la mayoría de los accidentes
laborales nos ocurren a nosotros y muchos otros problemas.

En el mercado sexual la mujer moderna enfoca toda su
atención en los hombres alfa, su hipergamia la lleva a intentar conseguirse a
un hombre exitoso y está dispuesta a arrastrarse por un hombre rico o poderoso.
Pero estos hombres constituyen una minoría (20%) de los hombres ya que la
mayoría (80%) son ignorados por las mujeres por considerarlos perdedores y su
hipergamia les dice que esos hombres no valen la pena.

Dado que la mayoría de hombres que son ignorados por las
Hipérgamas mujeres modernas sienten un vacío emocional y sexual que no pueden
llenar eso los hace vulnerables a la industria del sexo, aquí el origen de los
denominados “SIMPS” lo cual debe considerarse una forma de abuso psicológico
pero la sociedad de hoy no está lista para esta conversación.

Hoy en día el hombre moderno está siendo castrado pues la
sexualidad masculina se considera perversa, violenta y fuera de control
mientras que la sexualidad femenina se considera hermosa y divina. Esto tiene
sexualmente frustrados a la mayoría de hombres quienes avergonzados de su
propia sexualidad intentan imitar la sexualidad femenina lo que termina por
feminizarlos y cada vez más hombres terminan haciéndose homosexuales.

El término “Privilegio Masculino” que tanto promueve el
feminismo sirve para que los hombres sigan trabajando, pues son ellos quienes
mantienen la infraestructura de la civilización y aunque la mayoría de estos
trabajos son muy peligrosos y mal pagados la mentira del privilegio masculino
sirve para evitar que se quejen y piensen que ser hombre es recompensa
suficiente por tener un trabajo tan peligroso y difícil aunque de vital
importancia, pues si los hombres dejarán de hacer estos trabajos la
civilización simplemente se vendría abajo.

Este es otro video donde se comprueban las ideas que
promovemos en MGTOW, es decir, la Ley del Briffault o ley del 80/20, la
Hipergamia femenina y el Ginocentrismo. El hombre moderno está siendo
deshumanizado, cada vez más se le trata como una bestia y no como un ser

La mayoría de nosotros solo queremos una vida tranquila a
pesar de las dificultades que enfrentamos, pero la sociedad insiste en
satanizarnos, en decirnos que oprimimos a las egocéntricas y vanidosas mujeres
y que debemos pedir disculpas y avergonzarnos de nosotros mismos por el sólo
hecho de haber nacido hombres.

Adote uma MSol
Adote uma MSol Ratão do Banhado 251 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Baby Doll - Neon Baby

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Nessahan Alita: Textos Complementares II - Audiobook Completo
Nessahan Alita: Textos Complementares II - Audiobook Completo CN 35 Views • 4 years ago

Textos Complementares II, por Nessahan Alita

Nessahan Alita: Textos Complementares - Audiobook Completo
Nessahan Alita: Textos Complementares - Audiobook Completo CN 59 Views • 4 years ago

Textos complementares, por Nessahan Alita

RP/MGTOW Charlie 19 Is Freeing More MEN. YES!!!
RP/MGTOW Charlie 19 Is Freeing More MEN. YES!!! REDPILLMARRIED 206 Views • 4 years ago

⁣When she wants to leave LET HER!!


7 MANDAMENTOS DO LION COACH. EU QUERO É FICAR GRANDE!!( retirado do canal LionMan speaks youtube)
7 MANDAMENTOS DO LION COACH. EU QUERO É FICAR GRANDE!!( retirado do canal LionMan speaks youtube) MGTOWBahia 168 Views • 4 years ago

ManWomanMyth Intro
ManWomanMyth Intro ManWomanMyth 20 Views • 4 years ago

New to this site!



GM0398 - Why Did Frank Trainor Tell Me His War Stories - MGTOW
GM0398 - Why Did Frank Trainor Tell Me His War Stories - MGTOW Global Man 24 Views • 4 years ago

Hi Guys, this is my first video upload here on MGTOW TV. I was not going to createa channel but I changed my mind.

CME Impact, Solar Winds, Climate Yikes _ S0 News Dec
CME Impact, Solar Winds, Climate Yikes _ S0 News Dec PlazmoidialSoup 24 Views • 4 years ago

Look at the us map of induced grid voltage spikes it needs 200X more power than this to knock us back to the Amish, oh wait the midevil darkages, nope the STONE AGE! well how about a compromise for Madmax. what level of tech matters when your surounded by starving dehydrated hordes of the 90%?
So 200X560mV=112V variations think about brown outs and rolling blackouts. i dont know if that will blow transformers. On a logrythmic scale and how much a bitch the the Earth mag feild is currently, it wouldn't take much more. We lucked out this time this CME was low density. More flares are around the corner and happen regularly during peak solar cycles. I hope the power companies start to fix this weak link. but I more hope you are prepared and understand the multiplevels of gravity of an INEVITABLE situation, we are literally playing roulette with the prize of a slow and painful death.

HABLEMOS DE LOS PUAS UTOPIAN 74 Views • 4 years ago

Píldora doarada (roja) dedicada a los gurús de la seducción

RED PILL RAGE... O NO UTOPIAN 59 Views • 4 years ago

Píldora dorada (roja) dedicada a la red pill rage y como podemos afrontarla para que sea más digerible.


Píldora dorada (roja) dedicada a aquellos personajes que no son capaces de respetarse a sí mismos frente a las mujeres.


Píldora dorada (roja) dedicada al muro y cómo podemos sacar ventaja de la situación.

CUIDADO CON EL BDSM UTOPIAN 48 Views • 4 years ago

Píldora dorada (roja) dedicada a las prácticas sexuales alternativas.

I Let My 2 Yr Old Son Wear Dresses
I Let My 2 Yr Old Son Wear Dresses TheRareBreedTheory 40 Views • 4 years ago

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How to handle your Ex with kids? (116)
How to handle your Ex with kids? (116) StandUpMen 20 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣in this video ⁣we will talk about ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣How to handle your Ex with kids?
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A Artista, Milo Moiré, Mostrando para todos Que Muié é empoderada até Nua nas ruas!
A Artista, Milo Moiré, Mostrando para todos Que Muié é empoderada até Nua nas ruas! MGTOWRaiiz 331 Views • 4 years ago

⁣São Vagabas desse tipo que mais tarde acusam os homens, de assédio e etc...
Fazem todo o tipo de atitude que é fora do bom senso comum, são as metidas a quebrar Tubus, Mais quando chega o The Wall na suas vidas, ai essas serão aquelas que irão para a mídia dar uma de vagaba arrependida das Cagadas que ela fez na vida no seu passado promíscuo!

Lembra daquele Tarado Globaltico?
Lembra daquele Tarado Globaltico? MGTOWRaiiz 124 Views • 4 years ago

Esse falava só merda contra outros homens. No final foi a vez dele sofrer com dalsas acusações, agora esta sendo a vez dele... Pois pimenta nos olhos dos outros é refresco né?

Nada como ficção se tornando realidade!

Bugou a Matrix!

As polonesas  gravam um Vídeo que elas falam... ''Não queremos Feminismo!'' E logo o vídeo viraliza!
As polonesas gravam um Vídeo que elas falam... ''Não queremos Feminismo!'' E logo o vídeo viraliza! MGTOWRaiiz 304 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Miseráveis, só agora que elas em grande maioria pelo mundo a fora estão, Elas sentindo a água fria batendo na Bunda só agora vem com esse papo ai?
Estão e fodidas!
E malditos serão os homens que caírem nesse papo de Muié rodada de carrossel que se arrependeu, vendo que perdeu seus mimos e quitutes que antes ganhava dos homens Otários...
Pois é viu elas que por conta de viverem uma vida sem se valorizar hoje são muitíssimos os homens que não querem mais nada de compromisso serio com elas vendo que elas não tem nada mais de bom a barganhar.
Olha o papo delas agora que perderam o poder de barganha na vida delas...
‘’O feminismo tira do homem a oportunidade de ser forte, guiar o caminho e proteger a mulher. E tira da mulher as suas características naturais, como graciosidade, beleza, sensibilidade e o direito de ser frágil. O feminismo força a mulher a provar que pode ser igualzinha aos homens”, diz umas das mulheres que aparecem na produção.’’

Uma outra mulher diz que
“é maravilhoso pedir ajuda a meu marido e saber que sempre posso contar com ele”. “Não consigo imaginar uma situação em que eu precise proteger meu esposo. Ser esposa e futura mãe faz com que eu me sinta realizada”, diz outra. “Desenvolva suas paixões, respeite a si mesma, respeite o seu corpo e, acima de tudo, comece a pensar”

Beyond the Great Reset (mirror)
Beyond the Great Reset (mirror) csehszlovakze 33 Views • 4 years ago

⁣by Top Dollar Black Pill Gangster:

Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development: (mirror just in case)

Kirk's quote is from page 19.

A artista Milo Moiré, Feminista convida pessoas a tocaremem Sua Buça fedida, pela da arte e contra o machismo!
A artista Milo Moiré, Feminista convida pessoas a tocaremem Sua Buça fedida, pela da arte e contra o machismo! MGTOWRaiiz 329 Views • 4 years ago

A ativista Milo Moiré resolveu vestir uma roupa que é uma espécie de caixa espelhada e convidou pessoas que passavam pela rua para que elas colocassem a mão dentro de uma abertura de sua roupa/caixa e tocassem em seus seios e vagina durante alguns segundos, a performance chama-se “A natureza consensual de atos sexuais como um símbolo”.

Quando perguntada o porquê tal atitude A ativista Milo Moiré dissse...
“Eu estou aqui hoje para os direitos das mulheres e da autodeterminação sexual. As mulheres têm uma sexualidade, assim como os homens têm a sua. No entanto cabe as mulheres decidirem por si mesmas quando e como querem ser tocada e quando não querem”, declarou o artista.

20180804 VHH-071 Comentando canal 'MUNDO REAL'
20180804 VHH-071 Comentando canal 'MUNDO REAL' VITOR HONK BACK UP 13 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo 071

Addressing the "Madman Druggy Hitler" narrative & Nazi Drugs
Addressing the "Madman Druggy Hitler" narrative & Nazi Drugs Cuddle Baboon 25 Views • 4 years ago

There are a lot of people (including other YouTubers) who are pushing the "Madman Hitler" narrative or the "Madman Druggy Hitler" narrative (a newer variant), which is quite concerning for reasons I'll explain in this video. Even the book "Blitzed" by Norman Ohler, which is where they're supposedly getting their information from, confirms that Hitler was a 'sane' person, even if he was on drugs. I'm also going to be addressing the idea of the Wehrmacht being on drugs (like Pervitin) and discussing whether it really had much of an impact at all on the soldiers of the German Army.

The groovy thumbnail for this video was created by Terri Young. Check out her website here:


Computing Forever's video relating to the man behind the 'Great Reset'

Military History not Visualized - "Nazis on Drugs" - Wehrmacht & Meth - Wunderwaffe? -

Hitler's Socialism | Destroying the Denialist Counter Arguments

FASCISM DEFINED | The Difference between Fascism and National Socialism

Why didn't Hitler go through Turkey to get the Caucasus Oil?

The REAL Reason why Hitler HAD to go to War in WW2

The MAIN Reason Why Germany Lost WW2 - OIL

BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD S1/E1 - The 6th Army Strikes!

History Theory 101

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Full list of all my sources

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This video isn't sponsored. My income comes purely from my Patreons and SubscribeStars, and from YouTube ad revenue. So, if you'd like to support this channel and make these videos possible, please consider becoming a Patreon or SubscribeStar. All supporters who pledge $1 or more will have their names listed in the videos. For $5 or more you can ask questions which I will answer in future Q&A videos (note: I'm behind with the Q&A's right now, and have a lot of research to do to catch up, so there will be a delay in answering questions). There are higher tiers too with additional perks, so check out the links below for more details.

Thank you to my current supporters! You're AWESOME!

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History isn’t as boring as some people think, and my goal is to get people talking about it. I also want to dispel the myths and distortions that ruin our perception of the past by asking a simple question - “But is this really the case?”. I have a 2:1 Degree in History and a passion for early 20th Century conflicts (mainly WW2). I’m therefore approaching this like I would an academic essay. Lots of sources, quotes, references and so on. Only the truth will do.

This video is discussing events or concepts that are academic, educational and historical in nature. This video is for informational purposes and was created so we may better understand the past and learn from the mistakes others have made.

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Good thing Trump supporters believe in the SECOND AMENDMENT, good luck Cynthia. Blows my mind you are even an elected official. You're disgusting and despicable.

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For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

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My Wife Cheated So I Arranged A Divorce - MGTOW
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⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Reddit Cheating Video

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Petar and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hey Sandman, I came across a story and thought you’d enjoy it. I love it when a man is able to beat all the odds against him, and does it savagely! The video link I shared is 13 minutes long. The best part starts at the 5 minute mark. Enjoy!" Well Petar thanks for the donation and topic. The link you shared is about a guy that thought he was happy in his marriage until he found out that she was cheating on him and decided to get revenge. It's a bit of long doozy of a story on the Black Pill Doomer YouTube channel so before I share it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGToW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. So the man in the story he's every man's hero with the way he handled his wife cheating on him like a boss. Our hero and his wife were financially secure, had a good sex life and a successful suburban family couple. One day his Wife started texting with the girlfriends. At least that's what she told him. Our hero accidentally found that one of the Ipads in the house was logged in and he saw her talking to one of her male friends from her hometown. Most of the messages seemed like nothing but some of the messages appeared to be missing. Most likely she took precautions and deleted the spicy messages. At least that's what our hero suspected. His wife of course was doing what many women do with infidelity they hide it in plain sight. But still she was caught. So our hero took the ipad into his office which was still logged on and watched his wife with her old male friend making fun of him and sharing secrets about his life with the other guy. Just so that everyone knows women bash you with their out in the open girlfriends as well as their secret boyfriends. They might mock your cock size with her friends and then smile at it while not telling you she thinks it's small. But let me get back to the story. So our humble narrator kept spying on his wife and kept it a secret as the messages became more and more spicy and so he decided to consulted a lawyer. He began to emotionally disconnect and got the lawyer to draft a separation agreement. His feelings for his wife dissolved. As he kept spying on her he found out his wife was going to spend the night together with her old friend at a hotel. His wife tells him that she's going to have a spa day with her girlfriends. That same day of the hotel meeting he withdrew his half their money out of bank accounts and redirected his paycheck to a new bank account. He shows up at the hotel and asks the front desk if he can use their phone to connect with her wife's loverboy. He disrupt their sexy time of course. Loverboy picks up the phone and then our hero asks him if he can send his wife down to the lobby. Loverboy says I have no idea what you're talking about. So then our hero, bluffing of course, says well in that case I'm going to have to call your wife and get her down here to the hotel too. Loverboy starts to panic as he knows his scrotum is in a vice. Two minutes later our hero's wife comes down to the lobby and tries to explain. Our hero brings out a pile of printed papers with all of her Facebook conversations on them with the cheating proof and tells her that the only way he's not emailing the evidence to everyone including your parents, our daughter and everyone we know is if you move out immediately. He gave her a check for the half the money and the separation agreement for her to sign. He also flashed some photo screenshots at her. Probably nudes and threatened to show everyone.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

The Morning Constitutional: 12/9/2020
The Morning Constitutional: 12/9/2020 T.F. Monkey 819 Views • 4 years ago

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Intro Music (TFM Show): "Fling My Turds II: Rise of
Celestina” by Red Pill Chemist

Outro Music (TFM Show): “Sweet Corn Love” by Anonymous

Intro/ Outro Music (TFM 42O): Intro/Outro Music: "A Clockwork
Monkey" by DarkStar.

Background Music (TFM Show):

Monkey Image: "Male chimpanzee in business clothes -
Stock image" by Lise Gagne. Licensed from Getty Images. Animated Newsroom
by rpancake. Licensed from Shutterstock.

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Che Morpheus - Respuesta a un articulo feminista Las teorías locas de los MGTOW JohnDeschain 399 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Video del referente Che Morpheus, si desean ver más de su contenido, visiten mi canal y vayan a la lista reproducción que lleva su nombre

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