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Why and when do Men and Women reject intimacy? Part 1
Why and when do Men and Women reject intimacy? Part 1 Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 4 years ago

The intimacy series has been requested again and ins Allah I will try to be more academic this time in the language I use yet not make it so complicated like in the books. This is part 1 of the question of why men and women reject intimacy. We will continue with part 2 ins Allah

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Feminism vs Femininity - we love women
Feminism vs Femininity - we love women Gabriel_Al_Romaani 0 Views • 4 years ago

What is the difference and why we love real women

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I identify as the president of USA.
I identify as the president of USA. Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 4 years ago

Where do we stop? This is becoming ridiculous. What do you identity as?

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Why we protect women from Dajjal
Why we protect women from Dajjal Gabriel_Al_Romaani 4 Views • 4 years ago

Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The False Messiah will come upon this marsh of Marriqanat (near Medina). Most of those who go out to him will be women, until a man goes back to his wife, his mother, his daughter, his sister, and his aunt to shackle them tightly, fearing they would go out to him.”

Source: Musnad Aḥmad 5330

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Ahmad Shakir

عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَنْزِلُ الدَّجَّالُ فِي هَذِهِ السَّبَخَةِ بِمَرِّقَنَاةَ فَيَكُونُ أَكْثَرَ مَنْ يَخْرُجُ إِلَيْهِ النِّسَاءُ حَتَّى إِنَّ الرَّجُلَ لَيَرْجِعُ إِلَى حَمِيمِهِ وَإِلَى أُمِّهِ وَابْنَتِهِ وَأُخْتِهِ وَعَمَّتِهِ فَيُوثِقُهَا رِبَاطًا مَخَافَةَ أَنْ تَخْرُجَ إِلَيْهِ

5330 مسند أحمد بن حنبل

7/190 المحدث أحمد شاكر خلاصة حكم المحدث إسناده صحيح في مسند أحمد

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Mothers bring their boys to become Men
Mothers bring their boys to become Men Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 4 years ago

Women are seeing the truth and bringing their boys and even husbands to us

Help Men grow beards
Help Men grow beards Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 4 years ago

Loving the beard because our beloved Prophet Muhammad pbuh told us to wear it. It makes a man a real man. Not everyone can grow it but here is some help.

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Why and when do Men and Women reject intimacy? Part 2
Why and when do Men and Women reject intimacy? Part 2 Gabriel_Al_Romaani 4 Views • 4 years ago

The intimacy series has been requested again and ins Allah I will try to be more academic this time in the language I use yet not make it so complicated like in the books. This is part 2 of the question of why men and women reject intimacy.

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My black horse
My black horse Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 4 years ago

Some brothers asked me about my bike. It's a KTN
Cost me about 500 dollars about 2 years ago.
No issues with it for two years. Just giving it a tuneup.

I wish for Men
I wish for Men Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 4 years ago

In one of the houses of Madinah, ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattab, may Allaah be pleased with him, was sitting with a group of his companions. He asked them: “Make a wish”, one of them said, “I wish to have as much gold as would fill this whole house, so that I could spend it in Jihaad”; then again ‘Umar asked: “Make a wish”, another man said, “I wished that this house was full of jewels and pearls so that I could spend it all in Jihaad and charity for the sake of Allaah”; ‘Umar asked for the third time: “Make a wish”, his companions said: “We don’t know what to say, O leader of the believers”; Thereupon ‘Umar said, “I wish that this house was full of men like Abu ‘Ubaydah Ibn Al-Jarraah, Mu’aadh bin Jabal and Saalim who works for Abu Hudhayfah in order to use them to  spread the word of Allaah”

Collected by Alhakim in Almustadrak


فضائل الصحابة: ج2/ص740 ح1280

Logic vs Submission
Logic vs Submission Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 4 years ago

What is the true essence of submitting to Allah?

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Being popular means Allah loves you
Being popular means Allah loves you Gabriel_Al_Romaani 0 Views • 4 years ago

Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Good and evil are not equal, though you may be dazzled by the abundance of evil. So be mindful of Allah, O  people of reason, so you may be successful.” Quran 5 vs 100

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Muslims tell me to stop exposing LGBQT agenda
Muslims tell me to stop exposing LGBQT agenda Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 4 years ago

But I won't
We need to protect our kids
Will you protect them?
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Holier than Prophet Muhammad pbuh syndrome
Holier than Prophet Muhammad pbuh syndrome Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 4 years ago

How important is not to fall bellow or go above the sunnah

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Nagging Husbands?
Nagging Husbands? Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 4 years ago

My husband is never happy. He nags and complains about everything. I do my best and fulfill my responsibilities but he is never happy.

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The Dream that pushed me to ISLAM
The Dream that pushed me to ISLAM Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 4 years ago

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Books I'm planning to write:

1. Parenting
2. Principles of Islamic Counseling
3. The Qiam Club and others ins Allah

Muslim accusations vs Shariah Accusations
Muslim accusations vs Shariah Accusations Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 4 years ago

It has become a phenomena to circulate sexual accusations on social media. It does NOT mean we ignore such things, but Islam has a way in dealing with such things. It seems that the social media ummah is ignoring suratul Noor.

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Are you a Narcissist? Put yourself 1st
Are you a Narcissist? Put yourself 1st Gabriel_Al_Romaani 4 Views • 4 years ago

Save yourself first so you can save others
Invest in yourself and take care of others

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What did my students say to me?
What did my students say to me? Gabriel_Al_Romaani 5 Views • 4 years ago

I asked my students to write some advice on a piece of paper without writing their name.

Take an ice bath and change your life
Take an ice bath and change your life Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 4 years ago

This video was uploaded in 2020 as part of the Muslim Alpha Men Society series on telegram
Will keep posting these videos ins Allah

Why don't you respond to trolls?
Why don't you respond to trolls? Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 4 years ago

Things are changing very fast in the Muslim community. One has to stand strong on the path and not be affected by people who are weak and try to make you doubt yourself.

Ramadan Quran Reflections ne ayah each day Tafseer Ibn Katheer and reflections
Ramadan Quran Reflections ne ayah each day Tafseer Ibn Katheer and reflections Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 4 years ago

Khutbah against LGBQT in Malaysia
Khutbah against LGBQT in Malaysia Gabriel_Al_Romaani 0 Views • 4 years ago

If the gov is against it why are people so afraid of this community?
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Being Stoic and controlling emotions is a sunnah of our messenger Muhammad pbuh
Being Stoic and controlling emotions is a sunnah of our messenger Muhammad pbuh Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 4 years ago

Marrying an overseas woman and bringing her to a strange country
Marrying an overseas woman and bringing her to a strange country Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 4 years ago

Many men and women marry overseas and once back in their country they change and leave the foreigner in big difficulties

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I gained weight in Ramadan
I gained weight in Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 4 years ago

People forget that you should loose weight not gain weight in Ramadan. Are we doing something wrong? Yes we are.

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so let women choose who they like
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so let women choose who they like Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 4 years ago

Muslim family Murder/Suicide in Allen, Texas
Muslim family Murder/Suicide in Allen, Texas Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 3 years ago

Example of Ramadan Schedule
Example of Ramadan Schedule Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 3 years ago

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Intimacy Series Trailer (Ft. @The3Muslims )
Intimacy Series Trailer (Ft. @The3Muslims ) Gabriel_Al_Romaani 9 Views • 3 years ago

The3Muslims ⬇️

Gabriel Al Romaani ⬇️
Instagram: @galromaani

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#IntimacySeries #SexEd #Islam

I cannot afford to MARRY
I cannot afford to MARRY Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 3 years ago

The story of AbdulRahman ibn Auf and making marriage a priority
Many of our youth make excuses due to not having money.
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Malaysian Open Market
Malaysian Open Market Gabriel_Al_Romaani 4 Views • 3 years ago

Be a housewife 101 COURSE?
Be a housewife 101 COURSE? Gabriel_Al_Romaani 4 Views • 3 years ago

We hear a lot worse about women being empowered and going out in the work place. What about the women who want to stay-at-home and be house wise
,are they looked upon in a positive light?

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Sex Is From The Fitrah Ft. @The3Muslims
Sex Is From The Fitrah Ft. @The3Muslims Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 3 years ago

The3Muslims ⬇️

Gabriel Al Romaani ⬇️
Instagram: @galromaani

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or search us up on your platform!

Follow us on Instagram:

#IntimacySeries #SexEd #Islam

Can a husband take his wife's phone away if she miss-behaves on social media?
Can a husband take his wife's phone away if she miss-behaves on social media? Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 3 years ago

The basic principle is that it is not permissible for a husband under ordinary circumstances to ask his wife for the password to her cell phone or computer, because this conduct implies doubt and suspicion, and it may sour the relationship between the spouses in a manner that may be difficult to put right.

But if the husband has found indications or circumstantial evidence that points to his wife doing some things that are contrary to Islamic teaching, then there is no reason why he should not ask her for her password. In fact in that case he has the right to use trickery – without her knowledge – to find out about what is really going on. We have previously quoted a fatwa of Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) concerning this issue.

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An ayah a day - 1st of Ramadan. Bismillah
An ayah a day - 1st of Ramadan. Bismillah Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 3 years ago

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An ayah a day - 2nd of RamadanYou alone we worship
An ayah a day - 2nd of RamadanYou alone we worship Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 3 years ago

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Have Orientalists become our Imams?
Have Orientalists become our Imams? Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 3 years ago

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My experience with Muslim Cultures - Pakistanis and Arabs .....
My experience with Muslim Cultures - Pakistanis and Arabs ..... Gabriel_Al_Romaani 4 Views • 3 years ago

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An ayah a day - 3rd of Ramadan - no doubt in Quran
An ayah a day - 3rd of Ramadan - no doubt in Quran Gabriel_Al_Romaani 4 Views • 3 years ago

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Join my Dawa team in Ramadan
Join my Dawa team in Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 3 years ago

Not everyone can do DAWA but everyone loves it and knows the benefit. Take advantage of Ramadan and get rewards multiplied.

Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, was the most generous of people and he was even more generous in Ramadan when Gabriel would meet him. He would meet him every night of Ramadan to study the Quran. Thus, the Prophet would be more generous than a nourishing wind.
Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 1902, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2308

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3$/Month is something we can all ins Allah afford by cutting back on something we might like or not need in life. May Allah bless you all.

An ayah a day - 4th of Ramadan - Allah does not sleep
An ayah a day - 4th of Ramadan - Allah does not sleep Gabriel_Al_Romaani 0 Views • 3 years ago

Not everyone can do DAWA but everyone loves it and knows the benefit. Take advantage of Ramadan and get rewards multiplied.

Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, was the most generous of people and he was even more generous in Ramadan when Gabriel would meet him. He would meet him every night of Ramadan to study the Quran. Thus, the Prophet would be more generous than a nourishing wind.
Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 1902, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2308

You can sign up to be part of my PATREON TEAM. You can contact me directly, recommend videos and join our exclusive LIVE Q and A.
Becoming a Patreon is easy:

I advise you choose the lower contribution but stay on for a long time to have the consistency as per the HADEETH OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH:

"Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little” [Sahih Bukhari].

3$/Month is something we can all ins Allah afford by cutting back on something we might like or not need in life. May Allah bless you all.

Muslim Nurse pays for toll for car that is stuck Don't belittle any good deed
Muslim Nurse pays for toll for car that is stuck Don't belittle any good deed Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 3 years ago

Why I CAN'T respond to everyone
Why I CAN'T respond to everyone Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 3 years ago

May Allah forgive be but I am not able to answer to everyone messaging me
May Allah bless you all

You can overcome your problems - An ayah a day/ 5th of Ramadan
You can overcome your problems - An ayah a day/ 5th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 3 years ago

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The universality of Islam - An ayah a day/ The 6th of Ramadan
The universality of Islam - An ayah a day/ The 6th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 5 Views • 3 years ago

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Protect our Muslim sisters from feminism and kufur as this lion protects his female.
Protect our Muslim sisters from feminism and kufur as this lion protects his female. Gabriel_Al_Romaani 6 Views • 3 years ago

Me: Protect the women of the ummah, protect your progeny
Where are the men?
Feminist Muslim Sister: we don't need your protection, Allah made us strong to take care of ourselves.

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My husband's female cousin does cupping on him - Real Problems Real Solutions
My husband's female cousin does cupping on him - Real Problems Real Solutions Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 3 years ago

Can a female cousin just mingle and touch a man under the pretext of being like his sister?
Real Problems Real Solutions

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What about Jesus? An ayah a day / 7th of Ramadan
What about Jesus? An ayah a day / 7th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 3 years ago

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The 4 Principles of Positive Islamic Psychology - Episode 3
The 4 Principles of Positive Islamic Psychology - Episode 3 Gabriel_Al_Romaani 4 Views • 3 years ago

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My wife left me for another woman
My wife left me for another woman Gabriel_Al_Romaani 8 Views • 3 years ago

Real problems, real solutions! Lesbianism is a plague in our community and it's being ignored. We hear a lot about homosexuality but lesbianism is not addressed that often.

Is lesbianism something more accepted in society?

January 27, 2011Source:University of Texas at Austin Summary:Men are more than twice as likely to continue dating a girlfriend who has cheated on them with another woman than one who has cheated with another man.

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Creation points to CREATOR - An ayah a day / 8th of Ramadan
Creation points to CREATOR - An ayah a day / 8th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 3 years ago

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Women want to be like men - An ayah a day, surah Nisaa / 9th of Ramadan
Women want to be like men - An ayah a day, surah Nisaa / 9th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 5 Views • 3 years ago

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Don't YOU want to defend Islam?
Don't YOU want to defend Islam? Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 3 years ago

Make the BEST OF RAMADAN by doing some DAWA. 10 days are gone and 20 are left.
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Take it back to Allah - An Ayah a day / 10th of Ramadan
Take it back to Allah - An Ayah a day / 10th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 0 Views • 3 years ago

Make the BEST OF RAMADAN by doing some DAWA. 10 days are gone and 20 are left.
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Don't take allies - An ayah a day / 11th of Ramadan
Don't take allies - An ayah a day / 11th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 3 years ago

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Last 10 Days Q And A
Last 10 Days Q And A Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 3 years ago

Lesbian issues in Muslim community
Lesbian issues in Muslim community Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 3 years ago

I released a video recently on the issue of lesbianism in the Muslim community. Some people just could not accept that this was an issue and asked me if I ran out of things to talk about as if I am joking. I have been counseling homosexuals and lesbians for over a decade and trust me there are more severe cases. Education is important for prevention and denial is destruction.

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Tawheed as a healing for depression - An ayah a day / 12th of Ramadan
Tawheed as a healing for depression - An ayah a day / 12th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 4 Views • 3 years ago

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A Muslim is better than a Non Muslim - An ayah a day / 13th of Ramadan
A Muslim is better than a Non Muslim - An ayah a day / 13th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 5 Views • 3 years ago

Make the BEST OF RAMADAN by doing some DAWA. JOIN OUR TEAM AND EARN REWARDS. Why not sponsor this video or other videos for 3 $ a month? Yes you can get the reward and help me educate people around the world ?.
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Stop dawa in Ramadan?
Stop dawa in Ramadan? Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 3 years ago

Not everyone can do DAWA but everyone loves it and knows the benefit. Take advantage of Ramadan and get rewards multiplied.

Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, was the most generous of people and he was even more generous in Ramadan when Gabriel would meet him. He would meet him every night of Ramadan to study the Quran. Thus, the Prophet would be more generous than a nourishing wind.
Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 1902, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2308

You can sign up to be part of my PATREON TEAM. You can contact me directly, recommend videos and join our exclusive LIVE Q and A.
Becoming a Patreon is easy:

I advise you choose the lower contribution but stay on for a long time to have the consistency as per the HADEETH OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH:

"Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little” [Sahih Bukhari].

3$/Month is something we can all ins Allah afford by cutting back on something we might like or not need in life. May Allah bless you all.

Quran is the BEST - An ayah a day / 14th of Ramadan
Quran is the BEST - An ayah a day / 14th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 3 years ago

Make the BEST OF RAMADAN by doing some DAWA. JOIN OUR TEAM AND EARN REWARDS. Why not sponsor this video or other videos for 3 $ a month? Yes you can get the reward and help me educate people around the world ?.
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The Psychology of Sin - Why is Sin so attractive?
The Psychology of Sin - Why is Sin so attractive? Gabriel_Al_Romaani 4 Views • 3 years ago

Why is Sin so attractive? Why did Satan successfully deceive Adam and Eve?
Why do you keep going back to sin over and over again?

Make the BEST OF RAMADAN by doing some DAWA. JOIN OUR TEAM AND EARN REWARDS. Why not sponsor this video or other videos for 3 $ a month? Yes you can get the reward and help me educate people around the world ?.
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Teaching Kids About Intimacy As Muslims Ft. @The3Muslims
Teaching Kids About Intimacy As Muslims Ft. @The3Muslims Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 3 years ago

The3Muslims ⬇️

Gabriel Al Romaani ⬇️
Instagram: @galromaani

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#islam #intimacyseries #sexed

You don't just pray! An ayah a day / 15th of Ramadan
You don't just pray! An ayah a day / 15th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 3 years ago

Make the BEST OF RAMADAN by doing some DAWA. JOIN OUR TEAM AND EARN REWARDS. Why not sponsor this video or other videos for 3 $ a month? Yes you can get the reward and help me educate people around the world ?.
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Can we cheat non Muslims? Real Problems Real Solutions
Can we cheat non Muslims? Real Problems Real Solutions Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 3 years ago

Many Muslims report to me that it's ok to cheat the kufar and take benefits with lies.

Make the BEST OF RAMADAN by doing some DAWA. JOIN OUR TEAM AND EARN REWARDS. Why not sponsor this video or other videos for 3 $ a month? Yes you can get the reward and help me educate people around the world ?.
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Making LOVE in Ramadan - Real Problems Real Solutions
Making LOVE in Ramadan - Real Problems Real Solutions Gabriel_Al_Romaani 4 Views • 3 years ago

Make the BEST OF RAMADAN by doing some DAWA. JOIN OUR TEAM AND EARN REWARDS. Why not sponsor this video or other videos for 3 $ a month? Yes you can get the reward and help me educate people around the world ?.
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Homosexuality- An ayah a day /17th of Ramadan
Homosexuality- An ayah a day /17th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 4 Views • 3 years ago

Make the BEST OF RAMADAN by doing some DAWA. JOIN OUR TEAM AND EARN REWARDS. Why not sponsor this video or other videos for 3 $ a month? Yes you can get the reward and help me educate people around the world ?.
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Can be rich and good - An ayah a day / 18th of Ramadan
Can be rich and good - An ayah a day / 18th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 4 Views • 3 years ago

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Racism in the Ummah (Ft. @The3Muslims
Racism in the Ummah (Ft. @The3Muslims Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 3 years ago

The3Muslims ⬇️

Gabriel Al Romaani ⬇️
Instagram: @galromaani

If you enjoyed this ep, SHARE after dropping a like and hitting sub, it helps tremendously.

Out on all streaming platforms including:
Spotify: The3Muslims
Apple Podcasts: The3Muslims
Google Podcasts: The3Muslims
or search us up on your platform!

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#Racism #Islam #Muslim

Abu Bakr ra  and Prophet Musa as - An ayah a day / 19th of Ramadan
Abu Bakr ra and Prophet Musa as - An ayah a day / 19th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 0 Views • 3 years ago

Make the BEST OF RAMADAN by doing some DAWA. JOIN OUR TEAM AND EARN REWARDS. Why not sponsor this video or other videos for 3 $ a month? Yes you can get the reward and help me educate people around the world ?.
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Ideological War
Ideological War Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 3 years ago

Make the BEST OF RAMADAN by doing some DAWA. JOIN OUR TEAM AND EARN REWARDS. Why not sponsor this video or other videos for 3 $ a month? Yes you can get the reward and help me educate people around the world ?.
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Defend Islam During Last 10 Nights of Ramadan
Defend Islam During Last 10 Nights of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 3 years ago

Make the BEST OF RAMADAN by doing some DAWA. JOIN OUR TEAM AND EARN REWARDS. Why not sponsor this video or other videos for 3 $ a month? Yes you can get the reward and help me educate people around the world ?.
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Preparation For Marriage (Nikah) Ft. @The3Muslims
Preparation For Marriage (Nikah) Ft. @The3Muslims Gabriel_Al_Romaani 4 Views • 3 years ago

The3Muslims ⬇️

Gabriel Al Romaani ⬇️
Instagram: @galromaani

If you enjoyed this ep, SHARE after dropping a like and hitting sub, it helps tremendously.

Out on all streaming platforms including:
Spotify: The3Muslims
Apple Podcasts: The3Muslims
Google Podcasts: The3Muslims
or search us up on your platform!

Follow us on Instagram:

#islam #intimacyseries #sexed

Ramadan Bazar Malaysia
Ramadan Bazar Malaysia Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 3 years ago

Fight for Allah - An ayah a day / 22nd of Ramadan
Fight for Allah - An ayah a day / 22nd of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 3 years ago

Not everyone can do DAWA but everyone loves it and knows the benefit. Take advantage of Ramadan and get rewards multiplied.

Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, was the most generous of people and he was even more generous in Ramadan when Gabriel would meet him. He would meet him every night of Ramadan to study the Quran. Thus, the Prophet would be more generous than a nourishing wind.
Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 1902, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2308

You can sign up to be part of my PATREON TEAM. You can contact me directly, recommend videos and join our exclusive LIVE Q and A.
Becoming a Patreon is easy:

I advise you choose the lower contribution but stay on for a long time to have the consistency as per the HADEETH OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH:

"Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little” [Sahih Bukhari].

3$/Month is something we can all ins Allah afford by cutting back on something we might like or not need in life. May Allah bless you all.

We have no choice but to submit - An ayah a day / 21st of Ramadan
We have no choice but to submit - An ayah a day / 21st of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 3 years ago

Not everyone can do DAWA but everyone loves it and knows the benefit. Take advantage of Ramadan and get rewards multiplied.

Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, was the most generous of people and he was even more generous in Ramadan when Gabriel would meet him. He would meet him every night of Ramadan to study the Quran. Thus, the Prophet would be more generous than a nourishing wind.
Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 1902, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2308

You can sign up to be part of my PATREON TEAM. You can contact me directly, recommend videos and join our exclusive LIVE Q and A.
Becoming a Patreon is easy:

I advise you choose the lower contribution but stay on for a long time to have the consistency as per the HADEETH OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH:

"Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little” [Sahih Bukhari].

3$/Month is something we can all ins Allah afford by cutting back on something we might like or not need in life. May Allah bless you all.

A kafir denies the truth - An ayah a day / 23rd of Ramadan
A kafir denies the truth - An ayah a day / 23rd of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 3 years ago

Not everyone can do DAWA but everyone loves it and knows the benefit. Take advantage of Ramadan and get rewards multiplied.

Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, was the most generous of people and he was even more generous in Ramadan when Gabriel would meet him. He would meet him every night of Ramadan to study the Quran. Thus, the Prophet would be more generous than a nourishing wind.
Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 1902, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2308

You can sign up to be part of my PATREON TEAM. You can contact me directly, recommend videos and join our exclusive LIVE Q and A.
Becoming a Patreon is easy:

I advise you choose the lower contribution but stay on for a long time to have the consistency as per the HADEETH OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH:

"Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little” [Sahih Bukhari].

3$/Month is something we can all ins Allah afford by cutting back on something we might like or not need in life. May Allah bless you all.

Allah forgives you - An ayah a day / 24th day of Ramadan
Allah forgives you - An ayah a day / 24th day of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 3 years ago

Not everyone can do DAWA but everyone loves it and knows the benefit. Take advantage of Ramadan and get rewards multiplied.

Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, was the most generous of people and he was even more generous in Ramadan when Gabriel would meet him. He would meet him every night of Ramadan to study the Quran. Thus, the Prophet would be more generous than a nourishing wind.
Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 1902, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2308

You can sign up to be part of my PATREON TEAM. You can contact me directly, recommend videos and join our exclusive LIVE Q and A.
Becoming a Patreon is easy:

I advise you choose the lower contribution but stay on for a long time to have the consistency as per the HADEETH OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH:

"Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little” [Sahih Bukhari].

3$/Month is something we can all ins Allah afford by cutting back on something we might like or not need in life. May Allah bless you all.

Laylatul Qadr - An ayah a day / 25th of Ramadan
Laylatul Qadr - An ayah a day / 25th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 0 Views • 3 years ago

It could be the night and you can get 83 plus years of beneficial knowledge sponsorship click

Grand Finale! David Wood, Sam Shamoun & Anthony Vs Shaykh Uthman Ibn Farooq
Grand Finale! David Wood, Sam Shamoun & Anthony Vs Shaykh Uthman Ibn Farooq Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 3 years ago

I support my brother and shaikh Uthman Ibn Farooq for his great way of debating this Christian team. If you don't know who these guys are you could see some of my videos 14 years ago fighting these guys online. They are still at it in their missguidance. Shaikh Uthman dealt with them in a champion way mash Allah.

My Daughter Ran Away with a Christian guy - Real Problems Real Solutions
My Daughter Ran Away with a Christian guy - Real Problems Real Solutions Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 3 years ago

It could be the night and you can get 83 plus years of beneficial knowledge sponsorship click

You will be tested - An ayah a day/ 26th of Ramadan
You will be tested - An ayah a day/ 26th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 3 years ago

It could be the night and you can get 83 plus years of beneficial knowledge sponsorship click

Depression is linked to the heart - An ayah a day / 27th of Ramadan
Depression is linked to the heart - An ayah a day / 27th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 8 Views • 3 years ago

Make the BEST OF RAMADAN by doing some DAWA. JOIN OUR TEAM AND EARN REWARDS. Why not sponsor this video or other videos for 3 $ a month? Yes you can get the reward and help me educate people around the world ?.
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Instagram Couples and Husband Disrespect- Real Problems Real Solutions
Instagram Couples and Husband Disrespect- Real Problems Real Solutions Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 3 years ago

Make the BEST OF RAMADAN by doing some DAWA. JOIN OUR TEAM AND EARN REWARDS. Why not sponsor this video or other videos for 3 $ a month? Yes you can get the reward and help me educate people around the world ?.
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Should you always seek to please your wife? An ayah a day - 28th of Ramadan
Should you always seek to please your wife? An ayah a day - 28th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 5 Views • 3 years ago

Make the BEST OF RAMADAN by doing some DAWA. JOIN OUR TEAM AND EARN REWARDS. Why not sponsor this video or other videos for 3 $ a month? Yes you can get the reward and help me educate people around the world ?.
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Al Aqsa Under Attack - 29th Night Of Ramadan Malaysia
Al Aqsa Under Attack - 29th Night Of Ramadan Malaysia Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 3 years ago

How Can I Improve Productivity Before and After Marriage
How Can I Improve Productivity Before and After Marriage Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 3 years ago

I took a video while advising one of you clients during our Counseling session. His question was around how to be productive before marriage and not loose productivity after marriage.

Homeschooling vs Public Schools
Homeschooling vs Public Schools Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 3 years ago

Muslims ask me which one is better. Is homeschooling for you?

Make the BEST OF RAMADAN by doing some DAWA. JOIN OUR TEAM AND EARN REWARDS. Why not sponsor this video or other videos for 3 $ a month? Yes you can get the reward and help me educate people around the world ?.
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Bad wives for good husbands and good wives for bad husbands - An ayah a day / 29th of Ramadan
Bad wives for good husbands and good wives for bad husbands - An ayah a day / 29th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 3 years ago

Join the Dawa Family
Join the Dawa Family Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 3 years ago

Join the DAWA FARMILY to get exclusive acces, Q and A, behind the scenes, exclusive live broadcasts:

Say Allah is One - An ayah a day/ 30th of Ramadan
Say Allah is One - An ayah a day/ 30th of Ramadan Gabriel_Al_Romaani 4 Views • 3 years ago

Why not sponsor this video or other videos for 3 $ a month? Yes you can get the reward and help me educate people around the world ?.
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Eid mubarak to everyone
Eid mubarak to everyone Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 3 years ago

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Premature Ejaculation vs Performance Anxiety in Men - The Intimacy Series
Premature Ejaculation vs Performance Anxiety in Men - The Intimacy Series Gabriel_Al_Romaani 6 Views • 3 years ago

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What can I do for Palestine? Live Stream
What can I do for Palestine? Live Stream Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 3 years ago

Join the DAWA FARMILY to get exclusive acces, Q and A, behind the scenes, exclusive live broadcasts:

The Psychology behind Motivation
The Psychology behind Motivation Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 3 years ago

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Muslim Husband watches Transgender Online
Muslim Husband watches Transgender Online Gabriel_Al_Romaani 2 Views • 3 years ago

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Are you marketing yourself as a SEX EXPERT? Answering an important question.
Are you marketing yourself as a SEX EXPERT? Answering an important question. Gabriel_Al_Romaani 3 Views • 3 years ago

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Are you recovering after Ramadan?
Are you recovering after Ramadan? Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 3 years ago

We cannot solve our conflicts when we sleeping and eating and being weak. Body, mind, soul are weak. Are you recovering after Ramadan? What recovery bro? Get out there and continue the struggle.
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NoFap - Semen Retention and Islamic View
NoFap - Semen Retention and Islamic View Gabriel_Al_Romaani 11 Views • 3 years ago

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Can we support LGBTQ so they can support us?
Can we support LGBTQ so they can support us? Gabriel_Al_Romaani 1 Views • 3 years ago

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Showing 898 out of 899