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Request-Recovering from a History Degree
Request-Recovering from a History Degree AaronClarey 1 Views • 8 years ago

A history major turned Accounting MBA wants to know what to do to salvage his career. Cappy says keep pushing till the end of the tunnel.

Truth at a reasonable price! Visit!





Alternative/Back Up Sites:

Fuck the Baby Boomers
Fuck the Baby Boomers AaronClarey 5 Views • 8 years ago

Turns out some boomers are getting their social security checks garnished because they're not paying back their STUDENT LOANS. You know what? Fuck 'em.

Truth at a reasonable price! Visit!





Alternative/Back Up Sites:

Request-You're Too Smart to be a Teacher
Request-You're Too Smart to be a Teacher AaronClarey 1 Views • 8 years ago

The boyfriend of a 16 year old girl is concerned because she wants to become a teacher and not go into STEM. After evidence she has a very high IQ Cappy explains why she's not dumb enough to be a teacher.

Truth at a reasonable price! Visit!





Alternative/Back Up Sites:

Request-All Colleges Are Equally Shitty
Request-All Colleges Are Equally Shitty AaronClarey 1 Views • 8 years ago

If your majoring in a worthless degree, it doesn't matter. All colleges are equally shitty.

Truth at a reasonable price! Visit!





Alternative/Back Up Sites:

Request-The Clarey Test on Larry Winget
Request-The Clarey Test on Larry Winget AaronClarey 1 Views • 8 years ago

A request to conduct a Clarey Test on Larry Winget!

Truth at a reasonable price! Visit!





Alternative/Back Up Sites:

The Clarey Test on George Soros
The Clarey Test on George Soros AaronClarey 1 Views • 8 years ago

A request to conduct a Clarey Test on the hated George Soros.

Truth at a reasonable price! Visit!





Alternative/Back Up Sites:

Request-Hard for Quality Men to Find Quality Women
Request-Hard for Quality Men to Find Quality Women AaronClarey 1 Views • 8 years ago

A solid 9.5 gentleman with a good job and an olympic physique is wondering if he should be looking for women when he has student debt. It's further complicated because he doesn't like to date in his race. Cappy thinks he's perhaps too shy and under-selling himself.

Truth at a reasonable price! Visit!





Alternative/Back Up Sites:

Request-Trial Running a Business
Request-Trial Running a Business AaronClarey 3 Views • 8 years ago

You NEVER start a FULL SCALE business. you ALWAYS trial balloon it first to see if it will even work.

Truth at a reasonable price! Visit!





Alternative/Back Up Sites:

Request-IT People are Just Better than Finance People
Request-IT People are Just Better than Finance People AaronClarey 4 Views • 8 years ago

Working in finance not only pays less, but you're dealing with inferior, inept people. Don't tether your career to finance. Make it to the world of IT.

Truth at a reasonable price! Visit!





Alternative/Back Up Sites:

The Rethinking of Life Conservatives and Libertarians Need
The Rethinking of Life Conservatives and Libertarians Need AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

What originally started as a plug for my book, ended up becoming a compelling argument libertarians and conservatives need to understand about how to approach the decline of Western Civilization:

How to Become a Successful Economist
How to Become a Successful Economist AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Before you spend $150,000 and 8 years of your youth getting a doctorate in Economics, consider an alternative and more productive way.

Request Is She the Right One
Request Is She the Right One AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

Request-Your Degree in Supply Chain Management Wasn't a "Total" Waste
Request-Your Degree in Supply Chain Management Wasn't a "Total" Waste AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

Supply Chain Management isn't really a worthwhile degree or field. And the gray-haired higher ups aren't going to let you do any real "supply chain management." What to do with your degree? Well, the military needs logistics officers!

Need advice? Want it to be worth something instead of that bullshit your teachers told you? Then visit!

Request-Fuck College, You Know How to Program
Request-Fuck College, You Know How to Program AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young man discovers he has a knack for programming, but asks if he needs to spend $18,000 in tuition to finish his degree in it. Cappy suggests he take a sabbatical and self-teach because...well...he's out of money and has no choice.

Truth, reality, and the Asshole way!

Request-How to Raise Daughters to Be Marriageable
Request-How to Raise Daughters to Be Marriageable AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

An ex-feminist is deathly afraid her daughters will miss out on being married and having children, which she now believes to be the greatest source of happiness. Cappy agrees and gives some advice on HOW TO MAKE YOUR DAUGHTERS MARRIAGE MATERIAL!

Want lies? Hire a regular consultant.
Want truth? Hire an Asshole.

Request-CPA or Supply Chain Management, Both Horribly Boring Careers
Request-CPA or Supply Chain Management, Both Horribly Boring Careers AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young man excels at account in school, but got pigeon holed into a Supply Chain Management job. He now is contemplating SCM or going for his CPA. Cappy recommends the CPA, while keeping an eye out for other interests.

Request-Cappy's Bugout Bag and Bugout Plan
Request-Cappy's Bugout Bag and Bugout Plan AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A client wants to know what's in Cappy's bugout bag and any pointers Cappy has when bugging out. Cappy makes a mess of his living room and explains the three options he's considering post apocalypse.

Request-Keep Your Ass in Las Vegas
Request-Keep Your Ass in Las Vegas AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

You do NOT leave Las Vegas to pursue a music career in New York or LA. New York and LA are has been towns, especially with the internet. You stay the fuck in Las Vegas and do NOT pay any state income taxes.

Need real world advice? Meaning it's true? Then visit!

Request-Fuck California, Move to Vegas
Request-Fuck California, Move to Vegas AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A welding student who lives in his van in California while working at Wal-Mart wants to know if he should move to Vegas. Cappy cannot think of a better decision.

Need advice? Want it to be true? Then visit!

Don't Call Your Pamphlet a Book
Don't Call Your Pamphlet a Book AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Cappy explains the difference between tomes, books, essays and pamphlets. And for all of you writing "20 page books" please call them what they are - pamphlets.

Request-Facing Mortality
Request-Facing Mortality AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

A previous client has a brush with death and wants to know Cappy's opinion on it. In short, it happens to every one.

Need advice? Prefer it be true!? Then visit!

Request-Libertarian Policy on Government Regulation
Request-Libertarian Policy on Government Regulation AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young man has an interesting question. Does libertarianism solve the problems from labor exploitation and pollution. Cappy can't answer for the whole libertarian community, but he can speak for the sane ones who aren't high school "anarcho capitalists" or "libertarian socialists."

Want a swift kick in the ass? Visit!

Request-Your Dad Is Wrong About College and Management
Request-Your Dad Is Wrong About College and Management AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man's father wants him to major in "Finance and Management" so he can take over the business. He wants to major in computer science instead. Cappy sides with the son, but recommends he learn accounting on his own and apprentice under his father.

Want to kiss ass or kick ass? The choice is yours:

Request-Las Vegas or Florida
Request-Las Vegas or Florida AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

The toughest question Cappy has EVER faced in the ENTIRE HISTORY of Asshole Consulting - where would he rather live? Vegas or Florida?
Hmmmm....I say...hmmmmm....

Best Place to Find a Man? Try Cigar Lounges
Best Place to Find a Man? Try Cigar Lounges AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

Ladies, you want quality men, with money, careers, charm, and a profession? Try cigar lounges.

Request-Fucking Up the Two Prong Approach
Request-Fucking Up the Two Prong Approach AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is working 2 fulltime jobs and wants to know why his life seems unfulfilled. Should he pursue entrepreneurship? Cappys says yes.

Want the truth? Hire an asshole!

Request-Personal Loans and Credit Cards or Insurance and Mortgages
Request-Personal Loans and Credit Cards or Insurance and Mortgages AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A successful banker in personal loans wants to get into his company's mortgage and insurance division. He wonders if this is too risky of a move. Cappy sees and ever so "slight" bit more of risk in these markets, but he can always go back to his regular job...assuming he has a conversation with his boss.

Need advice? Cappy has it! Some of it might even help! Visit!

Request-Worst Idea EVER for an 18th Brithday Party
Request-Worst Idea EVER for an 18th Brithday Party AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A 17 year old is getting hoodwinked into paying for his co-worker's and co-worker's brother's booze at a high end strip club for his 18th birthday party. Oh, and they plan on getting drunk and doing coke, expecting the kid to bring $300. Cappy recommends going to Canada and getting a prostitute instead.

Request-Real Life 40 Year Old Virgin
Request-Real Life 40 Year Old Virgin AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

An obese computer networking 40 year old virgin who lives with his parents wants to know what improvements he can make to his life it invariably lose his virginity and make some positive changes. Cappy unloads with more firepower than was dropped on Dresden in WWII.

Request-Seeking Approval from Dad and Others
Request-Seeking Approval from Dad and Others AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man didn't have the best upbringing with his father, and now constantly seeks approval from him and others. How can he stop it? Cappy explains he can't, but he can control it.

Need advice? Prefer it be truthful and real? Visit!

Request-Fury and Rage Over Muslim Invasion of Europe
Request-Fury and Rage Over Muslim Invasion of Europe AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A man in a foreign country is angry over watching Western Europe being invaded and taken over by Muslims. He also openly admits to hating them, all of which is adversely affecting his mood and work. Cappy tries to point out some key things about the invasion, Muslims, and mental self-control that hopefully puts things in perspective, makes him feel better, and maybe give the good Muslims a chance.

Want the truth? We got it! For a price! Visit!

Prediction-Typos and Grammar in Curse of the High IQ
Prediction-Typos and Grammar in Curse of the High IQ AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

Cappy makes a preemptive strike against an easily predictable criticism that is guaranteed to come from idiots and morons. That of "grammar" and "typos." Hint - if you're worried about typos and grammar, this book isn't for you.

Request-Setting Up a Non Physical Business
Request-Setting Up a Non Physical Business AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young man wants to write ebooks and wonders about how to set up a business if there's no physical plant or office. Cappy explains some basics, but recommends he just write books under his name.

Request-PAY OFF YOUR STUDENT LOANS! AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A 25 year old comp sci graduate wants to know if he should pay off his student loans OR use the money instead for a down payment on a rental property. Cappy says no to both and has a better idea.

Truth, Reality, and Swift Kicks in the Asses for All! Visit!

Request-Investing in Oil and the Stock Market
Request-Investing in Oil and the Stock Market AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A man is interested in investing in oil companies with the collapse of oil prices. He asks Cappy if this is a good idea and Cappy more or less agrees, but imparts an important lesson about investing in the stock market - sales.

Request - 18 Years to Get an Economics Degree Causing Immigration Problems
Request - 18 Years to Get an Economics Degree Causing Immigration Problems AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

A poor kid who came over from China with his family when he was young has been waiting for his dad for 18 years to finish his doctorate in economics so that he might get an H1B visa, and thus a green card for him and his family Unfortunatley, his dad is a loser and now it is upon the son to find it own way to establish residency in the US. Cappy has some ideas, but welcomes other thoughts from the listening audience.

Need advice? We got it! Some might even be right! Visit!

Request-Work and Pain Before Fun and Girls
Request-Work and Pain Before Fun and Girls AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

A man with a 144 IQ only manages a 2.51 GPA in political science, and only wants fun, girls, happiness, and self actualization in life. He doesn't know how to get there and asks Cappy how. Cappy takes a running start to deliver the swift kick in the ass he needs.

Want lies? Oprah and your professors are right over there.
Want truth? Come to Asshole Consulting

Request-Buy or Rent Housing in Phoenix
Request-Buy or Rent Housing in Phoenix AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

The father of a family of 4 wants to know if he should buy a house or rent in the Phoenix area. Given the age of his children (and whether wifey wants to stay in the area) Cappy is leaning towards "yes." But make sure it's near a McDonald's, good schools, and a Fredrick's of Hollywood.

Need advice? Cappy has it! Visit!

Request-Your Mother is Stealing from You   Leave Her
Request-Your Mother is Stealing from You Leave Her AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Cappy doesn't understand, no wants to why parents stealing from their children, especially in the Latino community seems so rife. Regardless, it's abuse and not to be tolerated. Leave any time your parents steal from you.

Request-Mom Needs to Support Herself
Request-Mom Needs to Support Herself AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

After a divorce a young man's mother relies on her son for rent and supportation. Cappy explains that bullshit ends for the boomer generation, no matter what country you're in.

Request-Stop Overthinking Ballroom Dancing
Request-Stop Overthinking Ballroom Dancing AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A man has barely tried to make it in ballroom dancing and Cappy tells him to stop being a pussy, change instructors, and commit to learning how to LEAD and not "CO-DANCE." Cappy is also exhausted from his drive and looks like shit.

Request-Retirement Post Navy
Request-Retirement Post Navy AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A 42 year old sailor is about to retire and wants to know if he should pay off his house. Cappy wonders why this man, who is killing it in every field, is asking for his advice.

Need advice? Even though you're a superior sailor and have the world by its tail? Then visit!

Request-Retirement Planning for Millennials
Request-Retirement Planning for Millennials AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is killing it and wants to know what to invest in. Cappy has some advice, but with caveats.

Request- Moral Qualms About Joining the Military
Request- Moral Qualms About Joining the Military AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

After listening to Stefan Molyneux a young man is conflicted about joining the military. Cappy gives his very cold, calculated and Machiavellian take on joining the military and it isn't nice. But he readily admits he's not a good man.

Want the truth? Hire an asshole:

Request-Some Pointers on Ballroom Dancing
Request-Some Pointers on Ballroom Dancing AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is attending ballroom dance classes at Arthur Murray and wants Cappy's opinion on learning to dance. Cappy has some pointers, but recommends the best way to learn is to go out and do it.

Need advice? Prefer it to be true? Then visit!

Request-I'm Rich, Now What?
Request-I'm Rich, Now What? AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is set for life, but has no purpose or agency in life. Cappy explains it's very rare for people to have what he's got, but it doesn't change the fact he will be miserable without purpose or agency in life.

Want lies? Hire a regular consultant.
Want the truth? Hire an asshole!

Request-Hard for Foreigners to Find a Traditional Girl in the US
Request-Hard for Foreigners to Find a Traditional Girl in the US AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man from the Mid East does well with the ladies, but has no patience for drama or bullshit which cuts into his desire to meet a quality woman. Cappy suggests he use traditional methods to find a more traditional girl, but promises nothing with today's American women.

Need advice? Prefer it's based in reality? Then visit!

Is Roosh V Really Pro Rape
Is Roosh V Really Pro Rape AaronClarey 5 Views • 9 years ago

As the media claims Roosh is "pro rape" Cappy has a simple request:
That people use their brains and ask what's more likely? Roosh is "pro rape" or the media has abandoned journalism and is going after click bait?

Request-Clarey Test on the Koch Brothers
Request-Clarey Test on the Koch Brothers AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

As per request, Cappy applies "The Clarey Test" to the Koch Brothers and, sadly for leftists, they score very well!

Need guidance, consultation, advice or wisdom? Visit!

Request-Emigrating from Germany to the US
Request-Emigrating from Germany to the US AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

A STEM man from Germany wants to move to the US. He's fed up with the EU and the invasion of anti-European cultures. However, he has some questions about his strategy and wants Cappy's opinion.

Need guidance? GOT MONEY???? Then visit!

Who's Offering More Free Shit? Bernie or Hillary?
Who's Offering More Free Shit? Bernie or Hillary? AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

In an effort to help the left decide who to vote for, Cappy breaks out his economist hat and explains why "vagina" should not obfuscate the true goal of socialism - more free shit paid for by other people.

Request - Don't Prioritize Pussy Over Your Career
Request - Don't Prioritize Pussy Over Your Career AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is about to graduate with a degree in Geophysics, but now wants to chase tail instead. You NEVER chase tail, you let tail chase you. Cappy explains this VERY IMPORTANT lesson.

Request-Entrepreneurs Don't Go to College
Request-Entrepreneurs Don't Go to College AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A 17 year old aspiring entrepreneur wants to go to college either in Utah or Italy. Cappy asks the question "why go to college if you're an entrepreneur."

Request-Don't Burn Out in College
Request-Don't Burn Out in College AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is trying to do it all in college. STEM degree, working out, two jobs, no debt. Cappy suggests he scale back because it ain't like there's a hot labor market willing to hire him.

Need advice? Cappy has it! For a price! Visit!

Request-When Its Time to Quit Your Job
Request-When Its Time to Quit Your Job AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

It's hard to tell if your boss is incompetent, a sadist, or maybe you have the problem. Before you quit your job, make sure first you're not the problem and then decide whether you want to ream him a new one on the way out.

Need wisdom? We can fake that! Visit!

Request-Why Expensive Dental Schools are a Waste
Request-Why Expensive Dental Schools are a Waste AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is about to part with $250,000 for dental school. Cappy talks to his dentist and has a MUCH better plan!

Want advice? Want it to be true? Visit!

Request-Work for Your Dad, Fuck Your Business Degree
Request-Work for Your Dad, Fuck Your Business Degree AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

The son of a successful businessman has about 473 ideas for what he should do in the future. Cappy recommends he just let his dad groom him to take over the business and be happy with that.

Need advice? Visit!

Request-The Future of Neomasculinity and Multiculturalism
Request-The Future of Neomasculinity and Multiculturalism AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

A young man wants to save Western Civilization and thinks a protest via Neomasculinity against multiculturalism would do the trick. Cappy suggests he decide whether he wants to save the world or just himself, and strongly urges just saving himself. Society doesn't deserve to be saved.

Need advice? Want wisdom? Need guidance? GOT MONEY? Visit!

Request-What to Major in While in the Military
Request-What to Major in While in the Military AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A young man will escape from NYC by joining the national guard in a tax free state. He just wonders what he should study while in the military. STEM or the Trades? Cappy advises.

Need a point in the right direction? Then visit (and pay!)

Request Are Robo-Advisors a Good Thing
Request Are Robo-Advisors a Good Thing AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A client inquires about RoboAdvisors and whether they're a good thing. Cappy agrees, but they require a little education.

Need advice? Cappy's got it! For a price! Visit!

Request-Should I Follow My Girlfriend Out to Colorado?
Request-Should I Follow My Girlfriend Out to Colorado? AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young man in San Antonio is bored with his mediocre job that is going nowhere. His girlfriend, who he loves, is moving to Colorado. He wants to know if he should follow. Cappy, oddly enough, fully endorses this action...but with some caveats.

Want guidance, wisdom, and a point in the right direction? Visit!

Austrian Economic Response to Keyensian Worries about Deflation
Austrian Economic Response to Keyensian Worries about Deflation AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

An Austrian or Neo-classical economic response to Keynesian worries about deflation and the "deflationary spiral" it can cause.

Request-Longshoreman or Truck Driver
Request-Longshoreman or Truck Driver AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

An 18 year old desperately wants to escape California and wants to know if he should become a truck driver or a longshoreman. Cappy weighs the pro's and con's and just to piss off the pacifists recommends the military ;)

Need advice? Prefer it be true? Then visit!

Request-Recovering from a Music Degree
Request-Recovering from a Music Degree AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A 23 year old blew his first shot at college with majors in music and economics. He realized his mistake and wants to know what his next steps should be, specifically accounting or trade school. Cappy recommends trade school.

Fuck the CPA, Have Sex with Your Wife and Play With Your Kids
Fuck the CPA, Have Sex with Your Wife and Play With Your Kids AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

An Iraq and Afghan veteran has a hot latina wife and some kids. He wants to know if it's worth getting his CPA and masters degree or if he should just become an enrolled agent and spend time with his family. Cappy recommends family.

Want the truth? It comes at a price! Visit!

Request-Engineers Not Getting The Big Picture
Request-Engineers Not Getting The Big Picture AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

An engineer's boss is complaining he "doesn't get the big picture" and is wasting other people's time with questions. Cappy smells a rat because this division has high turnover, but advises the engineer to determine, for a fact, whether or not he is indeed the problem...or his boss is just another incompetent prick.

Want help? Real help costs money. Visit!

Request-Is Physics a Worthless Degree
Request-Is Physics a Worthless Degree AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A young man has a passion for physics, but the smarts to ensure he gets a degree that pays. Cappy recommends pursuing engineering first, and THEN maybe getting an advanced degree in physics.

Request-Don't Fuck 14 Year Old Girls
Request-Don't Fuck 14 Year Old Girls AaronClarey 11 Views • 9 years ago

A 22 year old man has fallen for a 14 year old girl. The guy even has the parents' permission. Cappy still STRONGLY disagrees.

Want to avoid jail? Want to have a future? Then visit!

Request-What is a "Real Job"
Request-What is a "Real Job" AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

In light of fake jobs such as "HR" "professor" "social worker" and other BS careers, a young man wants to know what constitutes a "real job." Cappy obliges and sets a very clear and simple definition.

Want the truth? It comes at a price! Visit!

Request-Making Money After High School
Request-Making Money After High School AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A high school junior is evaluating his options and wants to know how to come out of high school without having to live paycheck to pay check. Cappy advises and gives him some options.

Request-Social Lives for Non Leftists in San Francisco
Request-Social Lives for Non Leftists in San Francisco AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A 24 year old man is killing it with his career in San Francisco. But his social life is non-existent in part because he isn't a leftist. Solutions? Cappy has 'em.

Need advice? Got money? Then visit!

Request-How Should Libertarians Vote in Primaries?
Request-How Should Libertarians Vote in Primaries? AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A libertarian wants to ensure a republican victory, but can vote in either the Republican primary or the Democrat one. Which does he choose to ensure the left does not win the presidency?

Need advice? Prefer it's helpful and true? Then visit!

Request-Don't Fuck Up Like Your Parents
Request-Don't Fuck Up Like Your Parents AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man wants to know if he should leave his parents forever after turning 18. Cappy delves into the world of bad parenting and implores him to end the cycle of illegitimate children, 30 year old grandmothers, destroyed homes, and instead aim for a nuclear family.

Request-Trades or Engineering for Retired 21 Year Old
Request-Trades or Engineering for Retired 21 Year Old AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

Considering a collapse in the US economy, is it wiser to get a degree in engineering, or get a more hands on skill like a trade? Cappy speculates and provides some guidance.

Request-Learning King Fu in China
Request-Learning King Fu in China AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A 20 year old man wants to go to China to learn King Fu. His mom and others tell him to go to college instead, while his dad says he should go. Cappy sides with dad, because it's the correct and right answer.

Need advice? Want it to be based in reality? Then visit!

Request-How to Get Into IT
Request-How to Get Into IT AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

Originally a "Physical Therapy Reserve Secondary Vice Assistant" major, a young man wants to switch to IT, but wants to know the best way. Cappy gives him some options and tells him to feel no guilt abandoning his original, and worthless, major.

Want a swift kick in the ass? It comes at a price! Visit!

Request-Is Gen Z Doomed to Be Millennials v 2.0?
Request-Is Gen Z Doomed to Be Millennials v 2.0? AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A high school student notices his generation has a penchant for finances, but still overwhelmingly support Bernie Sanders. Is Gen Z doomed to be the Millennials v 2.0? Cappy thinks so as there is no hope for that generation.

Want the truth? It comes at a price! visit!

Request-Computer Science of Psychiatry, Which Will Get Me American Citizenship Faster
Request-Computer Science of Psychiatry, Which Will Get Me American Citizenship Faster AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young Brazilian man wants to become an American,but doesn't know if computer science (which he doesn't like) or becoming a psychiatrist (which he is interested in) would be the better route. Cappy explains the costs of each route and hopes he has a "Plan C."

Need advice? prefer it be true? then visit!

Request-Australian Military or Entrepreneurship
Request-Australian Military or Entrepreneurship AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A 22 year old Ozzie is down in the dumps with no direction in life. He'd like to work remotely and travel the world and has three options to give it a shot. Cappy evaluates them all and comes up with some thoughts.

Request-CPA or Meter Reader
Request-CPA or Meter Reader AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A woman 10 years away from a government pension wants to know if she should continue on as an electrician meter reader or continue the accounting route. Since both inevitably lead to a pension, Cappy suggests that which interests her more. But it ultimately doesn't matter. get that fucking pension!

Why is Amy Schumer So Popular?
Why is Amy Schumer So Popular? AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

In this scripted video, we answer the question plaguing all of those perplexed by the sudden rise of Amy Schumer. Why in hell's name is this woman so popular? The answer may surprise you.

Real Friends Tell You You Have Bad Breath
Real Friends Tell You You Have Bad Breath AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

Some insights as to how NEGATIVE reinforcement is the TRUE sign of love, care, and compassion. Not positive reinforcement which is a sign of weakness, asskissery, and bullshit.

Karma Exists...Sort Of
Karma Exists...Sort Of AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

While we desperately want to believe "life" or "god" metes out universal justice, deep down inside we know evil people get away with evil things...or do they? For if you look at the track record of bad people, they don't tend to do too well as ultimately there IS karma, just not in the traditional sense.

Request-How to Market Your Books in a Self Publishing World
Request-How to Market Your Books in a Self Publishing World AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

An aspiring author wants to know how to get his published works to be known. Cappy explains how social media, combined with Amazon's Createspace is the way to go, and gives him some pointers on developing a readership.

The real world demands real advice. Not pretty lies. Visit!

Request-Western Michigan or Georgia Tech
Request-Western Michigan or Georgia Tech AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A young man who overcame horrible odds wants to know if he should go to Georgia Tech or Western Michigan State for his chemical engineering degree. Cappy recommends Georgia Tech, but not because of any income or financial reasons.

Need advice? Prefer it be true? Then visit!

Request-Becoming a Sales Engineer
Request-Becoming a Sales Engineer AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

An aspiring sales engineer wants to know if it's a good career choice. Since you have to major in engineering to become one, yes, as the "Plan B" is simply to become an engineer.

Request-Finish College or Join the SEALs
Request-Finish College or Join the SEALs AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A computer science student is contemplating joining the Navy SEALs, but doesn't know if he should complete his degree first and fears crippling injuries. Cappy advises.

Want older, brotherly, kick you in the ass advice? Visit!

Request-Real Engineers vs  Fake Engineers
Request-Real Engineers vs Fake Engineers AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

After deciding accounting is not for him, a young man wants to major in STEM and is kicking around masters degrees in "industrial design," "industrial engineering," and SCM. Cappy sadly points out these aren't REAL STEM degrees. They're "wanna be" STEM degrees.

Need a swift kick of reality in your ass? Then visit!

Request-Giving Up NYC Union Job to Move to North Carolina
Request-Giving Up NYC Union Job to Move to North Carolina AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

An up and coming building engineer is making his way in New York, but they're going to shut down his building, plus his long term plans is to get out and explore a little bit have him wanting to move to Cary, NC. Cappy advises he stay a bit more in NYC, making good money and getting experience, before he moves down south. He also implores him not to be the typical douche bag New Yorker immigrant that brings their socialist shit to otherwise healthy, functioning states.

Want help? Good help comes at a price! Visit!

Request-Parents Withdrawing Support Over College Degree
Request-Parents Withdrawing Support Over College Degree AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A young man fears his parents will cut him off if he chooses to become an electrician, rather than get a worthless degree in History. Cappy explains why every young person needs to cut themselves off financially from their parents as too many parents view their children as property.

Request-The Truth About The Daily Show
Request-The Truth About The Daily Show AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

John Oliver's ripping on Donald Trump's name change...400 years only telling proof that John Oliver, Jon Stewart and The Daily Show are nothing more than charlatans selling snake oil to the idiot masses who are stupid enough to watch "The Daily Show." The truth is "The Daily Show" was for idiot Gen X'ers who lacked empiricism and intellectual thought and is nothing to be taken seriously or given any credence. And the two clowns hosting the show are nothing but media whores who can't even live up to the low low standards set for "journalists" today. Just ignore them as you would "Fat acceptance" protestors.

Request-NEVER Take on a Business Partner
Request-NEVER Take on a Business Partner AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

With all the signs his business partner doesn't give a flying fuck about the business, a client decides it's time to ask Asshole Consulting if he should ditch his business partner. Cappy asks "If your wife is blowing another guy, do you ask such questions?"

Improving Upon the Stereotype
Improving Upon the Stereotype AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

Why every young man and woman should heed the wisdom of their predecessors and aim to surpass them in the Manosphere.

It's Because Trump Isn't a Pussy
It's Because Trump Isn't a Pussy AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

It's getting tiresome listening to gray-haired pundits and establishment types complain about how they don't understand how Trump is doing so well. Cappy explains it very simply - he's not a pussy.

Request-Ted Cruz Is No Ronald Reagan
Request-Ted Cruz Is No Ronald Reagan AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

After answering a client's questions about Ronald Reagan, Cappy performs the patented "Clarey Test" of Ted Cruz and is disgusted with just what a career politician scum bucket he is.

Need advice? Cappy's got it! For a price!

Request-Better to Travel than Get a Communications Degree
Request-Better to Travel than Get a Communications Degree AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man in NY has a year left to finish his communications degree, but with a $3,100 per month settlement he receives, plus the love of life, it's hard to get back into the mindset for school. Cappy says, "Fuck school, and travel west young man."

Want the truth? Then visit!

Request-How to Make a Living on YouTube
Request-How to Make a Living on YouTube AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

A young man in the UK wants to know how to make money on YouTube. Cappy certainly is no Jenna Marbles or "Pew Pew Die," but he does provide some economic analysis and insights into the various ways to make money on YouTube.

The truth hurts! It's also pricey! Visit!

Request- The UX/UXPA/User Experience "Profession" is Bullshit
Request- The UX/UXPA/User Experience "Profession" is Bullshit AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man almost got duped into pursuing a career as a "User Experience Professional." Please don't fall for this Baby Boomer-made up "industry/profession" and work a real job instead.

Reality and truth are in short supply. That's why you need...

Request-Telling Your Boss to Fuck Off
Request-Telling Your Boss to Fuck Off AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man wants to know why nearly all bosses are sadistic, manipulative assholes and how to deal with them. Cappy recommends many things, but ultimately self employment is the only option.

Request-You Don't Need Calculus if You Make $95K
Request-You Don't Need Calculus if You Make $95K AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

A single dad is way to hard on himself because he didn't learn math back in high school. Cappy puts things into perspective and tells him to stop being so hard on himself.

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