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Latest videos

Request-Never Marry a Girl Who Insists on Hyphenating Her Name
Request-Never Marry a Girl Who Insists on Hyphenating Her Name AaronClarey 0 Views • 8 years ago

A young man was kicking around marriage until he found out his girlfriend INSISTS on hyphenating her name. Cappy calls it a deal breaker, but suggests he look for other red flags he may have missed while being blinded by "love."

Need advice? want it to sting like a thousands scorpions? Then visit!

Request-Malcolm X vs  MLK, Who Does Cappy Endorse?
Request-Malcolm X vs MLK, Who Does Cappy Endorse? AaronClarey 8 Views • 8 years ago

MLK was practical, Malcolm was a purist. But when it comes to caliber or personality and character, Cappy prefers Malcolm X.

Request-The Military as an Option for Women
Request-The Military as an Option for Women AaronClarey 0 Views • 8 years ago

A young lady is wondering if the military is for her, and thus brings in a special guest consultant and Afghanistan war vet to answer the question!

Request-Spoiled Australian Millennial Fucks
Request-Spoiled Australian Millennial Fucks AaronClarey 2 Views • 8 years ago

A self-fashioning aspiring entrepreneur in Australia isn't going to succeed if he can't move out of his dad's place and doesn't shape the fuck up. Cappy recommends the Australian Navy and rips on Millennials.

Request-Brazilian Diplomat or South Dakota School of Mining
Request-Brazilian Diplomat or South Dakota School of Mining AaronClarey 3 Views • 8 years ago

A Brazilian's father, upon finding out his son wanted to become an engineer in the US, offered him a position as a diplomat in the Brazilian government. Torn between an easy overpaid government job and a real one with merit, intelligence, and fun, our client wants to know what Cappy recommends. Cappy recommends South Dakota all the way.

Need advice? Prefer it be true? Then visit!

Request-The Best Actuarial Program in California
Request-The Best Actuarial Program in California AaronClarey 1 Views • 8 years ago

Concerned about attending the best actuarial school in California, a client asks Cappy if it should be Davis, LA or Berkeley. Confirming his suspicions, Cappy proves it's not the school, but the degree that counts.

Request-Atlanta vs  Toledo
Request-Atlanta vs Toledo AaronClarey 0 Views • 8 years ago

The son of a Nigeria immigrant is fed up with Atlanta as well as school. but starting next (school) year he wants to put a plan together for education, potentially the military, and maybe moving to Toledo. Cappy says "Hellz to the no to Toledo."

Request-Plumbing or IT
Request-Plumbing or IT AaronClarey 1 Views • 8 years ago

A young man in the UK is kicking around his options and is debating between becoming a plumber or going into IT. Cappy evaluates both options, but provides some caution about his educational options.

Request-A Workplace Without Women
Request-A Workplace Without Women AaronClarey 4 Views • 8 years ago

A man who REALLY doesn't want to work with women wants to know if there's a place he can. Cappy explains, bar solo-entrepreneurship, no and he better get used to it.

Request-Should I Buy a House in Ventura County California
Request-Should I Buy a House in Ventura County California AaronClarey 1 Views • 8 years ago

A man with a stable job wants to know if he should rent or buy in Ventura County California. Cappy analyzes the housing market, but also delves into the personal variables that ultimately determine whether one should buy a house in the leftist shithole known as California.

Want lies? Hire a regular consultant. Want truth? Hire an asshole!

What Would Happen if Trump Defaulted on US Debt
What Would Happen if Trump Defaulted on US Debt AaronClarey 2 Views • 8 years ago

A client asks for Cappy's opinion on Trump and potentially defaulting on the US debt. Cappy explains where he sits on the issue, but more importantly explains what would happen if the federal government were to simply default on its debt.

Request-27, Male, No Purpose or Agency
Request-27, Male, No Purpose or Agency AaronClarey 1 Views • 8 years ago

A 27 year old man has a low level job that pays the bills. However, he feels he needs more in life and should "get his act together." Cappy explains that at this age, all men need agency and purpose in life and without it, they will suffer. However, you need to go out and find it in today's world since what traditionally gave men agency and purpose in the past (raising a family) is increasingly and obsolete option.

Request-A Masters in Accountancy
Request-A Masters in Accountancy AaronClarey 2 Views • 8 years ago

An aspiring CPA wants to know if he should get his Masters in Accountancy or take a job that pays quite little. Cappy outsources it to our guest celebrity consultant, Chad Elkins, CPA to get the most accurate answer.

Request-A PhD in Computational Mathematics
Request-A PhD in Computational Mathematics AaronClarey 3 Views • 8 years ago

A lousy kid double majoring in Physics and Computational Mathematics who can "only" manage a 3.95 GPA is wondering if getting his PhD in Computational Mathematics would be worth the salary he'd make as a quant. Despite his choice of weak degrees and lousy GPA, Cappy thinks he "may" stand a shot at success.

Domestic Engineer: Why It's OK to Be a Stay at Home Mom
Domestic Engineer: Why It's OK to Be a Stay at Home Mom AaronClarey 1 Views • 8 years ago

A client finds more of his female friends on Facebook are using the euphemism "Domestic Engineer" to say they're a stay at home mom. Cappy explains the reasons for this, but wish more women would have pride in being stay at home moms making such euphemisms unnecessary.

Want advice? What the truth? It's going to cost you! Visit!

Request-How Do I Recover from a Felony?
Request-How Do I Recover from a Felony? AaronClarey 2 Views • 8 years ago

A felon with child support payments has turned his life around and is contemplating a JD, an MBA, or a CPA, but is concerned his felony will prevent him from getting a job. Cappy believes it is only entrepreneurship that will save him and recommends the CPA route.

Want advice? Prefer it be truthful? Then visit!

Request-What is Short Selling?
Request-What is Short Selling? AaronClarey 2 Views • 8 years ago

A client has a simple request - "What the heck is short selling?"
And we gladly answer it for a fee! Visit!

Request-Accepting Lower Starting Salaries to Land Jobs
Request-Accepting Lower Starting Salaries to Land Jobs AaronClarey 3 Views • 8 years ago

A young man wants to know if negotiating the LOWEST possible salary is a good strategy to get in, get your foot in the door, and prove yourself to be indispensable, and THEN demand a high wage. Cappy agrees with this in theory, but empirically it has not played out in Cappy's experiences.

Come for the advice! Stay for the swift kick in the ass! Visit!

Request-9 Years of School and Nothing to Show for It
Request-9 Years of School and Nothing to Show for It AaronClarey 1 Views • 8 years ago

A 27 year old has tried phlebotomy, psychology, personal training, and neurology and only has $39,000 in debt to show for it. He wants to know what to do. Cappy says focus and join the military.

Good advice hurts and costs money. Visit:

Ashamed I'm Behind My College Graduate Millennial Peers
Ashamed I'm Behind My College Graduate Millennial Peers AaronClarey 2 Views • 8 years ago

A 21 year old who dropped out of college when she was 19 is ASHAMED when she compares herself against her peers who are all graduating from college this spring. Cappy explains why she is LIGHT YEARS ahead of her peers, as the artificial environment called "school" will be coming to an end for all of them.

Need advice? Prefer it be true? Then visit!

The Major Lies of Feminism
The Major Lies of Feminism AaronClarey 3 Views • 8 years ago

In this excerpt from "Bachelor Pad Economics" we review the major lies of feminism and how it hurts women, as well as men. You can find the book here:

Request-Is There Another California Housing Bubble?
Request-Is There Another California Housing Bubble? AaronClarey 2 Views • 8 years ago

A repeat customer is concerned about the US economy, another crash, and specifically if California is in another housing bubble. Cappy explains some economics, KHOMA markets, and some data that explains that though pricey, California's housing market is NOT in a bubble.

Want advice? Prefer it be true? Then visit!

Request-Switching from Finance to MIS
Request-Switching from Finance to MIS AaronClarey 0 Views • 8 years ago

After wisely switching his major from finance to MIS, a young man wants a little more guidance in life given how his past has been full of such unreliable guidance. Cappy gives him some pointers and structure, but doesn't tell him PRECISELY what to do as that is up to the individual.

Want guidance? Want leadership? Well...we can fake it. Visit!

Request-Got No Time for Girls, But Want to Have a Family
Request-Got No Time for Girls, But Want to Have a Family AaronClarey 1 Views • 8 years ago

A 23 year old man has a full time job, and a ton of hobbies. He's in shape, and is working on some entrepreneurial ventures. He just doesn't have time for girls, but does inevitably want a family. How do you organize and prioritize your time? Very cleverly. Very cleverly.

Overcoming the Lies Previous Generations Told You
Overcoming the Lies Previous Generations Told You AaronClarey 2 Views • 8 years ago

You've been lied to, consciously or not, by your elders, resulting in a life that is either severely handicapped, or outright destroyed. Bachelor Pad Economics gives you the road map to get your life back.

For All the South Senior High School Students in Minneapolis
For All the South Senior High School Students in Minneapolis AaronClarey 0 Views • 8 years ago

A simple video explaining how your teachers and educators are abusing and taking advantage of you so they may employ themselves, while sending you down the path of effective second-class citizenship.

You can find the self-pitying/white hate here:

You can get your heads out of your asses here:

Request-STEM or Accounting?
Request-STEM or Accounting? AaronClarey 0 Views • 8 years ago

A college student has an interest in both Computer Science and Accounting, but doesn't know which is better. Computer Science is, but that doesn't mean accounting wouldn't play a vital and helpful role in your future career.

The truth your father and brother were too big of pussies to give:

Request-How to Stop Being a Self-Pitying Cunt
Request-How to Stop Being a Self-Pitying Cunt AaronClarey 0 Views • 8 years ago

A self admitted 28 year old loser has so many life-threatening problems he wants to know how to prioritize them all. Cappy explains since they're all vital he needs to solve them all. And in taking on this Herculean task, his brain may just not have the time to even start worrying about it.

Want a swift kick in the ass? It comes at a price! Visit!

Request Taking a Coursera Course to Learn and Land a Job in Python
Request Taking a Coursera Course to Learn and Land a Job in Python AaronClarey 0 Views • 8 years ago

A young man wants Cappy's opinion of his game plan to take on a second job, take an online course to learn Python, and then land a job as a Python developer. Cappy sees some flaws in his plan.

Hey Capitalists, Monetize Your Fucking Sites Already!!!!
Hey Capitalists, Monetize Your Fucking Sites Already!!!! AaronClarey 0 Views • 8 years ago

Real pro-capitalism/pro-free market sites monetize.
Fake ones ask for donations.
Cappy rants.

Request-Becoming a US Citizen by Joining the Military
Request-Becoming a US Citizen by Joining the Military AaronClarey 1 Views • 8 years ago

A Korean national followed Cappy's advice and joined the US military to become a citizen. Though a great success story, he has 9 months before he joins and wants to know what to do in the meantime. Cappy says VEGAS BABY!!!!

Good advice hurts, is painful, and costs money. Visit!

Request-Overcoming Guilt from My Fathers Death
Request-Overcoming Guilt from My Fathers Death AaronClarey 3 Views • 8 years ago

A tortured young man is feeling guilt over his father's death as his last wish was to see his son. However, when you see what the kid went through to take care of his father, you realize he is the last person to feel guilt. Cappy tries the best he can.

Request-STEM Teachers Leaving for the Private Sector
Request-STEM Teachers Leaving for the Private Sector AaronClarey 2 Views • 8 years ago

A STEM teacher in the public schools is contemplating leaving and is concerned about the emigration of other STEM teachers from the public schools to the private sector. Cappy hates the public schools and is happy to see the smart people leave...though remember, teaching is a cake job.

Request-Moving to a Town Without a Job
Request-Moving to a Town Without a Job AaronClarey 1 Views • 8 years ago

Don't be a dumb ass and move to a town without a job. Just another pointer from Cappy.

Video Request History of Banking, 529 Plans, and Trusts
Video Request History of Banking, 529 Plans, and Trusts AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

A doctor has several questions about inflation, interest rates, banking, 529 plans and trusts.

Got a question? Got money to pay for it? Visit!

Video Request-Genetics Compelling Behavior
Video Request-Genetics Compelling Behavior AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

People claim genetics determine whether you're day, like apples, and a whole host of other things. But can genetics compel people to commit crime and other immoral acts against others. Cappy agrees, but is very cynical about how "blaming psychology" or "genetics" is too easy a card for evil people to abuse.

Got questions? Need advice? Need guidance? Visit!

Video Request Salvaging a Degree in "General Studies"
Video Request Salvaging a Degree in "General Studies" AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A sailor wants to pursue a degree in Info Security, but wants to know if his Associates in General Studies will help. Sorry sailor. Back to 2 year college for you! Oh, and stay in the military.

Need advice? Need wisdom? Need guidance? Eh...we can fake it!

Video Request-Entrepreneurship After the Military
Video Request-Entrepreneurship After the Military AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young sergeant in our beloved US Army wants to own a Domino's franchise when he retires. He's taking courses in business, but Cappy recommends accounting instead. He's also trying his hand at Twitch TV and also considering becoming an officer. Cappy recommends all of them. A nice request to see a young man aiming to make the best for himself.

Got questions? Need guidance? Need advice? Visit!

Video Request-Diamonds, Oil, Women, and Cartels
Video Request-Diamonds, Oil, Women, and Cartels AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A military man has a question about cartels. Specifically, how they can get away with it and charge men 3 months salary for a diamond. Cappy explains.

Need answers? Cappy's got 'em! Visit!

Video Request-Dad Depressed After Mom Left Him
Video Request-Dad Depressed After Mom Left Him AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A sailor's dad is going into dark places after his mom left him, and wants to know how to get his dad out of it and back into life. Cappy has some ideas, but ultimately, you can't force people to do what you want them to.

Need advice? Guidance? Wisdom? Visit!

Devil's Canyon (Almost as Old as Uncie Bern)
Devil's Canyon (Almost as Old as Uncie Bern) AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A 270 degree view of devil's Canyon in Utah

Request-Signs the Government Might Confiscate Your Bank Account
Request-Signs the Government Might Confiscate Your Bank Account AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young man in Canada wants to know what are the signs the government may in a Cyprus like way confiscate or "hair cut" your bank account. Cappy explains the CONDITIONS as well as some of the symptoms that leads governments to steal your money.

Need advice? Need wisdom? Need a clue? Visit!

Cappy's Review of the Minion Movie
Cappy's Review of the Minion Movie AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A quick review of The Minion's Movie. Short version - go see it now.

Request-Plateauing at the Gym
Request-Plateauing at the Gym AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man has plateaued working out and wants Cappy's recommendations. Cappy explains what worked for him...when he wasn't an out of shape pudgy 40 year old fuck.

Got questions? Cappy's got answers. Some are even right!

Request Moscow or Denver
Request Moscow or Denver AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

Request-A Canadian Seeks and American Adventure
Request-A Canadian Seeks and American Adventure AaronClarey 6 Views • 9 years ago

A young man in Toronto is tiring of the daily grind and is contemplating moving out to the American West. Cappy recommends he consider Alberta and British Columbia as well, but also gives him a strategy for "finding his place" in the West.

Need guidance? Wisdom? Leadership? We fake it better than anybody else! Visit!

Request-Abandoning Petroleum Engineering
Request-Abandoning Petroleum Engineering AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A drunk Cappy still manages to get some advice and insights in on prospective petroleum engineering majors. He advises NOT to give up the dream, but to postpone and divert into other more profitable fields.

Request-The Clarey Test on John Key
Request-The Clarey Test on John Key AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A New Zealander wants Cappy to apply The Clarey Test to their Prime Minister, John Key. And unlike most politicians, he passes with flying colors.

Got a question? Need an Answer? Got money? Visit!

Academia Using Fake Rape to Establish a New Government
Academia Using Fake Rape to Establish a New Government AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

Leftists in academia are using the false rape hoax of college campuses today to effectively form their own form of government, through which they intend to execute their entire life's purpose of punishing those they view as enemies to marxism (whites and males). The solution is simple - just don't attend those universities or colleges, and instead attend Hillsdale, Western Governors University, and other conservative colleges where leftists are not in charge.

Request-Engineering Programs in California
Request-Engineering Programs in California AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man think he HAS TO go to U of C San Diego to get a degree in engineering. Cappy points out the fact that it is your DEGREE, not the SCHOOL that lands you jobs.

Clueless? Guideless? Leaderless? Adrift? Visit!

Request-No to Physical Therapist, Yes to IT
Request-No to Physical Therapist, Yes to IT AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is debating between a low-paying medical position and a high paying IT position. Cappy delivers some economic data from the BLS.

Need advice? Want it to be truthful? Willing to PAY? Visit!

Request-Working in Germany as Security Guard
Request-Working in Germany as Security Guard AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A 31 year old man is likely to take over his dad's security guard business in Germany. He also managed to save up $100,000. He wants to know what his next steps should be, and while Clarey makes some recommendations, he emphasizes that none of that will matter unless the guy learns to focus (the orginal request was 6 pages long).

Need advice? Prefer it be directly, blunt, and true? Visit:

Bachelor Pad Theater:  The KKK and Concerned Students 1950
Bachelor Pad Theater: The KKK and Concerned Students 1950 AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

An astute observation about how racists deserve each other.

Request-What to Do When You Retire at 31
Request-What to Do When You Retire at 31 AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A vet was medically retired at 31 from the Army and now has a pension that will last him a lifetime. Only problem is "what now?" Cappy evaluates his options and suggests a couple more. Whatever you do, inaction is death. Keep moving.

Need guidance, wisdom, or pointers? then visit!

Request-Life's Too Short to Tolerate Conspiracy Theorists
Request-Life's Too Short to Tolerate Conspiracy Theorists AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

Conspiracy theorists trade in reason and reality so they can live in a delusional world so they can have the intellectual stimulation they're too lazy to work for. There is no reason to waste any of your precious few seconds of life on them.

Need advice? Need guidance? Need wisdom? Visit!

Request-Is There a Fixed Economic Pie?
Request-Is There a Fixed Economic Pie? AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

Cappy debunks arguably the dumbest of leftist arguments - that there's a fixed economic pie. He then provides a MANDATORY lesson on economics and inflation. One that is better than three of your college economic courses.

Request-Leaving the Priesthood to Become an Accountant
Request-Leaving the Priesthood to Become an Accountant AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A history major who is now half-assing it in seminary is contemplating leaving the priesthood and becoming an accountant. Not only is it a better career, but Cappy agrees since he's interested in marriage, it's best to leave the priesthood.

Request-A Statistical Freak
Request-A Statistical Freak AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A 25 year old self made millionaire is having trouble finding normal friends. Cappy explains he's a statistical freak and there is no solution.

Request-Cappy and Jesus
Request-Cappy and Jesus AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Does Cappy think Jesus was legitimate or a fraud. Cappy thinks neither, but doesn't hate Jesus just the same.

Request-Vetting Friends
Request-Vetting Friends AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man has questions about what to major in, but also has gone through withdrawal from steroid treatments which marred his physical appearance and affected his social life. Cappy explains why this may be a blessing in disguise, and delves into what is true friendship.

Request-50 Year Old Childless Men Don't have Credit Card Debt
Request-50 Year Old Childless Men Don't have Credit Card Debt AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A middle aged man wants to know if he should cut back on contributing to his 401k to pay off debts. After some quick analysis, Cappy insists he does that AND SPEND LESS. His debts would vanish if he pursued a minimalist lifestyle

Need advice? Need help? Prefer it be practical and truthful? Visit!

Request Cappy's Opinion on Psychology Majors and the Psychology Profession
Request Cappy's Opinion on Psychology Majors and the Psychology Profession AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A college student is suffering the sanctimonious attitude of undergrad Psychology majors. He wants Cappy to rip them a new one. Cappy explains there's no need to as merely pointing out the reality of psychology majors is insulting enough.

Got questions? Need a rant? Got money? Visit!

Request-Get the Fuck Out of San Francisco
Request-Get the Fuck Out of San Francisco AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

An 18 year old man is trapped in San Francisco. Cappy explains how to escape and why San Fran is no place for real men to live.

Need advice? Need a kick in the ass? Visit!

Clarey Test Proves Mobsters Better Than Politicians
Clarey Test Proves Mobsters Better Than Politicians AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A request for Asshole Consulting. A client wanted to know how America's top 5 mobsters scored on The Clarey Test. All perfect scores, all infinitely better and more trustworthy than politicians.

Christmas Pageants are Child Abuse
Christmas Pageants are Child Abuse AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

If you love your children (or just want to avoid being put in a cheap nursing home) you will NEVER force your children to perform in a Christmas Pageant at church.

How the Lack of Male Agency Causes Terrorism and Mass Shootings
How the Lack of Male Agency Causes Terrorism and Mass Shootings AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

What causes terrorism and mass shootings? Is it coincidence the majority of perpetrators are male? Does an overbearing government, slow economic growth, and a lack of stable women have anything to do with it? As you'll see, be you an ISIS terrorist or a sexually frustrated millennial shooter, both are driven by a lack of agency or purpose in this world. And if we are up front about it, we can end these scourges.


When Ego and Fear Trump Truth
When Ego and Fear Trump Truth AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

An excerpt from The Clarey Podcast. You can find The Clarey Podcast here:

Video Request-International Trade Basics
Video Request-International Trade Basics AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man asks about which trade system is best - 100% free trade or one with tariffs, taxes, subsidies, currency controls, and dumping. Cappy explains why international trade is a great thing and why you DEFINITELY want it..."Russian cigars?" Yuck!

Got a question? Willing to pay for the answer? Visit!

Video Request-Indoctrinate NO ONE
Video Request-Indoctrinate NO ONE AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

Should we aim to "indoctrinate" society with good values and cultural norms? "HELL NO" says the Captain. The real world will naturally "indoctrinate" people with the optimal values.

Need advice? Want it to be truthful? Visit!

Video Request-Entrepreneurship Makes College Pointless
Video Request-Entrepreneurship Makes College Pointless AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A 16 year old employed his teacher's wife, family members, and others with an online business. He wants to go to college, live in Italy, major in business, get his MBA, raise sheep, build a tractor, and raise chickens. Cappy suggests he focus on entrepreneurship making college completely unnecessary and achieving the American dream before he's 25.

Need advice? Need wisdom? Need it to be truth? Hire an asshole!

Video Request-Wife Loses 100lbs, Wants Separation
Video Request-Wife Loses 100lbs, Wants Separation AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A man's wife gets the gastric by-pass, loses 100 lbs and now wants to separate from him. But at least they had a children before all this bullshit occurred. Cappy is not a miracle worker and can't solve this one, but uses it as a case study by which all men should learn from.

Got questions? Want truthful answers? Visit!

Video Request-Saving Loved Ones from Feminism
Video Request-Saving Loved Ones from Feminism AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is concerned about his cousin who was recently indoctrinated into becoming a feminist. Cappy explains what a person can do to prevent a loved one from becoming a feminists, but ultimately, it's their choice and you don't control them.

Need advice? Would you prefer it to be truthful? Visit!

Link for client:

Video Request-The Next 100 Years of Technology
Video Request-The Next 100 Years of Technology AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Cappy's asked about his opinion of the next 100 years of technology. He can't guarantee anything, but he does have some predictions he's quite confident will happen:

Clueless? Guideless? Leaderless? Adrift? No problem!

Video Request - Go STEM! Fuck Law!
Video Request - Go STEM! Fuck Law! AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young man has a ton of IT certifications, but is getting pressure to get a masters in "Criminal Justice" or a law degree. Cappy suggests he ignore what "they say" and pursue his (obvious) passion of IT.

Clueless? Leaderless? Guideless? Adrift? No problem!

"I'm an Assistant Vice President" Means Jack Shit
"I'm an Assistant Vice President" Means Jack Shit AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

When a guy says "Assistant Vice President" it means, "I'm a low ranked dude bro at my local mortgage company." That or the person offering you the job is using the title to lowball you on salary. Beware the term "vice president."

How to Assemble the Silver Dollar Bikini (TM)
How to Assemble the Silver Dollar Bikini (TM) AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

For those lucky few who purchased one, here's the instruction manual on how to put on the Silver Dollar Bikini (TM).

If you are interested in having fun while investing in precious metals visit!

Video Request - Why Can't STEM Majors Find Jobs
Video Request - Why Can't STEM Majors Find Jobs AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

Cappy addresses the increasing concern of STEM majors who can't find jobs. The truth is the labor market is horrible for all graduates, but STEM still pulls through in the end. But if you want to REALLY be successfully employed in STEM, you're just going to have to start your own business.

Need guidance? Clueless? Leaderless? Adrift? Visit!

Video Request-Is She Marriage Material
Video Request-Is She Marriage Material AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

A young man wants to know if his 23 year old girlfriend who is hotter than him, has bat shit insane parents, and has cheated on him is "marriage material." Cappy answers.

Need advice? Would you prefer it be truthful? Then visit!

Video Request-What to Do With $40k Inheritance
Video Request-What to Do With $40k Inheritance AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man wants to know what to do with his $40,000 inheritance. Cappy does NOT recommend a sports bar or RRSP.

Got questions. We got answers. Some may even be right!

How the Democrats Win Votes
How the Democrats Win Votes AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

The democrats get votes by offering two things:
Other people's money and
Ego protection

Hiking the Narrows of Zion
Hiking the Narrows of Zion AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Just sharing with you guys my adventures in Utah. This is in the "Narrows" part of Zion National Park. I would recommend this and Angel's landing, both of which can be done by reasonably in shape people.

Video Request-Never Live in Liberal Towns
Video Request-Never Live in Liberal Towns AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

Forget Compton, Minneapolis, Detroit, Ferguson, or "Chiraq!" What about Sedona, Bisbee, Santa Fe, and Crocus Hill? Those leftist shitholes make the others look like heaven! NEVER LIVE IN LEFTIST TOWNS. EVER!

Need advice? Need guidance? Need wisdom? Visit!

Cappy on YouTube's "Double Secret Probation" List
Cappy on YouTube's "Double Secret Probation" List AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

In the case YouTube decides to pull the plug on Cappy's channel here, do not panic. It's all good. "You ask for miracles I give you the F....B....I"

Support the Captain by spreading the good word on Facebook or wherever.

Video Request-Major In or Self Teach Computer Programming
Video Request-Major In or Self Teach Computer Programming AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man wants to know if he should study computer programming or self teach it to himself. Cappy recommends trying it the self-teaching way, but there's no shame in taking a college class.

Got questions? Visit!

Video Request-An Electrician's Journey
Video Request-An Electrician's Journey AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man who has his act together is about to embark on getting his electricians certification. He wants to know whether he should stick with his daytime job while he gets certified or move out of Minneapolis as quickly as possible and venture to equally boring midwest towns. Cappy suggests he stay here until he gets his licenses, but then consider towns that don't suck.

Need advice? Need guidance? Prefer it be true? Visit!

Video Request-Making It in Banking
Video Request-Making It in Banking AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young finance graduate wants to know how to make it in banking. Cappy suggests finding a job in anything but banking. But if you insist on banking, here are some tips. Plus, you're girlfriend is not "homely."

Clueless? Guideless? Adrift? Hopeless? Visit!

Pretty Lies vs  Hurtful Truths, Which Harms Humans More
Pretty Lies vs Hurtful Truths, Which Harms Humans More AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

After flagging one of my videos as hate speech, YouTube took it down...only to put it back up a week later. While the title may have seem controversial, the message in the video was anything but. However, it raises a good question - what is better?

Telling people pretty lies?
Or telling them hurtful truths?

The answer is obvious, truth. But cowardice, political correctness, and a fear of being accused of being an "ist" is what guides people's decision in what can and cannot be published. And it is the disadvantaged groups of society that suffer the most when we prefer to tell them lies instead of telling them the truth.


Video Request-Building Confidence & Overcoming Height
Video Request-Building Confidence & Overcoming Height AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A young lady wants to know how to build confidence and how Cappy overcame his shortness. Cappy explains it's that he never gave it a thought and thus never let it affect him. He's then interrupted by the idiots at Macarran International Airport.

Got questions? Cappy's got answers! Visit him at !

Video Request-Family vs  Feminism
Video Request-Family vs Feminism AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A young girl has overcome her mother's brainwashing to become a feminist, and wants to become a mother and be "dominated" by a husband instead. However, she is already half way through dental school and doesn't know if she can be both a dentist and a mother and a wife. Cappy explains how "women can have it all" but it requires doing it one at a time, not all at once.

Need advice? Need Guidance? Need Wisdom? Visit!

Video Request-Doctor, Engineer or Pilot
Video Request-Doctor, Engineer or Pilot AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A real "loser" is torn between his options of becoming a doctor, an aerospace engineer, or a pilot in the USAF. Cappy recommends he further research and interview people in those fields to narrow and eliminate some of his choices.

Need a second set of eyes on a problem? Visit!

Video Request-Entrepreneurship and Women
Video Request-Entrepreneurship and Women AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man wants to become an entrepreneur. He also wants to know how to do better with women. The problem is he's 19 and has interests such as jazz, working out, and is a nice guy. Cappy tells him to become Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Nice guy for a future wife candidate and an asshole to nail as many 19 year old girls as possible.

Clueless? Guideless? Leaderless? Adrift? Visit!

Video Request-Politician, Military, Father, and Husband
Video Request-Politician, Military, Father, and Husband AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A 28 year old man hates his job and wants to know what his options are. Cappy explains his options, but also explains ALL JOBS SUCK and there's no getting around it. Plus, marry the 20 year old hottie who worships you as a god.

Need a point in the right direction? Visit:

Video Request-Introvert Finding a Job in Economics
Video Request-Introvert Finding a Job in Economics AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man's career is hindered by an average degree with an average GPA. But it's completely been stopped by his introverted nature and avoidance of interacting with humans. Cappy delivers a swift kick to the ass telling him interacting with people is NOT optional and that he should move out of his parents house as the first step.

Need a swift kick in the ass? Visit!

Video Request-Living a Fake Life on the Internet
Video Request-Living a Fake Life on the Internet AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A 23 year old is "Catfishing" ie-setting up fake profiles with other people's pictures to live a vicarious life on the internet to escape his miserable life in the real one. Cappy explains why he and many other young men do this in an effort to stop him.

Clueless? Guideless? Adrift? Full of despair? Visit!

Video Request-Feasibility of Commodity Backed Currencies
Video Request-Feasibility of Commodity Backed Currencies AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

Alex wants to know what Cappy thinks of returning to the gold standard and if it's feasible. Cappy explains what a "commodity backed currency" is and how it's possible to go back to one, without sacrificing today's technology.

Got questions? Cappy's got answers! Some may even be right!

"Hot 20 Something Girl" is Inversely Related to Reliability
"Hot 20 Something Girl" is Inversely Related to Reliability AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

The biggest hold up in Cappy's new business venture isn't IT, product development or distribution. It's finding a pretty model that can show up on time and not flake out at the last minute. Ahhh, the memories of dealing with 20 something hotties.

Two lessons to learn here: 1, the hotter they are boys, the less reliable they'll be. And 2, ladies, if you are hot, all you have to do is be reliable and competent and the world is your oyster. Just do what you say you're going to do when you said you're going to do it, and you can expect Jenna Marble-esque levels of success.

Video Request The Socioeconomic Impact of the Transs-Victim Fad
Video Request The Socioeconomic Impact of the Transs-Victim Fad AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

With "transgenderism" and "transracialism" in the "news" a viewer asks what is the socioeconomic impact of it all. Cappy says not to worry about the .0004% of the population that is genuinely trans-something, but worry about the millions of spoiled adult children who will use it to falsely claim victim status to collect government money.

Need advice? we got it!

Video Request-Banking Sales or Skateboarding
Video Request-Banking Sales or Skateboarding AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A recent graduate has some hustle and drive, and wants to get into sales or banking. He asks Cappy for advice, but Cappy recommends not limiting himself to traditional sales jobs. Used car salesmen, communion wafer salesmen, skateboard proprietor, something, as long as you find your calling.

Clueless? No fucking idea what's going on? Then visit!

GPA Exchange Rate Between STEM and Liberal Arts
GPA Exchange Rate Between STEM and Liberal Arts AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A degree in the liberal arts is not the same as a degree in business.
And a degree in business is not the same as a degree in STEM.
Know the facts. Liberal art GPA points only carry 25% the weight of a STEM GPA point. Ensure you're spending your money on a worthwhile degree.

Sargon of Akkad, You Are No Leftist
Sargon of Akkad, You Are No Leftist AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

After listening to Sargon's interview with Adam Baldwin I was compelled to put together this presentation to convince Sargon he is indeed NOT a leftist. Hopefully it convinces many of you on the "left" who have similar such beliefs but are unaware of just how much is spent on socialist causes by modern day governments (with nothing to show for it).

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