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The Anti-NPR Podcast
The Anti-NPR Podcast AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Request-LinkedIn, Tinder, and Networking - They're All the Same
Request-LinkedIn, Tinder, and Networking - They're All the Same AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Networking is the inferior practice of finding and hiring people based on ass kissing ability rather than merit and actual ability. Unfortunately, this is part of the culture the baby boomers left us, but LinkedIn and the internet has made it easier for young people to "network."

Got a question? Cappy's got answers! Visit!

Request-Never Give Up a Good Job for a Shitty Business Idea
Request-Never Give Up a Good Job for a Shitty Business Idea AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

An aspiring CPA has a great job he really enjoys and wants to know if he should throw it away for some ill-thought out business ideas. Cappy says no.

"Does My Apartment Smell Like Cat???"
"Does My Apartment Smell Like Cat???" AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Ladies, your apartment smells like cat. Clean up the fucking place so your dating life doesn't die.

Why College Educated Communists Will Toil in the Fields
Why College Educated Communists Will Toil in the Fields AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A minor flaw Cappy points out about all these educated "socialists" and "communists" and their grand economic ideas - most of them will be toiling in the fields if their political dreams are ever realized.

Request - "Networking" Cappy Style!
Request - "Networking" Cappy Style! AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

If you need to "network" you might as well be a belligerent, arrogant ass because at least that way you are DIFFERENT than all the ass-kissing sheeple.

Request-Military Jumps Entrepreneurship
Request-Military Jumps Entrepreneurship AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young man wants to be an entrepreneur, but also is contemplating joining the Navy. The only problem is this will delay his entrepreneurial ventures....well...maybe not. The military can actually help your entrepreneurial dreams.

Dealing With Cockblockers
Dealing With Cockblockers AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A great request about how to deal with cockblockers. Because of their speed and immediacy of reaction, you're nearly optionless when it comes to dealing with them. Just have some lines ready to at MINIMUM insult the fat landwhales that cockblock.

Need advice? Need wisdom? Need guidance? Eh, we can fake it!

Request - Best Friend's Psycho Girlfriend & False Rape Accusation
Request - Best Friend's Psycho Girlfriend & False Rape Accusation AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is roommates with his best friend. Unfortunately his friend's girlfriend is a psycho bitch who lives next door and he fears she's trying to entrap him with a false rape/assault accusation. What are his options and how can he protect himself against her?

Need advice? Need wisdom? Need guidance? Preferably truthful?

Request - 3 Scenarios for the World Economy
Request - 3 Scenarios for the World Economy AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A man who is worried about how the collapse will go down wants to know how, when, and what to do after. Cappy can't answer the first two (as nobody can), but he can answer the third question. Guns, health, prepping, precious metals, a plan B, and skills.

Request-The Work Ethic When Raised by a Single Mom
Request-The Work Ethic When Raised by a Single Mom AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A victim of what Cappy (estimates) to be the son of a single mom just has not had his ass kicked enough in life to develop the tough skin and work ethic needed to succeed. Forget programming boot camp or web development, you need to move out of your mom's house before you can even consider a real career.

Got problems? Cappy has answers! Some of which are right! Visit!

Request-Preparations for Taking Over a Family Business
Request-Preparations for Taking Over a Family Business AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is about to take over the family business and wants to know what actions he should take in preparation for it. Cappy gives him some solid ideas that will hopefully ensue the continued success of the business.

Clueless? Guideless? Leaderless? No clue what the fuck is going on? Visit!

Fractional Reserve Dating and Ashley Madison
Fractional Reserve Dating and Ashley Madison AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Gizmodo exposure of Ashley Madison's 14,000 to one fake female clientele teaches us a valuable lesson in "Fractional Reserve Dating."

Request-When Cappy Meets God
Request-When Cappy Meets God AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

What if god exists and he's a Christian god? What would Cappy do?
Beat the shit out of god, frankly.

Request-Do American Men Have a Purpose Outside Family?
Request-Do American Men Have a Purpose Outside Family? AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

Without his family, a 32 year old divorced man is having trouble finding purpose in life. Cappy explains for 2 million years, humans were raising children at his age, but thanks to feminism and the state, men's role in American have been replaced. Try anyway.

Clueless? Hopeless? Leaderless? And lost? Visit!

Request-Avoiding Female Drama at Work
Request-Avoiding Female Drama at Work AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

A man is stuck working in nursing and wants to know how to avoid the backstabbing and drama caused by his predominantly female co-workers. "Keep your head low" and "it's just a job" is Cappy's advice.

We don't ADDRESS problems. We SOLVE problems! Visit!

Ladies, Don't Flush Your Tampons Down the Toilet
Ladies, Don't Flush Your Tampons Down the Toilet AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

An excerpt from The Clarey Podcast:

Students Now Paying to Work
Students Now Paying to Work AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A law firm in Australia is now charging law graduates $22,000 to internship with them. Cappy discusses the flood of college graduates and how you need some basic self-respect when it comes to your job hunt.

Request-The World Does Not Owe Your Purpose or Agency in Life
Request-The World Does Not Owe Your Purpose or Agency in Life AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A whinny 18 year old from Germany is "just tired of it all man." Cappy swiftly kicks him in the ass explaining life will never give him purpose or agency in life and it's up to him to find it.

Need a swift kick in the ass? Know somebody who does?? Visit!

Request-Take the Government Money and Run
Request-Take the Government Money and Run AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A government employee feels somewhat guilty about his overpaid government job. Cappy explains why he should not feel guilty and just take the damn job and run.

Need advice? Prefer it be true? Then visit!

Why a Black James Bond is Insulting to Everybody
Why a Black James Bond is Insulting to Everybody AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

The recent drama due to the prospect of a black James Bond is only the latest move by cultural Marxists to eliminate true diversity. Blacks (and minorities) should be insulted in that the left is saying, "Your too stupid to come up with your own characters and need to co-opt white characters." Please think critically of what a black James Bond means for society.

Request-Faking a Gay Marriage to Get a Green Card
Request-Faking a Gay Marriage to Get a Green Card AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A young man from El Salvador has come up with the most cleverest of ways to become a US Citizen. Marry his best friend as a faux "gay marriage."

Got questions!? Cappy's got answers! Visit!

Request-Is There Any Benefit to Double Majors
Request-Is There Any Benefit to Double Majors AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

You know that "really smart kid" that was "double majoring?" Yeah, complete waste of time. Focus on your specialization. That's what the market pays for.

Need advice? Need guidance? Need help? Got MONEY? Visit!

Request-Investing in Public Utility Companies
Request-Investing in Public Utility Companies AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Do public utility companies make good investments? Well, there's no way to tell for sure, but they sure do pay nice dividends.

Request-Why Girls Don't Call Back
Request-Why Girls Don't Call Back AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

After dating several girls for several weeks, they never call back and magically disappear. Is there something wrong with me, OR is there something wrong with 20 something girls? Cappy knows the answer.

Request-Parents Telling You What to Major In
Request-Parents Telling You What to Major In AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is lost when it comes to declaring a major. Which is fine. The problem is his parents are REALLY pushing him to go into law school. Cappy explains why his parents are idiots stuck in the 60's.

Request-Mom Emasculates My Dad
Request-Mom Emasculates My Dad AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A young man wants to become a firefighter like his dad, but his mom put the kibosh on it. Cappy explains why men are to blame for feminism because American men lack the spine to stand up to women.

Request-Parents and Arranged Marriages
Request-Parents and Arranged Marriages AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man has parents trying to line him up with a "nice foreign girl." Cappy doesn't dismiss arranged marriages and appreciates the wisdom in them, but also advises the young man to be American and make a decision for himself.

Request-Teaching Is NOT a Real Job
Request-Teaching Is NOT a Real Job AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A young man wants to "shape the minds of children" and become a teacher...while he pursues a music career in Nashville. Cappy unloads on him and explains why neither are real jobs.

Request-Majoring in a Foreign Language is Stupid
Request-Majoring in a Foreign Language is Stupid AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

Cappy explains why a man's dream to work in the foreign languages is stupid. He then rips on the middle aged women who learned salsa thinking they'd find a latin lover and how they'd find a latin lover.

Request-Book Review of Donald Trump Zombie Hunter
Request-Book Review of Donald Trump Zombie Hunter AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

Cappy is paid to review "Donald Trump: Zombie Hunter" and wonders why it isn't a comic book.

Request-Graduating With a Supply Chain Management Degree
Request-Graduating With a Supply Chain Management Degree AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is about to graduate with a degree in Supply Chain Management, but doesn't like the places he's likely to live if he gets hired. Cappy makes some recommendations about living out west and joining the Navy.

Need advice? Prefer it be true? Visit!

The Roboticized Economy and Basic Guaranteed Income
The Roboticized Economy and Basic Guaranteed Income AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

An envious leftist asks if the economy is roboticized, then where will people find the jobs to buy goods and services? Cappy explains what a roboticized economy would look like and why it will be human envy that destroys the benefits it would bring.

Request-Jeremy Corbyn The Epitome of a Worthless Human
Request-Jeremy Corbyn The Epitome of a Worthless Human AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A Brit wants Cappy's opinion of Labour's new leader, Jeremy Corbyn. Cappy applies "The Clarey Test" and finds nothing surprising. He's just another parasitic, lazy, socialist fuck who's entire life has been living off of other people's money.

Need advice? Got questions? Prefer it to be true? Visit!

Request-Hate My Career, Like My Girlfriend, Hate Her Family
Request-Hate My Career, Like My Girlfriend, Hate Her Family AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man makes $85K a year at a job he hates, has $100K stored up in savings, and is concerned that his girlfriend may deliver an ultimatum about marriage. Cappy provides some insights on how to juggle it all.

Need clarity? Need wisdom? Need guidance? VIsit!

Request-Dealing with Stuttering
Request-Dealing with Stuttering AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

You stutter? So what. Cappy explains how handicaps that CANT be solved need to be used as assets in life.

Request-Don't Give Up Your 6 Figure Government Job
Request-Don't Give Up Your 6 Figure Government Job AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young man feels guilty about working his government job and wonders if he should go into the private sector. Cappy gives it a huge, "HELL NO" and recommends he look into entrepreneurship on the side. You NEVER give up an overpaid government job. Ever.

Need advice? Need guidance? Need wisdom? Visit!

Book Review: Pushing Rubber Downhill by Adam Piggott
Book Review: Pushing Rubber Downhill by Adam Piggott AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

Cappy reviews the book "Pushing Rubber Downhill." The memoirs of a real man, with a real story to tell, who did not waste a second of his life. I STRONGLY recommend it for all men, especially those in the Manosphere.

Request-Computer Programming and Minimalism
Request-Computer Programming and Minimalism AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

A young man wants to know if becoming a computer programmer would be a good strategic move given he doesn't want to work and enjoys a minimalistic life style. Cappy endorses his decision.

Request-My Parasitic Brother
Request-My Parasitic Brother AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A young man works two jobs while his brother plays video games all day. They live at home and he's trying to explain why parasitism is a bad thing, not to mention the merits of capitalism, hard work, and freedom. Cappy explains how only mockery and shame will ever change his brother's mind and that arguing against ideologues like leftists on merit and honesty is futile.

Need help? Need advice? Visit!

Request-Porn's Effect on Millennials
Request-Porn's Effect on Millennials AaronClarey 8 Views • 9 years ago

A 19 year old is trying to kick his porn habit and needs advice how. He also inquires about porn's effect on Millennials and the consequences of it.

Grease vs. The Princess Bride: Two Movies College Girls Will Force On You
Grease vs. The Princess Bride: Two Movies College Girls Will Force On You AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Boys, lend me your ears!!! Two are two movies girls will FORCE you to watch in college. One is good, the other an atrocity worse than communism. Save yourselves and insist on watching ONLY The Princess Bride.

Request-REAL Job Hunting Advice from Cappy
Request-REAL Job Hunting Advice from Cappy AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

How do young people find jobs in today's shitty labor market? Anyway you can. Any way you can. But Cappy has some ideas.

Clueless? Guideless? Leaderless? Hopeless? Visit!

"Sales vs Profits" : A Video for Gold Diggers and Dude Brahs
"Sales vs Profits" : A Video for Gold Diggers and Dude Brahs AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Cappy explains the much-needed lesson on the difference between "revenues" and "profits." He also explains why nearly every man lies about his income and why women fall for it.

Request-If You're Making Money, You Don't Need College
Request-If You're Making Money, You Don't Need College AaronClarey 4 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is about to get out of Jersey and move to Denver. However, he found a job and is starting to make good money, making him question whether he should (or even will) finish his degree when he gets there. Cappy makes the economic and reality point that the only reason to go to college is to make money, and if you're making money, it moots the point of college.

Got questions? The Captain's got answers! Visit!

Request-I Want a Wife, Kids, and House in the Mountains
Request-I Want a Wife, Kids, and House in the Mountains AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A 31 year old man of moderate means wants to raise a family on a self-sustaining farm in the Appalachians. He wants to know if he should cash in his pension as well as take on a new trade such as plumbing to attain this goal. Cappy evaluates and tells him to nail down some figures first before mortgaging the farm and quitting the job.

Need advice? Need guidance? Need wisdom? VISIT!

Request-UCLA Ass Raping You on Tuition
Request-UCLA Ass Raping You on Tuition AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A freshman at UCLA wants to become a chemical engineer, but also wants to join about a billion clubs, organizations, and groups. Cappy suggests he focus ONLY on the things that matter. Cappy then learns he's paying $33,000 a year in tuition and suggest he go elsewhere for his degree.

Sushi Proves Capitalism is the Best Economic System Ever
Sushi Proves Capitalism is the Best Economic System Ever AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

An excerpt from The Clarey Podcast where a minor, but very important observation about the price of sushi proves that luxuries once reserved for the rich are made accessible for everyone through the power of Capitalism.

Request-Buying Property While in the Military
Request-Buying Property While in the Military AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is in the military but wants to buy property. Cappy consults a real captain in the military who owns property and delivers what is the best strategy and approach for military members to buy property while they're off fighting in "Fuckfuckistan."

Got questions? Cappy has answers! Visit!

"Dear Catholics Who Hate Pope Francis"
"Dear Catholics Who Hate Pope Francis" AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

For those conservative or libertarian Catholics who hate their socialist pope, why don't you do something about it instead of complain?

Request-Majoring in Data Science aka Big Data
Request-Majoring in Data Science aka Big Data AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

Is "Data Science" or "Big Data" a field worth getting into? And if so, what kind of education should you get? Cappy says, "hells yes" and "hopefully as cheap as possible" for the answers.

Need advice? Got questions? Cappy has answers! Visit!

Request-Fuck America, Vote Sanders and Push it Off a Cliff
Request-Fuck America, Vote Sanders and Push it Off a Cliff AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

In an effort to prove to Americans once and for all that socialism doesn't work, what if we just voting in Bernie Sanders and said, "Fuck it, here you go!" Cappy delves into the pros and cons of this strategy, but in his darker thoughts yearns for such a thing

Need advice? Need insight? Need help? Visit!

Request-Trump's Tax Plan
Request-Trump's Tax Plan AaronClarey 4 Views • 9 years ago

A viewer wants Cappy's opinion on Trump's tax plan. It's pretty good but not "Capperific" as Cappy would have it.

Request-Can't Pass Calculus or Physics
Request-Can't Pass Calculus or Physics AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

An oil worker wants to get his degree in engineering, but is having troubles studying calculus and physics. Cappy says to redouble his efforts otherwise, he won't be able to become an engineering.

Request-Leaving Contolling and Absuive Relationships
Request-Leaving Contolling and Absuive Relationships AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young woman in Italy is controlled by incredibly controlling and conservative parents. This has impaired her ability to establish a social life, not to mention, has her relying on her boyfriend as a conduit to making friends. Cappy explains she needs to cut herself off from her family in order to find out who she is first before making an effort to develop friendships or dating men.

Clueless? Guideless? leaderless? Adrift? Visit!

Request-The Tiny House Trend and MGTOW
Request-The Tiny House Trend and MGTOW AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man wants to know what Cappy thinks about the "micro" or "tiny house" trend that seems to be sweeping the nation. Cappy is VERY pro-tiny house, not only because of the finances, but the philosophy of minimalism it implies.

Got questions? Cappy's got answers! Visit!

Were the Egyptians Black?  It Really Doesn't Matter
Were the Egyptians Black? It Really Doesn't Matter AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Taking pride in people who've been dead for over 6,000 and have nothing to do with you is substituting other people's legacy for the lack of your own. Don't fall prey to this false pride becoming nothing more than a conspiracy theorist SJW. Build your own legacy.

Request-Choosing a Speciality Within Computer Science
Request-Choosing a Speciality Within Computer Science AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A freshmen in college wants to know if he should go into programming systems, cybersecurity, or networking. Cappy explains once you get past a certain "line" of standards in education, it's hard to fuck up your decision.

Need guidance? A point in the right direction? visit!

Request-Why Canadian Farmers are Like Black Lives Matter
Request-Why Canadian Farmers are Like Black Lives Matter AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

An Canadian is angry with some Canadian farmers who blocked traffic in Ottawa with their tractors. Cappy explains the similar psychology of equally petty people - Black Lives Matter - who threatened to block the Twin Cities Marathon. You need to ask if it's worth your time getting back at them.

Got questions? Need advice? Then visit!

Roosh V, Stefan Molynuex, Davis Aurini, Me and Kurt Logan Have a Conversation
Roosh V, Stefan Molynuex, Davis Aurini, Me and Kurt Logan Have a Conversation AaronClarey 10 Views • 9 years ago

Kurt Logan, a relative nobody in the internet world, did a series besmirching myself, among many other prominent members of the internet. Out of charity, we decided to have a conversation with him and established a couple things.

Here is the video Kurt was kind enough to put together for me:

Request-Layoffs After Stock Prices Drop
Request-Layoffs After Stock Prices Drop AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is confused about why there are layoffs after a company's stock price tanks. Cappy explains that isn't always the case and there really isn't a link between stock prices and layoffs.

Need help? Prefer it be truthful? Visit!

Request-Have Germany Pay for Your Education, Then Leave
Request-Have Germany Pay for Your Education, Then Leave AaronClarey 4 Views • 9 years ago

A young German man wants to know if he should stay in Germany (where his education is heavily subsidized) or leave before the wave of immigrants ruin his country. Cappy suggests staying in Germany for now for the free education, but fleeing to greener, more 1st worldy pastures to work.

Need advice? Prefer it be true? Visit!

Request-Are STEM Professors Parasites
Request-Are STEM Professors Parasites AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A 25 year old PhD candidate in Abstract Math is wondering if he is a parasite. He tutors on the side while collecting a STIPEND as he pursues his doctorate. Cappy explains by default he is because he's not produce anything for society outside of academia. BUT he obviously has the raw talent to produce something of value society needs. The choice is up to him.

Got questions? Cappy has answers! Some may even be right! Visit!

Request-Suffering as a Conservative High School Student
Request-Suffering as a Conservative High School Student AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

Some poor SOB is a senior stuck at a high school in NYC. He wants to know how to get through the year. Cappy says, "fuck the year, you need to prepare for the next 20 years" since it's not until his generation is older will they wise the fuck up. Sorry, it's just the truth.

Got questions? Need SANITY? Need REASON? Visit!

Request-Chronologically Structure Your Goals
Request-Chronologically Structure Your Goals AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

A 21 year old man is about to enter the Air Force...and buy rental property...and become an IT expert...and become a CPA. Cappy recommends parsing out his goals and assessing them regularly before committing to everything today.

Need advice? Parents and guidance counselors fuck you up? Visit!

Request-Amazon Flex and Uber for Men
Request-Amazon Flex and Uber for Men AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young man wants to know if he should work for an insurance company or Amazon's Flex affiliation program with Uber. Clarey explains why every man needs to avoid the 9-5 soul sucking corporate career and do their own thing.

Need guidance? Need a swift kick in the ass? Visit!

Request-Laura Penny Female Viagra
Request-Laura Penny Female Viagra AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

Laura Penny makes some valid points about political and corporate forces infiltrating genuine political and social movements, and thus, ruining them. But naturally, her feminism gets in the way of clear thinking, reality, and, sadly, a happy life for her.

Got questions? Cappy's got answers! Some are even right! visit!

Request-Real Men Don't Major in Education
Request-Real Men Don't Major in Education AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

Real men don't pursue careers in worthless, cake, fluffy crap like "education" or "non-profits." that's why we make more than women because we EARN more. Get your ass into the military of pursue a STEM degree or trade. Otherwise, your jobs will always "suck" until you're dead.

Request-Bachelors in LEADERSHIP and Other Shittacular Degrees
Request-Bachelors in LEADERSHIP and Other Shittacular Degrees AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

Our Californian Agent inthe Field sends in a report of some of the DUMBEST degrees out there. Sadly, it's not getting any better. Only worse as only insane people would major in these stupid degrees.

Got a question? Need advice? Visit!

Book for reference:

Request-NYC is No Place for Industrious Men
Request-NYC is No Place for Industrious Men AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A 22 year old man wants to know his next step. The National Guard? Getting a job in business? Go to school? Before any of that, Cappy insists he get the fuck out of NYC.

Clueless? Guideless? Leaderless? Adrift? Not for long! Visit!

Request-Finding Friends in Florida
Request-Finding Friends in Florida AaronClarey 4 Views • 9 years ago

A young engineer is having trouble finding friends in Florida. Cappy makes some recommendations as to how young people can find friends in "God's Waiting Room." He also answers some career advice.

Request-How to Become an "AuthorConsultant"
Request-How to Become an "AuthorConsultant" AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A young man wants to become an author who writes "Stefan Molyneux-esque" sci-fi and an "Asshole Consulting-esque" consultant. Cappy gives him some technical pointers, as well as the truth that it will take years for him to build up a reputation to realize these goals.

Need a swift kick in the ass? We got it! For a price! Visit:

Parents, Stop Giving Your Kids Bad Advice
Parents, Stop Giving Your Kids Bad Advice AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

The majority of my clientele would not exist if it were not for the past two generations of parents giving their kids really lousy advice. In an effort to help future generations of kids, I review what are the most common bits of "bad advice" that has sent THOUSANDS of young people to my service, Asshole Consulting. Please, parents, think before sending your kids out into the real world. It will not be as forgiving as you.

Please visit Asshole Consulting at:

Book Review-"Women: Theory and Practice" by Bernard Chapin
Book Review-"Women: Theory and Practice" by Bernard Chapin AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Cappy review's Bernard Chapin's book from 2007 "Women: Theory and Practice." It may have been meant for men, but it is a MUST for ALL AMERICAN WOMEN. You can find it here:

Request-Focus or Fail
Request-Focus or Fail AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A millennial from a horrendous and abusive family is trying to get his act together. Unfortunately, either due to drugs or not thinking things through, he wants to tackle 40 different things at once which will only guarantee failure. Cappy tells him to focus or fail.

Got questions? Need truthful answers? visit!

Request-Guilt Over Quitting Job
Request-Guilt Over Quitting Job AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

In today's economy you owe no loyalty to your employers. They will fire you if they can for no reason and you NEED to make the best decisions for your own career.

Need help? Need advice? Need it to be TRUTHFUL? Visit!

Request-How the Federal Funds Rate Affect Personal Interest Rates
Request-How the Federal Funds Rate Affect Personal Interest Rates AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man has simple question: If the Federal Reserve increases interest rates, how will it affect my credit card's interest rate. Cappy explains in glorious Super Awesome Economic Genius!

Curious? Clueless? Hopeless? Desperate? Visit!

Request-Ben Shapiro's "Arguing With Leftists"
Request-Ben Shapiro's "Arguing With Leftists" AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A client wants to know Cappy's take on Ben Shapiro's recommends for arguing with leftists. Cappy understands and agrees with all of his points, but it doesn't change the underlying fact that leftists can't be convinced because they lack honesty and logic.

Need help? You sure as fuck do! Visit!

Request-Where the Fuck Do I Invest My Money!?
Request-Where the Fuck Do I Invest My Money!? AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A client has a problem to be envious of - he doesn't know where to invest his money. After finding out he has no debts, a house paid for, and a car paid for in cash, Cappy is really scrapping the barrel when it comes to what to do with extra cash. Still, he has some ideas.

Need wisdom? Guidance? Clarity? Truth? We can fake that!

Request-Parents Won't Let Me Become a Mechanic
Request-Parents Won't Let Me Become a Mechanic AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

An 18 year old's parents won't let him go to trade school to become a mechanic or electrician. Cappy asks the question, "you're 18? How can they stop you?"

Need leadership, guidance, wisdom and advice? Visit!

Request-Escape from Sweden
Request-Escape from Sweden AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young Swede who is sick of the Marxism, feminism, and Islamists moving into his country wants to leave. But first needs to know what education he needs and a list of possible countries to go to. Cappy consults.

Request-Hates Condoms, Wants Kids
Request-Hates Condoms, Wants Kids AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A man who has a girl who is the "perfect catch" can't help but notice she doesn't like him to wear condoms and really wants kids. Cappy says he needs to investigate further and keep the condoms on...perhaps a clandestine vasectomy.

Got questions? Cappy's got answers. Some of which don't suck!

Captain Capitalism Reserved Now Available!
Captain Capitalism Reserved Now Available! AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Cappy's second "best of" his blog book is now available. Buy "Captain Capitalism - Reserved!" Available in paperback AND Kindle.

Why We're All Better than Steve Jobs
Why We're All Better than Steve Jobs AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Tune in for more dry, dark wit, charm, and humor at:

Do NOT Upgrade to Android Marshmallow!!!
Do NOT Upgrade to Android Marshmallow!!! AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

For the love of god, please do not upgrade to Android Marshmallow.

Request-The Clarey Test on Edward Granville Browne
Request-The Clarey Test on Edward Granville Browne AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Cappy does The Clarey Test on Edward Granville Browne, but oddly enough manages to fit his "American women" impersonation in there too as it pertains to Bahai'i

Got questions? We got answers! Visit!

Request-"Blow Job Fridays" at my Government Job
Request-"Blow Job Fridays" at my Government Job AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is living the dream getting overpaid WITH PENSION at a government job THAT HE LIKES! And he wonders if he should get a masters to get promoted out of this position. Cappy explains.

Preachers Kids Escaping Their Abusive Pastor Fathers
Preachers Kids Escaping Their Abusive Pastor Fathers AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young preacher's kid has it particularly rough. At the age of 18 his dad has bedtimes, curfews, won't let him date, and is in general a tyrant. Worse, the kid no longer believes in Christianity. Cappy explains how to escape your pastor father and get on with living a "normal life as possible" post-"The Church."

Need advice, wisdom, guidance, leadership, or a kick in the ass?

Request-Why 22 Year Olds Need to Forgive Themselves
Request-Why 22 Year Olds Need to Forgive Themselves AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man admits he can't get into medical school and thinks he's a miserable failure. Cappy explains medical students are the top 1% of society and that no 22 year old knows what they want to do.

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Request-Black Men, Abusive Moms, IQ, Engineering, and Inventing
Request-Black Men, Abusive Moms, IQ, Engineering, and Inventing AaronClarey 3 Views • 9 years ago

A young black man from a HORRIFIC childhood background aims to do better for himself and become a mechanical engineer. However, concerns about his, IQ, grades, and other standardized scores makes him question whether he can become an inventor or not. Cappy looks at his grades and sees A's and B's. Not only is it likely he can become a mechanical engineer, but being an inventor is also very likely.

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Request-Should Children from Broken Families Breed
Request-Should Children from Broken Families Breed AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man from a broken home is concerned his background will result in him unintentionally abusing his future family. Cappy is torn, but says as long as he is aware of it, he should be able to have a happy, healthy family.

Women Earn the Majority of Degrees NOT
Women Earn the Majority of Degrees NOT AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Please, just stop it with this outright lie. Women earn the majority of WORTHLESS degrees. There is no "male crisis" among boys. Just a bunch of smart young men who know college is a scam.

Request- The Clarey Test Applied to Bush, Cheney and Ryan
Request- The Clarey Test Applied to Bush, Cheney and Ryan AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A very good request asking Cappy to apply his patented "Clarey Test" to George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Paul Ryan. Cappy obliges and confirms what we all know to be true.

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Request-Live Alone or Have Roommates
Request-Live Alone or Have Roommates AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young man in Oz has the money to get his own place, but wonders if he should just suck it up, save the money, and room with people. Cappy explains getting your own place assures nothing and you need to fully research where you live before committing to it.

Got questions? Cappy's got answers! Some are even true! Visit!

Request-Your Mom is an Unsalvagable Loser
Request-Your Mom is an Unsalvagable Loser AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A young man wants to help his mom. But she's 51, filed for bankruptcy, multiple children from multiple fathers, GED, and lives with her brother. Cappy provides solutions, but fears the woman is a lost cause and her son should bear no guilt.

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Request-Stop Being a Whiny Cunt
Request-Stop Being a Whiny Cunt AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A man who signed a 2.5 year contract with the Israeli military wants to get fired, dishonorably discharged, or just plain out because he doesn't like it and it's "boring." Cappy unloads on him like his drill instructor should have.

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Request-Advice for Aspiring CPA's
Request-Advice for Aspiring CPA's AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is going to graduate with a degree in accounting, has a job lined up, AND they're going to pay for his CPA! He wants to know what he should do in preparation for it and Cappy has some ideas. Getting laid being one of them.

Got questions? Cappy's got answers! Some of which are true! Visit!

Request-Dad Will Beat Me If I Quit My Fast Food Job
Request-Dad Will Beat Me If I Quit My Fast Food Job AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A 16 year old kid is being forced to work a fast food job that is starting to affect his grades and education. He is also being paid below minimum wage. Worse still, his father threatened to hit him if he quit his job. Cappy's got ideas, but no magical silver bullet to solve the problem when all of the adults in your life act like children.

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Request-How Pussy Breaks Up Men's Friendships
Request-How Pussy Breaks Up Men's Friendships AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A guy loses his best friend to a psychotic girl and wonders why. Cappy explains the power of the pussy and how "best friends" are usually a high school/college/military affair ne'er to be repeated again.

Clueless? Guideless? Leaderless? Adrift? Stop in and visit!

Request-Laci Green Takes The Clarey Test
Request-Laci Green Takes The Clarey Test AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A client wants the ole Captain to apply "The Clarey Test" to the sad creature known as Laci Green. She does surprisingly well, but sadly, a simple number doesn't change the fact she's destroying young women's lives.

Got a question? Got money? Then visit!

Showing 968 out of 969