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Latest videos

Why Gen X Might Actually Collect Social Security
Why Gen X Might Actually Collect Social Security AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

Believe it or not, most of the world is even more fucked up than the US. And that means Gen X might actually collect social security. Millennials?...Ehhh...not so much.

Nothing Wrong With Charging Money for Your Work
Nothing Wrong With Charging Money for Your Work AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

People are complaining that the likes of Bernard Chapin, Paul Elam, Stefan Molyneux and others dare to (GASP!!!) CHARGE FOR THEIR CONTENT!!!!

Cappy unloads and debunks this stupid argument.

Video Request-Dealing with Flaky Girls
Video Request-Dealing with Flaky Girls AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

Girls who flake are as common as mosquitoes, but infinitely more annoying. All men will have to deal with them. The question is how. Cappy knows!

Got a question? Cappy's got answers! Some may even be right!

Drunk Man Rants Against Feminism
Drunk Man Rants Against Feminism AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

Perhaps one of my best rants ever. A reader (who is female) sent me an e-mail about a "women's empowerment" seminar she went to where instead of talking about STEM, and encouraging women to work harder, all the sub groups talked about sexism. I flipped a lid and just lit them a new one. Was also a couple shots of Rumpie into this podcast already.

Check out what else you missed by visiting The Clarey Podcast!

Free Community College from Obama
Free Community College from Obama AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

Cappy explains why he doesn't cover current political "news" because it's futile and pointless. He uses Obama's most recent claim to want to make community college "free" for everyone as an example.

Visit Cappy at one of his various ventures!

The Economics of the Student Loan Bubble
The Economics of the Student Loan Bubble AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

Hands down the best explanation of the student loan bubble and the economic ramifications it holds in store for the US (and world) economy.

Got a question? Need advice? Got money? Visit!

Video Request-Debt and Deficits Don't Matter
Video Request-Debt and Deficits Don't Matter AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A young man is battling leftists and they throw the world's most flawed, dishonest, and outright wrong article in his face about how "the government can borrow forever."


Cappy takes the article to town and explains why it's not worth the status of toilet paper.

Got a question? Need advice? Need guidance? Visit!

Video Request-Developing a Tough Skin
Video Request-Developing a Tough Skin AaronClarey 7 Views • 10 years ago

A spoiled rich kid embarks on his own adventure to toughen up and develop a thick skin. He asks Cappy how.

Got a question? Cappy's got answers! For a price!

Video Request-All Jobs SUCK
Video Request-All Jobs SUCK AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

Millennials are the most over-educated generation for the jobs that are available. Get used to being unchallenged and never using your full potential at work. The jobs just aren't out there.

Need wisdom? Need advice? Visit!

Also consider:

Video Request-Accounting, Economics, Statistics, and Actuarial Degrees
Video Request-Accounting, Economics, Statistics, and Actuarial Degrees AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

Cappy explains the differences in employability and educational requirements for the fields of Econometrics, Economics, Statistics, Accountancy, and Actuarial Science. Regardless, prepare for some boring work.

Got a question? Need guidance? Willing to pay? Visit!

Video Request-Multi Level Marketing Scams
Video Request-Multi Level Marketing Scams AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

MLM or "Multi-Level Marketing" scams are primarily that. Scams. And they target poor college students and other poorer people. A reader wants to know what Cappy thinks about them and the numbers speak for themselves.

Don't fuck up your life! Get a little wisdom and avoid mistakes!

Video Request-What Everybody Needs to Know About Investing
Video Request-What Everybody Needs to Know About Investing AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A charitable man asks some questions EVERYBODY likely has and paid for this video. A MUST for every beginning investor.

Got questions? Cappy's got answers! Some may even be right!

Here is the class Cappy offers for anybody who is interested:

Video Request-Stupid Degrees and Government Checks for Husbands and Fathers
Video Request-Stupid Degrees and Government Checks for Husbands and Fathers AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

Two mistakes and a bit of bad luck can make your life hell on this planet. Like majoring in stupid degrees and having children without a father.

Ensure you avoid being stupid and making stupid mistakes.

Need guidance? Need wisdom? Have no clue what to do? Visit!

Video Request-A True American Immigrant Story
Video Request-A True American Immigrant Story AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A young Iranian man gives up a family fortune so he can be a free man in America. Naturally, there are some challenges and bumps in the road, but Cappy uses it not only to help the young man out, but teach native Americans a lesson about what it truly means to be "American."

Video Request- Cappy's Opinion on Elliot Hulse, Stefan Molyneux, RSD Tyler, and RamZPaul
Video Request- Cappy's Opinion on Elliot Hulse, Stefan Molyneux, RSD Tyler, and RamZPaul AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

A twofer of a video request when a young man wants Cappy's opinion on various Youtubers and podcasters as well as financial advice on whether it's worth buying tools for a garage.

Got questions? Need advice? Cappy's got answers! Visit!

Video Request-Cappy's Favorite Philosophers, Comedians and Movies
Video Request-Cappy's Favorite Philosophers, Comedians and Movies AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

Like Cappy says, you pay him, he'll do a video on it. A fan wants to know what the Captain's favorite philosophers, comedians, and movies are.

Video Request-Entrepreneurial Resources
Video Request-Entrepreneurial Resources AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A young man wants to know what books Cappy would recommend for aspiring entrepreneurs. Cappy has no books, but has other forms of media resources he recommends.

Review of American Sniper
Review of American Sniper AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

Cappy reviews American Sniper, doesn't understand what all the political hubbub is about, but he damn well sure is sick of "female" subplots being forced into what should primarily be male movies.

Video Request-When College Doesn't Agree With You
Video Request-When College Doesn't Agree With You AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

If you hate your campus and your professors, then maybe it's time to change colleges or campuses...or heck, states.

Got a question? Need guidance? Cappy's got answers! FOR A PRICE! VISIT!

Pull the F*cking Trigger Already
Pull the F*cking Trigger Already AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

What if people didn't merely "talk" about ideas, but actually put them into execution? Cappy believes the GDP would double overnight. BUt then again he's just a douchebag economist. Ignore him and enjoy your 9-5 job with your utterly too common life that will never be remembered as you follow the herd.

Video Request-How Much Precious Metals Do I Need
Video Request-How Much Precious Metals Do I Need AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

A viewer asks how much one needs in terms of precious metals incase of a collapse of the US dollar/economy. Cappy has a general rule of thumb he recommends following.

Got questions? Need advice? visit!

Video Request-The Touch
Video Request-The Touch AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

An English major gets a job for $50,000 AND put on the "Executive Development Track" at Macys.

He asks if he should start a business.

Cappy unleashes.

You got questions? You need advice? You need guidance?

Cappy's got answers! For a price! Visit!

Video Request-Be an Entrepreneur, Not a Fucking Idiot
Video Request-Be an Entrepreneur, Not a Fucking Idiot AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

Two young men have some questions about starting a business. Cappy explains why the vast majority of business fail - because the people who started them were morons. Don't be a moron. Be an entrepreneur.

Need advice? Need wisdom? Need an older brotherly figure to kick your ass into the real world? Visit!

The Economics Professional Has Failed
The Economics Professional Has Failed AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

If you look at the numbers, economists and the economics "profession" has failed. Their "science" has not grown the economy, only increased debts, and decreased employment. They, frankly, have no freaking clue what they're doing. It's time to call them what they are - numerical propagandists.

Visit Cappy at one of his other ventures!

$10 Billion Blackmail for the Democrat Party
$10 Billion Blackmail for the Democrat Party AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

Dear Democrat Party,

$14.4 billion paid to me or I will take away your minority vote.

This is arguably the best offer you ever had to maintain your plantation over minority Americans. Consider it "protection"



Video Request-No Shame in Being a Truck Driver
Video Request-No Shame in Being a Truck Driver AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

A young man has the option of becoming a truck driver and seeing the continent or staying in Toronto and maybe working as a sales guy for his buddy.

Go west young man, go west.

Got a question? Need advice? Cappy's got answers! For a price! Visit!

Video Request-Wives Destroying Friends
Video Request-Wives Destroying Friends AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A poor guy is losing all of his friends to marriage and children. And many of the wifeys hate (read "are jealous of") him because of his happy, freedom, bachelor ways. Sadly, this is an unavoidable fate for young men (and women) who play their cards in life right. But there is hope in finding new friends.

Got a question? Cappy's got answers! Visit!

"I Can't Pay My Kids Way Through College"
"I Can't Pay My Kids Way Through College" AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

There's more important things you need to do as a parent than "pay your kid's way through college." And they'll thank you for it.

Video Request-Term vs  Whole Life Insurance
Video Request-Term vs Whole Life Insurance AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

A client asks about life insurance. Cappy answers. But it's important for everybody to know it is INSURANCE. Not an investment. Otherwise insurance companies would not exist.

Got a question? Cappy has answers! Some may even be right! VISIT!

Why STEM is the Easier Degree
Why STEM is the Easier Degree AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

Tis easier to major in STEM than major in bullshit and suffer a life of poverty, pain, strife and misery. Choose the harder path because it is the easier one.

Video Request-I Don't Find My Generation Interesting
Video Request-I Don't Find My Generation Interesting AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

A young man is finding it difficult to make friends with people his own age. Cappy recommends doing his own thing and finding friends through different clubs and groups. Cappy also knows nothing of goth girls.

Got a question? Need advice? Need a kick in the ass? Visit!

Video Request Gen X Retirement Planning
Video Request Gen X Retirement Planning AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

A 37 year old man has some questions about retirement planning for people his age. Cappy explains some of the basics and that, no, he's not insane for worrying about the government confiscating your retirement plans.

Here's the site mentioned in the video:

Here's Cappy's consultancy:

And here's a class of Cappy's if you're interested in learning more about retirement planning:

Video Request-College Campuses as the New Government
Video Request-College Campuses as the New Government AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A young man is accused by THE COLLEGE of sexual assault. But no criminal charges were ever filed by THE POLICE. Understand feminists and socialists are using college as a defacto second government to wield power. The solution is simple - don't attend those colleges.

Got a question? Cappy's got answers! Visit!

Why Free Markets Will Defeat Fat Acceptance
Why Free Markets Will Defeat Fat Acceptance AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

While annoying, the "Fat Acceptance Movement" can largely be dismissed as a marketing ploy to get women to spend money, and the delusional wishes of mentally impaired women that will never trump men's genetics or the free market.

Video Request-Network Marketing Robert Kiyosaki
Video Request-Network Marketing Robert Kiyosaki AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A young man wants to know about Cappy's opinion of "Network Marketing."

You got a question? Cappy's got answers! Visit!

Video Request-Majors, Mandarin and the Canadian Military OH MY!
Video Request-Majors, Mandarin and the Canadian Military OH MY! AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A young Canadian man is beset by the variety of choices he has post-worthless-degree. Cappy kicks his ass and tells him to get his ass into the Canadian military where...well...he'll get his ass kicked some more.

YOu got questions? Cappy has answers! Quit wondering and start figuring. Visit!

Video Request-Recovering from a Finance Degree
Video Request-Recovering from a Finance Degree AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A young man is about to get a degree in finance and wants to know his options. Cappy explains how to do the "Harvard Cock-Suck" that might land him a job at Wall Street, but explains some more moral and feasible options.

Got a question? Need advice? Visit!

Video Request-Attend Church or Move Out
Video Request-Attend Church or Move Out AaronClarey 3 Views • 10 years ago

A mom threatens her son to attend church or be ostracized by those Christians. Well...that's not very Christian now is it?

Got a question? Need advice? Visit!

Video Request-Finance Major Blues
Video Request-Finance Major Blues AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

A man hates his major and his GPA is tanking because of it. Cappy recommends he drop out, take some classes online for free, and figure out a new plan

Got a question? Need wisdom? Well, Cappy can fake it! Visit!

Video Request-College or Entrepreneurship
Video Request-College or Entrepreneurship AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

An 18 year old runs a business where he makes $52,000 a year. His parents want him to ruin his life by attending college. Cappy intervenes.

Got a question? Need guidance? Need an asshole to tell you the truth? THEN HIRE!

Video Request-For Profit Colleges
Video Request-For Profit Colleges AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A young man is getting his business degree from DeVry and is concerned about its veracity. Cappy explains how all of education is going down the toilet and how small for-profit colleges may actually out compete the Harvards of today.

Got a question? Cappy's got answers! Some may even be right! Visit!

The Simplicity of Capitalism and Freedom
The Simplicity of Capitalism and Freedom AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

Instead of making complex arguments with research that is fabricated and corrupted by academia, Cappy puts forth two simple arguments of logic and reason for the layman about capitalism and free markets.

Visit Cappy at:

Video Request Airforce, Mechanical Engineering, and Flipping Houses
Video Request Airforce, Mechanical Engineering, and Flipping Houses AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

An ambitious 18 year old is about to go into the Air Force...
and major in mechanical engineering...
and flip a house every 90 days.
Cappy explains there just isn't enough time in the day to do this.

Got a question? Cappy's got answers! Some may even be right! Visit!

Video Request Overly High Expectations of American Careers
Video Request Overly High Expectations of American Careers AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

A 33 year old man comes to the realization that he's been lied to his entire life about what to expect in terms of life, career, and success in the US. He then asks if he should move to Germany for a change in pace. Cappy advises.

Got a question? Need advice? Visit!

Video Request-For the Love of Christ Don't Get Your MBA
Video Request-For the Love of Christ Don't Get Your MBA AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A young man inquires about what type of MBA he should get.
Cappy asks "why get an MBA in the first place?"

Need guidance? Wisdom? Help? Consultation? Visit!

Video Request Age Discrimination in IT
Video Request Age Discrimination in IT AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A young woman asks about discrimination against the elderly (40+) in the IT industry. Cappy explains it comes with the territory and that people should look to entrepreneurialism.

Got a question? Cappy's got answers! Visit!

Video Request-Reel Your Daughters In
Video Request-Reel Your Daughters In AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A mother has a spend-happy daughter who is living off of her parents and that taxpayers, but still claims to be independent.

Cappy goes to town.

Got a question? Cappy's got advice, guidance leadership and wisdom....some of which may even be applicable. Visit!

Video Request - The Amazing Atheist Hates Capitalism
Video Request - The Amazing Atheist Hates Capitalism AaronClarey 4 Views • 10 years ago

A client ask Cappy to address a video from the Amazing Atheist. Cappy is at a loss for words because the "AA" is misinformed and operating from wrong premises and principles.

Got a question? Cappy's got answers! Some may even be right! Visit!

Video Request-Being Asexual
Video Request-Being Asexual AaronClarey 3 Views • 10 years ago

A man just isn't interested in women...and there's nothing wrong with that.

Got a question? Cappy has answers. Some may accidentally be right. Visit!

Video Request-Artists Shouldn't Go to College
Video Request-Artists Shouldn't Go to College AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

A young lady asks if she should go to college to major in Art of a foreign language. Cappy recommends practice and Rosetta Stone instead.

If you want to be lied to, hire a regular consultant.
If you want the truth, hire an asshole!

Video Request-Do NOT Go to Film School
Video Request-Do NOT Go to Film School AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

A young man is trying to save his buddy from attending film school. Cappy suggests a different route that will (hopefully) pay and increase his chances of becoming a director.

Got a question? Cappy has answers! Visit:

Video Request-Moving from Canada to Australia
Video Request-Moving from Canada to Australia AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

A young man, frustrated with the rampant leftism in Canada's academia wants out and is considering moving to Australia. Cappy concurs...that's if he can get in.

Confused? Lost? Need some guidance? Hire an asshole, because he'll tell you the truth! Visit!

Helping Out Blacks is Now Racist
Helping Out Blacks is Now Racist AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

This anecdote shows just how far (and psychotic) the left has brainwashed people with political correctness.

You can find the book here:

Video Request-I Hate My Step Mom
Video Request-I Hate My Step Mom AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

A young man is kicking ass in college, his career, and his finances. But he is obsessed over hating his step-mom. Cappy suggests he not let that ruin his otherwise great life and maybe seek therapy.

Got questions? Need guidance? Want the truth? HIRE!

Video Request-Condos
Video Request-Condos AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

A budding electrician in Washington wants to know if it would be wise to buy a condo as he works at building up his career.

Got a question? Need advice? Want it to be TRUE? Visit!

Video Request-A $150,000 Career or Chasing Your Dreams
Video Request-A $150,000 Career or Chasing Your Dreams AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A man can dedicate his time towards advancing a career he is bored with, or take that extra time and pursuing his dream of making films. Cappy provides his two cents.

Visit -

Video Request-20 Something Wanderlust
Video Request-20 Something Wanderlust AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

A young minimalist man in Vermont is enjoying a simple life of easy work, hiking, and biking. But he wonders if there's more. Cappy recommends taking advantage of being a minimalist by exploring the country.

Got questions? Cappy has answers! Some may even be right!

Original Videos vs Video Requests
Original Videos vs Video Requests AaronClarey 3 Views • 10 years ago

Added a playlist that includes ONLY "originals" and not video requests.

Video Request-Community College or Military
Video Request-Community College or Military AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

A 19 year old with $1,000 in his pocket and a GED wants to know where he should go to community college, or perhaps join the military. Cappy recommends a warm climate.

Video Request-Should I Take Out Student Loans
Video Request-Should I Take Out Student Loans AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A simple question from a reader - should you take out student loans?


Video Request-Cappy's Opinion of Dave Ramsey
Video Request-Cappy's Opinion of Dave Ramsey AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

A reader asks about Cappy's opinion of Dave Ramsey and how he scores of the famous "Clarey Test"

Video Request Hip Hop or Computer Science
Video Request Hip Hop or Computer Science AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

A young man wants to know how to increase his GPA and whether he should give up Hip Hop for a degree in Computer Science. He has a bigger problem that if not resolved, will result in failure on all fronts.

Video Request-Public Relations Majors
Video Request-Public Relations Majors AaronClarey 4 Views • 10 years ago

Video Request Mooching Family Members
Video Request Mooching Family Members AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

A 22 year old who grosses $75K a year lives with his grandma...and his aunt and uncles who mooch off of them both. He wonders if he should move. Cappy is already packing his bags for him.

Need a swift kick in the ass? Cappy can deliver!

Video Request Fuck NYC and Fuck Finance
Video Request Fuck NYC and Fuck Finance AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

A veteran of the New York finance industry decides to drop out forever and wants to know what his next step should be. Cappy has advice, but no answers as he is not the one who can answer that question.

Need advice? Cappy's got it. Long as you pay. Visit!

Video Request-Nursing, Dentistry, or Computer Science
Video Request-Nursing, Dentistry, or Computer Science AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A guy from Philly is thinking about three different majors - all of which are good. Cappy recommends dentisty, but for god's sake kid. Get out of Philly.

Need wisdom? Cappy's got some! For money! Visit!

Video Request-Transhumanism and What Happens After Death
Video Request-Transhumanism and What Happens After Death AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

Does Cappy believe in "Transhumanism" and what happens after you die? Cappy doesn't know, but if there is a heaven, he's joining the cool people in hell and invading the goodie two shoes of heaven.

Need advice? Got a question? Cappy's got answers!

Video Request-Tenured Political Science Professors
Video Request-Tenured Political Science Professors AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

A client asks about political science as a degree, field, and prospect for employment. He also asks about tenured professors. Cappy tells the truth - the whole field is a scam and the professors are worthless people to society.


Video Request-26 and Living at Home
Video Request-26 and Living at Home AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A freelance writer wants to know if he should move out...for the first time. Cappy unloads.

Video Request-Benefits of Personality Testing
Video Request-Benefits of Personality Testing AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

Are personality tests worth taking and do they hold any insights into what kind of career or degree you should pursue? Cappy answers.

Got questions? Need guidance? Need the truth? Visit!

Video Request-Music Professors Aren't Musicians
Video Request-Music Professors Aren't Musicians AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

Should an artist give up his career and starve so he can pursue his dream, or give up on his dream and work a regular job? Well, I'll tell you one thing, he sure as hell shouldn't be going to college to study art more.

Video Request-Millennial Pessimism and Stoicism
Video Request-Millennial Pessimism and Stoicism AaronClarey 7 Views • 10 years ago

A question about whether Millennials will wake up and become more stoic or pessimistic, or continue to believe in "Everything is Awesome" poppycock. Cappy is delves into intelligence, intellectual honesty, delusion, and reality.

Video Request-Why Most Artists Suck
Video Request-Why Most Artists Suck AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

An artist asks why so many of his ilk seem to think they deserve adulation and praise for their art. Cappy delivers real world, cold hearted, economic reality to them.

Want lies? Hire a regular consultant. Want truth? Hire

Video Request-Programming Bootcamp
Video Request-Programming Bootcamp AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

A son's immigrant parents are forcing him to go to college, with the tentative threat of cutting support for him if he doesn't attend. Unfortunately, he hates schools and just wants to get into programming. Cappy delivers the asshole advice we've all come to know and love.

Need guidance and wisdom? Visit!

Video Request Accounting or Supply Chain Management
Video Request Accounting or Supply Chain Management AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A young man is dropping out of Econ so he can major in either Accounting or SCM. Cappy recommends SCM and asks "what's with all the east coast kids attending overpriced east coast schools?"

Need advice? Need guidance? Need answers? Visit!

Video Request-Welding and Engineering
Video Request-Welding and Engineering AaronClarey 3 Views • 10 years ago

A young man from Jersey wants to know about what he should do after getting his welding certificate. Cappy recommends just making money before embarking on getting an engineering degree.

Confused? Clueless? Need guidance? Visit!

Video Request Dating Problems of Female Naval Officers
Video Request Dating Problems of Female Naval Officers AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

An about-to-be Navy female officer fears her military commitments may preclude her from having a the age of 24. Cappy explains being in the military makes her a much better candidate for marriage than her 34 year old Masters in Sociology, baby rabies counterparts.

Want to be lied to? Hire a regular consultant.
Want the truth? Hire an asshole.

Video Request-Efficient Markets, Technical vs Fundamental Analysis
Video Request-Efficient Markets, Technical vs Fundamental Analysis AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

An aspiring appraiser wants Cappy's opinion about Efficient Market Theory, as well as the difference between technical analysis and fundamental analysis. Seemingly boring, but a very important economic lesson for everybody to know.

Got questions? Cappy's got answers! Some might even be right! Visit!

Video Request-Bitcoin Obsoleting Fiat Currencies
Video Request-Bitcoin Obsoleting Fiat Currencies AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

An inquiring mind wants to know how a transition would look from the US Dollar (or any other fiat currency) to Bitcoin. There are some hurdles, most of which is adaptation by a population that is more concerned with Kim Kardashian's ass than cryptocurrencies.

Got questions? Need advice? Willing to pay!? Visit!

Video Request-New Zealand's Economy
Video Request-New Zealand's Economy AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

A man from New Zealand fears his country is going to pot. Cappy investigates and finds out quite the contrary. Cappy is now contemplating moving down there.

Got questions? Cappy has answers! Long as you pay! Visit!

Video Request-MIS or Engineering
Video Request-MIS or Engineering AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

The oldest brother of three is concerned about making the right choices in life, not just for his career, but for the sake of his younger brothers. Cappy explains some things about MIS vs. Engineering and why fucking off in Hawaii for a year isn't a bad thing.

Clueless? Misled? Lied to by your elders? No worries! Visit!

What Should Young People Invest In?
What Should Young People Invest In? AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

A video request that has relevance for millions - what should the Millennials invest in? Well...your options aren't great. And here's why.

Got a question? Visit!

Video Request-Don't Quit Your Day Job
Video Request-Don't Quit Your Day Job AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A young man wants to start a business, but doesn't know what precisely he would do. Still, he wants to quit his job once he builds up the capital to start one. Cappy saves his life with true patented assholery wisdom.

About to make a stupid mistake? DON'T! Hire ASSHOLE CONSULTING!

Video Request EE, CS and Girls
Video Request EE, CS and Girls AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

A young man is torn between electrical engineering and computer science as a degree. He also wants to know where to find quality, marriageble women. Cappy can answer the first question and laughs at the second.


Video Request Agriculture as a Career
Video Request Agriculture as a Career AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

A young man is torn between starting a business and getting into agriculture. He also hates the communists in his native Uruguay. Cappy points out agriculture is a more successful route, PLUS, communists need farmers more than farmers need communists.

Need guidance? Need wisdom? Need some truth? Visit!

Video Request-Unfucking Up Your Life
Video Request-Unfucking Up Your Life AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

Some people shoot themselves in the foot. Others take shotguns to both feet. And even an asshole can't save you. But you can still make life "less sucky" if you put together a plan.

Need the bold truth (because pretty lies never work?) VISIT!

Video Request-No Agency of Purpose for 30 Year Old Men
Video Request-No Agency of Purpose for 30 Year Old Men AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

A 30 year old who avoided college, has no debt, and has merely worked as a janitor feels down and that he missed out. Cappy explains he just doesn't have agency yet, but is STILL FAR FAR ahead of his college going peers.

Need advice? A swift kick in the ass? A pep talk? You got it!

How to Deal With Liberal Professors
How to Deal With Liberal Professors AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

A video request that deserves it's own original status, a young college student is frustrated with his liberal professor. Cappy explains how to handle these adult children.


Why Leftists Never Start Businesses
Why Leftists Never Start Businesses AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

Laziness and a lack of intelligence.
That's really what it boils down to.
Laziness and the lack of intelligence.

Video Request-Speed Dating & Lock n' Key Events
Video Request-Speed Dating & Lock n' Key Events AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

A man inquires about Cappy's experience and opinions of "single events" suck as speed dating and "lock and key." Cappy explains the root economic cause as to why they are primarily all bullshit.

Tired of lies, pain, misleading, and bullshit? You need an asshole!

Yahoo's "Job Offer...Are You Interested" Problem
Yahoo's "Job Offer...Are You Interested" Problem AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

A desperate plea of Yahoo's inept leadership to please get rid of something that should have been "E-mail Spam Screening 101" a long ass time ago.

Video Request-Navy or HVAC
Video Request-Navy or HVAC AaronClarey 1 Views • 10 years ago

An inner city school teacher yearns to either become an HVAC specialist or join the Navy's Nuclear program. Cappy points out the obvious answer.

Got questions? Cappy has answers! Some may even be right!

Diversity Has No Inherent Value
Diversity Has No Inherent Value AaronClarey 2 Views • 10 years ago

Diversity has no value. It is your accomplishments and the excellence by which you achieve those accomplishments in life that matter. Not the color of your skin, your gender or your religion.

Helping a Little Girl Who Lost Her Dogs
Helping a Little Girl Who Lost Her Dogs AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

Video Request-Index Investing
Video Request-Index Investing AaronClarey 0 Views • 10 years ago

Watching CNBC is like watching Sports Center or ESPN. You don't control it and you aren't really an active participant. Index investing has mooted the need for financial advisors, so don't waste your time trying to research when the index is available for free.

Got questions? Need advice? Would prefer a truthful answer? Visit!

Video Request-Looking for Love in North Dakota
Video Request-Looking for Love in North Dakota AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A young professional man in Fargo is having trouble finding a woman. Could be that there's 148 men for every 100 women in North Dakota. Cappy can't fight those odds, but tries.

Got questions? Need advice? Cappy has answers! Visit!

Video Request-Law School After Military
Video Request-Law School After Military AaronClarey 1 Views • 9 years ago

A gainfully employed Army recruiter wants to become a lawyer when his contract is up with the military. Cappy points out some flaws in his plan and explains the pitfalls of going into law school.

Need advice? Need direction? Need context? Visit!

Business School Is Bullshit
Business School Is Bullshit AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

Take it from somebody who knows. Business school is bullshit, because "business" is just common sense.

Video Request-What's An IT Genius To Do
Video Request-What's An IT Genius To Do AaronClarey 0 Views • 9 years ago

A Canadian IT genius is debating just going the easy route and making a couple bucks, or pushing his skills to the limit. Cappy recommends video games, booze, and blow jobs, but there are merits to an intellectually rewarding career.

Been lied to all your life? Have no clue what you're doing? Life not working out the way your "elders" told you? What you need is an ASSHOLE!

Video Request-Pre Electrical Engineering Majors
Video Request-Pre Electrical Engineering Majors AaronClarey 2 Views • 9 years ago

A young man is being forced to declare a "mathematics" major as a hurdle to prove him self worthy of an Electrical engineering major. Cappy just suggests he try other schools that don't have baby boomer fucks throwing up more hurdles

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