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Latest videos

Professors are the New Bankers
Professors are the New Bankers AaronClarey 2 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron takes your brain, turns it barely a degree and makes everybody realize who the new villains are in America. It's not bankers, it's the professors and college administrators who have been selling something even more worthless than housing AND requiring our youngest Americans go into debt for it.

Why You Should Never Donate to Charity
Why You Should Never Donate to Charity AaronClarey 7 Views • 11 years ago

"Charities" are no longer the altruistic "charitable" organizations that claim to help out the poor, sick and disadvantaged. They're now just money-making vehicles for frauds and charlatans who want to tug at your heart and get your money. Has ANY modern day charity "solved" the problems they claim they're trying to solve? Of course not, then they'd have to get real jobs.

Benefits of a Truly Free Mind
Benefits of a Truly Free Mind AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

One of my better speeches that EVERY PERSON needs to see/listen to about the benefits of a truly free mind.

Life is too short to suffer boring people, including yourself. So do yourself a favor and become an interesting person and focus on mental stimulation and independent, free thought.

Elysium AaronClarey 9 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron asks a simple question - "If all the labor and resources are on Earth, why don't the people on Earth start building a better world than Elysium?"

Oh, that's right. They're liberals and they want OTHER people to pay for their shit.

Enjoy the leftist porn.

Children Are the #1 Cause of Poverty
Children Are the #1 Cause of Poverty AaronClarey 10 Views • 11 years ago

The quickest and surest way to screw over your life is to have a kid you can't afford. And hey, you get the added bonus of screwing up the kid's life too!

Just putting out another harsh truth trillions of dollars in socialist money keeps trying to hide from the American public.

Driving Through St. Petersburg
Driving Through St. Petersburg AaronClarey 3 Views • 11 years ago

Showing friends, loves ones, enemies, people I'm generally indifferent about, and anybody who is interested about what St. Pete's looks St. Pete's looks like.

Cubanos in Wisconsin
Cubanos in Wisconsin AaronClarey 2 Views • 11 years ago

You want to hear a story about a 10 year old who escaped Cuba? Well I'm too busy to tell it, but if you buy the book "Cubanos in Wisconsin" then, well, you'll be able to read yourself the story.

Government Check Dad
Government Check Dad AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

Visit Aaron at:

Talon Knife!
Talon Knife! AaronClarey 2 Views • 11 years ago

Help a Cappy Cap sponsor out and get your Talon Knife today (or tomorrow, or sometime so he makes some sales).

It's OK to Hate Your Teachers
It's OK to Hate Your Teachers AaronClarey 4 Views • 11 years ago

Explaining to the youth of America why most teachers don't care about the children, and instead abuse children (and public education) as a means to an easy and rigorless job.

Why Young People Shouldn't Feel Guilty for Not Having Any Retirement Savings
Why Young People Shouldn't Feel Guilty for Not Having Any Retirement Savings AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

Assuage yourself of the guilt and shame of not having anything saved up for retirement. It was nearly impossible with two stock market crashes and a housing crash and a shitacular recession. Buy another beer and sleep soundly you tried your best.

Hitler on Shitting Your Pants
Hitler on Shitting Your Pants AaronClarey 3 Views • 11 years ago

To provide context, it is a more-than-should-be occurrence where a member of my family has a "mishap." Instead of feeling ashamed about it, they instead CALL ME and brag about it. I am then summarily mocked for being the one person in the family who has yet to have an "accident" as a full-grown adult. I made this video for them.

Why You Will Remain Poor
Why You Will Remain Poor AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains why it's mathematically impossible to just "tax the rich" to alleviate poverty.

For more specific advice visit:

The Trillion Dollar Liberal Arts Scam
The Trillion Dollar Liberal Arts Scam AaronClarey 6 Views • 11 years ago

The Captain extends a rare olive branch to the spoiled, liberal-arts-majoring children, and attempts to explain to them why they not only have no jobs, but the correct course of action to make the best of what remains of their now-financially-crippled lives.

Machine Gun Shells from the Badlands
Machine Gun Shells from the Badlands AaronClarey 3 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron shows a softer side as he shares one of his coolest archeological finds from his adventures and exploits!

Why You Should NEVER Go to Culinary School
Why You Should NEVER Go to Culinary School AaronClarey 2 Views • 11 years ago

Heed the wise words of a former professor at a "culinary school." Culinary school is a scam to take advantage of the worst and (typically) poorest students who can't afford to piss away $50,000 to learn to cook. It is the biggest scam out there. Be wise, learn how to cook from your grandmother for free.

For more specific advice visit:

Misleading Job Descriptions and Bad Jobs
Misleading Job Descriptions and Bad Jobs AaronClarey 2 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains to the youth how the vast majority of employers lie in job descriptions and that if this is the case you walk out on the job. He also explains the general quality of jobs and how rare it is to find one that works for you.

How Old Liberals Screw Over Young Liberals
How Old Liberals Screw Over Young Liberals AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

My blog:
My Book:
My Other Book:

Aaron asks some insightful questions of young liberals in the hopes of getting them to wake up and see how they are being taken advantage of. From naive college students majoring in worthless degrees to entire black communities being destroyed, he asks, "HOW CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT'S HAPPENING????" A must for any lefty friend or loved one you want to help out.

It Ain't Because You're Black
It Ain't Because You're Black AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains to his black brothers and sisters why everything bad that happens to them is not because of racism, but...well...because there's a lot of assholes out there.

Windows 8 is the World's Shittiest Operating System
Windows 8 is the World's Shittiest Operating System AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

Just speaking truth. It's so bad you will buy a Mac instead. Even Linux is better.

Snake Skin Boots and People Who File Extensions
Snake Skin Boots and People Who File Extensions AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

The Captain talks about how it's really hard to make snake skin boots because rattle snakes are cowards and then does a 180 and rips apart people who file extensions for their taxes.

The Clarey Podcast 9-24-13
The Clarey Podcast 9-24-13 AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

You can find "The Clarey Podcast" archive here:

The Clarey Podcast 9-17-13
The Clarey Podcast 9-17-13 AaronClarey 2 Views • 11 years ago

The Death of the Night Club
The Death of the Night Club AaronClarey 5 Views • 11 years ago

The Captain explains why night clubs and bars are a bad deal for men trying to meet chicks, and also explains how the internet is to blame for most night club's failures.

For more specific advice visit:

Why You Should Never Move to Ohio
Why You Should Never Move to Ohio AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

A lot of people don't know Ohio requires you fill out a LOCAL TAX RETURN. Not only to you pay federal and state income taxes, they also have a city income tax. have a little self respect and don't live, move to, or invest in Ohio.

Men Determine What Is Beautiful in Women
Men Determine What Is Beautiful in Women AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

Why are old feminists ugly and old? Why are men "shallow" for liking what they like? Why are women getting unhappier over time despite great strides in feminism? Find out by watching this video!

Never Buy Fancy Cars to Impress Chicks
Never Buy Fancy Cars to Impress Chicks AaronClarey 3 Views • 11 years ago

Boy, listen to your elders. If you want to impress the chicks you need a motorcycle not a BMW.

Why You Should Never Major in the Liberal Arts
Why You Should Never Major in the Liberal Arts AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

The liberal arts and the humanities are nothing more than a scam. A scam of which harms leftists the most.

For more specific advice visit:

Cappy's Response to Karen Straughan
Cappy's Response to Karen Straughan AaronClarey 3 Views • 11 years ago

A plea to Karen and all of you to consider self publishing before wasting your time chasing after traditional publishers.

Helping Foreigners Run Kwiki Marts
Helping Foreigners Run Kwiki Marts AaronClarey 3 Views • 11 years ago

How the Baby Boomers Failed to Lead Today's Generations
How the Baby Boomers Failed to Lead Today's Generations AaronClarey 3 Views • 11 years ago

A rant-a-licious rant about the failure of Baby Boomers to lead, how many aspects of society have been destroyed, but how younger generations can get it back.

The Reality Principle
The Reality Principle AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

The Captain explains to how you should never let emotions,ego, pride or feelings interfere or influence you when making tough and serious decisions. The only thing that matters is REALITY. Ergo, "The Reality Principle."

For more specific advice visit:

The Importance of Testing Your IQ
The Importance of Testing Your IQ AaronClarey 2 Views • 11 years ago

Why every man and woman should test their IQ as soon as possible so as to make your life easier.

Consider purchasing the book:

How Alexa Valiente and Alyssa Pry Epitomize the End of MSM
How Alexa Valiente and Alyssa Pry Epitomize the End of MSM AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

Never send a 24 year old liberal arts major, let alone two to do a man's job.

The Secret to Losing Weight
The Secret to Losing Weight AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains his secret to losing weight and staying trim.

Sick of the Racist Bigoted Shit
Sick of the Racist Bigoted Shit AaronClarey 3 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron puts his foot down and explains very clearly what this section of the internet is about, how it helps minorities, and that the real enemy are leftists, feminists and marxists. Not our minority brothers and sisters.

Paul Thornton of the LA Times
Paul Thornton of the LA Times AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron inquires about the political background of Paul Thornton, as well as how such a presumably young man would be put into the position of editor at one of the most prestigious (or at least, large) publications in the US. It's the least he can ask when Paul is prohibiting any global warming deniers from making commentary on the LA Times' editorial page.

For the Children
For the Children AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

Everything is good if it's "for the children." Murder, theft, rape, pillage, war. Long as it's "for the children" then it's all good.

There is No Advantage to Being a Single Mom
There is No Advantage to Being a Single Mom AaronClarey 4 Views • 11 years ago

The good ole hate-filled Captain dispenses some wise, tough fatherly love to younger women who have yet to bring unwanted children into this world. Do yourself and your unborn children a favor. Do not become a single mom.

For more specific advice visit:

How Can't You Like "Tropic Thunder!?"
How Can't You Like "Tropic Thunder!?" AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

What is wrong with you people who hate the movie "Tropic Thunder?" It was great!

The "Whoever Asks Pays Rule" is Bullshit
The "Whoever Asks Pays Rule" is Bullshit AaronClarey 3 Views • 11 years ago

When women ask men on an *ahem* "equal" rate, then we'll *ahem* split the bill *ahem* "equally."

For All the Spoiled Brat College Students Complaining About Student Loans
For All the Spoiled Brat College Students Complaining About Student Loans AaronClarey 3 Views • 11 years ago

From those of us in the country working hard to bail you out to all the college students complaining about their loans, here's a big hearty "Go f*ck yourselves"

For more specific advice visit:

Don't Blame Capitalism for the Collapse of the US
Don't Blame Capitalism for the Collapse of the US AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

Sorry folks, the US is a socialist country. By every measure, metric and gauge. And the reason it's going to collapse is because of socialism. But don't let that fact get in the way of your ideology/religion. You just keep on being ignorant of basic economics.

Mike Rowe in Expendables 3
Mike Rowe in Expendables 3 AaronClarey 5 Views • 11 years ago

How freaking awesome would it be to get Mike Rowe in Expendables 3?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Why Most Feminists Are Not Independent
Why Most Feminists Are Not Independent AaronClarey 2 Views • 11 years ago

If feminists are so "independent" then why do they depend on taxpayers to pay for the majority of their jobs?

Why College Is Not Utopia
Why College Is Not Utopia AaronClarey 6 Views • 11 years ago

Don't get too excited about college kids. It's just more of the same bullshit.

Separate Your Emotions from Your Major
Separate Your Emotions from Your Major AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

Young kids HAVE to start removing emotion from their decision of what to major in. You are being asked to spend too much of your time and money to have such an important decision clouded by feelings.

It's My Day
It's My Day AaronClarey 4 Views • 11 years ago

Explaining not just what a waste most marriages are, but how shallow and greedy women are who think "their day" is the best day in their lives. Not to mention, how they'll all end up divorced anyway. Enjoy pissing away $30,000 on a wedding while your kid tries to figure out how to pay for college.

Dear Parents, Keep Getting Divorced
Dear Parents, Keep Getting Divorced AaronClarey 2 Views • 11 years ago

A sincere and heart-felt thank you to all the men and women getting divorced and thereby traumatizing their children. Without you, I'd have to get a real job. Instead I provide older brother guidance and wisdom to your children you have completely screwed over. Thank you!

The MSM vs.  The Manosphere
The MSM vs. The Manosphere AaronClarey 5 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains to the MSM, feminists and leftists in general why the Manosphere is not going anywhere. In short, men have nothing left to lose. Careers, family and children have all been taken away from them by the government. And until they get those things back, they will continue to blast away at socialism and feminism.

Ranger Self Defense
Ranger Self Defense AaronClarey 4 Views • 11 years ago

Help the Captain help you by buying from his very friendly sponsor - Ranger Self Defense.

"Masters Degree Preferred"
"Masters Degree Preferred" AaronClarey 2 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron rips employers, aging bosses, and HR a new one as he explains why nearly ALL jobs do not really require a college degree, let alone a masters, and is nothing more than lazy bosses who refuse to train younger people in.

For more specific advice visit:

How Can I Prevent My Child from Majoring in the Liberal Arts
How Can I Prevent My Child from Majoring in the Liberal Arts AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains to parents about how to approach the topic of choosing the right major for their children.

He then speculates how awesome of a parent he'd be.

Girls Who Major in Child Psychology
Girls Who Major in Child Psychology AaronClarey 7 Views • 11 years ago

The Captain tries to help the millions of 17 and 18 year old girls who all think it's wise to major in child psychology. He then explains why having a degree is not a sign of being smart.

Why Don't Adults Know How Decimals Work?
Why Don't Adults Know How Decimals Work? AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

After explaining how he ended up using shaving cream as a hair mousse, Aaron inevitably gets to his point - why can't adults do basic decimals? Does this mean 4th graders who can should be put in charge of the family finances?

Rattlerstrap AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

Rattlerstrap makes a great Christmas gift. So why are you still reading this? Go buy it.

The People Who Buy Luxury Cars
The People Who Buy Luxury Cars AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains just what a low percentage of people who own luxury cars, can actually afford them. Ergo, do not envy them or aspire to be them. Drive cheap POS's and enjoy the freedom.

The Choice Blacks and All Other Minorities Need to Make
The Choice Blacks and All Other Minorities Need to Make AaronClarey 2 Views • 11 years ago

In a blunt, direct, and honest (though curse laden) approach, Aaron explains why Republicans/Conservatives/Libertarians are not only the best option for blacks and minorities, but their only option to go from last place to first. MANDATORY listening for every minority out there looking to escape poverty.

Chainsaw Manliness
Chainsaw Manliness AaronClarey 5 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains why it's manly and awesome to not only have a genuine wood burning fireplace/stove in your house, but to be manly enough to get, cut, haul, split, and stack your own wood.

People Cheating Opening Presents on Dec. 24th - Sponsor Rattler Strap
People Cheating Opening Presents on Dec. 24th - Sponsor Rattler Strap AaronClarey 6 Views • 11 years ago

Another advertisement that kind of turned into a lecture. This time, how dare you people open your gifts on the 24th!!! CHEATERS!!! Boo!!!! Boo!!!! No capacity for delayed gratification! Boo!!!! Boo!!!!

Using Sickeness to Beget Pampering from Women - Sponsored by Talon Knife
Using Sickeness to Beget Pampering from Women - Sponsored by Talon Knife AaronClarey 7 Views • 11 years ago

An advertisement that ended up having more of a lesson for the boys to NEVER let a sickness or cold go to waste. Become a pitiful sad man and women will come running to nurse you back to health.

Glorious Hat Makes a Great Christmas Gift
Glorious Hat Makes a Great Christmas Gift AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

Made with "real fake dead animals" you can get your GLORIOUS HAT at

Mace, Not Jewelry, Can Prevent a Game of Knockout
Mace, Not Jewelry, Can Prevent a Game of Knockout AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

Buy your wife, your daughter, or any loved one some pepper spray an mace from Ranger Self Defense. It prevents assailants better than flowers or clothes!

Helping Avery Skog
Helping Avery Skog AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron gives some professional economist advice about charities, helping out the poor, and the effectiveness of social programs to a young man looking to make the world a better place.

The Best Career Advice Ever - The 2 Prong Approach
The Best Career Advice Ever - The 2 Prong Approach AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

The ole Captain explains to the youth why corporate America is no longer a viable long term employment solution, and that only entrepreneurship is the way to go.

How Your Christmas Wishlist Explains Everything About Economics
How Your Christmas Wishlist Explains Everything About Economics AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron talks about "wealth," what it means, how it explains everything about economics, and why it is perfectly espoused in your Christmas wishlist!

A 20 minute video that will teach you more about economics than three college classes!

The Miley Ray Cyrus Effect
The Miley Ray Cyrus Effect AaronClarey 2 Views • 11 years ago

ANY attention or media is GOOD attention or media.
Just like girls, you take the absolute value of attention no matter what.

But I Paid Into The System
But I Paid Into The System AaronClarey 2 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains to the baby boomers who say, "But I paid into the system" why their money is no longer there...and then delivers the most devastating rant against a generation in the history of rants.

Parent the Fuck Up
Parent the Fuck Up AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

I'm getting tired of parents who complain about their children living at home, majoring in stupid shit, never graduating, and always needing more money. Parent the Fuck Up. Here's a book that will help:

Bachelor Pad Theater #1   The Black Man Can't Compete Against Obama
Bachelor Pad Theater #1 The Black Man Can't Compete Against Obama AaronClarey 4 Views • 11 years ago

In this episode of Bachelor Pad Theater host Aaron Clarey reads about how black men cannot compete against the financial resources of the federal government for the affection of black women.

I Love It When Liberals Breed
I Love It When Liberals Breed AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains why your ultimate revenge against the left will come when they breed and their children will be the ones to suffer their idiocy.

Why Young People Can't Find Jobs
Why Young People Can't Find Jobs AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron fulfills a viewer's request to explain why there aren't any jobs out there for the young people. He then explains the mental adjustment needed to adapt to this lousy economy.

For more specific advice visit:

Bachelor Pad Theater #2 - The Solution to All of the World's Financial Problems
Bachelor Pad Theater #2 - The Solution to All of the World's Financial Problems AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains in detail how to solve all the world's financial and economic problems.

Bachelor Pad Theater #3 Do Not Work Downtown
Bachelor Pad Theater #3 Do Not Work Downtown AaronClarey 2 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains why you should never take a job downtown. The commute, paying for parking, walking to work. Forget it, life is too short!

White Man Farting Money
White Man Farting Money AaronClarey 4 Views • 11 years ago

The Captain explains the economic arguments about reparations and why (frankly) nobody deserves them.

Why You Never Subscribe to The Economist
Why You Never Subscribe to The Economist AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains what "The Economist" has jumped the shark and is now the magazine weak-minded college students buy to compensate for their lack of genuine intelligence.

Bachelor Pad Theater #4 Blow Jobs
Bachelor Pad Theater #4 Blow Jobs AaronClarey 2 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains why blow jobs are not negotiable and are a must for every marriage. He also delves into the psychological predispositions of women who refuse. You can buy Bachelor Pad Economics on Amazon:

Why You Should Stay in the Military
Why You Should Stay in the Military AaronClarey 4 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains to the young men (and women) in the military why they should SERIOUS reconsider staying in the military.

The Clarey Podcast 1 26 14
The Clarey Podcast 1 26 14 AaronClarey 5 Views • 11 years ago

Bachelor Pad Theater #5 It Isn't All About the Money
Bachelor Pad Theater #5 It Isn't All About the Money AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

In this episode of Bachelor Pad Theater Aaron asks a simple question of liberal arts majors.

The Fatal Flaw of Feminism
The Fatal Flaw of Feminism AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains where feminism has gone horribly wrong, and ironically destroys the lives of women, not men.

Girls, Please Stop Mutilating Your Bodies
Girls, Please Stop Mutilating Your Bodies AaronClarey 3 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron lobs a shot across the bow of young women warning them not to mutilate their bodies.

Destroying Your Retirement to Pay Your Kids Way Through College
Destroying Your Retirement to Pay Your Kids Way Through College AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

Parents, stop impairing your retirement by paying for your kids' way through college. Unless they're majoring in a legitimate subject, you're just giving your money away to professors.

How to Get Revenge on Your Professors and Employers
How to Get Revenge on Your Professors and Employers AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

In this segment from "The Clarey Podcast" Aaron explains to everybody out there that was lied to about their degree, their futures, their careers, and their job descriptions. The universities and corporate America are lying to you so fuck them back. Here's how.

How to Self Publish a Book
How to Self Publish a Book AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

Everything you need to know about how to self-publish a book.

Why Entrepreneurship is the Dumbest Thing to Major In
Why Entrepreneurship is the Dumbest Thing to Major In AaronClarey 3 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron asks a simple question - "If you're going to start your own business, then why are you going to college?" He then ponders how "Professors in Entrepreneurship" must be the biggest group of hypocrites in the world.

Avoid Women With Horses As You Would Women With Herpes
Avoid Women With Horses As You Would Women With Herpes AaronClarey 18 Views • 11 years ago

The ole Captain shares some wise advice for all the young men out there about avoiding women with horses.

There's Always a Catch With Women
There's Always a Catch With Women AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains to the younger men why ALL women have at least one "catch." Divorced, another man's kids, she's liberal, etc. How do you deal with that and find one that's "tolerable."

For more specific advice visit:

Barack Obama's "MyRA"
Barack Obama's "MyRA" AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains why the "MyRA" is a bad deal for everyone and a blatant attempt to use suckers to finance the deficit.

The "Wall," SMV, and How Women Overvalue Themselves
The "Wall," SMV, and How Women Overvalue Themselves AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

Using economics Aaron explains the sexual market place and how women overvalue themselves as they age.

The Smith and Wesson Retirement Plan
The Smith and Wesson Retirement Plan AaronClarey 4 Views • 11 years ago

Aaron explains and defends the Smith and Wesson Retirement Plan against its detractors. He also concedes it isn't for everybody, but if you're not religious, it's one of the best financial moves you can make.

Tough Fatherly Love and Worthless Degrees
Tough Fatherly Love and Worthless Degrees AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

This is a response to Glendon Cameron whose friend is in somewhat of a predicament. Original video here:

Wendy Baby
Wendy Baby AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

Just a video for a friend of mine. No political or economic message today.

The Difference Between Sales and Profits
The Difference Between Sales and Profits AaronClarey 2 Views • 11 years ago

An explanation about how your "sales" or "gross salary" is now "HOW MUCH YOU MADE." Stop lying about your income to trick naive girls who don't know about accounting into sleeping with you, and stop renting luxury cars you can't afford.


Your Daughter Calls Me Daddy Too
Your Daughter Calls Me Daddy Too AaronClarey 1 Views • 11 years ago

Dear spineless fathers of America. Please continue to fail in your job of fathering your daughters by letting them continue to major in worthless degrees, take on tons of debt, and then become desperate enough to resort to prostitution, stripping, and porn.


Younger American Men

Do You Want a "Norman Rockwell Christmas" or a "Barack Obama's Mother Christmas?"
Do You Want a "Norman Rockwell Christmas" or a "Barack Obama's Mother Christmas?" AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

Raise your daughters right fathers. Make sure they major in the right thing. Otherwise they'll grow up to hate you and Christmases will be like having Obama's mom for a daughter.

"I Consider Myself a Feminist"
"I Consider Myself a Feminist" AaronClarey 2 Views • 11 years ago

Why most women might want to think twice before they associate themselves with a vile and evil religion like feminism.

"Hopefully" the Economy Turns Around
"Hopefully" the Economy Turns Around AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

When your job seeking strategy includes "hopefully the economy turns around," it's time to ask some questions about how your voting habits made the economy crap in the first place.

Men Who Major in Women's Studies
Men Who Major in Women's Studies AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

A request from Alex to put together a video on this topic. REmember, I will always do a video if I'm paid on any topic.

The Stock Market is NOT the Economy
The Stock Market is NOT the Economy AaronClarey 0 Views • 11 years ago

Just because the stock market is up does not mean the economy is doing well. The two ARE different. Aaron explains why.

Showing 975 out of 976