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She's A Woman, Here Are Her Demands - MGTOW
She's A Woman, Here Are Her Demands - MGTOW Sandman 359 Views • 5 years ago

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Brave Browser:

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I'm a woman, here are my demands

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a monthly donation from Roger. He didn't send me a specific topic so I thought I'd cover a reddit post that shares the same title as this video. I'm not going to share an image of it because there appears to be part of a Tinder Profile picture there and who knows if the woman that owns it finds it and this video and complains to YouTube. So because I'm not going to take that risk let me read what the 35 year old post wall woman on Reddit has to say and I quote: "Hey! Here are my non negotiable dealbreakers so don't swipe to the right if you: Are Short (less than 5;11 or 180cm) Live with your parents (or have within the last 5 years) Have roomates. Have never been out of country. Do not go on 2+ vacations a year. Watch MMA or Boxing. Like Anime. Don't have a clean home. Work less than 30 hours a week. Will need to work past the age of 65. Have ever cheated. Have Kids. Have a cat or cats. Don't love Mexican Food. Are awkward in person and do not take the innitiative." So now that I've read all the demands from a woman that's clearly asking for way too much at her age let me tell you about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. So this mystery woman when she says that she doesn't want a man that hasn't lived with his parents in the last five years what she's saying is that it means you've been employed for half a decade and with any luck saved up a bunch of loot that she can steal from you by trading temporary access to her booty for it. All of it course. It also means that your parents aren't dependent on you for survival. So that means even more money that she can pillage with her pussy. This is an insult to men that have helped their adult parents by moving them in. This is an insult to men that have been hurt on the job and needed a year or two of downtime and recovery because they couldn't pay their bills for a while. She of course also mentions that she doesn't want a guy with roommates. This means that guys that can't afford to rent on your own are also off her list. If this woman is living in either New York City or San Francisco good luck finding a guy like that in those two cities where rent is five grand a year. She also mentions that she doesn't want a guy that's never been outside the country. This of course means that he can afford to take a large chunk of time off work or use his vacation pay to do it with. All a woman has to ask is if a man goes out of the country on vacation 2 times a year and now she knows he has a job with vacation pay but more importantly that he can afford those thousand dollar flights to Europe or Asia. She should have been more specific because I'm sure she might get some guys that cross the border into Canada to come the Casino up here in Niagara Falls or go down to
Tiajauana to release their shwing shwangs south of the border. Also by saying that she wants a man that doesn't watch MMA or Boxing she's saying that she wants a supposedly more cultured man that doesn't spend his money on Saturday Nights paying for pay per view and therefore has more money for her. She doesn't want anyone in Anime because I assume she doesn't like nerds or guys that are immature and into cartoons. She wants a run of the mill guy. Not into violence and not into supposedly childish things either.

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A Europa sofre com a imigração islamica o Japão irá sofrer com a imigração bostileira. Os bostileiros já estão no Top 3 da população carceraria do Japão. Em algumas cidades (Nagoya, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Okazaki) os nipo-brasileiros cometem o dobro de crimes que os nativos japoneses, até 2025 os brasileiros serão a maioria da população carceraria no Japão ao lado dos Chineses e Vietnamitas. O problema do Brasil não é os politicos é o próprio povo brasileiro, os politicos apenas refletem o carater dos cidadãos. A maioria dos brasileiros são mau carater e sem valor moral. Quando imigrar para um país confie no nativo mas não confie num brasileiro, afaste-se de brasileiros ou irá queimar o seu filme com a população local. Vista-se de forma elegante e casual como um cavaleiro, roupa na gringa é barata e consegue-se achar marcas do nivel Hugo Boss e Burberry por preços confortáveis ao bolso, não se vista como um bandido com Lacoste ou Hollister.

The Cam Thot Friend Zone - MGTOW
The Cam Thot Friend Zone - MGTOW Sandman 358 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Body Transformation Made Simple

⁣⁣Sponsor Link 2:

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Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from two donors. I figured their subjects were similar in that they wanted me to talk about can girls and E Thots so why do it in two separate videos? Especially with a subject that's already been beat off to death? No pun intended. The first donor is MGTOW smurf and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, If you have not done so previously I would enjoy hearing your thought on "cam thots" like the ones on platforms such as Chaturbate, FansOnly, CamSoda etc. It's obvious that real femininity is now rarely seen. Any minor child with computer access or a smart phone can click the "I am 18 or older" button and be instantly exposed to the perverse world around them. I do not see this "Female Liberation" trend reversing but only getting worse. If anybody ever asks "who hurt you," all you have to do is direct them to any one of these disgusting websites and show them the multitudes of diverse women doing repellent things for a few dollars. Personally everywhere I go now I don't see innocent, delicate, desireable, future young wives or mothers, I just see them as cam thots. Thanks again for all you do Sandman, good health to you and all my MGTOW brothers and CHEERS." Well MGTOW Smurf thank you. The second is Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I have a topic for you. What is The benefit of being friends with an E girl or THOT? I befriended two e-girls over the years at Cons and we follow each other on Twitter where I learned that they were THOTS. At first I thought that this was going to be a gold digger scam on me but I was wrong. Yes they did try to get me to sub to a onlyfans but I rejected it and said that we can still hang out and chat which was more beneficial for me because whenever we would chat and Skype each other, all of their secrets are spilt. One of them even said that she worried about the lack of simps in the world that will give her money or how to void a prenuptial agreement. The second one was when I was listening to TRUE STORY a YouTuber talk about MGTOW and the cheating women in the world. I've come to an understanding of why men cheat verses why women Cheat. What I found is women are more likely to cheat and men have better reasons for cheating. Not even lesbian couples are safe from a woman's disloyalty, a woman goes to Serve her country she comes home to find her girlfriend soon to be wife in bed with a man and all she (the cheater) could say was that "I was lonely". Well Teaven thank you too for the donation. I'll discuss my latest thoughts, no pun intended, about ethots in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Body Transformation Made Simple:

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Ad Image Credits:

1. Handsome young fit muscular caucasian man of model appearance workout training in the gym gaining weight

2. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Jean-Claude Van Damme - License Free Green Screen Footage

LHLP 106 - 01 Rompiendo Only Fans y Tik Tok
LHLP 106 - 01 Rompiendo Only Fans y Tik Tok Latin Mgtow 358 Views • 4 years ago

⁣La ventaja que tienen las mujeres en internet para lograr tener una gran cantidad de seguidores es descomunal, aquí dos ejemplos donde en uno se abusa claramente el sistema y en el otro por el fisico, una casualidad y mucha suerte se consiguen números estratosfericos.
Conoce más sobre este tema y la filosofía Mgtow en este canal te invito a que te suscribas y me sigas en mis redes sociales y canales alternativos (enlaces más abajo) para que no te pierdas ningún vídeo o publicación.

Documento "Principios Fundamentales de la Filosofía MGTOW"
Descarga aquí:

Glosario MGTOW:
-Bubok. Te enviarán de forma gratuita el pdf con el documento al correo electrónico aquí:
-Wattpad. Puedes leerlo online de forma gratuita aquí:



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? DLIVE? Aquí:

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Pra quem esta dando nota 8 ai pra tatijoe chamndo ela de linda sera? passou dos 35 os barranco aparece
Pra quem esta dando nota 8 ai pra tatijoe chamndo ela de linda sera? passou dos 35 os barranco aparece MGTOWBahia 358 Views • 4 years ago

caiu na net kkkk

The Worst Thing You Can Do To Women Is Educate Them
The Worst Thing You Can Do To Women Is Educate Them Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 358 Views • 3 years ago

Zionists Were Behind 9/11(And Begat Feminism)
Zionists Were Behind 9/11(And Begat Feminism) VBLAKEROSE 358 Views • 4 years ago

My New Sponsor Texas Caregiver Network

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Raleigh Jones

Women Are Like Anteaters But Instead Of Ants They Eat Cash - MGTOW
Women Are Like Anteaters But Instead Of Ants They Eat Cash - MGTOW Sandman 358 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>- Red Pill Ring <br>- <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you yb a donation from Rusty and here's what he has to say: &quot;Hey Sandman, I'm 37, recently divorced, and in terrific physical shape! I originally wanted to ask you about whether I should consider interacting with women romantically again. Would it good for my personal growth? I can probably still date attractive women because I'm in my prime. Would I be missing out if I didn't? That's a rhetorical question because I no longer need to ask this and have figured out the answer myself. Since my divorce I've been enjoying financial freedom that I haven't had since before the marriage. For the last 13 years, I've been unable to save money because every month our combined household income would be entirely spent, if not slightly red. My then-wife spent money on budgeting software that was completely useless. She was terrible at budgeting! I suspect that most of our money was going into unnecessary Amazon and Target purchases, and the fancy dates that she routinely expected and demanded. Whenever I would confront her about reckless spending, she would always say that this or that expensive thing was for the kids, making our home nicer, or for her feminine &quot;needs&quot;. I was never able to get to the bottom of where our money was going. But now that she's moved out and the divorce is done, I've found that only one of my two monthly paychecks as an engineer is enough to cover my monthly expenses. The second I can use on my own enjoyment or just saving and investing. This is after taking a tax hit from losing the marital tax deductions and a small amount of child support. Once I fully pay off my 5-figure attorney bill for the divorce, I will be saving a lot! So far, it's been fun spending my positive cash flow on things that I choose. I've been gradually installing a sci-fi themed remodeling of my house, and I don't have a wife telling me what ideas I can't do. I can go out anywhere and whenever I want without judgment. I also feel a sense of peace. Why would I want a new woman in my life to change that or bring in unnecessary drama? I know some people would tell me that I shouldn't view all women through this lens. But the younger me also felt a messaging from society that your girlfriend or wife is always right and that you should plan things together or else its not a healthy relationship. I've viewed my significant other as an equal in all of my past relationships, and every time the woman I'm with gradually becomes more controlling in imposing her will on to me. With my ex wife, I feel traumatized by how much she changed by the end of the marriage and the bitter, untrue things she said of me in court. I often wonder if she changed, or was just good at hiding her true motivations for the early years of being together. I can probably have more casual relationships going forward, but that feels like a waste of time. It also brings in other risks like STIs, pregnancy, or even false accusations - something I am all to familiar with from divorce court. Sex alone isn't worth all that trouble to me anymore. I'm having so much fun enjoying this new life of my own that I just lack interest in women for now and I don't care. Oh well. Consider this donation a tip, and cheers, Sandman!&quot; Well Rusty thank for the donation and topic and congrats on your new found freedom. I'll discuss my thoughts on your life with no wife in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Motion Graphics Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by &quot;;

Marriage Is Slavery For Men - MGTOW
Marriage Is Slavery For Men - MGTOW Sandman 358 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>Profit Specialist Group <br>video: <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a topic with his donation so I wanted to cover a story shared by someone named Macavity on the going your own way dot com forum called &quot;Becoming Husband = Turning Into A House&quot; and here's what he says: &quot;I visited an old friend recently. We grew up next to each, the same age and we grew up nearly the same. Except he got married and I did not. Him and his wife bought a grand house. Any conversation I have with him revolves around the house or house maintenance. How long should the blades of grass be? Should the dirt be moved this way or that way? Look at this great deal he got on his windows. I do not own a house. I have been very mobile lately with going to different states and all for changing jobs. I have nothing against owning a house. I simply do not want the house to own me. Over the weekend I went on a little adventure and then dedicated more time to asset generation. What did he do? He cut the grass. But he cut it in a different way to experiment with the length. The wife comes out, barefoot, walks around the grass, and makes critiques of the grass length. &quot;It needs to be a centimeter shorter,&quot; she declares. I try to divert the conversation to something else like the upcoming economic collapse, new technologies, anything, but the conversation returns to the glory of this house and what he is doing to maintain it. What is a man? Apparently, he is a house. To become a husband is to become a house. The first thing the married couple does is buy one, and then the man will serve a lifelong sentence in maintaining it. For her pleasure. Gentlemen, I wish to become a 'man' and not a house. I never struck out to become a 'Man Going His Own Way'. I simply wanted one thing: to become a man. Are your days and thoughts on this earth filled with nothing but house maintenance and chores. I find it pathetic that man, a lion, is trained to do only this in his free time. He is not conquering new worlds and discovering new lands. He is... cutting the grass... repairing the hedge... MGTOW is always framed as men running away from the plantation of intolerable pains. I never saw it that way. Just being a man made me incompatible with the role that corporations, women, and general society wanted me to be in. They will say, &quot;A Real Man does X...&quot; where X is being leveraged to serve them. To me, the choice is simple: you are either a man or you are a tool. Sadly, it was impossible to bond with my old friend. We might as well have been from different countries.&quot; unquote Actually Macavity a man is not a house. He's an unpaid groundskeeper while his wife ages and turns into the cryptkeeper. That grass he has to mow might as well be him maintaining his own tomb. Because being married you're not quite dead nor are you quite alive. When they shame you to do X or y they are taking your validation away if you don't comply. I'll discuss what Macavity said in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Profit Specialist Group: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Photo Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2. <br> <br>3.

What If I Told You A Nuclear Bomb Will Fall On Us
What If I Told You A Nuclear Bomb Will Fall On Us Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 358 Views • 4 years ago


She's Dating In Her 30s LOL - MGTOW
She's Dating In Her 30s LOL - MGTOW Sandman 358 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
RED PILL Cornseason Production

⁣⁣⁣⁣Sponsor Link 2:

Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

'Dating in your 30s is just waiting for the good ones to get divorced': Frustrated singletons reveal how much harder if is to find love when you leave your 20s behind

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ron on Paypal. He didn't send me a specific topic so I decided that I'd like to cover an article called: 'Dating in your 30s is just waiting for the good ones to get divorced': Frustrated singletons reveal how much harder if is to find love when you leave your 20s behind. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Red Pill Cornseason Production: Anyways, now back with the show. So the Guardian article that I've put in the description is written by a woman named Latoya Gayle and it's really about women but the author constantly uses the idea that dating in their thirties is difficult for people in their thirties. She doesn't seem to distinguish between dating if you're a man in your thirties versus a woman. We all know that dating in your thirties is a lot more difficult if you're a woman instead of a man. As a man with your income your sexual marketplace value goes up. Women time and time again have said on surveys that the ideal male age is 38. Men on the other hand have said time and time again that the ideal female age is 21. This so
called article is anything but. It's mostly a bunch of quotes from people and by people I'm going to guess women and what dating is like for them in their thirties. So I'll go through them one by one and give you my take on each. The first one says that dating in your 30s is rough. You're just waiting for the the good ones to get divorced. Of course this is written by a woman because if you're a man in his thirties you aren't waiting for good women to get divorced so you can snaggle that soon to be middle aged snatch in the sack. Instead if you're a dude in his thirties you're looking for women in their twenties and most of the time you have access to such women. The women in their thirties however are forced to date men in their forties. Well past the ideal age of 38. Or if they do have they do get involved with guys their own age most are broke losers or divorced guys that are damaged from their relationships. That's something that a couple women I knew in their thirties told me. That there are nothing but losers and guys that have been damaged in bad relationships and marriages. So a woman waiting for that good divorced man might be waiting for quite some time because once many good men come out of a divorce they are jaded and broke from the alimony and child support.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Very angry woman

2. young man with finger in his nose at a crowded place

3. Single parent family. Tired Halloween mom after work as clown on birthday on dark background.

Fiquei impressionado com o que essa muié fala! Vale o Aprendizado, que Muié é um bicho do mau!
Fiquei impressionado com o que essa muié fala! Vale o Aprendizado, que Muié é um bicho do mau! MGTOWRaiiz 358 Views • 4 years ago

Desgraçada do inferno!

He's The ATM That Got Away - MGTOW
He's The ATM That Got Away - MGTOW Sandman 358 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

⁣⁣⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

Men going their own way: the rise of a toxic male separatist movement

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from John and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Have you discussed making sure your spouse's financial contribution is equitable so that when she takes you to divorce court she is only taking the half she contributed? Don't get in the habit of over contributing to the pot. Also, getting a safety deposit box and storing money that can't be seen by the government or lawyers is a win. This way the "community property " is not able to be seen by anyone other than the person with the safe deposit box key. I think we need good advice for married men because that will be the majority of men for a while. Let them see the ways they need to protect themselves and then when they grow disgusted with what they must do to protect themselves, they might even become MGTOW. I think you can expand on this. Basically, men shouldn't let the inequitable contributions from their spouses persist. That way they will get less screwed in the end. Also men shouldn't put off their happiness and bank on retirement because some sneaky woman will come and take that retirement away and you will be living in your sisters basement after you are broke." Well John thanks for the donation and topic. I'm glad that it sounds like you're not all that bitter living in your sisters basement now that you're broke. Good for you. I'll get to the topic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor : Anyways, now back to the video. I've always promoted the idea that a guy needs a grab bag with crypto, paper currency and gold just incase he gets thrown out of his house. A safety deposit box is an excellent to store all that stuff. But maybe if you're a married man open the safety deposit box in a bank that you don't go to for any other services and make sure they don't send you any letters. That way if you have joint bank accounts the bank might alert her of your safety deposit box the next time she goes in there. Xspecially if the teller is another woman. If you ever get divorced the judge will ask you if you have disclosed all your property. I just want the YouTube overlords to know I'm not promoting anything illegal even though I'm talking about it. wink wink nudge nudge. Don't take this as my advice but you can slowly siphon cash out of ATMs and if she asks where you spent it just say you bought lunch at work. If that's too much money then say you have a habbit of buying expensive five or ten dollar coffees. If you do that then in a month you can save one to two hundred dollars and she won't even question where it went. Not much money I know but over twenty years it sure does add up. That's enough to pay for two hotel nights incase she ever kicks you out. John this idea that you and the woman in your life are going to make the same economic contribution is laughable. You need to look up hypergamy. Women look for men with more money, resources and status then they have. Marrying a guy with the same amount is seen as a massive step down for them. The only way they will ever do it is if you are much better on the looks and status scale then they are. Even then they will resent you and try to control your life because they have more money.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Women Aren't Funny . . But Men Must Make THEM Laugh - MGTOW
Women Aren't Funny . . But Men Must Make THEM Laugh - MGTOW Sandman 358 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

⁣Sponsor Link 2:

Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

Funny People Have Higher IQs: Here's Why Humor and Intelligence Go Hand in Hand

George Carlin on advice to aspiring comedians

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Kit Lindsay and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, Here's another subject for a video ... how women have no sense of humor yet the majority of them say they want a guy with a sense of humor and doesn't take himself too seriously. They want a personal court jester and when he no longer makes them laugh its off with his metaphorical head. They want to laugh and be entertained by a man because it also turns them on when they laugh. It's like being tickled. It's pretty pathetic when you realize that women really have very little personality. I think it comes from always being entertained by someone who wants the girls attention starting at a very young age. They never learn how to enjoy themselves by themselves. They don't like themselves very much as it is anyways, so why would they like being by themselves when all they know is how to criticize herself. Girls just wanna have fun because it keeps them distracted from their self loathing. I don't know. That may not be great but maybe a part of it could be something as a subject?" Well Kit thanks for another great topic. I'll share my thoughts about it in just a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the show. so women say that having a sense of humor and making people laugh is a sign of intelligence. What does that say about women? Well apparently if you believe Newsweek's article called: "Funny People Have Higher IQs: Here's Why Humor and Intelligence Go Hand in Hand" they are implying that women must be looking for men that are smart or at the very least smarter than they are. According to article it says this and I quote: "Not only are funny people smart, they're nice to be around. Evidence suggests that having a good sense of humor is linked to high emotional intelligence and is a highly desirable quality in a partner. Evolutionary psychologists describe humor as a "heritable trait" that signals mental fitness and intellectual agility to prospective mates. In studies of attractiveness, both men and women rate funny people as more attractive, and cite having a good sense of humor as being one of the most important traits in a long-term partner." unquote. So there you have it it's simply a que to women for mating. Funny men are less aggressive meaning they are a lot less likely to hurt them and anyone they make with their baby maker. That offers a better chance for survival of the offspring. A more funny and therefore more intelligent man is more likely to produce resources for them to enjoy and help the kids survive. Just like men get certain cues for mating like a proper hip to waist ratio of a woman instead of hippo with hips so big she sink ships when she gets on them.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Hojabis Have Proved The Oofy Doofy To Be A Scientific Fact
Hojabis Have Proved The Oofy Doofy To Be A Scientific Fact Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 358 Views • 3 years ago


She Wants To Erase Men? - MGTOW
She Wants To Erase Men? - MGTOW Sandman 357 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Feminist urges public to erase men, gets 5 star raving reviews on Amazon

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Georges. He didn't send me a specific topic so I want to cover a story on Reddit called: "Feminist urges public to erase men, gets 5 star raving reviews on Amazon". The Post is connected to a Daily Mail article about a lesbian activist that urges women to eliminate men from their minds and lives a controversial new book. Her name is Alice Coffin, a most appropriate name for her. She's also a Councillor in the city of Paris and her debut book telling women to ghost men is called Lesbian Genius. I'm glad that she sounds like she's a humble person that doesn't think too highly of herself. Especially with the book title she selected. She says she doesn't listen to music, read books or watch films by men and only wants to have female thoughts running through her head. If you look at Alice's picture and you squint real hard it looks like she sort of looks like Logan Paul. Everything down to the haircut. So if Alice doesn't believe in reading or listening to men then chances are she's going to miss the Bitcoin boat because all of the major macro economists out there are men. If she takes things one step further and doesn't just want to get rid of men from her mind but also get rid of men in all parts of her life then she won't be riding in a car. Or living in one of the beautiful buildings in Paris France that was built by a man. If she takes things that far I guess it might be time for her to live in a grass hut made by bush women. Her world will get smaller and smaller the more she cuts men out of it. The cognitive dissonance is incredible. Her appearance is masculine yet she wants to rid herself of thoughts made by masculine men. Did she not write her book on a computer invented by a man and release it on the internet also made by men? I could swear that she's just cherry picking the things that woman can also create besides men and consuming them. But anything women can't create she'll most likely settle for using them because they were made by men. I'll share more about this story in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. So Alice Coffin looks masculine with a strong jaw, flat seemingly chiseled chest and masculine hands. I find it hilarious how so many people say that MGTOW is just feminism for men. Yet you don't see guys going their own way dressing up as women and then saying they need to remove female ideas from their mind. When I put it like that you can see just how insane it would be for a man to dress up like a woman and then banish the women he appears to idealize. I've also heard the argument before the MGTOW is nothing but a bunch of gay men trying to trick straight men to the fudge packing side of the force. In the comments section on Reddit many guys are saying that Alice has Penis Envy. I don't know if that's true.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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Sobre Tati Joe no canal Macho Tóxico
Sobre Tati Joe no canal Macho Tóxico M2GO Involuntário 357 Views • 4 years ago

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News: The Wizard of Brahs (Morning Constitutional)
News: The Wizard of Brahs (Morning Constitutional) T.F. Monkey 357 Views • 5 years ago

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When Women Get Scared - MGTOW
When Women Get Scared - MGTOW Sandman 357 Views • 4 years ago

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- Ancient Purity
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George and the Fire

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Randy and he has a lot to say in his story so before I share it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the show. Here's what Randy has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, When I was a kid my female cousin and I were playing behind my uncles farm house and for lack of a better explanation she was mildly retreaded. I was 8 years old and she was five, but certain lessons of rural life are so ingrained in young child's life that they are basic rural life survivor lessons. Anyway a skunk came walking out of the woods and stood well within pistol shooting distance in broad day light. Again you must realize that in these parts of the country parents preach to their children that wild animals are dangerous, you can admire them from a distance, but never get close, and if they come towards you, you must run away. Rabies is one of the reasons for this lesson. Most kids growing up in this rural environment would have seen the danger, but not little miss mildly retarded. I don't say this to be mean. Making matters even worse was the fact that my cousin was obsessed with the movie Snow White where the main character has a pet skunk who follows her around all the time. My cousin was all "why hello mr. Skunk". She like literally thought this skunk was going to follow her around like a cat and be her pet. That this skunk wasn't a wild animal that is was just a special skunk and that it could become domesticated and be our pet. And again I think that life long city dwellers would have a difficult time understanding that even a child as young as my cousin would have been trained that this was a dangerous situation. The skunk stood perfectly still and she was walking towards the skunk and I shout to her to run" She asked me why? I told her "Because he has rabies". When I was that young I did not know sure but I was definitively thinking about the book Old Yeller which was required reading my 2nd grade class. But when I stated it to my cousin I stated like I knew for a fact that the skunk had rabbis, was a 100% positive. This caused my cousin to scream and run away as fast as she could. In hind sight I feel that most rural adults who see an animal exhibit this kind of behavior would think the risk of rabbis is actually super high and therefore advise their kids to get out of that situation. This kind of advice probably dates back hundreds of years well, before there was ever a rabbis vaccine. Part of me believes of the reason Old Yeller became such a prominent classic is because it was used as a training tool to educate children about the dangers of rabbis. A lot of people laugh at games like Far Cry V when skunks and small animals attack you. I laugh too but in the back of my mind I think it could happen. When you are young they don't tell you how certain an animal exhibiting that kind of behavior is infected with rabbis but they just want you to get away from it right freaking now!". When we ran the skunk followed us over to the family fireworks display and wandered around our family elders. Our young minds couldn't comprehend how convinced the adults were of a rabbis case. I still thought I was mostly lying to cousin when I told her the skunk had rabbis. Everybody called for my cousin the young able bodied man of the house (my great uncle was very old at this point) to get one of his guns. He shot at the animal multiple times until dropped. When you shoot an animal because of a suspected rabbis infection, excessive force now becomes the norm and the expectation. This story lead to a necessary red pilling I lied to my cousin to get away from the animal. Before now the lessons I was taught was always that it was inherently wrong to lie. Immediately after this my father was forced to say "well in fact sometimes you have to lie".

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Crazy Female Professor Wants All Humans To Die? - MGTOW
Crazy Female Professor Wants All Humans To Die? - MGTOW Sandman 357 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

'The only solution for climate change is letting the human race become extinct'

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mars and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, Can you please cover this article about a crazy female professor trying to convince her Cambridge students that the best way to fight climate change is for the human race to go extinct. What do you think of her plan Sandman?" Well Mars thanks for the donation and topic. Of course Angelica Ruskin the professor that wrote the book called the Ahuman Manifesto is appropriately dressed in a goth outfit. All black like someone just died. Is she crazy? Not at all. She's just as right as when you go to the doctor and he tells you that you have a life threatening virus. You ask him how he's going to kill the virus. He says that to cure the disease we need to kill the patient. He's right the virus is dead but so are you. You wouldn't go to a doctor like that. So why would you listen to a professor like this? You go to a different doctor and he tells you that he can't get rid of the virus but that he can help strengthen your immune system and help you make the right lifestyle choices so the virus doesn't die off completely but your symptoms can be minimalized. So if we look at humans as a virus on this planet then all we need to do is reduce the negative impact we have on the earth that's hosting us. Population growth is unsustainable but human extinction being the crazy pill solution being
offered by Anglica the tenured professor that can say whatever she like without being fired is not the answer. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways now back to the clown world show. So the article about Angelica and her book is called: "The only solution for climate change is letting the human race become extinct" and she says we should gradually phase out reproduction. She's also a feminist. I guess she hasn't been looking around lately to see that reproduction is already being phased out. She blames capitalism for the environmental damage but it's capitalism that's given women the right to choose if they want to reproduce or not making less women than ever reproduce. When asked about how she came up with her views she said this and I quote: "I arrived at this idea from a couple of directions. I was introduced to philosophy due to my interest in feminism and queer theory, so reproductive rights have long been an interest to me – this led me to learn more about animal rights, which is when I became vegan. The basic premise of the book is that we’re in the age of the Anthropocene, humanity has caused mass problems and one of them is creating this hierarchical world where white, male, heterosexual and able-bodied people are succeeding, and people of different races, genders, sexualities and those with disabilities are struggling to get that. This is where the idea of dismantling identity politics comes in – they deserve rights not because of what they are, but because they are. The book also argues that we need to dismantle religion, and other overriding powers like the church of capitalism or the cult of self, as it makes people act upon enforced rules rather than respond thoughtfully to the situations in front of them.” unquote. So she's basically blaming able bodied straight men that built the infrastructure and tamed the wild world around us so that humanity can prosper because they are successful. If they weren't successful she wouldn't even exist today. She's saying that every other group is struggling to get that same success.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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Give Women Nothing - MGTOW
Give Women Nothing - MGTOW Sandman 357 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

'Stingy men' take on Nigeria's dating etiquette

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Artur. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'm going to do is cover a topic by a woman's affairs reporter in Nigeria with a name I can't pronounce about a supposed group of MGTOWs in Nigeria called the Stingy men that are all about giving women nothing in the dating market. Let me read some of the article and I quote: "Women of Nigeria watch out - the men are in revolt. No longer will they pay for lavish dates; no longer will they provide expensive gifts; no longer will they hand over cash on demand. That is, at least, according to the country's Stingy Men Association. It is a fictional creation - a light-hearted response on social media that emerged earlier this year to some male concerns about the cost of dating. "It's tough being a man in Nigeria, there is too much pressure on us," 35-year-old Lagos-based journalist Fred Itua told the BBC. "Everyone expects so much from you. Men should not be seen as spending machines, we also want to be pampered." Another man echoed this, saying on Facebook that he felt he did not get the recognition he deserved for the cash he had spent on dates: "Most generous guys are seen as objects to be manipulated, used and disrespected for their generosity." The buzz the Stingy Men Association generated on social media gave way to an app, which allowed those that downloaded it to design their own ID cards. It got more than 50,000 downloads within days. "Members" were also expected to swear an oath to give "shishi" (Nigerian slang for "nothing") to women. But some women were skeptical that men could stick to their guns - a view summarized in a tweet showing a photo of actress in a mini-dress accompanied by the words: "I dressed like this to his house and he denounced his membership of the Stingy Men Association." unquote What's hilarious about this is that it red pills men but it does it while appearing to be a joke. If I had known that this I would have started making my content as a joke and making it border on satire while spewing out red pills. It would have gotten tons of media coverage and the feminists wouldn't really be attacking MGTOW content like that because they would assume that there's no way that men would just go their own way from women. How proposterous. Anyways, before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to the stingy man association mgtow video. I love the way that they presented factual information about female nature as a joke. That women want you to pay for their dates. If only men in the west had done that in the beginning in the manosphere women would probably be spreading our red pill ideas for us believing that it wasn't true that there were men out there walking away from them. That we weren't being serious at all. Kind of like the No Maam group found in married with children. It was allowed on television because you don't know if it's real or not. But the comedy is great because you have the no maam organization making fun of women but the way they are doing it also makes fun of themselves too. Normally if guys present serious arguements about going their own way then the article is a feminist lecture about the evils of the patriarchy. But because this is in Nigeria they have done something brilliant. Nigerians have a notorious reputation for their scams. I think that the creators of the Stingy Man Association are scamming the women of that country and the women are falling for it by promoting their ideas for them. The fact that fifty thousand men out there were compelled enough to download and print out a stingy man association card shows you how men feel about the dating market. Imagine fifteen years ago men going their own way was presented to the public in a different way. As a bunch of men swearing off dating and all contact from women.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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Velho virado no Samurai, Dá calote na Pucta gananciosa, e ainda sai correndo com o Pau Melado!
Velho virado no Samurai, Dá calote na Pucta gananciosa, e ainda sai correndo com o Pau Melado! MGTOWRaiiz 357 Views • 4 years ago

"Deixa de ser caloteiro. Comeu e não pagou. Pau pequeno"


Che Morpheus - El problema principal Con Los TFL Y Los MGTOW Muy Jóvenes - MGTOW
Che Morpheus - El problema principal Con Los TFL Y Los MGTOW Muy Jóvenes - MGTOW JohnDeschain 356 Views • 5 years ago

⁣⁣Video del referente Che Morpheus, si desean ver más de su contenido, visiten mi canal y vayan a la lista reproducción que lleva su nombre.

She's Waiting For The Perfect Man - MGTOW
She's Waiting For The Perfect Man - MGTOW Sandman 356 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Former church pastor now makes $100K a month as life-coaching stripper

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Rich from the UK and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Love your work Sandman. You've helped me a lot over the years in focusing on myself and achievements." Well Rich thanks for the donation and kind words. I'll put your money towards a Reddit post I recently found called Women waiting for the perfect man. In the post we saw a woman that had turned into a skeleton waiting dead on a park bench for the lover of her life the Undertaker to arrive. And no I'm not referring to the wrastler although that would be funny if he showed up and crushed those bones down to pulp and put them in the Paul Bearers urn. Those sure were good wrestling days in the world wrestling federation. The reason I'm bringing this topic up is because every so often I get upset because I see women in their late thirties, forties or fifties that are single and you know they would jump on the right jocks cock at a moments notice but they won't jump on a nerds worm. They are willing to bench their boobs and stay off the market and stay single for a decade or two or even til they shed their mortal milf costume but they won't settle down for a guy that they see as being beneath their standards. So they spin on spin on spinster sister and wait strategically to find the right man. Meanwhile society doesn't shame them for being selfish with their slit. They aren't hounded by nationalists because they are wasting their fertility window and being told that because they aren't choosing to have babies it means the end of the human race. Meanwhile I tell guys not to get married and suddenly there are ton of guys that can barely grow a mustache from the barrels of soy they ingest telling me what I'm doing is wrong. The double standard is incredible. These guys are going to end up the way Mike Pence might end up if history fifty to one hundred years from now looks at Trump in a positive light. Trump told Pence that if he did the right thing history would remember him as a patriot. But if he did the wrong thing history would remember him as a pussy. I guess it all depends on who's writing that history. I'll discuss all this and more in just one moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways now back to the clown world show. As I've stated on numerous occasions I've seen women in their fifties and sixties spend the previous ten to fifteen years single or they spend their time looking for the right man and then when they find him they end up with him. Some of these women with no class just waiting for a good man to breakup with his abusive wife, the first woman he ever had sex that recognized his law career was going to take off and she married him first and enjoyed the good life. For whatever reason the relationship ends and a guy like that is being eyed like a prize and a bunch of different women end up throwing themselves at him the way an unemployed Japanese career man throws himself in front of a moving train pretending that it's a subway samurai sword or something.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

America Is Quickly Turning Gay & Woke - MGTOW
America Is Quickly Turning Gay & Woke - MGTOW Sandman 356 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia <br>- <br>- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off <br> <br>LGBT Identification Rises to 5.6% in Latest U.S. Estimate <br> <br> <br>Fall of Roman Empire caused by widespread homosexuality <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to discuss what's going on with an article I put in the description called &quot;LGBT Identification Rises to 5.6% in Latest U.S. Estimate.&quot; from back in February of 2021. At first that doesn't really seem like all that much until you start going through pole results based on demographics. Sure it's almost doubled over the last nine or ten years but this second graphic will show you there's more beneath the surface. Almost 16 percent of Zoomers identify as LGBT. Millenials it's 9%, Gen X just 3.8%. Boomer 2% and traditionalists 1.3 percent. Those born before 1946. So what is going on? Why is each generation roughly doubling the number of LGBT peopl? What does that mean in another two generations if the trend holds and 60% of people in the youngest generation identify as LGBT? People are attacking Disney for going woke and bring in gender and sexual politics. But I can guarantee you that they are paying attention to the demographic trends and if 50% + of the people visiting their theme parks and consuming their products are sexually liberated then they have to adapt and get ahead of the curve. Something doesn't add up. I keep hearing that the zoomers are the most conservative generation since the 1930s and 1940s. But is that really the case when the great generation only saw 1.3% of them identify as LGBTQ today? Maybe they are gay conservatives. Maybe the gallup pole should have also asked that question? I think it's an important one. There are lot of gay conservatives in soyciety lately. Dave Rubin and Peter Theil come to mind. Jeffrey Jones the author of this article says that he's dating a trans woman and that he would never tell his grandfather because he would lose it. So why are we seeing the doubling of the LGBTQLMNOP community from one generation to the next? Is it a strictly cultural thing or is it because of a drop in men's testosterone levels? It's not just Disney that's paying attention to this trend. Recently I became aware of the Cracker Jack company that makes caramel coated popcorn and peanuts in a bag launching a new brand called Cracker Jill to celebrate women in sports. The Frito Lay company has now officially gone woke. The new lyrics are buy me some peanuts and cracker Jill no one can stop you if you have the will. Let's root let's root for the girls team. Luckily I don't watch sports ball or eat junk food anymore. Anyways, I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Background Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by &quot;;

FEMINISM IN RUSSIA - MGTOW OF RUSSIA フクロウ Fukuro 356 Views • 4 years ago

Democracia + Mulheres + Poder Burocratico = Autoritarismo + Caos + Desordem + Corrupão + Pobreza = Matriarcado

The Death of Free Speech | Grunt Speak Live
The Death of Free Speech | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 356 Views • 4 years ago

⁣The Pro-Defamation League is teaming up with Paypal to come after your speech and your money.
#GruntSpeakLive #ProDefamationLeague #FreeSpeech

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Conservadorismo na prática.Conservar Rolas. Conservar Vaginas.Para dividir com outros Conservadores.
Conservadorismo na prática.Conservar Rolas. Conservar Vaginas.Para dividir com outros Conservadores. Airuf Sigma 356 Views • 3 years ago

Perdão pelo vídeo apelativo,mas era importante para o meu ponto.

Liberalism Really is a Mental Disorder | Grunt Speak Highlights
Liberalism Really is a Mental Disorder | Grunt Speak Highlights Terrence Popp 356 Views • 4 years ago

⁣It turns out that over half of liberal wahmen are literally insane. And there is hard data to back it up.
#gruntspeaklive #insanity #liberalismisamentaldisorder
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Starless Pt. 35: Bizarre Marriage Feat. Jack Murphy!
Starless Pt. 35: Bizarre Marriage Feat. Jack Murphy! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 356 Views • 2 years ago

Game: Starless (Jast) <br> <br>

Why Won’t He Text Me? | Grunt Speak Live
Why Won’t He Text Me? | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 356 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Women paying alimony. Other women faking entire weddings just to make their exes jealous. Dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria!
#GruntSpeakLive #TextMeBack #FakeWedding

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Neo Oculorum - La CRUDA Verdad Acerca De Los PUA, Dating Coach Y Gurus De Seducción - MGTOW
Neo Oculorum - La CRUDA Verdad Acerca De Los PUA, Dating Coach Y Gurus De Seducción - MGTOW JohnDeschain 356 Views • 5 years ago

⁣⁣Video del referente Neo Oculorum, si desean ver más de su contenido, visiten mi canal y vayan a la lista reproducción que lleva su nombre.

Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (7) [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 - Investments Series (7) [Mirror] KaiserVenom 356 Views • 5 years ago

Monkeynomics 101: Getting Started with Investing
Note from TFM: Hopefully this video helps you get started with understanding different broker and advisor relationships, so that you can choose the one that fits your personality, goals, and expectations.
I'm not recommending any specific company over any other. All the information in this video is educational, and combined with a little Google-research, you should be able to find a broker/advisor in your area that suites your needs.

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.



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+18, Catálogo de bucectas pós The Wall
+18, Catálogo de bucectas pós The Wall MGTOWRaiiz 356 Views • 4 years ago

Vídeo com uma dosagem de humor da atual realidade.

6 Years Oneitis Over A Girl - MGTOW
6 Years Oneitis Over A Girl - MGTOW Sandman 356 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

⁣⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James and he didn't give me a topic so I'm going to share a message I received a while back from someone named Jay and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, My name is Jay I am 37 years old. I am single with no kids and I live in New York City. I want to say that your channel is very educational and very informative for us men understanding the red pill and MGTOW. I been having this oneitis for this one girl I used to work with 6 years ago at a big retail chain. When I first met her she was a transfer from another store location. She was also claiming to be a lesbian but yet she was surrounding herself with a lot of men at the job. I was focusing on my work until one day she approached me and we started taking. I found out she was into the same things I was into. I also thought she was very cool and attractive (regardless of sexual orientation) Time passes and we got to know each other more. As soon as I had the the courage the ask her out...she told me she was leaving for a better job. She also told me that I am one of the people closest to her that she wanted to hang out with. I felt touched, inspired but hurt at the same time. I gave her my number and kept in touched on Facebook but it just was not the same. I started blowing up her FB page asking her when are we going to hang out and always liking her posts. It came to a point when she posted on Facebook that someone was stalking her. I did not know if it was directed towards me or someone else. I had no choice but to delete her from my FB. Almost a year later I ran into her on the subway coming home from work. I approached her and she gave me a very nasty attitude. I shrugged it off and built a conversation with her. As I was about to get off at my stop we exchanged numbers once again. She texted me and I immediately texted her back but she never responded. A few weeks had passed. I texted her again but she never responded. So I deleted her number from my phone. There is more to this story and about the girl. I could use your help and want to get over her. I never had oneitis for a girl in such a long period of time. So basically my question to you is... how do I get over this oneitis? If you need any other info please let me know. Thank you" Well James thanks for the donation and thank you Jay for the comments and questions. Before I get to my thoughts about your 6 year oneitis let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission:

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Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Why War Is Good For Men & Bad For Women - MGTOW
Why War Is Good For Men & Bad For Women - MGTOW Sandman 355 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Red Pill Developer

The future of "toxic" masculinity is today's Russia!

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Anakin Simpwalker. He didn't give me a topic so what I'll be covering is a post from going your own way dot com called: "The future of "toxic" masculinity is today's Russia!" and here's what someone named GTRFreak has to say and I quote: "I heard about a social phenomenon happening in Russia and other former Soviet States (Lithuania, Belarus, Estonia, et al). In short, college campuses have too few men and they are realizing how valuable they are. Now it's men on college campuses that have the dating advantage over the girls because they are scarce. What kind of society will our daughters live in if boys are systematically kept out of higher education and even top-tier jobs? Just visit Russia and you'll get an idea. After the WWII there were too little men, since so many died in the front. And after that, Stalin killed even more people among his fellow citizens during his purges. That left a shortage of men that forced women into hard physical jobs, and the newborn males were not enough to balance the population even after many decades. As a result, Russian men have had LOTS of women to choose from, and they have acted cocky since then. Ask any Russian woman about this (as I have) and she will tell you about how bad their men are: badly spoken, bad mannered, alcoholics, even violent... They can get away with bad behavior because women have to compete HARD to get a man, ANY man. Even a fat, ugly Russian dude can get a very good-looking girl without much hassle. That's why Russian women are so open to meet foreign men: scarcity of men on their own land. Russian women are über feminine because their beauty is their best passport out of a life of loneliness and hard work. The less-beautiful ones have to show other qualities that are desirable for men: willingness to be a caring mother, good housekeeping skills, and good cooking abilities. So, the real toxic men don't live in America or Europe. They live all over the world, and when there are not enough men around, as it happens in Russia, women will have to take whatever thay can get, toxic or not." unquote. So with that being said thank you Simpwalker for the donation and GTRFreak is right that when there aren't enough men to go around for women women are the ones that have to compete for us. Right now there are more than enough males and the scarcity in males after the second world war in China, Russia, Japan, Eastern Europe and Germany worked itself out of the system in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s. Notice that this was the most peaceful and prosperous time in human history because there was more than enough gash to go around. It's almost as if nature is creating a surplus men to be killed off in wars anyways. 3-4% more males are born naturally as if we are being told we are genetically disposable. I'll discuss more in a moment but let met first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Developer:

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The Zionists Are Humiliating The Goyim By Giving Them Free Stuff For The Vax
The Zionists Are Humiliating The Goyim By Giving Them Free Stuff For The Vax Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 355 Views • 4 years ago

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News: Welfare Refugees (Morning Constitutional)
News: Welfare Refugees (Morning Constitutional) T.F. Monkey 355 Views • 5 years ago

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THE FEMALE ANATOMY NOWADAYS.. (FRANCE) Doggk 355 Views • 4 years ago

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Why Indian Men Are Undesirable
Why Indian Men Are Undesirable Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 355 Views • 4 years ago

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WOMAN IS BRUTALLY PUNISHED... (AFGHANISTAN) Doggk 355 Views • 4 years ago

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Female Employees Are Utterly Worthless
Female Employees Are Utterly Worthless Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 355 Views • 2 years ago

Sex Toy Review: Sohimi Filly Life Size Cowgirl Sex Doll Ass for VR (Sponsored)
Sex Toy Review: Sohimi Filly Life Size Cowgirl Sex Doll Ass for VR (Sponsored) T.F. Monkey 355 Views • 3 years ago

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Background Music: "Fingers" by Otis McDonald. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

Mobile Suit Gundam (Movie-1981) [Legendado]
Mobile Suit Gundam (Movie-1981) [Legendado] フクロウ Fukuro 355 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Esse Movie trata-se da compilação da série Mobile Suit Gundam: 0079 e corresponde aproximadamente aos episódios 1-13 da primeira série.

⁣É o ano Universal Century 0079. Mais de 90 milhões de pessoas agora povoam a Terra e foram forçados a viver no espaço. Os povos vivem agora no cilindro grande como os conjuntos da colônia chamados lados, todos governados sobre a força de espaço da federação da terra (EFSF). Então, um grupo de colônias perto do lado escuro da Lua, chamado Lado 3, proclamou-se independente da Federação da Terra e chamou-se o Principado de Zeon. Agora, a guerra durou oito meses e a guerra não parece terminar. Ambos estão em um impasse. A Federação tenta com sua última tentativa de criar uma nova força poderosa para lutar contra as forças zeônicas. Eles criam a White Base e um novo e poderoso Mobile Suit chamado Gundam. O problema é que eles são usados por jovens…

Lies, Damn Lies, and Leftoids | Grunt Speak Live
Lies, Damn Lies, and Leftoids | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 355 Views • 3 years ago

⁣The Crazy Drunk Uncles talk about lying with statistics, woke cancer, and the reality that flies in the face of all of it. Bring booze tonight at 8pm Eastern! <br>#GruntSpeakLive #Leftoids #GetWokeGoBroke <br>Check out The Realist Philosopher on BitChute: ⁣ <br> <br> <br>All your support is appreciated. You can donate via YouTube,, Odysee or Rumble. <br>CashApp:$redonkulas <br>Donate $5: <br>Donate $10: <br>Donate $20: <br>Donate $50: <br>Donate $100: <br> <br>Brought to you by Dr. B. Real’s series on “Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism” <br>Volume 1: <br>Volume 2: <br> <br>If you want to keep seeing this content, be sure to sign up for exclusive livestreams and other content on our supporter sites! <br> <br> <br> <br>New merchandise also available on <br> <br>You can watch Grunt Speak Live on these channels! <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>All sources available on!

Teaching You How To Code While Listening to TFM
Teaching You How To Code While Listening to TFM Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 355 Views • 2 years ago

If You Love Her She Controls You! - MGTOW
If You Love Her She Controls You! - MGTOW Sandman 355 Views • 4 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from MGTOW Mark and here's a what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I'm writing from Italy and would like to propose a topic based on a question that was asked of me recently by a friend. I was discussing the issue of being a man going his own way and then he asked me: "Yes, but what if you fall in love?" Ah, love, this incredible and beautiful lie. According to a character in Vargas Llosa novel "Uncle Julia and the writer", love is an invention made by an Italian named Francesco Petrarca. In a way, this is true, as I consider love a sort of deceit, a sort of illusion of happiness that comes from the combination of certain seductive traits in a particular female. A friend of mine who happens to be a shrink actually tells me that "being in love" is some kind of a psycho-pathological situation. Then, and this is my idea, I believe that being MGTOW (or in general, having swallowed the Red Pill) is a kind of vaccine against this specific disease. After 5 years of being MGTOW, I think I am pretty sure I cannot fall in love anymore. And why so? Well... being MGTOW (or being Red Pilled) is a serious paradigm shift in your way of thinking. It is a very significant increase in understanding human behavior and especially female behavior. It is crystal clear to my mind that, while still being sexually attracted to female bodies, these is now nothing in my feelings that goes in the direction of the classic "falling in love". And, after more than five years, that is some kind of serious change in my way of thinking. Well, of course, you might say "never say never" and I cannot absolutely exclude that I will fall in love again. But I distinctly feel that feminine sex has lost a lot of its traditional conventional grasp on me. What woman really fascinates me, when I can see things like hypergamy? Well, I don't know... maybe, I say to myself, one of the famous NAWALTs! Perhaps, I say to myself, I could fall for Cassie Jaye. Maybe. But then, of course, if NAWALT women exist, there is only a pitiful amount of them. Maybe just a thousand on the whole planet and there is basically no chance to get to know any of them. Cassie Jaye is happily married - and perhaps her husband is one of the very few husbands that are still happy in a marriage on this Earth. But what's the purpose of life
if I can't find one? I feel good and I pursue my goals in life. Sometimes I have occasional sex and I never bond with any woman. And I perfectly feel good like this. Thanks for covering this subject. Ciao from Northern Italy, Sandman!" Well MGTOW Mark thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. A few days ago I went over to a woman's house and it was a mansion. I saw her husband busily working in his office. She of course does nothing for a living except being a part time life coach which wouldn't pay any of her bills if she was alone. But all of her husbands' wealth was hers because he loved her and she spread her legs. Millions of dollars because of love and falacio. Men not only love their wives but they also love their unfreedom and it gives them a sense of purpose. Just as you asked Mark about what now in life if you don't have a nawalt to love. I don't think you've given up completely on love because it sounds to me like you're still bargaining for boobies claiming that that Nawalt women still exist and if only you could find one like Cassie Jaye. But how do you know that Cassie Jaye is happily married and not like all the other women out there? Because she made a documentary about the men's rights movement while they were at the height of their popularity back in 2014? Is that really why? Are you sure it wasn't just for fame, fortune and attention? You're jealous of her husband. How do you know that she's not running the show and he's just the simp in her life story? You don't. But he probably does love her. Love, it's natures perfect form of slavery.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

MGTOW-hellfish "vídeo respuesta a irantzu varela" [ EL PORNO ]
MGTOW-hellfish "vídeo respuesta a irantzu varela" [ EL PORNO ] MGTOWhellfish 355 Views • 5 years ago

buenas tardes soy mgtow hellfish, y voy a volver a subir todo mi contenido a esta plataforma, he decido subir el primero de todos la respuesta a irantzu varela a modo de venganza debido a que en youtube me lo tiraron y me lo censuraron muchísimas veces,
muchas gracias a todos mis seguidores por estar ahí apoyándome incluso en estos tiempos de censura que vivimos, sin vosotros los creadores de contenido no seríamos nada.

O cabeça branca ataca de novo. Para sua velhice não junte problemas, junte dinheiro!
O cabeça branca ataca de novo. Para sua velhice não junte problemas, junte dinheiro! MGTOWRaiiz 355 Views • 3 years ago

É ai que o cabeça branca deita e rola!

Che Morpheus - La mujer narcisista - MGTOW
Che Morpheus - La mujer narcisista - MGTOW JohnDeschain 354 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Video del referente Che Morpheus, si desean ver más de su contenido, visiten mi canal y vayan a la lista reproducción que lleva su nombre.

Por que os Homens estão fugindo de relacionamentos?
Por que os Homens estão fugindo de relacionamentos? フクロウ Fukuro 354 Views • 4 years ago

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Honk pill Senhores!  kkkkk 18+
Honk pill Senhores! kkkkk 18+ MGTOW_Alfa 354 Views • 3 years ago


Never Date Mentally Unwell Women
Never Date Mentally Unwell Women Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 354 Views • 3 years ago


Che Morpheus - El gran fraude de la comunidad de la seducción - MGTOW
Che Morpheus - El gran fraude de la comunidad de la seducción - MGTOW JohnDeschain 354 Views • 5 years ago

⁣⁣⁣Video del referente Che Morpheus, si desean ver más de su contenido, visiten mi canal y vayan a la lista reproducción que lleva su nombre.

T-Rex Is The Reason You Fall In Love
T-Rex Is The Reason You Fall In Love Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 354 Views • 5 years ago


Sandman Schools A Woman - MGTOW
Sandman Schools A Woman - MGTOW Sandman 353 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia <br>- <br>- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>Recently I had a chat with someone named Lilly and she did a number of segments and she kept thinking her point of view was right and then I kept changing her mind. This is the first segment. Sorry about the audio quality but the content more than makes up for it. I got a new computer and it recognizes my old USB mic but for some reason it won't let me record with it. I have newer mics so now I'm using one of those for livestreams. I just find it crazy that an H4N recorder doesn't work on Windows 10 But an H6N works on it no problem. Before I share the clip let me first tell everyone About today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Background Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by &quot;;

SON BEATS HIS MOM TO TEACH HER A LESSON.. (BRAZIL) Doggk 353 Views • 4 years ago

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Woman From Commiefornia - MGTOW
Woman From Commiefornia - MGTOW Sandman 353 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣Sponsor Link: OK2B Cliche

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hello sandman, I am back for more of your insight and wisdom. I recently came across my ex's LinkedIn account and this is what I would like to discuss with you. Me and my ex grew up in the same metro area, but we are a year and quarter apart in age. We both went to college but I only received a bachelor's in a "worthless" degree by Aaron Clarey's standards, while she graduated in STEM with a Master's in another state. While she was in grad school with no work experience, I was working almost 60 hours a week at my previous office job. I even gave her money a few times. The issue is that she is now an engineer living in "Commifornia" while I'm still living at home and working from home working a typical office job for a pretty well known company. While we were together, she was gung ho about our relationship in the beginning, but halfway through the relationship, she switched up on me and became pretty spiteful. Primarily about me living from home and not being "emotionally supportive". The irony is that she stayed with me and had sex whenever she visited despite my living arrangements. She was also texting someone behind my back while we were together. We eventually broke up a couple years later. I often wonder if I didn't have enough to be with her at the time. Was hypergamy the downfall for our relationship or did I not provide enough?" Tell Mr. Anonymous it's hard to know the exact reason why your relationship fell appart without knowing both of you better. Women are hypergamous and they generally want a man that's more intelligent and a higher earner than them otherwise they will look down upon him and abuse him emotionally for example. Unfortunately women tend to gather in the middle of the intelligence bell curve and there are more male geniuses and male retards along that male distrubution meaning that not all women can have a successful, smart man. She was probably texting some smart guy behind your back and maybe she broke things up with you because she finally convinced him to be with her. I don't know. I'll continue my speculation about your situation in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ok 2 Be Cliche: Anyways, now back to the my ex girlfriend is an engineer from Commiefornia clown world show. Given enough time women that were once attracted to you will begin to resent you. I think this is a universal thing and no woman can truely be happy. The moment the unhappiness becomes too much for her and she begins to devalue you in her mind she will start looking around to see if there are better men than you that are available and interested in her. If for example you're a seven or an eight and the woman you're with is a four and she begins resenting you and looks around to find a man that's better looking and makes more money than her and she can't find him and she makes more money than you do then it's not in her best interests to divorce you. Especially if you don't have kids and she will end up paying alimony. So she will go on the hunt while she's in the relationship and most of the time you'll have no idea. In your case Mr. Anonymous, correct me if I'm wrong but it sounded like you were living at home with your parents so you guys weren't married? If that's the case then she wasn't trapped living with you so it was relatively easy for her to leave and she did. In the beginning you were working 60 hours a week and were more financially successful than her. But once she engineered up she became the greater bread winner and probably began resenting you because she believed she would do so much better than you.

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Incels Are Manginas? - MGTOW
Incels Are Manginas? - MGTOW Sandman 353 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Ancient Purity
- (Save 10% enter the code MGTOW in the check out)

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Danielle. He has quite a bit to say so before I get to his words let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Hello Sandman. I want to talk about how to maximize the effectiveness of the red pill with MGTOW and ponders what lies beyond MGTOW, the red pill, and the four waves of feminism. The red pill in its context offers masculine empowerment. The delivery system is knowledge of female nature, and the intent of taking a red pill is to transform a man from a beta into an alpha. Out of the three subgroups that fall under the red pill MGTOW is the only one that actually offers a path towards that path of transformation to an alpha male. When incels ingest the red pill, it has toxic side effects because they were not psychologically prepared to take it. Most incels are younger and operate as manginas in our social hierarchy because this is how they were taught to act and think of themselves when they were socialized in those indoctrination centers that pass for public schools. Typically, an incel will take that masculine empowerment, forge it into a victim card and carry on with it on social media in the vain hope that they will receive the same results, as a woman will. This is madness because social media is a woman’s world and to a degree is like a woman’s vagina. The red pill transforms the pick-up artist, but they do not become alpha males. Instead, they create a fantasy of themselves as alpha males by using knowledge of the female in order to engage in as many sexual encounters as possible. PUA’s end up becoming the male equivalent of the hypergamous woman that rides the cock carousel, and just like those women the PUA will eventually hit a wall and in the aftermath face the same phenomenon of the laws of diminishing returns against his sexual market value. Only the MGTOW takes the course that can lead to the path of the alpha male because it pushes the man to step away from the beta trough, re-evaluate his priorities and focus on himself. Once this happens, the path of the alpha comes into view and those who take that path marry something in this world besides a woman in that all of that love, affection, loyalty and protection goes into his labors as investment instead of a woman. I also do believe that MGTOW is not something that can be a permanent path for most men. Although giving up on women entirely might be fine for someone older, a younger man is inevitably going to reject it because even though female nature is what it is, so is human nature. Some men do not do this and that is fine and if they do not take the path, eventually they will end up back at the beta trough and will end up red-pilling over and over again. The second topic I I want you to cover is what lies beyond MGTOW and the four waves of feminism within the framework of a smartphone zombie apocalypse. People are having sex and making babies with less frequency than in previous years and this phenomenon is causing a global baby bust. How bad is it? We know enough about Japan, but even countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia and China are also dealing with declining birth rates. Feminism is a proven libido killer but I'm of the impression that the reason might be more obvious than people think in that smartphone zombies do not reproduce. I read somewhere that the average millennial will spend something like an average of 44 years staring into an LCD screen. We are already a society that has migrated its socialization to online formats. This is in addition to the endless amounts of entertainment that someone can find online. The overall effect is that people are now so thoroughly engaged in this that it is coming at the expense of all other human activities including sex, relationships, and making babies.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

She's My Dream Woman - MGTOW
She's My Dream Woman - MGTOW Sandman 353 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
RED PILL Cornseason Production

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from John. He didn't send me a specific topic so what I'm going to talk about will sound crazy to many but I swear to bezelbop that it's true. Seriously everything I'm going to mention in this all happened to me. I wouldn't believe me either if I were you unless you experienced these things in real life. So the first time I experienced a precognitive dream that showed me the future wasn't in my own dreams. I was in the ninth grade and my god brother took me aside and told me had a dream where he saw my future. He told me I'd fall in love with a girl at first sight the following year and that she would be a year younger than me in the 9th grade in one of my classes. That I would date her and that she would ruin my life. I laughed at him like you're probably laughing at my story. I didn't take him seriously. He also gave me her first name which was even more crazy. How can someone get that much detail from a dream? Impossible. So I didn't think anything of it and ironically I took a class in grade nine music because I didn't know if I was good enough to enter grade ten music. I forgot what he had said about eight months before. So the first day of band class I pull an American Pie and fall in love with the flute girl. Actually she didn't play the flute I just thought it sounded funnier if I said that. So she was interested in me and I was interested in her and we went ice skating together with a bunch of other kids and it wasn't a date although she was dropping hints she was interested and we began talking on the phone every night. About a week or two after we started talking on the phone I suddenly remembered what my god brother had told me. I was freaked out and believed what he had said. He didn't tell me how or why she would ruin my life if I was in love with this girl and I decided to break my own heart and not date her. She cried when I told her on the phone and was pissed off when I saw her next. She dated some other guy trying to make me jealous. But I think it was the first time a guy had ever rejected her. A few days after I decided not to date her I'm sleeping in my bed and I wake up in the middle of the night and I see a three foot tall figure standing next to my bed with the brightest bluish white light behind it. It's just looking at me and I can't move. I'll share more about my story in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Red Pill Corn Season Production: Anyways, now back to Sandman in dreamland. So the being with a large head, small torso and almost pencil thin neck lay next to my bed and I couldn't move. I had the sheets over my head which is how I normally sleep with just my nose poking out and even with the sheets over my head the light was too bright for me to see details. I was seeing just a silhouette the way you see when when you take a picture and expose for the background. Like a bright blue sun. The creature didn't do anything and I was paralyzed and couldn't move and I drifted out of consciousness in the same position I was sleeping in. I woke up freaked out and didn't connect this experience with the girl I didn't date until about ten to fifteen years later when I read a book called the love bite by Eve Lorgan. In it she says that extra-dimensional beings interfere in human mating and create artificially strong attractions for reasons still unknown. As for the band girl I didn't date in a twist of irony her husband turned out to be the guy that bullied me in grade school and he looks miserable. Maybe that's how karma works? As for Eve Lorgen, after reading her book I began wondering if my experience could have been orchestrated by that being I saw in my bedroom. I will try to talk to Eve about all this.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Very angry woman

2. young man with finger in his nose at a crowded place

3. Single parent family. Tired Halloween mom after work as clown on birthday on dark background.

Controlled Haram What Worked In The 7th Century Doesn't Work Anymore
Controlled Haram What Worked In The 7th Century Doesn't Work Anymore Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 353 Views • 3 years ago

Single Men Are Scaring Soyciety & Whamen - MGTOW
Single Men Are Scaring Soyciety & Whamen - MGTOW Sandman 353 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>Chris Whalen CPA <br> <br> <br>Men are struggling. A new book explores why and what to do about it <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video isn't brought to you by any donations because I didn't get any for today. If you want to send a donation and request a topic you can do so at the paypal or subscribestar links down below. You can also help me out by hitting the like and subscribe button or following me on Rumble which I put a link to in the description. I'm monetized there so it helps. Anyways, I thought I'd cover an article called: Men are struggling. A new book explores why and what to do about it&quot; and I'll read some sections from it and I quote: &quot;America has seen a dramatic shift away from jobs requiring physical strength. Fewer than 1 in 10 jobs now require what's called heavy work, a sector once dominated by men. Friday’s jobs numbers from the Labor Department showed a continuing worrisome trend among men: A smaller and smaller share of them are working. Consider men of so-called prime-working age, 25 to 54. Sixty years ago, close to 97% of men in that group were working or looking for work. Since then, there's been a steady decline. In October, the number was 88.5%. In a new book, Brookings Institution scholar Richard V. Reeves sounds the alarm about the struggles of men, both in the economy and in society, pleading with policymakers and society at large to pay attention to what's going on and intervene. Titled Of Boys and Men, the book explores the economic, social and cultural shifts that have forced men to the sidelines of the economy, including the loss of jobs in male-dominated fields such as manufacturing and the influx of women into the workforce, diminishing the need for men to serve as providers for their families. Rather than try to recapture an era that is long gone, Reeves argues we should help men adapt to the jobs of the future — including many that are now overwhelmingly performed by women. In an interview with NPR, Reeves warns if nothing is done to help struggling men, families will become poorer and economic inequality will only worsen.&quot; Then the article has exerpts from an interview with Richard. He says that he was reluctant to write the book because if you try to help men you get criticized and attacked or asked 'Whose side are you on?' As if if you want to help men you have to hurt whamen. Soyciety is so obsessed with helping women thatif you bring up male issues then it can be seen as a distraction. Richard also has three grown sons. He says whereas he used to fret about three young men, he is now worried about millions. He says the male population has slipped back economically back to 1979 with regards to earnings. That there are stagnating wages for the majority of American men. And that's created this economic malaise. He says that many of the new male jobs have to come from the HEAL sectors — IE health, education, administration and literacy. In some ways, it's the mirror image of STEM — science, technology, engineering and math. He also says that by his calculations, for every STEM job that we're going to create between now and 2030, we're going to create about three HEAL jobs. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Image Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2.

Muslim Women Are The Worst Mothers
Muslim Women Are The Worst Mothers Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 353 Views • 5 years ago


⁣Worst Dates Ever | Grunt Speak Live
⁣Worst Dates Ever | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 353 Views • 3 years ago

It’s a Superchat Special: The Crazy Drunk Uncles want to know what are the worst things someone has done to you on a date. Tell us your stories tonight!

#GruntSpeakLive #WorstDateEver #Dating

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Top 10 Fat Female Celebrities - MGTOW
Top 10 Fat Female Celebrities - MGTOW Sandman 353 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

⁣Sponsor Link 2:

Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Roger. He didn't send me a specific topic so I thought I'd cover the Top 10 Fat Female Celebrities out there and discuss why we are seeing this as opposed to twenty years ago when fat women would have ben laughed out of the entertainment industry. The reason I'm covering this is because I was on Reddit and someone made a post called: "Top ten short men in Hollywood and below it he said I bet there would never be a top ten fat women in Hollywood. So I thought I would create a list like that. First off the women I'm avoiding are the old ones. That means no Cathy Bates, Rossie O'Donnel and Oprah with her Oprah arms. Her show used to be in the windy city
Chicago so you can just imagine how that sag suckers would have been flapping in the wind in the windy city. I also don't want to make fun of celebrities individually because of YouTube's anti bullying and harassment rules. I was shocked to see that my Depp video was censored by being throttled back in the middle of February. Hopefully my video about Al Pacino breaking up with his girlfriend doesn't receive the same treatment. Anyways before I discuss how female celebrities are stuffing slim jims into their fat faces and no I'm not talking about male members let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the show. So the first woman as you can see is Jessica Simpson. She was hot in those Daisy Dukes when she played Daisy Duke in the Dukes of Hazard. But now she has to be careful where she points her butt because she might knock over a priceless porcelain vase because her rear has become a hazard. She also started her fame days being skinny and then blimping up but she's lost some of the weight and she's looking better. Sure she's hit the wall but to be fair she was at her fattest when she was pregnant. So that gives her somewhat of an excuse. Even though she appears to have cleaned up her act if you look at photos like this one she's doing the one trick that many fat celebrities have be trying over the last couple of years to look slim. She's wearing black. This seems to be the new trend for female celebrities. Gone are the colorful dresses with many different angles that try to camouflage a woman's fat body. Now I'm seeing them dress increasingly in black. Take a look at this picture and you're see exactly what I mean. The second woman on the list is Meghan Traner. She's the one in the middle and one again dressed in black but she's showing off her cleavage as a distraction from her thunderous thighs. Someone should also tell Anne Hathaway from hanging around with young fatties.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Women Who Settle Or Not Video Response to Better Bachelor (Black pill)
Women Who Settle Or Not Video Response to Better Bachelor (Black pill) Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 353 Views • 5 years ago


Bestiario Anti MGTOW Vol. 1 Igualatas, thots y conspiranóicos  (Open Your Eyes MGTOW y Deckard)
Bestiario Anti MGTOW Vol. 1 Igualatas, thots y conspiranóicos (Open Your Eyes MGTOW y Deckard) Biblioteca Hombres Libres 353 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Idea original y Guion: Deckard,
Voz y edición de video: Open Your Eyes MGTOW,

⁣Bestiario al completo:
Bestiario Anti MGTOW VOL1:
Bestiario Anti MGTOW VOL2:
Bestiario Anti MGTOW VOL3:

¿Quienes son los enemigos de la filosofia de MGTOW? ¿Quienes son esos que de forma obsesiva suelen atacar, difamar y menospreciar una filosofia que solo quiere darles mas opciones de vida a los hombres?

Todo esto lo sabras al aprender del bestiario Anti MGTOW un trabajo conjunto entre Deckard y Open Your Eyes MGTOW y al que luego posteriormente llegaria a colaborar Cara B MGTOW dando como resultado una de las mejores entregas en cuanto a calidad hasta la fecha. Aqui conocera los diferentes grupos Anti MGTOW, sus motivaciones para atacar la filosofía y las falacias que más utilizan esta filosofia de vida.

En este primer volumen del bestiario veremos a los enemigos de mgtow de menor peligrosidad:

- Igualitarios: 2:05
-Thots: 4:22
- Conspiranoicos: 6:42

Notas personales

a. A interpretación personal los autores no critican necesariamente a todos los miembros de un grupo especifico de los que son mencionados, sino a los miembros de dichos colectivos que tienden a atacar a la filosofia MGTOW.

b. Mensaje para Deckard, Open y Cara B: Gracias por esforzarse tanto y traernos un trabajo de esta calidad y en general gracias por todos sus aportes para con esta filosofia de vida. ¡animos!

Farinha do mesmo saco: BR 21 Amapá
Farinha do mesmo saco: BR 21 Amapá Scifer 353 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Farinha do mesmo saco: vídeo chocante mostra membros de facção criminosa matando rival

Amapá – Circula nas redes sociais vídeos onde uma mulher membro de facção criminosa que participou da execução de outro membro da facção rival é morta pela polícia.

De acordo com informações preliminares uma das mulheres do vídeo foi morta pela Força Tática durante confronto na BR do KM 21 no estado do Amapá.

O vídeo da execução do homem tem cenas fortíssimas, mesmo morto, os participantes da morte continuam a chutar e perfurar o cadáver com uma faca.

Bye Bye America
Bye Bye America Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 353 Views • 3 years ago


HOMOSEXUAL / GAY HIP-HOP AGENDA EXPOSED.. (USA) Doggk 353 Views • 5 years ago

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Go your own way guys

01 DIRECTO LATIN MGTOW HQ Latin Mgtow 352 Views • 5 years ago

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Bill Gates' Marriage Crashed Like Vista | Grunt Speak Highlights
Bill Gates' Marriage Crashed Like Vista | Grunt Speak Highlights Terrence Popp 352 Views • 4 years ago

⁣His relationship with Jeffrey Epstein might have cost Bill Gates $65 billion.
#gruntspeaklive #billgates #gatesdivorce
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Female Doctor? LOL
Female Doctor? LOL Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 352 Views • 4 years ago

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Welcome To Crazy Cat Lady World - MGTOW
Welcome To Crazy Cat Lady World - MGTOW Sandman 352 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce & The Police Are Not Your Friends

Female Delusion Calculator

Mystery Link:

Bitchute Link:

Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from George and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman I reached out to you 3 months ago about my 14 reasons why I choose to stay single, and I found out that you made a YouTube video out of it. just want to say thank you" Well George no worries. Since you sent me more shekels I thought I'd cover how women's high standards are going to take us to crazy cat lady world. There's a website called I Got Standards Bro which I put a link to in the description and it has a female delusion calculator on it that calculates the odds of women in America finding the man of their dreams based on US Census Bureau Data. Women say they want a man that's a 666. Makes six figures, is six feet tall and has at least a six inch shwing shwang. But let's face it six inches for that doesn't make the cut. I bet she wants it cut too? Too bad the US Census Bureau doesn't measure boners too. Then we would have an even more accurate calculator. So if a 30 year old woman that just hit the wall does a search for a man between the age of thirty and forty, because you know he can't be too old and it's ok if he's a couple of years younger and he's a white male that's six feet tall with a six figure salary, not obese and not married what is the magic number of available men for such a woman? That gives women a 0.37% probability that she's going to find such a man out of the entire general population of all men and that represents 0.66% of all men out there. According to the calculator such a woman would get four bags out of five of Tidy Butt Kitty Litter on the cat enthusiast scale. I'm not sure if the site was created by Aaron Clarey or if he's just sponsoring it because I see ads for his book of number book under the calculator portion. So I changed things up and bit on the calculator to make things a bit more realistic and I'll discuss the results in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor T Fitz: Anyways, now back to the crazy cat lady clown world show. So I changed the parameters for calculating what a woman is looking for. The new parameters are that the man be at least 5 foot eight, excludes obese and married men, is a man from all races with a minimum income of seventy thousand dollars a year. The age range for a 30 year old woman looking for such a man would be 28 to 45. The odds of finding a man like that is only 3.5%. If we include obese men it's 6.3%. Which shows us that about 45% of men are obese. So becoming a male gym rat if you're having trouble finding someone to date doubles your chances of finding a fat cat lady. If you're an unmarried white male that makes fifty thousand dollars a year is five foot eight, the average height and not obese between the age of 28 and 45 then you make up only 7% of the population. This calculator shows us that the odds of finding a woman is pretty good on the surface. But what it's not showing you is what percentage of women are married and not fat and entitled leftover women that no one wants. The problem of course is not that there aren't any available men for women. It's that they are mostly taken and if women wait too long like into their early to mid thirties and beyond then they will either get desperate and pick someone that doesn't meet their standards, only to divorce rape them later once they get a baby from them. Or they will try and wait until there's a good man that was divorced by a bad woman or one where his wife dies.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

News: I Want It All! (Morning Constitutional)
News: I Want It All! (Morning Constitutional) T.F. Monkey 352 Views • 5 years ago

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Intro Music (TFM Show): "Fling My Turds II: Rise of Celestina” by Red Pill Chemist
Outro Music (TFM Show): “Sweet Corn Love” by Anonymous Artist
Intro/ Outro Music (TFM 42O): Intro/Outro Music: "A Clockwork Monkey" by DarkStar.
Background Music (TFM Show):
Monkey Image: "Male chimpanzee in business clothes - Stock image" by Lise Gagne. Licensed from Getty Images. Animated Newsroom by rpancake. Licensed from Shutterstock.

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Hispanic Woman DIVORCES HUSBAND After 33yrs & Instantly GETS DUMPED By CHEATING CHAD
Hispanic Woman DIVORCES HUSBAND After 33yrs & Instantly GETS DUMPED By CHEATING CHAD The33Secrets 352 Views • 2 years ago ►STEAL 1 MONTH OF COACHING FOR ONLY $1◄ <br> ►►DOWNLOAD MY &quot;33 SECRETS&quot; NOW (ONLY 100 COPIES)◄◄ <br> <br>NOTE : Please do not send derogatory comments to the creator being reviewed in tonight's coaching video. What I review is only a small portion of their story &amp; my own personal take as a content creator. So keep it respectful! <br> <br>Don't Miss Out On UNRELEASED VIDEOS &amp; NEVER BEFORE SEEN Content! Get On My Email List NOW! It's 100% FREE!!! ►► ( CLICK HERE NOW!!! ) <br> <br>To Learn More SECRET TIPS For How To Attract Beautiful Women, Avoid Rejection, And Get Out Of The Friend Zone ►► CLICK HERE TO GET ON MY EMAIL NOW! ►► <br> <br>*********************************** <br> <br>DOWNLOAD MY &quot;33 SECRETS TO DATING BEAUTIFUL WOMEN&quot; NOW! ( ONLY 100 COPIES ) : <br> <br> <br>STEAL 1 MONTH OF COACHING FROM M* FOR ONLY $1! ( ONLY 25 SPOTS ) : <br> <br> <br>MAKE A DONATION! ( HELP SUPPORT MY CHANNEL &amp; WORK ) : <br> <br> <br>*********************************** <br> <br>#the33secrets #redpill #datingadviceformen

Don't Talk To Women - MGTOW
Don't Talk To Women - MGTOW Sandman 352 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Easter Sunday and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman. For the podcast in question I don't have a specific topic, but what I would like is to have a video that exclusively features the blonde model that is in so many of your other videos (I'm pretty certain you know who this is.)" Well Easter thanks for the donation. As you can see she's here. I don't know her name but spent a bunch of time searching for her. She's also the face of my channel avatar. As for the topic I wanted to share the situation that finally convinced me that arguing with women was a waste of time. Even talking to them. I was talking to a female client about some editing I was doing for her and she accused me of outsourcing my editing and told me that it wasn't up to my usual higher quality standards and that she was shaming me for the quality claiming that I had hired someone in India to do the work. Now normally before this time I would have argued with her because this wasn't the first time. But now I understand she's just being critical because she wants to argue. She wants me to get upset so she can feel like she pushed my emotional buttons. But in that case I didn't respond the way she wanted. I just stopped caring. Since that time when she calls and even a few times before I just didn't pick up the phone and answered back in text format or email. She still gets her work but no more hired emotional tampon services. What I've realized over the course of the last year or so is don't argue with women, or even people on Twitter or in your video comments section for that matter. If you hear or see them say something stupid. You may think you're smart and that you'll teach them a lesson. But a lot of the time women say dumb things and mess up on purpose for attention. Then when you correct them and take their bait they drag you down to the stupid mental level they are on in that case and beat you with that stupidity. You just end up feeling dumber and emotionally dirty after the whole ordeal and it's best to just stay away. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the don't talk to women clown world show. I have another story I want to share about not arguing with women. One old guy I was talking to during one of my coaching calls was being asked by his wife to fix her new phone so that it would have the right apps on it and do everything she wanted. But he didn't know how to do it because he's still using an old flip phone and doesn't know much about the new technology. So she got frustrated and kept following him around the house to show him that she was suffering and that he needed to correct that problem so that she would go away. She even went as far as to mess up the settings on her phone and change it to night mode and didn't know how to put it back to regular mode and she kept getting more and agitate and convinced that he knew how to fix the phone and was just pretending like he didn't.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Sex Toy Review: Bestvibe Spoon-Position Anime-Body-Pillow Ass and Pussy (Sponsored)
Sex Toy Review: Bestvibe Spoon-Position Anime-Body-Pillow Ass and Pussy (Sponsored) T.F. Monkey 352 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣20% off code: tfmonkey <br>Spoon-Position Ass: ⁣ <br>Gay Man Ass: ⁣ <br> <br> <br>Background Music: &quot;Fingers&quot; by Otis McDonald. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

A MORTE DO DEMONIO ( 2013 ) - DUBLADO フクロウ Fukuro 352 Views • 2 years ago

Mia é uma viciada em drogas que, para vencer seus demônios pessoais, vai com seu irmão David, a namorada do irmão, Natalie, e os amigos de infância Olivia e Eric até uma cabana rústica, que pertence à família. Assim que chegam, descobrem que a cabana foi invadida e que o porão parece uma espécie de altar, rodeado por animais mumificados, onde a descoberta de um Livro dos Mortos invoca forças demoníacas. A presença do mal os possui até que apenas um é deixado a lutar pela sobrevivência.

Red Pill - Borderline - Manginismo - MGTOW - resumo
Red Pill - Borderline - Manginismo - MGTOW - resumo ThanosWasRight 352 Views • 5 years ago

Um trecho clássico da novela Mulheres de Areia que resume bem uma mulher borderline, um cara que só quer ficar sozinho e um mangina que defende a mulher, mesmo ela estando errada.

inverta os sexos e veja a mágica acontecer

Actitudes agradables que te hacen perder su respeto - El Observador
Actitudes agradables que te hacen perder su respeto - El Observador Adonis MGTOW 352 Views • 3 years ago

?? ??? ?????



????? ??:


??? ????:


????? ??????:

Macho Opresor - El Observador
Macho Opresor - El Observador Adonis MGTOW 352 Views • 4 years ago

⁣"Ser un macho opresor puede convertirse en una de las
mayores aventuras que puedan vivirse en el mundo actual"

En este corto de 5 minutos el Observador nos
explica la dicotomía entre el mangina y el macho opresor.

Si en tu caso no sientes la irreprimible necesidad de pedir
perdón por ser hombre debes saber que estás dando los primeros paso para convertirte
en un macho opresor.

El hombre Manginizado y el Estado
Ginocentrista consienten paternalmente la transformación de las mujeres adultas
en niñas consentidas y caprichosas, promoviendo su irresponsabilidad, el macho
opresor las trata con auténtica igualdad, y eso es lo que las feministas no
pueden consentir.

[Fresh and Fit]: Millionaire + 12 girls
[Fresh and Fit]: Millionaire + 12 girls Lucifer 352 Views • 4 years ago

Sorry for the lag at the end. We are working to resolve the issues immediately! Thanks for supporting us!


Guest (Andrew Tate):
YouTube (TateSpeech):
Youtube (Tate Confidential):
War Room:

Thanks to Larj​
[email protected]

Girls IGs:

00:53​ Back on Live
02:05 Tate introductions
02:55​ Ladies intros
06:10​ Ladies, Choose Boring or successful
14:50 Tate Explains Equality
17:23 Tate Explains High Value men
26:30 Whats wrong with women having "side guys"
27:43 Tate explains love ( part of above )
29:09​ Myron explains high value.
30:47​ Tate, women's real job
32:19 all men cheat
34:10​ "Im in love with my man..."
36:11​ tate, guys intimidated by girl on girl.
37:10​ WHOA... Damn girl...
47:30​ ladies, whats your bedroom preferences
49:50 width or girth
54:10​ Missionary is toxic...?!
56:50​ Super chats
59:25​ Jayz isn't easily replaceable
01:01:00​ women don't date down
01:03:30​ Tate, ride or die
01:05:40 Myron, men provisioning example
01:08:40​ Tate, we are not equal
01:09:26 Tate, high value guys
01:10:20​ Tate fan... FOUND him in the studio
01:13:10 drama turns lebians on i guess...
01:14:00​ tate, women stay seated
01:15:00​ super chats / two guests leave
01:20:15 it was TOTALLY staged
01:21:48​ vaccine??
01:23:00​ tate on the bug
01:24:48​ guys, what do you consider a HV man?
01:28:50 Andrew, do you prefer a woman with higher status or just average?
01:32:50 Do you girls think you can have platonic friends?
01:35:17 "He is face timing me... DTF?"
01:37:37 Andrew explains further
01:40:50 'Slim' gets more explination
01:44:00 Myron makes fun of the "masculine" female.
01:48:05 9000 Live viewers! / Tate celebrates with nunchucks!
01:49:50 Slim wants clarification on Tate's "Love"
01:54:25 Super Chats
01:55:10 Tate talks about Bill Gates
01:56:05 Tate Explains "values"
01:57:50 To Tate, Explain a "toxic" relationship you've had
01:59:35 Guys, whats your favorite sex positions
02:01:00 What do you do if your fam or friends don't approve of your partner?
02:03:05 Myron: Feminism teaches women to be bad partners
02:07:08 Guys, what does a HV man look for in a woman
02:09:27 Guys, do you believe in taking things slow?
02:14:20 Guys, do you see a woman differently after sex on first night?
02:16:40 Girls answer for love at first site
02:18:13 Guys, how does a woman keep a man after getting sex
02:23:55 Super Chats
02:26:30 Last thoughts on the show
02:32:25 Girls show off the money makers.
02:34:10 Issa on the pole!

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Wednesday: Freshandfit Podcast @ 6:00 PM EST
Thursday: Stream Clip @ 1:00 PM EST
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God Punished Man With Women LOL - MGTOW
God Punished Man With Women LOL - MGTOW Sandman 352 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

⁣⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from the Shoveler and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I've been looking at the Biblical story of Samson. There is a lot of symbolism in the story. His story seems to be similar to the path of MGTOW in some ways. I just thought this might be an interesting story to compare with MGTOW." Well Shoveler thanks for the donation and topic. This topic is far more indept than my usual material so I'm sure I'll make some misinterpretations of the story of Samson and Delialah from the bible. Anyone that thinks they have something I missed or got wrong please put your thoughts in the description. Before I get to the video let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the show. In the Bible Samson was the last of the judges of ancient Israel. Also one of the last leaders who judged Israel before the introduction of their monarchy. He is sometimes seen as the Israelite version of folk heroes like Enkidu from Sumeria and Hercules in ancient Greece. One example is of him defeating a lion bare handed or killing an entire army. But if he got a haircut his powers from god would be gone. He was betrayed by a woman, his lover Delialah when she ordered a servant to cut his hair while he was asleep. He also had his eyes gouged out gruesomely and was put to work by his enemies the Philistines to go around in circles in their mill in Gaza. His hair started growing back and he prayed to god to give him his strength back which he got and then tore the support columns out from below the building and the whole thing came down killing the Philistines. But I want to focus on Delilah specifically. The story is a joke because she is portrayed as not having any agency even though she was clearly the one that betrayed him. It's as if god punished Sampson and Delilah was just being used by god so it's not her fault. That's what I hear when I read this story. In the story of Christ Judas of course is responsible for selling him out for a small bag of silver. But Delilah was offered 1100 coins to rat of Samson. Judas was said to have only received 30 silver coins. I guess that when you're Delilah and you're living it up in a hot tub in a temple with your Samson soul mate you require a bigger bribe? In the end the moral of the story is don't commit sins or god will punish you. But at least in the end God offered Sampson redemption and restored his powers for one last battle royale. But he still dies as if it's a Shakespearean tragedy. I don't agree with you Shoveler that this is a MGTOW story. I think it's more of a warning for mostly blue pill men out there that you can't trust the woman that you love not to betray you while you're asleep. Samson should have left her before that happened and the real moral of the story should have been that he had gone his own way and survived. If only the bible were a choose your own adventure book then we could get more into the mind of god. But I don't think people were smart enough to be good non-linear story tellers thousands of years ago. The other moral of the story should be that for men love is pleasure and for women when men love them it represents power.

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At least this stripper was not bad looking
At least this stripper was not bad looking Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 352 Views • 3 years ago

Poon in Politics | Grunt Speak Live
Poon in Politics | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 352 Views • 1 year ago

When you get busted getting busted on while running for office, its not gonna be pretty. Grab a beer and join us tonight at 8 PM EDT! <br>#terrence popp #Virginia #redonkulas <br> <br>To donate to this content, see our list of channels, purchase merchandise or join Popp’s Preppers, click here: <br> <br>Send physical donations to: <br> Productions <br>29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407 <br>Royal Oak, MI 48073 <br>If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3 <br>All donations are tax deductible <br> <br>And be sure to tune in for Grunt Speak Live <br>Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm Eastern <br>And <br>Supporter Sunday streams for Locals, GiveSendBro, and SubscribeStar members only! <br> <br>All sources available on!

WOMAN SLAPS POLICE OFFICER, GOES WRONG.... (ROMANIA) Doggk 351 Views • 5 years ago

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Go your own way guys...

The Purpose Of Life Is Not Women - MGTOW
The Purpose Of Life Is Not Women - MGTOW Sandman 351 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and he's got a bit to say. So before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Speakers Corner Online: Anyways, here's what Mr. Anonymous has to say: &quot;Hey Sandman, I'm currently making good money as an NFT creator, approx. $15,000 to $20,000 per month, consistently, and I'm investing all of my profits into ETH and BTC. It seems like I will be able to reach millionaire net worth by 2023, if things continue like this. Much of this success is thanks to your advice and guidance over the past year. You seem to be a fan of Andrew Tate, or you at least find him interesting. I'm a fan too, despite being a pretty devoted MGTOW monk right now. I'm an 8 in the looks and personality department, I've slept with 20 or so women, many of them were 9s or 10s, but I have chosen to take a break from pursuing women to focus on myself and go monk mode. My life philosophy is currently MGTOW, but I find the Tate Brothers' way of life very attractive, and part of my drive to keep grinding and amassing wealth is the goal of one day potentially living a lifestyle like those two guys: private jets, yacht parties, fancy bars, luxury cars, hedonistic fun, and casual sex with lots of dumb attractive women. How would you balance these two lifestyles and philosophies? They're kind of conflicting... should I be a MGTOW monk, or a millionaire playboy, indulging in a nihilistic and hedonistic lifestyle? Do you care about a legacy after you die? Do you care about helping the human race? Or is this life just for having fun in an Epicurean manner? Tate has said he will spend all of his money in his lifetime, and leave nothing to his children. What do you think about that? Watching the Tate Confidential YouTube series, I really feel envious of the relationship those two brothers have. I'm an only child, raised by a feminist single mother, and I have no siblings. I really wish I'd had a masculine, based, funny red-pilled brother with a good sense of humor in my life, it looks like such an incredible thing to have. I like the idea of raising two sons, using a surrogate mother or artificial womb, and potentially raising them to be based, red-pilled, physically strong alpha males like the Tate brothers. I feel very nihilistic and apathetic about my own life, I wasted 30 years being blue pilled and brainwashed by society... but I like the idea of raising these sons to live life in a red pilled manner, from an early age, giving them wisdom so they can enjoy their youth more than I did. What do you think about this? Do you have any similar aspirations? That's all, but I would like to add this: any men who are listening to this video, if you've had your life changed by Sandman, you should contact him and make a small donation and suggest a topic. I think you might owe it to him. Thank you for everything you do, Sandman, and I am truly grateful to have discovered your channel last year, it was truly life changing.&quot; Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. You can't afford the Tate lifestyle for more than a few months to a year with your million dollars and then you'll be broke. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.


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Becoming A MGTOW Has 3 Stages
Becoming A MGTOW Has 3 Stages Sandman 351 Views • 5 years ago

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Reignite: Transform from Burned Out to On Fire

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Becoming a True MGTOW has 3 Stages

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Brian. He didn't send me a specific topic so what I've decided to do is cover a reddit post called: "Becoming a True MGTOW has 3 Stages" Here's what someone named JetLeg26 has to say in his post: "I've always thought I was a MGTOW. But in reality I was still transitioning (lol). Just like those m2f trans that are wearing lipstick and a wig, but still didn't cut off their ding dong or took hormones yet. I think that there are 3 stages to become truly independent. You first acknowledge MGTOW. In this stage you think there is some reality to it, but you don't really give it any further thought. In this you might be blue-pilled or even red-pilled, but you think about it as "meh". For me it was 3-4 years ago. You get burned by women, and accept MGTOW and the harsh reality of this clown world. You understand that MGTOW is the right way for your future. I think that it takes a while to get this stage. The sad truth is that only women can "teach" you this stage. You must experience it first-hand from being burned by them. You can't read about it on the internet or from friends. Slowly but surely, you become a MGTOW. You work on your life goals, focus on yourself in reality instead of on paper. You truly don't care about women and work on a better version of yourself. You keep improving basically until you die. I'm somewhere between the 2nd and the 3rd stage. What do you think brothers?" Well JetLeg26 thanks for the topic and thank you Brian for the donation and for making it happen. But before I cover the 3 stages of becoming a man going his own way let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Reignite: Anyways, now back to the video. Just to recap the three stages the 1st stage for me lasted about 3-4 month period from July 2013 to October 2013 when innitially took the red pill and reality sank right into my head and that's when the conscious mind accepts female nature. That's when you start going through the red pill rage. The 2nd stage is about the subconscious acceptance of women by dating them and getting into relationships and apply the red pill knowledge that you've learned. This I've coined as the red pill rage stage 2.0. That took a period of time to happen. From October 2013 until I was finally done with dating and relationships altogether in February of 2016. Then you have the 3rd stage
which is for me when I gave myself permission to live and enjoy my life which for me by hitting the road and travelling the way that I've always wanted. It was clear I couldn't travel with women or friends and see even a tiny portion of what I wanted. So I literally hit the road and drove away my own way. I'm living and making the choices that I want to make and it's liberating but it took two different angry phases or stages before you finally get there. Jeg Leg you're right about stage 2 in that you have to experience things first hand and let women effect you emotionally for you to fully go your own way. It's almost like the story of the caterpillar and butterfly. The two fight each other cocoon and the Butterfly cells win and consume the caterpillar ones. Only women can teach you this stage. Absolutely correct.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Excited man in fighting gesture with fists on fire. Rage concept. Heated fight.

2. Angry woman judging someone

Cenas Redpill
Cenas Redpill CENAS_REDPILL 351 Views • 4 years ago

Música Proibida no YouToba.

Looks Has Nothing To Do With Women Liking You
Looks Has Nothing To Do With Women Liking You Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 351 Views • 4 years ago

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Tu és o que tu comes
Tu és o que tu comes Scifer 351 Views • 4 years ago

⁣? Garota come fezes de cachorro para provar que é fã de Mc Gui.

Women Are Now Poisoning Their Sons - MGTOW
Women Are Now Poisoning Their Sons - MGTOW Sandman 351 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>Chris Whalen CPA <br> <br> <br> <br>Health Links: <br> <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by James and here's what he has to say: &quot;Hi there, Sandman; Thank you, Sir, for your service to our culture via &quot;Muckraking&quot; techniques, so Upton Sinclair-esque. Would you please consider reviewing the following articles for which I have included a link? As an avid consumer of of micro-nutrients (Read; Vitamin supplements), I initially took the article as a &quot;Hit-Piece&quot; on vitamins, promoted by &quot;Big Pharma&quot; to dissuade the masses away from holistic approaches to health and well-being in favor of a Drug-Based, Not-So-Well Being existence in a perpetual state of Medical Dependence. &quot;Job Security Much?!&quot; The article notes a 10 year study performed by the CDC which identifies a 530% increase in poisonings due to taking Children. Yes, you read that correctly, &quot;Melatonin poisoning in Children&quot;! Melatonin is naturally made in humans and production peaks at about age 10 to 12, after which, it curtails to nearly nil by the age of 80. Melatonin is typically considered by those entering their middle years to support waning levels of production, to regulate their Circadian Cycle. I was astounded to see that anyone under the age of 20 would even consider taking it. Then I read further down into the article whereby the dark truth of the administration of the hormone supplement. Of the 27,795 &quot;Poisonings&quot;, 19,892 were discharged, 4,097 were hospitalized, 287 required intensive care and 3 died. Here is where it gets really dark. Within this data population 94.3% of those poisoned were male children, under the age of 5. Let that sink in... Would it be afar reaching stretch to assume the one administering the lethal doses to be the child's Mother? What might be the motivations to dope-up the infant boys? Perhaps to keep them from crying or to sleep longer so that they can take care of the Paper Boy or the Milk Man? Or, could it be to delete a child of the &quot;Wrong Gender&quot;, complete with &quot;Plausible Deniability&quot;? I have also linked to a Department of Health and Human Services, which illustrates that boys receive the majority of maternal harm. So how does it stand to reason that &quot;Mothers are the superior parent&quot;??? Thank you, Sir. Well James thanks for the donation and topic. This one is more of a men's rights story and I have to be careful with it so I don't get a strike for medical misinformation. It's the DHHS Child Maltreatment Reports from 2001-2006 that say that single mothers or those with a new partner, not the biological partner accounted for 70.8% of the child fatalities. If it was the father alone or with another partner it was 29.2%. But as you mentioned James women are considered to be the half of species that children are usually sent to spend more time with after a divorce. People hundreds of years ago probably knew about this and that's why children were left with their fathers after a divorce unlike today. Even with the correct statistics you sent me I still have to be careful even though I'm not talking about the coof or monkey pox. YouTube has gotten pretty brutal. I used to worry about copyright strikes, then hate speech strikes and now medical misinformation strikes. That article you sent me also says that 60% of the child fatalities are male. I think there is a simple explanation and that there is no conspiracy against boys by their mothers. It's just that female own group preference is more prevalent between mothers and their daughters. If we saw more girls that dying due to neglect under a single parent household where it was just the father it would be a national tragedy. But because it's the other way around it's not on most people's radar because it is only males afterall. No big loss. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Image Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2.

The Rise Of PUA & Decline Of MGTOW
The Rise Of PUA & Decline Of MGTOW Sandman 351 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: OK2B Cliche

Content Men Must Avoid

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so I wanted to discuss how increasingly the red pill is no longer as associated with the men's rights movement and MGTOW as it's becoming increasingly connected to the Pickup Artist Community. YouTube is promoting channels like Fresh and Fit and Richard Cooper that promote the Alpha male bullshit instead of being free to live the live you want. The idea is you still have to project an image of success to make yourself attractive to women to have any self worth. I suspect that the mainstream is figuring out they can't control manosphere philosophy so instead they are promoting the one that's the least harmless to the consumer economy and still caters to giving women attention. A high status male. What the PUAS don't tell you is that a third of millionaires out there live on less than 33k a year. Many such wouldn't be considered alphas but they have wealth because of financial prudence and responsibility. Real Alphas don't care about being alpha. It's usually the guys that are homophobic that have homosexual tendencies are trying to convince themselves that they aren't gay. My experience has always been that the men that promote their ultra macho masculinity are covering up for some weakness they have. Now I'd like to share something I read on reddit by someone named Secret Albatross and here's what he has to say: "I'd consider myself Red Pilled. I think the Red Pill's general tenants educate guys on a bunch of stuff they're never taught as kids. RedPill content creators HAVE to sell something to make money. They sell and image, or they sell their particular spin on Red Pill ideas. Kevin Samuels, Rich Cooper, Donovan Sharpe, Fresh and Fit. etc. These guys all hit the nail on some issues but have ridiculous takes on other issues. I watch content mostly because it's entertaining or because I think it's important to stay hungry in life when you aren't where you are, but I also think it can severely distort your view of the world in general. If you build up all these preconceived ideas about women, it'll build up, and you'll have a subconscious anxiety/skepticism interacting with women that will be hard to shake. I'm lucky that I had female friends and attention from women before the Red Pill, so even though it's influenced the way I think about things in some way, it doesn't impede my ability to interact normally. I feel for young guys, this is the biggest risk. To only be able to see women through a Red Pill lens. One can argue that maybe Instagram culture has
changed things a lot since I was a teen (I'm 30y), but at the end of the day, the world painted by content creators is not the real world." unquote. I agree with Secret Albatross that a lot of red pill content creators are painting the world in an incorrect way especially the macho peacocking PUA variety. But before I discuss more let me tell you about today's sponsor Ok 2B Cliche:

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