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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Fat Cat. Someone many of you might remember from a while back. I'm not sure how her comments and questions fit in with the topic she wants to discuss so I won't let her use all you guys as an emotional tampon. So I won't read everything she says but only the highlights to save you your sanity so here goes and I quote: "Hello Sandman, Previously I said I wanted at least 2 kids. There has been a change of plans. People say I’m so strong based on my answer. The last one I spoke to is having fertility problems. She should just get an egg- or sperm donor, use a segregate or look into adoption and not over complicate the problem. Caring a child to term does not make any one good mother, which includes me. I’ve endured medical procedures that found more painful than pregnancy and labor. Being strong was not the first thing people would think when they saw me. I recall him being suspended for a week or so when I threw a chair at someone in high school. I wasn’t much better with the teachers. One in peculiar said that if I walked out the door I would get detention or suspension. I told him to try it. By the time I turned into an adult I was a complete nightmare. I’m not as barbaric as I used to be. I’ve dealt with so much bureaucracy nonsense that made hobby out of driving people to despair. Honestly Sandman, I recall you saying I’m not the worst women you had to deal with. Maybe you just don’t know me that well? None of these things make me feel strong or fierce. I just do what I have to get through the day. The fact I don’t roll over and die so easily does not make me strong. It does make me wonder, what actually makes a strong woman? Sincerly, Fat Cat." Well Fat Cat thanks for the donation and topic. Treating people poorly and exerting your power over them by being violent releases dopamine which gives you rush. Dopamine rewards are what motivate us to continue a certain type of behavior like a looped robot in the tv show westworld. I don't see strong women anywhere or men for that matter because everyone appears to be heavily addicted to behaviors that give us a dopamine rush. Some are constructive while most are destructive. In today's world you might say that being a strong woman means being able to resist the temptation eat oneself into oblivion. You've mentioned before that you were overweight and even borderline obese which means you probably enjoy eating cheese doodles and ding dongs which give you a dopamine rush. Which means you're not strong enough to resist sugary treats. A so called strong woman would be one that's not buying her kids every imaginable toy because she doesn't want to see them suffer in the moment because she's trying to distract them long enough to get her dopamine rush from her phone. That drug is more important to her than figuring out that if you spoil them today you'll raise kids that turn into monsters one day because they won't be able to value anything because they have everything. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism:
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Roger. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to talk about is the female monopoly game that came out a while back. I know I'm very late with this topic. But maybe I can add something that other haven't really thought of yet. So apparently the new Ms. Monopoly game is going to pay the female players more money. Instead of everyone getting $200 dollars when they pass go the female players will get $240 to make up for the gender pay gap. But who the hell even plays board games anymore? Women are usually late to the party. Whatever that party is. Board games have been dead for decades and I see this new boardgame as a gimic to try and revive a dying industry. But before I discuss this and more let me first tell you about today's sponsor The Doll House San Antonio Texas: Anyways now back to Ms. Monopoly the game that no one will play. I put a link in the description to official Hasbro YouTube page where they give money and the new boardgame to young aspiring female scientists. I hope it's worth it because the video as I'm scripting this video has forty-six thousand dislikes to twelve hundred likes. The dislike ratio is over ninety percent and they even disable comments under the video. This boardgame is telling young women that you can't win fairly in life so what you have to do is rig the game to win. Then when that doesn't work then you flip over the gameboard or destroy the game itself. That's a perfect metaphor for what's going on in our western civilization right now. The boardgame represents society and feminists are trying to rig it into their own favor and when they still lose they will probably destroy it by looting what remains of government money until the whole thing goes bankrupt. A great question to ask about this game is what happens if you're a young boy and you see the girls you're playing with getting more money. You'll think to yourself that's unfair and you'll stop playing the game because of that. Then your feminist mother will scold you and shame you for being male by saying the world is not fair because men make more money. What she won't tell you of course is that the only reason she had you in the first place was because she married a simp like your father that made thirty to forty percent more money than she does.
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Michael and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, I'm now in a good financial position, largely due to going my own way! I appreciate you and your content. No topic requests, the only issue I have now is avoiding nihilism and malaise. If you want to cover those thing again, have at it." Well Michael thanks for the cash. There is something that's been on my mind recently with regards to men constantly sending me messages wanting there to be physical meetings between MGTOWs in real life. This is something that wasn't really happening five or six years ago. Neither was the insane rise of identity politics in every aspect of our society. Back in 2015 MGTOW was about female nature and sure guys becoming nihilistic and full of malaise when they went their own way. But they weren't searching for the same sense of community that many guys have started looking for in the last few years. I'm constantly talking to guys on Skype that say they are looking for a MGTOW community and I couldn't figure out where this was coming from. Afterall our phones and social media were supposed to make us increasingly narcissistic and yet I'm starting to see the opposite of that. About a week ago I ran into the concept of the fourth turning. The idea that human societies have a cycle of four generations. Every fourth generation is the one that lives through a crisis in their society and it leads to greatness. For example the last turning was the second world war. A fourth generation wants to belong to a group identity because the third generation, the one right before them is the most narcissistic out of the four. Hence why we are seeing groups like Antifa on the left and the rise of feminism. But we are also seeing rise in people joining groups on the right or becoming populists. That's why we are seeing the rise in populism all over the world as well as the rise of Bernie Bros. People want to belong in a group now more than ever. Anyways, before I discuss more about this let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Body Transformation Made Simple:
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Chris Whalen CPA
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by Mr. Anonymous and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, please kindly discuss this topic on one of your Youtube videos. It's sad to see men around me take women at their word, instead of verifying a woman's actions. Please discuss why men would immediately believe a woman's word and how this entire belief system of women never lying came about. thanks." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. What you're trying to say is don't listen to what she says without verifying it. But instead look at what she does as proof of her intentions. It sounds easy but most guys are caught in the frame of mind where they believe everything she says because she's hot and I'm turned on and they want to give her attention and validation. But what if a woman's verifiable actions are only a projection as well? What if she mirrors your behavior and pretends to be interested in the same pop culture and sports that you are interest in? That's the part about don't believe when guys say believe what she does and now what she says. Even if you verify a woman's actions you have no way to verify her intentions behind her actions. For example the first girl I fell in love with at first sight wore a hot tight top, form fitting jeans and did her makeup nice. That day she tried to get my attention. She had it but I didn't lead on that she had it. I didn't want to appear thirsty and thought she was perfect. The next day she shows up in a baseball cap like the one I had on the first day of school with the same team. Gee what a coincidink. I was turned off because she was dressed like a tomboy. The next day after that she came into class dressed normally, changing her appearance again and I finally spoke to her. So which one is the real her? The dolled up glamorous one, the sporty tomboy or the girl next door? She is all of them and none of them. She is only what you want her to be so she can get your love and attention. She is lying with her actions. Yes you can verify her actions but you can't verify her intentions. Also, logic and reason go out the window when you're around a woman and talking to her and want to be with her. Your subconscious mind is calculating the possibility of having sex with her and accepting all the red flags. It creates a massive blind spot in your mind and the biological game is rigged against your favor. Against you because your biology wants you to breed and pass down your genes. Plus we also live in a society or we did until recently where the idea that you would take all people at their word and not just women but men too. We trust people until we have a reason not to. The trust horizon is shrinking in western society as people from other countries flood in that take advantage of how trusting we are until we are no longer trusting anymore. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:
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Sponsor Link: <br>Profit Specialist Group <br>video: <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Don and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Long time listener. I believe you posted and image of Swedish men wearing shirts stating “The Future is Female” in your meme collection recently and it got my thinking about how or if Socialism contaminates normal male behavior. I wonder if there’s a link between gentrification, social app technology and male domestication with the inverse decline in testosterone, where the repression of the native heterosexual male sexual instinct i.e. war, polyamory / promiscuity leads to a compliant, docile, homosexual and blind allegiance to the gyncentric state. I know you have eluded to this in prior topics but what I’m seeing in Europe and my home country USA, it’s just that. A rise in homosexuality and blind acceptance to the gynocentric state. I surmise there are social pressures coupled with economic considerations i.e. money factors that ultimately force the hand of the male in western civilization to go against his natural instinct to be free and promiscuous and ultimately marry a depreciating asset to placate himself and bargain with western reality of cuckholdry. I live in Colombia so fortunately the same social pressures appear to have been rejected by a male consensus and managed by keeping prostitution legal thus preventing a decline in testosterone is my thesis. Please elaborate on this topic and thank you for all the hard work Sandman. Well Don thanks for the donation and topic. Your timing couldn' be better as I recently watched a video from Chris Williamson that I've linked in the description as today's not so mystery link. His guest mentions that a man holding a gun will increase his testosterone level. So if you're living out in the country and you are armed that automatically elevates your T levels. Tim Pool was also mentioning that voters in the rust belt that do manual labor jobs voted Trump because they know what real work looks like. What if they vote Republican because their testosterone levels are higher because they do hard physical work? We know that working out will increase it. Are you not technically working out when lifting heavy things on a construction site? There are lots of reasons for the decline in men's testosterone. Environmental pollution, plastics in water and food containers. Including some mystery factor X that science has yet to reveal. Also Don just because you haven't seen the effects of it in your adopted country of Columbia doesn't mean it isn't happening there as well. The recent studies I've seen show that since the year 2000 we are seeing a drop of 2.64% per year. You're in a country where the men appear masculine. That's because the men you see around you didn't have their brains and bodies shaped by low testosterone. The young guys today are developing with smaller bodies and their brains are not receiving the proper amount of t when when they are still in the womb as well as when they go through puberty. So is it any wonder that many are so weak and feminized? I'll also discuss what that mystery factor x is in potentially lowering testosterone in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Profit Specialist Group: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Photo Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2. <br> <br>3.
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by Fred. This is the second video I'm going to put out with his donation. Before I sat down to come up with a topic today and look through my favorite source for topics the MGTOW subreddit someone contacted me and asked me if I knew any other forums they could go to in order to post and read MGTOW related content. So it's gone 120-130k subscribers all gone and then someone opened the MGTOW 2 subreddit and it too was gone. Then the 3rd, 4th and 5th one as well. All banned. They want us gone from Reddit permanently. A couple of weeks ago I heard from Red Pillers and MGTOWs being banned from the dead bedrooms subreddit because apparently we were telling guys that were going through tough relationships that it was ok to walk away from the horror and go your own way. The moderators don't want that option to be there for men. They hate us and want us gone. Reddit is going through a final push to get rid of us unlike YouTube which lets channels like Undead Chronic and Hammerhand to return after they've been banned. The worst part was that I went to the Incel subreddit after the MGTOW one was pulled down and Incels were insulting us and saying it was a good thing that we were gone. Women posted there too agreeing with the Incels. If incels were a threat even after some of the went berzerk Elliot Rogers stylez wouldn't they be taken down? I guess that women don't mind thirsty men that obsess over them and give them attention. I also saw blue-pill men saying good riddance. I mentioned to Terrence Popp that it was gone and he mentioned he hadn't been there for a year or longer. Joker mentioned it was a rowdy place and he had been banned from posting on the MGTOW 1 subreddit and he went to the number 2 one. To answer everyone's question about where we can go to post new content on a forum. I'd suggest which I recommended back in the day when we had the choice between it and is also gone now. I spoke to Amir over at and he says guys can either go to and he's working on putting a forum on To those of you that are listening that keep cancelling us and thinking this will deter me and others like me you better hope and pray that Bitcoin doesn't get over a hundred twenty to one hundred and thirty thousand in the next six months and I have enough money to build the virtual sex system starting next fall. You don't back a wild animal into a corner with no outlet. The mystery link will show you what happens when you try. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to everyone in the entire world trying to erase MGTOW as an idea clown world show. As I was saying go ahead and keep pushing us underground and you'll see what happens. If we can't spread MGTOW philosophy we will start spreading MGTOW technology and that will have the same effect of freeing men but it won't be political. The Achilles heel for those trying to censor is is that they don't understand the longer term consequences of new technology. The internet is a perfect example. People never thought that YouTube would be used for commentary channels that teach critical thinking. They thought that YouTube would end up being cat videos. They didn't expect someone like Barbarossaa to come up with men going their own way content. The subreddit was taken down for hate speech but the red pill subreddits for women are still there and they are full of hate towards men. Especially the female dating strategy one. They have no issues abusing men and making life more difficult for us. But god forbid we just want to be left alone. Maybe everyone in the west will be following the lead of China which is trying ban the lying flat movement. But the cat is out of the bag and people heard about it and are spreading the idea around without the internet. That's why the government over there is working on it's camera network and all the smartphones spy on people and record every word they say even when the power is off. So why do they keep censoring us?
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Sponsor Link: <br>Chris Whalen CPA <br> <br> <br> <br>Women Who Stay Single and Don’t Have Kids Are Getting Richer <br> <br> <br>Daily Caller: <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from David and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, Thank you for addressing the painful situation of modern feminism and wokeness with humor and truth. Your work is important." Well Dave thanks for the donation. I thought I'd cover an article called "Women Who Stay Single & Don't Have Kids Are Getting Richer from Bloomberg. The article sites Federal Reserve stats that show single unmarried American women have accumulated 65 thousand dollars in savings while single men only have 57 thousand dollars. So were now starting to see both feminists and traditionalist simps go into damage control mode so that they can somehow make it appear that women are suffering even when they are surging forward in standard of life when compared to men. To make women appear to be economic victims when they are the victors. The first place I came across this story was on Linked In News. It said that women who skip marriage and motherhood have bigger bank accounts when compared to single men. But women's salaries take a hit after having kids, a phenomenon experts call the "motherhood penalty." So women are victims for being mothers now. I'll read bits and pieces from the Bloomberg article as well. The majority of the article goes into mostly reasons why women aren't having kids. Mostly socio-economic ones and is boring. Here are some of the interesting points and I quote: "Ashley Marrero figures she’s taken 10 trips in the last 12 months, often with friends from a group of about 25 people who are largely unmarried and don’t have children. Anna Dickson, 41, who recently traveled to Napa Valley with Marrero and some of their friends says. “All these people are so smart, talented, put together, and they don’t have kids—they’re very independent,” says Dickson, a product manager at Google who is divorced and now lives with her boyfriend of five years in Manhattan’s Hell’s Kitchen. “And I was like, ‘I want that, I want to do all of that.’” The life Marrero and Dickson have chosen does have its drawbacks. People who are single and child-free pay more in taxes. And housing is a lot harder to afford on one income than two, especially with home prices and rents at record highs and mortgage rates on the rise. Another worry for those without children is who will care for them in their old age. For Dickson, the pluses of parenthood don’t outweigh the minuses. “I like to travel, pick up and go whenever I want to,” says Dickson, whose jaunts with her extended family of friends in the past year have included Alaska and Anguilla. “I’d rather regret not having kids than regret having them.” As for Marrero, she’s still paying to store her eggs in case she changes her mind. But she’s certain that even if she doesn’t, she won’t feel like she’s missed out. “If you don’t have children, it may or may not be a choice,” she says. “But that should have nothing to do with your happiness. You can be so happy going this route, too.” unquote I'll discuss the disaster that the childless west is about to become with women making and saving the majority of the money in just a moment but let me first tell you about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Image Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2.
Sponsor Link: <br>Chris Whalen CPA <br> <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from a donation from Jeff and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I have learned a lot since I joined this community. I knew nothing about women really and was confused by their reactions to things and attitudes. My experience is the more you let women walk over you the less they respect you. I had a girlfriend when I was 24 (im now 48) and she had come over to my place to watch a movie and then spend the night with me. We agreed that we would watch some chick flick she wanted to see as soon as she got out of the shower, so off to the shower she went. While she was in the shower I discovered on tv a movie that I never saw the end to and it had about 30 mins left to go which was right about where I had seen it up to a few years earlier. Anyway she gets out of the shower with 10 mins of the movie left and demands I put her chick flick on right now. I tried to reason with her that there was only 10 mins left of the film I was watching and we will watch her movie as soon as this one finished. She gave me an ultimatum that if I don't put her film on right now, she was going to go home. I said "you know what, you are going home". I got my keys, picked up her bag and went to the car with her right behind. We drove in silence and I dropped her off at the top of her driveway, which I usually drive down but not tonight. The next day she thanked me for standing up to her and was much more friendly and all over me than usual.I see now that this was my first experience with the shit test and looks like I passed it. Anyway thanks for your service Sandman. Well Jeff thanks for the donation and topic. Originally you wanted me to talk about a man that got caught by a door on a New York Subway train and was dragged until his soul left his body. It was just a freak accident and didn't really have anything to do with female nature. That's what happens when you don't have conductors that stick their heads out the window to make sure no one is stuck in a doorway. Even in the 1980s in Toronto we had three train operators. One on the front. One on the back and middle to make sure the doors were clear. Today the process is more automated. As for you passing your first shit test and after over twenty years realizing what it was I'm glad this community could enlighten you about female nature. The first time I showed a woman respect by making a big purchase, paying for an expensive anniversary trip I was disrespected for doing so and told I was only taking her along on the trip that I had planned and that it wasn't about her. I never paid for a trip after that and she paid her half and the complaining ended as well. If you're with a woman you have to keep passing the shit tests or they will steam roll right over you. But I don't want to live like that passing one <br>annoying test after another. It's bothersome disciplining a fully grown woman child that's basically Peter Pan with breasts and a vagina and you're Captain Hook hoping that she doesn't rip off your other hand. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Image Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2.
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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism
Woman collects 2000 used condoms and decorates her room
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Tonje Email: [email protected]
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Smitty The Goalie and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, It's tough picking a topic. How about MGTOW and the senior gent? Or your choice?" Well Smitty thanks for the donation and as you can see by the title I've picked my own Spicy topic. I'll discuss my thoughts on senior MGTOWs towards the end but first I want to discuss Tonje the Norwegian Woman, descended from vikings but now keeps man jizz that tried to explore her fiordes on the walls of her humble abode. She's hoarding the essence of man flavored sauce in what appears to me to be a weird art installation. I put the article depicting her debauchery in the description. In it her face is turned away from the camera because she doesn't want people to recognize her and laugh at her on the street. But the faces of the men's seed that's dangling there is pictured above every used condom. I'm suspicious of this story because every single one of the condoms is white. Where's the equality and inclusion. She should have at least had one token black one there. She's 27 years old and says she collects the condoms for fun and not because she has some sick and twisted fetish. Apparently her father is so proud of her hobby that he's helping her count them and she says she gets the condom from friends and is willing to pay money for them. I'll share more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the clown world condom show. While this story is kind of old from a few years back I missed it back then and when I heard of it recently I thought I was being trolled by the Onion. So Tonje doesn't intend to stop collecting used condoms and tacking them to her apartment walls. She started her collection when she asked her boyfriend to keep a used condom because she liked the smell. Her boyfriend thought this was a strange red flag and left her because of it. Having 2000 used condoms on display also means that no one knows what her exact notch count is because she got many of them from friends and purchased some. Maybe she even has celebrity sperm too. Imagine if a man was doing this collecting panties from all the women he had been sleeping with and tacking the panties and their pictures up on the wall and having a picture of it taken and posted by a newspaper. I'm sure the cops would be busting in after all the women complained that their privacy had been violated. Because society does everything it can to protect women both physically and psychologically. But just imagine what a Voodoo witch doctor could do with all that spunk? Maybe Tonje is trying to virtue signal to the world that her value is dependent on how men she's slept with? Maybe Tonje was was also buying used condoms to increase the condom notch count to make other women jealous of all the men she captured an essence from? This woman has taken the example of the macho promiscuous man that she probably wants have projected it onto themselves in some sort of bizarre female condom chameleon to attract such a man. But it's disgusting. It already cost her her boyfriend once. Can you imagine being surrounded by an ocean of used twat pocket socks all around you. When you walk through an alleyway at night and you spot a used condom on the ground and you think it's disgusting and you do whatever you can to walk around it as far as possible. But here's a woman that doesn't care about that. She's running in the opposite direction and wants to break into the Guinness World Book of records with ten thousand condoms in her collection.
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Brave Browser:
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video isn't brought to you by anyone. I just had a great epiphany while having a conversation with everyone's favorite fat cat and she complained about love dolls for women and it inspired the evil genius in me. The chat and I chat on Skype occasionally and I know how much you guys love hearing from her. So what was this amazing insight that I received. Well she mentioned that their biggest problem, no pun intended was that there were two penis attachments. One that's flaccid and the other that's a fat boy standing to attention. My first thought was why didn't someone create an inflatable dong for a man doll? But then I thought about my system where you project a person into the doll that you interact with. What if a woman interacts with a man through the doll and when she turns him on he starts to get hard and on his end there's a device that resembles a flesh light that senses him filling it up and on her end the male member starts to inflate as a result. She would get rewarded by seeing him get turned on her by her twerking. Plus she can interact with him through the doll. But that's not where the super genius level trickery takes place. The more I thought about this the more it made sense from the standpoint of screwing over feminists. What if instead of creating a female version I made the male version first and marketed to women? The biggest issue with getting women to adopt such technology is that dolls won't work and provide for them like a real man. Plus they don't get the satisfaction of interacting with a human being by being with a regular type of doll. A nagasaurus after-all needs someone to nag. The man in the doll can be her real life Ken that she can literally manipulate. There's a psychological element because women are more interested in people on average while men are more generally interested in things. But not all men and not all women. So I thought what better way to introduce my virtual sex love bot system then to introduce it to the female market first. Then I would have plausible deniability that I wasn't trying to objectify women because I was objectifying men instead and no one cares about men so it's perfect. Men certainly won't complain about being objectified. If women adopted the technology then they couldn't complain about dolls for men being released because the technology was created for them. It wouldn't be fair if they were using it and men weren't allowed to use it. Men would see their attitude and behavior change and wonder what was going on. If they behaved badly they would risk revealing the darkness of female nature. Anyways, Before I discuss this more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the video. The power in creating a virtual sex system where a woman interacts virtually with a man means that she can use the power of her vagina to create a robotic hard on right there in front of her by turning a
guy on that's on the other side of the world. It appeals to their vanity, narcissism and desire for attention. Plus they would pay men on the other side to entertain them. They also would no longer be able to complain that men were objectifying men with such technology because they were objectifying us first.
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puta de beira de asfalto e carniça saiam fora galera doença na certa.
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Go your own way guys
Um vídeo piada, mais com uma piada bem perto da realidade que está rolando hoje em dia com muitos homens que assumem modernetes de hoje.
E Reza a lenda que elas enganaram até o Diabo!
Imagine um Betão, bobo, Otário que dorme, sem observar o padre e a missa que esta rolando.
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- The MGTOW Book Collection
They want us banned
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Email: Sandmanmgtow @
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Jimmy. He didn't send me a donation with his topic so what I'd like to do is cover the insanity in Argentina and South America with the rise of Feminism down there. My cock cries for you Argentina as fat feminists try and tear down your country. That whole continent in the southern hemisphere is fighting a cooch coup for civilization itself. I guess women didn't get the memo that they depend on men for survival? Or maybe they just don't care anymore. Why does everyone think that outside the western world that Brazil has the biggest MGTOW community. Why have they have shut down MGTOW and men's rights YouTube channels in Brazil and Mexico completely and are not just demonetizing them?. This just shows you how women in Latin American women have more power over men. I spoke with one YouTuber in Brazil and he told me it's a weird combination of Catholic guilt and feminist fist pumping that men are facing down there. I recently saw in Mexico bring up the term femicide which represents the murder of women. As if murder only counts when it's the death of a women. Men are disposable so the feminists south of the Rio Grande are trying to reword murder to mean something that only happens to women. As for Argentina it has a rich Catholic background and women in that country have been fighting for the right to abortions recently and this will just create an even bigger problem. Right now the country has a population of 43 million and it's fertility rate is at replacement. With abortion being legalized I'm predicting that that will push it well below replacement even if only five or ten percent of women that get pregnant decide to take advantage of the procedure. Earlier this year in Argentina they had women's day and the motto was for men to stop killing women. They are complaining about the 255 femicides that happened in Argentina in 2020. But ironically more women are probably going to die from the coof spreading at this event with thousands of women present then all the so called femicides in 2020. I'll discuss more hypocrisy and insanity in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways now back to the clown world show tango. So besides more old women dying from the feminist rally that's for abortion in Argentina I noticed the long bangs on many feminists to cover their receding hair lines. Feminism as always is for unattractive women that want to make attractive women suffer just as much as they do. No one wants to have children with them and on the rare chance that they do the child won't be all that pleasant to the eye. So what better way for feminists in Argentina to take their anger out on attractive ladies that have normal children instead of the occasional homely looking kids feminists have is by making sure that attractive women don't have kids. Feminism is a misery loves company ideology and surprise surprise unattractive feminists all over the world want the same thing. To make the more attractive women suffer by dragging them down to their level and beating them with their ugly sticks. It's too bad that in Argentina there are no drug cartels like you see in Mexico. In that country because of the cartels you either get the silver if you do as they want you to or you get the steel if you don't. IE the steel found inside a pistol. What's really sad is that the world is being dragged down by unattractive women that can't get a Chad. Don't look at capitalism or the patriarchy as to why fat women that look like Pikachu with hairy armpits can't get a date. Blame the welfare state and the sexual revolution. Blame birth control pills and the abortions that are now being welcomed in Argentina. Latin people tend to be more passionate about life and before Christianity was a great outlet for that. But now that religion is dying in Latin America women are plowing their passion into feminism. Nature doesn't like a vacuum and it it fills it with something.
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No good deed goes unpunished.
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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
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Brave Browser:
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Miguel and here's what he has to say: "Hey Man, I am still here and going more MGTOW by the day. I currently don't date and I am happy and content, though occasionally lonely, but I embrace that over the rollercoaster of being in a relationship. I am trying to shift more of my video listening time over to BitChute, and I had a novel idea... If I stream your Kool Buildings channel in the background (muted), while I listen to you on BitChute, would that increase your ad revenue on YouTube? Large scale, that may be a bump in income for you if a few thousand of us did that... Might work, might not. BTW, I retire in 16 months for the Navy. Then I can truly go my own way. I'm currently thinking of either becoming an ex-pat or buying a ranch in the southwest and getting some low stress bullshit job. Thanks for your counsel. Finally I appreciate your work as it's helped put me into a good financial position, so the money I sent was the least in could do." Well Miguel thanks for the donation and I'm glad that going MGTOW has helped you get your financial house in order. Ironically I also got another donation from Michael and he said something similar so I decided to combine them into one video. Michael said this and I quote: "Hi Sandman, I'm finally getting around to a much deserved donation. I'm now in a good financial position, largely due to going my own way! I appreciate you and your content. No topic requests, the only issue I have now is avoiding nihilism and malaise. If you want to cover those thing again, have at it." Well Michael I'll cover the topic of nihilism and malaise in another video, this one is just to show social proof that you and Miguel both are saving a ton of money going your own way. Also thank you Miguel. Most guys are shocked at how quickly they save money when the are single for any extended period of time. Ironically though for me guarding my wallet by going my own way has in some ways increased my stress while decreasing it in others. I guess that Biggie Smalls was right when he said more money more problems. But before I discuss this further let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia:
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A valuable lesson in how to stay on your frame and defend it from attacks in the modern world. <br>#TerrencePopp #MensFrame #Masculinity <br> <br>To donate to this content, see our list of channels, purchase merchandise or join Popp’s Preppers, click here: <br> <br>Send physical donations to: <br> Productions <br>29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407 <br>Royal Oak, MI 48072 <br>If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3 <br>All donations are tax deductible <br> <br>And be sure to tune in for Grunt Speak Live <br>Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm Eastern <br>And <br>Supporter Sunday streams for Locals, GiveSendBro, and SubscribeStar members only!
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JENNIFER’S HIV/AIDS Story (in Pictures)
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Email: Sandmanmgtow @
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a topic so what I'd like to do its cover a story by someone named Jennifer Vaughan that posted a video called: "JENNIFER’S HIV/AIDS Story (in Pictures)" This story reminded me of Forest Gump. In that film the main female character's name was Jenny and she went around America for most of the film humping all the dirty hippies she could while Forest Gump worked hard to build up resources until she was finally ready to settle down now that she had an incurable disease. Plus she had a kid with him and Forest had the privilege of taking care of the Aids baby. Although in the film it's not clear if either forest or the baby had HIV. During the whole film he was being told to run forest run and yet no one told him to run away from the aids cock carousel. As for the story of this other Jenny she connected with her boyfriend on Tinder and they decided to have a long distance relationship. He's from Montreal and she's from Commiefornia. So they had a Skype relationship and she was with her kids and he was in Canada. The video now has almost three and a half million views. I can't believe no one sent me the link to it before. In 2016 Jennifer she got the flu and felt not like herself. She kept going to the doctor for blood tests and finally found out that she had Aids. Luckily Eric didn't get HIV from her so instead I nominate him for the Forest Gump award. An award that's given out to the man that sleeps with a woman with Aids and miraculously doesn't get it. Conveniently this new Jenny she didn't know where she got aids. It seems that her first instinct was to wondering if Eric her Canadian boyfriend gave her Aids? That question crossed her mind as well as many others. I'll share what happened in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to Commiefornia with Aids clown world show. So Jenn didn't think to have herself tested after being in a relationship with a man that was raw dogging her? I don't feel any sympathy for her because I've been in relationships where women asked me to get tested before we had sex and I did and I was negative even though I always wrapped up my junk. I was with a woman that was overly cautious and yet here we have a woman that didn't think to do a blood test after sleeping around. So she found out one of her ex boyfriends was positive and that he gave her name and number to the health clinic that confirmed his results two years before she found out. Then Jennifer show pictures of herself nude in the bathtub covering her boobs, which is something that would have my channel instantly banned but she can get away with because she has female with aids privilege and I'm sure this gets her a lot of sympathy and attention as well. Then she goes into the hospital because of her low T Cell count. Yet she doesn't seem to take responsibility saying that her ex boyfriend never contacted her and neither did the health clinic he supposedly told to get in touch with her. Now she's sitting there with full blown aids. I suspect the guy never told the clinic and never told her either because he was probably pissed off at her for something. Maybe she ghosted him or did something really unsavory to. To not tell your ex girlfriend that you gave her aids intentionally odds are she must be a real character. So then we see tons of pictures of Jenn in the hospital. Why the hell would anyone be taking selfies on their death bed and ill like that? She says she was worried that she could die in her sleep but she still has the strength to take selfies. She complained about losing weight and becoming frail. This is something that a lot of people should have no excuse for. You're dying of Aids and losing weight because it's shutting down your appetite. Well I have zero appetite and I don't have aids or Cancer.
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Go your own way guys
A Creepy Married Woman Wants Me. What Do I Do? - MGTOW
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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Mattick and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I wanted to share a small chapter that has occurred in my life recently. A year ago I received a request on Facebook from an old friend I knew whilst serving in the army of my country over 12 years ago. When I say friend, I mean a friend with benefits arrangement. When I got into a serious relationship with someone else, I stopped serving this friend and soon lost contact. Due to commitments for work, studying, and other things occurring in my life, my social and dating isn’t as busy as it once was. I thought there was no harm in having a little female presence back in my life. So, I accepted her friend request and we soon began chatting and hanging out. Just for context, I had no intention whatsoever of resuming our past friends with benefit endeavor. My intent was purely platonic. She wasn’t much of a looker 12 years ago; motherhood and the wall have not been kind to her since then. Anyway, she is now married. At first it was kind of cool to be hanging out, catching up on what has occurred in our lives over the last decade, and doing stuff like taking small roads trips with her and her daughter. She revealed to me that her husband worked outside of the UK in Dubai in an IT role. He has been there for over 2 years and has only made 2 very short trips back in that time. Over the last year, her behavior can only be described as bizarre. Outlandish claims that she runs an online clothing store making substantial profits, the reality being she has only sold a few cheap 2nd hand items she found in outlet stores. She claims she has loads of luxury holidays booked that she would partake in after restrictions for the virus had been lifted, guess what, they never happened. In the UK, people who behave liked this are described as being away with the fairies. I have made the decision to disassociate her from my life now. Our last few meetings have resulted in her toxic femininity coming out. I have been called gay, spoken down to, had other derogatory comments made at me, even threats of violence against me. This might be due to my constant rejection to her indirect advances towards me, she has lately told me how much she wants a man to do the business with. The mental image of this wanted to make me bring my lunch up. She still has her three cats she can use for emotional tampons. I’d love to hear your opinions on this. All the best, keep up the great work." Well Mattick thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways now back to a female friends with benefits coming back to try to trap you with with her single mother crotch fruit clown world story. Mattick do you really believe this woman's story about the husband that visits her once a year? She's desperate shaming you to keep giving her attention. How do you know that she even has a husband in Yabba Dabba Dubai? Maybe she's making him up the way she's making her business profits up too? Maybe he divorced her and is sending child support payments to her and you are supposed to be the daddy backup plan? She sounds mentally unbalanced and doesn't have anyone else to talk to except her child and three little cats. She's either the best you were with before or she worked her way through a list of guys that were better. So she reached out to you on Facebook. Many women are immune to this sort of situation because when they get married they take the husbands last name and suddenly none of the men that they were with in the past can look them up anymore.
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Sponsor Link: <br>How & Where to Buy HEX <br> <br> <br>'After Wasting 4 Years on Dating Apps, I Found Love Using My '333 Strategy'' <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from SD MGTOW and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I found an article and I thought you might base an episode off of it. The woman in it became depressed as the number of guys asking her out began to decrease as she reached the age of 30. Instead of attributing the decrease to her declining marketplace value and degraded fertility, she figured it was due to using the wrong dating strategy. So she began using a "3-3-3" strategy, which was based upon dating 3 guys at a time, playing them against each other, and making them all wait 3 months to touch her. The strategy has not resulted in any marriage or long term relationships, but she did get a Newsweek article out of it. I wonder if this is the future of the dating world: Desperate cat-herding women living their lives like a Dating Reality Show for media spectacle instead of dates. I'm interested in your thoughts. Keep up the good work. Signed, SD MGTOW. (Single Dad Happily Going His Own Way since being Raped By Commie-Fornia Divorce Court Many Years Ago)" Well SD MGTOW thanks for the donation and topic. Haifa Barbari the woman in this article is way past the age of 30. She looks to be in her mid to late forties. Also she didn't get an article out of her story she wrote the article herself and probably paid newsweek for the privilege. Because if you read all the way to the bottom and are emotionally invested you'll see a link to her self-coaching app. The article is all about social proof that her 3-3-3 system works. This article reminds of ones about the real estate market. A so called expert in their field writes an article so you'll hire them. Remember that Newsweek and the legacy media in general are dying and losing viewers. Even paying a hundred dollars for someone to write a short article is getting too much for them. So an author that pays for the privilege about her so called dating strategy for women works out better for them. Haifa is hilarious because she believes that not giving a man commitment for 3 months is going to work. I guess she's never heard that woman are the gate keepers of sex and men are the gate keepers of commitment. I guess she wants to be the gate keeper of both. But being in her mid forties she's rapidly starting to resemble the cryptkeeper. But I didn't read anywhere that she doesn't let guys touch her. Do you really think those guys she's dating are sticking around for 3 months waiting to stick it in her? If they are then they are mega simps. They would have to be to wait around 3 months for what looks to be a 45-year-old woman. I'll discuss more about this disgusting mess in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Hex: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.
Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection
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Brave Browser:
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by Joseph and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I'm a 25 year old guy in Australia, single, never married, had a hand-full of relationships that didn't work out thankfully. This message isn't about trying to work through relationship issues though. I'm not trying to cause any drama, I'm just sharing and wondering what your opinion is. MGTOW is a very open acronym. It's a good one, but I don't think it really captures any specific sentiment to it's fullest. For example "Men Going Their Own Way" is basically stating that men are living life how they wish to live it, which isn't really anything too rare or special. We (males and females alike) all do unless we are heavily subjected to slavery and servitude. It encompasses a great and varied group of individuals all with different ideas and dreams of how society should be lived and designed. Some believe we should strive to become financially successful in the various systems we live in. Some believe we should break away from society, live off grid. Some believe we should ghost, be invisible in the machine and let it destroy itself. Some believe we should continue pushing for change in the current systems. Some believe we should rebel and destroy our systems. Some believe we should start our own communities. The list goes on. MGTOW ends up just being a philosophy, a philosophy of self-love, and brotherly love, helping our fellow men see the world for what it is and guiding them to the sort of lifestyle they wish to live; "red-pilling" if you will. It leads to a very big existential crisis, a rage against the machine and the chains that enslave us societally, biologically, psychologically etc., and eventually to an acceptance and motivation to do what one wishes. It leads us on a path to discover what it is that we believe will help us individually find the least amount of pain and the most amount of fulfillment in life. I am still conflicted with the different options out there, all with possible positive and negative outcomes in my eyes. I would suggest that the vast majority of MGTOW men are in a similar thought process. I'd suggest not to be afraid to change your mind, it's how we learn and grow. Since we MGTOW men often seek "freedom" I'd like to share my observation on "freedom", we will always be enslaved by some sort of system, whether man-made or natural, it could even be a system of our own design. The progressive group of people who push for openness and acceptance of everything and anything that fits their impossible to please self-destructive desires can be seen as giving the most freedom they can. Freedom to identify as anything you want, freedom to boink whatever you want, freedom to kill unborn children, freedom to live however and wherever you wish without borders as long as you pander to their narrative and are willing to be slaughtered socially and/or physically in the name of progressivism. This so-called-freedom is undesirable.
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Body Transformation Made Simple
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Brave Browser:
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: Hi Sandman, I'm writing this try to get to the core of what's going on with modern male/female relationships and how they have changed over the last few decades. I'm hearing a lot of anger from the men's rights community (an anger that I certainly share!), but I'm not certain if we're getting to the core of the problem. Instead of running a "he man haters" club and making videos about how much we despise them, shouldn't we try to figure out what's going on? In book titled "An Economic Theory of Sex" Eric Robert Morse points out that the 2 sexes have different roles in raising the child. The female is a nurturer, the male is a provider and protector. The female has breasts to breast feed the child, her skin is soft for holding and carressing the child, she is compassionate. The male, on the other hand, has no breasts, has muscles that are bigger than the females and his skin is tougher. He is more tough minded, less compassionate. The male is a provider and protector. The situation today is that the government has replaced the male provider. When a woman is pregnant, she is down for 9 months, and then another 18 years to raise the child. These are the time periods when the woman traditionally needs the male protector and provider. But today if a woman gets pregnant, she can get on Welfare, the state will support her while she raises her child. Or she can get a state-funded abortion--in California a woman doesn't have to pay a single penny for an abortion--the state pays for everything. Her third option is to continue working and send the child to daycare. As far as jobs go, there is affirmative action for women for employment, as well as for education. Essentially, the male provider role has been taken over by the government!! They don't need us anymore!! Ironically, men pay 70% of the taxes that fund the government!! And you can't refuse to pay-- the IRS can seize your bank account, or throw you in prison!! I could make a case for our society being a feminist/socialist dictatorship backed up by violence!! Technology is phasing out the male protector role! A woman can protect herself with a gun or a tazer. Of course, most of these technologies were probably invented by men. Needless to say divorce laws and sexual harassment laws have all been changed to favor women. In fact, according to "Men on Strike" by Helen Smith, because of feminist lobbying, since 1970, EVERY law has been changed to favor women!! "Misandry is the new Jim Crow" is a statement someone posted on the internet. In other words, being a male in the U.S. in 2020 is about as much fun as being black in Mississippi in 1953! I don't think you are right in assigning all the blame to "female nature". I used to date women in Arkansas in the '80's and 90's and they were nothing like the stuck-up bitches you meet in the big cities today. In fact, dating was an enjoyable proccess in those days. Want to meet a woman who values you and loves you? Go to a Third World country where there is no Welfare or state funded abortion! You could also try the South or the Midwest or a small tow, anywhere old-fashioned values predominate.
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1. Cheerful young couple in love having fun outdoors. Man and woman screaming and fighting for fun. Bride and groom posing for photographer.
2. Collage of upset brides- square banner size
3. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.
Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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"Moradores do bairro do Barreiro, em Belém, encontraram na noite de terça-feira, 12, em uma área florestal, o corpo de uma mulher com marcas de tiros. Segundo informações, a vítima Taís Dias da Costa, de 26 anos, mais conhecida por "Taís da Remoçada", acusada de participar e filmar as agressões ocorridas no passado junto a sua gangue...
Segundo informações de testemunhas, além de Taís fazer parte de uma multidão organizada, ela também teria ligações com facções criminosas. Mas, essa informação ainda não foi confirmada pela Polícia Militar.
A morte de Taís, segundo testemunhas que conheciam a vítima, foi comunicada há dias através de troca de mensagens. E No domingo, três pessoas foram violentamente agredidas e as ações foram filmadas por várias pessoas, incluindo Taís".
Joe Rogan & Gad Saad - Progressivism is a Religion
Charlemagne: Mulling Over Moldbug: Progressive Christianity
Academy of Ideas: Public Schools, the Fixation of Belief, and Social Control
Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.
Sponsor Link: <br>The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce & The Police Are Not Your Friends <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video isn't brought to you by any donations because I didn't get any for today. I thought I'd share a short article from May 14, 1923 in the New York Times that shows you that female nature trying to shut down male spaces and shut us up stretches way back in time. The woman in it even calls men that are single and refuse to remarry simps. That was one of the earliest documented uses. Here's what it says and I quote: "Woman Calls Bachelors "Simps" "Afraid to Take a Chance," Says Woman Referring to Club. In Atlantic City New Jersey on May 13 a letter signed by "Miss Lillian Henderson," which bitterly assailed Atlantic City's bachelors," was received here today by Acting Captain of Detectives Frank Feretti from Newark. The letter referred particularly to the now defunct Bachelors' Club here and the Atlantic City Widowers Association. "Those bachelor simps." wrote Miss Henderson." are afraid to take a chance and are too tight to share their earnings with a wife." The Bachelor Club assailed by Miss Henderson disbanded recently when some of its members deserted and married. The Widowers' Association headed by City Detective Edward Sowney, is formed mainly of those who have traveled a stormy marital path and have sworn "never again." unquote. At first I couldn't figure out why Miss Lillian Henderson petitioned the police to shut down a bachelor's club. Then it dawned on me she was probably trying to cancel Detective Edward Sowney back in 1923 for being head of the Widower's Association. That's probably the real reason she contacted his place of employment and sent his higher up the letter. This is 100 years ago and the cancel culture ideas remain the same the names have just change. Back then Widowers and bachelor's associations were used by men to meet and share ideas about female nature and probably just network. But proto feminists and suffragettes back then wanted to shut down all male spaces. They had shut down the bars when they banned alcohol only three years before thanks to the prohibition act. But that wasn't enough. Lilian was using the typical shaming language that single men were selfish and stupid simps. Shaming men back then for being cowards unwilling to take a chance. All stuff I recently spoke about in a video I shared that has a chapter from my upcoming book called: "Shaming Single Men." Lilian contacted active Captain of Detectives Frank Feretti. She was trying to shame detective Sowney to his boss and put pressure on him by also shaming him and all the detective to try and get Sowney canned. Lilian is trying to scare men from talking to one another in their own clubs and associations without the company of a woman. She's trying to say that they will be cancelled and it's pure scare tactics the way we see today. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor T Fitz: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.
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Nossa o mundo de hoje está muito maravilhoso Vou arranjar uma web namorada!
Tá sendo empalada por outro kkkkk Na transmissão, e o Otário cuck rindo e batendo palmas kkkkkk!
Mais vamos também analisar por um parâmetro sem maldades...
Se nos para pra pensar ? no Japão tem muito terremoto ? pode se isso olha o desespero dela até fechas os olhos tadinha ???
Sponsor Link: <br>The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce & The Police Are Not Your Friends <br> <br> <br>Man Dubbed 'Creep' For Using Elliptical At The Gym <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>Another day without a topic donation. If you want me to share your story or topic you can do so by sending a donation to the paypal or subscribestar link in the description. Today I want to share an article called: "Man Dubbed 'Creep' For Using Elliptical At The Gym" Apparently it was a slow new day over at newsweek and so they covered a story that sounds more like gossip and shaming language then it does news. Here's what part of that article says and I quote: "Readers of a viral post on the Reddit forum "Am I the A**hole" backed a woman who said she decided to cut her workout short after a man decided to use the elliptical machine right next to her. She shared that she typically goes to the gym at night to avoid large groups of people. However, a man hopped on the elliptical machine right next to her despite there being a row of other empty machines. Many readers chimed in to write that she was not out of line to leave early, some even criticizing the man for his gym etiquette. "It made me a little uncomfortable, so I shortened my workout by a few minutes and hopped off to grab a disinfectant wipe," she said. When she returned to her machine, she said the man asked her "what her problem was. Caught off guard, she said she told him that she was done with her workout. "But he said something about me 'treating him like a predator for no reason' and then put his headphones back in," she wrote, concluding her post. "That guy is a weirdo," a top comment read. "Gym etiquette: don't take the machine RIGHT NEXT to someone if there are other vacant ones. Especially during covid. And not next to a single woman." Many Redditors wrote that his reaction to her leaving was also strange. "He jumped to conclusions from the act of you getting off an elliptical, sounds like he's projecting some feelings there," one Reddit user wrote. "He had no reason to assume she was weirded out by him other than that he obviously knew it was weird to take the elliptical right next to her's," a comment read. "It 100% seems like he was telling on himself for creeping." "The fact that he got upset about it is telling," another commented. "If he didn't want to be treated like a creep he shouldn't have acted like one." unquote. I love stories like this because the guy at the gym shamed for something she may or may not have done and then proceeded to tune her out by putting his earphones one. He made what appears to be a judgement call and then didn't give her a chance to respond like a boss. That's what a woman would do. Men are increasingly behaving like petty passive aggressive females. Women have complained about toxic masculinity and now they are getting toxic femininity thrown back in their face and all they can say is muh etiquette. I'll discuss more about this delightful situation in just a <br>moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor T Fitz: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Sultan and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I have been following your YouTube channel within The last 7 to 8 months. I have been amazed by the amount of knowledge that I've gained thanks to you regarding female nature. I was hoping I can get your feedback on my most recent encounter with a girl I met just before the covid-19 lockdown occured. I met this girl at the mall she recognized me from Facebook. It was our first time seeing each other in person. We walked and talked in the mall, eventually we decided to watch a movie. During the entire film duration we got very comfortable and very touchy! Afterwards I figured that she liked me and I wanted to see her again, but every time I tried to schedule another date or meet up, she would make excuses! Eventually the lockdown occured and obviously she would use that as an excuse as well. But if she really liked me she would have met me again. I was thirsty for a female connection and I really wanted things to workout between me and her. I was surprised that she would allow me to get so intimate with her that first night we met, then totally ghost me afterwards. Eventually I straight up told her over whatsapp that I really liked her and wanted to pursue a relationship. She replied saying that before I commit to her I need a "good job" and a car! I was very shocked and fell into a depressive episode. Eventually you came into my mind and mgtow clicked in my head, I realized that this chick doesn't care about me but she cares about the material things that she wishes I had. I mean I'm not a bum but my life is work in progress. I'm studying and working part time, but she acted like a princess by stating that before I commit to her I must have all these material things, cars great income etc. Up to her standard! I'm 28 and of Afghan heritage my family came to Canada in 1999 when I was 7. I fell a bit behind in life due to struggling with severe depression but I'm doing much better now. I enjoy working out and wrestling and I'm pushing myself to study electrical engineering as I maintain a part-time income at a restaurant. I really would appreciate a relationship with a woman. But I fear that I won't be able to find one that will love me as I would love her. Sorry for long message it's my 1st time. Thanks again Sandman you have opened my eyes. But I'm still in shock to know that woman are like this. What ever happened to two people meeting and trying to establish a life facing struggles together and building a relationship? It all seems like BS now. Maybe I was socially engineered by the media as a kid to think like that? ok that's it boss." Well Sultan thanks for the donation and topic. The rabbit hole goes much deeper than you think in your situation. I'll explain your situation in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:
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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so I wanted to cover two topics. The first one is the backlash from a BBC article where young anonymous lesbian women say they were coerced into having sex with trans lesbians. They said they were being pressured by friends and lovers with threats of violence and sexual assault if they didn't sleep with trans women. I spoke about this before that fifty percent of men in our society only have access to ten percent of the homeliest looking women. As a result they started an online campaign to help them share their story and promote it as a problem. The leftists are starting to eat each other both in and out of the bedroom. At least some of them are. The problem is that no matter how hard you try to make everyone the same to create unity and equality humans end up with differences. The only unity can come from disharmony. Where we all have freedom to follow our own beliefs and take our own actions. But the left doesn't like that. So now there's in fighting in the LGBTQLMNOP community and this is why religions go to war with other religions and different sects. In this case social justice warriors disagree on how they should be worshiping at the church of woke. The only solution for our differences is to find some other common identity not based on sex, race, financial status, sexual orientation, etc. And use that to bring us together. The BBC opinion piece talks about two lesbian women that were assaulted by a transwoman at university and were targeted because they were lesbians. The problem of course is that most of the left says that trans women are women. So therefore genetically lesbian women should be attracted to them. I've said before that if you're one of the 50% of men in the lower tier of guys and only have access to 5% of women out there, the homeliest of the species then you can gain access to better looking women by taking hormones and getting implants. Thirty percent of men right now are not getting an relationships or attention from women. I wouldn't be surprised if many guys are resorting this sort of behavior to gain access to a velvet vagina. The second topic I'll discuss in this video was from someone name Julian that wanted me to expand my content beyond female nature. I'll read his comments in the second half and pipe in. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways now back to incel men dressing up as women and shaming lesbians to sleep with them clown world show. I can understand why some men might play the part of turning himself into a passable female to get attention from women he might never get. There are a lot of thirsty men out there willing to do whatever it takes including modifying their bodies to appear feminine to gain access to women. I remember long time ago hearing a story about a gay guy that wanted a boy in his high school but the guy wasn't attracted to him. So he became trans and then the guy she now wanted began dating her. A story like that is going to make a lot of gay males think that taking on a female identity is going to help them attract a masculine man. Other men are going to see how woke culture is successfully helping them leave the incel category and if they alter their appearance then there are affirmative action programs available with six figure salaries too. Because every company wants to do the socially responsible thing and have a token tranny in the office.
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Sandman Contact Info & Store: <br>Email: [email protected] <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Tristan and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I would like the topic of discussion to be about love dolls and their effectiveness in being a replacement for women. I will share my disagreement with you as it relates to the love dolls based off my own personal experience with my doll. You infer (based off of your own experience) that love dolls in and of themselves (as they currently exist) may not be a suitable substitute for women, for you think that most men will find it difficult to fully relate with the doll on an emotional level (and perhaps sexual, as emotions and sex are closely interweaved. At least for me it is) because they will see it as arduous to look at their doll as anything but a piece of plastic. I can certainly see how this can be true for some men (and maybe even most), but one has to remember that the minds of the men that we are trying to reach - and further set free - are that of a different persuasion: they are far beyond the illusion of the impotent fabricated opinions that a mirage world wants them to think, they are not attached to the imprisoning expectations or standards of the thoughts of others and see their existence from an entirely different perspective than what the Hylics see. I myself enjoy my doll more than I enjoy a "real" woman. She is much more attractive than many of the woman I have come across in this current "lifetime" I am having, not just in appearance but in personality as well. She is much more peaceful and quite, gentle and sweet, and soft and lively (characteristics I find it difficult to see in many Hylic women.). To those that look at the world strictly through the "lower" senses, it may seem schizophrenic to say ones doll has a personality, but to a creative free mind this is completely normal and healthy. Just as people can create "fictional" movies and or books and suspend their disbelief that the movie they are watching or the book they are reading isn't real, one can do the same with a doll (the doll can be whatever one wants it to be.). I think as the technology of love dolls improve, the easier it will be for men to love their dolls and see them as a viable option in substitute for a "real" woman. Subtle improvements such as ones doll being able to reach out and hug them or cuddle with them when they are sleeping, being able to stand upright without supports underneath or around her while she is standing, making the skin feel even more "real" without degrading the structural integrity of it, and making AI voices sound less robotic, can make the doll feel ever more authentic and be convincing enough to the specific type of men we are trying to reach. To end, I guess all I am trying to say here is that, when compared to a Hylic or unconscious woman (I mean "unconscious" in a spiritual sense), a doll is a much better option for me. My life is filled with much more peace quite (something I admire greatly, and perhaps other men do too), much more free time, and much less <br>emotional dependence. You have helped me a lot, as I hope with others. Thank you for all of your effort Sandman. Well Tristan thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in a moment but let me tell you about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Motion Graphics Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
One of the best action stars of all time has sold out and become just like his father. That’s not a good thing. So let’s debunk his Faucism from the top down and bottom up.
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Parece que ela no Vídeo tenta passar uma de fodoceta, mas depois das três primeiras maderadas o Grelo dela murchou Rapidinho.
Até onde eu sei é disso que elas gostam mesmo kkkkkkk...
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Male Sexlessness is Rising But Not for the Reasons Incels Claim
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by any donations. Because I didn't get any for this video. So I decided to cover an 2018 article I put in the description called: "Male Sexlessness is Rising But Not for the Reasons Incels Claim" I found this article on a MGTOW forum and the person posting is said that this article is making that arguement that the primary reason young unmarried men aren't getting sex is because there's a delay in marriage these days in our society. The author goes as far as saying this and I quote: "The rise of young male sexlessness isn’t about Chads and Stacies; it isn’t primarily about Tinder or Bumble; it’s not mostly about attitudinal shifts in what women want from relationships; and it’s not mainly about some new war between the sexes. It’s mostly about people spending more years in school and spending more years living at home. But that’s not actually a story about some change in sexual politics; instead, it’s a story about the modern knowledge economy, and to some extent exorbitant housing costs. As such, it’s no surprise that rising sexlessness is being observed in many countries. This, in turn, suggests that finding a solution to help young people pair up may not be as easy." unquote. I'll discuss all this and more in just one moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to the incelebration clown world show. So Lyman Stone the author of this article has the perfect name because in a way he's lying to us. He says that the rise in the number of incels out there isn't primarily about Tinder and Bumble. Oh really? Then what is causing women to be so picky in what they want from men? Women get onto social media and see the top men that are seemingly only a swipe or two away and they raise their standards as a result. By Lyman is right when he says that the exorbitant housing costs and guys living with their parents well into adulthood means unmarried men are getting much less sex than previous generations. He says women are not selecting men they find unappealing and there are more sue men because in the modern knowledge economy women are more likely to be highly educated and looking for a partner with the same qualities. Or are looking for men with money. But most millennial men don't have a house, let alone the massive down payment required to get a home. There are multiple factors for the rise in incels. More young guys are living with their parents and we saw a sharp rise in that after 2009 which coincides perfectly with the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 and 2009. He has graphs in the article pointing that out. What he's not discussing is men's side of the story. Many guys are saying they aren't finding partners that meet their standards for marriage. Quite often we hear women complain about how they can't find a good man. But no one listens to men when they say they can't find a good woman. The only reason women probably spew that story over and over again is so that men can't say that the woman out there are bad and the juice isn't worth the squeeze anymore. It's projection. You can't say that women are bad when they say they can't find a good man first. By asking where have all the good men gone they are painting all men as bad and themselves as perfect two hundred pound angels with horns, imaginary perky boobs and high heeled hooves and men are the devils. If he had said something like that I don't think his editor would have published the story. There was a drop in both unmarried men and unmarried women not having sex around 2003. Only 12% of both unmarried males and females were sexless for a year or longer back in 2010.
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Título Original: Sêxodo - Por que os homens estão desistindo das mulheres? <br>Publicado em 18 de Outubro de 2018 <br>Vídeo Original Publicado em 11 de Dezembro de 2014 <br>Créditos: Paul Joseph Watson Brasil <br>Publicação Original: <br> <br>Meus Outros Canais: <br>Rumble: <br>Youtube: <br>Odysee: <br>Bitchute: <br> <br> <br>Descrição Original do Autor: <br> <br>Cada vez mais e mais homens estão optando por não se envolver com mulheres a longo prazo. <br>O que isso tem a ver com a terceira onda do feminismo? Quais as motivações por trás do fenômeno? <br>Os homens estão passando a gostar menos das mulheres ou simplesmente acham que não vale a pena? O que isso tem a ver com as crescentes acusações de machismo a investidas atrapalhadas? <br> <br>Por outro lado, por que as mulheres estão sofrendo com dificuldades de encontrar um homem de verdade? <br>Elas sempre verbalizam exatamente o que procuram, ou nem sempre? <br> <br>Deixe seu comentário sobre o assunto. <br> <br>Tradução: Rafael Cordeiro <br>Revisão: Cassiano Lopes <br>Edição: Luis Cruz <br> <br>Vídeo Original: <br> <br>===== <br> <br>Descrição do Vídeo Original: <br> <br>Why are more and more young men giving up on women and checking out of society? <br> <br>NEW VIDEO: Neomasculinity: The Male Backlash Against Toxic Women - <br> <br>The Sexodus, Part 1: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out of Society - <br> <br>The Sexodus, Part 2: Dishonest Feminist Panics Leave Male Sexuality In Crisis - <br> <br> <br> <br>Facebook @ <br>FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @
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Class of '09
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This is a talk I did a while back with SBN3 and he's a multimedia artist and comedian that has a channel called Class of 09 on Steam. As promised we gets a young woman to call into his show later. I can't remember exactly what we talked about but I enjoyed him challenging me on some issues and I'm sure you'll enjoy it too. Before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, here's the video. So Enjoy.
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from The Price Is Right and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, fellow MGTOW brother here. Hope your doing well during these tough times and staying safe? One subject I respectfully disagree is God and MGTOW if I may explain real quick. I've grown up as a minister's kid and I've learned through seeing how women treated my father and seeing everything happening in society I don't blame God for the wicked actions of free will in female nature. Today as a Christian MGTOW there is no scripture that tells a man he MUST be married to live a happy fulfilled life. In fact I've been studying scripture through a MGTOW lense and discovered many examples of God himself saying alot about female nature that alot of men MGTOW men especially seem to overlook. When I see the social norms between men and women of today I think of the biblical Jezebel vs Elijah and how he defeats this wicked Queen, calls out the simp nature of King Ahab and red pills a whole nation as a result. If you want a great reference for this enlightenment Sunrise Hoodie another awesome MGTOW channel he has a huge playlist called "MGTOW Sermons" where he goes in depth of what God himself says about female nature and I can say God absolutely dispises what his daughters have turned into because of feminsim abortions especially. I'm not saying what you or other MGTOW men should believe I just simply request you and other MGTOW brothers give the Bible another look this time through a MGTOW lense. Now to the topic that I want you to cover that honestly not alot of MGTOW channels are at least covering this to my knowledge but I hope it will be picked up more and addressed more that is female pedos and how alot of men seem to praise this behavior. What do I mean by this, well with this pandemic happening all over the world I see it as a cultural reset on the norms between men and women in a lot of ways. I believe if this is the case I think this would be the perfect time to start teaching men to be on a better footing in terms living in a man hating society going forward. For me it's sickening when I see society condemns male pedos rightfully so but then seem to praise when a woman abuses or molests a boy in schools or babysitting with the conditioning that boys can't be sexual assault victims. Thus I see alot of guys praising this one female behavior with phrases such as "Atta boy" or "I wish my teacher would do that to me" etc. I can't speak for other men of course but I hope the MGTOW community can help erase that sickening hypocritical mindset from newly red pilled men because we as men need self accountability. As we all call out female nature I hope we can teach men to hold any woman accountable for being a sexual predator towards our boys regardless how attractive the woman is especially how the state system is set to where a boy vitcim is forced to pay child support for a child he can't consent to. As you discuss this it would be awesome if more MGTOW channels can make topics that target our young boys to help prepare them for the harsh world they are growing into and how to protect themselves. Hope my topic isn't to much to discuss but I honestly believe it needs to be addressed more so I'm excited to see and listen to what you have to say on this topic CHEERS. Well Price is Right thanks for the donation and topic. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:
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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism
Throughout history, queens were more likely to wage war than kings
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Mohamed and here's what he has to say: "Sandman could you do a video on female heads of states, since women are always saying we can do better than men at running countries because we are more caring and merciful but when you look at historical figures that isn't the case women like the Queen Bloody Mary who had thousands burned at the stake and the Queen of Madagascar ranavanola who literally cut the population of her own country in half from 5 million to 2.5 million due to forced labor and straight up killing anyone who looked at her funny and also in more recent times the Prime Minister of India Indra Ghandi who forcefully sterilized millions of Indian citizens. Sandman it seems to me that even though the mass majority of tyrants throughout history were men it's the women who committed some of the most heinous crimes probably just over emotions where men tyrants do commit crimes just to consolidate the power, anyways what are your thoughts Sandman. Well Mohamed thanks for the donation and topic. I've personally met a few so called female leaders in Canada. One was a 93 year old Hazel McCallion the former mayor of Mississauga, a city next to Toronto and the former mayor of Brampton before she was disgraced for doing some illegal things and thrown out of office. She was replaced by a new male mayor, Patrick Brown who was once accused of sexual harrassment and it cost him the leadership of the conservative party in the province of Ontario and probably the election. We would have become the equivalent of a US state governor. Hazel that mayor was 93 when she got into two car accidents and there was a scandal with her son getting some city contracts because well you know his mother was the mayor. But everyone let that go because she was a sweet old lady and not some guy accused of man handling some hotties which were later proven to be tied to the reporter that broke that fake news. But it didn't matter he was booted out. At least the Brampton mayor was kicked out though. So are female rulers tyrants with titties that act like overbearing mothers? In Germany Merkel is gone and everyone used to call her Mother Merkel. As for one of the women you mentioned Mohammed, Ranavanola from Madagascar who is responsible for her population being cut in half she over-react to a bad situation. European colonialism was coming in and she and wouldn't let Europeans into her country. She forced her own subjects, the ones she didn't like to march through a swamp where they would get bit by Mosquitoes and die later from some illness. Of course she could use the typical female plausibility that it wasn't her fault that the Mosquitoes were bad when she asked everyone to march through. I have my fears for the future where in thirty years women make the majority of politicians at the current growth rate of women taking office. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Suriving 4th Wave Feminism:
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She's My Dream Woman - MGTOW
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Email: Sandmanmgtow @
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is Ilya and here's what he has to say: "Sandman, If you want to discuss it, I'd like to hear more of your thoughts on supernatural, precognitive dreams and nature of reality. Also, am I an NPC if I don't see precog dreams? Thank you for engaging content" Well Ilya thanks for the donation and topic. With regards to all the precognitive dreams and weird metaphysical x-files style experiences in my life there is no way I can share everything in only ten minutes. I recently put out a video called She's My Dream Woman that I haven't released as of scripting this video but will be out before this one and it discusses the strange circumstances as to how I went my own way and how there were outside forces meddling with my relationships my entire life. Those same forces set me free from them. I've also learned over the years that women are more interested in things like psychic phenomena and are more open to this sort of thing so long as the precognitive and paranormal experiences are positive. If they are negative they have a hard time processing things and start to freak out. I'll discuss my experiences in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. First of Ilya you're not an NPC if you've never had a precognitive dream you probably just haven't unlocked that ability yet. A friend of mine didn't really believe what I was saying until he started having lucid dreams. Now he wonders about the precognitive kind. For me it took trauma to have curse. I say curse because you start to question consciousness and if we are in a simulation as well as free will. We all want to feel that reality is real and that we have the ability to guide our own destinies. For me what triggered all of this was taking one Larazapam pill combined with a panic state which unintentionally lead me to have precognitive dreams. I sometimes worry about what walls of perception if I took something like ayawaska in South America. I fear learning too much about reality too quickly that I can't handle it. Precognitive Dreams are a curse because if you dream something and change the outcome does that mean what you drempt never existed in the first place? If it didn't then how and why did you see it? Maybe you saw it exist in the multiverse? There are also ways to communicate with what I would assume are multi-dimensional beings in my sleep. Some telling me about the future and things I can't change no matter how hard I try. That's where the issue of free will comes into play. Some things I have changed when dreaming of them. Other things I couldn't even though I had pre-knowledge. The things I did change maybe I was meant to change them and seeing what was going to happen was simply part of the equation. As you can see it gets complicated fast. There is something called the observer effect. When you measure the air pressure in a tire you have to use a device that measures the air pressure but it changes the pressure because it requires that air be released so the meter gets a correct reading. But by releasing it the value is different. Does seeing the future mean that your choices will be different simply because you've seen it? I can't answer that question completely? I know that sometimes it can't be changed and sometimes it can from personal experience. A lot of the time when I've had precognitive dreams they would involve a sequence of events. Sometimes I would get through about 75% of the sequence and then stop before I got to the last part of the dream as I was reliving it in my waking life. This was a way for me to mess back with reality.
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Remember gents. You DO NOT have to accept what YOU deem to be UNDESIRABLE women either.
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Brian. He didn't have a specific topic for me so what I'd like to do is discuss something I brought up and realised during a meeting of mgtow minds chat that I had a while back. In it I said that it's not that I don't trust women. It's that I don't trust myself around them. Like I'm either Dr. Sandman or Mr. Simp. I haven't learned how to become Professor Hulk like one of the guys on the chat named Joker. Joker says that with regards to women and relationships it's six months and he's out of there. For me around the six month time period with a woman my mind is baked and I can't stop thinking of starting a life with that tart. I know the situation was detrimental to me and I'm suffering through it but I believe it's easy to suffer through when it feels good. Especially a relationship. Why is it that some men can slog through a relationship and marriage without losing the essence of their being while others such as myself can't stop simpin when we fall in love? I'll get to that in just a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back with the show. What's been really frustrating for me ever since I went my own way is that I've seen other content producers that can still string together sophisticated sentences while getting married and having a family day after day while for me the moment I get into a relationship and have sex I get a sort of emotional brain fog where reason and rationality starts flying out the window. What I'd like to speculate as to why some men are adversely affected when in love while others apear to be themselves and are perfectly fine. Many of you will say that it comes down to a man being a simp and that he just needs to stop and get some help. But from my experience even after taking the red pill and going through the first red pill rage my mind and heart still fell to the force of females. When I would get involved in relationships it would take a lot of conscious effort to do things that were for my own benefit at the detrement of the women I was involved with. It was hard work being selfish. I began shaming other men that had choosen to stay single and didn't know why. White knighting is contageous I suppose. I know that on many MGTOW channels we tell guys not to be weak around women and to stop simpin when you're but what if you can't do that? What if you are so overwhelmed by the emotion of love that it doesn't matter how much reason and rationality you have in your head because the moment you put your little head inside of her you lose your big one? That's why I've found that creating and consuming MGTOW content daily has been helpful for me to remain focused. But even when in a relationship creating that content didn't help. Even when I forced myself day in and day out to focus on female nature it didn't help.
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he's what Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman I have another topic for you to cover. Me and my friends were watching YouTube videos from maury and Jeremy Kyle And the subject of these videos was if you are or are not the father? As we laughed and made jokes about the men in the video celebrating that they weren't the fathers and the women running crying and in denial about them not being the father a female came up and overheard our conversation and saw what we were looking. She was offended that we would laugh and make jokes about men not being the father. While yes it is true that these children will not have a Father figure in their life, at least these men will not have to suffer someone else's responsibility or burden. I think that this is kind of messed up that a woman would need just a random guy to be the father of her child. If I had my way I would make DNA test mandatory at childbirth for fathers and that is all I've got to say keep up the good work and spread the red pill wisdom Cheers" Well Teaven thanks for another donation and topic. You and your friends were just celebrating for those men on the screen and the woman that came up to you to give you grief for that she was empathizing with the women on the screen because they are part of the female collective. Before I discuss this further let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the show. So Teaven you're wondering why women are upset that a man isn't being cucked and that children are going to have to grow up without a father figure. The reason for this is because they see us men as a resource designed to be used by women and their children. The woman that got upset at you and your friends was empathizing with the woman on the screen because of own group preference and worried about how that woman was going to afford to nurture that child on her own. As you can now see there is zero consideration when it comes to justice for the man. No wonder in many states if you marry a single mother after a certain period time if you get divorced from her you are on the hook for child support for kids that you know 100% aren't your own. We are nothing more than slaves to women and their children. A woman lost her ill gotten slave on television, how dare you laugh at her.
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Sponsor Link Money Line Investments <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Ms. Anonymous and here's what she has to say: "Hi Sandman, I’d like you to cover the subject of the SINKs movement. The acronym stands for single income no kids, and seems to be comprised of only women. Thank you." Well Ms. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. But there is no Sink movement. Just a bunch of women that chose to live alone, usually until they find someone worth living with or women that are introverts that just want to be independent and to be left alone. You shared an article from the Muffington Post Christine Deakers a novice contributor back in March of 2014. It's called Are You a SINK? The Manifesto for The-Single-Income-No-Kids Female What's the function of a woman who's married, yet childless? But I didn't see much regarding the manifesto. I wish more of it was covered. That part is just clickbait so that she can use her audience as an emotional tampon to vent all her frustrations about life to. The Muffington post gets free content and she gets to express her verbal diarrhea. She's not very clear and uses too much complexity in her language. I saw Dinks and Sinks in the 2000s. I was technically a dink. Dink stands for a couple that's double income and no kids. It's inevitable that the Dink community would give rise to the female sink community. Or men that go their own way because we are increasingly atomizing thanks to social media. I laughed when Christine said that Dinks take weekend trips to Toronto or other North American Cities on a whim. First off why the hell would anyone want to go to Toronto willingly? The museums are 2nd or 3rd rate, the architecture is mostly awful and the traffic is some of the worst in North America. Not to mention these days it's as dangerous on the Subway as New York was in the 1970s and 80s. I knew women that were considered sinks back in the 2000s but they weren't part of some sort of movement. They had usually gotten out of a long unsatisfying relationship and now wanted to spend their lives living alone or with a pet. Christine asks what's the function of a single woman in our culture who is single by volition, financially independent and has no kids? Her fuction is worker drone in soyciety. She's a tax payer. Spending most of her money on rent, a mortgage and basics like a phone and food. Keeping the money creation machine growing. Usually riding around on public transit because she can't afford a car on a single income. According to another tiktok video you sent me ms. Anonymous a different woman said this and I quote: "Can we start talking about the SINK (single income no kids) lifestyle and living alone in your 30's. If I decide not to get married or don't find a partner until later in life, that means I could pay up to more than $500k for living expenses compared to a married woman. SINK women will still need to earn a significant amount of income to life a comfortable life." Unquote. This is exactly why women are being told to be independent and that they should live alone and don't need no man. Because they won't have much savings and will spend most of their money simply to live. This makes them vulnerable to the system and their independence is an illusion and their life is a financial sink or sinking financially. Maybe that's what we should call their lifestyle instead. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline Investments: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.
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Sponsor Link Money Line Investments <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Chetan and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, The pressure on me to get married has quadrupled from my parents. I was recently introduced to a 28 years old woman who studied in Switzerland but is now back in my home state. She acted all nice & conservative. However I got hold of her chat with her ex boyfriend, a white guy, where they discussed their smashing action up her poop chute romp! Her family & she herself want me to migrate to Australia after I marry her lol. The indian prime minister keeps going to these western countries & signing migration pacts for the West to take in more indians. This is more shocking than the booty chat I encountered. People have always fought over land, wealth & women. The west is bringing immigrants where they acquire land, make wealth and smash the Western whamen. Even in my own state, the natives have gotten a bad deal with many indians form different states moved in, started businesses and married our local ladies. All we got in return was lousy jobs in polluted cities South from here." Well Chetan thanks for the donation and sharing your story. That migration pact that your supreme ruler signed with Canada isn't about Indians taking advantage of Canada. But it's the other way around. The west is using Indian people and not the other way around because in about fifteen to twenty years the Indian working age population will peak out and start to decline. When that happens people in India are going to realise that you exported your most valuable commodity to the west, your young educated people. China is facing a population crisis and so will India in another twenty years. The west is using your people as a way to bouy economic growth. Here in Canada Indians earn the most money when compared to all ethnic groups in places like Canada. More than whites and evem more than the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans. So they pay the most taxes. Taxes that are used by mostly old white people to keep their standard of living high in retirement. So you need to think twice about who is using who. Western governments are also realising that we have an issue with tons of unmarried women and marrying them off to Indian men is one solution to the problem. Not to mention that the majority of immigrants are men to Canada. So if you're a feminist government this increases the pool of available men for women and helps them out while hurting the local men. You're seeing that with men from other regions of India coming up to where you are near the Himilaya's and taking all your women. Leaving you without a bride. Count yourself lucky that they are doing that. They may just save you from marriage. Also, a few days ago I was listening to a Canadian guy named Eric that has a YouTube channel called Belgrade Beat. He is about to turn 40 so that means his odds of marriage are about to plummet to 10% and he's Canadian and after living In Serbia for a decade and saying that Serbian women are beautiful which they are he also said that they are crazy and he can't settle down with one of them. Chetan add your story of the poop chute gal that everyone wants you to marry and men need to understand that geomaxxing is definitely not the way to go anymore. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline Investments: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.
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Gaming Tycoon Gabe Newell
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Email: Sandmanmgtow @
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Campers and here's what he has to say: "Howdy Sandman, I was the dude that sent you the VR sex metaverse stuff. There is tons more to talk about. Some things related to sex while others are just tech archive information. This video you might want to call Gabe Newell working on virtual sex? Gabe stated in a video I sent you that gaming will be connected to the brain. That means we can can connect all senses instead of just using our eyes in gaming right now. The army is also working on anti agining pills next year. If we have a digital matrix like metaverse people will perfer to make digital children over real life. Perhaps Artificial Inteligence gods of each metaverse may be woreshipped as real gods? Metaverse concerts will outperform real life ones In the metaverse according to Gabe Newell. You can also have madeup body parts you dont have in real life. For example a foot long shlong to help you crack open her thong. In metaverse everyone can be a fashion models, fasion content creator, etc due to you choosing your way to look instead of a possible god choosing it for you. pretty much everyone will be 11s or 10s in appearance. Gabe newell also says were closer to the matrix than people think. A headset is stated to be out next year much like the anti-aging pill but no release date and maybe delayed. Before the Elon monkey playing pong video they stated they could control starcraft with nuerolink during the pig demonstration. China and South Korea have also created an artifical sun that is several times stronger than our real sun. China also sent the 'world's first 6G' test satellite into orbit. On the topic of male and female nature males apparently 1 out of 5 stright men watch gay porn this study was done in 2017. This should be a bit higher now. I'm an asexual christain btw. Well Campers thanks for the donation and topic. It took me longer to re-write what you said so that everyone could understand your thoughts then it would normally just take me to write out my video. I'll discuss my thoughts about the metaverse as well as the stuff about male and female nature in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the you'll own nothing in real life but own a mansion in the metaverse clown world show. First of all I never heard about Gabe Newell before you mentioned him. He's a billionaire with Steem and Valve gaming. He dropped out of Harvard and joined Microsoft in the early days where the oversaw development of the first 3 windows products. So he's a serious and successful tech guy. Dropping out of Harvard is more important than staying because it means you learned all you need and are now ready for the real world. He also learned everything about business from Kill Gates. He also dropped out of Harvard. I was going to drop out of university during the dotcom days and start a business but I didn't have to because I just built my web business right out of the schools computer labs. Gabe sounds like Elon Musk who tends to over promise on new technology and then under deliver. That's the Elon Musk school of business to get everyone excited about a product that's years away and get people to pay for it before it even exists. Even Kill Gates did this with MSDos. He told IBM that he had it but didn't. Then hired a couple of programmers and bought it off them and licensed it to IBM and made billions. But I don't trust people like Gabe or Musk.
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Miseráveis, só agora que elas em grande maioria pelo mundo a fora estão, Elas sentindo a água fria batendo na Bunda só agora vem com esse papo ai?
Estão e fodidas!
E malditos serão os homens que caírem nesse papo de Muié rodada de carrossel que se arrependeu, vendo que perdeu seus mimos e quitutes que antes ganhava dos homens Otários...
Pois é viu elas que por conta de viverem uma vida sem se valorizar hoje são muitíssimos os homens que não querem mais nada de compromisso serio com elas vendo que elas não tem nada mais de bom a barganhar.
Olha o papo delas agora que perderam o poder de barganha na vida delas...
‘’O feminismo tira do homem a oportunidade de ser forte, guiar o caminho e proteger a mulher. E tira da mulher as suas características naturais, como graciosidade, beleza, sensibilidade e o direito de ser frágil. O feminismo força a mulher a provar que pode ser igualzinha aos homens”, diz umas das mulheres que aparecem na produção.’’
Uma outra mulher diz que
“é maravilhoso pedir ajuda a meu marido e saber que sempre posso contar com ele”. “Não consigo imaginar uma situação em que eu precise proteger meu esposo. Ser esposa e futura mãe faz com que eu me sinta realizada”, diz outra. “Desenvolva suas paixões, respeite a si mesma, respeite o seu corpo e, acima de tudo, comece a pensar”
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New Study Shows Men in Sweden Have a Higher Environmental Impact Than Women
Men cause more climate emissions than women, study finds
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Andrew and here's what he very briefly has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, I thought it was time for another donation. No particular topic in mind. Thanks again for all you do." Well Andrew thanks again and this is the first of two videos I'll make for you. I ran into a hilariously bad article called: "New Study Shows Men in Sweden Have a Higher Environmental Impact Than Women" that I've linked to down below by Lizzy Rosenberg. In her article she says this and I quote: "The rumors are true, folks — it turns out that the male population is, in fact, the leading cause of global warming... kind of. Climate change was technically caused by pollutive human activities in general, but a new study from Sweden shows that men actually contribute to more climate emissions than women do. Therefore, we're more than prepared to blame mankind for the planet's demise, for the foreseeable future. A new Swedish study, which was published in the Journal for Industrial Ecology, revealed that single men spent 16 percent more money on pollutive activities than single women. These findings, which were solely based on economic data, showed that men invested more in higher impact endeavors — like car travel, takeout, and alcohol. Women, on the other hand, spent more of their money on lower impact expenditures, such as: home décor, healthcare and clothing. According to The Independent, the people who were studied were surveyed before they encouraged to transition to eco-friendly alternatives for food and transport, and after. But even after transitioning to lower impact ways of life, the results weren't gender neutral. Results showed that men travel more by plane and car, and drive longer distances. Previous studies have also shown that some men believe environmental consciousness isn't "masculine," and that less men are vegan than women. Findings from a previous study, according to The Guardian, also found that in families with one car, men were more likely to drive to work than women, who took public transport. So that's also certainly something to take into account for these findings — and for gender differences, in general. Why is this study important to us, as a society? This economic data wasn't published with the intent to shame men, people who drive cars, avid travel enthusiasts, or non-vegans; however, it was meant to shed light on the importance of eco-feminism. More women across the globe are affected by poverty than men are on a regular basis, and more women have been displaced due to climate change. Therefore, global warming is perpetuated more by men, despite the fact it greatly affects women on a larger scale. “The climate crisis is one of the key challenges of our time and affects men and women quite differently,” Austria's climate minister, Leonore Gewessler, told The Guardian. “For instance, the majority of people impacted by energy poverty are women. It is, therefore, crucial to take gender differences into the equation, if we want to develop solutions and a transformation that works for everyone.” These findings could also help policy-makers make decisions, moving forward — whether that's to encourage people to cut down on meat consumption, or to transition our society to cleaner means of transportation. In the meantime, though, we encourage our male readers to offset emissions by planting some trees, composting, or going vegan — trust us, environmentalism is definitely sexy, and totally macho." unquote So now that I've read the entire article I'll get down to breaking it down with surgical precision and the nuke it's arguments from orbit. But first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor OK 2 B Cliche:
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Sponsor Link: <br>- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia <br>- <br>- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off <br> <br>Banning Abortion Is Only The Beginning - MGTOW <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a more than generous donation from Hubert and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Enjoy Mr Sandman, keep up the good work" Well Hubert thank you. A lot of guys have been requesting this topic and while I've covered it before recently I think it's important to go over it again. People said that abortion would be banned if Roe Versus Wade was rolled back and that all it meant was that states could make up their own minds. I mentioned that it would at be in at least in the red states and as of scripting this Utah just banned it as well. Somewhere out there Turd Flinging monkey is probably doing his happy dance that the first of many women's rights has been taken away. So why was this done? What are the consequences? I think that America is finally waking up to it's impending demographic winter and is finally beginning to try to get the fertility rates up behind the scenes. The quickest solution is to ban abortion in the red states with the hopes that their fertility rates move up beyond replacement. The hope is to get the fertility rates up and in next ten year. This will solve much of the problem of demographic <br>replacement in at least the red states and shift the balance of voter power back to the Republicans in the long run. Americans are finally getting their heads out of their asses and taking action. Canadians on the other hand are shoving their heads up further allowing the demographic replacement to accelerate through immigration. Canada will probably provide more abortions paid for by tax payers. So why is America doing this now and not earlier or later. I believe this is a direct response to China restricting abortions and vasectomies as of last fall. A lot of people don't believe this will have an impact on birth rates but we'll have to wait and see what happens in the next year or so. Romania banned abortions in 1966 and their fertility rate went from 2, or slightly below replacement all the way up to 4 the following year. I don't see anything as extreme in America but if in red states like Utah were fertility is 1.7-1.8 they can ban abortion and get it up to say 2.2 to 2.5 then the measures have done their job. We don't need to go as far as Romania did and if we get a quarter of the results in the red states that Romania got in the 1960s then that's really good. Sure many women in Utah will drive to Nevada or California where it won't be banned. But many also won't and will opt to keep the kid. Sure some employers like Disney World in Florida will pay for the procedure out of state but many more will not. Now that this has become real what comes next? I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Background Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
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Men Are Tired Of Entitled Women
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Randy the Dakota MGTOW. This is the first of three videos I'm making with his donation. He told me to cover whatever I want. So I decided to cover a video that Think Before You Sleep made called "Men Are Tired Of Entitled Women" that I've put in the description. He covers yet another video where three women are being interviewed about their Instagram model and onlyfans careers as they are all in their early twenties and seem to think that gravy train of men's money will keep flowing into their gash forever. It's like they found a gold mine in their pants but you don't know with the vein will run out. It's like men went prospecting in Nevada and found a golden vajayjay. These women's booties are a boom town right now but their gashes will turn into a ghost town by the time they hit their mid to late twenties. Yet they still act like being an influencer and instragram thot with an onlyfans page is career choice. But we all know that women are bad at long-term planning. For men long-term planning is a strength but also a source of our weakness. Especially when women use the tired argument of you're going to die alone if you don't become a slave to the plantation. I'd rather live my life a free man and die alone then live my life as a slave and most likely die surrounded by Jamaican nurses in a nursing home. Most people die in a nursing home regardless of if they are single or not. Anyways, I'll get to more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: Anyways, now back to Instagram being a long-term career choice clown world show. The three women in the video shame the men after being threatened by them. They are threatened by the men telling them that the money isn't going to last as they will soon have a deflating ass. But in actuality these women don't really care. They are using their platforms on Onlyfans and instagram to chameleon it up. Right now they are successful by having a nice apartment, car and clothes. But this projection isn't meant to last for the long term. They are projecting the image of success to attract a successful man to them. OnlyFans allows them to project success at a much younger age with a minimal amount of effort. However they are learning that most guys that they want don't want them because of their so called business making money stripping and having sex online. Why do you think that women have been pushing to label sex work as being work too? They want to destigmatize it and Onlyfans has gone a long way towards doing that. Sex work doesn't have the same negative connotations that it did twenty years ago. 20 years ago sex work outside of strip clubs and the traditional porn business was very difficult. Because digital cameras were extremely expensive and smart phones and social media didn't exist. You had to develop nude pictures on film and first you'd have to find a company that would do that for you and usually they would charge a premium. Plus you'd have to scan in the images using a Kodak photo CD. Even in Toronto back then there were only a couple of photo production houses that had the technology to digitize twats. Plus most people didn't have high speed internet so downloading photos in the early 2000s took many seconds and sometimes minutes unlike today when it's instantaneous.
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