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Your House Is Not Yours
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Aaron and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I love your channel. I'm trying to watch all your videos on my roku on youtube because I dont believe has a roku channel, unfortunately. I dont have a topic for you, but I'd love it if you could make a playlist for each year of videos (eg: 2017 videos, etc). Whenever I want to come back I have to scroll through hundreds of videos to find where I left off. Also, great call on bitcoin. It has been a life changer for me." Well Aaron thanks for the donation. Going through and making a playlist would take me a whole day sorting through almost three thousand video. The next best thing I can do is send you two or three seasons of videos through direct download as mp3s. I normally sell those for $15 US dollars a season if anyone out there listening is interested. As for Bitcoin yes it's going to be a life saver for many of us regardless of what someone like TFM is saying about not being able to cash out at the top. If you don't want to do that then you simply sell as it goes up and get your initial invested amount out and then what do you care what the price does after that? Stefan Molyneux seems to think that it's the escape that the wealthy and smart have left themselves as they destroy the currency. That the world will be separated by Bitcoin Aristocracy on one side and fiat Universal Basic Income Serfs on the other. No one knows but Stef has gotten a lot of things right over the years. As for a topic what I'd like to do is cover a post I put a link to in the description from some random man that says this in a post called Your House Is Not Your Own and I quote: "This happened to me. My daughters mom went ballistic when I found out she was cheating on me. She started hitting me, beating me with a mag light. I called the cops and they asked me to leave MY apartment! I didn't lay a finger on her, I had marks and bruises on me, and the police wouldn't acknowledge my abuse. I broke down in tears and walked to my folks house three miles away. My keys were in my apartment, and the police wouldn't let me in MY place to retrieve them. I didn't feel protected and served that day." Unquote. I'll discuss this and so much more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the crazy cat lady clown world show. I think the reason the cops told the random man to leave his own apartment was for the woman's safety after she gave him the smackdown. Clearly it was probably done to provoke him so that he would hit her and she could take control of the sitaution. In a way the cops were probably doing him a favor by protecting him from the temper he probably didn't even know he had inside of himself yet. Also when a man hits a woman he goes from not laying a finger on her to mortal combat finishing move in five seconds. That's probably why cops get men out of domestic abuse situations even if it's the men that are the ones being abused and they have shown zero will to fight back they are just stewing up inside emotionally and could blow up at any moment. I used to think the cops telling a guy like this to leave or locking him up to cool down was a bad thing. Now I understand female nature enough to understand that the woman that was cheating on him needed a way to make him look like the bad guy. Since she was caught cheating she needed him to do something far worse as a smoke screen for her infidelity.
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“Después del Muro: Parte 1”
En este corto de 7 minutos el Observador nos explica el dilema de las mujeres Post – Muro que han regido su vida bajo los fundamentos del feminismo y se han quedado solas.
Empieza con un corto de un documental de Suiza titulado “Una vida de soledad” que nos muestra a una mujer que ha tenido éxito en su carrera profesional y en su vida económica, el sueño de toda feminista, pero no es feliz puesto que se siente sola.
Ella explica que se quedó sola porque eligió a los hombres que no la amaban (Hibristofilia) y ahora que ya es vieja no puede tener hijos.
Este el destino que aguarda a las mujeres que se aferran ciegamente a los dogmas feministas que no buscan la felicidad de la mujer, sino que buscan convencerla que debe hacer la guerra al hombre a costa de su propia felicidad.
Las feministas modernas quieren que la mujer compita con el hombre en su propio mundo competitivo pero lo que no dicen es que ellas están en desventaja pues los hombres podemos tener hijos incluso cuando ya somos ancianos, por razones genéticas, mientras que muchas mujeres ya empiezan a perder la capacidad de procrear desde los 30 años de edad.
A las mujeres jóvenes les es muy fácil decir que vivirán solteras, empoderadas y sin hijos toda su vida y que no necesitan a un hombre, pero eso dicen porque son jóvenes y hermosas pero no se imaginan que quizás la dureza de la vida con el tiempo las haga cambiar de opinión y quizás terminen como esta mujer, solas, deprimidas y rodeadas de gatos.
Ahora que el feminismo ha roto el equilibrio natural y el Hombre MGTOW ha emergido de este caos social, es difícil saber cuál será el próximo equilibrio para la convivencia armoniosa entre hombres y mujeres, por el momento solo queda observar como la sociedad se viene abajo.
Sponsor Link: <br>- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia <br>- <br>- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman! It all started four years ago, it was the last election year in Brazil with Balsanaro winning and feminists began an aggressive campaign against him that pretty much influenced all the girls in my family (except from my sister) and a male gay cousin to shame the rest of us who would gonna vote for him. Most of the times they would say things that only implied I was a sexist and a homophobe for simply voting differently than them. I was in my blue pill days at the time but fortunately nature has not given me a complete useless brain. I had been debating them on gender issues for quite a while before that because I always suspected something was wrong with their worldview. But they were trying to manipulate me and appeal to my need for validation to get what they wanted. Which was for me to vote for the left. I felt shame not voting the way they did but today I would be proud of my choice just to piss them off. But shaming bs wasn't working anymore. The more anyone of them debated me, the more ridiculous they looked. I managed to expose everyone's double standards so masterfully that they started looking bad to one another. But I was still resented. I suspected my cousins were being brainwashed by my aunt, a communist professor at an university, and I tried to provoke some sort of challenge to her in front of everyone so I could expose her bs. I wanted to challenge whom it seemed at the time to be the puppet master. She came to me "secretly" knowing I vote for the opposition and said "I would definitely not date anyone who votes for that guy". And I simply answered "I understand. And I'm pretty sure even when a man votes for who you want the relationships still wouldn't work out". She simply goes nuts at this point and starts trying to provoke some kind of reaction by screaming out loud who she was going to vote for. I just ignored her.Until one day she comes again and starts another round of powerplay by trying to anticipate anything I would say to justify calling me a misogynist. Again, she fails. Then she tries to victimize my mother by telling me back in the day my father was an oppressive man for the horrible crime of earning more than my mom. Not only did I let her know I'm very much aware my mom is grateful for my father's provision, I exposed her double standard by pointing out she was victimizing a woman for honoring her gender role but demonizing a man for honoring his. A week after that she gets drunk at a family party and tries to kiss me. That's right. My aunt tries to kiss me, in front of her husband. I didn't see that coming. I guess I was so focused on getting some sort of revenge by frustrating every woman who took advantage of my blue pill days that I forgot how much attractive a red pill man can be. I could tell my cousins had some attraction to me but it only got weird when my aunt tried to kiss me. Got any advice for me?" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. My advice would be to take your cousins and aunt to bed immediately in a great big family hoe down. Just kidding. I'll discuss your case in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection part 2: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Background Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
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The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Brian and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman my favorite rabbi on the internet, I have a topic about how the red pill changes one’s perspective on female fictional characters in movies, shows, books, video games etc. A lot of fictional female characters I've liked I don't even look at them the same way anymore. One example of this would be from a game called Dragon Age Origins (one of my top 5 games of all time), there is this female character that you can romance if you're playing a male grey warden, her name is Morrigan. She is a Mage in the game and her personality in the game is that she’s a pragmatist to a point where she seems cold hearted and evil, and she's bitchy. The romance starts off as a friends with benefits until later in the game after giving her a gift that is a golden mirror that has sentimental value, and killing her post wall demonic dragon single mother, she starts developing feelings that blossom more than a friends with benefits. She stops having sex with the male warden until near the end part of the game where she offers the chance to do a sex ritual that can save the characters life, as the soul of the archdemon will transfer to the child that was conceived to the ritual (the reason being is that grey wardens are supposed to kill this demonic dragon called an archdemon, as grey wardens are the only ones able to kill it, but this results in the grey warden dying in the process as delivering a death blow to a archdemon kills the grey warden who delivered it), the Male grey warden can accept this offer or not, be whether or not the male grey warden accepts, Morrigan will still have the main characters child, since the main character has dicked Morrigan down a lot. However Morrigan and the warden go there separate ways, and its not until the DLC Witch Hunt that the main character finds Morrigan again, you have the option to be with her again and your child, and she seems happy that your character wants to be with her. The unrealistic part in all of this is how Morrigan “loves” the grey warden. To give you context Sandman, Morrigan was raised by a single mother who was a witch, who essentially taught her that power is most important and that you can only rely on yourself, you know typical feminist bullshittery. The point I'm trying to make is that a lot of these writers (especially around I’d say the 20th century to mid 2015s) generally don’t really write relatively convincing female characters since these fictional characters aren't hypergamous like real women are. Hell in the game you can get a lot of approval for gifting morrigan with jewelry pieces. Ever since I’ve been redpilled, I’ve noticed the trend that a lot fictional female characters aren’t written as hypergamous as their real life counterpart. Would this be on account that a lot of these writers are unaware or that they are aware but they write their female characters how they want to? Anyways sandman have a nice thanksgiving in Cucknada." Well Brian thanks for the donation and topic. When you sent this it wasn't Thanksgiving in Canada. Plus because this country is one with a loyalist past our Thanksgiving was to give thanks to one of the future Kings of England not dying instead of pilgrims getting food from Indians. I'll discuss female nature in fiction in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce:
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Não caia nessa das minas que dizem que gostam de games e ficam se prostituindo/se objetificando em live, pois as gamegirls/e-girls nada que é putas interesseiras no meio gamer pra ter dinheiro fama, e bastantes hipócritas e feministas, pra querer ter mais grana nos gados achando que elas são jogadoras e gastando sua grana pra uma puta que rebola/fica nua se objetifica no twitch e
promiscua parasitando no meio gamer.
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Nick. It's one of four video topics he wants to me cover and here's what he has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, You often talk about “female nature,” as if that is what women’s default behavior is. I agree there are standard female behaviors that come naturally, and make relationships hard (e.g. she’s driven mostly by feelings), I think the main reason for their worsening behavior towards men is because society has trained them to act badly. You are aware of how the state simps for women, but you rarely bring it up. The reality is, if the safety net of the state wasn’t there, women would default back to a much more well behaved creature. Imagine if the woman did not have No Fault Divorce, no more alimony, no more child support, no more taking half of his assets, no more taking custody, and less welfare. She would be a lot more hesitant to break up the family or to mistreat her husband without the state backing her up. The system has played more of a role in destroying the family than women (who are naturally weaker and less intelligent). The system is what is encouraging her to get into massive debt, waste time getting a useless degree, not learn any homemaking skills, and get a high body count, all of which effectively set her up for failure in marriage and relationships. Thus, shouldn’t we be saying the main opponent of men is not women, but rather the system?" Well Nick thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the it's not her fault, it's the system's fault clown world show. The state simps for women because women make up the majority of voters. Politicians want to keep their jobs so they keep doing what women want them to. This wouldn't be happening if women didn't have the right to vote and therefore men would vote in candidates that would balance budgets and make sure countries were fiscally responsible instead of getting into reckless debt. You've probably seen the pictures of what the electoral college map would look like if only men were allowed to vote. It would be red from sea to shining sea. But the system is going to get even worse before it gets better. Women are going to become the system standing up and declaring they are the senate while wearing their finest sith dress. They don't even have the power to replace us yet. But they might. If we are being shamed and humiliated today how badly do you believe they will treat us when they have artificial intelligence to replace the male mind and robots to replace most male labor? Maybe they will try for that feminist utopia they've always wanted where there are vastly more women than men in society that some feminsts have advocated for? If men aren't careful we could create an even worse technologically driven system that's an even bigger problem. Skynet with boobs. But even with all of the negatives I still believe in equality. If a woman wants to get into massive debt and have a high body count that's her choice. So long as it doesn't increase my tax burden like it has I'm fine.
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Funny how the same toxic leaders who can’t define what a woman is will call veterans istaphobigots for correctly saying the military does not have this particular problem. Let’s dig in tonight at 8pm EDT! <br>#TerrencePopp #Military #HelpingMen <br> <br>To donate to this content, see our list of channels, purchase merchandise or join Popp’s Preppers, click here: <br> <br>Send physical donations to: <br> Productions <br>29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407 <br>Royal Oak, MI 48073 <br>If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3 <br>All donations are tax deductible <br> <br>And be sure to tune in for Grunt Speak Live <br>Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm Eastern <br>And <br>Supporter Sunday streams for Locals, GiveSendBro, and SubscribeStar members only! <br> <br>All sources available on!
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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism
Stop Censorship--defeat Bill C-10.
NYPD Deploys "Creepy" New Robot Dog In Manhattan
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Mike and here's what he has to say "Hey Sandman, I would like you to talk about Oshay Duke Jackson and a little about Donavan Sharp. This isn’t an attack but just a little history lesson. I am the co founder of the negromanopshere. I used to go by the name CanadianAsianDude on YouTube. I suggested MinisterJap to start a website where black men would collectively communicate and work together. Then Oshay Duke Jackson started a website and the negromanosphere was born but the website had a problem. They were getting too much traffic so the server was crashing. Oshay didn’t know what he was doing so I recommended a Canadian one. I gave him a few ideas
and donated a lot of money. The total amount was around $550 Canadian. Then I saw some black men on the website attacking MGTOW. I didn’t say anything at first but they just didn’t stop. I complained to Oshay Duke Jackson and I told him I wanted my money back because I didn’t donate for black men to attack MGTOW. Oshay Duke Jackson offered my money back but the guy never gave my money back. Oshay has no honour and before he was making a lot of money from Patreon and YouTube he was jealous of other people’s success. He should refund my money. He is going to claim I am jealous but I am not, he also worships Kevin Samuels. All I care about is that I get money back. The negopmanosphere’s co founder is an Asian MGTOW. LOL." Well Mike thanks for the donation and topic. Sorry I couldn't use your suggested title which was originally "Oshay Duke Jackson Owes CanadianAsianDude Money and He is the co founder of the negromanosphere." I also thought about calling this video "The Black Manosphere Was Created By An Asian Man?" But I can't corroborate your story on that. But I'll take your word for it. I'll share my thoughts about your situation in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the black manosphere about to attack the Sandman show. First off my experience with the black guys in the manosphere has been good. I was on Coach Greg Adams show and he shared some of his super chat donations with me. I also promoted Sean James' books on my channel and that was a productive relationship too. Marcus A Brown was one of the first guys that donated to my channel back when I started taking video requests in early 2014. I've also had countless talks with highly educated and high IQ black males mostly in the United States. My conclusion is that I don't believe that racism has to do with skin color as much it has to do with culture and intelligence. Don't think I haven't seen how the CIA has been watering down black culture and promoting drug culture. It's been trying separate black culture from white culture Black culture, especially music has been the most influencial over the last 70 years and was the driving force behind rock and roll, disco, electronic music and so much more. Recently I heard criticism about Donavon Sharpe from Undead Chronic and how Terrence Popp shouldn't do business with him. Both TFM and myself thought that the two collaborating was a good thing even if they were charging thousands of dollars for courses.
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Shawn and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I enjoy much of your content and opinions on your YouTube channel. I know you have called out Tucker Carlson for being a cuck soyboy in the past, but maybe he has taken the red pill, as he is now creating content about men and their issues. Regardless of his current status I do think the information he is providing is important to counter the feminist agenda. On Feb 6 2020 he had a segment on his show about Men Failing in the U.S., Additionally he posted a great article about the subject last year on an Australian mens rights group website. Anyways just thought you might like viewing and reading this
information as it might make a good video subject for you. Keep the faith, Shawn" Well Shawn thanks for the donation and topic. But before I get to your topic let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back with the show. Shawn just how good is Tucker for men? We need to look at this situation critically. Last time I checked my YouTube channel stats I had lost almost half my traffic since June of 2019. The new videos are still getting around twenty thousand views on average but when I look over at Fox news and Tucker the men's rights activist Carlson and their YouTube channel it keeps growing in traffic. But more importantly YouTube recommends them with the likes of CNN, MSNBC and other news outlets. How does Tucker counter feminism if YouTube, a company run by a feminist is letting Tucker and Fox past the goal posts? I strongly believe that he's controlled opposition and the best part is he looks like his point of view about women and cancel culture are unique and that he's there to help men. Sure he's there to help. Help a man find his way into the arms of a faux traditional woman that will procreate with him creating new tax slaves for the system and potentially leaving him for another man. He has to live with that possibility looming over him for life. Many of you will say but Sandman the social justice warriors tried stripping away his advertisers and tried to put forth cancel culture on him. In the end what was the result? Did Fox fire him? Was he cancelled? Of course not. He's part of the establishment. Remember that Tucker comes from CNN. He's the Dorian Gray of cable news. He hasn't aged one bit in the last thirty years. The only thing different about him is that he got rid of the bow tie and picked up a few pounds. Truth be told I would love to see him run for political office after the Trumpster's second term. I think it's safe to say that he's controlled opposition. Remember that when you watch Fox news you feel like a rebel you feel like it's anti SJW so you're more likely to see men like Tucker as role models for your life. Remember it's family men like Jordan Peterson that say that a man has nothing without his family.
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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa
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Chief Kickabitch of the Slapaho Nation gives us one of the finest tales of karma at work. <br>#TerrencePopp #FatherlessHomes #Karma <br> <br>To donate to this content, see our list of channels, purchase merchandise or join Popp’s Preppers, click here: <br> <br>Send physical donations to: <br> Productions <br>29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407 <br>Royal Oak, MI 48072 <br>If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3 <br>All donations are tax deductible <br> <br>And be sure to tune in for Grunt Speak Live <br>Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm Eastern <br>And <br>Supporter Sunday streams for Locals, GiveSendBro, and SubscribeStar members only!
Another dose of alpha male cringe as we look into what may be the worst one yet. <br> <br>Twitter: <br>Reddit: <br> <br>#alphamalecringe
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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
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Mom, 48, stole daughter’s identity to start college, date young guys
Nicole Arbour EXPOSED As A Liar - With Proof (Vs Matthew Santoro)
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from 101 Bananas and here's what he briefly has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, Here's something interesting or at least funny to me. I've shared a weird, outrageous article called: "Mom, age 48, stole daughter’s identity to start college, date young guys" This is what post-Wall women have been reduced to nowadays. And also have you considered posting your videos on Rumble?" Well 101 Bananas thanks for the donation and topic. I put a link to that article in the description and here's what the article has to say and I quote: "A Missouri woman is facing jail time after she admitted to stealing her estranged daughter’s identity in order to secure student loans, enroll in college — and pursue her sexy co-ed fantasies. Laura Oglesby, 48, posed as her daughter, Lauren Hays, for more than two years in an elaborate scam that fooled both the federal government and locals in the small town of Mountain View. In 2016, Oglesby applied for a Social Security card in Hays’ name, which she promptly received in the mail. From that point on, Oglesby — who originally hailed from Arkansas and was then age 43 — assumed her daughter’s identity, saying her name was Lauren Hays and that she was only 22 years old. She admitted to assuming the identity of her estranged daughter, Lauren Hays. The fraudster even started seducing unsuspecting men in their early 20s. “Everyone believed it. She even had boyfriends that believed that she was that age: 22 years old,” Chief Jamie Perkins of the Mountain View Police Department told the New York Times. Disturbing photos appear to show Oglesby even had her own Snapchat account where she pretended to be Hays and posed with an array of youthful filters over her face. “She had completely adopted a younger lifestyle: clothing, makeup and personality. She had completely assumed becoming a younger person in her early 20s,” Detective Stetson Schwien, told the local ABC outlet. Oglesby moved in with local couple Avery and Wendy Parker, a pair of apparently kind strangers in Mountain View who believed she was a young woman running away from a domestic violence situation. She applied for financial aid and received $9,400 in federal student loans, $5,920 in Pell Grants, and $1,863 in finance charges. Oglesby even worked at the local Mountain View library, where locals knew her as Lauren Hays. However, after more than two years, the elaborate scam came crashing down in August 2018. Police in Mountain View were contacted by authorities in Arkansas who believed Oglesby had committed financial fraud by using the name of her daughter. Oglesby is facing five years behind bars without parole after pleading guilty to one count of intentionally providing false information to the Social Security Administration. Under the terms of her plea agreement, Oglesby must also pay $17,521 in restitution to Southwest Baptist University in Missouri and to her daughter. The real Lauren Hays has not yet spoken out about her mom’s scam — or how their relationship deteriorated." Unquote. Well 101 I'll get to my thoughts about a 44 year old woman passing for 22 in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book:
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Sandman Contact Info & Store: <br>Email: [email protected] <br> <br> <br>Men Going Their Own Way MGTOW with Sandman <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Wang. This is the second of two videos I'm dedicating to him. I had a great chat with Justin Vacula over on his channel. Link is below. Show him some love and go over there and subscribe. He did a great job coming up with qustions and maybe I should ask him to do live streams with me? What do you guys think? Anyways before I share the video let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor me The Sandman: Anyways, here's our conversation so enjoy. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Motion Graphics Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
E Quando é um homem que agride pelo fato de traição e etc...
Elas falam que é covardia, e ainda dizem que traição é uma coisa normal nos dias de hoje...
Mais ai quando é uma da laia dela que fazem a puctaria contra elas, ai é valido elas tomarem a atitude igual a do vídeo!
Cambada de demônias hipócritas do inferno!
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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
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Astral Projection - People can fly
Astral Projection - Dancing Galaxy
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Odium and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman I am 35 years old, I have cerebral palsy (think of R J MITE from breaking bad, minus the speech impediment, plus a walker), live on my own, and actually had a few good relationships since I was 17 years old. by the ripe old age of 29 I got so tired of the dating game, since the woman (disabled or not disabled, it doesn't matter) was the one who dictated the pace and the type of the relationship we would have. It was extremely exhausting! Yet I never had any wish to go back in time with my current knowledge, and I never had that feeling that I missed something, wasted any time, or drastically wanted to change something. Oddly enough, people (even people who are not family) sometimes still ask me why I'm not in a relationship and they do not accept the fact that I should be exempt from the relationship race because of my disability. Not only do I have the burden of every average man pursuing a relationship, I also need to juggle the disability and how to present it in an easy and digestible manner, gambling on my time and energy. Trying to explain that I don't have
the energy anymore since I have other important things on my mind - such as skipping myself healthy and maintaining a business as a translator and transcriber is more than enough for me to juggle. Yet people still expect me to be a part of the dating race. WTF?! How is it that my disability does not allow me to be exempt from those kind of expectations? Since the lock-down I feel very lucky being single, not having to share my space or need to maintain a relationship, maintain myself is challenging enough. what are your thoughts? p.s. could you plug my music? since the quarantine i started sampling again and if could find someone through your channel that who would like to remix or collaborate that would be awesome! Thank you for your daily red pills. Stay safe. Well Odium thanks for the donation and sharing your experiences with everyone. I put a link down below to your music and I see you're from Israel and your music has a sort of Trance flavor to it. One of my favorite Trance bands for the late nineties is from Israel. You might have heard of them? They are called Astral Projection. They are a bit dated now after 25 years but I shared two of their songs below. One is called People Can Fly and the other track I also shared is called Dancing Galaxy. Listening to those tracks in my early twenties was absolutely mind blowing. Both tracks are to be listening at high volume. Before I discuss your
experiences being shamed for not dating while disabled let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia:
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When mentally ill people are running this country’s intelligence apparatus, something is very wrong.
Featuring Lauren Brooks from Honey Badger Radio
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E depois de ter sua integidade moral varias vezes denegrina nas ruas e em redes sociais, acabou que com a furia mde tannos misturada com a colera do Hulk...
É Bem, isso é irônico...
Por um pedaço de bucetinha, ele jogou sua vida fora!
Mais segundo informoçoes, a separão do casal tinha acontecido tranquilamente, mais pelo fato de muitas ofenmças em redes sociais e brigas por valores monetario que o homem teria que dividir.
Acabou chegando esse momento que o homem liga o foda-se no que vai dar...
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Robert De Niro Is Running Out Of Money Due To COVID-19 Amid Ongoing Divorce: Report
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Email: Sandmanmgtow @
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Eric. He didn't give me a topic so I want to cover Rob the Gumpy old mangina that made fun of Trump calling him a punk and now he's complaining that with a combination of covid and his ex wife's alimony payments that he's running out of money. Using his star power to attack the president, even though most people didn't like the Donald was a low move done to virtue signal that he was part of the Hollywood leftist elites too even though he is now an elderly white male. The same could be said about Arnold Schwarzenegger when comparing the Donald to Mr. Mustache. This story is sad and I want Bill Burr to pay attention because this is what's most likely going to happen to you too. You look like world's tallest Leprechaun Comedian. When she's done with you you'll wish you hid your gold better instead of playing with her lucky charms. She'll do you great harm after you're done playing with her unlucky charms. As for De Niro he's gone from raging bull to a raging mangina attacking Trump and now whining about his situation in the media. Maybe he can start a kick starter campaign called save the god father or something? Now that she's trying to Robbin Williams you you whine and cry in the media about how you don't have enough money. His lawyer is the one complaining about the lack of money even through De Niro is said to have half a billion dollars. The lawyer of course uses sneaky language like De Niro is running low on cash. Well most people buy investments instead of holding cash so it's possible that he is low on cash until he sells some of those hundreds of millions of dollars worth of assets to have money to give to his ex wife. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the get what you deserve clown world show. So De Niro is going to sell the house he used to live in with his wife for twenty million dollars. With that money he can pay the one million dollar a year alimony for the rest of his life and still die with half a billion dollars. I put a link in the description to one of the hundreds of articles covering this story. His lawyer even says that De Niro has been forced to work by his ex-wife's lifestyle because of her thirst for Stella McCartney. His wife's name is Grace Hightower and if Hightower from those ancient police academy films had a wife that would be her and she would have left him because of hypergamy for the simpfather. The articles talk about how his restaurant business has lost close to five million dollars and that he'll be lucky if he makes 7.5 million dollars this year. Does anyone really care? My thinking is that De Niro hired a good publicist and after his stunt attacking the Trumpster that he's owed some favors and that if this story about his hardships is visible in the media some studio executive will take pity on him and cast him in his next film. None of that articles mention his half a billion dollar net worth. If they did it wouldn't help his cause. Also Hightower is shaking him down for more money and wants her monthly credit limit to go up from fifty thousand to one hundred thousand. He cut her limit to fifty thousand from one hundred thousand because of all the restaurant problems. She only gets one million a year if his earnings are fifteen million a year and that number goes up or down proportionately with his income. A
story like this just pisses people off when they look into it deeper. Here's a man looking for sympathy for what he perceives to be taken to the cleaners and when I initially became aware of this story through the MGTOW community all of you were saying that this guy doesn't deserve our pity because he's a useful idiot leftist and now he's figuring out that virtue signalling doesn't pay the bills.
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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa
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- Ancient Purity
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Brave Browser:
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Tom and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, it's Tom again with my second upcoming donation. I figure since you're having a harder time and I have full job security I'll help you out for a couple months. I owe you for the endless red pills I've been taking. I'd like to use this opportunity to talk about one of the things that made me a MGTOW and turned me off from dating. If you don't mind, let's call this episode "Blabbermouth Babes". I began observing this particular phenomenon starting around late high school to college, when people's horny horny hormones start to ramp up into maximum overdrive. My best friends all slowly started to get into
relationships around this time. One habit I noticed between my 3 best friends is that they all at some point during the day were mandated to whip out their phones and talk to their plantation owner for nearly hours on end, usually about absolutely nothing. I'm not quite sure how women can do it. I've even had friends that were in long distance relationships talk to women they only ever met once in person, sometimes for 2-3 hours while we were supposed to be all hanging out and participating in our hobbies together. How is it that the modern woman (despite social media attention) still require multiple hours of attention a day from their male slave every single day? I suspect some of these women talk
for over 24 hours a week on their cell phones, decreasing the productivity of both themselves as well as their man. This has only gotten worse with the creation of voice chat with video, because now there are women that expect their man to facetime with them instead, ensuring they have their undivided attention. I actually think this is worse than talking on the phone normally because you can see the woman in her natural state: lying around in her pajamas surrounded by snack wrappers, clothes strewn about the room, and a layer of grease an inch thick on her forehead. Being in the military I see this nonstop. Bossy and unpleasant women that demand their man be on facetime with them every waking moment
that they aren't busy working, and undoubtedly banging out Chad and Tyrone across the country when they're not on the phone. It's also not a mystery why they also seem to do it exactly at the time when they know that their little attention slave is hanging out with his friends, and not worshiping her golden camel toe. I can only guess this is an attempt to condition him for marriage, where he will be denied his right to hang out with his friends whenever he
pleases. What do you think Sandman? You've been around for most of the biggest leaps in the advancement of telecommunication, so I'm sure you've got a great input on these gabby gals and their insatiable thirst for running their mouths." Well Tom thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity:
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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
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Beijing Biden has made the Taliban a more formidable military than 85% of the world’s nations. Great job!
#Afghanistan #Biden #Taliban
Brought to you by Dr. B. Real’s series on “Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism”
Volume 1:
Volume 2:
Featuring music by TeknoAXE’s Royalty Free Music
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- The MGTOW Book Collection
The Cell: Enter King Stargher
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Ron and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, When you get a chance could you describe your take on the movie The "Cell" lookin at through a red pll Lens? The technology they used in the movie do you think it could be possible in the future and how it could/would benefit us Men? Could you do a molecular breakdown of the movie link I attached previous texts? Do you think the technology used in the movie could be detrimental to us if used by the Powers that "BE"..Thank you for all u do my brother..God Speed..!!" Well Ron thanks for the donation and topic. You know I couldn't just review the short clip you sent me without putting it into context by watching the entire movie. The Cell came out twenty years ago and I never watched it when it came out. I never found Jennifer Lopez all that appealing as and actress. I'll get to my review on the technology in the film and my thoughts about the film in general in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Remember that the Matrix came out a year before The Cell. The Cell is a film that was probably trying to cash in on the idea that reality was a simulation. The technology you discuss in this film is called the "Neurological Cartography and Synaptic Transfer System". That's a fancy way of saying virtual world where two minds are connected. The character named Catherine played by Jennifer Lopez uses that technology to connect
to the mind of a child named Edward. But she doesn't have good results with the system and Edward's parents stop the virtual therapy. So the police catch a serial killer but he's in a coma that he's never going to come out of it so the cops ask JLO to merge minds with a serial killer that likes to kill women. Gee I wonder what could possibly go wrong? Can you imagine the elites having technology that can probe our minds. I can't imagine a worse nightmare scenario. Although one time when I saw a UFO the moment I became aware of it it somehow knew and flew over to me. So I'm really hoping that whatever was controlling that object isn't human because if it is human then they already know what we are thinking. Which is scary. As for the specific scene you wanted me to cover it shows a bunch of highly eroticized women that are in the serial killers mind. They are sexual fantasies designed for the man's indulgence. This film would have been successful if it hadn't been for the terrible acting by Vince Vaughan and Jennifer Lopez. I can't take either of them seriously and it looks painful to watch them deliver their lines in a serious way. The technology would benefit men by allowing them to explore any and every possible sexual fetish possible. JLO enters his mind to find out where he stashed his latest victim and she's in a jigsaw like contraption that's going to drown her. As for the powers that be of course they would want to know what we are thinking so they can control us and prevent us from successfully revolting against them or taking power over our own lives. For all we know were living in a simulation and no matter how hard we try to escape the things that make us suffer.
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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""
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A silicone kitten from the Mitten wants you to think she’s smitten with a guy over 30 years older than her. We totally believe her.
#RideandRoast #SugarBaby #SugarDaddy
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Featuring music by TeknoAXE’s Royalty Free Music
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▶ Join DOGGK on BITCHUTE: <br>▶ DOGGK's 2ND CHANNEL : <br>▶ DOGGK's GAMING CHANNEL : <br> <br>- Please hit the "LIKE"- button and don't forget to "SUBSCRIBE" ✔ <br>- COMMENT & SHARE if you liked the video ! <br>- There's more to come for the following DAYS ! So stay tuned ✔ <br> <br>Go your own way guys
Sponsor Link: <br>Chris Whalen CPA <br> <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from the Leprechaun Cowboy and here's what he has to say: "Hey there Sandman! You called me the "Leprechaun Cowboy" in my last video and that is a pretty great name. But that is not who I actually am, that was different fellow. That girl I was with after finding out about her continued sleeping with the other guy, I broke it off. Something inside me went blank, stoic almost and from there I knew what I had to do. That day I broke up with her, I also quit smoking cigarettes (still clean, cold turkey, 10+ months). The pain and anger gave me enough motivation to finally, after 5 years of actively trying to quit, finally quit. But fast forward to today, the same girl, unfortunately still someone whom I work with. Still an alcoholic, allegedly found a new guy even after the other guy she cheated on me with, but that guy is now living with her, in a studio, as he recently got kicked out of his apartment. She has no idea why I dumped her and still tries to reach out to me, wanting to play pool and hang out. A hard pass from me. These days, the matrix is very apparent to me. Things like how smart phones have basically become needles for women and men alike to inject directly all the feel good hormones we only used to get from close human interaction even so much as just a 100 years ago. The society we live in is in such abundance, that we as humans, who have never existed in such prosperous times that many of us over indulge in so many different things, the obesity crisis being one of the best examples. Where I work I see people from all over the world and granted, the people I see are coming to my store for a very specific reason, I can see without a shadow of a doubt this level of abundance is making people stupid. So stupid that they would actually believe that a man can be born into a woman's body or vise versa. If you ask me, the government is testing to see what the limits are that they can manipulate their people, and see how likely a victory would be if sudden hostile take over were to happen. And America becomes a dictatorship. Not that I see that happening. I see bombs dropping long before that. Or maybe even the climate issue. I digress. Moral of the story. I've gone on to not only do much bigger and better things with my life, I'm more focused on my career, my priorities are more inline. I'm lonely once in a while but I'm happy. Reaching the end of a red pill rage has given me new clarity to life and what I need to do with it. I can say all kinds of negative things about air-quotes my ex, but at the end of the day, I see she hasn't learned a single thing in over a year. And continues on the same path of using and abusing men and she is just beyond lost and has much growing up to do. But it's no longer my responsibility to help facilitate that development. Never stop Sandman, we got the next generation to red pill." Well Leprechaun Cowboy number two thanks for the donation and topic. What you experienced is what I'd consider to be the Red Pill Rage 2.0. Just a quiet reserved I'm done. You choose to walk away from from this woman because you don't want to play games anymore. She was probably reaching out to make you interested and then when you show interest she'll get cold to hurt her for rejecting her and wrecking her self esteem. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Image Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2.
Sandman Sponsor Link:
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I Stand With Sophie
Three Amigos (7/12) Movie CLIP - Blue Shadows
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Granola Borg and here's what he has to say: "Yo Sandman, Fresh off the presses there seems to be a father who is POWERLESS to protect his daughter from sexual abuse from the mother's boyfriend. I'm posting a link for you to share. Please cover this as I do believe this father needs support to protect his child. This kind of thing sickens me not only because it has to deal with men's rights but also child abuse. Maybe we can do something. I don't know? I believe this particular case to be legit. Also I'm definitely interested in book." Well Granola Borg thanks for the donation and topic. The StandForSophie hashtag is trending and Sydney Watson posted on Twitter and I quote: "I'd like to direct your attention to this 9 year old girl who is allegedly being sexually abused by her mother's boyfriend (while the mother watcher). Her father is trying to get full custody, but nobody appears to be listening. This video is horrifying". unquote. Yes Granola Borg I shared that same video you shared with me in the description. Either this little girl is telling the truth or she needs to get into acting and be in the remake of Steven Spielberg's ET the Extraterrestrial. The judge probably thinks that it's all an act the father told her to put on so that she could be with him instead of her mother. I'll delve deeper into this story in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the show. So Sophie in Texas says in her video the Mommy watches it happen. When I did searches in news articles for this topic a few days after it started trending there was only one search result. The rest were about Sophie in the Royal Family. Most of the mainstream media has seemingly dropped the ball on this. They are probably too busy eating pizzas and sniffing the hair of youngsters like Sleepy Joe. The video of Sophie was posted by her father and step-mother and there was also a gofundme campaign that was setup to help them fight for the custody of Sophie. As of scripting this video it had already collected almost two hundred thousand dollars. As I was saying earlier some people might think that Sophie's father would convince her to act like that so that he could use the footage to get back at ther mother but the thankfully the police believe the story and don't think it's just crocodile tears. The Frisco Police Department has made a statement saying that the child in this case is now in a safe location and that they have taken Sophie away from her mother. What I also found interesting yet unsurprising is that some people online were claiming that the man playing patty cake with Sophie was a police officer and the police were quick to make sure that everyone knew he never was a cop nor affiliated with them. Looks to me like Black Lives Matter might have been
trying to exploit the situation for political outrage. Case closed right?
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Photo Credits
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“Castración Simbólica”
En este corto de 5 minutos El Observador nos explica que la
dependencia emocional del hombre moderno hacia la mujer está destruyendo a la
civilización desde sus cimientos.
¿Por qué el hombre actual se apega más a la mujer que ellas
a nosotros?
demasiados hombres han renunciado a su virilidad y se han convertido en hombres
Debido a la capacidad de los hombres de amar sin
poner condiciones, una vez que esta capacidad superior a amar ha sido despojada
por el mundo actual de grandes ideales como la justicia, el deber o la lealtad,
de hombres solo nos queda ya el envoltorio.
Por un corazón roto el hombre moderno llora, se deprime y es
capaz de ejercer violencia o inclusive suicidarse, los hombres del pasado no
tenían esta dependencia emocional enfermiza.
Como hombre no compartas tus emociones con una mujer o ella
te perderá el respeto, aunque la sociedad moderna insiste en decirte lo
La civilización se está viendo comprometida ya que la
monogamia está haciendo que el hombre sea adicto a su mujer, cuando el punto de
la monogamia era hacer que el hombre redirigiera toda su energía sexual en
beneficio de la civilización y no se la entregará toda a una mujer.
Sponsor Link: <br>Chris Whalen CPA <br> <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Rusty and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, A few months ago during the darkest days of my divorce, I received a random phone call from my old college friend Angelina. This was a girl I met in one of my classes who has a good sense of humor and fun personality. It was fun hanging out with her back then, but she rejected my attempts to make our relationship a romantic one. We remained friends, and she introduced me to many more friends, including one who I hooked up with and briefly dated. Around that same time I met my future ex-wife, who gradually melted my brain because she was so attractive. Future ex-wife was alarmed by some of Angelina's personal stories, such as how she dumped one boyfriend for another because the other guy was better in bed. Angelina also once admitted to viewing adult materials for her entertainment, which was a really funny conversation. My future ex-wife told me to stop talking her because she believed Angelina to be a homewrecker. So we lost touch after college. Fast forward about 10 years, I'm single again, and out of nowhere Angelina reestablishes contact with me - like a shark smelling period blood in the water. The timing felt weirdly coincidental, but there was no way she could have known about my divorce since we no longer have any mutual friends. Anyway, it felt great to have the social interaction with her again after being on the leash of marriage for so long. We shared some laughs on the phone, and I learned that she was also going through a high conflict divorce! She began to frequently call me asking for advice on how to navigate the court system. According to her, her ex husband is a dangerous, mentally unstable man with diagnosed bipolar disorder. She is trying to get full custody of their child and boot him out of their lives because according to her, he is physically violent. At first I believed her stories, but cracks started form and I began to feel gaslit. For example, she denies her past stories, now claiming that she was a virgin until being married and that she's never seen smut before. Also, every word she has to say about her ex is negative, but she stayed with this man for 7 years and even went through the expense of fertility treatments to have a child with him at the very end of their marriage. My gut tells me that something doesn't add up. In our last phone chat, she told me how he had mental instability issues early in their relationship. He allegedly drove his car into a lake once because he was angry, another time attacked their dog with a wrench, and dissects small animals for fun. I asked her why she stayed in that relationship because to me it seems like she exercised poor judgement, doubling down on a terrible situation by starting a family. Angelina told me that it's not her fault and that she stayed with him because of intense social pressure from her church community. However, I question how much she was inclined to stay because he's a 6-foot, 4-inch tall blonde haired surgeon. Angelina's last words to me several weeks ago were "thank you for your support". When she initially reconnected with me, I thought that she could be a fun friend with benefits as I recover from my divorce. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Image Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2.
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Background Music: "Fingers" by Otis McDonald. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.
Sponsor Link Money Line Investments <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video isn't brought to you by any donations. If you want to make a donation and suggest a topic you can do so at the sponsor link in the description. Thank you. Anyhow, I recently watched a video called "Is This The End of The Passport Bros Movement" and the two guys in it cover a CNN article called: "MP investigates alleged practice of sex tourism by American youtuber in Bahia. Today's not so mystery link is a bunch of passport bros telling black men to stay away from black women in Brazil because feminism got super strong down there. I know exactly how that happened as I've spoken to guys in Brazil in the MGTOW movement which was the biggest in the world. That's because Brazilian women are some of the most feminist women in the world. The fertility rate in Brazil is 1.67 which is lower than the 1.78 in America right now. But it doesn't matter because there are lots of scammers in the passport bros movement that are looking to sell men on the dream. Brazil is warning women about black American men in Brazil that go under the label of passport bros but that many are really there for sex tourism. The movement has grown and statistics don't lie. The US passport office says they have receive 30-40% more passport applications this year when compared to last year. Yes covid was still technically on this time last year but I'm sure at least some of those requests are coming from men that are looking to move overseas and find a trad wife. So it's conceivable that the Passport Bros are creating delays for the government issuing passports. I find it hilarious that Brazilian police are warning their women about guys seeking traditional wives overseas. As if they need someone to white knight for them. Are the police really that stupid and don't understand that women know exactly what's going on. According to that mystery link in Salvador Brazil Feminism is 10x stronger than it ever was. Another YouTuber in Bahia is under investigation for the alleged crime of sex tourism. I couldn't find the guys name but it looks like he's the face of the movement and he says that everyone making similar content is fake and copying him and a phony. About ten to fifteen years ago there was a group of black men that went on camera talking about how great the women were in Brazil. Things move in cycles. About seven years ago there was a guy that would fly American men out to Russia to meet women. Now it's starting up again and it's attracting the scammers. I was approached by a bunch of different guys recently sending me messages wanting to get me to promote their new passport bros businesses. I mentioned to those guys that there were tons of guys that fell for this about five to ten years ago. One guy back then would be flying out western clients and taking the money they paid them and used some of the money to buy them escorts or fake girlfriends. All I can do is warn guys. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline Investments: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to cover something a guy named Dez and Jager posted on Reddit and here's what he has to say and I quote: "Is it for the sex? What I'm really asking myself is this, and I know they are my friends and I should know, but it somehow baffles me and this is something you cannot ask people about: Why would these highly educated men, with very good and stable jobs, good health, in a west-European country, settle for these completely mediocre women (both in their late 20s) who could objectively be classified as ugly, intellectually non-stimulating, less educated, and above all not even a nice person? It baffles me what some guys are willing to do just to get laid sometimes!!" unquote. Yes guys have settled for women way below their league forever. I did it because it meant the odds were good I wasn't going to be dumped while I pumped. Pumped them that is. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the women as ugly as a dog wearing a thong clown world show. As I was saying this phenomena has been going on forever but since 2012 and Tinder showing up on the scene women are only one swipe away from being skewered by Chads and Tyrones so their standards have gone up with regards to who they are willing to bone. One guy on reddit below the post that Dez put up has to say this and I quote: "The average guy doesn't have "game". They certainly don't have game when they're 15 yrs old and pulling out of puberty. They're generally awkward at best. Plus the girls are (hypergamy) interested in guys that are "older" (better). So, the young guy finally loses his virginity to that fat beast. The "better looking" girls keep giving him difficulty, so he keeps going back to the fat-girlS and develops a "Fat-girl" fetish...why? Well, that's where he gets his play. As he gets older and his SMV improves...he doesn't realize it...and is still the awkward guy he's always been (Hello, HR?), so he's happy with the fat-girl/wife and sadly doesn't know any better. I've explained this to younger guys many times, PLUS you have the guy that picked the literally fat-and-ugly girl to build a family with so he doesn't have to worry about anybody trying to steal her from him. Good luck to those clowns." unquote. So that explains what I did by settling for relationships with a large marge because of not having to worry about her leaving because odds are she could find anyone better. Hypergamy is defeated by the gravity of saggy boobs and bottoms. If you can convince yourself that you have a fetish for larger women which is also something I did and which is something I no longer have a preference for. It's amazing what a man will convince himself of when he's getting sex on a regular basis. Also the idea that a guy doesn't really understand his own sexual marketplace value relative to a woman's is very important. Women are always looking around for a man that has no clue about his own value and they look for guys like that to trap into relationships. If a guy is happy and fat with a woman that resembles a hot air balloon really why is that a bad thing?
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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
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An article published on reveals modern women’s new plan for scoring alimony checks: Baiting the beta males. <br>#TerrencePopp #ModernWomen #BetaMales <br> <br>To donate to this content, see our list of channels, purchase merchandise or join Popp’s Preppers, click here: <br> <br>Send physical donations to: <br> Productions <br>29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407 <br>Royal Oak, MI 48072 <br>If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3 <br>All donations are tax deductible <br> <br>And be sure to tune in for Grunt Speak Live <br>Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm Eastern <br>And <br>Supporter Sunday streams for Locals, GiveSendBro, and SubscribeStar members only! <br> <br>All sources are available on!
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from AJ and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Here's a topic for you. I'm Chicago Refugee or Red Corn State Emigrate. I left Chicago because of the pandemic and being able to work remotely. Now that offices are opening up all workers must return to the office so they can continue to have control and justify middle management I expect to start a new life here and not return to Chicago. The main reason I have noticed that I do not want to return is a simpler life in every day activity. Traffic is less, going shopping takes less time, people are honestly nicer and across the board smile and say hello or back to you with joy. The second reason is that women, young attractive women, are actually friendly and smile and do not shun you on site. Not that I am looking to start dating drama but I have to admit I have thought about it. Imagine a 20 something year old woman, very cute and friendly. It throws me off and I want to reciprocate as is my nature with niceties. I'm just pleasantly surprised. I wonder what would have happened had I spent the last 30 years here and not in Chicago where the scorn and eye rolling back in my blue pill days hurt and confused me. Yes I dated in the past but it was not out of interest but because I found a girl that would answer my calls. Thus I was dating people I did not really have a strong interest in and I saw a life being turned into commitments that I really had no interest in. Along the way MGTOW and self interest became the most important. I want to specifically mention I am shocked how many thin and attractive women are out here, specifically what appear to be married women with 2-5 young kids in tow. And these mothers are cute and fit and simple to no makeup and they are happy and the kids are happy. It's pleasant to see. Is this still a bit of a blue pill utopia out here? Do women in general value a man from the 80% group that is a worker and would take on the traditional role of earner and family head out here? it seems so? Has my unhappiness with my professional life and personal/female life possibly been due to the crime/crazy/busy/loud/non stop traffic plus high demanding women bosses? Has all of that added up to make me really unhappy for 20 years and I didn't realize it as I drank the kool-aid and stayed at a good job that I didn't like in a city I didn't like as it is what I was suppose to do . . how much of my life did I spend doing what I didn't want to do but I didn't even realize it. Success/Peace/Tranquility/Health have been allusive but maybe this is it, maybe I can find it and maintain it instead of just touching it now and then. I met a girl and more importantly I met her farming family, I know them better than her actually . . The thought of calling her up has occurred to me for a coffee but I also realize I love my freedom to control my finances, travel, go camping and hiking when ever and hopefully in the future in a new position I am pursuing be able to work remotely and travel about with out issue. Then I remember . . some dreams don't die but they have to be killed . . should I kill this dream?" Well AJ thanks for the donation and topic. Before I share my thoughts about your story let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:
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The modern American Leftoid loves children so much they can’t wait to delete them.
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Sponsor Link Money Line Investments <br> <br> <br>12 Reasons Why Men Don’t Want To Get Married Anymore <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video isn't brought to you by any donations. So I wanted to use this to cover an article I found from the website WEALTH OF GEEKS with the same title, 12 reason men don't want to marry. The woman writing is says that she recently heard someone say "smart men don't get married" and wanted to explore the reasons why that is. The author Ananyaa is a neurodivergent queer pop-culture journalist, a cat-parent and performance poet. I couldn't make that all up if I tried. What's interesting is now those that would be traditionally on the left are starting to accept men going their own way and are pushing out ideas we first brought up a decade ago. First they laugh at you, then they fight you and then they join you. So she bring twelve points and I'll go through each one and give my take on them. The first is men don't want to get married because it gets the government involved when you sign on the dotted line on your wedding day. You will always have the sword of debacles of divorce hanging over your head in the back of your mind. Remember just because she won't divorce you doesn't mean that she can't. She says that paperwork may become a liability if you choose to separate. She says the idea of one true love isn't popular anymore so why get married. I'm thinking that women realize that men don't want to get married and are going their own way so they are willing to settle for a man that's willing to meet them halfway and are about to start making some serious concessions to get many men back in the marketplace. Her second point is the rise of gender equality. That men are no longer the head of the household and don't have authority over their family. That it's not appealing for men to have a 50-50 partnership where they share every duty equally. But she's wrong. Men don't care about women being chief bread winners and their careers. This idea of women out earning men is something that that women are more hyper focused on than men. I've always wanted an intellectual and financial equal to a woman. That's not why I left relationships that initially have the foundation of equality. I left because the women wanted control and superiority over me. Women don't want equality. They want the power of the so called patriarchy that never existed in the first place. But they want feminine power too. Her third point is that many men feel the social expectations surrounding being the chief bread winner in the family. Of course most men do. Men are human doings and women are human beings. Most men don't want to feel embarrassment by having a more successful wife. On the flip side most women don't want the shame of having a husband that's beneath them. But she's right when she says that many men today can barely provide for themselves let alone a wife and kids. The financial situation for most men to have families is not very practical at this point. Point number four is marriage means less time for a career. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.
In todays video we are visiting Female Dating Strategies on reddit to breakdown the question that many MGTOW and redpill men talk about...
Will there be a coming Cat Lady Epidemic in the near future?
We will examine that here
Oh and at the very end I briefly touch on why being a bachelor is the right move when you see ANOTHER high-status male is about to hit the divorce seen with Kanye West and Kim Kardashian
Texting School is the 12-level program to transform from SIMP to PIMP with your cell phone. This is information all men NEED to have in today’s digital dating world, you will learn how to consistently CREATE attraction with just your fingertips. Enroll now.
Sponsor Link: Stoic Indifference: Manual of Basic Mental Discipline <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Plasma and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I need to get something off my chest that messed me up. After being canceled from YouTube I drank a lot and got a dui. It's some F'd up shit up. During the aftermath I spent time listening to your vidoes and your voice put me to sleep. The problem is your videos made me realize my ex was a unicorn. So I started chasing her again. I cry every day. It started me taking anti depressants. Honestly my life is better financially after the relationship ended. But shes gone and I still love her. And I'm drugged up. Going pro made me so poor. I made it and it doesn't mean anything unless you have $. I used to have tons of hoes, then I met her a virgin and I said F these hoes. Metaphorically speaking. Now I'm destroyed. Honestly, she left me because I was poor. I love esports though. I dont know man. Now when I go on dating sights I can't accept any female bs because of you and your channel. It would be nice to have some one talk. Well Plasma thanks for the donation and sharing your story. I'm sorry to hear that you have a serious case of heartbreak. I don't think she left you because you were broke. She lost her virginity to you afterall so she must have been very attracted to you. Maybe she just wanted something different in life? Who knows. Remember that just like women don't love men for who they are. Men only love women for how they make us feel. You're not chasing her, the so called perfect unicorn. You're chasing how she made you feel and she only appears to be a unicorn because you were wearing love goggles. That's the difference. My first adult love after I ended the relationship I cried everyday for a few months and if felt like someone had died. I was also depressed for a bit as well. Depression is all about making you feel bad so that you change something in your life so that you feel good again. Don't take the female approach which is medicate yourself into oblivious so that you don't feel your pain. We all get depressed from time to time and it's about using our self-motivation to get us out of a funk instead of just medicating our way out of it. So you're probably wondering what to do at this point. Now that the love of your life is gone and talking to other women online won't work because you listened to my content and now it's wrecked your dating life? My thinking is that you need to find a new purpose in life besides love. Maybe check into AA meetings because you went from the drug of love to liquid love in the form of alcohol and almost killed yourself as a result as well as somebody else. Some people might be tempted to eat themselves into oblivion as well. Don't make your life a sequel to 2001 a space odyssey and call it 2025 an obese odyssey where you fatten yourself up through a food addiction. I know she's gone and if she's the one that left you then the odds of her ever getting back together with you are slim to none. It took me three to four years to get over my first adult love fully and I'm sorry you have to go through this but you'll be better on the other side. Having sex with working girls is just more cope and a crutch. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request <br> <br>photo credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2.
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A former supermodel 20 years past her prime wants to know why men won’t ogle her anymore and thinks you should care.
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Sponsor Link Money Line Investments <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video isn't brought to you by any donations. If you want to send money for me to cover a topic then please do so at the paypal, subscribestar or bitcoin links below. Recently I was doing a coaching call and one of my clients mentioned that in Australia they have defacto marriage. Where if you live with a woman for 2 years then you're automatically considered married and she has a right to half your assets. In New Zealand it's 3 years and in Canada it's six months to a year of cohabitation and she can technically divorce you because according to the state you're technically married. Five to ten years ago I was doing a photography job for a bunch of family divorce court lawyers and judges and one of their judges was retiring so they were giving him a big sendoff. I got to talking with one of the lawyers and asked him if there was a slowdown considering that most people were living together and not getting married. He said they were going to change the laws over to common law couples living together having the same consequences as married couples and a year later they did in British Columbia where they were technically married after 1 year of co-habitation. Canada goes even further and there was a story about a guy in Toronto that was with a woman and not even living with her but simply because people thought they were married. He was forced to pay alimony by the courts even though they never married or lived together. But I look at this idea of defacto marriage as something that may actually benefit men. Men need to start practicing hypergamy. Pretending to have assets while dating women that actually have more than them. Living with a woman for two years and then leaving her and getting the courts involved to take her cash and prizes. If that becomes popular there might be films in the future with couples trying to get together that are both secretly broke thinking that the other one has money so they can spring a defacto divorce just over the two year mark. There might be a professional divorcer class. After each divorce you hide your assets in Bitcoin or monero and it looks like you have nothing on paper until you find your next victim. You would basically be another version of the Tinder Swindler. I found a few people discussing this issue and a post on the men's rights reddit that said this and I quote: "Is Ex-GF entitled to half of Ex-BF’s assets in New Zealand? If you live your gf for more than 3 years; She is entitled to half of his assets if the relationship breaks off. It’s called “de facto” relationship. There's a case in question : Isreal Adesanya (MMA fighter from Nigeria, and now NZ citizen). His ex gf is also NZ citizen. She has dragged him to courts for half of his assets. They do not have children nor they are married. Google/YouTube the story for more info. Beware; this is yet another example of why you should also avoid cohabitation. Australia = 2 years, New Zealand = 3 years, and Canada = 6 months. Are there any other countries you are aware of with similar rules/consequences for men ?" unquote. I'll try to answer that in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline Investments: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.
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Chinese Birth Rate Dropped Below ‘Warning Level’ in 2020
Why China's Crazy Housing Bubble REFUSES TO BURST!
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Joseph and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I believe I owe you this at the very least. Maybe just share some of your thoughts as to our fate as our Western Matriarchy goes up against the Chinese CCP." Well Joseph thanks for the donation and topic. You forgot to mention that the Chinese CCP is an eastern patriarchy. I went online and found pictures like this one of the CCP meetings and you'll notice that only three or four percent of the Chinese Communist Party leadership are female. So on the surface it looks like the Chinese Patriarchy CCP is going to mop the floor with Western Matriarchies in the future as in twenty years the majority of politicians in western countries are female. Both systems in a sense are communist socialist but they are very different. But don't be fooled by a room full of men that run China. Chinese politicians still have wives and they probably simp for them behind closed doors. In China the women behind the CCP rule covertly while in the western matriarchy women are increasingly ruling over us overtly. In China the CCP members are the elites and many of them own the major
factories and commercial real estate. They figured out after the Soviet Union collapsed what they needed to do in order to maintain their power. They realized they needed a consumer economy so they built it. In the west the elites are not really into politics. Instead they have figured out that the best way to rule is to put women and minorities in power to control the males of European descent from rising up and putting them in their place. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. So the Chinese came up with the theory that after the collapse of the soviet union that you can't transition from a feudal monarchy to full blown communism and expect that communism to survive unless you first enter capitalism. The idea is that capitalism will fail and that once it does the people will realise that the only solution is to give power to their benevolent governments because the governments know best. So the Chinese got busy becoming the world's factory and general supply store. They built up their middle class that has a much higher standard of life so the people won't revolt because the economy there is better than it's ever been and people can consume as much as they want so long as they give up those other freedoms like freedom of speech, to bare arms and behave in any way the government deems inappropriate. It reminds me of that episode from Star Trek the next generation where captain Picard is being interrogated by a Cardassian and the Cardassian shares a story with him about how the poverty was bad until the authoritarian government provided food and shelter for everyone. Picard tells him that his daughters belly may be full but that her spirit will be empty. That's what both the covert Matriarchy of the CCP and covert Patriarchy in the west are all about. I say covert patriarchy because it's mostly men that own shares of major corporations. Just because the founders of Alphabet decide to step aside and make Sundar Pichai an Indian the CEO of Google and they make Susan the CEO of YouTube doesn't mean they have lost their power. They still own more shares and they rule from the shadows instead of from the front seat and they get to virtue signal that their companies are great because they employ women and minorities in positions of power. Who in their right mind would revolt against a company that works so hard to uplift women and minorities so much.
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Rational Animal and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Another month, another request. Can you please feature Colttaine's channel? I know he is not exactly "unknown" but you have many more subscribers and I think the newcomers to MGTOW will benefit from watching his videos. I've attached both his Bitchute and YouTube channel links." Well Rational Animal thanks for the donation and topic. As for Colttaine's channel I put the links you sent me to his channel in the description so that people can chectk those out. As for what I think about his content and most specfically one of his most recent videos called Of Monkeys And Men and I'll get to that in just a second but let me first tell you about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to Rational Animal's request that I review Colttaine's content. So the Of Monkeys And Men video is almost an hour long and it's a great one. First of all he tries to clear the air between himself and TFM with regards to some differences they have between how power and patriarchy works in our society. But that's not the part of the video I want to talk about. Colttaine discusses how social hierarchy has changed for humans with time. Before civilization he describes our world as one where there were four distinct parts of humanity that all had their own separate existance in the tribe. There were the alpaha males that fed on grapes and got to bang all the babes. There were the women, the children and the beta males. The betas provided protection and provision because in exchange they got survival thanks to the tribal unit. Then he describes a scenario where in one group of monkies the alpha males ate poisoned food and all of them died. At that point all that remained was the women the children and the beta males. Scientists were expecting that the beta males would fill in the void where the alphas were but that didn't happen. Instead the whole group became like the bonobos where the stronger females took over and they became like the bonobos. Coltaine admits that although he appears like an alpha on the outside because he has a great job, he's over six feet tall, has an IQ of around a buck twenty five, rides a motorcycle and works out and is in great shape. It takes a lot of courage for a man like that to come out and say that he's not an alpha especially after building up a strong exterior. Being alpha is a mindset it seems and if you don't have it from a young age you never will. But Colttaine points out that in the past before social media there were more so called alpha males in the eyes of women. But now social media has made being an alpha almost impossibly difficult because women now only see the best of the best. In my opinion this is creating a vacuum of alpha males and it's starting to destabilize society. Women are no longer respecting wealthy and powerful men like they used to. Don't believe me then just look at what's going on with MeToo.
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The Weaker Sex? Science That Shows Women Are Stronger Than Men
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Lazy Danny and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hello Sandman, Allow me to bring to your attention this wonderful article called: "The Weaker Sex? Science That Shows Women Are Stronger Than Men" The argument is that comes to lifespan, immunity and emotional trauma women are stronger than men. Women appear desperate to be better at men at something. Please share your thoughts Sandman." Well Danny thanks for the donation and topic. Yes women have stronger immune systems that help them survive illness. But don't forget they are the greater hypochondriacs when compared to men. There have also been studies done in monasteries and nunneries that prove that in an environment isolated from the opposite sex monks and nuns live the same length of time. I wonder how many men handicap men's health with constant nagging and now they are bragging about living longer after emotionally tormenting us into an early grave. Women's argument is also that they are better survivors with regards to lifespan. Just because women live longer than men doesn't mean that's a biological thing. It doesn't mean they are more robust. It just means they are better at busting men's minds open and dumping their emotional sludge and stress into us so that they feel better about themselves. This idea that women just naturally live longer is a myth that won't go away like the wage gap. Women shorten men's lives with their subtle emotional abuse and are trying to brand their longevity as a genetic thing instead of as simply abusing men into an early grave. Sure 42 of the 43 people that are over the age of 110 are women but at that age you're barely alive. It's probably a stronger female immune system that prevents them from getting cancer as readily as men do. I'll discuss more about this article in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2: Anyways, now back to the 110 pound women beating up 250 pound men on television and throwing them around like rag dolls clown world show. If it's on television so it must be true. It's just propaganda at this point. I was discussing world politics with a woman one time and told her she wasn't all that well informed. She responded by saying I know what's going on in the world. I watch Entertainment Tonight. Then people started laughing at her and she thought that people were laughing with her and not at her. As for the article what's the point of it. It's projecting the virtues of female biology onto mostly female reader to make themselves feel good about themselves but also as a cover story to
make men not question why women live longer. If men saw the story of the monks that lived as long as the nuns they would begin to question to propaganda that's out there that says that married men live longer than unmarried men. What the stats don't take into consideration is the difference between divorced men and never married men. I'm confident that the lifelong bachelors would have greater longevity. Guys that are five years younger than me and that are married have five times as many grey hairs. Grey hair signals dna damage usually due to stress. Women may have stronger immune systems that help them fight off viruses and cancer but the downside is that a stronger immune system makes them more likely to suffer from autoimmune disease. Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis for example as the article points out. The article does mention that but many many paragraphs down. Most people don't read much past the headline and the fancy pants graphics and photos at the top. In this case there's a woman carrying a passed out man on her back which implies that women are physically stronger than men which everyone knows isn't true. But articles like this one and TV shows with strong 100 pound women pulling obese 300 pound men out of burning Buick's is the feel good propaganda we have to hear about. Recently I was watching a show called dopesick and there's a tiny woman that works as a coal miner that is strong enough to work alongside men. There are studies out there now showing that wealthier men are outliving poor women. Is that because wealthier men have better genes?
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Lindsay Transmission Service
Kit Lindsay
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Email: Sandmanmgtow @
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Welcome to the New Feminist/Socialist Dictatorship. What do you call a country that no longer has free elections? A country where the press has become propaganda for one party, a country that no longer allows free speech, a country where, since 1970, EVERY LAW has been changed to benefit women, and finally, a country where all CIVIL RIGHTS and liberties have been shut down by a phoney coof? You call it Coof-1984, the new socialist/feminist dictatorship!! It's obvious to a lot of people that the 2020 election was not transparent!! I was following the 2020 election as it unfolded in the past few months. I noticed that Biden hardly campaigned at all, appearing at only ONE rally the week of the election! The rally was sparsly attended and energy was low! In contrast, Trump spoke at rallies every day, sometimes giving 2 or 3 speeches a day! Energy was off the charts and thousands of people attended his rallies!! Now am I supposed to believe that Biden defeated Trump and received more votes than any other candidate in history? As far as the cervesa sickness goes, how many people are aware that only 6% of deaths are from it alone and that 94% of reported deaths are due to co-morbidities? For example, if a person tested positive and then died of a heart attack or even a gunshot wound, then it says Covid-19 on their death certificate! The common cold is a corona virusd, and a person with a common cold can test positive for Covid-19! People call this type of thing "conspiracy theories", but the reality is that much of this information can be found on the CDC website! Our entire society has been shut down and all of our civil liberties have been suspended! Countless people have lost their jobs as small businesses close down! And what's the logic of reopening the border and letting thousands of immigrants come into our country, when countless Americans have lost their jobs? At the same time, our press has lost all objectivity and become a propaganda arm for the Democratic Party! No alternative points of view allowed." Our media continues to sell fear as every day the headlines explode with a new "record number of deaths" from the coof! On social media sites such as Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter, you are not allowed to have an alternative point of view on the sniffle apocalypse. Men's rights channels are being reclassified as "hate speech" and kicked off or demonetized, like THIS channel, for example! Free speech disappeared years ago in this country! At the same time, since 1970, because of feminist lobbying, EVERY LAW has been changed to favor women! In George Orwell's 1984, the men were unable to have sex and the women wore red sashes proclaiming that they were members of the "Junior Anti-Sex League". The bottled up sexual frustration was then channeled into worship of Big Brother! In our cervesa sickness worl men are unable to have sex because women wear the invisible sash of Fourth Wave Feminism, a toxic, invald form of feminism based on female superiority and hatred of males! Meanwhile, the Big Brother "Daddy State" takes care of all of women's needs, making the male provider obsolete! Ironically, men pay 80% of the taxes for the "Daddy State", thus we're being forced to pay for our own obsolescence!
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Photo Credit For Ad:
1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa
Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
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