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Gang of Transgender women drop-kicked then stamped on 19-year-old-man
Kakkmaddafakka - Someone New (Roosevelt Remix)
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Charles. He didn't give me a topic so I want to cover an article called: "Gang of Transgender women drop-kicked then stamped on 19-year-old-man in London Tube attack after he told them they needed to have female genitalia to be women." I wouldn't be surprised if language and words are a form of assault in the UK already and that the 19 year old man was sent off to jail for making his statements. According to some people in the UK words are violent. So it's only fair to meet violence with violence. Even if one form takes the form of words and the other takes the form of fists. So in a sense what these 4 TransWhamen did to him should sarcastically be called self defense. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's guide to retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. So two members of the gang of transwhamen were sentenced to six-months curfew because the judge was probably worried they would come over and smack him down too for even taking the case to court. Of the other two one of them was sentenced to 20 days rehabilitation activity. One of them was given conditional discharge for two years. So I guess that's something. There's even a video of them stomping the guy at that link I shared. Those stilettos are dangerous weapons when they are stomping down on your junk. George Orwell got that line from 1984 wrong. He said that the future looks like a masculine boot stomping on a man's face from here to eternity. In reality he should have wrote that the future is a sharp and pointy Stiletto smashing your package for all eternity. But even he wasn't progressive enough to see the future was males dressing up as females calling themselves female. People can call themselves anything they want and others have the right to accept or reject it. I have the right to use words and language that may or may not offend you. Just like you have every right to live a lifestyle that may or may no offend me. That's what freedom is all about. If this were a situation where it was four men beat up a woman they would probably serve at least a year or two in prison. If it were four guys beating up another guy they would be going to prison for six months to a year. But because it's four trans women they don't have to play with drop to soap Tyrone in the big house. The 19 year old man that was beaten was taken to hospital having severe abrasions and a black eye. The judge with most fitting name in this case, Nigel Seed, told the trans gang this and I quote: "I accept that had it not been for the alleged victim in this case there probably wouldn't have been an incident." unquote. But what kind of logic is that? Imagine if you were in court after someone had stolen your car and the judge saying "Well if it hadn't been for you owning that Ferrari there wouldn't have been the crime of grand theft auto. What kind of precedent is this judge setting? also the man that was beaten is the alleged victim according to the judge.
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Sponsor Link: <br>Profit Specialist Group <br>video: <br> <br> <br>Tokyo Tech to introduce new admission methods, female student quotas <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Avery and here's what he has to say: "Sandman can you please cover the article I sent you? Looks like Japan is starting up university quotas for females. I was thinking of moving there because it was one of the last bastions of anti-feminism. I'm reconsidering my decision to move there. Thanks. Well Avery thanks for the donation and topic. The article says this and I quote: "Tokyo Tech to introduce new admission methods, female student quotas. Amidst its sustained efforts to promote diversity and inclusion, Tokyo Tech has decided to introduce special quotas for Japanese-speaking prospective female students applying to the Institute's bachelor's degree programs from April 2024 onwards. Four of Tokyo Tech's Schools — the School of Materials and Chemical Technology, the School of Computing, the School of Life Science and Technology, and the School of Environment and Society — will adopt the new framework in April 2024, while the School of Science and the School of Engineering will do so in April 2025. Once the new admission procedures come into effect at all Schools, the new quotas will make 143 positions available exclusively for female students. This constitutes approximately 14 percent of the 1,028 students admitted to Tokyo Tech's bachelor's degree programs each year. The percentage of women in bachelor's degree programs in these fields stood at approximately 13 percent as of May 1, 2022. The introduction of female-only quotas aims to boost this figure and promote one of the Institute's key policies — diversity and inclusion — on Tokyo Tech's campuses. As a result, Tokyo Tech expects the ratio of female students to reach 20 percent at each of its Schools, and to surpass this figure across the entire Institute. New proactive measures aim to increase this ratio further in the more distant future. While certain leading institutions around the world have achieved a female ratio of 30 percent or higher in the STEM fields at Japanese universities, however, the disparity is particularly noticeable. Tokyo Tech hopes that its efforts will develop into a movement among science and engineering-focused and other universities in the country, which together can take a big step towards closing the gap between the number of women and men studying for STEM-related degrees. Future applications through the recommendation-based and comprehensive entrance exam selection methods will fall into two categories — the general quota for all applicants regardless of gender, and the female-only quota. From academic year 2025 onwards, when all Tokyo Tech Schools have adopted the new framework, the number of applicants admitted through General Admissions for the Bachelor's Program will decrease to 801 applicants from the current 930 applicants. The total number of applicants admitted through the comprehensive and recommendation-based entrance exam selection methods will increase to 227 applicants from the current 98 applicants. This will include 84 applicants in the general quota and 143 applicants in the female-only quota. unquote. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Photo Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2. <br> <br>3.

E graças a militância feminista atual que diz pregar pelos direitos das mulhes que mesmo é privilégios por estragar o entretenimento geek gamer e fazer que as
falsas garotas que jogam fazendo merda na internet e se usando disso pra ter fama, com lives super sensualizadas e pack de fotos pra os gado burros pagar fortunas
e site Twitch perdeu completamente seu sentido atualmente e quase um cabaré digital!
Only Fans/twitch e PAtreon agradecem

Celestina (head #381):
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Revy Innovations: Follow-Me Eyes
4D Eyebrow Tattoo Stickers
Royalty free stock footage "heart beat monitor"
Background Music: "Gaiety in the Golden Age" by Aaron Kenny. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.
Sponsor: The Doll House
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Lembra-se daqueles caras, que nos vamos falar sobre os reais riscos de Muiéres de hoje em dia, e esses cara ainda debocham de nossa opinião sobre o assunto?
Então é esse que vão os futuros cornos que de quebra ainda irão servir de chacotas para o bairro todo quando assumem esses tipinhos de muiéres assim.

Parte 16:

Sponsor Link:
The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce
My boyfriend and I have only had sex twice in our 2 year relationship
Mystery Link:
Email: Sandmanmgtow @
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Randy the Dakota MGTOW and he let me choose whatever topic I want. Up until a while ago it was easy to find something new to talk about when I got a donation with no topic. I'd just pop into the MGTOW SubReddit and find something to talk about. But since that's gone I decided I'd explore the dead bedrooms subreddit instead and boy was I happy to do so. I ran into a bunch of stories immediately where women were the ones complaining that their boyfriends were the ones that didn't want to sleep with them a year or two into the relationship. Let me read one of them by a woman named purple 7281 and I quote: "We moved in together a year and a half ago. The first time we got spicy wasn't a great experience. I've only had is a couple of times, so honestly, it hurt even after lube and getting myself excited. He obviously didn't want to hurt me and we ended with a bj instead. The second time was more romantic. He put a fireplace on our TV screen, set the mood, and we had a ton of foreplay beforehand. It was definitely far less painful, but we couldn't get the positioning right. We're both pretty fat and not entirely flexible, so it was hard to get into a good position and rhythm. After that, he just didn't want to try anymore. I've mentioned it a few times, but he has an excuse every time. He's never performed oral on me. I've given him a couple bjs (under 10 though) and a couple of hjs. So for us it's mostly mutual masturbation. Sometimes he'll play with my nips while we dirty talk and get ourselves laying next to each other. Even that these days is sporadic at best. It's typically the days that I wear makeup and perfume though it has happened when I'm not and doesn't happen every time I do. I don't have a crazy libido or anything. I'd actually say mine is on the lower end of the spectrum, but having him want it even less than me is....surprising? Concerning? I know at least sometimes he gets himself off in the shower, which I don't really mind in and of itself, but if we're not being intimate, he could, ya know, invite me? He says he's stressed and anxious, which is why he's been more distant, but previous times he's been anxious he's asked me to be intimate with him to relieve stress. So I don't know what's going on. All I know is that I'm tired of not feeling wanted." Well Randy the Dakota MGTOW thanks for the donation and I'm sure you'll enjoy me roasting the women on the dead bedrooms subreddit that kicked all the MGTOWs out of there and are now spreading their stories for attention. But before I do let met first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High-Conflict Divorce: Anyways, now back to the women crying me a river because their man's cock doesn't want to cry in them clown world show. First of all this woman doesn't have a dead bedroom situation. Without penetration this is what lesbian relationships are like. I had a lesbian complain about the same thing to me before and eventually left. The same will probably happen to purple 7281. Her man might have issues because fat guys tend to suffer from a micro penis and fat chicks need a bigger dong to service the place she hides her thong. If an overweight woman wears a string bikini and you can't see it because of her weight is she still wearing it? Lady there's your problem your fat and don't wear perfume and makeup. But we both know that if you lost the weight you'd be off getting smashed by someone else way more often. It's also great that he hasn't gone down because that's how HPV is spread around. I wish someone told me that while growing up so I didn't risk turning into Valk Kilmer one day. As for the Dead Bedroom Subreddit I figure that's another reason they don't want red pill MGTOW guys on there. There are a lot of women there looking for sympathy and attention from men. Also what if the women posting these stories about their boyfriend not wanting to sleep with them are doing it as a form of projection.
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Sponsor Link: <br>- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia <br>- <br>- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video isn't brought to you by any donations yet again. Looks like I'm getting closer and closer to getting ready to hang up my digital hat so to speak. At least on this channel. I'll discuss more about that at the end of this video. But first I want to discuss artificial intelligence rendered adult content. There's a website which I can't share a link to because I'll probably get a strike on YouTube for but I'm going to flash the letters on screen so you know where to go so you can create all kinds of images that are definitely not safe for work. The stock photos I used in this video are of real women. But before I picked them out I went to the site that's on screen and then the stock page and I knew that the fake women weren't real but I started mixing up the real and fake in my head and I started to see the fake women as being real. The website showed me hundreds of images and they passed the aroused boner test. My chubby custard launcher didn't that they were fake. It still gave them a salute. Someone mentioned that in one of my recent memes of the week videos that ai was generating more than just scantily clad ladies but that it was doing way more so I looked into it. I've reached the conclusion that if I don't care if women are real or not sexually then you know that young guys won't care at all. Imagine what that' going to mean when there are completely nude virtual girls in five to ten years or less having conversations with you and rendered in real time? Real women are screwed. You can tell the virtual woman what you want her to do and she'll do it. Again it's almost over for real women. The male sexual revolution is upon us and they will cry and complain while wailing and gnashing their teeth that no man wants to fondle their teet. They will protest and complain but they can but they won't be able to stop it. Men will fap off until the world fails and stay away from relationships. MGTOW will be the new default setting for men in soyciety. Birth rates will plummet even more and family formation will collapse. All that before we even see those virtual girlfriends downloaded into lover bots. As men were almost in the promised land and for women the attention, resources and emotional tampon services are going to dry up. Even the desperate male feminists will probably go their own way from whamen. I'll discuss more implications of digitally rendered poon in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Background Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Klemens and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I`m currently 23 years old and suffering from the Tension myositis syndrome (TMS) and dont know what to do. I quit my teaching degree. Not because I hate teaching, but It hurts my heart forcing kids to learn something they are not interested in. I already have a bachelor degree in mechatronical engineering, but I cant work that stuff, my body starts hurting, when I do anything in that field. If I do anything, thats not want I to do, my back starts to hurt. It is very depressing. I already tried some things to fight the pain (psychotherapy, working out many hours a day, etc.) but it doesn`t stop. It only stops, when I do stuff that I love. I recently started an apprenticeship for acting, I really love it, it kinda cures my broken heart. I was cast in my first play and really enjoy the time. But the pain still returns from time to time, especially when I do my part-time job as a bike messenger. I am an incel. Before I started doing that acting stuff, no girl showed interested in me, but during my apprenticeship I met a girl who started to text me on facebook. I felt kinda happy, that girls started to show interest, but everytime I approach a girl who is interested and start to canoodle, the girl starts to ghost me the day after. I enjoy the time, especially because I do what I love, but I don't know how long I want to continue the starving artist lifestyle. It feels like, there is no going back, I can't go back to work as an engineer or as a teacher, because my body fights against that. If I start doing any math stuff again or even go back into a lecture in the university, my back starts to hurt for many hours. I also moved out of my parents home two months ago and started to ghost them, because they emotionally abused me during my childhood and treated me disrespectfully since I started acting. They treat me like garbage and dont care about my mental illness (which was probably due to emotional abuse in my childhood), they only will leave me in peace, if I start working as an engineer again or something like that, but that is not possible, because of the pain. I contemplate very often about suicide, there is not much left to do in this world. Or at least it feels this way. What would you do, if everything you do besides the things you love would case pain in your back? I made a bucketlist for this year which includes joining a local boxing club, finishing the plays I am starring in and using my last savings to move to america. It feels like america is my final destination. I will live there as long as my savings allow it and finally kill myself. I see no point in living much longer, I just want to finish my bucket list and end it. I dont know what the topic of this video should be, do whatever you want to do with it. I just wanted to tell someone my thoughts about life and share my struggles. Have a nice day. Well Klemens thanks for the donation and topic I think. I have a lot of advice for you. But before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor ABC Circuits:
10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.
Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""
Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:
1. Attractive young businesswoman using tablet with circuit. Technology and computing concept. Double exposure
2. Full of sweet chocolate flavors. Cute girl having fun with cookies. Pretty girl covering eyes with cookies. Bakery style chocolate chip cookie recipe. Bakery shop. Following a cooking recipe.
3. Young attractive female digital electronic engineer checking electronic circuit in laboratory

A vida humana é uma curiosa e interessante contradição. Ao mesmo tempo em que possuímos uma óbvia grande carga genética do homo sapiens, relacionada ao raciocínio, a lógica. Também temos o fardo (ou não) de trazer uma carga genética dos antecessores do sapiens, ligadas ao instintos mais animalescos. Assim é a vida humana uma tentativa de equilibrar nossos instintos que não se adaptam a vida em sociedade ao sistema da razão, do raciocínio, de oque devemos ou não fazer para buscar qualidade de vida e felicidade
Schopenhauer dizia que nós somos como macacos e que o amor é a forma que a natureza encontra para a espécie se perpetuar ou seja é algo puramente natural, biológico, como se o amor não existisse enquanto metafísico. O amor é apenas um instinto natural pra que nós possamos procriar e deixar o legado da espécie.
Infelizmente a natureza fez os machos desesperados pelas fêmeas, mas não fez as fêmeas desesperadas pelos machos. Isso faz com que mesmo em um sociedade com numericamente mais mulheres do que homens, os homens ainda insistam em se humilhar por migalhas enquanto as espertas saltam de cama em cama usufruindo o melhor que cada otário tem a lhe oferecer.
As mulheres da minha geração são oque nós chamamos de "livres sexualmente" e escolhem a dedo os homens com quem elas querem se relacionar, eu infelizmente não fui convidado a fazer parte dessa tal "liberdade sexual".... durante minha adolescência e início da vida adulta fui rejeitado e esnobado, as mesmas mulheres me procuraram 10 anos depois para que eu fosse a 8ª ou 9ª opção delas, como eu tenho um mínimo de respeito e amor próprio, neguei, durante muito tempo tive ressentimento mas hoje susbitui o mesmo por conhecimento de fato e aperfeiçoamento pessoal e intelectual.
A monogamia foi um valor que se perdeu da cultura popular, foi deixada de lado e é tratada como retrógrada, arcaica e primitiva... o problema real é o duplo padrão de julgamento. Quando um homem trai um mulher ele é chamado de machista, galinha, insensível, tóxico, etc
Quando uma mulher trai um homem ela é tida como "empoderada", "livre sexualmente", "independente", "desapegada", etc.... não é possível ter um relacionamento saudável em uma sociedade que pensa e haje dessa maneira. E para aqueles que disserem que eu estou generalizando, reafirmo meu ponto: Todas as mulheres estão intoxicadas com a "ideologia". Aqueles que ainda quiserem se arriscar, que o façam... eu não os julgo, mas tambem peço que não venham reclamar dizendo que eu não avisei. A ÚNICA coisa que a mulher moderna tem a oferecer ao homem é um belo par de chifres!
O direito feminino de decidir o que fazer com a própria vida, com os próprios sentimentos e com o próprio corpo é intocável e deve sempre ser RESPEITADO. O que é deseonesto é a tentativa de exercer esses direitos sem arcar com consequências inevitáveis. Para se esquivarem das consequências de uma sexualidade livre, as fêmeas espertinhas se especializaram na arte de mentir, dissimular e enganar para desfrutar certos benefícios sem abrir mão de outros.
Minha geração de homens esta destruída, O casamento está morto. O divórcio significa que você está ferrado para o resto da vida. As mulheres desistiram da monogamia, o que as torna desinteressantes para qualquer relacionamento sério ou para constituir uma família. É assim que as coisas são. O macho é territorialista desde os tempos da caverna e sempre será.... o MÍNIMO que um homem exige de uma mulher é a monogamia, mas parece que isso é algo difícil de ser aceito pelas mentes delas, que por sinal são de fácil manipulação pelos aparelhos midiáticos... pegue o Ciúme como exemplo, o ciúme sempre existiu e sempre existirá, mas nos dias de hoje o duplo padrão de julgamente tomou conta deste sentimento tão antigo.... Um homem com ciúme porque sua esposa/namorada esta usando um vestido decotado é chamado de machsita e "INSEGURO".... mas uma mulher que não deixa seu marido sair para jogar bola com os amigos é tido como algo normal, ela esta apenas tomando conta do que é seu.
AMBOS os gêneros possuem ciúmes, porém de formas diferentes. O ciúme do homem é visual, por isso a vontade de controlar as roupas que a mulher usa... para que ninguém possa ver oque é """seu""". O ciúme da mulher se encontra no campo das ideias e pensamentos, por isso essa tara em saber onde o marido esta?, com quem ele esta? e oque esta fazendo?. Novamente o duplo padrão de julgamento: o ciúme do homem é chamado de machismo. O ciúme da mulher não é chamado de nada... porque é considerado algo "natural"
.........................................................................VAMOS ESTABELECER ALGUNS PONTOS:....................................................................
O que explica a aparente contradição entre "as mulheres são mais infiéis" e "a geração Y está fazendo menos sexo" é a velha regra dos 20-80: 20% dos homens traçam 80% das mulheres.
A hipergamia feminina faz com que os alfas destacados de status elevado tenham uma vida sexual intensa, e peguem várias em uma semana. Mas essa é a minoria de homens. A maioria dos caras vive em um deserto sexual permanente, o que tem de homens jovens por ai, na faixa dos 20 anos, que não se relacionam com absolutamente ninguém, não é brincadeira.
A questão é que, como esses homens são invisíveis para as mulheres, como elas só tem olhos para os destacados, existe essa fama que "todo homem é galinha", "todo homem pega várias", e que homens transam casualmente muito mais que as mulheres.
Perceba a visão deturpada que as mulheres tem sobre sexismo. Elas fazem a sua seleção natural, elas próprias buscam os maus elementos e ainda tem a cara de pau de culpar todos os homens por isso, ignorando aqueles que não se relacionam com ninguém.Elas não conseguem conceber homens que não transam regularmente, porque a vida delas é dar todo dia para um cara diferente, então elas automaticamente deduzem que todos os homens são assim também.
"Pouco racionais, essa fêmeas não resistem aos falsos signos de poder que sejam convincentes. Depois quando são abandonadas após perderem a virgindade, ficam reclamando e amaldiçoando todos os machos da terra, como se não fossem elas próprias as responsáveis por terem se oferecido justamente àqueles que não deviam. E continuam mentindo sem o menor pudor ao dizerem que se sentem atraídas pelos bonzinhos e honestos"
- Nessahan Alita, O profano Feminino
O fato é: a maioria das mulheres transam mais que a maioria dos homens, são mais promiscuas e infiéis. Isso foge totalmente do senso comum, claro, pois a narrativa sempre foi que:
"os homens são garanhões e as mulheres são santas, e o feminismo veio para igualar as coisas".
as mulheres deixam os homens comendo poeira no quesito vida sexual. Para uma mulher conseguir sexo é ridiculamente fácil. Basta piscar para o colega de trabalho e se quiser já transa no banheiro, no horário de expediente, enquanto que para o homem é muito mais difícil conseguir sexo. Se o cara não tiver status social ou características alfas então, só sobra a masturbação.
Sabe aquela famosa frase que elas dizem:
"tá faltando homem no mercado"?
Isso não significa que está faltando homem de fato, significa que ela já deu para todos os alfas do círculo social dela.
"está faltando homem para mim"
O que aprendemos com a lenda de Helena de Tróia é que a mulher pode ser a causa de uma hecatombe, mas ao fim ela migra para o lado vencedor com o rabo entre as pernas e o cinismo estampado.
-durante o ápice de beleza e fertilidade das mulheres que vai mais ou menos dos 18 aos 30, elas entram em um verdadeiro carrossel de parceiros, buscando sempre os destacados, ESNOBANDO os medianos, agindo de uma maneira como se não houvesse o amanhã. Mas aí chega os 30 e o carrossel começa a enferrujar, a beleza ja não é a mesma, o sex appeal esta em decadência, as mulheres mais novas estão em evidência, os destacados ja não as querem mais e então elas se voltam ao homem provedor, feiosão, mediano, aquele que vai assumi-las para relacionamentos longos. Oque tem de mulher por aí que passou da barreira dos 30 e que de repente viraram evangélicas, religiosas, com direito a postagens de cunho bíblico. Mulheres que eram promíscuas em seu auge de repente viraram boas samaritanas.
Quando elas atingem os 30 anos, os papéis são rapidamente revertidos uma vez que a beleza, a jovialidade, e a fertilidade começam a se esvair logo o seu valor biológico começa a despencar e fica cada vez mais difícil atrair e manter um homem de alto valor. Enquanto a mulher está no auge os destacados são escolhidos depois o homem mediano vai lá e assume oque restou. A maioria das mulheres querem um homem destacado, seria avelha regra dos 80-20, que na minha opinião esta chegando no 90-10... 90% das mulheres querem 10% dos homens e somente resolvem baixar os padrões de exigência quando concluem que não vão conseguir nenhum homem dos 10% ou quando a idade bate e aí elas percebem que o tempo chegou.
"As filhas querem fazer livremente o que lhes dê vontade sem deixarem de ter as despesas custeadas pelo pai. Para o namoro ou promíscuo "ficar", as meninas exigem ser tratadas como adultas mas, para o custeamento de despesas e obrigações de auto-sustento, exigem ser tratadas como crianças. As mulheres adultas querem viver "livremente", isentas de obrigações matrimoniais, mas sem perderem os direitos de esposa/namorada/noiva. Os otários devem segurar o rojão para que as espertas se divirtam".
- Nessahan Alita, O profano Feminino.
.............................................................................................Então o amor surge e acaba?.............................................................................
O amor prolongado e duradouro só ocorre em ocasiões excepcionais, oque nos sentimos é paixão no primeiro momento e que pode virar ou não um amor verdadeiro, prolongado. Por isso que a sociedade ao longo dos séculos criou mecanismos que perpetuassem o casamento mesmo depois que a paixão acabasse, caso contrário os filhos seriam abandonados ainda pequenos oque acontece nos dias atuais é que esses mecanismos foram exterminados por isso os casamentos não duram mais principalmente porque foram retirados das mulheres qualquer freio moral com relação ao casamento, além da sociedade ter criado vários benefícios para que elas não invistam em um relacionamento duradouro pos ha diversas vantagens para as mulheres abandonarem o barco do casamento, guarda de filhos, pensão alimentícia, divisão de bens (que na maioria dos casos a mulher não contribuiu para que esses bens se formassem) além de que para as mulheres não fica nada feio ser sustentada por terceiros, seja seus pais ou estado. Ja não é o caso dos homens, um homem sem emprego e sem dinheiro é um homem abandonado a própria sorte, ninguem suportaria sustentar um homem que não trabalhe, mesmo que não exista emprego para ele. Ele seria taxado de vagabundo, preguiçoso e mandariam ele cair fora, não é atoa que quase todos os mendigos são homens. Então as mulheres saem de casa para casar ou quando estão formadas e com emprego na mão, um homem tem que sair de casa de qualquer jeito, seja formado e com emprego ou não. Os homens precisam desesperadamente ter o seu próprio sustento, isso significa ter sua liberdade pessoal. Mesmo que ele fique na casa dos pais ele será taxado como vagabundo pela sociedade, ele pode até ficar na casa dos pais, mas ele precisa ter o seu próprio sustento.
De acordo com os psicólogos john money e doroty tenov o estado mental alterado típico da paixão dura entre 18 meses e 3 anos, a paixão dura entre 1 ano e meio e 3 anos... Esse limite tem explicação biológica, nosso organismo não aguentaria por muito tempo as demandas da paixão, se ficassemos apaixonados para sempre provavelmente nosso corpo ficaria se definhando até não aguentar mais, o paixonado no auge da paixão, não dorme direito, não come direito, não consegue focar bem a sua vida. Nosso corpo não aguentaria viver assim para sempre. É durante esse intenso período de aproximação que o casal cria as conexões neurais que podem caminhar ou não para uma forte ligação emocional, isso significa que a paixão é apenas uma das fases do amor e não sua definição completa.Espero ter clareado um pouco as nuâncias do universo feminino, principalmente para você homem jovem... as paixonites de suas namoradas podem evaporar como o gelo na brasa
Eu diria que o fogo da paixão dura bem menos nas mulheres, porque as estatísticas não mentem. Na maioria dos pedidos de divórcio dos casamentos, advinhem quem pede o divórcio? São as mulheres que pedem o divórcio entre 70 e 80% dos casos, claro que isso atualmente não se deve ao fato apenas de que a paixão acabou, acontece que agora ja não ha mais freio moral para a perpetuação dos casamento ou seja, isso significa que a décadas atrás as mulheres também se entediavam mas continuavam casadas porque havia uma imperativo moral e social que fazia co que elas aceitassem o fim da paixão mas continuassem casadas.
Perceberam que a gente nunca vê campanhas feministas contra o casamento? Como podem mulheres detestarem os homens, porém serem a favor do casamento? É o seguinte: elas querem dispor do casamento como segunda opção, caso não consigam uma brilhante carreira profissional! Elas sabem que é impossível existir empregos destacados para todas as mulheres, então elas querem buscá-los, e caso não consigam, possam dispor do casamento para que alguém lhe dê uma vida melhor que um subemprego, entendeu? Se somos tão repugnantes que não podemos dividir o vagão no metrô, elas também deveriam ser contra o casamento! Pensem nisso!

Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring
- (Cancer harassment, false police report, cancel culture against dad) (Dad's response with text context) (Full dad response and dad's personal channel) (Daughter running out of money and asking for men to become ATM's)
Mystery Link:
Email: Sandmanmgtow @
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Trump Nukem and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, Whamen's ability to cancel culture a male partner or family member without consequences has been a plague on men/fathers since the rise of social media. Recently I discovered a utterly vile whamen named PlayMateTessi or Maya who was caught harassing a girl while live streaming with cancer with no remorse and claimed she cancel cultured lots of other people before this and is good at it. Two Weeks later Tessi was asleep during live stream and the father was caught with hot mike yelling at other daughter, info was leaked, viewers then traced dads workplace and emailed Tessi's cancer harassment video to them and got dad fired. When the father called to confront Tessi, she live streamed the call where father told Tessi to leave house in 1 hour. Tessi proceeded to call police and give false report to gain instant victim status
and cancel culture her own father. The father released a video explaining that Tessi has severe mental health issues and has spent $40K to get Tessi treatment and also to answer a few questions the internet populace had in regards to the whole thing. The father seems genuine and explains his side very well while still explaining that he loves his daughter though she is an adult now so is on her own after this backstabbing. Tessi is currently flooding Youtube with delusion streams of her current (spiral out of control) situation. As of January 29th Tessi is now asking for the Simps to become ATM's and support her financially because she's a whamen. Sandman I'd like your MGTOW perspective on the current trend of young Social Media Thots who spitefully cancel culture on their own family members while living in fantasy land with no consequences of actions, claiming independence while still suckling at the teat of men's income for survival while doing absolutely nothing towards furthering society. Well Trump Nukem thanks for the donation and topic. I shared the video links in the description with Tessi also known by her real name Maya so people can follow along with this thot debauchery. It's not enough that she got her father unintentionally cancelled from his own job but when he called her out on it she then got the police involved to cancel him even more. Whatever that's supposed to mean. Maybe put him in jail and cancel his freedom. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to the video. First I'll share my thoughts about Tessi or Maya and then I'll discuss women claiming independence while suckling a man's shwing shwang for resources. Trump Nukem the links you shared with me are quite disturbing. So when I watched Tessi the first thing I thought about when I saw her face in the fourth video, the most recent one is her face is red like she's a Meth head. I hate to say this but the path that she's going down I wouldn't be surprised if they find her in a back ally dead with no hear on her head because she sold her locks to make wigs for cancer patients so she could put the meth in her mouth that finally did her in. Her father had said that he had 2 rules for under his roof don't do drugs and other illegal activities and keep your room clean. He said she couldn't keep any of those promises. So she's definitely on drugs. In the latest video she's calling out all of her pay piggies to support her but what she should be doing is going online and begging for money or begging the company that fired her father for his job back. Yes she was streaming herself while sleeping and her father was heard being verbally abusive to his other daughter in the background and it cost him his job. Because of that he kicked her out of his life. He doesn't want her to ever come home.
10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.
Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

It was only a matter of time until waifus hit the mainstream.

Pra quem ai pensa que se relacionar com mulheres modernas é bom negócio, isso é claramente o espelho delas atualmente dentro da sociedade atual.
Estado mangina e homens submissos, achando que tão se dando bem com a putaria feminina, a conta vai chegar meu caro.

Download the new Android app from here

KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, homem muito consciente ligou o foda-se... Muié sendo assaltada e esculachada na mão dos Zé droguinhas bandidos de rua. E o cara nem ai pra por sua vida em risco por ela...
Kkkkk, assim que tem que ser, assim que deve ser...
Por minha vida em risco por quem cospe em nossas caras?

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Cada vez esta chegando mais perto da hora delas se sucumbirem a loucura.
E quando chegar nesse momento, nenhuma delas poderá dizer que foi inocente.

Elas são gananciosas e interesseiras, ai elas vão pelo o que o cara tem, famosas alpinistas sociais, daí o cara só aproveita e elas dão o golpe da barriga e depois tomam na zoiota do porco...
Mulherada interesseira da porra, agora vê quer sair do insta e trabalhar?
e o mais engraçado é que Ela disse que trabalha 20 horas por dia está,
com a cara otima ela tem só 4 horas para dormi é muito pouco tempo né?
Sempre a muié sendo muié né?

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Sponsor Link: Stoic Indifference: Manual of Basic Mental Discipline
Mystery Link:
Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Mattick. He didn't give me a topic so I thought I'd share something one of my listeners KC had to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, In other news, I met with the women who has been love bombing me for about three weeks talking about how she wants to fall a sleep next me, fantasizing about me in the shower, can't stop thinking about me, etc. She was very touchy feely as usual while we were sitting on a couch and I was moving her over to the solo king bed in the other room. She then says 'I dont know' and that the guy she is living with said that he's OK with her being here, but that he has boundaries of no beds and no sleeping together. I then confronted her about this - why was she being so sexual and then doesn't fulfill. She says she didn't set these boundaries, but the guy did, that she would love to be sexual, but she would feel guilty and she's not ready to leave the lots of the same unfortunately of actions not meeting words. I suppose she just wants to keep me on the hook as a plan b guy and/or just isn't yet ready. There's more to the story. It's really interesting thinking about it after the situation she didn't say anything about boundaries before the visit even though she had every opportunity in the world to do that. ...and I guess it's like, okay, well, I'm really cheating but I have to set some redefinition and maybe cuddling is okay, laying together on a coach is ok, rubbing me is okay, but just not more than that. I would imagine that most guys who would be her boyfriend would be super pissed to have the woman meeting with me knowing that this happened, but he's OK with it and/or she is not telling the whole story. She said, too, that she would feel guilty if more intimacy happened. But she never said that no I don't want to x y z, it's just that Mr. x said not to x, y, z. So much for the 'open polyamorous relationship' - now it's a cuddling relationship that looks everything like cheating but someone isn't or wasn't lol plausible deniability and cognitive dissonance." Well Mattick thanks for the donation and thanks KC for the topic. It used to be that if a woman invited you over to her place she wanted to be with you and sleep with you. Especially if you were on her bed. I've heard the same story story as yours in the last few years three or four times now. The one that I remember most vividly is a Puppeteer in Commiefornia that was taking in drunken homeless women into his abode. There are two possibilities here. Either women are getting increasingly desperate to successfully put men into the friendzone and are changing their strategy. Or they are testing a man to see how serious he is especially if they are trying to monkey branch from a different guy. I'll discuss this and more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Stoic Indifference: Anyways, now back to the women dressed in lingerie laying their beds with their boobs out only wanting to talk clown world show. My Sandman Sense is tingling and telling me that an epidemic proportion of men have been red pilled and have figured out that the friendzone went from being a myth to a fact. Guys know what the friendzone is and we increasingly ignore and stop talking to women that put them into it. The last woman I briefly dated three times in 2016 tried putting me there after I said something politically incorrect using the phrase white trash. I instantly stopped talking to her once she said she didn't like what I said and wanted to be friends. I immediately got up with the red pill rage 2.0 and was done with relationships entirely. That was five years ago. My thinking is more men than ever are figuring the friendzone game so women have to lure you further into the friendzone so that you're more emotionally involved and deeper in. That women are getting more creative trying to get you into the game.
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When women embrace the same characteristics they call “toxic” in men, and then wonder why no one wants to wife them up, that takes a special kind of stupid. <br>#TerrencePopp #MakeFemininityGreatAgain #ModernWomen <br> <br>To donate to this content, see our list of channels, purchase merchandise or join Popp’s Preppers, click here: <br> <br>Send physical donations to: <br> Productions <br>29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407 <br>Royal Oak, MI 48072 <br>If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3 <br>All donations are tax deductible <br> <br>And be sure to tune in for Grunt Speak Live <br>Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm Eastern <br>And <br>Supporter Sunday streams for Locals, GiveSendBro, and SubscribeStar members only!

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Sponsor Link: <br>Chris Whalen CPA <br> <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so I want to discuss the stages one goes through when they get the red pill rage. I found a comment by someone named Jackov that I've shortened and would would like to read so here goes and I quote: "It is said that there are five stages of grieving: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, & Acceptance. It seems to me that these are very similar to becoming red-pilled, and so maybe swallowing the red pill is actually a form of grieving, grieving for what though? Why is it so difficult for us to cast aside the romantic notions that we have about women? 1. DENIAL - We all know the denial stage. We refer to people in this stage as blue-pillers. We’ve all been there done it, this is not news. 2. ANGER - Dealing with one loss can be devastating; dealing with two simultaneously can become totally overwhelming leading to what we refer to as red-pill rage, the “anger” stage. 3. BARGAINING - Why am I so angry when others seem to be breezing through life? Maybe I’ve got something wrong? When you learn the truth about female nature you flip between the anger and bargaining stages until you come to the depression stage. 4. DEPRESSION - You say it’s all too much. I can’t make sense of it all. There are too many unknowns. What’s the point in trying to make sense of a world that has gone insane? 5. ACCEPTANCE - Once you accept that it’s all beyond you, then you can move on. You cease to care about the blue-pill views that were so ingrained into you while you were growing. However, there is one level missing from this progression IMO: After acceptance comes happiness: HAPPINESS. I’m not speaking here of the transitory feeling of having fun. That’s all fine and well and should be sought out and taken advantage of; no I’m talking about true happiness, the kind that only comes through contentment. That inner feeling of knowing yourself, what you want out of life with realistic expectations and moving forward with the knowledge that no-one can so much as dent your inner peace, at least not for long. Society hates us because we have found that inner peace, they even have derogatory terms for us such as “self-satisfied”. Why is this a derogatory term? Because they mean it as such and for no rational explanation. Do you, our fellow members, identify with any of these stages? If you feel trapped in any of the earlier stages know that this will pass and that, like me, you can get to the last stage of true happiness. If, AND ONLY IF, you let yourself. It’s up to you. Well Thomas thanks for the donation and thank you Jackov for the donation. I'll discuss my thoughts in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Image Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2.

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Sponsor Link Money Line Investments <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Roger. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to cover the latest two ladies that are taking over the manosphere. I first heard about them from a video from Hammerhand where he mentions that 4 women that started producing videos eight or nine months ago now account for 90% of all of the manosphere traffic. That's a generalization as Just Pearly Things started in 2021 but the Real Femsapian is a lot newer. But he brought up two new female content producers Brett Cooper and Sarah Dawn Moore which are almost as big as if not bigger than Just Pearly Things. They are poisoning the well for a quick profit and they are going to throw all the other cooches under the bus. Meaning that by teaching men about female nature and male female dynamics they are going to make more men into MGTOWs. Eventually many men will find male content creators that tell them the full truth. But in the meantime Brett, Sarah and others will be cashing in on simpish men paying for coaching calls and watching YouTube ads. Years ago I thought about just hiring women to read my scripts and I probably should have done it. Hired a woman to be the face to my content. Look how well this is working now. We don't even know if there are men working for these whamen behind the scenes feeding them their content. This isn't going to stop. This is going to accelerate. Brett and Sarah probably saw just pearly things and The Real Femsapian and decided to do the same thing or something similar. Also what's up with a name like Brett Cooper for a whamen? Is it like Michael Burnham in Star Trek Discovery? Are whamen starting to not only adopt male behavior but start taking on male names too? What were her parents thinking about when they gave her that name? Did they want people to tease her while growing up? As for Sarah Dawn Moore she teaches men and women about gender Dynamics, relationships and personal growth. Hammerhand didn't say this in his video but he did mention that all four of these women became big in the last 8 or so months. Maybe the establishment has figured out that suppression of MGTOW ideas isn't working so now they are going for subversion? They are even moving to platforms like Odysee and Rumble to post their content and when I first started posting on Rumble and searched for MGTOW all that would pop up were Just Pearly Things videos. But I think it's going to backfire. Eventually men will see through the grift of these women and their gynocentric gateway drugs. They want to show men that there are still good women out there. If that's the case then why did Sarah get dumped by her fiancé days before her wedding with him? I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline Investments: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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They go to look good and get attention from men. End of story.
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Sandman Contact Info & Store: <br>Email: [email protected] <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Frank and here's what he has to say: "When I started San Jacinto College South, I decided to break out of my shyness and change who I was. I saw this girl named Ann. She was a 5 ft nothing slim and huge torpedo melons in my class and decided to start talking to her after class. To my surprise she didn't run for the hills. I smiled and spoke with confidence. It worked. We became friends and a week later I made my intentions clear. She said she liked me, but had just gotten out of a bad relationship and wanted to see how things go. Sure enough I said okay. Over time I got to know her and her family. I even learned anatomy and physiology, apart from my own class load, to help her study. I was invited regularly to eat with her family and needless to say they loved me. We went out on 'not dates' frequently, but nothing physical because she was still hurt emotionally from her ex. By the sixth month she tells me she's getting breast reduction because of an injury long ago on her spine and the weight of her ample bosom was too much. I went with her to the hospital for consult along with her family. Then the surgery came and went. she was at home recovering. I waited a day or so to let her rest. When I called a strange male voice answered her phone. since I knew all her brothers and father I asked who was this. The response sank my heart. His response was 'this is her boyfriend'. Not wanting to yell or simply hang up i told him calmly to tell Ann I would like my chemistry book back by that friday and thanked him. Not even a minute later she calls and starts angrily blaming me and calling me names. I wait for a pause and asked her why she didn't tell me she was getting back with her ex knowingly how I felt about her. She stayed quiet. I asked her again to give me my book, which was quite expensive, back on friday in front of the admissions office. Three days later she made me wait 2 hours. I was sitting on the couch when I saw her approach with her boyfriend and two other guys. I'm guessing she thought I was going to do something and wanted witnesses to get me in trouble with the college. I got my book back and thanked her and left. After this I didn't realize that I started to go back to being shy and quiet. Even my parents and friends noticed the change and wondered why I went back to being like i was in high school. They liked that I was more open and confident, but I never explained what happened. To this day I haven't opened up my chemistry book to see if she wrote through it with obscenities or scribbled through it. can you shed some light or your own thoughts about this? keep mgtow alive. thank you. Well Frank thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Motion Graphics Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Sponsor Link: <br>- Red Pill Ring <br>- <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video isn't brought to you by any donations because I didn't get any for today. If you want to suggest a topic you can through the Subscribestar and Paypal links down below. As for this video I want to cover the Ms. Monopoloy board game that came out back in 2019 for the first half and in the second half I'll give you my take on the current drop in the stock, real estate and crypto markets and where I see things heading. As for Ms. Monopoly it's a game that promotes equity instead of equality and I don't know why I didn't cover this topic when it came out? When you start the game each female player is given $1900 versus $1500 dollars for the male players. Also each female player is given $240 dollars every time they pass go instead of $200 each time the boys go around. Also, instead of properties like Boardwalk and Marvin Gardens that are in the original game there are female inventions instead. I wonder if that includes chocolate chip cookies? I thought cookies would be a joke that I always use in my videos as one of women's greatest inventions but I was right and not in a good way. Boardwalk has been replaced with Chocolate Chip cookies. Doesn't that technically promote the patriarchy and that women are supposed to be in the kitchen? But I guess you can't be picky considering there are so few things women have invented. They also have the dishwasher as one of the female inventions. They also have the retractable dog leash, wi-fi and solar heating. All invented by women. You'd think that Wi-Fi would be Boardwalk and that Kevlar, used to make bullet proof vests would be Park Place. But I guess cookies it is. Also the hotels and houses have been replaced by a blue business headquarters buildings instead. They also replaced the tiny metal pieces. They include a notebook and pen, a jet, a glass, a watch, a barbell and Ms. Monopoly's white top hat. I think they should have replaced the battleship with a tampon, top hat with a high heeled shoe and replaced the car with a purse. I would have kept the iron, thimble and little dog because it fits in with the domestication of the dishwasher and the chocolate chip cookies. Maybe replaced the wheel barrow with some birth control pills and the horse with an onlyfans girl? Also most people hated going to jail while playing monopoly. Maybe when the female characters go to jail they can get paid by Jamal for conjugal visits which the male players have to pay money to Tyrone and get plowed by him in the prison room shower? This ridiculous game was created to highlight the gender pay gap. But women already make more money under 35 than men. So who exactly are they trying to target? Maybe they are trying to show young men that life won't be fair for them in the future? The pay gap has been solved. Now women are working on the gender dating gap. There aren't enough eligible men with means for women to marry. They created their own problem by trying to make as much money or more than men and now they are complaining once more. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Motion Graphics Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Brian. He didn't give me a specific topic so I wanted to read a comment I found on and here's what someone named Macavity has to say and I quote: "This is a true story about a lesbian trying to play a straight girl. There was a contractor girl that started working at my plant. She is very talky, and everyone loves her. I immediately ignore her and do my own thing. Sure enough, a week or two later she finds me (I was literally hiding in a closet!) and asks me to do something. So I go and do it, and I do not say anything to her. Later, she complains to my supervisor that I don't talk to her. The supervisor thinks I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to talk to girls. A few other times she is flirty, touches me, etc. I ignore it all. Eventually, she stops wearing the make-up and nice clothes. She becomes the typical 34 year old woman just doing the job. I wonder, "Hmm, what if it was genuine?" I sent an email to her asking when she'd come in because I had a question for her. If she liked me, she would respond at least. There's no response. It's because she doesn't read her email. I know this because my supervisor asked me to contact her about a problem at the plant, I told him he had to do it because she won't respond to what I sent. She then tells me "I got your email," and is telling me all the times she'd be at the plant. She's suddenly touching me again and wearing make-up! Last time I saw her, she was so over-the-top flirty that a coworker's response was only, "Dude, she wants to suck your peepee!" There was a company function at the beach soon, and I heard word she would be coming. I decided to show up for curiosity's sake and see where this girl stood. She was all nervous around me, dropping her brand new shirt into the mud, putting her things with mine on my chair, etc. She followed me around and we talked throughout the event. Seems promising, right? So let's escalate... and she says she wants to be "Only as friends." WTF? "I'm a lesbian." she says. I pressed because that is what girls say to be nice. But no, she is actually a lesbian (heard some of this in the grapevine earlier). So I wanted to ask her why she was acting the way she did (all that flirty). She says "I heard you were alone so I decided to be nice." (WTF!?) Her exact quote: "I can act any way I want!" I'm not baffled that a woman wants to keep being able to exploit men. But what baffles me is why come to a company event, when it isn't even your company, talk to someone who wasn't going to be buying anything, lead a man on and on and on... and had it not been that I was escalating, I would have never forced the truth. I don't understand why a lesbian would behave like this. If you're not attracted to men, why do you want their attention? And why talk to me for hours on end? At the end, she asked for us to be friends. I said no." Unquote. Well Brian thanks for the donation and thanks Macavity for sharing this story. I'll try to decode this story and share my own about trying to date a woman that turned into a Lesbian in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism:
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Nobleman and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, love your work. You are literally a lifesaver! I been watching your content since my divorce end of April 2020, and you've helped me to put me head on straight again. With all these women calling themselves queens. Can you touch on the historic examples of what a Queen actually was and what was traditionally expected of her. And a princess as well. The fact that a princess had to marry a noble man, usually in an arrangement for political or financial gain to become a queen. And that her purpose was to provide an heir for that man, while he had his option for a harem of concubines with which he could make as many bastard children as he wanted. And should that woman be found barren, or cheated, the king or noble could leave her, or end her. And remarry immediately. And also that princesses where kept from horseback riding and other "stressful activities" to keep their hymen intact, should the new husband's have any doubt as to their "virtue"... These women want something they couldn't possibly qualify for... Total clown world for sure. Keep up the great work brother, it is absolutely needed in this day and age." Well Mr. Nobleman thanks for the donation and topic. Today's women are cherry picking because they've got that cherry between their legs. They want all the good things associated with being a queen and royalty in general and none of the bad. The average woman today lives better than the average queen did 300 years ago because she has the equivalent of 150 energy slaves in the form of electricity and fossil fuels. Those are all servants that are in essence going outside and chopping wood to heat her water so she can take a bath or use it to make tea. She also has more attention the women could ever have more than 200 years ago and it's all in her pocket and on tap. She has her own little digital fiefdom full of online social media followers. The average women four to five hundred years ago only knew a few hundred or maybe thousand people in her entire life. Let's face it today's women are already Queens and now they want to take men's power away and become Kangs too. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Hex: Anyways, now back to modern women calling themselves Queens to get even more attention and resources from men than medieval queens and princesses clown world show. If you want an example of a modern pseudo princess then look no further than what happened with Megan Markle. She couldn't handle the responsibilities of being in the British Royal family so she was pretty much kicked out and so was her prince. She couldn't get along with what a 90+ year old woman expected of her. Women today want the good parts that come with being royal, the fame, fortune and attention. But they don't want to be disciplined and behave themselves. It's similar to where they want all the good parts associated with being a man but they don't want all the bad stuff that comes with it. How hard could it have really been for Megan? All she had to do was represent the family and country she married into in a prim and proper way. Mr. Nobleman you mention that in the past if a Queen or Princess didn't provide an heir she would left or ended by him. What if she leaves him today and goes off to ride the royal cock carousel.
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A stunning and brave poisonous tree frog on Bolde thinks most men aren’t husband material. You know what I say? GOOD!
#PoppCulture #RedPill #HusbandMaterial
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Main Article - Men Aren’t Husband Material
Marriage Rates at All Time Low
Women Cheat More Than Men
Sugar Babies Helping Married Men Cheat
Women Disqualify 86% of Men Based on Height
Size Does Matter
Psycho Simp Kills Family
Men Doing Chores Equals Divorce
80 Percent of Divorces Are Filed by Women
Women Have More Legal Rights Than Men

The leftoids are really going for broke with this whole baby deletion thing. Wait till you hear this tonight at 8pm Eastern. Bring the best booze you’ve got. You’ll need it. <br>#GruntSpeakLive #GetWokeGoBroke #Leftoids <br> <br>All your support is appreciated. You can donate via YouTube,, Odysee or Rumble. <br>CashApp:$redonkulas <br>Donate $5: <br>Donate $10: <br>Donate $20: <br>Donate $50: <br>Donate $100: <br> <br>Administrative Violence: Divorce and Custody Edition is here! <br>Downloadable Version: <br>Physical Copy: <br> <br>If you want to keep seeing this content, be sure to sign up for exclusive livestreams and other content on our supporter sites! <br> <br> <br> <br>New merchandise also available on <br>Or here! <br> <br>You can watch Grunt Speak Live on these channels! <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>If you have a topic suggestion, news tip, a funny video, or you want to join Popp’s Preppers, send us an email: [email protected] <br> <br>All sources available on!

Sponsor Link: <br>Chris Whalen CPA <br> <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from John and he's got a bit to say so before I share his words let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyway, here's what John has to say: "Hi Sandman, After graduating from the University of Houston I entered the oil refinery industry. My father was a superintendent and needed someone to do all the logistics, timekeeping, reports, and payroll. I Traveled around the US and didn't really hang out with the workers because my father kept me close and I guess didn't want me to pick up on the bad habits of refinery workers. Once in a while the workers would come to me asking me for an advance on their Per Diem (meal money) because they wanted to take out whatever girl they hooked up with either at the jobsite or the new location we would be at. Later the company would get bigger jobs outside the US. One in particular was Venezuela. Once we got there the workers immediately went out and by the second or third day had gotten a girlfriend. I never really noticed when I started, but every hotel or motel we stayed at were turned into bordellos by our workers. Many hotels and motels would welcome in and cater to any incoming refinery tower service. Venezuela is when my eyes were opened, mainly because I had to deal directly with the hotel managers, which were coincidentally all young gorgeous females. It got so bad that the female manager asked me to tell the guys to bring in their companions of the night through the back entrance of the hotel. I tried my best, but unfortunately one of the workers told the owners. The owners called a meeting and told them that company x is paying their paychecks and to let them do whatever they wanted. This in turn caused many of the girls to play the game and started hooking up with our workers and foreman. Now the main reason why the owners let the workers do anything was because our company made a deal with the owners to pay them directly in US currency to their offshore accounts. This was also true for all the hardware stores, welding, and safety stores I dealt with. No US currency went through the Venezuelan banks because of the low exchange rate. The first time I went there we all got our Bolivares from the Venezuelan airport. At the time it was 1 US dollar to 3 Bolivares. Some of workers were approached by taxi or bus drives offering 4 Bolivares or 5. They didn't question if the money was real. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Image Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2.

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Elijah and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, this message is for a video on the (new to me at least) term "Coomer". I see this as shaming language coming from Trad Cons that attempt to push men back to the plantation. To me, it seems that men must be gaining some form of independence as related to sex in order for this term to even begin to exist. The traditional conservatives don't seem to have noticed that shaming language has been rendered ineffective by overuse from feminists. Why do you think the traditional conservatives are attempting to shame men out of avenues of sexual autonomy? I think this is a push to get more people back into the competitive wage industry and drive the price of labor down, particularly middle wage skilled industry such as tech work and blue collar work like plumbing and electricians. Another small set of the Trad Cons are the ones who are worried about demographic replacement by immigrants and tend to be focused on race. They want us to be pumping out those white babies. I see this as a symptom of MGTOW working. MGTOW has grown enough that companies are censoring it, not because of misogyny (although they may use that as an excuse) but because of its effects on labor and the dating market. Every MGTOW monk and ghost increases the value of all other men in the sexual marketplace. Every MGTOW ghost and every MGTOW who uses an economic strategy of spend less rather than earn more increases the value of the wage labor of the other workers in the labor market. If this isn't enough to talk about, I heard of some new Virtual wifu on chatterbate named Melody or something like that. Some (probably MGTOW) guy is using virtual reality motion detectors and a programmed anime skin to compete with the cam-girls (we all know what the real term is). The girls don't seem to like this type of technological replacement. Anyhow, good luck on your travels. I have appreciated your videos over the years." Well Elijah thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor ABC Circuits:
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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
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1. Attractive young businesswoman using tablet with circuit. Technology and computing concept. Double exposure
2. Full of sweet chocolate flavors. Cute girl having fun with cookies. Pretty girl covering eyes with cookies. Bakery style chocolate chip cookie recipe. Bakery shop. Following a cooking recipe.
3. Young attractive female digital electronic engineer checking electronic circuit in laboratory

En 1954 esta bomba pildora roja fue lanzada. La famosa chica de Matrix siempre estuvo ahi

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She wouldn't say it so I did!

Joe Biden was already a miserable failure of an “elected” official within 48 hours of being installed into office.
Originally aired on January 21, 2020.
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- The MGTOW Book Collection
Dating Apps like Tinder and OkCupid Will Now Push Vaccinations
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Email: Sandmanmgtow @
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I just became aware of MGTOW this week, and it was easy to accept, as if I wanted to be that way all along but the concept was not clearly developed in the mind. By watching MGTOW videos and reading online material, I feel that my mind is become properly put back in order. I must admit I do feel uncomfortable with the negative emotions that accompany some of the material, and I do sympathize with the emotion that is there, so I keep it under watch so it has little affect on me. With that said, I sincerely thank you for your work which is putting a proper order back in my life. I feel for the first time my life in a much more truer direction than every before. So now I have a video suggestion for you. I have notice on the MGTOW forums an absolute lack of racism. I do not attribute this to male bonding, which I would disagree with because I see it as a fake crutch. Instead, I see it as a result of the removal of the cause of racism, because the atmosphere is so clean, as well as I am relating to what other the men are saying as universal, as the same as who I am, regardless of who is talking. I pondered on what this cause of racism might be, and what is appearing to my mind is that, and I am trying to put this politely, the forums have been disinfected of 'female influence', or whatever may be a more appropriate term for that. I think you may have a clearer appreciation of this phenomena, and possibly you might find it worthy to be content for a video, if you have not already have made one. Cheers" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'll discuss it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the brain power is more important than skin color clown world show. Mr. Anonymous I'm not 100% sure what you were trying to say with your works so I'll try and explain why MGTOW fixes racism. Men from different races and different countries fight each other for resources so they can give them to women so they can temporarily shut up their endless nagathon. Once we realize that society and women treat us disposably for their own needs we feel that red pill rage and share stories. We empathize we each others' experiences and we share common suffering. We figure out that women don't discriminate when it comes to skin color when it comes to taking advantage of men. She doesn't love you. She loves what you can do for her. We get tribal and violent because we want to protect access to our women against other groups of men. I remember hearing about a study surrounding African tribes and why they went to war with one another and it was almost always about access to more women for sex. But if you go your own way and especially monk mode you don't care about access to sex so it tends to take your aggressive and jealous instincts down. Why would two tribes of men go to war with each other regardless of skin color if we aren't fighting for reproduction. MGTOW philosophy ends racism because it fosters male bonding around our common bondage inflicted on us by babes with boobies. Not only that but MGTOW technology like virtual sex, loverbots and artificial wombs end war because we can reproduce asexually to some extent and not have to fight each other for access to sex and reproduction. As of right now things are getting a lot tougher out there and men are increasingly hostile towards one another because of the coof.
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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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The era of objectivity is end and leftoids killed it.
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How the coronavirus widens the gender pay gap
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Spencer. He didn't send me a specific topic so I thought I'd take this video to cover some of the stories I've recently heard from guys about the coronavirus and how women are not doing all too well with it from a psychological standpoint. As of scripting this video it's only been a couple of weeks of lockdown so the financial reality hasn't hit home yet for many people. In a month or two it will once the rent goes unpaid and home equity lines of credit are caput. Ten days in the comments section under one of my videos one guy said that isolation is hitting his girlfriend so badly that she stood in the middle of a room and stared out into a void and her lips started moving but no words came out. That's only the beginning. Another YouTuber I follow named Mike Maloney says that in Puerto Rico the government has a brilliant idea to limit how much time people can go out in public to limit the spread of the virus. One day the women are allowed to leave their homes and the next day its men. This is great for men in that country because they don't have to tone police themselves but it's terrible for women because when
they go out they can't get attention from men. It's a mantopia but for women it's dystopia and it alternates from one day to the next. I'll talk about more wonderful stories like this that I've gathered the past couple of weeks but before I do let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back with the show. Before America was in lockdown people were told to stay home yet young people were throwing corona beach parties for spring break in Miami and in California. Dr. John of the guys that I get my daily dose of corona from was telling everyone in on of his videos that the night before the corona lockdows were to begin kids hit the clubs in his town and the bars were discounting beer so they could sell it all before they had to close for many weeks. Maybe many months. The power to control the spread of this illness rests in the hands of women but I think that they will soon lose that power. If the women had choosen not to hit the beaches and bars for spring break then men wouldn't be there. It's not like a bunch of single men are hanging out on a beach and the women just show up. The men go there because the women are there. The truth is that people are told to stay home and they can't seem to do it. I have a cop cousin in Eastern Europe and he tells me that the cops are spending most of their time chasing teenagers and young twenty somethings that refuse to follow the curfew. Listen ladies, what few of you listen to my channel. It's up to you. If you stay home then the guys in your area won't be chasing you and going in public. They will stay home and fap off to porn instead because your juice is not worth getting the disease. That includes the time before Corona when they could get herpaghonasyphalis.
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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Starless (Jast USA)
Marisa, you lost the keys to the cuffs, this guy has a raging hard on and apparently only Makiko's FEET are gonna have to do.
Also, why does Marie let her daughters walk all over her? I'll tell you why. The patriarch of the Mamiya household is dead. There's no man there, there's no authority there. Marie should have gotten onto Maria's ass like she did regarding the dog, but now we've got a young man over here about to burst and all he gets is a foot job. Some people like feet though, apparently.
To be fair, Makiko isn't quite a grandmother, many of us would probably fuck her with no problem. She just is a grandmother according to Japanese standards and this novel was translated roughly from the Japanese script, which is why those kinds of things are still in it.

White women whose affairs with slaves were made known faced varying degrees of public humiliation. When a planter’s daughter or wife was discovered to be pregnant by a slave, great pains were taken to cover up the pregnancy. The resulting child might have been sold into slavery, but infanticide was not an uncommon means of avoiding scandal.
BOOK "THEY WERE HER PROPERTY" - 40% of the land holdings on the south side of America belonged to white women.
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Intro Music (TFM Show): "Fling My Turds II: Rise of Celestina” by Red Pill Chemist
Outro Music (TFM Show): “Sweet Corn Love” by Anonymous Artist
Intro/ Outro Music (TFM 42O): Intro/Outro Music: "A Clockwork Monkey" by DarkStar.
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Monkey Image: "Male chimpanzee in business clothes - Stock image" by Lise Gagne. Licensed from Getty Images. Animated Newsroom by rpancake. Licensed from Shutterstock.
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En este corto de 8 minutos El
Observador nos explica el concepto MGTOW de mangina, también conocido como
Hombroño, una subespecie de hombre proveniente de la decadente masculinidad
El feminismo ha logrado sembrar el
odio hacia el varón en la población femenina, las ha convencido que el origen
de todos los problemas son los hombres, pero… ¿Qué sienten y piensan los
hombres cuando se les acusa de estas cosas?
Los más listos sabrán que se trata
de un mal chiste y de una forma de discriminación sexista hacia ellos, sin
embargo, un varón inocente, ingenuo, sensible y honesto sentirá vergüenza de
ser hombre cuando escucha la palabra patriarcado, destruirá su propia dignidad
para servir a las necesidades de una mujer cuando escucha el concepto “Macho
opresor” y le dará pena competir con una mujer en la escuela o en una empresa
cuando escucha el concepto de la “Brecha salarial”.
Así es como en las sociedades
modernas ha surgido una nueva raza de hombres, los manginas u Hombroños,
hombres que han arrojado su dignidad por la borda y se creen que el único
propósito en la vida es tener sexo con las mujeres y eventualmente encontrar a
esa chica especial y única que existe solo para él, idea que han recibido de
las películas de Hollywood y de los comerciales que bombardean su mente cientos
de veces todos los días para venderle productos basura.
Hombroño estará dispuesto a
humillarse y arrastrarse por tener sexo con las mujeres, pues la sociedad lo ha
convencido que tener sexo con una mujer es el mayor logro que puede alcanzar un
hombre en toda su vida, incluso algunos se humillan ya no por la garantía del
sexo sino por la simple posibilidad de que algún día muy muy lejano esa mujer a
la que ha idealizado lo acoja entre sus extremidades y le dé acceso a lo que él
considera una cavidad sagrada.
Uno de los objetivos de la
filosofía MGTOW es decirle la verdad a los hombres para así disminuir la
cantidad de suicidios masculinos que ocurren en la distópica sociedad moderna,
pero también sirve para disminuir la población de manginas dándoles a ingerir
la píldora roja.
?? ??? ?????
????? ??:
??? ????:
????? ??????:

Sponsor Link: <br>- Red Pill Ring <br>- <br> <br>Perspective: The vanishing American man <br>From college to the workplace to romance, why are so many young men not in the picture? <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Doug and he says thank you for everything. I hope you find Christ, but the truth is the truth is the truth." Well Doug thanks for the donation. Since you left it at that I wanted to cover an article Called the Vanishing American Man by Elizabeth Grace Matthew. But I would argue that the reason men are checking out of soyciety is because women checked out first because they stopped acting and looking like women. In Matthew's article she mentions how former Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse had kids that came into his bedroom on a cool summer night complaining that they couldn't sleep because the air conditioner wasn't working. That's when Ben realised he didn't teach his kids the difference between something being "nice to have” versus “need to have.” Ben wrote a book called “The Vanishing American Adult.” in 2017. But Elizabeth doesn't agree with Ben she thinks it's more about the Vanishing American man instead. Where have we heard this before? Where have all the good men gone comes to mind. She says that young women are going to college at rates higher than men and out-earning young men in some cities. Just because men are staying put in their mothers basements while women work at their careers doesn't mean that women aren't vanishing. Femininity, proper etiquette and slenderness are being replaced by morbid obesity, bitchiness and a more masculine appearance. The women are still there it's just that guys aren't going to work themselves to death for a 35-year-old 250 pound rude female manager working at the Sizzler. It's shocking to some women that many men do actually have standards. She also says one of young women's strengths is that they are less likely to live with their parents. That simply means they aren't willing to move out in their early to mid twenties and pay rent money they will never get back. Women typically move away from home because they are most likely to argue with their mothers. Women are vanishing from traditional appearing womanhood a yes men are disappearing from higher education, participating less in the job market and fewer are looking for romantic relationships. That's because the juice is no longer worth the squeeze. Women just haven't figured that out yet because their life is more than an economic calculation. It's a social calculation intstead. Men avoiding college which leaves them unemployable with 200k in debt is not in their best interests. Increasingly men working for a wage that doesn't keep up with inflation while they dodge metoo allegations at work also isn't worth it. So a record number of guys are checking out of the labor pool. Men checking out of relationships is partially because women don't want to date down and also because the quality of the ogres with ovaries out there keeps going down. By 2030 60% of American women will be obese. For men the bigger a woman gets the less we notice her. Ironically she becomes invisible as a long-term relationship prospect. The Brookings Institute scholar Richard Reeves believes that one of the reasons young men are struggling is the lack of male role models in their lives. Others, including Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, contend that young men are vanishing because our culture is devaluing traditionally masculine virtues and skills. So basically because the world lacks more guys like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson and because masculinity is toxic. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Motion Graphics Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Não existe nada mais coerente que venha delas, so sai dessa degeneradas o vitimismo e a lacração e nada mais!
Quando se fala "idiota útil" é se referindo ao caso desses como o dessa moça. O pessoal da lacração em geral (famosos, professores, ongs, redes de TV,etc) empurram tanta merda na cabeça dessas pessoas que elas acabam vendo racismo, homofobia em tudo daí saem repetindo essas asneiras

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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Yoshi and here's what he has to say: "Hi Mr. Sandman, Thank you for your daily dose of red pill. I am 38, and technically never had a real girlfriend. Some people, my family and friends, from time to time asked me if I am not straight. It is just that I am extremely careful about getting involved with women. The first "girlfriend" I had was a classmate in high school. She moved to another state right after high school graduation so we never got to hold hands. A few years later she got pregnant with a man and had to marry him. Then divorced him shortly there after. There was another girl after that whom I was really interested in. She, however, emphatically stated that she was not interested in relationships. Then out of nowhere she sent me a text saying she's gonna get married in three months. I was shocked. Where did this guy come from? Yet again after that another girl I was hanging out with suddenly announced she's getting married because...she got pregnant. The idea of girls sleeping before marriage was foreign to me until these incidents. That's the reason why I am single. I also feel that girls have such high demands that either I metaphorically grovel at their feet or forget about it. Last year a friend of mine, a really good, caring, honest, and family-oriented guy, someone I wouldn't mind introducing my sister to if I had one, told me his girlfriend cheated on him. He got home from work one day and found his girlfriend in bed with a younger guy. My friend had to break up with her. A few months after that he found another girl. This new girl had a son, no father, but the creepy thing he eventually found out was there were male cloths in her room. There was a guy in her life that she never told him about. So my friend broke up with her too. At this point in my life I don't know if I will ever get married, which is a bit concerning to be honest because growing up I have always imagined that it's the natural order of things for male and female to come together and raise families. Warm regards, Mr. Yoshi" Well Yoshi thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but first a word from today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring On 200k In Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the I've never kissed a girl and I feel fine virgin incel show. I'm not saying that mockingly Yoshi. That woman that told you she wasn't interested in relationships just meant she wasn't interested in relationships with you. She was basically saying it's not you it's me. I'm an independent whamen so please get away from me. The guy she got engaged to only three months later odds are she was already seeing him at that time you asked her out and she was worried that if she told you know that you might get pissed off or become violent. You're right that these days more and more women have very high demands and demand that you kiss their ass. But even that's not a guarantee that you'll get sex, love and reproduction from them. I feel bad for you because you were never given the choice to go your own way from women.
10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.
Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Game: Starless (Jast USA)
In this portion, we are introduced to The Mistress's newest employee, Yuuna Mitarai. She's plain, but smoking hot. Reminds me a lot of one of my old girlfriends. While we can't show how The Mistress wears her down, you'll get enough information here to piece it together. Parts of certain lines are cut because they led right into a H-CG! But you'll be able to read the text just fine.
Also, thanks for your support of Starless and hentai in general.

Sponsor Link: Haakon The Good <br> <br> <br>Keanu Reeves and his Mom Patricia Taylor arrive at 2020 Academy Awards <br> <br> <br>Bill & Ted's Alex Winter Reacts to Keanu Reeves and Alexandra Grant's Relationship <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from AJ and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, Any thoughts as to why Keanu Reeves is dating a woman that easily looks like she could be his mother, despite only being 50? Why go for an old granny when he could have anyone else? In fact, in the cited video attached, Keanu makes attempts at feigning a few PDAs on the red carpet, but his tight lips and open eyes suggest that their relationship isn't even real."Well AJ thanks for the donation and topic. In case people are wondering who Alexandra Grant is here's a picture of her and here's a picture of Keanu's mother. My thinking that Keanu has a case of male mother need. His parents were divorced while he was small and he lived with his mother and his mother kept re-marrying over and over again. He's been single for a very long time and I thought that he was going his own way especially when you see those pictures of him eating alone on a park bench. He's also not fifty, but in his late fifties and yeah he could easily find an attractive woman in her thirties or early forties and have a relationship. But I think Alexandra being a writer he uses her as bit of a muse. The kiss in the video seems forced and his facial expression changes from happy to upset the moment the kiss is over. His eyes were open during it and I just think the guy is socially awkward. I do believe the relationship is real because if she's just his beard he would have found someone much younger and prettier. The guy is emotionally damaged from his childhood with three different step-fathers and being ferried around by his mother everywhere. Plus he faced another tragedy in 2001 when he lost his wife in a car accident and a child that she miscarried. There's another video I made about this back when they first got together and spoke about how he got together with her most likely because she has a lot of qualities of his mother. I also spoke about how their relationship gives all the middle aged milfs and gilfs tons of hopes that they might get their own Hollywood hulk one day and that they don't have to look like a movie star or be all that much younger looking than him. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

+ Female preferences & behaviour regarding mate selection. Are they based on nature or nurture ?
+ Female nature that extends beyond conspecifics.
+ Fisherian runaway theory.
+ The effects of hypergamy in today's polygamous system on nuclear western family.
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10 rules to navigate through life. These advices apply to youngsters and truecels even more so. If you are a sub 5 male in the west, follow these rules and thank me later.
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Sandman Contact Info & Store: <br>Email: [email protected] <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video isn't brought to you by any donation because I didn't get any for today. If you want to request a video topic you can do so at the paypal, subscribestar or Bitcoin links below. As for Emilia Clarke the lamestream media is saying that online misogynists have descended to destroy her on Twitter. One guy posted a tweet where he said this and I quote: "Lmao wow Daenerys Targaryen didn’t just hit the wall she flew into it full speed on a dragon." unquote and it received well over 30+ million views. I guess the term the wall has now gone mainstream. We can see that as well with YouTube channels like Whatever that are basically clones of Fresh and Fit. Although someone mentioned that it's more like this new channel with a white dude is like Elvis or Eminem coming in and appropriating content that belongs to black culture. But that's a topic for another day. When I posted this image of Emilia Clarke on Twitter someone said that she looks so bad because she had a brain aneurysm and had brain surgery. But here is a picture after her surgery and you can see she still looked pretty good after that. The way she looks now has nothing to do with her health. It has everything to do with the fact that she's turned 36 and not surgery that she had in 2013. The so called natural selfie she took has bad lighting from above, you can clearly see her crows feet around her eyes and she has obviously hit the wall at full speed. Her hair is thinning out. Looks to me like the single mother of dragons has gone right from her 20s to her 40s. People say that it's a natural see that she's trying because she's wearing mascara. What she should have done is used one of those TikTok de-aging filters. I'm predicting that in the future most women are going to use digital makeup filters and youth filters to make themselves look as good as possible. This also has the potential to extend the careers of post wall Hollywood actresses if they can get roles for 20 year olds when they themselves are in their thirties and early forties. I think we're about to get to the point where age no longer matters as much when you're an actor. The tragic thing is that Emilia says that after her two brain surgeries a large amount of her brain is no longer usable and quite a bit is missing. It got so bad that she couldn't remember her name at times. She has over 30 million followers on Instagram and she gets quite a bit of attention. But as we all know negativity brings more attention and the photos she took where she looked great are not seen as much as the ones where she is seen as old and supposedly balding like Andrew Tate. Feminists think it's unfair that she has her looks being scrutinized on social media. This coming from the same media that shamed Leo DiCaprio and calls him bloated. People are saying that people find Emilia's natural aging alarming. In a way they are right. But she won't have a career for much longer as avoids having work done on her face. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Motion Graphics Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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