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Quando uma modernete consegue arrumar um Blue Pill pra esculachar!
Quando uma modernete consegue arrumar um Blue Pill pra esculachar! MGTOWRaiiz 256 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Olha o que um Blue Pill, que nunca se interessou em conhecer a libertadora Red Pill, Olha como essa cara sofre na mão de uma modernete.
E Será que vale apena passar por isso apenas por uma carne mijada e nada amais?

The Perfect Female World - MGTOW
The Perfect Female World - MGTOW Sandman 256 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Jordan Peterson on TINDER and ONE NIGHT STANDS

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a topic so what I'd like to do is discuss something that came up in a recent chat I had with a guy named Storm in South Africa. We were discussing artificial intelligence and female validation and how both of us agreed that validation from a real woman will always trump what you can get from computer software. You know it's just computer software and it's not a living breathing woman giving you her attention while trying to steal your pension. The topic of AI led to Storm saying he believes that it has more to do with philosophy instead of technology. I agreed with him and it came down to the difference between intelligence and consciousness. Human beings are intelligent. Even an anti is intelligent because it has ways to sense it's environment and respond accordingly. If many of the lefty NPC types out there have consciousness however is a different question. A lot of the time we do things unconsciously like drive a car or type on our keyboards. We don't think about he keys or braking on the road. It happens automatically and our mind is usually elsewhere thinking about where were going or what were trying to say on that keyboard. It's like there are two different thing happening at the same time. The unconscious operating machine and the conscious dealing with higher functions. The unconscious is a responding to a serious of inputs. We had to consciously learn to drive or type using error correction and once became good at it we no longer had to think about how to do it. We just do it. So that brings us to the difference between artificial intelligence vs artificial consciousness. We can program computers to do things like text to speech or figure out what types of YouTube content we like and give us more of that. That's artificial intelligence but not artificial consciousness. We don't really know what brings about consciousness but we can replicate basic intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is slowly but surely reshaping our world and will replace most jobs one day. How will all that free time break society and re-order our social relationships. Storm brought up the idea that our society would look like an insect colony with the queen at the top and Chads being the high end males in the colony she breeds with while the simps at the bottom were the worker bees. I pointed out that worker bees were typically also female and that was a better example of what we might expect into the future. A future with polygyny where there was a queen or alpha female and women below her that were down to threes and fours looks wise that all shared the Chad at the top and they worked and kept busy. I pointed out to him that those women wouldn't work once artificial intelligence and robots provided all of womens basic material needs. Women never seem to tire of hedonism so imagine thirty or forty women not having to work all fighting to get as much attention as they can from their Chad while raising his babies. But what happens to all the unemployed men that aren't good looking enough to have to their own harem of thirty or forty women? I'll discuss that and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Viewer Request How To Overcome Jealousy
Viewer Request How To Overcome Jealousy Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 256 Views • 2 years ago

Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 – Alt-Right Communism? [Mirror]
Turd Flinging Monkey | Monkeynomics 101 – Alt-Right Communism? [Mirror] KaiserVenom 256 Views • 5 years ago

Video's original description:
I refunded the money, don't worry.

Amazon Link to the book itself

Here is a GoFundMe by the author wherein he wants to raise money to purchase copies of the book and send them throughout the US to different people and organizations.

Intro/Outro Music: "Fling My Turds" by Red Pill Chemist
Background Music: "Bring Me Your Sorrows" by Dan Lebowitz. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

"Close-up of Mixed-Breed monkey between Chimpanzee and Bonobo smiling, 8 years old” by Eric Isselee, used under license from

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

A VISÃO MASCULINA DA MULHER ATRAENTE (balzaca falando merda kkkkk)
A VISÃO MASCULINA DA MULHER ATRAENTE (balzaca falando merda kkkkk) MGTOWBahia 256 Views • 4 years ago

(olha so como nos homens somos simples e objetivos)

Black Lives Matter Is A Hollywood Production
Black Lives Matter Is A Hollywood Production Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 256 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Download the new Android app from here

Eu só me casei para poder transar todos os dias!!!
Eu só me casei para poder transar todos os dias!!! MGTOWRaiiz 256 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Casa que é bom. O otário ainda se grava pra virar piada na Internet. Eu falo, os gados têm o que merece. A culpa é toda deles.

Che Morpheus - Las mujeres modernas no respetan a los hombres
Che Morpheus - Las mujeres modernas no respetan a los hombres JohnDeschain 256 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣Video del referente Che Morpheus, si desean ver más de su contenido, visiten mi canal y vayan a la lista reproducción que lleva su nombre

Truth About Cam Models - MGTOW
Truth About Cam Models - MGTOW Sandman 256 Views • 5 years ago

Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from John on Patreon. He didn't have a specific topic for me so I thought I'd discuss a Stefan Molyneux video that came out a while back called: "THE TRUTH ABOUT WEB CAM GIRLS! TRISTAN TATE REVEALS ALL!" I put a link to it in the description so you guys can listen to it for yourselves as well. Stefan interveriws Tristan Tate, a guy that runs a cam model business in Bucharest Romania in Eastern Europe and he tell Stefan all about it. The most shocking revelation for many people listening to this video is that it's mostly young guys in their twenties that are the ones that spend money on the cam girls. I knew this was the most likely case because once I hit 35 to 40 years of age my sex drive went way down. Tristan assumed that it would be older incels and perverts but it looks like it was mostly the younger guys. He says that the reason he believes it's mostly the younger guys is because they only learned to socialise and ask women out when they were younger using smart phones, text messages and Tinder. This is something that the psychologist Sam Vaknin has spoken about before that. That for most people under the age of twenty the virtual world is more real than the real. So why not relationships and sex too. I'll speak more about the chat between Stefan and Tristan but before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor me, The Sandman: Anyways, Now back with the show. The reason I'm covering this talk and summing it up is because it's well over an hour long and most of you don't really have the time to listen to it all the way through. Anyways, Tristan says that a good cam model makes around forty to fifty thousand dollars a month and pays half of that to someone like him. So she ends up making anywhere between a hundred grand to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year. If she's in a place like Romania she can be set for life after working for only two or three years and a lot of the time she's showing off her body and face to men in the west so the people in her area have no idea she's a cam model. Apparently according to Tristan the girls that make the most money and are the best in this business are just average ordinary girls next door that work in retail and they hear from a friend that they can make a lot of money and they come to someone like him and he hooks them up. For half their income he gives them room an board inside his mansion, he has a team of people to help coach them so they say the right things to the clients as well as to chat with their clients if any of them give them their supposed phone numbers so they can chat with them. They aren't even chatting with the girls. They are chatting with her helpers. The girl just has to give the helpers information like the guys dog died so tell him you're sorry for his loss and then they can go off and live their lives without having to let the cam business take over their free time. Tristan says that in the Cam business it's the guys that pay to show their faces. Tristan can watch and record
the guys via webcam when they pay for the privilege of potentially giving up blackmail material without even realizing it.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

05 TREPADORAS SOCIALES - MGTOW EN ESPAÑOL Latin Mgtow 256 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Conoce más sobre este tema y la filosofía Mgtow en este canal te invito a que te suscribas y me sigas en mis redes sociales y canales alternativos (enlaces más abajo) para que no te pierdas ningún vídeo o publicación.

Documento "Principios Fundamentales de la Filosofía MGTOW"
Descarga aquí:

Glosario MGTOW:
-Bubok. Te enviarán de forma gratuita el pdf con el documento al correo electrónico aquí:
-Wattpad. Puedes leerlo online de forma gratuita aquí:



Como Instalar Brave

Como Ganar Dinero con Brave


Reino Unido



? DLIVE? Aquí:

?TWITCH? Aquí:

? DISCORD? Aquí:







Grim's Hentai Corner: Starless Pt. 13: The Escape! BANNED FROM YOUTUBE!
Grim's Hentai Corner: Starless Pt. 13: The Escape! BANNED FROM YOUTUBE! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 256 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Game: Starless (Jast USA)

This is the video that probably got my entire YouTube channel nuked without even a second strike. So I'm presenting this disturbing ending to you just as I did there. No, I didn't care for it nor condone the actions. But it didn't need to result in the nuking of my whole channel there.

Women Control Men Via Pleasure & Pain - MGTOW
Women Control Men Via Pleasure & Pain - MGTOW Sandman 256 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

Wisdom From A 46 Year Old MGTOW To The Younger Generation

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by Andrew. This is the second video I'm putting together with his donation. I found a post on Going Your OWn Way Dot Com that I'd like to read to everyone. It's the least I can do to promote it after Reddit pulled down the MGTOW Subreddit. So go over there or over toe Ruqqus and join the community. Before I share share today's topic let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High-Conflict Divorce: Anyways, on with the video. There's a post on called: "Wisdom From A 46 Year Old MGTOW To The Younger Generation" by someone named Almost Geezer and here's what he has to say and I quote: "Young men are naïve about a lot of things, I know I certainly was when I was younger and I sincerely wish someone had set me down and really told me how it is. Women are programmed from birth to lie, deceive, and manipulate others emotionally. They may not have muscles and physical brawn but they are cunning, and are always plotting and scheming. They may smile and seem sweet and innocent but underneath all that make up is a cold, calculating, machine built for deception and manipulation. We serve as sperm banks and ATMs to women, and that is all we are to them. They love what we can do for them, but not for who we are as people. Once someone can do more for them, they "love" them more. If some man offers more money and or better genetics and sperm, they will leave for the better mate. Women have almost no accountability in our society, they can do or say just about anything they please unless other women join forces to stop them. Most women are never forced to grow up, never seriously disciplined either by their parents or society, there is no accountability no serious consequences for their actions. Imagine if men were never disciplined, what rotten awful people they would grow up to be. Women use pain and pleasure to classically condition us via a form of brainwashing. We get physical pleasure via sex when we do what they want, and emotional and psychological pain when we do not. This is classical conditioning 101, very basic stuff and it's a very effective form of brainwashing. They will wear you down until they break you mentally and then they can control you as if they had a remote control for your brain. Women can and they do classically condition us using pain and pleasure. Women also know this, they know they can stimulate your pleasure center and it's like they can reach their fingers into your brain and make you their puppet the more effectively they stimulate it. You become an zombie, an extension of them. They also know that if you don't comply with them they can withhold sex to get you to comply, and if that doesn't work and you still don't comply they can cause you pure, raw, unbridled emotional pain and chaos. Women can destroy you emotionally, they know how to reach inside your heart, mind and soul and destroy you and they won't hesitate to do anything in their power to keep you in line. They can destroy you socially as well by manipulating your friends and family into hating you. True story, I broke up with an ex, so she started dating my boss and convinced him to fire me. Women have the ability to edit how people view you, it's like a real life superpower they possess. They can and will befriend everyone in your social circle to turn them against you, and it is amazing how effectively they can manipulate others opinion of you. This is all about control for them, we are their beasts of burden. We are kept in line as their slaves via pleasure and pain. Yet most men for whatever reason remain blind to this their entire lives.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

The Downfall Of The West - MGTOW
The Downfall Of The West - MGTOW Sandman 256 Views • 2 years ago

Sponsor Link: <br>- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia <br>- <br>- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Justin and here's what he has to say: &quot;Hi Sandman, I'm in the late 20s from a tiny island below Malaysia and I had started studying in central Europe since I was 23 and currently finishing my master’s in engineering. Anyway, having stayed lived in my home country for over 20 years. I have realized wahmen want 3 things, looks, money and status. In their early schooling years, they seem to cling onto the guy who can help them to do their assignments or teach them stuff. Afterwards, they treat you like a used toilet paper. When they are older, they seem to fool around in the university dorms aka smoked and poked till their last years of their biological clock which is around 26-30 years old and getting beta soy cucks to wife them up so they can “buy” a flat from the government and to impregnate them quickly before their biological clock runs out. The smarter ones try to get the alpha from a wealthy background. I noticed that wahmen my age panic and start doing this already or they already have a husband and a kid. Also, the government there encourages marriage and limits the size of the public apartment that a bachelor can “buy” from them new. I used the term “buy” is because of the 99 years lease the government gives. Since the government know that married couples can produce them more tax slaves, they are willing to reward them with a bigger apartment. These couples think they are getting a good deal till they have kids, pay for a Toyota Corolla which can be used for only 10 years and paying more to get its registration renewed and hire a maid from Indonesia or the Philippines. When I went to central Europe to study, I have noticed that the wahmen in my course are the same as well. It is literally a sausage fest and most are not Vitamin D deficient (If you know what I mean). I got bothered at first and later went monk mode, worked as a tutor for multiple subjects at the university. After staying away from home for a long time, I’m not really competing with my batch of guys finishing their degrees and competing for the scrap pieces of Vjayjay anyway. My plan is to finish my master’s degree and work a couple of years in Europe, buying tons of bank stocks on this tiny island with no capital gain tax or dividend tax, buy an apartment on the open market to rent out and live the free agent lifestyle somewhere in Europe. However, I have seen most of your videos talking about the downfall of the west. Please advise.&quot; Well Justin thanks for your back story and observing that women tend to behave the same everywhere and I can also understand your fear with regards to bleak economic prospects for the west. I'll share my thoughts about the west first and then about whamen but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request <br> <br>Video Background Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by &quot;;


⁣Muitas dessas GAME GIRLS fazem de tudo pra ter status e fama, se fazendo de santas e tem perfis apelativos nos gados e abrindo o Only Fans, Egirl parece ser mais ""conservadora"" A egirl gosta de ficar na coleira e levar tapa na cara, uma GP Digital rodam geral pra ter fama com e Zé Droguinha, youtubers e pro player ganhando MONEY com sua hipocrísia hipergâmica modernete.

Não sejam gado de mulher mordenete e nem das falsas fraudes chamada de Garota Gamer Hardcore com milhares de gados com tiktok/twitch e only fans!.

MGTOW Coronavirus Update
MGTOW Coronavirus Update Sandman 256 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

⁣⁣Sponsor Link 2:

Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

Back Door Ayam

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Daniel & Thomas on Paypal. They didn't send me a specific topic so I wanted to share a chat with everyone that I did recently with Ayam Sirius about a week ago. I'm going to put the link to his channel down below so you guys can subscribe and enjoy his channel. Before I get to the conversation and chat let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, before I start the video if you want to support me downloading the brave browser and using it is the best way. It helps me at hard times like these. Anyways, here's the interview. Enjoy.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Redpill - Quando um Homem consegue descrever uma mulher, usando a Redpill - 007
Redpill - Quando um Homem consegue descrever uma mulher, usando a Redpill - 007 MGTOWRaiiz 256 Views • 4 years ago

⁣ É normalmente nessas cenas que maioria das pessoas dormem, ou não prestam atenção, e ao mesmo tempo, é onde são jogadas todas as verdades na nossa cara; que nunca percebemos.

"5 milhões se eu julgar que é um investimento prudente" , vai lá e joga então PEIXE SEM BICICLETA.

Quando um governo dá 10 milhões para um cara jogar será que ele é bom ou ruim?

Conservadias (Backup Coligação Masculinista)
Conservadias (Backup Coligação Masculinista) Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 256 Views • 4 years ago


AMS Gets Rejected By White Women
AMS Gets Rejected By White Women Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 256 Views • 2 years ago

Adolf Hitler - A Maior História Jamais Contada Part 13
Adolf Hitler - A Maior História Jamais Contada Part 13 Marte Romano 256 Views • 5 years ago

Parte 14: ⁣

Conversation with a Sex Worker at My Gym
Conversation with a Sex Worker at My Gym Johnny_Cage 256 Views • 4 years ago

The cover pic is a close approximation of what "Sara" looks like. Also, the ONLY reason I used pictures of attractive women is because that's what the video is about. If putting up pics like these gets thirsty betas' attention, hopefully they take the message to heart. This is a sort-of sequel to the "Women and STD's" video.

Please forgive me if my wording was awkward and for me stumbling and repeating sentences. I had woken up at 03:00 hours in the morning and I hadn't had any coffee to get my right!

Comment, like, share, and all that. Johnny Cage indeed lives!

O Abatedouro de muitas M$ols e outras, antes delas chegarem no The Wall!l
O Abatedouro de muitas M$ols e outras, antes delas chegarem no The Wall!l MGTOWRaiiz 256 Views • 4 years ago

⁣E em muitos casos, quando elas arrumam um Betão lesado que as assuma.
Com esse Betão lesado elas só que secxxo só se for no Mothel.

Female MGTOW Channels Formula
Female MGTOW Channels Formula Alpha_Male_Guide 256 Views • 5 years ago

Usury Is Why Western Civilization Must Collapse
Usury Is Why Western Civilization Must Collapse Seed_of_King_David_Speaks 256 Views • 4 years ago


Mulher com Leite Humano no Rosto #2 - Parece que esta virando TREND isso
Mulher com Leite Humano no Rosto #2 - Parece que esta virando TREND isso Nikaido 256 Views • 2 years ago

FONTE - ⁣ <br> <br> <br>A psicose das pessoas é sem fim

Cuck Peterson
Cuck Peterson Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 256 Views • 2 years ago

The rage and tears have already begun...
The rage and tears have already begun... TheLoneWolf 256 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Hit the like button if you like the content you see. <br>Share the content with others who you think would enjoy seeing it. <br>Subscribe if you want to keep up will all of my new releases. <br>Comment and let me know what you think. <br>Thank you! <br> <br>If you have a story, article, or topic request you may contact me @ [email protected] <br> <br>My alternative channel: &quot;The Wolves Den&quot; <br> <br> <br>Alt tech platforms: <br>Locals: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee: <br>ManOpay: <br>Facebook group: <br> <br>Sponsor the content: <br>Patreon: <br>Subscribe Star: <br>Merchandise Store:

Muié tem tudo quanto é direito nesse País! Daqui a tempo quem estará errado na sociedade vai ser quem nunca fizeram crim
Muié tem tudo quanto é direito nesse País! Daqui a tempo quem estará errado na sociedade vai ser quem nunca fizeram crim MGTOWRaiiz 256 Views • 4 years ago

⁣O vídeo é uma sátira do que mais ocorre na nossa sociedade, as ilegalidades permitidas pela justiça brasileira... E principalmente quando essa justiça se faz perante muié, essas mesmas que tem a carta branca pra fazer a merdha toda na sociedade.
E elas fazem todas essas merdas já contando com uma justiça ginocentrica que dará aval a ela pra fazer tudo que lhes dê na cabeça.
E tem muitos que se fazem de cegos em não observar elas fazendo as sacanagens delas e logo após agindo com o se fossem crianças inocentes.
E no vídeo mostra o que esta bem perto da realidade, elas são presas e na cadeia querem ser tratadas iguais estivessem em uma colônia de férias.
Na moral... Quem refresca bunda de pato é lagoa!
E se fez (M) tem é mais é que pagar com rigor e severidade!
E como disse uma vez um presidente que parecia ser a favor do que é certo...
‘’É só não roubar, não matar, não estuprar que tu não vai pra lá Pohha’’!

Watch Out Passport Bros The Feds Are Cracking Down On You
Watch Out Passport Bros The Feds Are Cracking Down On You Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 255 Views • 2 years ago

I'll Pay You $100 Right Now @Coach B(i)tch Pill If You Can Deadlift Over 300 lbs
I'll Pay You $100 Right Now @Coach B(i)tch Pill If You Can Deadlift Over 300 lbs Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 255 Views • 3 years ago

you have until june 10th 2022 to get your reward. <br> <br>you must deadlift over 300 lbs at least one time with proper good form. <br> <br>a video must show your body and face at all times during the deadlift. <br> <br>you must also show us the date you are doing the deadlift.

Mother & Daughter Do OnlyFans Together - MGTOW
Mother & Daughter Do OnlyFans Together - MGTOW Sandman 255 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Cassius. He didn't give me a topic so what I'd like to do is cover a story about a mother and daughter that have an OnlyFans business. The mother is 53 year old Jessie Jo and her daughter is 21 year old Achante Richardson. They were struggling to find a job during the pandemic so they went into adult modeling together. Jessie Jo has been in the business of making spicy content for 14 years and Started when she was 39. You can go out there and find tons of videos of her getting smashed by strange men on camera. My thinking is now that her daughter is legal age and regular business was tough due to the coof she convinced her daughter to make a mother daughter onlyfans page. They say they are making thousands of dollars. If you want to see a video about them I put it in the description. I didn't want to share their pictures in my video because YouTube loves to hit people with strikes for bullying and harassment when you criticize or even highlight strong independent whamen that don't need no man. In this case these two do need men. They need as many of them as they can to send them a never ending stream of micro payments so they can stimulate their simpish micro penises. Think Before You Sleep Also made a video about this and said what kind of mother wrecks her daughter by getting her to do adult content. Well since her mother has been doing it for 14 years that's what she grew up with seeing so it's nothing special. He also said that they are making around five to six thousand dollars a month US from OnlyFans. I don't know where he got that number but Jessie Jo says on the Daily Mail that she gets up to 2000 pounds a week by stripping with her daughter. Is this true? Do they make more or less money than that? I'll let you know in just a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th wave feminism: Anyways now back to the mother daughter strip tease clown world show away. My first thought was there's no way those two are related. That Jessie Jo found a different woman that wanted to get into the business and that they built a business based on incestuous deception. That this was nothing but an adaptive strategy because of the coof for her adult business. That's what I thought but during the video they bring out a family photo album so there goes that theory. But idea of perceived incest and keeping things in the family certainly plays up into a lot of guys fantasizes. This is a way for Jessie and Achante to differentiate themselves from the competition. Besides onlyfans and camera stripping how do we know they don't get propositions all the time for mother daughter duos from men willing to pay thousands of dollars for an hour with the two of them? That's what I'm thinking. I also know what's going to happen next. There will be other older women teaming up with younger ones that look similar and telling men they are mothers and daughters they will do all kinds of racy things that aren't illegal behind the scene for paying customers. Think Before you sleep calculated that they are making around 5 to 6 thousand US dollars a month based on the number of subscribers they get.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:





Modern women do not want men to enjoy life.
Modern women do not want men to enjoy life. TheLoneWolf 255 Views • 3 years ago

Hit the like button if you like the content you see. <br>Share the content with others who you think would enjoy seeing it. <br>Subscribe if you want to keep up will all of my new releases. <br>Comment and let me know what you think. <br>Thank you! <br> <br>If you have a story, article, or topic request you may contact me @ [email protected] <br> <br>My alternative channel: &quot;The Wolves Den&quot; <br> <br> <br>Alt tech: <br>Locals: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee: <br>ManOpay: <br>Facebook group: <br> <br>Sponsor the content: <br>Patreon: <br>Subscribe Star: <br>Merchandise Store:

Proof Jews Worship Lucifer & The Protocols of Zion Are In Full Effect
Proof Jews Worship Lucifer & The Protocols of Zion Are In Full Effect Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 255 Views • 3 years ago


Cúlher trepando/ a mesma Cúlher fazendo falsa denúncia.
Cúlher trepando/ a mesma Cúlher fazendo falsa denúncia. MGTOWRaiiz 255 Views • 3 years ago

Deu gozou gostou se arrependeu denunciou.

+18 ...  Ué, A empoderada perdeu os poderes, e foi protestar nua pra vê se recupera o que perdeu!
+18 ... Ué, A empoderada perdeu os poderes, e foi protestar nua pra vê se recupera o que perdeu! MGTOWRaiiz 255 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Se fú né empoderada?
Bem vindo a o clube!
Homens passam por isso todos os dias na mão de usurpadoras, mais a diferença é que eles são homens, e não fazem esse charming que só muié faz... Homem quando chega na merda e vê que nada tem mais jeito, ele dá cabo de sua propria vida e ponto.

Policial MGTOW 2.0
Policial MGTOW 2.0 Araujodkk 255 Views • 4 years ago

Policial matando um mosquito que estava no rosto da moça.

How To Make MGTOW Unstoppable
How To Make MGTOW Unstoppable Sandman 255 Views • 5 years ago

Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

If you can't build it, buy it: Google's biggest acquisitions mapped

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Dave and he didn't give me a topic so I wanted to discuss ways to make MGTOW even more unstoppable than it already is. It's unstoppable because men everywhere regardless of if they find this sort of content on YouTube, Bitchute or Reddit MGTOW forums are reaching the same conclusions independently. But if we want to make MGTOW unstoppable on the internet, which is what this video is really about. I want you to look at this picture of all these stairs and you're the guy in the wheel chair and red pill MGTOW knowledge is at the top and free for everyone to access. Each of these steps represents one tiny step towards freedom. What I want to do is outline many of the steps that I've taken to get to the top and keep myself there. Most of it involves de-googling your life as well as getting rid of many of the big tech companies out there. Taking back power and control of your life. We've let the big tech companies slowly creep into every aspect of our lives over the last twenty years and we weren't even aware of it. Before I cover my multistep approach to ridding yourself of big tech companies that spy and you and try to control your mind and life let me first tell you about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: Anyways, now back with the show. I wanted to call this video freeing yourself from Google or something else like that because that's what it's mostly going to be about. For MGTOW to grow and thrive and for content producers to use that acronym without the fear of censorship taking that away we need to be free to use language and reach people. The first criticism I always get is that if Bitchute becomes big enough it will be bought up by Google and shut down so there's no point in continuing to produce content. That I should just give up. But Bitchute has to be accountable or or some other peer to peer file sharing platform will emerge and eat their lunch. The Google search engine is no longer accountable to it's users so we are rapidly seeing Duck Duck Go growing. They are the 188th most visited website in the world. They are even advertising on YouTube. I don't know how that works exactly. Luckily I don't see those ads
anymore since I watch most of my video content on bitchute and what little I still watch on YouTube I watch on my desktop using the Brave Browser. So even if they are still running their ads I wouldn't be able to see them. It was in June of 2019 that I started to get serious about de-googling my online life because they fully demonitized me thanks to the voxadpocalypse. That's when I discovered the first and easiest step. The Brave Browser which I put a link to in all of my videos now to promote. That's when I got serious and dumped Chrome. Brave is growing fast and building their own VPN service.

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""


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Go your own way guys

Bill Gates' Yearly Hall Pass to Cheat On His Wife | Grunt Speak Highlights
Bill Gates' Yearly Hall Pass to Cheat On His Wife | Grunt Speak Highlights Terrence Popp 255 Views • 4 years ago

A pre-nuptial hall pass to cheat with his ex, naked pool parties, and dressing up like a woman. Bill Gates is a Bond villain with a bad haircut.
#gruntspeaklive #billgates #gatesdivorce
Watch the complete stream here:

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Camisetas do Don Sandro
Camisetas do Don Sandro telecurso_mgtow 255 Views • 3 years ago

Hedge Your Bets, Honey | Grunt Speak Live
Hedge Your Bets, Honey | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 255 Views • 4 years ago

⁣With special guest from the Honey Badgers: Lauren Literally!
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Cuck Greg Adams stop been greedy
Cuck Greg Adams stop been greedy KenDelrican 255 Views • 4 years ago

coach Greg Adams video

Men Who Knew When To Walk Away.
Men Who Knew When To Walk Away. REDPILLMARRIED 255 Views • 3 years ago

These guys said DEUCES!!
Article: ⁣

Transformando um beta em alpha (PARTE 1)
Transformando um beta em alpha (PARTE 1) Redpillebluepillnatela 255 Views • 5 years ago

Cenas do Filme "Amor A Toda Prova"

Che Morpheus - Argumento ANTIMGTOW : "Sigue tu propio camino pero mantén la boca cerrada"
Che Morpheus - Argumento ANTIMGTOW : "Sigue tu propio camino pero mantén la boca cerrada" JohnDeschain 255 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Video del referente Che Morpheus, si desean ver más de su contenido, visiten mi canal y vayan a la lista reproducción que lleva su nombre.

Woman Gives Birth On Tinder Date - MGTOW
Woman Gives Birth On Tinder Date - MGTOW Sandman 255 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce &amp; The Police Are Not Your Friends <br> <br> <br>‘Man of the year’ helps pregnant Tinder date in labor: ‘The birth bonded us’ <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Paul and here's what he very briefly has to say: &quot;Hi Sandman, I am a long time subscriber but I have been watching you on Odessy. After years of you being shadow banned, Youtube is now recommending your videos again. They are showing up in my &quot;recommended list&quot; on the youtube home page. Just thought you might want to know.&quot; Well Paul thanks for the donation and topic. My videos get recommended the more people engage with them by leaving comments, watching them and such. So the more you watch the more they share my content. As for this video someone on sent me an article called: &quot;‘Man of the year’ helps pregnant Tinder date in labor: ‘The birth bonded us’. It happened earlier in the year and I don't know how I missed it. But here's what a New York Post article said and I quote: &quot;When 20-year-old Alyssa Hodges and 25-year-old Max Silvy matched on Tinder, Hodges was upfront about the fact that she was pregnant. “I was about six-and-a-half-months pregnant and I clearly stated that on my bio,” Hodges, a Brisbane, Australia, resident told Kennedy News. “ I was being open and honest.” Usually, such a disclaimer would turn Silvy off, but he immediately fancied Hodges despite it. “There was something that caught my eye about Alyssa. Normally I wouldn’t swipe right on a pregnant girl, but there was just something about her,” said the civil servant. Alyssa Hodges and Max Silvy had just three dates before the couple welcomed baby Ollie. “On the day I went into labor, I was meant to be picking Max up from the airport as he was coming back from a work trip. That was the plan, but I ended up texting him saying, ‘I’m so sorry, you’ll have to get a taxi. I’m going into labor,” “He came to the hospital and was there for me. My mum was also there supporting me, but she had a holiday, so she was here and there. Max was there for me through the whole labor and birth.” Her labor ended up lasting an entire week, with Hodges sent home from the hospital only to return multiple times over the course of many days. Silvy stayed with her the entire time, even taking off work to help her through her prolonged contractions and after, to care for her newborn, Ollie. “We both knew that we liked each other and had strong feelings for each other. But the birth was the peaking point of our relationship, it bonded us,” said Hodges. While the experience was stressful, Silvy now considers Ollie his own child. “Anxiety was the biggest thing. There were so many unknowns, so many things that I didn’t know about becoming a dad,” said Silvy. “There’s a lot of learning that comes with being a new dad, but me and Ollie are bonding quite well.” After sharing their story on social media, Hodges said she has been flooded with praise for Silvy. “On TikTok, everybody is asking if Max has a brother, calling him ‘man of the year’ and saying we were the cutest little family. It was a great reaction,” she said. “These days, there are a lot of unfortunate stories about men who take off when the woman becomes pregnant. Then here’s someone who comes in whilst you’re pregnant and is very actively involved in raising the child. It’s unheard of. I’m very lucky.” unquote. Where does one start with a quagmire like that? I'll discuss more in a moment but here's a word about today's sponsor T Fitz: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>11 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Why The US Military is Failing Recruitment Goals | Live From The Lair
Why The US Military is Failing Recruitment Goals | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 255 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Get woke, go broke is just the tip of the iceberg. <br>#TerrencePopp #Military #WokeMilitary <br> <br>To donate to this content, see our list of channels, purchase merchandise or join Popp’s Preppers, click here: <br> <br>Send physical donations to: <br> Productions <br>29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407 <br>Royal Oak, MI 48072 <br>If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3 <br>All donations are tax deductible <br> <br>And be sure to tune in for Grunt Speak Live <br>Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm Eastern <br>And <br>Supporter Sunday streams for Locals, GiveSendBro, and SubscribeStar members only!

Men do not want to be with a woman that has been ran thru more times then you care to know.
Men do not want to be with a woman that has been ran thru more times then you care to know. TheLoneWolf 255 Views • 3 years ago

TOMMY SOTOMAYOR : Man PLEADS And CRIES To His Girlfriend To Not Get RID Of Their BABY At Clinic! *
TOMMY SOTOMAYOR : Man PLEADS And CRIES To His Girlfriend To Not Get RID Of Their BABY At Clinic! * Doggk 255 Views • 5 years ago

RE-UPLOAD of a TNN-RAW video who has been taken down by YouTube, I let you guys guess who were behind the claims... You can still watch the original video here: or at .
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Christian Women Don't Exist - MGTOW
Christian Women Don't Exist - MGTOW Sandman 255 Views • 2 years ago

Sponsor Link: Haakon The Good <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Black&amp;White Rose and here's what he has to say: &quot;Hey Sandman, Why do I keep running into Christian women with promiscuous pasts who get triggered and hate on me when I tell them I have a standard of wanting a woman with a limited dating/sexual history (like my own history)? They say that I am missing out on a lot of potentially great women by refusing to date ones with promiscuous pasts. Then they attempt to re-frame the discussion by rolling out the feminist narrative of promiscuous men who want virgin wives, while continuing to ignore my stated fact that I have held myself to my standard for a prospective spouse. I told one woman in a Christian social media group I’m a member of about the problem of born again Christian women who have had lots of cheap, fast, wild sexual encounters with guys whom they now call douche bags, and now insist on making a prospective Christian boyfriend remain celibate with them while courting to marriage, but the hypocrisy of these women and the horrible deal this is for the celibate Christian boyfriend didn’t seem to register with her. Also, why do I keep running into Christian women who don’t want kids, or only want to adopt kids, or already have kids, and get triggered and hate on me when I tell them I want to have my own biological kids when I get married? They say they’re offended by men who “see women only as baby factories”, that if I am a Christian I should be happy to consider adoption or becoming a step-dad. It seems like there are quite a few women like this in churches today. Why are these women even Christian? Why can’t they go form their own religion and church? This would un-muddy the waters; they can find their types of men in their own religion and I can be sure that women who advertise themselves as being “Christian” are in fact in alignment with my (Christian) religion’s values? Thanks, and keep spitting those red pills! Well Mr. Black thanks for the donation and topic. Women that were once promiscuous and now in your church use the whole god forgives our trespasses so we should forgive the trespasses of others excuse to get men to accept them. They are chameleons looking for a high value man that can be with as many woman as he wants but only wants one because his religious beliefs keep him bound to just her so she doesn't have to worry nearly as much that he's going to cheat. Women use religion as a tool to get what they want. Why do you think Christianity became socially acceptable and why women embraced it 2000 years ago? Because it was a way to standardize male behavior. For them to potentially find and keep a man that doesn't know or understand his value in the sexual marketplace. Everything you're saying to these women does register with them Mr. Black. You're just not a simp like many of the other Christian guys that they are used to dealing with. Most Christian men are so wrapped up in converting others or focusing on their own sins that they don't focus on those of whamen around them. Even when most see them they do what JC would do which is forgive. Saving yourself for marriage keeps you thirsty and when you finally settle down with a woman and lose your virginity to her it's going to make you feel super guilty even thinking of leaving her. These so called Christian women you speak of want to ride the rooster rollercoaster and then when they are ready to settle down they still want a man that's not emotionally damaged and can easily bond with them even though they will probably never bond him because they've been riden more times than that pony that they bring out for that seven year olds' birthday party. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell <br>everyone about today's sponsor Haakon The Good: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Foreplay While the Teacher’s Away | Ride and Roast
Foreplay While the Teacher’s Away | Ride and Roast Terrence Popp 255 Views • 2 years ago

One voyeur chick has the idea to take photos of all the girls in class making out with two dudes. What could go wrong? <br>#TerrencePopp #WTF #ClassOrgy <br> <br>To donate to this content, see our list of channels, purchase merchandise or join Popp’s Preppers, click here: <br> <br>Send physical donations to: <br> Productions <br>29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407 <br>Royal Oak, MI 48072 <br>If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3 <br>All donations are tax deductible <br> <br>And be sure to tune in for Grunt Speak Live <br>Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm Eastern <br>And <br>Supporter Sunday streams for Locals, GiveSendBro, and SubscribeStar members only! <br> <br>All sources available on!

Assaulted By Spirits
Assaulted By Spirits SoloManZone 255 Views • 3 years ago

Link to News item below:

⁣⁣My liberal conservative neighbor's daughter on Onlyfans
⁣⁣My liberal conservative neighbor's daughter on Onlyfans フクロウ Fukuro 255 Views • 4 years ago


Why GULAG Camps Were ESSENTIAL For the Soviet Union
Why GULAG Camps Were ESSENTIAL For the Soviet Union Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 255 Views • 4 years ago

You probably already know everything about Gulag camps in Soviet Union. Stalin's terrible concept that was used to simultaneously keep his own people trembling in fear while ruthlessly using them for the needs of the state. And I'm not going to convince you that forced labour camps were okay or that only "those who deserved it" went to gulag camps. We know it's not true. But what if I tell you that without those camps would we not have seen the mighty Soviet Union as it was?

00:00 - Introduction
01:47 - How first Gulag camps were formed
05:00 - Effectiveness of Gulag
09:42 - Inefficiency of Gulag

The system of concentration and correctional labor camps in Soviet Russia began to take shape as early as in 1919. The Gulag is an abbreviation used in 1930 for the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union. Gulag is an acronym that has been in use since 1930. It stands for Main Directorate of Correctional Labor Camps, a special department of the OGPU and NKVD, which supervised the camps and the use of prison labor. Historians estimate that between 15 and 18 million people passed through the Gulag, 1.5 million of whom died in the camps.
The vast network spread throughout the Soviet Union consisted of nearly 500 camp directorates with dozens and even hundreds of camp divisions and stations (their approximate number exceeded 30,000). Already by the early 1930s, prison labor in the USSR was seen as an economic resource. The Resolution of the USSR SNK of 11 July 1929 instructed the OGPU to "expand the existing and organize new correctional-labor camps (on the territory of Ukhta and other remote areas) in order to colonize these areas and exploit their natural riches by using the labor of the imprisoned". Slave labor of prisoners was used for logging, mines, large-scale construction projects (e.g., the Belomorkanal), construction of dams, laying roads and railroads, etc. After Stalin's death in 1953, the number of prisoners decreased markedly, and in 1960 the Gulag was officially disbanded. Today we will discuss the economic effect that the Gulag had on the USSR, and try to understand whether it was possible to rebuild the country without this terrible instrument.

Hey there. Somehow you found my video and decided to watch it. So let me introduce myself. I'm Sergei and I'm from Russia. My channel is about my native country. I want to tell English-speaking viewers about the real Russia, about its past and present. Unfortunately, you can find a lot of propaganda about Russia on the Internet, both from the Russian media and from the Western ones. I want to tell you about Russia, as it really is, the country in which I was born, grew up, and lived all my life.

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Early Case Of Baby Rabbies - MGTOW
Early Case Of Baby Rabbies - MGTOW Sandman 255 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

⁣Sponsor Link 2:

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Veedaman. But his story is a long one so let me first tell you about today's sponsor first which is the MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on 200K in southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to Veedaman and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I am a aingle man approaching his mid 30’s with no kids or wife. About 5 years ago I was dating someone who I thought I was eventually going to marry and settle down with. We had a lot of fun Until she decided she wanted to have kids. I tried to convince her that we should wait and try and get her school loans paid off and buy a home before having kids so we won’t struggle as much. She was just getting into her Internship after graduating plus she had monthly car payments with some credit card debt. Which she was working hard to pay off at the time with the money she was making at her paid internship. I was willing to help her financially to help pay off some of her debt. I myself at the time was working a crappy job not making much while trying to better myself and break into a career as a programmer. Fortunately, she stuck by me and supported me through those tough times. As she turned 28 years old eventually she brought up the topic about kids again. I stood my stance on waiting to have kids until she is debt free plus we had made plans early in our relationship to travel to other countries and states before settling down and having kids. Which was something I really wanted to do before settling down. I had finally landed my first programming job making more money than I ever have before. I guess I wanted to enjoy my new gain success I just gain a bit longer before having kids and settling down. Around that time she started to accuse me of cheating, looking at other girls with a lustful desire in my eyes, and watching porn behind her back and would get really suspicious if I was checking my phone for a few minutes. Anything excuse she could make that had to do with other women in video games, TV, movies, or media in general, I would get accused for fantasizing about said women. I told and explain to her time and time again that I wasn’t doing such things and why would I if I am happily involved with someone romantically? I mean we had good sex in bed, it just didn’t make any sense on why she kept accusing me all of a sudden. We would get into arguments which seem like every other week about this topic. Eventually, she broke up with me saying it’s hard for her to trust me and she no longer has the same romantic feeling for me and she just wanted to be friends moving forward. What choice did I have if she didn’t believe me? Fortunately, I figured this was going to happen sooner or later down the road and I was prepared and accepting of our potential breakup. I was given her the benefit of the doubt and thinking maybe eventually she’ll see and understand that I am not doing such degrading things and painting me to be this lustful monster in her eyes. So we broke up and parted ways and never really contacted me again. Well later I find out through social media and friend circles that she had been cheating on me and was seeing another guy behind my back.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""


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Dating The Perfect Woman LOL - MGTOW
Dating The Perfect Woman LOL - MGTOW Sandman 255 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>Surviving 4th Wave Feminism <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: &quot;Hey Sandman, I wanted to offer some insights regarding your recent interest in women going their own way. I just came out of a 2 year relationship with a girl who's creativity and work-ethic overrode her base instincts. She's an artist and spends most hours of the day drawing or getting inspiration for her art. To most people she comes off as cold, socially awkward, and weird. Because of this she only has a a few friends, but they're good friends that she's known for years and she's extremely loyal to them. She also had zero experience with men before me. We started off as acquaintances working in the same space. Over time we became friends and eventually she confessed to me that she had feelings. The relationship was awkward at first. She had a lot of hangups, intimacy scared the hell out of her, and she tested me often to see if I was trustworthy. She lost her dad when she was a little girl so she had an intense fear that anyone she loves will leave her eventually. We're both young and I cared about her, so I endured, and after a few months she finally let her guard down and the relationship was pretty damn good. She wasn't high maintenance, but she did want validation like any girl. She was clingy, but not in an off putting way. She wouldn't keep me from doing my own thing, but would want to be close when we were together. Whenever she'd get in a creative drought she would get extremely depressed and almost cease to function. I would encourage her and help her out of the funk and she was extremely grateful each time. I think the downfall of our relationship was physical intimacy. As you can guess it took a while for her to do anything with me. When I finally took her virginity she opened up for a while and we had a healthy sex life. She became comfortable with me and with herself. But because of this comfort-ability she no longer worried about the relationship. When we'd hang out she just enjoyed my presence while we both did our own thing. And while that was nice I still wanted to boink her. She began to think that's all I wanted her for. I tried to explain that I love her for so much more, but the smashing was how I felt connected. It never amounted to anything. At this time she also began talking to some dorky guy from her job. I wasn't threatened by the guy, but I knew that he had ulterior motives. I told her as much, and that I wasn't comfortable with it, and I was met with &quot;he's just a friend, there's nothing to worry about&quot;. I had enough and broke up with her over it and she was devastated. I regretted pulling the trigger for a while and it took me a few months to get over my own hurt. Now I'm in a much better place and I don't regret a thing. I think a lot of guys will hear about these women going their own way and have hope that they'll find one and make a wife out of her. I want these guys to know that you have to have a similar personality. You have to be extremely productive and possibly a little on the spectrum to be able to tolerate a relationship with one of these girls. That sounds harsh, but it's true. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Motion Graphics Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by &quot;; <br> <br>Sponsor Ad Photo Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2. <br> <br>3. <br> <br>4.

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ THE RUSSIAN LOVE STORY.. [PART 3] >> HILARIOUS ! MUST SEE !!! <<
⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ THE RUSSIAN LOVE STORY.. [PART 3] >> HILARIOUS ! MUST SEE !!! << Doggk 255 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Join DOGGK on BITCHUTE: ⁣⁣

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Go your own way guys

Sexy Wonder Woman Dance!
Sexy Wonder Woman Dance! Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 255 Views • 4 years ago

Yumm :)

Gail Gadot. She is funny.

Dating Profile Disasters | Grunt Speak Shorts
Dating Profile Disasters | Grunt Speak Shorts Terrence Popp 255 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Let’s dive into the world of dysfunction and delusion with some dating profile disasters. <br>Watch Grunt Speak Live on the complete list of channels in the description! <br>#gruntspeaklive #tinderellas #datingdisasters <br> <br>If you want to keep seeing this content, be sure to sign up for memberships on these sites! <br>Members get early access as well as exclusive livestreams! <br>Go to <br>You’ll find links to our SubscribeStar, Locals, and Patreon! <br>Get merchandise here! <br> <br>Send physical donations to: <br> Productions <br>29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407 <br>Royal Oak, MI 48072 <br>If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3 <br>All donations are tax deductible <br> <br>Watch Grunt Speak Live on these channels! <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>Make sure to subscribe to our backup channels on YouTube! <br> <br>

My Spiteful Ex Stole Our Daughter - MGTOW
My Spiteful Ex Stole Our Daughter - MGTOW Sandman 255 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by a donation. Well because I didn't get one. If you want to request a topic you can do so at the paypal or subscribestar links in the description. I thought I'd cover something I saw on the men's rights subreddit from someone named E Barcelo and here's what he has to say and I quote: "Hello all this is my situation my ex lives in New York city, I live in Ohio. I receive Supplemental Security Income, when I was working child support still garnish 538 from my SSI and if I am working they are taking out 200 a month from my pay including the SSI they take monthly. Now I frankly don't care about the money even if it is make me broke but it's the time I want with my daughter. When I try to speak to my daughter it's too much of a distraction and I know she feels uncomfortable due to everyone around her. If that's not the case she's either in her grandma house where everyone is loud and still can't talk to her due to her eating, or she went to bed. It don't matter what time of the day it is there's a barrier to speak with her. During the start of COVID surge I had my daughter for the summer, we bonded and she acted out when she left my presence. I asked for her for the summer of 21 but my ex was upset due to the surge and wanted my daughter back at home with her. The states where going in locked down. So In Ohio I did not have a workers pass to leave the state due to medical reasons. So I explained to her mom she have to leave PA due to the lockdown and it was a 4 hour drive. It was a big deal for her. Well this summer she was in Pa with her mom and her mom's ex fiance. I was not aware she was in PA, nor did I not mind but I could have drove four hours to get my daughter but she refused. So during the summer it was difficult to speak to her, like any other day. My ex girlfriend during the summer text me and told me her fiance at the time just got hit my a car. My first comment to her was "you text me about a man I don't know and don't care about but can text me or call me back so I can speak to my daughter?" Her response was fu. I left it alone afterwards. Now she from the start want to aborted my child, I ask her to keep her! I made a promise to care for her and raise her! She did not want her from the start. She kept her, once she went back to work I took care of my daughter full time. I taught her how to walk, speak, play, and understand complex words and know what they are! She caught on everything I showed her very fast. She was with me 24 hrs a day... Now she basically lives where her grandma Monday to Friday in another part of town while her mother travels both ways everyday passing her house so she can go home and rest. So my daughter can not spend time with her own mom but the Grandma instead. I have the time to take care of her I can raise her. But what's the point of paying child support to the mother I could give it to the Grandma instead. Or give me my child? I will happily take her and not ask for support. I just want to continue to do my job as a father and a promise to her as I fought for her not to be aborted. How can I use this information when we go to our first trial I was waiting for 2 years already? What is your opinion or output about this situation? I can't afford a lawyer and we go to court on Jan 5th. thanks for everyone response ahead of time." Well E Barcelo I'm not sure my advice will be out on time. Also I'm not a lawyer and can't give out legal council. I'll cover the psychology behind your situation in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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What Fauci and Las Vegas Have in Common | Grunt Speak Live
What Fauci and Las Vegas Have in Common | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 255 Views • 4 years ago

⁣They both suck like a sorority girl at a glory hole.
#GruntSpeakLive #FauciLied #LasVegasSucks

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Enough Men Have Voted With Their Feet!
Enough Men Have Voted With Their Feet! REDPILLMARRIED 255 Views • 3 years ago

Numbers DON'T lie!
Search "CDC/National Center for Health Statistics/⁣FastStats Homepage /Family Life/⁣Marriage and Divorce"

Napoleon Bonaparte Is Proof Muslims Are Scum Bags
Napoleon Bonaparte Is Proof Muslims Are Scum Bags Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 255 Views • 2 years ago

Population Collapse Is Coming - MGTOW
Population Collapse Is Coming - MGTOW Sandman 254 Views • 2 years ago

Sponsor Link Money Line Investments <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Roger. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to discuss a guy named Malcolm Collins. He was recently on the Chris Williamson podcast which I put a link to in today's not so mystery link. For the longest time I've been saying that we can't go back to traditionalism and that the human race has to try new things for procreation. I don't want to take women's rights away but I also don't want the human race to shrink to next to nothing. On that podcast Malcolm Collins says that there will be a 95% collapse in population in only a century in South Korea. So from fifty million plus people down to only two or three. Finally someone else said that we need a new solution besides myself. I'm going to try and have a converstation with him because he's knowledgable about the transmaxxing community, mgtow and is interested in fringe communities on his podcast. The question he brings up is is it possible to have prosperity and gender equality and replacement population at the same time without taking women's rights away. He says that the answer is you have to live in a traditional community where you pass down your values from one generation to the next. I've been talking about using surrogacy to reproduce as well as possibly cloning if you're a single man. We have to try something bold if we want to stabilize or grow our population. We are all heading in the direction of Korea in the next twenty years and we AI girlfriends and robosexuals fertility rates will only drop faster. Going forward only the Amish and other traditional conservative groups, conservative jews and conservative Islamic groups will be around in North America. The only thing that Malcolm was wrong about was when he said that when Romania banned abortions in communist times that the fertility rates went down only two years later. It took more like twenty before they went back down below replacement. He covers a lot of the crazy stuff that's going on in China and points out that once the per capita income in a country rises above 5k a year and women gain their educations that then fertility rates crash unless there's some sort of conservative religion in place to prevent that. It doesn't necessarily have to be a religion and could be any kind of tradition motivating people to procreate. Malcolm also talks about how progressive liberalism is dead because it's like it walked into chernobyl and it's dna was irradated and it's walking dead. That the only way it can survive is to recruit people from conservative traditional groups and eventually it's going to run out of those. He talks about how the culture of the left, which he calls a monoculture trying to make everyone think the same is doomed and that culture diversity, not homogeniety is the key to keeping the fertility rate up. He also brought up AI girlfriends and thinks that it's going to be even harder to convince guys to get married once those come out. As a result economies will shrink and he thinks there will be mass withdrawals in the stock market. That we will basically have deflation. Remember that a debt based economy and currency only works if there are more people to pay interest. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline Investments: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

THE CURRENT SITUATION IN INDIA 2021... ( INTERESTING ! DON'T MISS IT !! ) Doggk 254 Views • 4 years ago

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02 HOMBRES QUE TEMEN A LA SOLTERÍA - MGTOW EN ESPAÑOL Latin Mgtow 254 Views • 5 years ago

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Como Ganar Dinero con Brave


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MGTOW Wedding Industry Failing
MGTOW Wedding Industry Failing SoloManZone 254 Views • 4 years ago

What a shame

O grande e triste Relato de Uma Muié de ''Verdade''!
O grande e triste Relato de Uma Muié de ''Verdade''! MGTOWRaiiz 254 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Dica: Existem apenas 2 tipos de mulheres, e os dois tipos só servem para enfiar a pika!

⁣Age is Not Just a Number | Live From The Lair
⁣Age is Not Just a Number | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 254 Views • 3 years ago

The wall claims them all. Let’s drink to that tonight at 8pm Eastern! <br> <br>#LiveFromTheLair #GettingOld #TheWall <br> <br>All your support is appreciated. You can donate via YouTube,, Odysee or Rumble. <br>CashApp:$redonkulas <br>Donate $5: <br>Donate $10: <br>Donate $20: <br>Donate $50: <br>Donate $100: <br> <br>Administrative Violence: Divorce and Custody Edition is here! <br>Downloadable Version: <br>Physical Copy: <br> <br>If you want to keep seeing this content, be sure to sign up for exclusive livestreams and other content on our supporter sites! <br> <br> <br> <br>New merchandise also available on <br> <br>You can watch Grunt Speak Live on these channels! <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>If you have a topic suggestion, news tip, a funny video, or you want to join Popp’s Preppers, send us an email: [email protected] <br> <br>All sources available on!

WOMEN IN COMBAT ARE A DISADVANTAGE... (USA) Doggk 254 Views • 4 years ago

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Turd Flinging Monkey on Race, IQ and Race-Mixing
Turd Flinging Monkey on Race, IQ and Race-Mixing ArchiveChannel 254 Views • 5 years ago

an archive.

Biden May Go Full Trudeau on Russian U.S. Citizens | Live From The Lair
Biden May Go Full Trudeau on Russian U.S. Citizens | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 254 Views • 3 years ago

⁣The EU destroyed Trudeau for his actions and now Biden may sign a bill to seize personal assets from Russians in the US because reasons. And shame on the Texas cuckservative who wrote this bill.
#LiveFromTheLair #Ukraine #Russia

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Featuring music by TeknoAXE’s Royalty Free Music

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Missing White Woman Syndrome - MGTOW
Missing White Woman Syndrome - MGTOW Sandman 254 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: OK2B Cliche

Other Missing Cases of Color

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you Fred. This is the third part of his donation and with all the insanity from a while back in the Gabby Petito case I wanted to see if I could figure out why groups like Black Lives Matter aren't letting a good crisis go to waist and are saying that Lauren Cho and Daniel Robinson, two young people of color are supposedly not getting the same amount of attention the Gabby case got and somehow white people are racist because they aren't sharing stories about missing people of color around as much as they share about missing white women. This has been going on for decades and they want to know why. First of all the media did share the cases with Cho and Robinson. I put links in the descriptions to their stories and both cases had teams of searchers and investigators. But the stories ran cold and people stopped caring and moved onto something else. But with the Gabby story for a couple weeks everyday something new was happening. New video footage to share with trail cams, youtuber videos, police body cams. Spirit box videos, tiktok videos from people that remembered seeing them almost a month after she was murdered. In the case Cho all you have is a picture and a missing person's report. There's nothing there. No sightings, no hikers finding clues for a mystery. The thing was playing out like a well scripted film in real time in front of us. This all comes down to demographics and advertising dollars. Regardless of what people are saying the majority of American's are white. So if a white woman goes missing then playing a story about her in the media will bring in more eyeballs and more advertising dollars. The leftist media can cry racism all they want but they depend on missing white woman syndrome. women are addicted to drama. Advertisers are targeting white women as the top demographic that watches television. They control 80-85% of the household spending and purchase breakfast cereal after watching a news report about a serial killer. Now apparently now cancel culture comes for white women but them mainstream media is clueless. Or are they. It's YouTubers and TikTokers that are coming forth with stories and video footage to solve the case. Chris Cuoma criticized the media for choosing to cover white women over those of color. I guess that just shows you that he probably just reads a teleprompter script and doesn't have a say in the stories they cover. Careful Fredo if you call out your employers and threaten their white woman demographic cash cow they might do whack you our of your job like your brother. Looks like CNN has a case of hypocritical anchor syndrome that's biting the hand that feeds him. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor OK 2 Be Cliche: Anyways, now back to the corporate media exploiting race and then claiming they are also racist at the same time clown world show. I've noticed a trend in Hollywood recently which I'd like to refer to as missing white actor syndrome. I watched a couple of films this year where there were no white males or where the white males were written out and replaced by actors from another background. The first film is called Stowaway, about a mission to mars where there are no white male characters in a film about space travel. There is an older female commander, we weak Asian man that's physically too weak to get what needs to get done, a young white woman that is physically stronger and more competent than everyone else and a black man that they find on the spacecraft but it's never explained how he got there. He's also weak. In the end the weak white woman sacrifices her life to save everyone and the men are seen crying in the last scene hunched over. The other film is the Gi Joe origins story Snake Eyes. There are no main white male characters except the guy that killed the Asian Snake's father in the beginning.

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A mom with foul and loud mouth, drops her kids off at school wearing a dress that shows her tata's.
A mom with foul and loud mouth, drops her kids off at school wearing a dress that shows her tata's. TheLoneWolf 254 Views • 3 years ago

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Neo Oculorum - Platicas MGTOW 4 (Parte 3):  Mujeres En MGTOW
Neo Oculorum - Platicas MGTOW 4 (Parte 3): Mujeres En MGTOW JohnDeschain 254 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Video del referente Neo Oculorum, si desean ver más de su contenido, visiten mi canal y vayan a la lista reproducción que lleva su nombre.

A lot Of Young Women Are Gonna Need Therapy
A lot Of Young Women Are Gonna Need Therapy Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 254 Views • 2 years ago

Luíza Sonza antes e depois do casamento
Luíza Sonza antes e depois do casamento Scifer 254 Views • 5 years ago

Luísa Sonza antes e depois do casamento.

THE SAD END OF A VICTIM OF A BRUTAL ROBBERY.. (USA) Doggk 254 Views • 3 years ago

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9 YEAR OLD GIRL FORCED TO MARRY A 63 YEAR OLD MAN... (AFGHANISTAN) Doggk 254 Views • 4 years ago

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Girl Exposes The Truth On How Women Cheat
Girl Exposes The Truth On How Women Cheat rpwarrior 254 Views • 4 years ago

They are slick with there cheating

MGTOW IS FREEDOM -  Indiana MGTOW  & The Gold Digging Whore
MGTOW IS FREEDOM - Indiana MGTOW & The Gold Digging Whore MGTOW_Is_Freedom 254 Views • 4 years ago

⁣(MGTOW is Freedom) Mirror Status

Power by : Johnny Mgtow


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NEVER CHEAT ON A WOMAN THAT OWNS AN AXE.. (MEXICO) Doggk 254 Views • 2 years ago

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The Best Worst Break-Up Cliches | Popp Culture
The Best Worst Break-Up Cliches | Popp Culture Terrence Popp 254 Views • 2 years ago

My Asian Mother Used To Beat Me - MGTOW
My Asian Mother Used To Beat Me - MGTOW Sandman 254 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He has quite a bit to say so before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Living on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, here's what Mr. Anonymous has to say and I quote: "Hello Sandman, I will be working in the entertainment industry soon. I will. Briefly about myself, I am from a South-East Asia country, I moved to Toronto, Canada to study and follow my passion in digital art and recently I got a job. As I was growing up, I was bullied by my brother because he thinks I am a weirdo because I don't care about what others think of me since it doesn't hurt anyone. My mother beat me when I performed badly at school. She did this to dump her emotional frustration from my father who was scolding her telling her telling her fault that I am stupid. I couldn't even go to my friend's house with out them knowing. My dad beat me and my brother as well for something stupid like not doing chores. My parents beat our dogs and treated them poorly too. One had a broken leg and was dying. The only thing I could enjoy was sitting in my room, watching TV and played lego/toys and going to school. As for women, back when I was a kid I watched a few Chinese/Hong Kong movies. In those movie, they mentioned a lot about the women using their beauty to manipulate men and strip away their power, resources and anything they have worked for turn them into the biggest loser in the story. From this point I started to be afraid of women and what they can do to me if I focus too much on their looks. I have gathered more clues such as my aunt over exaggerating things to get me in trouble with my parents. As well as my female classmates treated each others like poop behind each other's back, trying to paint themselves better than they really are on social media. At that point I thought to myself that I couldn't trust women anymore. Then I met this one female classmate that I thought was different when I was 12. As I was a young cuck back then, I did not make my move so I watched her like a lab rat since I wanted to know more about human psychology and especially how females operate. As she got more attention from guys, the more I saw her just like other girls, just another digital attention seeking slure. After that, I said to myself, if a girl has a lot of followers/attention/selfies on her phone/social media acc I will just scratch her off my mind. In 2016, my brother got married to a girl who was best friend. I wanted to tell my brother that getting married too early in life. His wife gave birth to my niece and I had to babysit my niece when her mother is preparing milk for the baby. In my country, family value is a thing so I was still living with my parents also my brother's family at that time. Living with my sister-in-law showed me more about what today modern women are, she do not know how to cook, the baby need milk/her milk but she couldn't produce enough milk, what did she do to solve it you may ask? instead of eating healthy so she can produce more milk, she made her baby infant fomula. With this I asked myself "what is the point of having a partner??? People keep telling me if I don't have a girlfriend I'm a loser. I do not see how that makes me a loser? When I moved to Canada, I met this girl from Ukraine in my class and she was full of herself on social media. At this point I thought this was love lol so I decided to shoot my shot but I got rejected.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

#2020Election: It's Not Over Yet | Grunt Speak Live
#2020Election: It's Not Over Yet | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 254 Views • 4 years ago

⁣More about the night our republic died.
Originally aired November 13, 2020

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Brought to you by "Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism"

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Mães revelam desejos sexuais pelos próprios filhos(As),Pedofília e incesto feminino, que  é TABU na sociedade
Mães revelam desejos sexuais pelos próprios filhos(As),Pedofília e incesto feminino, que é TABU na sociedade Nikaido 254 Views • 4 years ago

Pedofília Feminina um tabu onde a sociedade fecha os olhos para isso,e elas saem impunes desses crimes,fora a educação dada ao homem,e o ego do mesmo de querer provar que é homem 24 horas por dia,que acaba sendo a sua queda para a manipulação feminina.
Tem o livro que se chama FEMALE SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN- THE ULTIMATE TABOO,e se eu não estiver enganado a autora do livro foi censurada na época,final dos anos 90 se nao estiver enganado tbm,a autora se chama MICHELE ELLIOT

Why More Women Are Suggesting Open Relationships - MGTOW
Why More Women Are Suggesting Open Relationships - MGTOW Sandman 254 Views • 2 years ago

Sponsor Link: <br>ANDROID DEVICES <br> <br>IOS DEVICES <br> <br> <br>Why more women are suggesting open relationships <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: &quot;Hey Sandman, I haven't missed a video of yours since 2014. It's been very enlightening following your work - thanks for everything. If you haven't already, please take some time to listen to Peter Zeihan's views on things. He's a geopolitical analyst with his own YouTube channel and has done some interesting interviews that I’d like you to check out. It won't take you long to understand his opinions. Based on what Peter thinks, please give us your own thoughts about the best options for MGTOW monks going forward in relation to what types of countries will suit our interests and lifestyles. Peter has changed my views a bit and I'm thinking I might stay in Australia instead of moving overseas - but I want to hear your thoughts after listening to Peter. If Peter Zeihan and future places for MGTOW monks to live isn’t enough to for a good 10 minute video, check out this article called: Why More Women Are Suggesting Open Relationships and give a general response Thanks again! Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the support and for following me as YouTube slowly kills the views to my channel. I'll cover Peter Zeihan's views in the first half and later I'll discuss the article you shared. The first time I heard him speak was on the Joe Rogan podcast when he was attacking Bitcoin and everyone on Bitcoin Twitter were losing it on his fundamental misunderstanding of Bitcoin. The reason so many people don't understand it is because it's a religion. If you've never had blind faith in it then it's hard to see. That's why Max Keiser says it comes from god. But anyway besides my thinking he's wrong about Bitcoin he's right about some things like China and Russia's demographic issues as well as how Canada is screwed because of high real estate prices and America dicking us around. With those things his geopolitical analysis is spot on. But I think he's wrong about the end of globalization. There has always been global trade. Think of Marco Polo and the Dutch East India company. There will probably just be a lot less of it. He's also jumping on the bandwagon when it comes to demographic declines. For example Serbia peaked out at 8 million people. Has now dropped to under seven and by UN estimates it will be down to 3 million in 75 years. Just wait until sexbots and AI girlfriends drop it down lower than that. Probably 1-2 million by 2100. Will we see re-ruralization at that point? Or will farmers keep using tractors so people won't have to work the land and can remain in the cities? That means even lower numbers then we had before the industrial revolution. I think the world is dramatically going to depopulate over the next fifty to one hundred years. If we keep our technological sophistication then I suspect we'll have to implemented AI to rule over species to make sure the human race doesn't go extinct. Looks to me like the Hunger Games was prophetic saying that North America might only have four million people. As for Peter he says America will do well in a world of deglobalization because of the inland water ways and the great lakes which are a freshwater Mediterranean as far as I'm concerned. You can go all the way from the gulf of Mexico up the Mississippi and into the great lakes. In a world with less oil we will return to shipping and America will do well from that standpoint. But he's wrong when it comes to Shale oil. The depletion rates for wells is horrible and we've already reached peak petroleum. He seems to think that somehow America is immune from aging demographics when the fertility rate is now 1.7. Canada is 1.5. Were on the same rollercoaster ride just a few cars behind Europe, Asia and Russia. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moorescarts:

Have a good laugh as the tradcons come for porn. Tfm was right.
Have a good laugh as the tradcons come for porn. Tfm was right. HennessyVenom 254 Views • 4 years ago

------Child porn is wrong.
-------Revenge porn is wrong.
--------Buying content and uploading it to fuckover the content creator is wrong.
Those are are all scapegoats they used to try and make those guys fork up money or go back to the plantation.
It is full throttle, the brakes have been removed.



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Go your own way guys

Dear Snowflakes: Your Feelings Are Meaningless | Live From The Lair
Dear Snowflakes: Your Feelings Are Meaningless | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 254 Views • 1 year ago

Life is pain. You are not special. The rules do apply to you. Deal with it before you die. <br>#TerrencePopp #Leftoids #SpecialSnowflakes <br> <br>The new Working Man’s Survival Guide Webinar is here! <br>Click on the Linktree below and follow the links! <br>To donate to this content, see our list of channels, purchase merchandise or join Popp’s Preppers, click here: <br> <br>Send physical donations to: <br> Productions <br>29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407 <br>Royal Oak, MI 48073 <br>If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3 <br>All donations are tax deductible <br> <br>And be sure to tune in for Grunt Speak Live <br>Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm Eastern <br>And <br>Supporter Sunday streams for Locals, GiveSendBro, and SubscribeStar members only!

⁣Bang Bang with the Gang Gang | Live From The Lair
⁣Bang Bang with the Gang Gang | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 254 Views • 3 years ago

Turns out that soldiers in most countries are pretty much the same. When you tell them “no women in the barracks,” you’re gonna find women in the barracks. Join Popp tonight at 8pm Eastern for the hilarity! <br> <br>#LiveFromTheLair #Military #Grunts <br> <br>All your support is appreciated. You can donate via YouTube,, Odysee or Rumble. <br>CashApp:$redonkulas <br>Donate $5: <br>Donate $10: <br>Donate $20: <br>Donate $50: <br>Donate $100: <br> <br>Administrative Violence: Divorce and Custody Edition is here! <br>Downloadable Version: <br>Physical Copy: <br> <br>If you want to keep seeing this content, be sure to sign up for exclusive livestreams and other content on our supporter sites! <br> <br> <br> <br>New merchandise also available on <br> <br>You can watch Grunt Speak Live on these channels! <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>If you have a topic suggestion, news tip, a funny video, or you want to join Popp’s Preppers, send us an email: [email protected]

OnlyFans Babe “Accidentally” Stumbles Into Group Grope | Ride and Roast
OnlyFans Babe “Accidentally” Stumbles Into Group Grope | Ride and Roast Terrence Popp 254 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Kazumi Squirts is hoping everyone is as stupid as she is. We’re not.
#KazumiSquirts #OnlyFans #RideandRoast

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M$OIS DESESPERADAS na quarentena
M$OIS DESESPERADAS na quarentena telecurso_mgtow 254 Views • 4 years ago

Relato do professor Vitor.

Che Morpheus - MUJERES EXTRANJERAS - MGTOW JohnDeschain 254 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Video del referente Che Morpheus, si desean ver más de su contenido, visiten mi canal y vayan a la lista reproducción que lleva su nombre.

Neo Oculorum - El Hombre Píldora Azul - MGTOW
Neo Oculorum - El Hombre Píldora Azul - MGTOW JohnDeschain 253 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Video del referente Neo Oculorum, si desean ver más de su contenido, visiten mi canal y vayan a la lista reproducción que lleva su nombre.


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Muié toda larga querendo lacrar o buracao da outra, pondo a culpa no Phau do homem!
Muié toda larga querendo lacrar o buracao da outra, pondo a culpa no Phau do homem! MGTOWRaiiz 253 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Quem tem que saber se uma muié e larga ou não é o homem!
Muié não tem Phau pra saber a profundidade ou a largura de uma buça!

Showing 47 out of 48