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"Comigo nao tem essa de mulher proibir,eu infernizo mesmo,amigo eh amigo"! ?????
Errado ele não está, Muié de hoje não está valendo o (P) que ela chupham, Entra na vida do homem sem nada a oferecer e muitas vezes com um histórico de carrossel da pohha!
Ai no final querem um marididinho Otário para ser fielzinho no lado dela toda arregraçadda?

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The Working Man’s Survival Guide in the Woke Era is here and it’s affordable. Popp goes into why this webinar was created to help men in the workplace. <br>#TerrencePopp #WorkingMen #ModernWomen <br> <br>The new Working Man’s Survival Guide Webinar is here! <br>Click on the Linktree below and follow the links! <br>To donate to this content, see our list of channels, purchase merchandise or join Popp’s Preppers, click here: <br> <br>Send physical donations to: <br> Productions <br>29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407 <br>Royal Oak, MI 48073 <br>If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3 <br>All donations are tax deductible <br> <br>And be sure to tune in for Grunt Speak Live <br>Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm Eastern <br>And <br>Supporter Sunday streams for Locals, GiveSendBro, and SubscribeStar members only!

Feminists are BEGGING for Marriage Now | MGTOW Moments <br> <br>In this video, we will go though more Manfulness and share more opinions on mgtow, redpill, blackpill, purplepill and different manosphere stories. Not only that, but we will also share our opinions on man go their own way (or men going their own way) and share what happens when we have a reaction to it. Most of these reactions are from female and feminists who don't agree with our lifestyle or modern style dating... <br> <br>...and who get really bothered with hypergami or our different type of relationships. <br> <br>We hope you enjoy our videos. Don't take them just as dating advice for men or relationship advices but more like entertainment and raising awareness content. <br> <br>SUBSCRIBE and never miss a video: <br>➡ <br> <br>If you want to submit your own stories so we share them on the channel, please email them at: <br>➡ [email protected] <br> <br>Music used: <br> <br>Song: MBB - Beach (Vlog No Copyright Music) <br>Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. <br>Video Link: <br> <br>And stop simping if you are one of those! Be a real man like Sandman, Coach Greg Adams or Oshay Duke Jackson which are other mgtow (men going their own way) channels we recommend! <br> <br>*We do not promote or support any harm or hate torwards any gender, relatioship status or race. We only share our point of view and we want to promote healthy choices for men, in lifestyle, finances and emotional relationships. <br> <br>*Only educational reasons are intended for this video. Every history or opinion in this video (and on this channel) is my own, based on my own experiences or submited by one of our viewers. I don't hold a professional license as a therapist, psychologist, physician or marriage advisor. You are in charge of your own behavior and actions. Without first consulting a professional, you shouldn't take any action or rely on any of the information in video.

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You can't force men to do something, and they harder they push the more men stop even paying attention. <br> <br>Join us on Locals for Saturday Night at the Movies every Saturday Night 8pm EST! <br> <br>Join the patriarchy today - every supporter makes a feminist cry. Join here on YT or better yet on (it's free to become a member) to see more of the content you love. Better yet, become a supporter today and get free speech forums, memes, and unique content and live streams for just the cost of a cup of coffee. Locals - <br> <br>On Rumble: <br> <br>For a one time Support/Donation <br> <br> <br>--------Other Media------ <br>My Second Channel

Despite what you have been told, in the western world today, almost all legal and lethal sexual discrimination is against men.
Combat Deaths And Casualties (2:28)
Workplace Deaths And Casualties (2:47)
Suicides (2:53)
Women And Children First (2:56)
Victims Of Homicide And Violence (3:03)
Homelessness (3:11)
Divorce And Family Court (3:16)
Criminal Court (3:50)
Taxes And Social Benefits (4:25)
Government Funded Help And Support (4:39)
Reproductive Rights (6:04)
The Job Market (6:45)
School And Education (7:13)
False Accusations (7:55)
Domestic Violence (8:22)
Domestic Spending (9:48)
Dating (10:22)
Mainstream Media (11:43)
Childhood (13:49)
Chivalry And Male Disposability (14:14)
The Empathy Gap (15:05)
The Accountability Gap (15:40)
The Reward For Effort Gap (16:20)
The Women Are Wonderful Effect (16:51)
Female In Group Bias (17:29)
Gynocentrism is the scientifically proven fact that almost every man, woman and child has been raised and instilled with a woman's point of view. Men are taught to give women special treatment from birth and women are taught to expect preferential treatment from men. Gynocentrism is by definition sexist, however it has become the default social model for most of the planet.
Men are trained to suppress emotions and always be considerate of a woman's feelings, men are trained to sacrifice, work and die to provide for women's happiness. Men and women are trained to always take the woman's side over a man. Women are taught to support each other and view men's pain and suffering as less important. Men are taught that fighting, dying and sacrificing themselves is noble, but women experiencing any emotional distress is terrible.
This sexist attitude and maternal brainwashing has seen men literally dying to protect women who quite often take the sacrifices men make, completely for granted. This is real sexism and it is taught at a very early age and reinforced through every facet of society.
Ask any decent mother would she prefer being raped or having her children taken from her, and any decent mother picks the former. Now ask her to pay for having her children taken from her and threaten her with incarceration, paid for with her own tax money, in a building where she has a large chance of being anally raped, while stuck in the building with the people attacking her, never able to hold her child's hand. This is what millions of fathers across the world face.
This is real sexism, and the victims are men. Men are being discriminated against in every facet of society, losing children, dying and having lives destroyed because of real sexism.
Sexism against women in the western world results in hurt feelings, sexism against men destroys lives and is often lethal.
#Gynocentrism #Sexism #Discrimination

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We are pleased to announce that the Muslim Alpha Course is now available! To join us, please visit our website at <br> <br>If you would like to support our Dawah efforts and help us create more educational content like this, we kindly invite you to consider joining our Patreon community at <br> <br>Products I use and endorse (affiliate): <br> <br>For those seeking personal guidance or counseling, please book a session with Gabriel Al Romaani at <br> <br>To purchase Sunnah Currency, please visit and use the discount code GABRIELALROMAANI <br> <br>Additionally, we are excited to announce the release of Gabriel Al Romaani's new book, "Journal of a New Muslim." To order a copy, please visit <br> <br>For exclusive updates and community engagement, we invite you to join the Muslim Alpha Men Society on Telegram at <br> <br>Lastly, we can be found on Instagram at <br> <br>Please note that all materials used in our videos are intended for educational purposes only and fall under the guidelines of fair use. We do not intend to infringe upon any copyrights, and if there are any issues with the materials used, we encourage the rightful owners to contact us directly via email. <br> <br>#Islam #hadith #Sunnah #fitrah #quran #nikkah

Mainstream media isn't touching this, why not?! What you need to know. <br> <br>Join the patriarchy today - every supporter makes a feminist cry. Join here on YT or better yet on (it's free to become a member) to see more of the content you love. Better yet, become a supporter today and get free speech forums, memes, and unique content and live streams for just the cost of a cup of coffee. Locals - <br> <br>On Rumble: <br> <br>For a one time Support/Donation <br> <br> <br>--------Other Media------ <br>My Second Channel

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- There's more to come for the following DAYS ! So stay tuned ✔
Go your own way guys


Fecha 14 de Mayo 2021.
En este Video Sandman nos habla de la situacion de Argentina, "Femicidio" y tambien
nos habla de la situacion de la censura y los canales.
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- The MGTOW Book Collection
They want us banned
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Estupro de vulnerável
Art. 217-A. Ter conjunção carnal ou praticar outro ato libidinoso com menor de 14 (catorze) anos:
Pena - reclusão, de 8 (oito) a 15 (quinze) anos.
§ 5º As penas previstas no caput e nos §§ 1º, 3º e 4º deste artigo aplicam-se independentemente do consentimento da vítima ou do
fato de ela ter mantido relações sexuais anteriormente ao crime.
Meninas fáceis
Hoje há muita mulher sozinha que se veste pra si mesma num ritual macabro de vaidade
E AÍ, leitor de 15 anos? Diga-me cá uma coisa: é verdade que as meninas hoje transam muito? Quantas já deram em cima de você, fazendo
você se sentir um frouxo se "não comparecer" quando ela quiser?
Atenção terapeutas de plantão: não me venham dizer que as meninas hoje em dia "evoluíram" e que querem meninos sensíveis, porque,
para elas, meninos sensíveis só são bons para tirar sarro. E que fiquem fora da cama delas. Ou seria fora do carro delas? E aí,
leitora de 40 anos, você acha esse papo muito vulgar?
Sinto muito, as meninas "evoluíram" e agora são senhoras dos seus desejos e isso basicamente quer dizer: são fáceis. Quer saber? Acho
uma hipocrisia ficar lamentando que as meninas estejam transando por aí. Todo esse estardalhaço com relação "as pulseiras do sexo" é
puro blá-blá-blá. Se as meninas estão transando por aí, é porque dissemos a elas que isso é legal, não?
Vejamos. Mas, antes, um reparo.
Repito o que já disse: não acredito que se faça melhor sexo hoje em dia, acho sim que hoje existe muito marketing, muito papo furado,
muita mulher sozinha que se veste pra si mesma num ritual macabro de vaidade e... muita gente brocha.
A chamada "revolução do desejo" serve para ganhar dinheiro com publicidade, livros de sexo chique e para aumentar a sensação, em
seres humanos reais, de que todo mundo está transando menos você.
Mães de 50 anos se deliciam em vender a imagem de si mesmas como máquinas de sexo. Na realidade, no silêncio de seu quarto escuro,
são umas invejosas, que queriam ser como suas filhas: mulheres fáceis.
Professoras inseguras com seus corpos cansados, atônitas com a inutilidade última de toda sua inteligência diante da chacina que é a
vida cotidiana, invejam as suas alunas deliciosas que desfilam pernas e seios por aí, dançando a dança do acasalamento. Sim, deveriam
tê-las avisado que a vida se repete exatamente naquilo em que ela é miserável: medo, inveja, baixa autoestima e abandono.
Cursos chiques trabalham o corpo para que ele seja fácil de manipular na cama, no carro, no banheiro.
Teorias psicológicas e filosóficas empacotam a vontade de ser fácil em papel de presente fingindo que existe mesmo uma coisa chamada
"sexo revolucionário". E aí, quando os padres fazem sexo com meninos, os revolucionários de meia pataca põem o rabo entre as pernas e
se escondem porque não têm coragem de enfrentar o horror do sexo "livre".
Não existe sexo livre, existe apenas sexo sem amor.
Comédias de TV idealizam mulheres urbanas que transam assim como quem corre em esteiras aeróbicas (ou seriam "anaeróbicas"?),
calculando o "tamanho" de seus homens, se gabando, assim como homens boçais, da quantidade de vezes que gozam.
Músicas nas festas das escolas e nos aniversários de crianças cantam a banalidade dos gestos sexuais, fixando os olhos vazados das
meninas no desejo de crescer o bastante para serem fáceis. Programas infantis ensinam a vulgaridade como forma de liberdade corporal
na frente das câmeras. Programas "teens" de TV elevam ao grau de guru quem transa aos dez anos, contanto que use camisinha.
Pedagogas, sob o signo de preparar para a vida, barateiam os corpos das meninas ensinando sexo fácil como se fosse sexo seguro.
Salvem as baleias, as focas, o verde, o planeta, os "baby monkeys", mas transem fácil.
A forma como o aborto é tratado (todo mundo é a favor, menos os "tolinhos") é prova de como o sexo e as meninas são artigo vendido às
dúzias nas feiras de periferia. É isso aí: mulher fácil é mulher barata. Tem mais mulher do que homem no mundo (não estou seguro
dessa informação, mas todo mundo diz que sim, principalmente as mulheres solitárias) e, com a liberação delas, o preço ainda caiu
mais. A melhor coisa que existe para um cara que quer uma mulher barata é que ela pague suas contas.
Alguém precisa parar de mentir e avisar para essas meninas que a vida é uma chacina cotidiana. Que o envelhecimento chega sem que
você espere, que o mundo fica repetitivo com o tempo, que as pessoas ficam previsíveis e que sexo fácil é sempre sexo sem amor.
Avisem a elas que o amor é raro, difícil, caro, duro de encontrar, morre fácil, porque é sempre mal-adaptado num ambiente mais afeito
a baratas do que a seres humanos.
Enfim, que uma das lutas contínuas da civilização é contra a indiferença porque homens e mulheres não são especiais e existem às
dúzias por aí, a gargalhadas, como bonecos de cera sem graça.
[email protected]

Meninos... entendam que se ela estivesse com vontade de transar com você, ela mesma daria um jeitinho para fazê-lo... quando ela começa com blá, blá, blás e enrolação isso significa que “ela não deseja transar com você ”, porém com toda a certeza ela deseja lhe aprisionar em um infinito círculo vicioso de esperanças nunca realizadas para que possa lhe escravizar e lhe explorar durante seu doentio transe hipnótico amoroso. É raríssimo o caso onde mulheres dispensam otários apaixonados “desinteressantes”, elas os mantém em sua coleção, em um banco de reservas na “Zona da amizade” para usá-los em futuras emergências ou exibicionismo megalomaniacos entre amigas. Esse tipo de sofrimento emocional masculino é extremamente prazeroso para as mulheres por diversas razões hediondas, entre elas pelo prazer de sentirem-se superioras e dominantes, pois nem mesmo o orgasmo tem o poder de dar mais prazer para as mulheres do que quando elas sabem que há otários sofrendo e chorando por elas...

Men chose their BEST option. ABSENCE!!!! <br>Search "Art museum hosts a speed-dating night and only women show up." <br>Search "Irish blind date event cancelled after NO MEN show up." <br>Search "Speed-dating event in Membertou cancelled due to lack of men."

Guys - do not fall for this common TRAP that many of us men fall for.
We have to understand that yes, women are more emotional and feelings-based with the world around them.
Yes, men are more rational and logical with the world around us.
HOWEVER - the big trap is that women are actually very LOGICAL and RATIONAL when it comes to love and relationships.
They understand the game and know how to play it.
Their hypergamy is extremely RATIONAL with how it selects mates (we know about the 6 'sixes')
Us men on the other hand become very EMOTIONAL or 'romantic' when it comes to love and relationships.
A woman's hypergamy is rational, a mans love is not.
Within 10 minutes of reading my texting guide, you can use the technique Mirror Texting to know EXACTLY whether any woman texting you is actually interested or just playing games
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1-on-1 Phone/Video Coaching:
These days if you don't understand the 'game' of dating women, you will probably waste tons of your time and money and end up getting played. If you want to play the 'dating' game, you have to know how to do it the absolute best way.
My private VIP membership will give you access to 100+ strategy videos teaching you how to MEET beautiful women and keep them HIGHLY attracted to you.
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1) Over 100 in-depth private videos to help men master self-confidence, body language, texting, online dating, conversation skills, and all areas of dating women in 2020
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3) 25% discount on my 1-on-1 coaching rate.
All of the above perks can be had on my website:
5 Principles of Texting Women eBook Learn my TOP advice for texting women in my 5 Principles of Texting Women eBook. This is information all men NEED to have in today’s dating world, so just simply pay what you can afford and the eBook is yours. Start reading ASAP.
Every month get a chance at a ridiculous offer on my premium courses. Your savings will be huge, but you only get one month to pull the trigger… What special is it this month? Click below to find out

Ribby's Booze Bank: <br>Chronic's Channel: <br>Manic's Channel: <br>Sir Yeetus' Channel: <br>Reishi's Channel: <br>Riker's Channel:

What is really up with the new, current year ongoing romance of the e-girl and her "suitor"?
Donations are greatly appreciated and help me survive to make videos:
Backup Channel:

Desgraçadas vocês Lutam porque?
Se a sociedade é de marginas pra lamber o salto de vocês!
Mais ainda bem que cada dia que passa essa realidade esta mudando, e em breve vocês irão ver em que cilada vocês se meteram em tentar se fazer empoderadas de (M)!

The Steven Crowder divorce has been blowing up recently. This video will talk about 3 lessons to learn from Steven Crowder's #divorce so that we don't make the same mistake. <br> <br>#stevencrowder <br> <br>====================================================== <br> <br>Want to learn more about texting, dating, and female nature in 2023? Check out my website below. Lots of free information helping men navigate the social world these days. <br> <br> <br> <br>====================================================== <br> <br>FREE TEXTING GUIDE PDF DOWNLOAD: <br> <br>Within 10 minutes of reading my texting guide, you can use the technique Mirror Texting to know EXACTLY whether any woman texting you is actually interested or just playing games <br> <br> <br> <br>======================================================

A Documentary Told in Four Chapters.
Featuring many favorite content creators & some of the videos that impacted me the most in my journey.
This Feature does not take a historical approach but is rather an expression of my experience discovering men going their own way content & the impact it had on my development. It is told from a personal individual perspective.
I wanted to make this video to have closure on that chapter in my life & to leave a record of what was & what continues to evolve.
The insights & shared experiences of men are more important now than ever. They certainly helped me.
Feel free to mirror & re upload this documentary & any of my current or prior content.
"You begin saving the world by saving one man at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics" - Bukowski

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BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Tell me another one, “journalists”!!
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Sponsor Link: <br>Profit Specialist Group <br>video: <br> <br> <br>Yahoo Article: <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hello Sandman, I sent you a donation via PayPal to make a video of your choice. Please keep me anonymous. Keep up the great work. Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and I'm sure you'll enjoy today's zinger. There's an article on Yahoo news called: "Workers from Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta are paying $75,000 to be taller, a surgeon told GQ" and here's what the article says and I quote: "The Las Vegas surgeon can lengthen patients' legs via a painful months-long process. He breaks the thigh bones and inserts nails that are extended every day for three months. A Las Vegas cosmetic surgeon who specializes in leg-lengthening procedures that can extend people's height by 3 to 6 inches told GQ magazine that many of his patients are tech workers. Kevin Debiparshad founded LimbplastX Institute in 2016, and the clinic's business has boomed during the pandemic, he told GQ. It can take months to slowly lengthen the bones and for the legs to heal. One software engineer told GQ he spent the first three months after his surgery alone in his apartment and ordered delivery food during that time to go from 5-foot-6 to 5-foot-9. The procedure costs between $70,000 and $150,000, depending on whether the patient wants to grow 3, 4, 5, or 6 inches. The common denominator of the client base is that they're wealthy, but they vary by profession: GQ reported that he's treated CEOs, actors, and finance employees. And a bevy of high-earning tech workers — mostly men but some women — have come to him for the procedure. "I joke that I could open a tech company," Debiparshad told GQ. "I got, like, 20 software engineers doing this procedure right now who are here in Vegas. There was a girl yesterday from PayPal. I've got patients from Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft. I've had multiple patients from Microsoft." The surgeon said he didn't recommend the procedure for athletes since it could decrease their ability, and many of the patients GQ spoke to said they didn't tell people they had the procedure done. The stigma around plastic surgery for men has begun to fall away in recent years. Cosmetic procedures performed on men went up 325% from 1997 to 2015, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. And within Silicon Valley, plastic surgery has increasingly become a way for male tech workers to reach their physical goals in recent years." unquote. There's more but I decided to shorten it LOL because I didn't want to bore everyone. Looks like big tech incels be looks maxxing. It's still not going to change their weaselly personalities that no woman in their right mind would ever get wet by. Many are now paying to grow half an inch because they never hit puberty. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Profit Specialist Group: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request <br> <br>Ad Photo Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2.

Guy goes viral for trying to use logic to pick up a woman. <br>He fails. <br> <br>Join the patriarchy today - every supporter makes a feminist cry. Join here on YT or better yet on (it's free to become a member) to see more of the content you love. Better yet, become a supporter today and get free speech forums, memes, and unique content and live streams for just the cost of a cup of coffee. Locals - <br> <br>On Rumble: <br> <br>For a one time Support/Donation <br> <br> <br>--------Other Media------ <br>My Second Channel

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BTC: bc1qup50teatvnmjc5ev7tw7gm3ht4sqeydnccnn8q

Why would young men protect a society that is OPENLY hostile towards them? <br>Search "Tearful WWII vet says that current state of America is 'not what they died for'" <br>Search "With Few Able and Fewer Willing, U.S. Military Can't Find Recruits."

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Canal do YouTube aí pessoal pra quem quiser se inscrever lá vlw Tmj
Pessoal link do Discord aí entra lá pra nós trocar uma idéia.

No, it’s not something we made up. <br>#CrazyDrunkUncles #BoxedWineAndCatLand #InternationalCatDay <br> <br>If you want to keep seeing this content, be sure to sign up for memberships on these sites! <br>Members get exclusive livestreams with Popp! <br>Go to <br>You’ll find links to our SubscribeStar, Locals, and GiveSendBro! <br>Get merchandise here! <br> <br>Administrative Violence: Divorce and Custody Edition is here for a limited time! <br>Downloadable Version: <br>Physical Copy: <br> <br>Featuring music by TeknoAXE’s Royalty Free Music <br> <br> <br>Send physical donations to: <br> Productions <br>29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407 <br>Royal Oak, MI 48072 <br>If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3 <br>All donations are tax deductible <br> <br>For a complete list of all channels where you can find Redonkulas content, go to: <br> <br> <br>And be sure to tune in for Grunt Speak Live <br>Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm Eastern <br>And <br>Supporter Sunday streams for Locals, GiveSendBro, and SubscribeStar members only!

Não muda, a conversa delas é sempre a mesma,vitimizando as mulheres.
Tipo aquela guria que ofereceram uma grana pra ela e ela foi lá e deu pra uns 30 nego de uma vez, os cara era tudo bandido E ela nem se atreveu a dizer que foi estrupada por eles, foi a mídia e a sociedade que deduziu isso.

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Yes - avoid this one like the plague.... <br> <br> <br>

Depp pulls out a glorious win over the lying Heard and buries #MeToo along with her. <br>Watch Grunt Speak Live on the complete list of channels in the description! <br>#gruntspeaklive #johnnydepp #amberturd <br> <br>If you want to keep seeing this content, be sure to sign up for memberships on these sites! <br>Members get early access as well as exclusive livestreams! <br>Go to <br>You’ll find links to our SubscribeStar, Locals, and Patreon! <br>Get merchandise here! <br> <br>Send physical donations to: <br> Productions <br>29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407 <br>Royal Oak, MI 48072 <br>If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3 <br>All donations are tax deductible <br> <br>Watch Grunt Speak Live on these channels! <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>Make sure to subscribe to our backup channels on YouTube! <br> <br>

The men got poked, the women got poked, everybody WON!

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Sean Hross covering the music industry, specifically Rammstein
One of the main reason i lost my passion in performing/writing and creating music was because i realised how its used as a demonic summoning tool and used in Rituals we call gigs, festivals and Live performancies. What is LIVE spelt backwords?

Former McDonald’s restaurants reopen in Russia. It’s ‘Vkusno i Tochka’ (Just Tasty) now. <br> <br>Read: <br> <br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br> <br>Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative. <br>Follow us on Facebook: <br>Follow us on Telegram: <br>Follow us on Twitter:

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Multi-partner relationships are already happening so let's just be open and honest about it.