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'Any phasing-out of Russian gas imports will take years' – Karin Kneissl
• 03/29/22
136 Subscribers
European countries are looking to the Gulf states to replace Russian gas imports. However, those nations appear to be reluctant to go against their OPEC+ partner, and are claiming it would be impossible to entirely replace Russian supplies.
Former Austrian foreign minister Karin Kneissl joins the discussion and confirms the skepticism about Europe's ambitions.
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3 years ago
Ha ha - the retards aligning their political malice with the corruption of the USA and the Ukraine government, like lock step fucking sheep, "Oh noes... the Russians won't sell us gas in US dollars, AFTER the US bankers cut the Russians out of the global banking system.... LOL and they don't have any immediate gas suppliers lined up and won't for years....
Send our weapons to the Ukraine and show them Russians a thing or too....
Yeah like how to freeze to death in the winter.... and close their industries down.