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'Wagner group' fighters repel Ukrainian recapture attempts

28 Views • 08/29/22
136 Subscribers

RT joins Russia's famous Wagner group as they fight off Kiev's troops <br> <br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br> <br>Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative. <br>Follow us on Facebook: <br>Follow us on Telegram: <br>Follow us on Twitter:

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2 years ago

Hey guys, TFM is totally wrong... the Ukrainians are winning!" LOL! They just lost more land and strongholds. He is wlking with the Russians. Guess the NeoNAZI Ukrainians should have stopped killing Russians.


2 years ago

The whole pseudo-Nazi Azov Battalion thing is confusing. Why would an alleged Nazi outfit fight on the side of an illegitimate Jewish crime cartel in Kiev? Unless the whole Nazi schtick was just a front and they are a quasi-private mercenary force hired by the Kiev Jews. Why? Since ZOG-Ukraine was created by the CIA and Mossad in 2014, there are certain structural restraints on how the military is to be used. The Jew crime cartel created the Azov Battlion with a huge Nazi smokescreen to cover up their real agenda of being an extra-legal mercenary force. The Jews created them to be a sacrificial entity and the Nazi smokescreen enables (((THEM))) to claim complete deniability, whether they win or lose. Just my two shekels on the (((SYMPTOMS))) that I see.


2 years ago

Goddamn disgrace that Russia can't use it's own forces to get this done.
This is 100% the fault of a dysfunctional organizational culture. High tech weapons are effectively neutralized by incompetence in both leadership and culture. It's very clear that the Russian soldiers received no political training or news or propaganda to rev them up for this invasion. The terrible performance of Russian forces came out in the open. The world can see that this is not the feared Red Army of WW2 and the Cold War. ZOG-NATO sees this, too, and you can be sure that (((TPTB))) are now looking at attacking Russia after it exhausts itself with this war.

IN a nutshell, Russia has confined itself to fighting only on the front. A few months in, they should have been bombing the shit out of Ukraine's border crossings! Roads, railroads, bridges, and irregular crossings and dumping thousands of land mines from the air over the bombed out areas. That would have plugged up Ukraine and made it too difficult to get western weapons to the Jew regime in Kiev.

2 years ago

Bro, do you understand politicl theater? Russia was not coming in to conquer them. Putin just wanted to stop the Russians being killed and secure his access o the Black Sea-- I want to say. Sorry, just woke up and ate. All my blood is at my stomach now! This was an humanitarian play not a conquering one. Besides, almost all our American volunteer veterans retreated back home. It's not fun when actual soldiers fire back at at you.... LOL! The Cathedral is loosing so bad.... but not enough. We should go full Walking Dead Governer on them and put their heads in preservatives in jars. "This was the Jew World Order..." Besides, have you seen these Ukrainian women? They make nice wives infilrtating Western homes, and those Only Fans whores are getting more cock than they everf sw in their lives... I hope they are livestreaming that. I'll check it out when it gets migrated to xvideos...


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: I get the political theater. I think Putin is making a huge mistake by repeating the same game we played in Korea and Vietnam. We called both a, "Police action" to avoid calling it what they were and should be called. WAR. I'm disappointed that Putin is adopting the very geopolitical stupidity that fucked us over many decades ago. IMO, if Putin wanted to play that game and actually WIN, he should have played the U.N. card and gotten a resolution against Ukraine for their war crimes in the Donbass region. With that U.N. resolution in his pocket, THEN he could have gone in and the U.S. wouldn't be able to say shit. I already pointed out what Putin should have done militarily. Anytime you go to war, you go in to CONQUER and SUBDUE. The political theater can come AFTER the objectives are met. In this case, rescue the eastern Oblasts and compel Kiev to honor the U.N. resolution. THAT is how Putin should have played it.


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: I've seen the legitimate slavic Ukrainian women and they are of high genetic quality. That's why it's best to marry them and stay with them IN EASTERN EUROPE. ZOG-U.S. is so filthy and disgusting that it should be a crime against the White race to bring in our kinswomen in from better countries and have them polluted with the ubiquitous JEW FILTH that covers the land.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: WE, the Carthedral" IS the UN. How else do you think they move their child sex slaves around? You thought the Clinton Foundation was their only source?


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: It's all about imagery. A United Nations resolution, as I described, is a talisman that Putin could have used to ward off U.S. criticism. How? Precisely because the U.S is the main financier of the U.N, we would be hard pressed to denigrate the very idol we helped to build and finance. That's what I mean by Putin playing the U.N. card. Putin could have raised up an idol of ZOG-U.S. to carry before him and we would NOT fight BECAUSE one of our own idols is in his hands.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Bro. He would never had made it to the floor or their secret room. Hell, they probably would have assassinated him just to start their war. How do you know he did not try that? I bet this was mentioned to Trump during their little tete-a-tete that the lying Leftitst media was shitting bricks about. If this was part of Trump's plan to save the world, I would bow down to that Emperor, just saying. Perhaps, the Holy Sprit is using both Trump and Putin. I have not talked to either of them; so I can not make that judgement.

2 years ago

I am trying to get two videos loaded befoe the 31th to be on this month's budget. I am usinf some open source and free but not really free bullshit just to trim off thrity seconds! Anyway, at the open source allowed me to salvage some mishap vieos... Good day bro.

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