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10 continue to promote Feminism and their ratings continue to fall <br> <br>Channel 10/The Project is at it again in Lisa Wilkinson's return to the show after her absence after breaking the Law and Delaying the Brittany Higgins trial. So the trend continues the more than Channel 10 promote unpopular Feminists like Lisa Wilkinson and Brittany Higgins the lower their ratings go. Please contact Channel 10 and let them know what you think of their obsession with Feminism and their continued support of the unpopular Lisa Wilkinson. Below are contact details. <br>Phone 03 9275 1010 [email protected]
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2 years ago
(maternity rejection right) but men don't have the Parer (paternity rejection right) so woman have the right to reject an unwanted pregnancy, but men don't, so millions of women force men into an unwanted fatherhood, man slaving him for 2 decades, a massive gender crime committed by women against men, making masculists hate them.
3 years ago
They all talk bullshit