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12 African countries to receive first-ever malaria vaccine
The world’s first malaria vaccine will soon be rolled out in Africa, with 12 countries across the continent expected to receive 18 million doses over the next two years, according to WHO <br> <br>Read more: <br> <br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br> <br>Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative. <br>Follow us on Facebook: <br>Follow us on Telegram: <br>Follow us on Twitter:
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2 years ago,resize:640x
First genetically modified mosquitoes released in the United State.
-Biotech firm Oxitec launches controversial field test of its insects in Florida after years of push-back from residents and regulatory complications.
Who would have thought?
First U.S. malaria cases diagnosed in decades in Florida and Texas. Source:
Florida issues MALARIA alert as two MORE people catch deadly mosquito-born disease - in first US outbreak in two decades
-US health officials are concerned after five cases were detected this year
-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued the warning to doctors
2 years ago
Once all the children are dead from "The Vaccine" - then they won't need to worry about children getting infected with malaria then, will we.
This bitch pushing this shit - her speech is verbatim a copy cat scripted diatribe of shit, from the WHO, just like the Scamdemic Covid 19 Vaccine.....
She is a mass murdering traitor to all the people of Africa.
Take her out and hack her to death traditional African style - with a machete.
2 years ago
The WHO approved and endorsed, safe and effective malaria vaccine.
Funny about Russia Today, reporting on this, since they don't report on the Covid Blood Clot Death Shot being forcibly pushed in Russia.... and people not cuing up to take it.
Lying cunts.