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21 Year Old Woman Leaves Her Faithful Boyfriend, Then INSTANTLY Regrets It…

151 Views • 08/13/22
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2 years ago



2 years ago



2 years ago



2 years ago

Wow..... the entire video..... only the TALIBAN can save us now.

2 years ago

Sad but true.

2 years ago

Not necessarily. Old School Christianity and RomanCatholicism used to deal with this "appropriately." Now, "Organized religions" might not be able to deal and caorrect this, but Revelation Christians can if they dared to try.


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: True, they USED TO. Trouble is that Christianity and old school Catholicism always carried the seeds of their destruction. Both are infected with Jew Mind Virus because Christianity was created from Judaism and carries the DNA of the parent gene. It is a distorted DNA and eventually spawns error which opens a gate for the Jews and crypto-Jews to infest the host. Eventually, the host dies due to massive Jew Mind Virus infection. Therefore, Christianity and Roman Catholicism cannot save us. Ideally, a theocratic White Ethno-State is the only solution. But, for the time being, the TALIBAN is the best quick fix for the immediate problems of feminism and Jew Filth.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Maybe. I think you forget the power of one well determined man. I had this argument with someone else, The Man Inside I think. One man can change the world: Socrates. Alexander the Great. Gengis Khan. Jesus. Julius Caesar. Cincinnatus. Ptolemy the Geogrspher. Christopher Columbus. I have more. My point was made.

2 years ago

There is a book by William Dever, whom I met and got his signature. Well, actually two more books (I have three:) Who were the Early Israelites and Where did They Come From? (2003); What Did the Bible Writers Know & When Did They Know It? (2001); and one I am reading now Did God ave A Wife? (2005). Yes, He did-- the God of Israel had a wife Asherah, the Tree of Life: The Real Mother Goddess not the corrupted witchcraft version of Artemis, Rhea, Hecate, and or all other bitches. So, the Satanic Globohomos first eradicted Asherah and nearly Lilith from the Bible. Now, Lilith was sort of okay at first. She was a little mad and jealous, but pure and innocent- though I wonder if the Serpent was involved in her downfall too. She told Adam they were created at the same time and equal. I actually do agree with this. My arguement was who was Lilith and Eve based upon because God of Israel and all his Angels and later Demons were males!? Well, Asherah that's who. All Lilith wanted was to be on top every once in a while, you know Riding Cowgirl or Reverse Riding Cowgirl. Adam fucked up and said no. I mean I am like bro, give it a chance once: The worst that could happen is you like it. Where would we be today if he did that? I would bet free of these serpents and their Satani Globohomos. So, she gave him and God an ultimatum. Never a good idea by the way, She later got angry and become demoinc after offing herself in crying, depressing isolation (where they want all of us.) Eve was a, the first, sexbot literally created from Adam's costal stem cells-- since they were fucking I am guessing early puberty say 13 -15 because his ribs still had stem cells there for blood cell prodcution. Eve was program to follow her better, Adam, but over time, the Serpent learned to manipulate these whores in to keep destroying us men. When the fake Jews, the Satanic Globohomo's predecessors, corrupted the Jews; the Bible and God of Israel calls them Synagogue of Satan, which I use too, they edited out the Asherah the Tree of Life worship and then tapped into that anger to further develop deluded witchcraft. Now, we have to deal with them. I am wonder if burning them at hte stake was a genius move. However, I KNOW Asherah is real I met her in death. There is a lot of fodder. You give a Satanic Jew an inch and he creates a mnountain range out of an ant hill. So, you may not be wrong but not entirely Truthful. I mean you believe the Truth of what you say I see, that but there may be a small minute nusiance (I do not think that is the correct word? New-on-sense? a fact? Whatever man) you do not see or know about.


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: On paper, one man CAN change the world. But, he did not do it by himself. His ideas had to find acceptance by MANY and gain license from the King or State. Otherwise, I'd be ruling this dump and overhauling it big time! Our TRUE Savior, Adolf Hitler, nearly changed the world but, it was the dark, faceless, gray masses of Jews and their armies of Goyim who overpowered Hitler and his beautiful vision of a White Europe. No single JEW overpowered Hitler but, the faceless power of Global Jewry marshaled their puppets and well-trained Sheeple to destroy the one who actually did good for Whites. So, the One Man Can Change The World meme has a lot of moving parts that must work together and all those moving parts can be defeated by a JEW who throws a monkey wrench into the gears.


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: I am much more studied and versed in the Scriptures than I lead on. I was once a huge follower of the Fundamentialist, then British Israel and Christian Identity theologies. I've been through most denominations, including Traditional Roman Catholic and Mormonism. Ultimately, every attempt to rescue the whole "True Israel" meme and the deeper expanded knowledge of Gnosticism ends up putting one back under the Jews. WHY? It ALL points to the Jews and puts Christians under the legal bondage of Jews and their laws. Even the New Testament is a crypto-Jewish invention rooted in Paul of Tarsus and Flavius Josephus; which then was formed into Christianity at the Council of Nicea. . Rather than try to filter out or or find some hidden truth, I THREW IT ALL OUT. Jesus included. I used to carry that heavy burden of trying to justify Christianity and all the countless tales, fables, and apologetics. It all boils down to the DNA of JEWdeo-Xtianity (formerly known as Christianity) and it all leads back to Jews. Dr. William Pierce's meme, further up, distills it down quite succinctly.


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Finally, it doesn't matter what Christianity used to be or what we thought it was. All that matters is that the KIKE JEWS have *COMPLETELY* seized control of all forms of Christianity and control the narrative at all levels. Fringe groups have no power and are blocked from having any effect on the larger body of Christ-tards. You're trying to save a GOLEM. An undead zombie that has all the trappings of Christianity but is animated by the evil spirit of JEWS.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: That is true for the Organized sects rather cults and their zombies and the Serpent to the Satanic Globohomo, but for one we are not alone: God of Israel and his wife Asherah are calling us, guiding us on how to defeat them. I believe Armageddon and Tribulation are events that will happen in alignment with the stars and part of the signs, the Signs of the time. I also believe we have some time in this two thousand year age to delay it, but they will happen in this coming Age of Enlightment aka Revelations. We Americans amn: We made our own Christian sects before, the Presyberians, the Baptists, and the Methodists. I do not consier Mormons Christian. We can do it again with our roots to Cathars and their Catharic ways. Hitler invaded France because the Cathars were there as well as some of the Knights of Templar. Thee Satanic Globohomos are not invincible and not as strong as they think they are. But yeah, it will be the ultimate uphill battle. Wasn't it an uphill battle when united Greece under their Pnahellenic Congress to defeat the world's empire twice an uphill battle? Was it an uphill battle whenwe Americans had to defeat the Greatest Empire the owrld has ever known twice? Was it an uphill battle to pull Europe out of its ass twice in their world wars? Yes. And we did it. We are not as fucked as you think, but the window is closing rapidly.


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: I'll have to look into this Asherah goddess. It would make sense that masculine and feminine divinities exist AND have their distinct roles. Ancient Greece, Rome, and pretty much every other non-Abrahamic religion mentions both. And, as the gods do tend to resemble the humanity they created, there are stories of jealousy and other relationship problems in the Divine as well as on the Earth. Even though I was an absolute failure as a Mormon convert, the old manifestation did have its good points and the surest sign of a good religion is how it forms up a good society to live according to its precepts. Mormonism worked for those who were born into it. But, the LDS church was undermined by JEWS after (((THEY))) destroyed the Roman Catholics. The LDS experienced their own Vatican II event where the smoke of Hell entered the vestibule and infected the organic racial core of the church. Spencer W Kimball was the LDS version of Pope Paul VI and opened up the priesthood to 3rd Worlders. Especially Mestizos. If you are familiar with Mormon mythology, they believe the Mestizos are the distant descendents of the Lamanites whom Jesus visited and converted. Thus partially accounting for Jesus' lengthy absence in the Bible. Thanks to their sheep like obedience, Mormons are helping Mestizos come in through the Mexican border to fulfill their own crackpot theology. Ultimately, to their own destruction.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: The three books I suggest, two of them I am sort of reading in between my Atlantis books and shows for my Theory of Everything series and that Four Truths I posted-- I want to remaster them, but I am having trouble finding one of the truest images of the Tree of Life Asherah I saw college professor give. I bet the Jews are trying to hide it. It was at a Biblical Archaeology Soceity meeting/session my university hosted and I believe it is recorded on video too. I just have to track down an archive copy. I always started with Egypt. Outside Atlantis or perhaps including Atlantis, I still believe to the core of my soul that Egypt was the first country ie nation-state. The Sumeria might have been an ancient landing or colony-- jury is still out on that. But, in the high Turkish mountains, there exists a "landing pad" with all the same name designations are the Book of Genesis describes outside and leaving Eden. I believe David Rohl has found Eden, but a modern city is built upon it. It was a Discovery Communitcations special. I'll look it up and add its title to this post at the end. The first books I recommend are William Dever's Did God Have a Wife? (2005) and Armstrong's A History of God (1993), I want to say Karen Armstrong, a nun. Dever has two more books I have not cracked open but possess: Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From? (2003) and What Did the Bible Writers Know & When Did They Know it? (2001). Now, I was looking for the Anonauki looking for a descending or fallen angels or alien colonization link, but I think I am being guided so to speak to look for a Sons of God link, where the "gods" as we call them say for example Zeus, Re, etc. were sons of God the Most High (El Elohim, though I think they worshipped him as Marduk (who Mars the Planet is named after or ? Uhm brain fart Ea or is Ea the creator of man, whom the Satanists claim is helping man fight against his brother or father who is God who wants to destroy us because Ea put part of the gods' DNA or "spirituality" into mankind and refused to deatroy us when that God commanded it-- some of this comes from ancient Sumerian sand script texts-- I need to reverify them)-- it get's conplicated real fast but the deception is deep. Which brings me to my other poitn: There is a spiritual chess game being played all across the earth right now-- not just the superficial Ukrain/China/gas/famine political theater. Archaeologists are being pulled ot guided by the Holy Spirit into uncovering pieces of the past, pieces of this puzzle that we need to stop the Sataic Globohomos. Evil as they are: They are still bound by Spiritual laws. They can not lie about everything and often have to admit their lies, but that may be years or even decades later. So, the Great Game of Mankind's survival or ascension into Heaven is upon us. I believe as achild when I was dead I was in the Ashanti Library or Records: I believe it is not on earth. It is in either another dimension or the spiritual realm. So, I have read or saw things that were soldered into my soul to seek or speek of whern the time is right. I really am thinking there is a Biblical Reserve perhaps Angelic sleeper force waiting for the exact Jew time, at the exact Jew place, and at the exact moment when the Jews least expect it. It's like Hope but deeper... that special was In Search of Eden (2002.) Man I fear this post was looong?!

2 years ago

Damn. I am not trying to write a novel, believe I finish two or three already. I am just trying to answer a question and demonstrate where my thinking is heading. The Truth is worth it.

2 years ago

Damn. Wannabe Hoe don't have no energy to be a hoe?! That's a first. I mean she was a little on the bi side... not bad necessary. But, if you don't have the energy... maybe that's the WALL sneaky up on you... I guess it ain't easy being sleazy! is true?! Who'd have thunk that?

2 years ago

Out of the men she was listing, who do you think she would hookup with if there was a chance for a relationship? My guess would be the NFL player.

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