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40 Y/0 FAILS To Find Prince Charming!
• 07/23/23
229 Subscribers
Booze Bank:$Ribbythepartyfrog <br> <br>
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2 years ago
WOW, easy to see why this women is still single, who the fucjk wants to have a woman like her hanging around their neck, what a nightmare she'd be.
Over 6', dress fashionably, eat out at fancy, forgot the word EXPENSIVE, restaurants, do all the yard and nasty jobs around the house, travel twice a year. WOW this one isn't to demanding, oh and still find the time to hit the gym 3-4 times a week!!!
She forgot must be as attractive as her, have a mid 6 figure income, expensive car and hold the fucking door open for her, this woman is living in LaLa land. OH and I bet he must be very sensitive, hate going out with the boys for a beer or two, hate guns and be in touch with famine side. This woman has a better chance of catching an STD than a husband, unfortunately she's not much different that 85% of all women