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42 Minutes & 8 Seconds Of Shrieking
• 08/20/23
Drums McBashington
65 Subscribers
Lifted from: Karen Cam <br>
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"I didn't do anything! Where's my bumper?!"
She speaks in Repeat, at maximum volume, pretty much the whole time.
2 years ago
Why are the cops even trying to talk or reason with her? Must have been a slow night.
2 years ago
They would never be this patient with a man. Hog tie the bitch and drag her into the car. Let the drunk tank deal with her.
2 years ago
Her: I just want to go home to my son!!!!
Me: I want a ham sandwich and a blowjob. Just because you want something doesn't mean you are going to get it or than you need to.
2 years ago
I noticed the guy with the turbin who reported her in the beginning described her as black instead of African American. That's not woke enough.
2 years ago