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451-500 deGaris Masculist MGT... - Hugo de Garis

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457b When to Tell Your Female e-Dates that You're a Masculist?, Part 2 (Masculism, MGTOW)

11 Views • 10/05/21
Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
65 Subscribers

Flyer No. 457b
Title : When to Tell Your Female e-Dates that You're a Masculist?, Part 2 (Masculism, MGTOW)
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Book : MASCULISM, Men's Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 450+ Masculist Flyers for Men's Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from)
Descr : This flyer talks about when it is advisable for a masculist to tell his female e-dates that he is. Most women have heard nothing about masculism, so tend to react negatively the first time they hear the term, thinking that it is a movement that is anti women. If women remain hypocritical in this way, i.e. pro feminist but anti masculist, then masculists, will punish them badly by dumping them, until women become biconscious, and empathize readily with men for the ways that fluffie manslavers and fluffie feminist hypocrites profoundly gender oppress men.

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3 years ago

'Masculist' Love it! Never heard this term before. But then I've ben away from MGTOW stuff for some time. To busy going my own way recently.

Is this guy doing linear algebra or something in the background?

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