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46 year old, Drew Barrymore Tears Up While Speaking on the Struggles of Dating as a Single Mom - WD33
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3 years ago
She wanted to be a free spirit. Well this is what it got her. Stop worrying about dating and take care of your kids. And where are the girls' dad(s)? No sympathy!
3 years ago
Just another Hollyweird nut job crying "woe is me".
Nothing to see here boys, move along.
3 years ago
OMG, she's taking advice from a gay guy, tell her she's an amazing mother, fucking laughable. What she didn't realize that being a single mom at 46 still thinking she's a top commodity but is quickly coming to the realization that no man of any age group wants her, no matter how much money she has. Other than her money she has nothing to offer, she'll be going through, if she hasn't already, menopause, shortly and which man is willing to take the BS that brings on, let alone she'll more than likely lose all interest in sex afterwards. She distend to be a cat lady for the rest of her life. Hope fully shell tell her girls how to avoid the marital problem she's been having
3 years ago
3 years ago
When I was a kid I thought Drew Barrymore was the hottest woman on earth, after Jennifer Anniston of course. I'd still smash today but I have absolutely zero pity over a single tear over these "tribulations". just sayin