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551-600 de Garis Masculist MGT... - Hugo de Garis

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577 Why Masculists Feel Frustrated by MGTOWs (Masculism, MGTOW)

31 Views • 10/15/22
Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
65 Subscribers

⁣de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers <br>Flyer No. 577 <br>Title : Why Masculists Feel Frustrated by MGTOWs <br>Text URL : <br>All Flyers URL : <br>Book : MASCULISM, Men's Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 560+ Masculist Flyers for Men's Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from) <br>Descr : This flyer explains why masculists feel so frustrated by the lack of political and legal savvy of MGTOWs, whom masculists see as being stuck, and preoccupied, in the first consciousness raising stage of gender political development. Masculists see clearly, what the feminists did after they came out of their first stage and moved on into the second major stage of political and legal changes, in the 1970s, making major changes in the laws that benefitted millions of women. Masculists see that men need to go through the same process, but the vast majority of MGTOWs don't see. Masculists see MGTOWs politically and legally as children, as naive, and underdeveloped, lacking vision and political and social maturity.

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2 years ago

1. You're not frustrated with mgtow.

2. You do NOT understand what mgtow is.

3. You want mgtow to be "ENGAGED" in the fight for men's rights, or some male political social changes.

4. We don't exist as a "WE". It is an unchangeable philosophy of individuals "DISENGAGING".

5. You expect mgtow to become like feminism because you DEEPLY lack objective understanding of what it means to be going my own way. Not our collective way.

6. If you want to fight your so called good fight, have at it. Good luck with that. I hope it makes you happy.

7. If however you want me to forsake the mgtow philosophy, and my own sovereignty to "JOIN" in to that shit I'd say go piss up a rope.

Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
2 years ago

Masculists piss on the apolitical whimpery of MGTOWs. MGTOWs don't care enough about the collective oppression of men by man slaving divorce raping vermin parasitic women, that MGTOWs are not motivated to change society legally, socially, politically, the way the feminists did in the 70s, after they went through their feminist consciousness raising stage in the 60s. Men need the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right) and the OPTAB (obligatory paternity testing at birth) to stop women's paternity fraud etc. Masculists sneer at the political myopia of MGTOWs. Imagine what the feminists would NOT have accomplished if they did not women fair the gender laws. To liberate men collectively, billions of them, the gender laws need to be men faired, and that will take a fight, but you MGTOWs are such defeatist whimps, that you are incapable of fighting, hence the masculist contempt of MGTOW.

2 years ago

@profhugodegaris: You're just the same old tired message that has been a part of civilization since it began. You fancy yourself some captain, or general telling men that will never reengage, and go right back to the plantation, which is exactly where all your high minded plans end. Somehow your "HILL" to die on is worth it because "YOU" say it is, but OH NO: that's never happened before in history. Mgtow has never been, and never will be about "MEN'S" rights/issues, it's always been about "MY" life for me, and me alone. The mgtow philosophy works perfectly as it is. I don't marry, cohabitate, or spend any time with women when I'm not on camera, so no divorce, or false accusations. I do not pursue, protect, provide, or procreate for women. Problem solved for ME! As it should be. I'm on my own. I don't need, or want your help, and I'm not offering help to anyone, just WARNINGS. Man the fuck up, and stop crying for a knight in shining armor to rescue you from the evil wahmens. Collectivist coward.

2 years ago

@profhugodegaris: For someone as prolific as yourself, you R EA L L Y lack a "basic" understanding of the subject. You consistently fail to apply critical thinking to your own pre-suppositions. You can't seem to understand that you are ideologically trapped in the old dead ways of thinking. Mgtow is a NEW way of thinking. Borrowing what works from stoics, but going farther than ANY school of thought in history in favor of the individual man. All of human history is filled with men following orders, and dying as a result. Mgtow comes along, and asks, what? Why? What's in it for me? Fuck that! The best possible reward I gain is not worth the effort. You're so trapped in your own ( outdated ) circular ideology you can't see a new way. If a mgtow REALLY wants a wife, and children, and a traditional life, he gets his passport, and never returns to a western legal climate. Problem solved for him. I fight my own fight, ask for no help, and expect none. I know no one CARES, and never will, so I man the fuck up, deal with MY shit, and move on, not whine like some S.J.W. snowflake about how unfair the world is.

Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
2 years ago


2 years ago

@profhugodegaris: That is NOT an argument.

Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
2 years ago

That would be like the feminists not pushing for the political changes they achieved in the 70s, i.e. no equal pay for equal work, no access to the professions, no divorce reform, no abortion right, etc. Men cant be liberated until major legal changes are made in the menfairing of the gender laws, the biggest being the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right), then the OPTAB (obligatory paternity testing at birth) for all births to block women's paternity fraud, the creation of a FIP Society, the FIPping of women, the reform of the divorce courts, etc. You MGTOWs can go your own way, but that wont menfair the gender laws. You MGTOW wimps dont bite the bullet. You just avoid it. You have no solidarity with the gender plight of other men, which makes politically minded masculists like myself despise you.

2 years ago

@profhugodegaris: You make an accusation, but the accusation only has value from within your OWN circular ideology. As if being apolitical is some sort of insult. Why would I need your ideology when the mgtow philosophy already solves ALL the problems you address, FOR ME? Mgtow are I N D IV I D U A L S. How is this still eluding you? Walk away from the fight. Leave the table. Quit the rigged game. The ONLY winning move is not to play. Etc... Etc...

2 years ago

@profhugodegaris: I just read a twitter poll that asked, what is the best way to protect yourself from the biased gender laws? 85% responded with live the mgtow lifestyle. Masculism wasn't mentioned. The mgtow message is connecting. Men are walking away. The system is cracking, without men having to fight for it. Mgtow is the only solution that will actually work, both in the present, and for the future, and it's just me living my life for my own best interests.

Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
2 years ago

@PRICK: You MGTOWs don't give a shit about the oppression inflicted by women on other men. You're not fighters, you simply walk away from the gender fight with the feminazis who have made divorce toxic for men, and thus have become genociders, since so many MGTOWs walk away from marriage and paternity that the birthrate is crashing, wiping ourselves out. Having a good relationship with women IS possible, provided that women pull their weight, and accept masculist principles. I'm 75, a boomer. I got conscripted to fight in the Vietnam War, which filled me with hatred and fight. You're half my age probably and no fighter, so the horrible gender crimes that women commit against men (man slavery, divorce rape, forced fathering, etc etc) are not crushed, because wimpy MGTOWs like you, don't fight them. Go rot in hell, you apolitical wimp, you selfish, individualist coward, you spineless jerk. You bet, calling a MGTOW "apolitical" is an insult. MGTOWs are fucking useless. They don't push for the menfairing of the gender laws, so billions of men remain man slaves to fluffie, parasitic, divorce raping, cunts. You just walk away from the fight. Here, have a white feather, MGTOW!

2 years ago

@profhugodegaris: Let the birthrate collapse. Let the marriage rates collapse. Let it all burn. I'll prepare for ME. Women will be sucking dicks for a can of soup before it's over. You'll probably be dead soon so, why are you so worried about it? Mgtow does "C A R E" about unfair gender laws, but the mgtow approach actually WORKS, both today, and future. Shaming language doesn't work on mgtow, immunity from so much of it. Take your meds. Go to east Asia. Get some pussy. Relax, and wait to die.

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