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601-650 de Garis Masculist MGT... - Hugo de Garis

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610 The Divorce Courts are Based on the Fluffie Model (Masculism, MGTOW)

22 Views • 03/25/23
Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
65 Subscribers

de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers <br> <br>Flyer No. 610 <br>Title : The Divorce Courts are Based on the Fluffie Model <br>Text URL : <br>All Flyers URL : <br>Book : MASCULISM, Mens Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 610+ Masculist Flyers for Mens Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from) <br>Descr : Todays divorce courts are based on the assumption that most women are fluffies, i.e. career incompetent women who expect to parasite off the money and labor of a man, for decades of his life. Masculists are abolitionists, who see fluffiedom as man slavery and hence slavery and thus hated, and a war issue. Masculists are at war against fluffies and fluffie feminist hypocrites, especially against those fluffie feminist lawyers and judges who dominate the divorce courts, butchering one father in four. Masculists aim to create a FIP Society, where both sexes are raised and educated to be FIPs, so that the divorce courts can operate on the principle of financial independence, where both divorcing parties are presumed to be FIPs. Masculists aim to destroy the assumption that the divorce courts are based on the fluffie model, as they are today.

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