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601-650 de Garis Masculist MGT... - Hugo de Garis

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629 Masculists Expect Women to be Biconscious or be Punished (Masculism, MGTOW)

12 Views • 07/21/23
Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
65 Subscribers

de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers <br> <br>Flyer No. 629 <br>Title : Masculists Expect Women to be Biconscious or be Punished <br>Text URL : <br>Book : MASCULISM, Mens Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 620+ Masculist Flyers for Mens Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from) <br>Descr : Masculists put powerful moral pressure on women to be FIPs and to be biconscious, since to masculists, monoconscious feminists are seen as bigoted, contemptible, hypocritical, vermin, to be severely punished by being forced to rot on the shelf, since biconscious masculists want nothing to do with the monoconscious feminazi bitchiness of monoconscious feminists. Masculists expect biconsciousness to be part of the culture and are pushing towards that end, haranguing monoconscious women with masculist ideas and rhetoric, so that these women lose their monoconscious bitchiness that monoconscious feminism teaches them.

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2 Comments sort Sort By
2 years ago

You don't seem to understood what i said last time ,you don't understand female nature at all ,you wants wahmen to think like men and live like men ,guess what genius ,female brains don't work like ours and if they are FIP like you say ,they have no incentive to stay long term with the same man and it will be a matter of time before they destroy the relationship/family (see Briffault law) .Your masculism crap is just like feminism ,we are not equal and we never will be equal .

Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
2 years ago


Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
2 years ago

I only have to look at my sister, to see an example. I based the concept of FIP on her. There are millions of such women in the real world. Masculists put powerful moral pressure on women to FIP up, or not get a man, a masculisted man. When fluffie women get the message that men reject fluffies, because they are seen by masculists as man slaving, divorce raping, vermin, whom masculists spit at, then they will be powerfully motivated to FIP up, or they will be effectively exterminated. We men have the power to FORCE women to FIP up, since a fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some gullible, ignorant, man slavable man. The masculists and MGTOWs cause the supply of such men to dry up, forcing fluffies to FIP up or they die out, spat at, for being man slaving, divorce raping vermin.

Mark E
Mark E
2 years ago

I sincerely hope everything you say comes true Prof! But, (at least here in America) most of the morons I see are so thirsty that they'll accept a fat pig, or a THOT just to have something to sleep with at night, it actually makes me sick!

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