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37 Views • 08/18/21
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Electric power consumption will be hardly reduced in the future. The more electrical devices – the more electricity required. Indeed, the price we have to pay for our comfort, gets higher. However, some innovations are aiding to save non-renewable sources to some extent. This video features the smartest and the most original ones.

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3 years ago

The first idea is stupid (tiles that generate power by walking on them).
The NASA 3-blade wind generator was a failure from the start but, political momentum is the sole reason there are so many of them.

Wind systems can work but, they should be coupled with solar and both feed into a common power storage system. IMO, gigantic lead-acid batteries would be the best for the common storage and release system. WHY? Lead-acid is the most mature battery technology. It is 100% recyclable, can be completely sourced in the U.S, and since it's not moving, its size and weight are not important.

From the common mega-battery, the output power is regulated and sent to a DC to AC motor generator. The DC/AC motor generator may not be the most efficient but, would be the most rugged and reliable. That motor generator will feed into the grid just like a power station and be treated as a stable power source UNLIKE trying to feed solar and wind directly onto the grid.

3 years ago

This brings up a very interesting possible discovery that was made about the pyramids in Egypt, somebody was looking at the construction inside of the pyramid and many of the components didn't make sense until they started looking at it from the perspective of how a battery works, so basically they proposed that the pyramids were Giant powerhouses that collected electricity and at some point in the distant past it was possibly some kind of Powerhouse for those who build it. Yes they did Barry mummies in them and a lot of there gold and silver and all that shit, but the general Construction of the pyramids are very much like how a battery works. I can't remember which battery design it was, maybe you should look it up it should be rather interesting to look at.


3 years ago

@KEEPER: Fascinating. The Egyptian pyramids continue to reveal very interesting characteristics that hadn't been noticed before.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I'm glad you took my advice, I thought you were just going to call me nuts her even suggesting the idea as some folks do.

3 years ago

the only technology here that has any viability is potentially the tidal project they show and this may not be viable for large scale. solar and wind cannot fully meet the power demands of the populace and is unreliable. there are experiments being done with molten sodium batteries that could help improve things but these have not proven to be effective yet on a widescale. Nuclear would be the way to go to slow down carbon emissions but this option is unpopular.

3 years ago

I think it's Always smart to have multiple power generating sources being used. If you will remember what happened earlier this year, when Texas decided to dismantle all of their old resources when it came to power generation and instead only use wind power for their entire state, and then they were hit by a storm that never would have happened normally and they were fucked. So it's good to have multiple options available, and their governor whoever decided to dismantle all the old stuff was a complete retarded move and should have never been taken place. I don't get me wrong it was good that he had the entire stay running off of wind power, however you should always have some kind of backup when that doesn't work or goes down for some reason. All these companies are far too focused on not creating any emissions so they dismantle everything and only use the shit it doesn't produce emissions, so they have nothing to fall back on when shit hits the fan.


3 years ago

@KEEPER: That Governor was criminally negligent. Should've been impeached and removed from office. Never ever ever rely on one system! Let alone be vulnerable to a single point of failure. If we get Trump or somebody better back in the White House, the EPA will have to be SPANKED and told to back off while we work up a reliable multi-source power generation and distribution system. The time to build up an energy storage and release system (as opposed to generating power on demand) has to be done NOW. While we have the means to build it, charge it up, and do trial runs to work out the bugs.

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