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9/11 Hijackers’ party video released… just in time?

28 Views • 04/29/22
136 Subscribers

As U.S. strategic relations with Saudi Arabia reach new lows, CBS has released a video of two 9/11 hijackers partying with a Saudi national, allegedly connected with Riyadh intelligence. The footage was revealed a week after an FBI report claiming the man might have had advanced knowledge of the attack. <br> <br>----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br>Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative. <br>Follow us on Facebook: <br>Follow us on Telegram:  <br>Follow us on Twitter:

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3 years ago

Jews did 9/11. And possibly/ probably Dick Cheney. FBI and CIA must've known about what was going down. Therefore foreknowledge / advanced planning of same.

Saudi Arabia, in addition to the Bush family, were the patsies. The CIA recruited the 'hijackers' through the US embassy in Saudi Arabia - this is where the passports were issued... The hijackers probably went on those planes with their handlers, but the planes were swapped out mid-air with 737 drones, in my opinion. The planes carrying the passengers were then offloaded to a US military base. Very similar to the proposed Operation Northwoods. There were notably few passengers in those planes that day - they were probably all Israelis, or dual citizen Jews, or CIA.

The security of WTC complex was Israeli run. The whole operation was a massive piece of Israeli terrorism. They even had the political leaders at BBC simultaneously. The whole thing was a strategic collective organised endeavour. Making the 'Israelis' (gosh I hate that word) ALL collectively responsible.

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