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90% Of COVID Deaths Are From Vaccinated Individuals
• 03/25/22
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3 years ago
I just tried to watch this, but every time it reaches the 2-minute marker, it fucking stops, so naturally I copy the name of the video, head over to banned.Video and it appears their website won't load or whatever so that I come to the conclusion that it might be my damn phone so I decide to shut everything down turn off apps that don't need to be on, clear the cache clear the ram try to load shit again, then I run into the same damn problem, now I just rebooted my phone, and now I'm going to try and download this video so that I can actually view it for once.
God damn the Hoops I'm going through just to get this one video to work. I'm surprised this video works at all, I'm assuming that banned.Video is being attacked currently.
Probably because of this information in this video, that would make the most sense anyways.
Now it shouldn't have any problems here, but for some reason it is, which is the reason why I'm downloading it.
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago