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Shorts - TheLoneWolf

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A 49 year old woman has realized she may never find a good man.

173 Views • 05/19/22
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16 Comments sort Sort By
DutchCobbler 3 years ago  

Will millennial women learn from gen x women? Will Zoomers learn from millennial and gen x women? Nope, but it's not on women to teach women about these pitfalls. Women give each other terrible advice.

What's missing? Patriarchy and criticism.

Women aren't meant to learn about self control, they almost never have it because they get their value, their 'power' when they're young and immature. Fathers, male role models, "the patriarchy" was the checks and balances to this. Men kept women from destroying themselves this way by governing who they were with and which relationships were permissible.

Take the authority away from dads, or just take away the dads, and remove the shame from being a slut (which was a thing in even my day as an old gen x guy myself) and this is the outcome. Women won't learn because there isn't anything to learn. It's common sense vs impulse, and the only protection is to restore male authority and make sluts shameful again.

At this point it isn't advice, it's fishing for sympathy from simps and the sisterhood, but this woman had choices and the power of the state and the sisterhood behind her. She isn't even bad looking, probably pretty good looking in her 20s, but YOLO, amirite? She is where she put herself; empowerment has a way of making YOU responsible for YOUR CHOICES. Those alleged "narcissists" got her because she let them, she was fully in control of where she invested her life.

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3 years ago

well said. the roman empire fell not long after women were allowed in politics. Equality is not possible. I don't know why its considered fair for the average man to toil for his life, be abused more than ever by a cruel system, then be expected to care for these older women that have used democracy and superior numbers to vote for a system that enslaves the average man. It is an interesting time to be alive because right now we are at a tilt point where a large amount of millennial women are now crossing the Rubicon where it is no longer possible to have a family while simultaneously, a large amount of baby boomers are leaving the workforce to retire as they hit social security age and issues with covid encourage others to retire early. This is going to introduce huge problems which is why I think the government keeps letting illegals in unchecked to prop up a system that is insolvent. People do not acknowledge the severe demographic problems facing us right now, in some of the Nordic countries men outnumber women now. IQ rates are falling and for all the criticisms boomers get, I really lack confidence that the average zoomer and millennial will be able to keep the infrastructure up in the same way the boomers and gen x have. I personally know of 3 different women that have had to attempt IVF to try to concieve a child. Two failed even with two attempts, only in one of the three cases was a success. One of the women went overseas to get it done and there is a doctor that is so famous for his success with IVF the hotel near the hospital is filled with roasties waiting in line to try to get pregnant. It is just mental illness of untold proportions to try to wait so long and make so much money then spend all you have saved to do something that would have been free if you act like a normal human being. IVF is experimental and we really don't know if there are long term effects from IVF. Sorry for long comment, just venting

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Well vented. Others have been drawing that parallel with Rome for a while now, I think even Sowell has spoken about it. The unthinking masses, the NPCs and Orwell's sheep won't see it because they don't want to see it. Set aside voter fraud and the next best theory as to why we have president Magoo is simply that people didn't want conflict, they were tired of drama and just wanted business to return to normal? Those were the ones that put us here, the so-called normies, because they are too complacent, uninformed, and lazy to stand their ground even a little bit. Now it's coming for them; at the pumps, at checkout, and for some at the risk of war. Only now do they even begin to see what most of us have been watching unfold for years.

3 years ago

RedHead=Super Freak.

3 years ago

She should have taken a second look at all the guys she friend zoned, but now is to late.


Mark E
Mark E
3 years ago

Did any of you fellas notice her funky left eye?

3 years ago

Don't be quitter...keep tying you will find him.

Mark E
Mark E
3 years ago

Dude, she could find a good guy today IF she really wanted to, but she's still holding out for Chad/Tyrone to sweep her off her feet (fuck her 6 ways from Sunday) she'll always be the "victim" even though she has a WAY over inflated ego and probably thinks that she's a real catch!

Sardonic Smile
Sardonic Smile
3 years ago

No accountability, whatsoever.
You are DONE, whore, DONE. Period.
You are used up and damaged goods.
She is ONLY besmirching the guys she went with precisely because SHE WAS THE ONE CHOOSING THEM. Again, NO Accountability, whatsoever.
Go through life, like a man, for the rest of your life, whore. See what it feels like to feel the disbelief, anxiety, and despondency that MOST men go through their entire lives.

I drink their tears.
I drink them down.

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