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A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America by author Bruce Cannon Gibney

59 Views • 11/20/22
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2 years ago

A nation consists of it's people.. and borders. The boomers were rewarded by enslaving others imo.. to make them the goalongs.. goalongs with the destruiction of national sovereignty and wallstreet mercantile globalism.. by london and vatican.. .. to rule the world..

2 years ago

Videos and articles like this remind me of how the Nazis of the 1930's blamed the Jews for all of Germany's problems and used them as a scapegoat to excuse their own bad decisions and behavior. But what do you expect from the lazy, worthless, Latte drinking, I Phone worshipping, video game addicted, useless college degree getting, Tide Pods eating, safe space seeking, Teddy Bear hugging, Jab trusting, RESPONSIBILITY SHIRKING Millennials and Generation Zeros. What a truly WORTHLESS Generation!!!!!

2 years ago

Yeah cause the Jews don’t cost problems anywhere in the world other than Germany… Who declared war first Judea or Germany?

2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: ya know, I heard about some wall and east and west berlin or something.. yet I was not aware that we occupied one side of the wall and Russia occupied the other.. I mean I thought the media made it sound like Germany was divided.. lol... It is like ,,, we need an introduction to the real America after being raised in positive nice way.. and the freedom talk.. so the west and russia shared germany basically.. the spoils of war? so what a mess and "they" get away with ripping off foreign countries becauise we let them do it.. as citizens our govt is secretive and vicious around the world and so of course they start treating us like that too.. 2 for them and none for anyone else./. hmm

2 years ago

@jim bennett: Yep pretty much every time someone mentions that America won World War II I point out that half of Europe ended up in communism… If the point of war is to gain territory the only person that won was a Soviets

2 years ago

I just LOVE how you insist on relating the holocaust to something completely unrelated, that was incredible, you should get medal of honor from the ADL. When you fall asleep do you dream about the holocaust? I would tell you to just go grill in the backyard or something but even that will remind you of the holocaust due to the flame. Your name Mustang can remind you of the holocaust too? As we know the mustang is made by ford, Henry Ford, a known natzee sympathizer.

2 years ago

You can tell this dude is a dumb ass. First he says boomers are bad because they worked and saved ! And he said caly was a good thing ! SHIT ! At the end they say work and save like the boomers ? I'm the last of the boomers and I watched as the generation after mine got lazy & got feminized let the women get out of control they wont work at any hard job not even for good money And then they Have the BALLS to blame it on boomers that did all the things there now having to do like work and save there money YEAH save and invest just like the boomers they Blamed there Bad luck on ! So if it's not to late Get your shit together and Get the Women back in line ! And as they say MAN UP stop this fem man shit Get your Balls Back Get your MASCULINTY Back. Take Control !.

2 years ago

For perspective I’m Gen X, 44, so the group of people that got to see the end if the golden age firmly pressed for an observation of both sides And while I am not talking about you, the very fact that you were here and not on your fourth marriage probably means you’re somewhat of an outlier but your defense of the baby boomers is a gross look man. They deserve everything they get. And I’m not hating on them or a hateful dude… But a lot of the hate they receive they deserve, maybe not you, but in general white baby boomers are fucking awful And I’m not gonna get into this trap of specific points because all generations have shortcomings but the baby boomers were actually holding the bag when earth was absolutely decimated ecologically and economically. So you’re wE WoRk hArD comes across mostly like raping and pillaging… And as disgusting as that is, that’s not what we’re upset about so listen closely Mostly it’s the baby bloomers attitudes. They absolutely did not leave a better world and then go and talk shit to the younger generations. That was the first thing that pissed me off. If you can’t see how the younger generation can’t just pull themselves up by their bootstraps like you could you are delusional. I can easily look how much of an advantage I had in the late 90s versus the same age gentlemen today. It’s laughable that you would even take this position. But the solipsistic nature of baby boomers how they can’t even for one second take any amount of criticism, like women, is exactly what pushed all of us away from you man. Go ahead and attack me. Idgaf. I wish you found it as interesting as I did why the baby boomers never try to Close the gap and every single other generation despises them… Even if it’s quietly and secret Have a nice day friend thanks for listening

2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: Stay in your delusions man, it's much safer there. You can blame everybody else for your problems instead of accepting some responsibility for your own poor choices in life. Thanks for listening!!!

2 years ago

@Mustang: and the war continues… Pretty low effort man. Didn’t really if you didn’t have my points. Made up some shit like I make poor choices in life when you have no evidence… Delusional just making up a fantasy bro. But let the war continue I don’t give a fuck about your boomers anymore. If we go full shtf You will have no allies other than your own kind. And you have nobody to blame but yourself

2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: The younger people are Just Lazy - I have tried Many times to help the younger Men in my resent past even here on this Channel I offered to teach the younger men how to Make real money and every time they find out you actually have to do some work to do it they lose interest they just want a get rich Quick scheme .The boomers gave you cell phones and computers made life easy brought video games to you but didn't think you would live your life in front of a screen - we had video games too but we played them and then went Back to real Life- You tell me How is it I can Ask a whole Channel of MEN on a Men's Channel (MGTOWtv) Offer to give them the Benefit of my wisdom ! Offer to teach them for FREE How to make Money and Have no one want that kind of Help. Because like most young people they think they know it all at 20 or 30. You don't get wisdom at that age. NOW I just let them make there own mistakes . Not my Problem Now. AND PS ! What you say to Mustang When the SHIT hits the Fan - MY Vietnam friends and I will be able to Kill More efficiently then Most any one . Kicking ASS Has been a Way Of Life For Us ! YOU will be Begging us to help you survive In Battle .

2 years ago

@Mustang: I Left Pomp/Faggy a message thought you may like to read it .Y Welcome

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: Thank you, this is a perfect example of what we were talking about and also void of name-calling and emotional responses. You also managed not to make anything up and bring up real points. I mean wrong but at least a real world position. Thank you, You are probably a couple points above Mustang here First, it’s not this website, it’s everywhere, that’s why I’m talking about it and trying to close the gap. The baby boomers are so stubborn and thickheaded they won’t take one second to listen to what we are actually talking about. And you did it again here. 2. I never said baby boomers didn’t have any mercenary skills or ability to defend themselves. Go back and reread it man… I said you will have no allies. That’s what I meant. I literally live with a seven year old baby Boomer Vietnam veteran, I’m completely aware of what your capability is that your age. All of the younger generations will band together to fight whatever ideology we are fighting. Baby boomers will be by themselves and their Vietnam era war skills. Do you not think it’s extremely arrogant to completely pass over all of the younger generations wars? Both gulf wars... The millions upon millions of hours playing call of duty like you said. I’m not saying that’s the same as real war but it is practicing enough that those people will generally know how to work with their team. Did you notice how you immediately jumped to like it was us versus your kind? I didn’t actually say we would fight you, disgusting, I said we would not be allies with you. And you immediately jump to being confrontational like we would be shooting at each other. This is why no one likes you. Your attitude. You completely forgot that in your rebuttal and it that was my only real fucking point… Your attitude is complete shit and all of the other generations have banded together and agree. Like it or not, that’s where we’re at... maybe since we’re so lazy when we see your kind that needs help we’ll just also turn a blind eye because we’re just lazy anyways. It’s like you don’t even comprehend that talking shit and spitting on people he’s going to make them not like you because you have some kind of strange godlike complex in your mind. Almost all baby boomers have this weird godlike complex. 3. I’m not sure the invention of computers and handheld super computers really have made the world a better place. It’s probably second behind the birth control pill and the summer of love you guys started as far as things I have destroyed society for men. That’s the hill you’re gonna die on? Computers… Completely ignore you were holding the bag when the planet was economically and ecologically destroyed. Again I’m not trying to point out very specific points because it derail the conversation from what we’re actually talking about. Yes every generation has pros and cons… we are talking about the mentality of the baby boomer 4. It’s your complete lack of empathy. You don’t even care about your own kind and intern they have turned around and not cared about you. And you don’t give one shit. Do what you wanna do man, go your own way, we all have decided to kind of not give a shit about baby boomers anymore. And since it doesn’t bother you keep up the war… But you are the one that’s missing out. 5. Your kids don’t like you. That’s the first generation in written history that that has happened. And you will not look at it. I would say about 20% say they like their parents, 20% have no contact or low contact with her parents, and about 60% just kind of put up with their baby boomer parents because they want their kids to have grandparents… You literally don’t care that your own progeny doesn’t like you or want to protect you. Because that’s what you did to us and then talk shit to everybody. Not me, the Gen X seems to be kind of forgotten all this, but in general no one gives a shit about you anymore 6. Lastly while I’m not trying to make this personal, I’m not lazy, nobody would ever say that about me, and I over my course of a lifetime and observation can see how much completely messed up the baby boomers are. And I’m not allowed to talk about it ha ha ha

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: Baby boomers in Jews have this weird thing in common or even just mentioning their names/label just starts this spitting fired everyone. It’s not a good luck man… I know you don’t care but that’s not the group of people you want to be mentally associated with. People that anytime you mention them just start hating on you

2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: Boomers are pretty sociopathic bro they left us with a debt the next generation wont be able to pay there's no point in arguing with them they also were the main group giving people like me shit when I didn't wear a mask and said no to the vaccine but good comparison to them not being able to take criticism like the Jews.

2 years ago

@Ozmosis: Thank you, I know man, but I keep this fight alive because we really do need them on our side for whatever ideology or spiritual war seems to be going on on earth right now. And the irony is not lost on me of how sociopathic they act in the comment section of a video titled baby boomers are sociopathic, it’s quite hilarious ha ha have a good day friend

2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: Well since you rattled on like a women would - Ill answer some of your rant- I didn't say we would be shooting at each other read it again( we would not just leave you to die) - 2 Videogames don't shoot back that's not real ! 3 You said your 44 so you prob have more education then the kids after you they got dumbed down BAD 4 the computers are a good thing the kids just could not put them down and it took so much of there time they lost in the important things in life 5 most boomers don't need your help we are self -sufficient 6 ( economically ecologically) econ ..there's lots of opportunity there ..ecolog the planet will do fine global warming is a bunch of lies If you were a little older you would know this is the 3rd time they have lied and tried to scare the young into this world's dying crap 7 (empathy ) I did care I did try to help but the young were to big headed to except any help ! They just wanted a hand out FREE STUFF . 8( the rest is just rambling on)( so it's you kids that have no empathy & throw away parents & don't care) And the kids not liking there parents if you read the Bible you will know why this has come to pass 9 Boomers didn't do any thing to you you just could not grow up (( your gen not you personally)) and be an adult and the world beat you up . 10 I was not saying you were Lazy I was speaking in General - Don't take it personal . LAST I'm 61 as I said I'm the Last of the Boomers no one gave me anything and I was the first Generation to have a Hard economy thrust upon them. But in my time no one was giving any free shit away especially to a white guy we were expected to make good no matter what - And a lot of my age men could not make it you can see that by looking at the homeless population.

2 years ago

@Ozmosis: Hay OZ Look every Generation has debt and don't think it's boomers with the mask and vax thing that's a Stupid Democrat thing Smart people boomers or not knew better and didn't take a shot or wear a mask . And I thought you were smarter then that when it comes to the Jews thing - People are Evil not just the Jews most people are Evil. I'm a little disappointed I thought you were better then that. (sociopathic) Really ? I have helped more young people then I can count. And still doing it I might Add.

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: Well, the thing is bags know where in my comments did I say anyone was evil I simply talked about taking criticism you know like how you can criticize whites and the young generations all day but as soon as you start criticizing other groups you get your named dragged through the mud like Kanye west.

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: Also, much of this mess started with the boomer generation its why there still ahold in power its not the millennial and gen z running this country its a bunch of old farts still trying to hold that power we went into lockdown because grandma didn't want to catch a cold and plenty of business were destroyed because of it.

2 years ago

@Ozmosis: Dude - Just because some Old Rich Farts are in Power -That does NOT represent the working boomers We had nothing to do or say about that just like you Voting Is a scam you should know that ! The Facts Are the gen z And millennial's Have been dumbed Down so far there the MOST uneducated Generations in 50 Years . The Lockdown was done by NWO minions Not boomers . That shit affected all of us -What do you think the Boomers voted a lockdown in or something ?Last this MESS started when the next generation refused to grow up and take charge . It's your generation that wont Take responsibility for letting everything fall apart . OLD People can't fix everything for you !.

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: I know voting's a scam the whole system is a scam, but the boomers went along with that scam and benefited from it your also blaming a generation you created and then let the telly raise them also the younger generation can't do anything were not the one holding all the wealth and power that be a bunch of old farts holding it all it is what it is.

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: When I say you created, I'm using it in a general term and don't forget my generation were vaxxed to the bone so of course the i.q. is dropping that can only be blamed on misinformed parents along with greedy doctors and scientist.

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: well your whole post reeks of sociopathic behavior. We tried to talk to you, and you literally don’t care about anyone else but yourself. This is why no one likes you so I guess we’ll see how this plays out. Enjoy your nursing home in the best case scenario... I’m done with this. We all try with your boomers are. Your own kids don’t like you and you won’t even respond to it what the fuck else are we gonna say… Enjoy the downfall friend

2 years ago

@Ozmosis: I agree with the Vaxxed thing - We didn't just go along with it - we didn't have a choice either we just did the best we could and rose above it the best we could - I held no wealth just had to make it the best I could for 50+ Years until you either retire or go live and die in the street - You have the same choice - Make it somehow or Die in the street - There's No safety Net For Men .

2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: No worries sonny - I Own my house and 5 cars , motorhome and have double 6 figures invested ill be okay . My only problem will be WHO will I give all my shit to when I die - Oh yeah my son will get it all. So I guess I'm good .

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: @Bagoodman: what the hell does that have to do with the conversation… God you people really are fucking broken. That’s cool I’m sure everything‘s cool in your life I bet there’s a lot of baby boomers that catch crap bc of shit piece of shit like you. Enjoy it’s sociopath.... Your son is probably in the 60% that tolerate their parents. Is that the only way you can get the kids love I’m buying him shit… it sure isn’t your disposition or loving affection for other people. Oh geez I can’t imagine why the kids are messed up Congrats on raping and pillaging the world I’m not giving a shit about other people. There is no way had anything to do with where the world is at it’s just everyone is lazy you’re a genius everyone else is the problem... do you need to actually look up the meaning of the word sociopath I thought you were smart man

2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: Of course I know what SOCIOPATH Means Lol. I'm the One with 25 +Years Of college and ongoing study in quantum physics of sound . Phonon's , magnetic Spin wave ,5 G control systems . and More ...

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: and yet you still haven’t internalized it. That actually explains a lot. I have an aerospace degree, and graduated from the top university in the nation for that… We’re in similar fields. It always blew me away how your type one could hand them like a paper clip, an extension cord, some cotton, and few tictacks and these people could make you a toaster. And at the same time they would burn the toast and catch the house on fire every time. Having a high IQ does not equal having a high EQ. And the two people in my life that were certified geniuses were both complete Sociopaths. Sure valedictorians of their Universities but absolutely messed up human beings. Super intelligent people have this problem that their mind can rationalize anything to them. All this did was prove to me you’re an inferior person that can understand physics. People still don’t like you... haha can you imagine being in an argument about why baby boomers suck and are solipsistic and all they can keep doing is bragging about themselves as if we’re talking about them personally hahah

2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: When I was 15 my first Collage class was psychology ( mind and behavior) And your doing a poor job at shaming me with this People don't like you thing . & If you have an aerospace degree I'm Farmer Brown . Your to young to be retired and if you had that degree you would be to busy to be on MGTOWtv . But you can keep trying . ( AEROSPACE okay )Two Questions - Answer me this - What goes up but can never come down ? And with 21 century Math how is this true 1+1=3 .. ill wait for your answers. Please don't take to long . Someone with your IQ and aerospace degree this should be a easy one.

2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: Yeah I didn't think you could answer the Questions - And a person that has a (aerospace degree ha ha) Is called a Aerospace engineer ! And would never say I have a aerospace degree . Just saying for the next time you lie.

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: But to be truly honest bags I just wanted to get under mustangs' skin I knew he'd be the first to dislike ha.

2 years ago

@Ozmosis: I know he gave you shit before - No problem - As you can see - Pomp ,faggy Showed himself to be a dumb ass Tried to act like he was a smart aerospace engineer . But he didn't even know how to say it correctly. OZ I have a saying- You can hang with Eagles and FLY High .Or you can hang with turkeys and get your head cut off every year ! IT's your choice who do you want to hang with ? Talk at you latter.

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: oh no mustang never bothered me in any way I just knew he would dislike it since hes always disliking I was waiting for that dislike I think it's hilarious.

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: Yep just completely falsify what someone says and make up points to fix your own narrative that’s exactly what mental fitness looks like… I can’t believe I no one likes a baby boomers it’s just such a shock ha ha ha

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: I said it that way because I didn’t study engineering you fucking moron. Not everybody that has an aerospace degree studies engineering. Man fuck you at this point. I’m so tired of senility… I’m just gonna go fuck with baby boomers today. You were absolutely insane and in complete human being

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: AEs Or retarded human beings. That was that whole thing about burning the house down cause I couldn’t use a fucking toaster. This is you huh… Is that why you’re so offended? Someone is actually smart enough not to go down the path of fucking nerd Ville or whatever you faggots did

2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: You are the LYING UNEDUCATED CHILD ! That brought the Country Down ! You are the Proof !

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: this from a guy who has to buy his children’s love in the most boomer fashion ever. This from the guy who pouts because people won’t listen to him. This from a guy who has to make things up in his head because he can’t actually debate a point… I just feel sorry for you at this point boomer

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: also I didn’t want to bring it up because of the nuance but you’re not supposed She spent 25 years in college. Four or five at most. Please feel free to upload copies of all your degree since that’s the only thing that matters to you certainly not giving a shit about other human beings

2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: You obviously dont know who Be a good man is (BAG) He has been on the channel for years and I know personally of 3 people he has helped on MGTOWTV Saved there channel . Not only does he have a PhD & a doctorate he has at least 5 Bachelors of Science and was my teacher . I'm on mgtowtv because he told me about it. You just don't know the man he is the kind of guy you want as your friend . Just sayin Don't be a fool . Bag is a good dude.

2 years ago

@Kram: @Kram: so what? Did you not see the part where he’s just insulting entire generations of people. You follow people that are disrespectful to other human beings as a personality trait? That’s on you friend… i’m judging him on the merit of the character he has presented to me. I literally don’t care if he has a doctorate. By the way a PhD is a sub level doctoral degree so you would just say a PhD or several doctoral degrees if he has more than one FYI. I know lots of incomplete humans with degrees they’re not always very well balanced human beings to be followed. Nothing about him comes off any more than a baby boomer. Sure some baby boomers actually can be helpful but if you wanna follow sociopaths knock yourself out man. And that whole thing about Him and this website was creepy. I’ve helped hundreds of men on different platforms. I don’t go around bragging about it or needing people to brag for me. How do I know you’re not him just logging under a different name… That whole thing was weird friend but you do you

2 years ago

I am so baffled sometimes at the boomers. I think bagoodman is an outlier in a lot of ways because he served in the war and survived. It's like that guy rich dad/poor dad most of his cohort probably perished. What blows is all the college communist boomers got to stay home and foment even more communism, they really made it flourish and then disrespected the veterans that came home. A lot of them then also had severe mental issues from the war. What's sad is there are really good boomers, I met them, my dad is a boomer I like him for the most part but we do have some disagreements. I learned a lot from these guys at work and there was another guy here on another video who pointed out when they retire a lot of these workplaces are going to become dysfunctional and I have to agree because I can already see it happening some places. I do think the generation did some damaging things and double and triple dipped into the marriage market. But this past election baby boomers no longer make up the majority of voters in the country like they did in previous elections. Soon the problematic libtard and rino boomers clogging up the political system will also have to bow out or they will pass away from old age. When these things happen, the baby boomers can't really be blamed any longer for the voting patterns at least in my view. The data even shows that zoomers and generation aids are voting for libtards at a 3 to 1 ratio. I think the broken families has been the most destructive force in this country. What I also find crazy is the suggested solutions in the video seem to be vote for Bernie? A goddamn socialist? I mean so the guys in this video didn't really offer a viable alternative. I dunno overall I think the boomers are a mixed bag and bagoodman is an outlier that survived the war and a lot of the boomers were POS commie hippies that dodged the draft and worked hard everyday to make all the schools more communist. Lemme know what you think

2 years ago

A lot of young millennial and zoomers are obsessed with Bullshit like cryptocurrency and tesla. They are already saying "BUY THE DIP" like a bunch of tards. I dunno man. I just think most people are really screwed pu people in this country at this point

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I know this is going to come across incredibly biased because I’m in the group that I’m going to frame positively here but… The boomers are so far out there that it almost feels like they’re completely in a different reality. It’s like they were the first guinea pigs that just got a massive amount of social engineering. And the drugs both pharmaceutical and recreational...massive amounts, massive experimentation..... have you heard of SV 40? It was something that they put in all the vaccines. The boomers got a shit ton of vaccines and DDT like substances. On the other hand the super young millennials seem to be getting the late stages of social engineering before implodes. The food is absolute poison. At least the boomers got good nutrition for the first half of their life. Millennials are addicted to their phones like boomers are addicted to TV. And those in the middle we’re kind of just forgotten about. Latchkey kids. That’s why we never really bonded with the boomers. They were off Raping and pillaging. We got an era where all The really dangerous chemicals have been removed. We understood science a little better. But the younger generation got even more vaccines than us. And their food was way worse. I really feel fortunate to be born in the time I did even though I missed a bit of the golden era of raping and pillaging. But from my point of view the most NPC like people I meet are all old or young. Although most of my generation isn’t perfect or going to create utopia. I hope that makes sense… Excellent post and thoughts man

2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: yes I did hear of sv40 where Salk inadvertently infected a lot of people with his polio Vax. But remember the other issue with this Vax was the cutter incident where they screwed up and actually spread and infected people with polio by accident. Nobody knows exactly what sv40 even does except they say it seems harmless The boomers were alive during so many unprecedented changes, a lot of them were born when electricity wasn't so abundant and now it has evolved into a massive communications grid with mobile cell phones always connected. The population of the world also more than doubled during their lifetimes. Sadly, we now have to live through a period of decline, it very clear we are in decline. The younger millennial and zoomers are very screwed up people for the most part, gen x and the early millennial still have one foot in the old world before the smartphone so they are still grounded in reality. The boomers are kinda in their own bubble in a way. They are in a housing bubble that is almost exclusive to their age bracket. You can also clearly see that boomers hold all the wealth in North america and Europe, its clear as day, millennial, zoomers, and gen aids are financially broke for the most part. The problematic boomers libtards and the rinos in the govt will have to bow out soon due to age, but look at the younger cohort on both sides, they are idiots too. AOC and that weird younger republican dude in a wheelchair come to mind. America is failing because of the mainstream person here. The mainstream American person has really turned into a piece of shit with no morality, all you have to do is go to a public venue and observe and you will see.

2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: I think the largest problem at hand is the demographic winter that is coming. You cannot grow an economy with a shrinking population. It's really bad now because the demographic winter is even worse in China, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, japan, and Europe. Many of the South American countries are even below replacement rate.

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