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A God Among MGTOW Paracelsus

374 Views • 02/02/22
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Chris Whalen CPA



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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Sebastian de la O and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hola, I don't check these messages much. I am eager to join the video blogging world. Keep posting and keep Boycotting Mexican Beer." Well Sebastian thanks for the donation. I thought I'd use it to cover the latest man in my god among MGTOW series. I've been wrestling with acid reflux since 2015 and back in the middle of 2017 I found what I thought to be the solution. I threw all grains and most carbohydrates out of my diet. For three and a half years my symptoms were completely under control until earlier this year when they started coming back when I ate chicken and seeds. That's when I figured out that my alkaline diet was neutralizing the acid in my stomach but that it wasn't working anymore. I went to a health food store and someone suggested I try something called Canadian Bitters. About a week ago I started using it and so far it's changed my life yet again. My reflux is gone. I did some research to find out what this stuff was and apparently Canadian Bitters is based on Swedish Bitters a solution created by someone named Theophrastus von Hohenheim, better known as Paracelsus. He was a swiss-born alchemist during the time of the German Renaissance. He's also the grandfather of toxicology. So I looked him up secretly hoping that he had never married and had gone his own way and low and behold that was the case. So why had I never heard of him before and doctors kept telling me that my acid production was too high and I needed to reduce it using their pills and an alkaline diet? Apparently he was idolized by the Nazi party so maybe that's why his ideas were written off? But his bitters formula is designed to get you both to produce enough acid and other digestive juices so you can digest your food. Pretty much every civilization since the the Ancient Egyptians and Judaism have been using bitter foods as ingredients to aid in digestion. I just finished a meal and took ten drops of bitters about fifteen minutes beforehand and I don't have an discomfort as my body produces enough juices to digest my meal. Paracelsus was a rebel doctor and alchemist and believe that purging and bloodletting which was a practice thought to restore balance in the four bodily humors as outmoded. Instead he promoted empirical medical work using chemistry and anatomy to help people. He believed that it was the moral duty of a physician to help his patients. He would probably be disgusted by today's modern medical system. 500 years ago he was boosting acid production to help patients yet today's doctors lower it causing more problems. Swedish Bitters worked like magic and I can't explain to you how pissed off I am that today's medical system was selling me pills instead of hearing about this from a doctor. I cried tears of anger! I'll discuss Paracelsus and his contributions to theology, medicine, humanity, chemistry, and even magic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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6 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

That actually reminds me. For the longest time I’ve had mean gas, and since the start of this year I’ve reduced my carbon intake and I’ve noticed my gas has greatly lessened along with it.

3 years ago

I had gas off and on. Once I switched to Carnivore diet completely gone

3 years ago

MGTOW, be sure to reach out to me with any tax, accounting or business questions. Chris Whalen, CPA. My link is in the description.

3 years ago

Bitters? Sounds like something that should be grown on any off world colony. Folk remedies were never used in my family, so I have no experience with them. Health food stores have a bewildering assortment of "stuff" that I have no idea how to use any of it.

Mark E
Mark E
3 years ago

That was one of the most fascinating posts that I've ever heard from you Sandman!

3 years ago

Im really interested in precog dreams and lucid dreaming, I've had 1 precog dream that I can recall vividly back in 2019 and have become lucid in dreams multiple times in the past.

As for intense emotions relating to both abilities I'm stuck, because the only intense emotion I tend to feel now is anger, everything else is fleeting if not completely lacking. It's like, existing with a stale feeling of plain existence, even when doing/thinking about interesting things.

Back when I was a simp and suicidally depressed before 3rd quarter 2020 I used to wish to not feel anything because every emotion was crappy and overwhelming, well here I am where I barely feel anything intensely.

I mean it's great, because I don't feel bad anymore nor do I get distracted by those emotions, and when I feel anger it tends to end up putting me in a good mood afterwards, but that's it.

Maybe this is the side effect of being blitzed for most of 2021, the state wherein I used to really nail in the coffin for changing my psychology from negative to what I consider relatively positive.
Or maybe I just don't know what it's like being positive considering it's rather new to me comparatively and I haven't experienced the intensity of it while sober yet.
What I do know is, I prefer being sober now because thinking is easier and clearer and the feeling I get from booze is mentally and physically painful, haven't smoked weed for around 3 months so idk what it'll feel like now. I wonder what Paracelsus would think of this.

3 years ago

He'd likely say you ruminate too much in public but that you have made progress.

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