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A woman has re-entered the dating world. She is tired of the games.
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3 years ago
So don't date and stop projecting, and don't ruin your own kids.
3 years ago
"Projection Alert" - "If you want to come into MY life and cause Confusion and silly games"? - exactly what women do with MEN, this is exactly why MEN are walking away in droves. We don't want that DRAMA and BULLSHIT anymore, well I don't and I'm perfectly happy. This thing isn't even what I call remotely good looking or appealing to look at even? Her moth and chin don't seem to fit or match her face, the tit's are fake and the voice is repulsive! lol! By the voice I mean the screech of the dialect, Guys with that Southern sound? no prob's but take it up an octave or two it really grates on the ear's! lol!
3 years ago
You have to ask yourself WTF has she bothered entering the Dating Game for in the first place, when it's all about ME ME ME?
3 years ago
Another "Y,all" not worth listening to, in fact this video is her actually telling you the opposite of what she is saying. Attention and virtue signalling all the way?
3 years ago
You played a petty game when you divorced your husband. Enjoy pump & dump and cats.