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Abuse and pain teach us the truth 2 2-2 psychological abuse

12 Views • 07/26/22
21 Subscribers

⁣Abuse and pain teach us the truth 2 2-2 psychological abuse <br>We do not need to accept a future of abuse for ourselves and future generations. We can fight to end the abuse and bring about a better future;where we treat each other better

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3 years ago

The quality of man that women prefer, in general, is a direct indication of societ's trend. Renaissance Men enjoy female attention in good times as such men are builders and creators. In bad times, thugs, boors, con men, and parasites enjoy female attention. In free fall, mudsharking and other forms of race mixing prevails. Mudsharking is worse than premeditated murder.

WHY??? When a White woman lets a nigger or Mestizo or any other mud man fuck her, she is murdering EVERY ANCESTOR in her line who mated with their own kind and eventually brought her into the world. The family tree is BROKEN at that point. This is true for quasi white people of other (if they are unpolluted) ethnicities, i.e. Japanese, Han Chinese, Punjabi, Chechens, etc. White wombs are SCARCE and unpolluted White wombs are dwindling rapidly. BTW, Jews are NOT WHITE; regardless of their appearance.

The Baby Boomers (like me) are the LAST generation to see the time when women valued a respectable man. If he had a steady career-type job and didn't drink too much, then that was good enough. There was a high correlation of social status and looks between men and women. A middle class man who probably worked at the Ford plant in Michigan could easily get a quality wife. A farmer in Kansas could get a good farm girl. A working class tradesman could get a wife who came from working class parents. The rich, OTOH, were held in suspicion and rightly so. Yeah, women would get all exited over Errol Flynn, Cary Grant, Engelbert Humperdinck, and Burt Reynolds but, they sort of knew that it was just a pipe dream. She gets back down to earth and then back in the kitchen to get supper ready because Henry would be home soon and the kids are hungry.

Women had priorities IMPOSED UPON THEM and they were HAPPY that way. Today's bitches are feral because they've been told by JEWS for DECADES that they don't have to obey their husbands. Including U Go Gurl, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, and they need to discover themselves..... by hooking up with Chad Thundercock.

2 years ago

Women are hyper-obedient to authority. Whether that's the authority given the government/media/marxist/propaganda machine or their husbands they will obey. Now that male authority over women has been removed they've become subservient to the globalist commie marxist government and their genocidal plots. Women obey and serve whoever is above them,whoever takes the power over them. So we can make women great again,we've just got to restore the patriarchy! Baby boomers and further back still had some small amount of patriarchy and that's why things were still working still healthy. Now that the patriarchy has been completely destroyed the good times are over the bad times are here. Marxists and globalists damn well knew what they were doing when they started pushing all this feminist crap they knew what it would do to us!

2 years ago

Finally gonna start listening to the turner diaries either tonight or tomorrow morning. Just needed to set up my mint mobile sim card in a compatible phone

2 years ago

And I don't know why people think Jews are white,they really don't look that much like us. I know I can tell if someone's a Jew,there's definite recognizable differences between them and us. Maybe I should make a video just talking about all the physical differences between us and the Jews


2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Ashenazi Jews are almost perfect fakes of Whites. Oddly enough, in the Jew Bible, Revelations 2:9 and 3:9 bring up that very thing ALBEIT very carefully cloaked. Jews are the children of the Devil and they present themselves as White when it suits them BUT, the Jews do the works of their father the Devil. IN old times, Jews had to marry other Jews. BUT... when Reform Judaism came about, the rabbis realized that they could hide among the Whites better by implementing the Torah and Talmud's allowance for using White girls for sex. A lot of half-Jews were created that way and, over the generations in Europe, Jews were able to hide themselves amongst the legit Whites. But, that Jew DNA and Jew spirit CANNOT BE HIDDEN. Jews cannot avoid doing evil. They just can't. I've noticed that the Jew Mind Virus has power even down to somebody who is 1/8 Jews (octaroon). Years and years and years of uncloaking Jews helped me to discover that.


2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Make sure you're listening to the Turner Diaries as read by the author himself. He really brings that book to life more than it is already. As I've said before, the details aren't as important as how the book changes your way of thinking. Some things could not be predicted over 40 years ago. Especially in how we will have to deal with the Jewish Menance in 2022; going forward. Even if the average Normie somehow awakens to the Jews, he is still mentally hobbled by a lifetime of Jewish propaganda. The "legal" and "Constitutional" and "non-violent" and, worst of all, LOVING OUR ENEMIES, way of doing things. The Turner Diaries will show you a whole new way to think about this.


2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Here's a classic example of Jews who look White but, their actions prove they are Jews deep down.


2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Once you know the Jews, they cannot hide from your scrutiny! These Jewish feminists may look White to the ignorant Gentiles but, even without the Jewish stars to label them, you can TELL they are vile Jews. After a while, it's all too easy to uncloak them.


2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Hate to say it but, as a Baby Boomer, we SAW the Old America but, we failed to appreciate what we had and failed to keep it. But, at least we saw it. We were the first generation to be socially engineered by the Jews. A few of us had awesome Silent Generation parents and we escaped the brainwashing.......

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