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Accepting That You Don't Have A Country Anymore - MGTOW

349 Views • 08/30/21
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- Red Pill Ring

Going Your Own Way Dot Com

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so what I wanted to do is discuss a post I found on Going Your Own Way Dot Com which I put a link to in the description. So go over there and register with Jagermeister. Today his forum had new posts on 20 recent topics. I was promoting it back in 2014 and no one was listening to me and I guess now they are. Here's what someone on a threat called "Accepting That You Don't Have A Country Anymore" had to say and I quote: "So I was listening to the Turd Flinging Monkey show this last evening and something he said hit me hard. He pointed out in America that if you believe in freedom, you don't have a country anymore. He also stated that since you don't have a country, there's no point in trying to preserve anything about it. The Marxists have already won in America and are wearing the rotting corpse of the country. They are playing this once great nation like a marionette. There is no point in even trying to defend it. The original values the founding fathers brought with them no longer exist. Fighting for a people that hate you and for a country that hates you is a complete waste of time. All that can be done is focusing on one's self and protecting your own. That's it." unquote. I agree and I'm really worried up here in Canada. Things might get really bad here as we are having an election on the 20th of September and if our rubber ducky socks prime minster gets a majority there goes freedom of speech in the fall. Also on October 1st can't ride on a plane or train inside and outside the country without a vaccine passport. It's a federal mandate. I can still cross the border by car into the United States after getting a covid test and fly out of America. For now. But how much longer? I thought about going to Eastern Europe but their vaccination rates are even higher than here with 83% of adults getting the jab and they are trying to make it mandatory for everyone and are removing one freedom after another. Medical workers and teachers have to get it or lose their jobs. Airline employees too. I fear this is only the beginning until the possibility that vaccines will not only be mandatory to do certain things but that they will become necessary and forced where they will strap you down and give you a shot in the arm. That would be complete madness but it's not outside the realm of possibility. I not only feel like I no longer have a country that believes in freedom. But I also believe that TFM is right and we have to look at protecting ourselves at this time. I want to spend this video discussing ways to ghost in your own country in case the jab becomes forced and you want to escape it. I get the feeling they won't stop until everyone has it. It seems to be a bigger agenda at play here. But before I say more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to everyone with a needle in their arm like a heroin addict clown world show. I don't know how many of you are familiar with the four or five levels of MGTOW but it looks like at some point if there are forced vaccinations instead of just mandatory ones I'll have to become level four. First of all let me define the difference between mandatory and forced for those that don't know. Mandatory means you have to have it if you want to go to a public place or use a public service. You have the choice to refuse to get on a plane or train or not go to a ball game. But force is when the government says either you get this or we take you away and force it into your arm. If that were to happen I'm sure it would be a global thing or something mostly in the west and the only way to get around it would be to get off the grid and hide out in the wilderness. The first level of MGTOW or level 0 is when you're dating in Longterm relationships.

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22 Comments sort Sort By

3 years ago

America ceased to be our country in 1954 when Brown v Board of Education was rammed down our throats. We continued to lose our country in 1965 when (((TPTB))) passed the Hart-Cellar Act (Immigration Reform). That opened up America to non-White immigrants and we had no say in the matter.

Both Jimmy Carter and Reagan caved into the JEWISH / CATHOLIC program of bringing in more and more 3rd World immigrants DESPITE nobody wanting them here. George Wimp Bush Sr. signed the Immigration Act of 1990 which features the DIVERSITY VISA program. The Diversity VISA is designed to seek out 3rd Worlders from the brownest countries, bring them here, and fix them up with either no questions asked welfare or small business loans that no White Man could ever get.

The Mormons USED TO BE good White citizens but, they had their own race traitor and Vatican II moment with Spencer W Kimball. I did the Mormon thing for a while way back in the day but, left it when I saw the perverse Judaization of Mormon culture. The Mormons have this fetish for Mestizos because of how their holy books talk about the Lamanites and Nephites. The Nephites were White; they became extinct due to corruption and wars. All of the magnificent ruins were built by them. The Lamanites were the converted native dark savages who, much later, interbred with the Spanish conquistadors and became Mestizos.

The Mormons are committing racial suicide because of a Satanic delusion, foolish inclusion of non-Whites, and improper rendering of their own holy books.

3 years ago

Actually TFM says that if you are younger than 150 or so, you never really had a country (as a freedom loving individual)


3 years ago

TFM is a Jew and can speak the Truth in a way that can also be destructive. To say that we lost the country in 1860 is technically true but, that was a giant political loss. RACIALLY we were still a WHITE COUNTRY and RACE is a stronger sign of national sovereignty. To say that we lost it 150 years ago makes it nearly impossible to trace the cause and understand what was done to us. When something happens in more recent memory, then it's easier to trace the cause back to the (((GUILTY))). It was when the Kike Jews imposed race mixing in the schools (Brown v Board of Education) in 1954 that we began to lose the country. Another tragedy was when we lost the right to declare who may emigrate over here in 1965, 1980, 1986, and 1990. The open war against Whites is the hard proof that we have nothing to fight for. All that's left is to fight back with a TOTAL SHOAH and forcibly repatriate about 40 years worth of 3rd World dead weight back to their home countries. Even their offspring. America is White or we're not America.


3 years ago

It does seem as if the crazies are winning and the world as we know it is coming to an end. The bulk of this 60 year effort by the so-called progressives has now culminated in less than 3 years.

I believe that the push as we see it now was given a final staging in 2017 at The Evergreen State College. Colleen Wasner in Olympia has been churning out videos the past six years and looking nutty until recently. She has video evidence of what has gone on, replete with videos of the homeless camps in downtown Olympia, her tours of TESC and giving us background. It turns out that she attended TESC early on, spent some time in NYC working for an attorney's firm before returning to Olympia.

One of the craziest things she covered was the CIA MK Ultra -- with videos of actual victims recounting their horrifying experiences. I thought this was over the top until she recommended the book, "In His Father's Name" about the Rockafellers and particularly about Nelson Rockafeller, who was the one that set up Venezuela for failure, was a vice president of the United States and worked with the CIA to create the mind control MK Ultra. The book, by the way, was written by the official archivists of the family -- so as weird as it is, it is not just conspiracy theory... it's fact!

She went on with her obscure YouTube channel to describe her experiences seeing the former highly placed CIA agents roaming the halls of TESC. It seems clear that they were behind setting up what happened The Evergreen State College in 2017. It seems to have been the beta experiment for what happened later beginning with the Seattle CHAZ. It's all been staged, coordinated and propagandized on a massive scale.

In the meantime, in the background, the eugenicist, Bill Gates, working with and at least partly funding Dr. Anthony Fauci, managed to get Fauci's pet project off the ground to demonstrate the "gain of function" starting in a lab in the United States and then when it was outlawed, moved it to the Wuhan lab in China where the Obama Administration funded and help build the lab with taxpayer money. You know, this keeps getting weirder and weirder and if it weren't for the supporting evidence from you'd probably have me hauled off to the funny farm. The supposed 'pandemic' was a globalist wet dream along with Big Pharma planning their trillion dollar excess profit from endless 'vaccines' which not only don't work right, but are toxic, mostly rendering death and other side effects through the blood clots they engender which have very concerning collateral damage.

I know, I know, this all seems like science fiction. Unfortunately, it's just the science.

This was all engendered by those dear generation 0 mothers that produced the Boomers through their various iterations now up to Gen Z and the alphas, who believe socialism and communism is a good thing, looking forward to what they don't know is a completely dystopian world. The globalists used them to get them to participate in this soon to fail global experiment of Draconian utopia.

Where do we go? And what do we do when we get there? I don't have a clue. The best of all worlds would be if those who are left with any sense whatsoever started a revolution and overthrew this nonsense, but it seems clear that there's so much division that the only people who would succeed would be Antifa and they're going to produce exactly the opposite results from what we'd want.

Of course, you know, we're overdue for a Coronal Mass Ejection of an Electromagnetic Pulse that will complete fry our electronics and electrical grid. It happened in 1859 and just missed us in 2012 because the sun blew it off in another direction away from earth. No more computers, transportation, Internet and no more Big Pharma. Governments would fall. It would be anarchy with everyone for themselves. No more social media. At all. No refrigeration. No more electrical stuff any more.

The Amish, of course, would be perfectly fine.

By the way, since this is such an obscure site, I feel somewhat comfortable posting this here. It probably won't be noticed. You may think me totally strange, but we'll see... maybe....


3 years ago

Lots of great information but, you're trying to individually account for the tentacles of the JEW OCTOPUS that you can see. There are more than the ones you've accounted for. NAME THE JEW and ALL of the things you're talking about can be addressed in one place. The Jewish social engineering agenda cannot be solved without knowing the (((COMMON DENOMINATOR))).

Terry Rodbourn
Terry Rodbourn
3 years ago

At least in my small town the locals have a plan! there are four bridges coming into town that designed to blown up in hurry to stop invasion of suburbanites when society stops!

3 years ago

You shouldn't've stayed this long. By now, you should've been in Serbia for a few months, familiarizing yourself with the region, so in case even they go full retard, you could flee to a neighboring country with even weaker government like Bosnia-Herzegovina. Yeah man, pack up your things and go.

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